FEATI University, Civil Engineering Course Syllabus 1991-2002
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Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines
Course Syllabus for CE 36
Title: Soil Mechanics Laboratory
Course Description: Laboratory in site soul, testing sampling oil properties behavior, Characteristics, soil constant, and construction test.
Credit unit: 1 unit / 3 hrs lab work
Pre-requisite: None Co-requisite: CE 35, Soil Mechanics
Course Requirements: 1. Regular attendance 2. Assignments 3. Set Of Experiments
Text Assignments: Laboratory Manual in Soil Mechanics by: Ganiron, Tomas Jr. U / Reference: Soil Mechanics Lab. Manual W.S. Rio
Objectives: At the end of the course, the students should be able to: 1. Identify the laboratory Equipment and respective uses through practical illustrative and demonstrative exercise. 2. Follow the correct and proper procedure of thoughtful experimentation, careful observation, honest and descrimatory recording and measurement of data, critical analysis, correlation and interpretation of experimental results.
Course Outline Week 1. Orientation 2. Experiment 1- Simple visual and manual test used for the identification of the grained soil in the field. 3. Experiment 2- Determination of water content 4. Experiment 3 – Preparation of disturbed soil sample for test.
5. Experiment 4 – Preparation of Undisturbed soil sample for test. 6. Preliminary Examination 7. Experiment 5- Specific Gravity Of Soil 8. Experiment 6- Grain Size Analysis- Sieve test 9. Experiment 7 – Grain Size Analysis- Hydrometer Test 10. Experiment 8 – Shrinkage Limit Soil 11. Experiment 9- Soil Compaction Test 12. Midterm Examination 13. Experiment 10- Field Density Test 14. Experiment 11- Permeability Test 15. Experiment 12- Direct shear Test 16. Experiment 13- Unconfined compression test 17. Experiment 14- Open Week 18. Final Examination
Prepared By:
Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron Jr., MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines
Course Syllabus for Mech 325
Title: Strength of Materials for Civil Engineers
Course Description: Axial forces, stress, Strain, bending moment, shear and stress relationship, composite materials, Mohr’s circle, combined stresses, deflection columns, and riveted and welded connections and reinforced beams.
Credit unit: 5 units / 5 hrs lecture/wk
Pre-requisite: Engineering Mechanics- Mech 315
Course Requirements: 1. Regular Attendance 2. Seatwork, Quizzes and assignments
Text Assignments: Static’s and Mechanics of materials by Anthony M. Bedford, K. Liechti 2002 Ed. References: 1. Static’s and Mechanics of Materials by: Morrow, kokernak, 2001 Ed. 2. Static’s and Mechanics of Materials by: Hibbeler, 2001 Ed. 3. Strength of Materials by: Singer 1997 Ed.
Objectives: At the end of the course, the student should be able to: 1. Know the fundamental principles relating to stress and strain, shear, and moments in beams as they apply to engineering practice. 2. Understand the beam deflection as restrained, continuous, and reinforced beams. Columns riveted and welded connection in design and construction.
Course Outline Week 1. Orientation 2. Simple Stress and strain- Analysis of Internal Forces, Simple shearing and bearing stress, thin walled cylinders, Stress Strain diagram, Hooke’s law: Axial Deformation Statically indeterminate members, Thermal Stresses. 3. Shear and Moments Beams- Shear and Moment Interpretation of vertical shear and bending moment, relation between load, Shears, and Moment moving loads. 4. Stresses in Beams- Derivation of flexure formula, Economic sections Floor Framing Unsymmetrical beams, Analysis of flexure Action, Derivation of formula for horizontal shearing stress, design of flexure shear, Spacing of rivet or bolt in built beams. 5-6 Beam Deflections- Double integration method. Theorems of Area Moment method. Moment diagram by parts. Deflection of Cantilever beams. Deflections in simply supported beams misspend defection. Conjugate beams method. Deflection by the method. Deflections by the method of superposition. 7. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION 8-9 Restrained Beams- Redundant supports in propped and restrained beams. Application of double integration and superposition methods. Application of area moment methods. Restrained beam equivalent to simple beams. Design of restrained beams.
10-11 Continuous Beams- Generalized form of the three-moment equation. Factors and application of the three-moment equation. Reactions of continuous beams. Continuous beams with fixed ends. Deflections determined by the three- moment equation. Moment distribution. 12. Combined Stresses- Combined axial and Flexural loads. Kern of section: Loads applied of axes of symmetry. Mohr Circle to Combined loadings. Relation between modulus of rigidity and modulus of elasticity.
13. MIDTERM EXAMINATION. 14. Reinforce Beams- Beams and different materials. Shearing stress and Deflection in composite beams. Reinforce concrete beams. Design of reinforces concrete beams. Beams of R.C., Shearing and bond stress. 15. Columns- Critical load. Long columns by Euler formula and its limitations. Intermediate columns empirical formulas. Eccentrically loaded columns. Secant formula. 16-17. Riveted and Welded Connections- Types of riveted joints. Strength of a simple lap joint. Strength of a complex butt joint. Stresses in riveted joints. Structural riveted joints. Eccentrically loaded riveted connections. Welded connections. Eccentrically loaded welded connections. 18.
Prepared by:
Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron, Jr., MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines
Course Syllabus for CE 41
Title: Engineering Hydrology
Credit Units: 3 units ( 3 hrs lecture / wk )
III.Course Description: Study pf water cycle, precipitation, Stream Flow, Evaporation and transpiration, Stream Flow and hydrologic routing and ground water. IV. Course Objective: At the end of the course, the student should be able to: 1. Understand the occurrence. 2. Gain Knowledge the physical and chemical attributes that make water. 3. To understand how water behaves as it moves through the water Cycle.
V. Course Outline: 1. Orientation 2. Introduction a. The Hydrologic Cycle b. History etc. 3. Precipitation c. Formation, Forms, Types etc. d. Measurement of precipitation e. Interpretation of Precipitation Data f. Variation in Precipitation g. Snow pack and snow fall 4. Stream Flow a. Water Stage b. Discharge c. Interpretation of Stream flow
5. Evaporation and Transportation a. Evaporation b. Transpiration c. Evapotranspiration
6. Stream flow Hydrographs a. Characteristics of the Hydrographs b. Hydrograph Synthesia
MIDTERM EXAMINATION 7. Hydrologic Routing 8. Ground Water a. Sources and Quality b. Occurrence and Aquifer c. Ground Water Flow d. Equilibrium and Non- Equilibrium Flow analysis of wells e. Interference of Aquifers f. Ground water contamination g. Renovation of contamination Ground water h. Recharge of Aquifers I. Well Construction and maintenance VI. Course Requirements 1. 2. 3. 4.
Regular Attendance Seatwork, Quizzes, and Assignments Written and oral report on topics assigned by the professor Major Exams
VII. Textbook and Reference books: 1. Hydrology for Engineers (SI) By: m Ray Linsey Jr, Max A. kohler, Joseph L. H. Paulhus Reference: 1. Water Supply and Sewerage by: Mc Ghee (6th edition) 2. Water Waste Engineering by: Motcalf. Prepared By: Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron Jr. MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines
Course Syllabus for CE 42
Title: Theory of Structure 1 Course Description: Load, dead, live, impact, lateral and earthquake, and graphical and algebraic stress, analysis of statically determinate structures, beams, trusses, and frames, influence lines and deflection.
Credit Units: 3 units / 3 hrs lab and 2 hrs lec / wk Pre-requisite: Mech 325- Strength of Materials Course requirements: 1. Regular attendance 2. Seatwork, quizzes and assignments Text Assignments: Structural analysis by: Hebbeler 1995 Ed. Reference: 1. Elem. Theory of structures By: Hsieh, 1995 2. Elem. Theory of structures By: Wang and Eckel, 1995 3. Structural Analysis (Theory Of structures) by: Arreola, 1992 4. Elem. Structural Analysis By: Norris, 1990 Ed. Objectives: At the End of the course, the students should be able to: 1. Gain Knowledge in the different types of structures and Loads, and their application to Civil Engineering Works. 2. Understand the analysis of determinate structures such as beams, frames, and truss. 3. Familiarized with deflection diagram and elastic curve, occurs in diff. types of structures. Course Outline: Week 1. Orientation
2. Types of structures and loads—Introduction, classification of structures, loads. 3. Analysis of statically determine structure—Idealized structures, princ. Of super position, equation of equilibrium, determinacy and stability, applications of the equation of equilibrium. 4--5. Analysis of statically determinate trusses—common types of trusses, classification of coplanar trusses, method of joints, zero force members, method of sections, compound and complex trusses.
6. Internal loading Developed in Structural Members—Internal Loadings at specified point, shear, and moment function, shear and moment diagrams for beams. 7. Preliminary Examination 8. Shear and Moment diagrams for A frame, Moment diagram constructed by the method of super position. 9. Cable and Arches—Cables, Cable subjected to concentrated loads and uniform distributed load, arches, three-hinged arch. 10. – 11. Influence line as for statically determinate structures- Influence lines, influence lines for beams, qualitative influence lines, influence lines for floor girders and trusses, Live load for bridges, maximum influence at a point due to a series of concentrated loads, absolute max. shear and moment. 12.Midterm Examination 13. – 17. Deflection—Deflection diagrams and elastic curves, elastic beams, double integration method, moment area theorems, conjugate beam method, external work and strain energy, pric. Of works and energy, princ. Of virtual work, method of virtual work and trusses, beams and frames, virtual strain and energy caused by axial load, shear, torsion and temperature, castigliano’s theorem for trusses, beams and frames.
Final Examinations
Prepared By: Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron Jr., MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines
Course Syllabus for Mech 41
Title: Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineering Course Description: The course deals with the study of fundamental properties of fluid, hydrostatic pressure or surface. Credit Units: 4 units (3 hrs lectures/ week / 3 hrs lab. / week) Pre-requisite: Mech 315 Course Requirements: 1. Regular Attendance 2. Seatwork, quizzes, assignments, and exercises based on the lecture and laboratory. Text Assignments: Principles of Fluid Mechanics by Andres Alexandrou, 2001 Ed. Objectives: At the end of the course, the students should be able to: 1. Know the fundamental Principles relating to fluids at rest or in motion they apply the engineering practice. 2. Understand the variation of Hydrostatic pressure in a comprehensible fluid flow through the gates and dams. 3. Familiarize with the fluid mechanics and hydraulics equipments used in laboratory.
Course Outline: Week 1. Orientation 2. Fundamental Properties of Fluids—Fluid mechanics and Hydraulics, definition of fluids, system international (metric) units, Properties of water and other fluids.
3-4. Principles of Hydrostatic pressure—Unit pressure, direction of resultant pressure, Pascal’s Law free surface of a liquid, Atmospheric pressure, Vacuum absolute and gage pressure, variation with a depth in fluid, Pressure head Transmission of pressure, vapor pressure, Mercury barometer, manometer and piezometer. 5-6. Hydrostatic pressure on surfaces—Total on plane surface, center pressure on surfaces, Semigraphic method of location of center of pressure, position of center pressure with respect to center of gravity, horizontal and vertical components of total hydrostatic pressure, on any surface. 7. Preliminary Examination 8-12. Hoop tension in circular pipes and tanks, Dams, Principles of Archimedes, statically stability of floating bodies, Determination of Metacentric height and righting moment. 13. Midterm examination 14-15. Relative Equilibrium of liquid—Definition of relative equilibrium vessel moving with constant linear acceleration, vessel routing about vertical axis. 16-17. Fundamentals of fluid flow—Path lines and stream tubes, laminar turbulent discharge, steady flow, uniform flow, continuous flow, energy and head, kinetic energy in stream, with non-uniform distribution of velocity, power frictional loss, Bernoulli’s energy Venturimeter, Nozzle, pitot tube. 18.Final Examination
Prepared By:
Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron Jr. MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines
Course Syllabus for Mech 41 Laboratory
1. Familiarization of fluid Mechanics equipments and apparatus. 2. Experiment no. 1 – Measurement of Specific weight and pressure intensity of water. 3. Experiment no. 2 – Determination of specific gravity of liquid using U- tube 4. Experiment no. 3 – Pressure measurement using manometer/piezometer. 5. Experiment no. 4a – Fall Velocity of Sphere 6. Preliminary Examination 7. Experiment no. 4b – Falling Sphere Viscosity 8. Experiment no. 5a – Hydrostatic force on Plane Surface 9. Experiment no. 5b – Determination of Center Pressure 10. Experiment no. 6 – Buoyancy force (Archimedes Principle) 11. Experiment no. 7 – Metacentric Height 12. Midterm Examination 13. Experiment no. 8 – Rotation of liquid mass (rotating vessel) 14. Experiment no. 9 – Gravity Dams 15. Experiment no. 10 – Discharge Measurement Using Volumetric Tank and Experiment no. 11 – An Experiment on the pressure head Apparatus
16. Experiment no. 12 – Venturimeter 17. Experiment no. 13 – Investigation of the Darcy Weisback Equation Experiment no. 14 – Velocity Measurement by pitot tube 18. Final Examination
Prepared By:
Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron Jr. MCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines
Course Syllabus for ES 41
Title: Environmental Science for Civil Engineering Students Course Description: The course with the study of the nature and scope of environmental problems, population and economic growth, energy growth, future environmental hazards, Human environmental hazards, climatology and meteorology, microbiology and epidemiology, ecology, water and air pollution, and environmental management. Credit Units: 3 units (3 hrs lecture / wk) Pre-requisite: Chem 121 Course Requirements: 1. Regular Attendance 2. Seatwork, quizzes, assignments and exercises based on the lecture 3. Present a written and oral report on topic (s) assigned by the professor. Text Assignment: Environmental Science in Engineering by: Henry and Heinke Reference: Principles of Environmental Science by: Watt Objectives: At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Understand the basic nature of the natural systems the atmospheric and terrestrial systems and how technology affect these and be used to minimized damaging impact. 2. Express the problems and solution quantitatively and qualitatively. 3. Familiarize with the symbols, and units of measurement in the environmental field.
Course Outline: Week 1. Orientation 2. The Nature and scope of environment problems-- Definition, Interaction of systems, Environmental disturbances, Public awareness and action, Quantification of environmental problems. 3. Population and Economic Growth.-- Population growth, Industrialization, Urbanization, Environmental Impact, Dilemma of Industrialization and Urbanization. 4. Energy Growth—Sources of primary energy, current consumption and availability of energy sources, Environmental Practices. 5- 6. Future Environmental Hazards—Classification and measurement of natural hazards, Definition of natural Hazard, Extreme events and environmental change, and Impact and trends, Adjustments and their qualification, A theoretical perspective, Future possible response.
7. Preliminary Examination 8- 9. Human Environmental Disturbances—Carbon dioxide build up the green house effects , A global environment issues, Acid rains, a major regional environmental use.
10.Water in the atmosphere climate 11. Microbiology and epidemiology—Fundamentals of microbiology applied microbiology, epidemiology and disease, non- infectious disease. 12. Ecology—Introductory concepts, energy flow in ecosystem, food chain and tropic levels, Nutrient Cycles, Elements of limnology, Eutrophication. 13. Midterm Examination 14-15. Water pollution—Waste water, pollution of receiving waters, waste water collection principles of waste water treatment, land base treatment methods, Government and public role in pollution control. 16.Air pollution—Air pollution in perspective, effect, sources and control of Air pollution, Predicting pollutant concentration.
17.Environmental Management—Environmental Impact assessment, Pollution control strategies, Environmental Ethics. 18.Final Examination
Prepared By:
Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron Jr. MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines
Course Syllabus for Man E 400
Title: Engineering Management for CE students Credit units: 3 units / 3 hrs lecture Course Description: Study the five basic function of Engineering Management: Planning, Organizing, staffing, directing and controlling, Pert/CPM technique. Objective: At the end of the course, the students should be able to: 1. Be able to perform as an engineer the job effectively and efficiently. 2. Exposure to engineering management activities. 3. Trained directly deal with people. Course Outline: 1. Orientation 2. Introduction to engineering management 3. Planning 4. Organizing 5. Case Study 6. Preliminary Examination 7. Staffing the Engineering Organization 8. Communicating 9. Directing
10. Controlling 11. Case Study 12. Midterm Examination 13. Managing Production and service operations 14. Managing and Marketing function 15. Managing and Finance Function 16. The PERT/ CPM Management technique 17. Case Study 3 18. Final Examination
Course Requirements: 1. Regular Attendance 2. Seatwork, quizzes, assignments and exercises based on the lecture 3. Present a written and oral report on topic (s) assigned by the professor. 4. Case Study
Prepared By:
Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron Jr. MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines
Course Syllabus for CE 43
Title: CE construction Material and Testing
Course description: Study the physical properties of construction materials, wood, concrete, asphalt, plastic bricks paints and varnish, design and control of concrete mixes, selection and specification. Credit Units: 3 units (2 hrs lecture / 3 hrs laboratory per week) Pre-requisite: Mech 325
Course Requirements: 1.Regular Attendance 2.Seatwork, quizzes, assignments and exercises based on the lecture 3.Present a written and oral report on topic (s) assigned by the professor. Text Assignments: 1. Civil Engineering Materials 2001 Ed. By: Shan Somayahi 2. Construction Material Testing Manual By: Lydia de Castro Reference: 1. Civil Engineering Materials by: Prakashan 2. Material of Engineering by: Moore 3. Properties of Engineering Materials by: Wishler Objectives: At the end of the course, the students should be able to: 1. Understand the fabrication, application, field testing and properties of materials. 2. Know the basic properties and performance of the materials and construction practices. 3. Develop, design and build a safe, economical and durable structure.
Course Outline: Week 1. Orientation 2. Introduction to CE construction, Materials and testing
CE materials Properties of engineering materials Selection materials Standards
3. Aggregates
light weight, normal weight and heavy weight aggregates properties of aggregates
4. 5. 6. Concrete and their cementations materials (part 1)
Uses of concrete Cement and its types Setting and its hydration Properties of concrete Properties of fresh concrete Mixing, placing and curing Properties of hard-earned concrete Mixed design
7. Preliminary Examination 8. Concrete and other cementations (part 2)
Admixtures Types of concrete Other cementation materials
9-10 Masonry
Masonry units Mortar, grout and plaster Masonry construction Properties of construction
Reinforced masonry Mix proportioning and examples
11-12. Wood and wood products
Physical properties of wood Shrinkage and seasoning Treatment and durability Lumber sizes Types of grading, grades stamp and moisture content classification Mechanical properties and allowable values. Wood products Creep Wood construction
13.Bituminous materials and Mixtures (part 1)
Tar and pitches Asphalt Petroleum asphalt Properties of asphalt
14. Midterm Examination 15. Bituminous Materials and mixtures (part 2)
Asphalt grades Asphalt concrete Asphalt pavement Spray application
16. Iron and steel
iron steel Properties of steel structural steel Reinforcing steel Welded wire fabric
17. Other Materials
Plastic Soil
18. Final Examination
Prepared By:
Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron Jr. MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines
Course Syllabus for CE 43 Laboratory
Course Outline: 1. Experiment 1- Familiarization of CE construction materials and testing equipments 2. Moisture content of aggregates 3. Quiz 1 lecture 4. Experiment 2- Specific Gravity and water absorption of fine aggregate 5. Experiment 3- Specific Gravity and water absorption of coarse aggregate 6. Quiz 2 lecture 7. Preliminary practical lab. Exam 8. Experiment 5 – Making and curing concrete test specimen in the Lab. 9. Experiment 6 – Compressive strength of cylindrical concrete specimen 10. Experiment 7- Time of setting of hydraulic cement by Vicat needle 11. Experiment 8 – Moisture content of timber 12. Quiz 3 lecture 13. Experiment 9- Compressive strength of timber 14. Midterm Practical Lab. Exam 15. Experiment 10 – Penetration of bituminous materials 16. Experiment 11 – Flexural strength of concrete using simple beam with center point loading
17. Quiz 4 lecture 18. Final Practical Lab. Exam
Prepared By:
Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron Jr. MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines
Course Syllabus for CE 44
Title: Highway and traffic Engineering
Course Description: Highway Organization, administration and finance, highway engineering practice, Planning and design traffic surveys and control surveys and plans, geometry, earth work, structures and drainage, flexible and rigid pavement design construction. Credit Units: 3 units ( 3 hours lecture / week Pre-requisite: GE 316 and CE 35 Course Requirements: 1. Regular Attendance 2. Seatwork, quizzes, assignments and exercises based on the lecture 3.A complete detailed design of highway engineering
Text Assignments: Elements of roads and highway (2nd Ed.) By: Fajardo 1998 Ed. Reference: 1. Highway and traffic Engineering By: Thagesen 2. Highway and traffic Engineering By: Oglesby and Hicks 4th Ed. 3. Basic Fundamental of Transportation Engineering by: Besavilla Objectives: At the end of the course the students should be able to: 1. Gain knowledge in the development of highway and techniques in road materials and concrete pavement.
2. Learn how to relate theoretical and experimental problems into practical application by knowing the restrictions and limitations specified by the governing order of DPWH and AASHTO. 3. Apply this knowledge in the design and analysis, through basic principle by engaging them in the personal designing of highway, this will give them right perspective on how a certain structure is being constructed.
Course Outline: Week 1. Orientation 2. Highway and development 3. Road materials 4. concrete pavement 5. Design the highway part 1 6. Prelim Examination 7. designing the highway part 2 8. Traffic engineering 9–10. traffic characteristics 11.Geometric Design part 1 11. Midterm examination. 12. 14. Geometric design part 2 15.Road Maintenance 16- 17 . Problems for Practice in highway and transportation eng’g 18.Final Examination
Highway and Transportation Engineering 1. Highway and development—Brief history of roads, early laws, that govern the road, highway in the Phil., Planning difficulties, highway programming, planners, community involvement, highway economy, computation and surveys, remote sensing photo gram, metric mapping orthophotographs, colored photographs, location of the proposed highway, location of bridges, highway plans and specs. 2. Road Materials—Aggregates for bituminous pavement and Portland cement, concrete pavement, mineral fillers, bituminous and binders, bituminous pavement, asphalt concrete pavement, Macadam asphalt mat, surface treatment, aggregate for bituminous concrete, DPWH standards specs, on prime coat, tact coat and seal coat and geo-plastic fabric. 3. Concrete Pavement—Portland cement, concrete pavement character and behavior, control cracks, traverse expansion joints, longitudinal and construction joints, Reinforcement joint, sub grade and sub base for concrete pavement, DPWH specs on concrete pavement, equipment, preparation of grade, handling, measuring and batching of materials, placing or depositing concrete, final consolidation and finishing curing, removal of forms, concreting by Slip form method tolerance and pavement thickness. 4. Designing the highway—Consistency and terms in highway, design speed, cross section of typical highway, road shoulders, cross slope, cut or fill slope, numbers of lane, highway median, grade line, vertical curse over crests, right of way, stopping sight distance, passing sight distance, road alignment, circular curves, super elevation now off, widening of curves, islands, type interchange, highway intersection at grade, freeway entrance and exit, rail land highway separation, bicycle lane. 5. Traffic Engineering—Traffic signs and signals, pavement markings guard rails, highway and urban operations, traffic control freeway and express way operation, street lighting, street parking and level of service. 6. Traffic Characteristics—Highway safety and accidents analysis which included accidents rate, severity ratio, space mean speed of vehicle, time mean speed, rate of flow, design repetition, traffic index, peak hour factor, spacing vehicles, capacity of single lane in vehicle per hour, minute time head way, density of traffic, variants about the space, mean speed, five minute peak hour factor.
7. Geometric design—Geometric design controls which include minimum radius of curvature for horizontal curves, safe sight distance, passing sight distance for 2 lane highways, stopping sight distance ( summit parabolic curve ) sight distance ( Vertical curve ) , Passing sight distance ( summit parabolic curve ), Head lamp sight distance (horizontal curve).
8. Road Maintenance--- highway maintenance, maintenance management, rehabilitation, evaluation of pavement maintenance and concrete pavement, highway and its environment, highway Beautification, and environmental effects of highways, environmental lane, vegetation and highways, parking and rest area. 9. Problems for Practice in highway and transportation engineering—Rigid pavement ( Olander’s theory ), Rail road Engineering, highway curves ( simple and compound), reversed curves, parabolic curves, spiral curves.
Prepared By:
Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron Jr. MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines
Course Syllabus for CE 45
Title: Hydraulics Course Description: The course deals with the study of offices, tubes, weirs, pipes, open channels hydrodynamics, hydraulics, similitude and dimensional analysis. Credit Units: 4 units ( 3 hrs lecture/week ) ( 3 hrs lab./week) Pre-requisite: Mech 41 Course Requirements: 1. Regular Attendance 2.Seatwork, quizzes, assignments and exercises based on the lecture and laboratory
Text Assignments: Hydraulics by: Dela Rosa, Dela Fuente and Templo Jr. (1991)SI Edition. Reference: 1. Hydraulics by: king, Wisler etc. 2. Schaums outline series—theory and problems of fluid mechanics and hydraulics 93rd Ed. By: Giles Objectives: At the end of the course the students should be able to: 1. Gain Knowledge in the fundamental principles of hydraulics and their application to engineering practice. 2. Understand the analysis of flow in pipe net works and the resistance offered to motion of objects through a fluid. 3. Familiarized with the hydro-synthetic machine.
Course Outline: Week 1. Orientation 2-3.Orifice, Tubes and weirs—Description, velocity of discharge, coefficient of velocity, coefficient of contraction, coefficient of discharge, velocity of approach, flow of gasses through orifice, Head lost of an orifice, Inversion of jet experimental determination of orifice coefficients, coordination method of determining velocity of jet. Standard orifice coefficient, submerged orifice, orifice under low leads, gates, discharges falling head. 4-5. Standard short tubes, submerged tubes, standard weir, measurement of head, rectangular constructed weirs, trapezoidal weirs, weirs not sharp vented, submerged weirs. 6. PIPES—Velocity head in pipe, continuity of flowing pipes, loss of head due to pipe friction, friction loss with laminar flow, general method of determining flow, Darcy-Weisback formula, Wetted Prime and Hydraulic radius. 7. Preliminary Examination 8.Chezy formula, Pipe diagrams Minor losses, loss of head due to contraction, enlargement, obstruction and binds, Pipes discharging from reservoir, part of the pipe above hydraulic gradient, pipe connecting two reservoirs, 9-10. Three and four reservoir problems 11-12. Pipes of diff. Diameters connected in series, pipe system with branches in parallel, flowing pipe network. 13.Midterm Examination 14-15. Open Channels--- Uses of Open channels, wetted perimeter and hydraulic radius, steady uniform and continuous flow, formulas for determining the chezy C, determining of roughness coefficient, Alternate stage flow, cross section of greatest Efficiency, circular section, Irregular channels, Gradually accelerated and retarded flow, Effect of high stage down stream, Hydraulic Jump, Translator and abrupt wave, effects on frictional loss on waves, 16.Hydrodynamics-- Interpretation of Newton’s law, vectors, relative and absolute velocities, for exerted by a jet, work done on moving vanes, force exerted upon cloud channels, resistance to object moving through fluid, terminal velocity, water hammer in pipe lines.
17.Hydraulic similitude and dimensional Principles of similitude, geometric similarity, kinematics’ similarity, dynamic similarity, Froude’s Law, Reynolds’s law, Reynolds’s number, Weber ‘s law, Dimensional Analysis.
18.Final Examination
Prepared By:
Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron Jr. MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines
Course Syllabus for CE 45 Laboratory
1. Familiarization of Hydraulics and apparatus 2. Expt. No. 1-Bernoulli’s Theorem demonstration 3. Expt. No. 2A-Flow through an Orifice Expt. No. 2B-Discharge measurement using an Orifice 4. Expt. No. 3-Orifice and Free Jet flow 5. Expt. No. 4-Osborne Reynolds’s demonstration 6. Prelim Examination 7. Expt. No. 5-Discharge measurement using weirs 8. Expt. No. 6-Fluid friction apparatus 9. Expt. No. 7-Energy losses in pipes 10. Expt. No. 8-Energy losses in bends 11. Expt. No. 9-Analysis of pipe network 12. Midterm Examination 13. Expt. No. 10-Determination of pump efficiency 14. Expt. No. 11A-Flow Channel Expt. No. 11B-Open Channel 15. Expt. No. 12-Hydraulic Jump 16. Expt. No. 13-Water hammer 17. Expt. No. 14-Pelton Turbine Expt. No. 15-Hydraulic Jump 18. Final Examination
Prepared by: ENGR. TOMAS U. GANIRON JR. MSCE Head, CE and Drawing Department
COURSE DESCRIPTION: the course covers different analysis of statically indeterminate structures; Analysis of structures subjected to earthquake forces, and deflection of structures; introduction to matrix method of structural analysis.
CREDIT UNIT: 2 units(lec.), 2 hrs/week 1 unit(lab) 3 hrs/week
IV. V.
PREREQUISITE: THEORY OF STRUCTURE 1 COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Regular attendance 2. Seatwork, Quizzes, Assignments and Plates 3. Major Exam
TEXBOOK AND REFERENCE BOOKS: Textbook : Structural Analysis, 4th Ed. By: Russel C. Hibbeler Reference : 1. Elem. Theory of Structures by Hsies, 1995 2. Elem. Theory of Structures by Wang and Eckel, 1995
COURSE OBJECTIVES: at the end of the course, the student should be able to: 1. understand the analysis of indeterminate structures such as beams, frames, and trusses. 2. familiarize with matrix method of structural analysis in structural engineering. 3. prepare for design in timber, steel and concrete.
COURSE OUTLINE: Week 1. Analysis of statically indeterminate structures vertical loads on buildings frames, Portal frames and trusses. Lateral load on building frames. Portal method, Cantilever method, Factor method. 2. Analysis of statistically indeterminate structures by forced method. Force method Analysis: General procedures. Forced
method analysis: Frames and trusses and Composite structures. 3. Three-moment equation. Influence lines for statically indeterminate structures(Beams and Frames) 4. MIDTERM EXAMINATION 5. Displacement method of analysis Slope deflection Equation Displacement method of analysis: General procedures. Slope deflection Equation of Beams. Analysis of Frames; no sides’ way. And with sides way. 6. Displacement method of analysis: Moment distribution. General principles and definitions: Moment distribution of beams, Moment distribution for frames, No sides’ way and sides’ way. Moment distribution for Multistory Frames. 7. Analysis of beams and frames consisting of no prismatic members, Deflection of no prismatic member. Moment distribution for Structures has no prismatic member. Slope Deflection equation for no prismatic. 8. Matrix Algebra for structural analysis: Types of matrix. Matrix Operation. Determinants. Inverse of a matrix. Application of Stiffness method for trusses Beams and Frames. 9. FINAL EXAMINATION
Prepared by: ENGR. TOMAS U. GANIRON JR. MSCE Head, CE and Drawing Department
TITLE: REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN I COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course primarily deals with the principles in an design of deferent reinforced concrete structure with emphasis on beams, slabs columns as guided by the existing specifications given by the code. CREDIT UNITS : 5 units ( 3 hrs. lecture and 6 hrs lab.) Pre-requisites: CE 42 Theory o f Structures 1 and CE 43 Materials and testing. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Regular Attendance 2. Seatwork, quizzes and assignments 3. Complete design Text Assignment: 1. Reinforce concrete a fundamental Approach by: Nawy 2. Reinforce Concrete design by: Wang and Salmon OBJECTIVES: The course is design so that the student will be able to: 1. Fully Understand the importance of reinforced concrete as primary material in the construction of different structures. 2. Analyze the chain behavior of the structure considering the effect of one member to the other member as they transfer loads, shear and moment simultaneously. 3. Learn how to relate theoretical and experimental problems into practical applications taking into consideration the restriction and limitations specified by the governing code. 4. Apply their knowledge in design analysis through basic principles by engaging them in personal designing of reinforced concrete building. This will give the right perspective on how a certain structure is being considered and constructed.
COURSE OUTLINE: 1-2.Class orientation and introduction, giving course outline, grade computation, and requirements of the course, review of shear and moment diagram. 3.Stress-strain characteristics of plain concrete, structure codes of practice, bending strength of homogenous beam sections, shearing strength of homogenous beam sections. 4.Seismmic Analysis—Determination of loads such as dead load, Determination of base shears V, Distribution of base shear V, Structural Analysis of Lateral Loads. 5-6.Resisting Moments Of Reinforced Rectangular Sections Singly Reinforced ( elastic and ultimate ), Doubly reinforced (elastic and ultimate), Investigation of SRB (WSD) practice plate: (SRB- WSD), Investigation of SRB rectangular (USD), Investigation of irregular sections (USD), Investigation of doubly reinforced beams (WSD and USD), Investigation of (WSD), investigation or DRB rectangular beams (USD), Investigation of DRB irregular section (USD). 7-8 Design of Rectangular Sections Singly reinforced (WSD and USD), Doubly reinforced (WSD-USD), Design of RC rectangular section, singly reinforced (WSD), singly reinforced (USD), Computer aided design ( generate a program that would design a SRB using ultimate strength Design), Doubly reinforced beam (WSD), Doubly reinforced beam (USD), computer aided design program ( generate a program that would design a DRB using ultimate strength design). 9.Resisting Moment of RC Tee Sections Singly Reinforced ( elastic and ultimate strength), doubly reinforced ( elastic and ultimate strength), Investigation of Tee beams (SRB, elastic and Ultimate Strength). 10.Design of Tee Sections and bond, development length and anchorage. Singly Reinforced (elastic and ultimate strength), doubly reinforced ( elastic and ultimate strength) 11.Shear strength of RC sections (elastic and ultimate strength), Torsional strength of RC sections (elastic and ultimate strength), design of shear and torsion. 12.Design of Slabs Design of cantilever slabs, Design of one- way slabs and stairs, design of twoway slabs.
13.Midterm Examination 14.Design and Investigation of rectangular columns Investigation of rectangular columns, Design of rectangular columns (axial loading Only). 15.Design and Investigation of circular columns Investigation of Circular columns, Design of Circular columns (axial loading only). 16-17.Design and Investigation of Footing Investigation of isolated spread footings, Investigation of Isolated spread footing, Design of spread footing. 18.Final Examination
Prepared by:
ENGR. TOMAS U. GANIRON JR. MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Department
FEATI UNIVERSITY CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT COURSE SYLLABUS FOR CE 48 Title: Structural design II – Timber Course Description: Design of structural wood member and timber structures according to NSCP provision, details of joints and splices, roof and bridges trusses, building frames, trusses, towered formwork and scaffolding. Credit Units: 3 units ( 2 hrs. lecture / 3 hrs. laboratory per week) Pre-requisite: CE 42 Theory of Structures 1 Course Requirements: 1. Regular Attendance 2. Seatwork, quizzes, assignments 3. Complete design of two- storey building ( students are expected to present their design orally) Text Assignment: Design of Wood structures by: Bryer NSCP by ASEP, 1996 Ed. Reference: 1. Simplified design of structural wood by: Parker etc. 2. Structural Timber Design and Tech by: Mettem Objectives: At the end of the course, the student should be able to: 1. Understand the importance of wood timber as primary material in construction of different structures. 2. Analyze the chain behavior of the structure considering the effect of one member to the other member as they transfer loads, shear and moment simultaneously. 3. Learn how to relate theoretical and experimental problems into practical applications taking into consideration the restriction and limitations specified by the governing code. 4. Apply their knowledge in design analysis through basic principles by engaging them in personal designing of timber building. This will give the right perspective on how a certain structure is being considered and constructed.
Course Outline: Week 1.Orientation 2.Structutral wood Tee growth, density of the wood, defects in lumber, seasoning of wood, use classification of structural lumber, Nominal and dressed sizes, structural timber of Philippine wood. 3.Unit stresses and design values Forces and loads, direct stresses, kind of loads, deformation, elastic limit, Ultimate strength, Modulus of elasticity, allowable unit stress, NSCP design values table for visually stress graded unseasoned structural timber of Philippine woods, modification of design values, Modification for loading at angle to the grain. 4.Shear and Bending Stress in Beams Vertical and horizontal Shear on rectangular beams, general formula for shear, resisting moment, flexure formula, application of flexure formula, size factor for rectangular beams. 5-6.Design/Investigation of Beams Bearing Length, design procedure, lateral support fort beams, Unsymmetrical bending, super imposed beams. 7.Preliminary Examination 8.Defections of beams Allowable deflections, computation of deflection. Reinforced Beams Computation of reinforced 9.Joist and Rafters Joist floors, Designs of joist, span tables for joist, ceiling joists, design of rafters.
10-11.Wood Columns Slenderness ratio, Capacity of simple solid columns, used of design aids for wood columns, build up columns, axially loaded columns, eccentrically loaded columns, composite columns. 12. MIDTERM EXAMINATION 13.Wood Fastening Bolted Joints in wood structures, nailed joints, screw and lad bolts, Mechanically driven fasteners. Framing Devices Shear developers, split rings connectors, formed steel framing elements, concrete and masonry anchors, plywood gussets. 13. Trusses Types of trusses stresses in truss members, stress diagram, truss members and joints, heavy timber trusses, Manufacture trusses.
14. Glued Laminated products Type and usage of products, Arches and bents, laminated columns. Plywood Types and grade of plywood, panel identification index, usage data, plywood diaphragms usage consideration. 15. Special Problems and miscellaneous elements Notches beams, flitched beams, built up plywood, and lumber elements, pole structures, wood fiber products. Wood frame diaphragms Application of wind and seismic forces, horizontal and vertical diaphragms, Investigation and design of plywood shear walls. 16. Used of computer software in structural 17. Timber Design
18. Final Examination
Prepared by:
ENGR. TOMAS U. GANIRON JR. MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Department
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines
Course Syllabus for CE 31
Course Description: Study forming Minerals; rocks, general characteristic, mode of occurrence, origin and structures, rock weathering and soil, surface and sub-surface waters, landslide and land subsidence; wave action and shore currents and their relation to engineering works, geology and reservoir, dam sites, road foundations and materials.
Credit Units: 3 units / 3 hrs lecture
Pre-requisites: 1. Regular Attendance 2. Seatwork, Quizzes, assignments 3. Present a written and oral report on topic(s) assigned
Text Assignments: Engineering Geology (Rock in Engineering Construction) By: Richard E. Goodman
Objectives: At the end of the course, The students should be able: 1. To prepare an estimate implies knowledge of the general project lay out including what it to be built, on, and from what kinds of rock and soils. 2. To understand the range of the rock type, their attributes and their spatial relationship. 3. To appreciate the importance of geologic observations and interpretations.
Course Outline Week 1. Orientation 2. Geology- Geological Science and its subdivisions earth materials, process, and history. Mapping and inventorying the Earth. The structure and composition of the earth, geologic time, Geologic maps, map able units. 3. Classification of rocks- the rock forming minerals, main classes of rocks, igneous rocks, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. 4. Weathering and weathered rocks- Geologic structures, folds, faults and joints, topography and land form. 5. Shale’s sandstone and Associated rocks- The Minerals and rock grains, size grades of sediments, clay minerals. 6. Description of Epiclastic Works- Conglomerate, and gravelly rock, sandstone and Arenaceous rocks, shale’s mudstone and other mud rocks. 7. Preliminary Examination 8. Engineering Properties of sandstones and conglomeratesExploration targets and problems, landslide and hazards, surface excavation, dams, tunnels, fill and embankments. Engineering properties of sites in sandstone and shale- Exploration, landslide, hazards, excavation and foundations. 9. Engineering problems with Shale’s and mud-stone Targets and problem of exploration, Landslide hazard, surface Excavation, Dams, Tunnels, Fill, and Embankments. 10. Soluble rock: limestone, Dolomite and Vaporizes Geology of limestone, Chalk and dolomite, composition, biochemical limestone, chemical limestone, Detrital limestone, Dolomite, Evaporate Rocks; Gypsum, rock salt, Anhydrite 11. Engineering Properties of Limestone and evaporates geological hazards, Exploration Target problems, Surface Excavation and Transportation Routes, Water Waste and disposal, Foundation for bridges and buildings, dams and reservoir, tunnels and underground works, materials of construction. 12. Plutonic Igneous Rock
Geology of Plutonic rocks, magma, Form of igneous Instructions, Classification of Plutonic Rocks. 13. Volcanism, and volcanic rocks Volcanic Processes; Location of Volcanism Eruptive phenomena, volcanic flow of rocks; pyroclastic rocks, volcanic flow rocks. 14. Midterm Examination 15. Metamorphic Rocks Geology of metamorphic rocks, metamorphism, foliation, and banding of structures, metamorphic grade, metamorphic zoning, effect of initial composition on metamorphic products. 16. Importance of Metamorphic rocks. Slate, Phyllite, Schist, Gneiss, Quart site, Marble, other metamorphic rock types 17. Weathering and defects in metamorphic rocks Weathering, Jointing, Foliation Shears 18. Final Examination Prepared By:
IX. Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron Jr. MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines
Course Syllabus for Mech 315
Title: Engineering Mechanics for CE students
Course Description: Principle statistics, Principle of force systems, equilibrium of Force system in space, centroids, and dynamics, rectilinear translation, curvilinear translation, rotation, plane motion, work, and engineering regular and momentum.
CREDIT UNIT: 5 units 5 hrs lecture/week
Physics 221 and Math 221
COURSE REQUIREMENT: 1.Regular Attendance 2. Set of problems, quizzes
TEXT ASSIGNMENT: Engineering Mechanics by Singer (2002 ed.) Reference: Eng’g Mechanics by Singer (3rd ed.) Eng’g Mechanics by Matias Arreola
the end of the course, the students should be allowed to:
1. Know fundamental principles related to principles of static and dynamics of vertical and horizontal structures as they were apply in engineering practice. 2. Understand the principle of the static and dynamic in design and construction. Course Outline
1.Orientation (principles of statistics) Introduction, fundamental concepts and definitions, force systems, Axioms of mechanics, introduction to free-body diagrams, scalar and vector quantities, parallelogram law, triangle law solutions of problems, dimensional checks, conversion of units, numerical accuracy.
2. Resultants of force systems Introduction, forces and components, resultant of three or more concurrent forces moment of forces, the principle of moments, Varignon’s theorem, resultant of parallel forces, couples, resolution of a force into a force and couple, resultant of non-concurrent force systems. 3. Equilibrium of Force system Definition and meaning of equilibrium, free body diagrams, equilibrium of concurrent forces systems, condition of equilibrium from moments, three coplanar forces, Equilibrium of non-con- current forces system. 4- 5. Analysis of Structures Introduction, construction of simple trusses, methods of joints, method of joints, method of sections, redundant members, counter diagonals, definitions and characteristics of three-forced members, method of members applied to frames containing three-force members. 6. Preliminary Examination 7. Friction
Friction defined, theory of friction, angle of friction, laws of friction, further problems inn friction, wedges, square- threaded screws, belt friction, rolling resistance. 8. Force system in space Introduction, The three mutually perpendicular components of a force, result of concurrent force systems in space, moment of a force about an axis, equilibrium of concurrent space forces, equilibrium of non-concurrent space force. 9. Centroids and centers of gravity Introduction, Center of gravity of a flat plate, centroids of areas and lines, Importance of centroids and moments Area, Centroids determined by integration, centroids of composite figures, theorems of Pappus, center of gravity of bodies, centroids of volumes. 10- 11. Moment of Inertia Definition of moment of inertia, polar moment of inertia, radius of Gyration, Transfer theorem for moment of inertia, moment of inertia by integration, moment of inertia for composite areas, product of inertia, product of inertia is Zero with respect to axes of symmetry, Transfer formula for product of inertia, moment of inertia with respect to inclined axes, Mohr’s Circle for moment of inertia, Maximum and minimum moments of inertia, principal axes, moment of inertia of bodies radius of gyration, transfer formula for mass moment of inertia, mass moment of inertia by integration, moment of inertia of composite bodies. 12.Midterm Examination
13.Rectilinear Translation 14.Curvilinear Translation Curvilinear motion of particle, fundamentals concepts, velocity of curvilinear motion, rectangular components of acceleration, flight projectiles. Air resistance neglected, tangential and normal components of acceleration, kinetics of curvilinear translation, Dynamic Equilibrium, Banking of highways curves. 15.Rotation Rotation definition and characteristic, kinematics differential equations of rotation with constant angular acceleration, General Kinematics of rotation, NonCentroid rotation, dynamic equilibrium.
16.Plane Motion Definition and analysis of plane motion, Interpretation of kinetic equations, relation between translation and rotation for freely rolling disks and spheres, Instantaneous center and instantaneous axis of rotation, The Instant center does not have zero acceleration, equations of the plane motion, rolling bodies, dynamic equilibrium in plane motion. 17.Work and Energy Introduction, Fundamental work energy equation for rectilinear translation, meaning of work, application of the work energy method. Constant forces, resultant work, variable forces, power efficiency, work energy applied to curvilinear translation moment, work energy applied to plane motion. 18.Final Examination
Prepared by:
Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron Jr. MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines
Course syllabus for CE 35
Title: Soil Mechanics
Course Description: Identification and classification of soil rock and rock, volume and density relationship, of water in soil flow net, effective stress concept, consolidation and settlement, shear strength, later earth pressure, stability of slopes and walls, bearing capacity of foundation improvement of site soil.
Credit Unit: 3 units / 3 hrs lecture/wk. Pre-requisite: Mech 315 (Engineering Mechanics) and CE 31 (Engineering Geology) Course requirements: Regular attendance Seatwork, quizzes, assignments Present a written and oral report on topic (s) assigned by the professor. Text Assignment: Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering 2nd Ed. By: Robelt Holtz, William Kovacs References: Basic soil mechanics 4th ed, by Whitlow, 2001 Soil prop. testing measuring and evaluation, by: Cheng lie, Jack B. Evett, 4th ed 2001 Geotechnical Engineering by: Dr. L. De Castro, 2000 Objectives: At the end of the course, the students should be able: 1.Indentify the relationship of the different basic principles involving soil and rock, volume density relationship of the different basic principles involving soil and rock, volume and density relationship, flow of water in soil, flow net, effective stress concept, consolidation & settlement and bearing capacity of foundation.
2.Know the effect of water on soil properties and movement of water through soil. 3.Evaluate soil response to changes in loading and soil moisture. 4.Identify solution of certain soil mechanics problems.
Course Outline Week 1. Orientation 2. INTRODUCTION TO SOIL MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICS Study of Soil Mechanics. Typical Soil Problems. Historical Development of Soil Mechanics. Soil Failures. Sources of Information for Geotechnical Engineers. 3-4
SOIL PROPERTIES- PHYSICAL AND INDEX Composition and Terms. Basic Definition and Mass- volume Relationships. Non cohesive and Cohesive Soils. Attenberg (or consistency) Limits. Soil Moisture. Indices of soil consistency. Specific Surface. Specific Gravity. Soil Texture. Soil Phases. Grain size. Unit Weight of Soil (Dry, Wet and Submerged). Effective of Intergranular Pressures. Intergranular Pressures in Partially Saturated Soils.
5. Soil classification test and common systems Soil test for classification, Unified soil classification system, AASHTO soil classification subgroup, AASHTO Group Index, Field Identification Test. 6. Soil structure and clay mineral Soil and soil formation, soil structure and fabric soil cohesion and friction, granular soil structure, other consideration of granular soil structure. 7. Preliminary Examination 8. Structure of cohesive soils. Clay and Clay Minerals. General Clay Mineral Properties. 9-10.Soil Exploration and Sampling Site investigation, Site geology, Determining subsurface conditions, Location, spacing and depth of borings, sampling, water table, sampling quality and engineering practice, standard penetration test, SPT correlation, bring logs, cone
penetration test (PCT). Rock Drilling, Seismic Exploration, total stress cell and dilatometer. 11-12. Compaction and soil stabilization Gen. Concept of soil stabilization, Soil as a construction Material, Soil stabilization, Theory of compaction of cohesion less Soils, Structure and properties of compacted cohesive Soils, Stabilization of Expansive Clays, Comments on soil Compaction, Excavation and Compaction Equipment Compaction Specification, Field control of Compaction, Deep Compaction of In site Soils, Static Stabilization, Fabric Stabilization, Soil-cement and Lime Fly-ash-soil stabilization, Problems in soil Compaction. 13.
Midterm Examination
14-15. Soil Hydraulics, Permeability, Capillarity and Shrinkage Water in soil, Permeability, Soil Water Flow and Bernoulli Energy Eqn. Determination of Coefficient of Permeability, Limitation and other Considerations in Determining K. Effective Coefficient of Permeability of Stratified Soils, Capillarity and Capillarity Effects in Soil, Seepage Forces, and Quick Condition. 16-17. Shear Strength of soils Shear Strength parameters, Soil failure, Critical void rotation and residual strength, soil test to determine the strength parameters, Direct shear and direct simple shear test, tri axial test, sensitivity of cohesive soils, empirical methods for shear strength, In suit direct measurement if shear strength, factor affecting shear strength, Normalized Soil Parameters. 19.Final Examination
Prepared by:
Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron Jr. MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines
Course syllabus for CE 49
Title: Structural Design III- Steel Course Description: design of structural member of steel structures according to ASTM and ASEP CODE PROVISION, details of joints and splices, design of bolted and welded trusses, frames, plate girders, steel buildings, bridges and tower. Credit Units 4 units (3 hrs lecture and 3 hrs lab per week) Pre-requisite: CE 42 Course Requirements:’ 3. Attendance 4. Seatwork, quizzes, 5. Complete set of problems
Text Assignments: Design of steel structures NSCP by Asep Reference: Design of structural Steel by: Lethers
Objectives: At the end of the course, the student should be able to: 1. Understand the importance of wood timber as primary material in construction of different structures. 2 .Analyze the chain behavior of the structure considering the effect of one member to the other member as they transfer loads, shear and moment simultaneously. XI. Learn how to relate theoretical and experimental problems into practical applications taking into consideration the restriction and limitations specified by the governing code. XII. Apply their knowledge in design analysis through basic principles by engaging them in personal designing of timber building. This will
give the right perspective on how a certain structure is being considered and constructed.
Course Outline: Week 1.Orientation 2.Materials And Specification Rolled steel section types of structural steels specifications 3-5.Structural Fasterners Reverting bolt joint, types of reverted bolted joints, failure of reverted joint, strength of reverted joint, efficiency of joints, assumption in the theory of reverted joints, design of reverted joints for axially loaded members, welded joints, welded joints, advantages of welded joints, types of welds and symbols, design of fillet welds, design of but welds, design of plug and slot welds. 6-7.Ecentric connection Reverted joint subjected to moment acting in the plane, rivets and bolts in tension and shear, design of eccentric connections, butt welded joints loaded eccentrically, fillet welded join loaded eccentrically. 8.Preliminary Examination 9.Tension Members Not sectional Area, permissible stress, design of axially loaded tension member, lug angle, tension splice. 10-12.Compression members Strength of an axially loaded compression members, effective strength, Max. slenderness ratio, compression members composed of two components back to back, typical cross section, of compression members, lacing and battening for built up compression members, column bases, slab base, grillage foundation, column splices.
Design procedure built up beams, plate thickness, Simple beam and connections, 14.Midterm Examination 15.Beam Column Eccentricity of load, Eccentrically loaded base column. 16.Plate Girder Economical depth of self wt. of plate girder, design of web, design of flanges, curtailment of flange plates, riveted connection, web stiffener, flange splice. 17.Roof trusses Components of roof trusses, loads on roofs, design pf purlins, procedure of design in roof trusses. 18.Final Examination
Prepared by:
Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron Jr. MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department
Feati University Manila, Philippines
Course syllabus for CE 50 Title: Reinforce Concrete Design II Units Credit: 3 units
Course Outline: 1. Review of Beams and columns 2. Analysis and design of Earthquake Resistant Structures a. Introduction a1. Mechanics of earthquake a2. Elastic and Inelastic response b. Design of Seismic base shear c, Fundamental Period of Vibration c1. Method 1 C2. Method 2 a. b. c. d.
Vertical distribution of base shear, V Horizontal distribution of storey- shear Vx Lateral Shear V in Rigid structures Flexural Design of beams and columns
g1. Seismic shear in beams and columns g2. strong column weak beam concept e. seismic dealing requirements for beams and columns h2. longitudinal reinforcements h2. traverse confining elements f. horizontal shear beams column connection (joints) g. design of shear walls j1. Forces and reinforcements in shear walls
j2. Assignments and plates j3. Quizzes
Design Of Corbels a. Definition b. Shear Friction Hypothesis for shear and corbel c. Horizontal External forces Effects d. Sequence of corbel design steps e. Example problems f. Assignments and plates
Design of slender Columns a. Definitions b. Column length factor K. c. Buckling considerations d. Moment Magnification- first order analysis d1. Moment Magnification in Nonsway frames d2. Moment magnification in Sway frames e. Second order frames analysis and P- Delta Effect f. Procedures g. Examples h. Quizzes i.Compression Members in Biaxial bending i1. Exact method of analysis i2. Load Contour Method i3. Procedures i4. problems and quizzes
Design of combine wall footing a. Introduction and definition b. Presumptive soil bearing capacity c. Types of foundations d. Examples of combined footings e. Examples of continuous Wall Foundations f. Quizzes Design of Pre-stressed and Pre-casted Concrete a. Basic concept of pre-stressing b. Computation of fiber stress in Pre-stress beam by basic principles c. Partial loss of pre-stress d. Step by step computation of all time dependent losses in a post tensioned beam e. Lump-sum computation of all time dependent losses in pre-stressing f. Flexural design of pre-stressed concrete elements g. Selection of Geometrical Properties of section components. g1. General Guidelines g2. Minimum Selection Modulus g3. Beams with variable tendon eccentricity g4. Beams with constant tendon eccentricity h. Service load design example i. Ultimate strength design of pre-stressed beams j. Nominal Moment strength of flanged sections k. Determination of Prostrating steel nominal Failure stress k1. Bonded Tendons k2.Unboned Tendons l. Example problems of USD by Strain compatibility
m. Web Reinforcements design procedures for shear n. Example problems o. Quizzes
Prepared by:
Engr. Alex H. Balaan BSCE/MEP-CE (Structures)
Approved by:
Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron Jr, MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
II. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Sources and quality of water supplies; properties of portable water collection and conveyance structures, miscellaneous water treatment and structures, pumps and pumping stations, pipe network analysis, amount of sewage flow, construction and maintenance of sewerage system. III. CREDIT UNIT: 3 units 3hrs. lecture/week IV. PREREQUISITE: CE 45 V. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Regular attendance 2. Seatwork, quizzes, assignments and exercises based on lectures 3. Present a written and oral report on topic(s) assigned by professor VI. TEXT ASSIGNMENT: Water Supply and Sewerage (6th ed.) By Terence J.McGhee References: 1. Water Supply by Twort, Law Crowley etc. (4th ed.) 2. Sewerage and Sewage Treatment by Babbitt and Baumann VII. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course, the students should be able to: 1. Understand the fundamental concepts based on design of water and wastewater treatment systems, distribution and collection system. 2. Focus on the oretical and laboratory exercises based on wastewater problems. 3. Know the current state of the technology to reduce organic micro pollutants in water and control disinfections by products. VIII. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Week 1. Orientation
2. Introduction to water supply and Sewerage . Definition . Sources of Environmental Problems . Interrelationship of Environmental Problems 3-4. QUALITY OF WATER AND SEWARAGE . Relation of Quantity and Population . Population Estimation . Water use for different purposes . Factors affecting water use . Variations in water use . Fire Demands . Design periods for water supply components . Sources of sewage . Relation for water use . Infiltration in sewage flow . Design periods for sewerage system components Week 4 GROUND WATER: . Sources and Quality . Occurrence of Aquifers . Equilibrium Analysis of Wells . Interference in Aquifers . Ground water contamination . Renovation of Contaminated Groundwater . Recharge of Aquifers . Well Construction . Well Maintenance AQUEDUCTS AND WATER PIPES . Conveyance and distribution . Aqueducts . Stresses in pipes . Pipe Lines . Iron Pipe . Steel Pipe . Concrete Pipe . Asbestos Cement Pipe . Plastic Pipe . Valves and Appurtenances . Effects of Pipe Materials on Water Quality Weeks 5-6
COLLECTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF WATER . Intakes . Methods of distribution . Storage . Flow Estimation . Pressure Required . Pipes System . Design of Water Distribution Systems . Construction of Water Distribution System . Distribution on System Maintenance . Protection of Water Quality in Distribution System Week 7 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION Week 8 QUALITY OF WATER SUPPLIES: . Water and its Impurities . Waterborne Diseases . Inorganic and Organic Contaminants . Common Constituents of Natural Waters . Water Chemistry . EPA Standards . Liability for Unsafe Water . Characteristics of waterborne Epidemics . Watershed and Reservoir Protection . Protection within the Treatment and Distribution System Week 9-10 CLARIFICATION OF WATER . Purpose of Clarification Processes . Sedimentation of Discrete Particles and Flocculants Suspensions . Hinder Setting . Scour . Coagulation Processes . Chemical Feeding Methods . Sedimentation Basin Design . Mechanical Equipment Selection Week 11-12 FILTRATION OF WATER . Slow Sand Filters . Rapid Filtration . Theory of Filtration in Rapid Filters . Filter Media . Under drain System . Backwash Process
. Piping in Filtration Plants . Operating Difficulties . Clear Wells and Plant Capacity . Other Filtration Processes 11. MISCELLANEOUS WATER TREATMENT TECHNIQUES . Disinfection . Organic Contaminants . Algae Control . Chemistry of Activated Carbon . Iron and Manganese Removal . Aeration . Water softening . Stabilization . Iron Exchange . Reverse Osmosis . Treatment of Brackish and Saline Waters . Fluoridation and defluoridation . Water Treatment Wastes 12. SEWERAGE-GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS . Definitions . General Considerations . Combined and Separate Sewers . Liability for Damaged caused by sewage SEWER MATERIALS . Precast Sewers . Strength and bedding of sewers . Other fabricated sewers . Infiltration and Sewer Joints . Built in Place Sewers . Corrosion of Sewers 13. SEWER APPURTENANCES . Manholes . Inlets . Inverted Siphons . Sewer Outlets and Outfalls . Alternative Sewer Systems . Pumping of sewage . Miscellaneous Appurtenances DESIGN OF SEWER SYSTEMS . Preliminary Investigations . Detailed Design Requirements
. Design Principles . Sanitary Sewer Design . Storm Sewer Design . Major System Design 14. MIDTERM EXAMINATION Week 15 SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE . Maintenance of Line and Grade . Excavation techniques . Sheeting and Bracing . Dewatering of Excavations . Pipe Laying and Jointing . Maintenance of Sewers . Sewer Repairs and Connections . Sewer Gases 16. SEWAGE DISPOSAL . Disposal Techniques . Effects of Stream Discharge . Water Quality Modeling . Application of Analysis Techniques . Lake and Ocean Discharge . Submarine Outfalls . Land Disposal and Treatment . Total Retention System . Selection of a Disposal System PRELIMINARY TREATMENT SYSTEM . Classification of Treatment Systems . Racks and Coarse Screens . Comminutors . Girt and Grease Removal . Preparation and Equalization 17. ADVANCED WASTEWATER TREATMENT . Purpose of Advanced Wastewater Treatment . Suspended Solids Removal . Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal . Refraction Organics . Dissolved Solids . Experiences w/ advanced Waste Treatment FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS . Cost Estimates and Cost Comparisons
. Optimization of Process Selection . Financing of Waste Supply and Waste Water systems 18. FINAL EXAMINATION Note: Written Reports: Written reports must be submitted in an accordance style at the start of each session. It must be typewritten, 1.5 spacing, 8 1/4x1” coupon bond. Reports w/c do not have page numbering, not typed or late will not be accepted. Oral Presentations: Students are expected to provide their classmates a written copy of the highlights of their reports.
Prepared and Approved by: ENGR. TOMAS U. GANIRON JR. MSCE Head, CE and Drawing Department
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University 1. Manila, Philippines
Course Syllabus for CE 51
Title: Irrigation Engineering Credit Units: three Units Course Description: Investigation, planning, design execution, control and servicing of irrigation and allied works. Objectives: 1. Provide an introduction to the fundamental principles and practices of irrigation engineering. 2. Present a n overview of irrigation systems and design with emphasis to civil engineering concepts and 3. Identify problems and issues on the management of irrigation water of the Philippines. Course Outline: 1. Introduction 2. Water requirement of crops 3. Sources of irrigation water (hydrology of water surface and Ground water) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Storage and Outlet works Diversion works Distribution works Regulation and cross drainage works Flood control and River training works Management of Irrigation Water The Local Irrigation Act
a. Course Requirements 1. Research Papers 2. Reports and Class Discussion 3. Quizzes and Examinations
Reference: Mazumder, S,K. Irrigation Engineering , Tata Mc Graw- Hill Pub. Co. Ltd 1983
Prepared by:
Engr. Juanito V. Eje MSCE BSCE/MSCE
Approved by:
Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron Jr. MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines Course Syllabus for CE 53
Title: Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning Units Credit: 3 Units Course Description: Concepts and theories, issues and prospects of urban planning with emphasis on engineering aspects relevant to the developing countries particularly in the Philippines. Pre-requisite: 5th year standing Units Credit: 3 Units Objectives: 1. Provide an introduction to field of Urban and regional Planning 2. Presents an overview of planning concepts, theories, approaches, and strategies, evaluate their capability to the Philippines and 3. Identify problems and prospects or urban regional planning of the Philippines. Course Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Planning, planners, plans The origin, urban Growth The Seers: Pioneer thinkers in urban planners National Regional Planning Planning for cities and city regions Planning in western Europe Planning in the United States The Planning Process
9. Planning in the Philippines: Early Beginnings and recent development 10. Planning in context of National development: approach to strategy for development planning issue. b. Course Requirements a. b. c. d.
Graded class Participation (class discussion and reports) Research and reaction papers Quizzes and examinations Field trip
Reference: Hall, Peter, Urban and Regional Planning
Prepared by:
Engr. Juanito V. Eje, MSCE BSCE/MSCE Approved by: Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron Jr, MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines
Course Syllabus for CE 54 Title: Ports and Harbor Course Description: Growth and development of ports; effects of wind, wave and tide in harbor design; planning, design and construction of breakwater, port terminal and other marine structures. Engineering structures for the use and control of water, flood mitigation and storm drainage Units Credit: 2 units (1 hr. lecture and 3 hrs lab. Per week) Pre-requisite: 5th yr standing c. Course requirements 1. A compiled report in ports and harbor & flood control 2. Seatwork, quizzes and assignments References: Design and Construction of Port and Marine structures, 2nd edition by: Defr. Quinn, Alonzo : Soil and Water Conservation Engineering ,4th edition by Schwab, Fangmeier, Elliot and frevert. Objectives: At the end of the course the students should be able: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Introduce the wave mechanics as a foundation of coastal engineering Study the relevant engineering wave properties Apply the theories principles in the planning and design of harbors Study the land slide aspects of ports and harbors Find ways to solve problems in flood and design drainage system
Course Outline WEEK 1-2 Introduction to Harbor Planning and design 3-4 Wind, Tides and Waves 5 Harbor Planning, Design and consideration 6 PRELIM EXAMINATION 7-8 Breakwaters,Wharves, Piers design and consideration 9 Landslide development of ports and harbor, Navigation aids 10 Flood consideration and its application 11 Principles of drainage and its application 12 MIDTERM EXAMINATION 13-14 Development of drainage system, design criteria, drainage problem, drainage investigation 15 Basic requirement in determining adequacy of outlet for drainage, surface drainage system 16 Cross drainage works Selection of suitable types of cross drainage works Aqueducts and siphons Design of cross drainage works at different depth condition 17 Design of sub-surfaced drains, open ditches, culverts, dike for drainage 18 FINAL EXAMINATION
Prepared by
Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron, Jr., MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines
Course Syllabus for CE 55 Title: Foundation Engineering Course Description: Bearing capacity of foundation soils, shallow and deep foundations; foundation settlements; soil improvement; design of spread footings, combined & strap footings, mat foundations; retaining walls & pile foundations. Units Credit: 2 units (2 lecture per week) Pre-requisite: CE 35 CE 36 and CE 47 Course Requirements: 1. Regular Attendance 2. Seatwork Quizzes, assignments Text Assignments: Foundation Design (Principle and Practices) References: 1. Foundation Analysis and Design by: Bowles 2. Geotechnical Engineering foundation design by: Cerenica 3. Construction and Geotechnical method in foundation Engineering by: Korner Objective: At the end of the course, the students should be able to: 1. Understand the geology era, origin and nature if the soil stratification and ground water condition 2. To know which foundation is the most economical where the super structure load, subsoil conditions and settlement shall be consider.
3. Gain knowledge in techniques of sub surfaces investigation, excavation, drainage, bracing and stabilization Course Outline Week 1. Orientation 2. Sub surface investigation—Methods and equipment, objective and data interpretation, explanatory program. Excavations—Procedure and precautions, shoring and under pinning, sheeting and bracing, Caissons, and cofferdams. 3. Footing and soil bearing capacities—Types and adaptability, footing design for allowable soil pressure, footing design for uniform settlement. Set Problem 1 Quiz 1 4. Footing and soil B.P—Combined footing Pile foundation—Types of properties, installation of piles, choice of type of pile. Set Problem 2 Quiz 2 5 Factors determining types of foundations—steps of choosing type of foundation, Bearing capacity Types of foundation in the sand—Significant characteristics of sand and silt, footing in the sand Types of foundation of clay—footing clay Set Problem 3 6. PRELIM EXAMINATION 7-10. Retaining walls—soil pressure and Types of retaining walls Design of Bearing Wall Modes of Failure in Retaining Wall Design of Cantilever in Retaining Wall Design of an L shaped in retaining Wall Set Problem 4-6 Quiz No. 3
11. Footing for Buildings—Structural design for wall footing, structural design for combined footing, 12. MIDTERM EXAMINATION 13-15. Design of Wall footing with axial load &bending moment Design of rectangular combined footing supporting tied and spiral column Set Problem 7-8 Quiz No. 4 Design of rectangular combined footing supporting two tied column Design of rectangular combined footing supporting wall and tied column Set Problem 9-10 Quiz No. 5 16. Structural design for pile footing (Footing on Piles) Structural design for pile footing, structural design for raft foundation Bridge Piers—Method of constructions, drilled Piles Bridge abutments—Columns and retaining walls actions, anchorage Set Problem 11 17. Flexible earth- Retaining structures—Behavior of flexible earthretaining structures, tie back bracing systems. Set Problem 12 Quiz No. 6 18. Final Examinations
Prepared by
Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron, Jr.MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines
Course Syllabus for CE 56 Title: CE laws, contract specification and ethics. Units: 3 units (3hrs lecture per week) Pre-requisite: 5th yr standing
Course Description: study of code of ethics, legal procedure in the practice of Civil Engineers in the Philippines, ethical relations of an engineer with fellow professionals, clients, and obligations, specs, CE laws, national Building code and labor laws. Course Objectives: At the end of the course, the student should be able to: 1. Appreciate the importance of the code of ethics, CE laws and specs, national Building code, and labor laws in the practice of CE laws in the Philippines. 2. Understand the legal procedure in the practice of civil engineering in the Philippines, relation of an engineer with professional clients, and general public 3. Develop, design and construct a specs for CE works. 4. To know the different types of contract and its elements. Course Outline: 1. Orientation
2. Professional and ethical relations—Limitation of enacted law, formation of individual principles, specs of a man, Code of professional ethics, Canon of ethics for Engineers, Application of ethics. 3. Legal Procedure in the practice of CE in the Philippine ethical relation— Relation to the general public, relation to the profession and engineering society, relationship to clients and employer, relationship with engineer. 4. Legal Relation, rights and responsibilities of technical men—Employment in general Professional Employment, the engineer of an agent and arbiter, The engineering legal proceeding. 5. Elements of contract—Classification of contract, essential of a contract, competency of contracting parties, agency, mutual agreement, There must be a lawful and sufficient valuable, subject matter of a contract must be lawful and not contrary to small policy, legal requirements as to from penalties, and liquidated damages, discharge of contracts, remedies for breach of contract preparing the contract. 6. Preliminary Examination 7. Obligation—Requisites of an obligation, sources of an obligation, arising from how contract, quasi contract, crime and quasi delete, kinds of obligation, modes of extinguishing obligation, modes of extinguishing obligation 8. Specification—Specification definition, Technical specs, material\ process Machinery. design and specs, for civil works. 9. Civil Engineering Law of the Philippines—PD 544, Qualification of the members of the board of examiner, qualification of admission from registration, Panel Provision, power and duties of the board, the CE board examiner, and duties of Philippines Institute of Civil Engineers Inc. (PICE). 10. National Building Code of the Philippines--- PD 1096 General Provision, Administration and Enforcement, Permits and Inspection, Types of construction, Classification and general requirement of all building be use
or occupancy, light and ventilation, Sanitation, Building projection and demolition, General Design and construction requirements. 11. Labor Code of The Philippines 12. Final Examination
Course Requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Regular Attendance Seatwork, Quizzes, and assignments Major Exams Oral and written report given by the Professor
Reference: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Eng’g Ethics by: Charles Fledderman, 199 Ed. Eng’g Contract, Specs, and Ethics by: Mendoza 1995 The National Building Code of The Philippines, 1997 Civil Engineering Laws in the Philippines by the PRC
Prepared by
Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron, Jr.MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines Course Syllabus for CE 57 laboratory (On the Job Training) 2. All CE 57 students are required to undergo at least 80 hours of OJT in a chosen Industry or company as requirement for graduation. A credit of 1.5 units shall be given for every 80 hours of complete each group shall have at least 4 members. 3. Each group shall be required to submit to their head, CE dept. the practicum proposal, schedule of work (form), waiver form, letter of application addressed to company concerned. 3. The practicum proposal shall include the ff.: d. Information on the student e. Listing of companies where the students is planning to undertake the practicum f. Types of special project (written report) to be undertaken in the company. 4. A listing of Industries with formal linkages with the schools in the consortium shall be provided to the CE student to assist them in making the proposal. 5. Upon acceptance by the company, the professor in the laboratory shall be responsible for: a. Monitoring the performance of the student undergoing the OJT in cooperation with the counterpart company coordinator. b. Assisting the student in preparing his/ her special projects c. Given a written final grade the student together with the company coordinator. d. Giving expert support to the student during the special project.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines Course Syllabus for CE 58 General Guidelines (Thesis Writing) Procedures and guidelines 1. The writing of an acceptable thesis is required to all candidates of BSCE 2. Each group shall have at least 4 members and may select their own thesis areas of specialization in consultation with their adviser and Head CE dept. 3. The Major areas of CE namely: a. Structural eng’g—This Includes rational and applied mechanics, masonry structures, wooden RC structures, bridges, towers, and walls. b. Highway and Transportation Eng’g—Includes highways, railroad surveying, design and construction of highways and railroads, piers, dikes, ports and wharves. c. Hydraulics—Includes aqueducts, sanitary eng’g works, hydrology, water supply systems, dikes, dams, irrigation, and drainage canals. d. Construction management—Includes construction process methods, systematic plant selection planning, estimates and control project organization contract administration and safety eng’g. 4. All subjects of investigation and research are to be approved by the CE head dept. upon recommendation from the adviser. 5. Every group contemplating to begin writing their thesis may request the Head CE dept., to appoint a supervising thesis committee (panel of Examiners) to guide the candidate in the preparation and writing their thesis.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines Course Syllabus for CE 59
Title: Special CE problems for licensure Examination Course Description: The course deals with the review of recent Civil Engineering board examination specifically divided into three categories such as hydraulics, design and construction, math and surveying. Credit Units: 3 units (3 hours lecture per week) Pre-requisite: 5th year standing Course Requirements: 1. Regular Attendance 2. Seatwork, quizzes, assignments, and exercises based from the lecture Reference: 1. Recent CE Licensure Examination compiled by PRC 2. CE licensure Exam (Computerized Licensure Exam) compiled by Besavilla1996 Ed. 3. Practical Questions in CE (computerized Licensure Exam) by: Beastlier 4. Hydraulics by Dela Rosa, Dela Fuente and Tempo Jr. 1991 Ed. 5. Structural Analysis by : Arreola 6. Timber Design and Construction method by Bessavilla 7. Fundamentals of Structural steel Design by: Beastlier 8. Mathematics for CE and GE Licensure Examination by: Bessavilla 9. Elementary Surveying by La Putt (2nd Ed.) 10. Higher Surveying by La Putt ( 2nd Ed.) 11. Route Surveying (reviewer) by: Tuazon (SI Ed.) 12. Engineering Mechanics by: Singer 13. Strength of Materials by: Sta. Maria
14. Eng’g Economics by: Sta. Maria 15. Reinforced Concrete Design by Arreola Objectives: At the end of the course, the student should be able to: 1. Familiar with the nature of actual board problems and the necessary approval in systematic solution 2. Practice them to answer problems independently as if they are actually taking exam proper. 3. Regain momentum in the review of their general Engineering and major subjects as necessary in the actual review in the actual exam. Course Outline: Week: 1. Orientation 2. Fluid Mechanics—Boyle’s law, Hydraulics, pressure on the plane and curve surface dams. 3. Archimedes Principle, hoop tension, statically stability of floating bodies. 4. Closed rotating vessels, Venturimeter, pipes with friction loses (pumps and turbines) pipes in series and parallel (pipe network) 5. Reservoir problem, Weirs, open channels (uniform flow and ordinary canals) 6. Most efficient canal section, non-uniform flowing canals, hydrodynamics, water hammer. 7. Preliminary Examination 8. Design and construction (timber Design) 9. Concrete Design
10. Pre-stressed concrete/steel design 11. Construction methods/foundations 12. Practical Questions 13. Midterm Examination 14. Mathematics and surveying—Algebra, plane and spherical trigonometry 15. Analytic Geometry/calculus 16. Eng’g mechanics 17. Theory of structures/Eng’g Economics 18. Final Examination (Comprehensive Exam) Prepared by:
Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron, Jr. MCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines Course Syllabus for EM 500 Title: Engineering Economics for CE Course Description: Study Basic economics principles, present economy, interest discount, annuities and capitalized cost, arithmetic and geometric gradients, financing and enterprise, depreciation and depletion, valuation of properties, principles of accounting, fundamentals of cost accounting, investment of capital, comparison of alternatives, classification of cost, replacement of analysis, effects factors of economy and break even analysis. Credit Units: 3 units (3 hours lecture) Pre-requisite: 5th yr. standing Course Requirements: 1. Regular Attendance 2. Seatwork, quizzes, assignments Text Assignment: Engineering Economy (3rd Ed.) By: Matias Arreola Course Outline: Week 1. Orientation 2.
Basic economics principles Reason for Engineering Economics Important Applications of Eng’g Economics Eng’g economics techniques Tangible and In tangible factors
Competition, Monopoly, Oligopoly Price and production Local and National Market Law of diminishing return Consumers and producer goods Law of demand Elasticity of demand Utility of demand Law of diminishing Utility Marginal Utility
Present Economy Selection of materials, method, design, and site selection Comparison of proficiency of workers Economy of tool and equipment maintenance and utilization of personnel Examples
4. Interest and discount 5. Annuities and capitalized cost 6. Preliminary Examination 7-8.Arithmetic and geometric gradients
Methods of financing Working capital Types of Business Organizations Sole proprietorship Partnership Corporation, its danger and its capitalization Stock Bonds and classification Bond amortization retirement Value of bond Solved problems
9-10. Depreciation and depletion Types of depreciation Depreciation cost Requirements for depreciation method The straight line formula Sinking fund Matheson formula Sum of the years digit method Service output method Straight line + Ave. Interest formula The double – rate declining balance method Assets Solve problems 11. Principles of accounting Types of assets Types of liabilities Types of ownership Fundamental Equations of accounting Balance sheet Profit and loss statement Analysis and interpretation of financial statement Business transactions Debit and credit Double entry booking Journal and its type Ledger Solved problems 12. Midterm Examination 13. Fundamental of cost accounting 14. Investment of capital 15-16. Comparison of alternatives 17. Effects factor on economy break even analysis 18. Final Examination Prepared by: Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron, Jr. MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
Civil Engineering and Drawing Department Feati University Manila, Philippines Course Syllabus for CE 57
Title: Construction Project Management Course Description: Introduction to Construction Project management, Planning and scheduling, project estimate and specification, contract management, project monitoring and control, construction business licensing and upgrading, Obtaining and evaluating of bids, Auxiliary and research related topics. General Objectives: To equip the students with the basic tools necessary for the efficient and effective practice of civil engineering profession, develop student’s sense of responsibility and spirit of cooperation by giving them the task and responsibilities focus on group works and discussion. Schedule of lecture: Week 1-4 (Introduction to Construction Project Management) Overview of project management, difference between project management and construction management, project management organization, projects participants, stages of projects, activities of each phase of project, construction process and methods. Week 5-8 (Planning and scheduling) Planning Phase, Scheduling phase, control monitor, phase by charts, limitation of bar charts, critical path analysis, budget, and cash flow. Week 9-12 (Project Estimate and Specifications)
Pre-construction considerations, General Requirements of estimating, ways of developing cost estimate, methods and rules in estimating, composition of summary estimates, contingency specifications. Week 13-16 (Project Monitoring and control) Factor Effective control, control cycle, Feedback, project management information system, Monitoring by Gantt, XPM Master Project Scheduler, Resource monitoring, Manpower, Materials, Equipment Utilization. Week 17 (Contract Management) Contract management functions, contracting process, contractual role of project manager, designer, consultants, contractors/suppliers, contract claims, Understanding the basic of contract termination, Termination Process. Week 18 (The Construction Business, Licensing and upgrading Registration through Phil. Contractors Assoc. Board (PCAB), Gen. Requirement for regulation, construction classification and category, renewal of license, upgrading of classification category, Investment cost in construction, Operating and maintenance cost. Week 19 (Obtaining and Evaluating Bids) Rules in bidding, Invitation to Pre-qualify, Analysis of Pre-Qualification data, selection and notification, inquiry document, submission and receipt of bids, Evaluation of bids, Award of contract the PD 1594. Week 20 (Auxiliary and Research Related Topics) Safety Engineering in Construction, Value Engineering, Building Appraisal and Methodology
Grading System Quizzes/Exercises 30% Class Discussion 10% Project Presentation 60% TOTAL 100% Reference: 1. Effective Planning and Scheduling of Projects by: Antonio O. Tasingco DLSU Press, Manila 2. Project Study by: Remeo A. Sanares UNC, Naga City 3. Contract Management Program DMCI by: David Villaviray, Manila 4. Contractor’s Management Handbook by: O’brein and Zilly 5. PD 1594 an DPWH 6. PD 1096 (The National Building Code) 7. Simplified Construction Estimate By: Max B. Fajardo 8. Simplified Methods on Building Construction by: Max B. Fajardo
Prepared by:
Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron, Jr. MSCE Chairperson, CE and Drawing Dept.
II. COURSE DISCRIPTION: Ideas, concepts, and principles of research methodology, the problem, research methods, preparation of the research instruments, review of related literature and studies, sampling, analysis, presentation and interpretation of data, and writing of conclusions and recommendations. III. CREDIT UNIT: 3 Units 1 hr lecture and 5 hrs. lab. IV. PREREQUISITE: 5th Year Standing V. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Regular attendance 2. Thesis VI. TEXT ASSIGNMENT: Methods of research and Thesis Writing by Calderon and Gonzales VII. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course, the student should be able to: 1. Present a research work which contributes the progress of economy 2. Know how to analyze and interpret data in a research work 3. Familiar how to write the problem and its setting, related literature and studies, methods of research and procedures, analysis, presentation and interpretation of data and summary, conclusion and recommendation in a thesis or feasibility study.
VIII. COURSE OUTLINE: Week 1 Orientation 2 Choosing areas of civil engineering specialization and writing a title of thesis proposal. CHAPTER 1- The problem and its setting The Introduction Statement of the problem Assumption and Hypothesis Importance or Significance of the Study Definition of terms Scope and Delimitation of the Study Limitation of the Study Conceptual Framework Paradigm 3
CHAPTER 2- Related Literature and Studies
CHAPTER 4- Methods of Research and Procedures Method of Research Method of Collecting Data and Development of Research Instrument Sampling Design Statistical Treatment of Data
CHAPTER 5- Analysis Presentation and Interpretation Data Analysis Group Derived Generalizations Preparing Data for Presentation Presentation of Data
6 7-8
9-10 Presentation of Initial Thesis Defense 11
Construction of graphs and Implication of the findings CHAPTER 6- Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations Writing a Table of Contents, Footnotes, Bibliography and Appendices
Evaluation of Thesis
14-15 Open Week(Field Work) 16-17 Presentation of final Thesis defense (with panel of examiners from the academe and Industry Together with thesis advisers.) 18 FINAL EXAMINATION
Prepared by: Engr. Tomas U. Ganiron Jr. MSCE Head CE Dept.
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