Federalism Final Debate

February 20, 2019 | Author: ckb18.adolfo | Category: Federalism, Philippines, Bureaucracy, Constitution, Public Law
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Federalism Final Debate...


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Cost-beneft analysis Repair a house or overhaul it? Does it guarantee success? We don’t need to adopt ederalism in our country, we may ust amend some o the provi provisio sions ns o the consti constitut tution ion to addre address ss your your primar primary y concer concern n on budget https!""en#wi$ipedia#org"wi$i"%nitary&state What is your time rame or this? 'nowledge o the people (R)) http!""a*#ph"the-+-poorest-provinces-in-the-philippines"

, you, they, we, are all .ilipinos# We live in one country and we are united with one race# /o the honorable udges, co counsels, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, a pleasant aternoon# We on the negative side frmly believes that the 0hilippines should not adopt .ederal orm o government#  1ust what  li$e to point out a while ago, i your house has a bro$en bro$en window or roo, will you restructure the entire house than to repair the window or the roo? 2  course not# 3aving said the contentions contentions o the a4rmative a4rmative side, there there is nothing in the ederal orm o government that cannot be done in our current unitary orm o  government# /he 0hilippines adapting ederalism is revising the Constitution, ust li$e the ailed attempt o the then proposed 1oint Resolution 5o# + which might have re*uired the revision o +6 o the +7 (rticles o the +879 Constitution#  we will ta$e an in depth cost-beneft analysis o this, it is more o a cost than a beneft beneft## Contra Contrary ry to the maor conte contenti ntion on o the a4rmativ a4rmative e side side that that the very essence o ederalism is to ensure that growth and prosperity are spread to every part o the 0hilippines, not ust in )anila is a allacy# .ederalism allows the benefts and costs o government to be spread unevenly# t creates disadvantages in poorer states and communities# .urthermore, there will be overlapping wor$, redundancy and conusion# t is a act that the 0hilippines is a diverse country# :ach has its own capacities to earn, as well has its own necessities# .ederalism will only beneft those prime cities but will create disadvantages in poorer states# (ccording to 5ational (nti 0overty Commission ;5(0C provinces o (R)) were included in the top + provinces that have the highest poverty incidence among amilies rom =-=+=# )aguindanao is number 6 and @anao Del Aur Aur tops the list# (R)) is a classic Bepic ailB eample o B.ederalismB, being the only region that has its own government# n ederalism there will be overlapping wor$, redundancy and conusion# Aeparating the unctions o the national government and the regional government will result to

duplicity o unctions# /his could be epensive# /he 5ational ureau o nvestigation, or eample, will have to maintain the same criminal records as its e*uivalent in the regional level#  /he bureaucracy will epand# /he very nature o ederalism necessitates more bureaucrats in both the national and regional levels# )ore bureaucrats mean more bureaucracy# /his can lead to ine4ciency and corruption# t will create more problems, as been said by one o the senators, the .ilipino people will have to realiEe that they will lose the right by their own single vote to choose the president o the 0hilippines or whoever will be called the head o state, maybe prime minister or premier# We as individual will only got to choose the members o  the parliament who are the e*uivalent o congressman in our status *uo# We will leave the choice to a group o politicians in determining the head o the state, and as we $now how those politicians act, maybe the candidate with the highest bid could get the position# Critics argue that ederalism cannot unction well due to ignorance#  mean, itFs a new animal or them# tFs a must that the people should be privy with this, and what is your epected timeline or this? We do not need a change o government, all we need is to strengthen the centraliEed government#  there are issues li$e in the budget, the current system can promulgate a diGerent regulation to address the issue# 2 course we will not restructure the entire house i only the glass o the window is bro$en# (nd to end o  it all, we are in one nation, li$e in a amily# We should help each other hand in hand to enrich and improve each individual#


Do you have a amily? - H:A (re you leaving with them? - H:A -52 ! 2h Fm sorry or that, but letFs ta$e or a moment that you are Do you eat a lot? - H:A, 52  /hen, you are a good eample o ederalism# n a amily all the resources o  each amily usually contributes to the budget o the whole amily, regardless o your ability to contribute or your need to consume#  H:A - n your case since you eat a lot, and you are in need than the rest o the amily members, you are given most o the share in the amily budget# 52 - n your case since that you donFt eat a lot, regardless o your capacity to ta$e and your capacity to contribute, your share to the amily budget is given to the rest o the members who are more in need# Fm sure you love your amily right? - H:A, and you do not wish to see that while you are well oG in living, the others are not right? - H:A (re you a resident o )anila? - H:A (re you aware o how much it cost to live in manila? - H:A Ao, assuming that the glass o your window o your house is bro$en, all you need to do is to f that particular thing right? - H:A  Hou would not obviously restructure your entire house because itFs well impractical and costly right? - H:A

 have no urther *uestion your honor#

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