Federal Bank
August 23, 2018 | Author: Rahul Vallapil | Category: N/A
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Introduction In 1931, Mr. K.P. Hormis established the Travancore Federal Federal Bank at central Travancore. In 1945 the bank shifted its registered registered office office to Aluva and the Bank commenced c ommenced business business by opening its first branch at Aluva. In 1947 it changed changed its name name to Federal Bank.
Acquisitions Since 1964 It It acquired acquired the Chalaku Chalakudy dy Public bank, the Cochin union bank, the Allepy bank, the St. George union bank & the Marthondam commercial bank. In 1970, the bank became a Schedul Scheduled ed Commercial Bank. In 2006, Federal Federal Bank Bank acquired acquired Ganesh Ganesh bank bank after the RBI suspended the bank.
Key Personnel M. Venugopalan M.D. & CEO
P. H. Ravikumar DIR
K.S. Harshan Exec DIR
Suresh Kumar DIR
P.R. Kalyanram Ka lyanraman an Exec DIR
Abraham Koshy DIR
P.C. John CFO
Dr. M.Y. Khan DIR
Girish Kumar Co Sec
roducts & Servic es P roducts As of Mar Mar 2009 2009 it had had 646 branches branches and 640 640 ATMs ATMs around the country. Overseas branches UAE, Saudi Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman. Federal Bank launched its International International Debit Cards in the year 2004. The same year, it also provided provided Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) facility in all the branches, followed by Online Railway Reservation. In 2006, 2006, Federal Bank issued GDRs, becoming the first traditional bank to do so.
ther servic es O th
inc l l ud ud es:
BSNL Bill Payment Payment Cash Manage Management ment Services Services Cash -On- Line Express Cash Remittance Credi Creditt Cards Cards Deposito Depository ry Services Services Easy Pay-On-line Pay-On-line Fee Fee Payment System E-shopping Payment Gateway Gateway Export Credit Insurance Products in association with ECGC
ontd: C ontd: Express Remittance Facility from Abroad FEDFAST General Insurance Products in association with United India Insurance Life Insurance Products, in association with ICICI ICICI Prudential Merchan Merchantt Banking Banking Services Services NRI Servic Services es Online Kiosks for Customers, LIC insurance Payment & Railway reservation system.
Mark et S har e Federal Bank¶s stock quote in BSE BSE ranges from 250260. Federal Federal Bank Q1 Net Profit Profit at Rs. Rs. 68.15 68.15 Cr. The bank bank has has shown shown a robust robust performan performance ce with with the operating profit profit increasing by 34.55% to Rs. 253.52 Crores. The total income for the fiscal increased from Rs. Rs. 659.70 Crore to Rs. 841.33 Crore, supported by a 32.67 % growth.
i le M i lestones In 1972 the bank became an authorized dealer in Foreign exchange. In 1973 the bank could could increa increase se NRI business business share share.. In 1984 Agricultural Finance Department was set up with technically technically qualified personnel at central office. Bank's performance in agricultural and priority sector lending improved substantially thereafter. 1989 commenced commenced Merchant Banking Operations. Deposits Deposits crossed crossed Rs.1,000 Rs.1,000 Crores. Crores. Adopted Adopted profit sector sector banking as its slogan. 1997 1997 Bank's Bank's first ATM was inaugurate inaugurated d at Ernakulum Ernakulum North on 27-02-97.
ontd : C ontd Bank's Bank's 400th 400th branch branch was was inaugura inaugurated ted at at Calcu CalcuttattaShakespeare Sarani & the total business of the the bank exceeded Rs.60,000 Crores Crores as on 31/3/99. 2000: Bank started started Any Any Where Where Banking Banking (ABB) at Bangalore connecting connecting all branches located in the Bangalore metro, Launched Depository Services in association with NSDL, commenced Internet Banking 'Fed Net with software support from Infosys Infosy s Technologies Technologies 2002: All the the 412 412 branches branches of the Bank were fully computerized . 2004: Federal Federal Bank Bank becomes becomes the first first tradition traditional al bank bank to network all its branches and attain 100% connectivity . 2007: Implement Implemented ed Core Core Banking Banking Solution Solution across across all all
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The bank has 646 branches with a gross business of around around Rs Rs 60,000 Crore. Federal Federal Bank Bank aims aims to reach 1000 branches in the next 2 years years with a business volume of Rs 1 lakh Crore. The bank is also keen on getting getting into into the the SME SME sector and is developing expertise in the area. The Boston Consulting Consulting Group (BCG) is assistin assisting g Federal Federal Bank in almost all areas of the bank¶s operations (restructuring of organizational structure, developing new products and HR policies). On expansion expansion plans the bank bank has set its its eyes eyes on east east & northnortheast. The bank is also open to joining joining hands with another another bank for
sis SW OT OT analy sis Strengths : Adaptabil Adaptability ity of new service servicess & technol technology. ogy. Presence Presence in Metros Metros & other major cities. cities. Online Online banking banking & other network network related related services services.
W eakness eakness : Due to use of of technologi technological cal & internet internet related related services, penetration is low in villages. High cost in operations. operations. No of branches branches is limite limited d to citie
ontd : C ontd Opportunities : Large scope of opening opening branches branches in Gulf & Western countries to tap large NRI market . Has an edge in technolog technological ical areas over other other banks. T hreats hreats
Tough competition from Public, Public, large private, & foreign banks in the area of exports & imports & NRI related services. Losses & expenditur expenditure e incurring incurring in certain certain areas areas.
Aw ards Federal bank bagged 2 awards awards in Best clearing clearing & Settlement system instituted by Indian Banking Association(IBA) in 2006. Federal bank bagged bagged 2 awards in Best use of IT in Retail Banking & Best Payments Initiative from IBA & Trade Fairs & Conferences International(TFCI) in 2005 .
All·s well«.. That ends well Thank you By V.Rahul(59) .
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