feasibility study- banana peel cream
Short Description
Banana Peel Cream is a face cream that treats acne, pimples, and therefore delays the aging process. This is made up of ...
Musa acuminate or most commonly known as banana is one of the oldest, most popular cultivated plants and is grown in at least 107 countries throughout the developing world. wo rld. Bananas, including the peel or banana skin, have a great nutritional value. Banana peels are also used as feed stocks, fertilizers, and other else. Unfortunately, only a few of us know about the other important uses of this wasted skin. hat!s why the proponents wanted to test if banana peels of three specific types of bananas can be feasibly made into facial cream, and if so, what effects on the human skin can it bring. "ho knew the humble banana offers so many beauty benefits for skin. #ich in powerful anti$o%idants which offer sublime anti$aging benefits. Banana peel has been found to be rich in polyphenols, and carotenoids, which are phytochemicals and moisture with anti$o%idant properties. &t will nourish and revitalized revitalized dry skin as well as smoothen rough aging skin. Based on study, if one has acne$pron oily skin, bananas topically can be used for oily skin and reduce further breakouts. Beauty industry helps us look and smell our best. Before we leave the house ho use each day, we have likely undergone our personalized beautification beau tification ritual. 'eople are concern with their appearance, most are conscious for how they look. he beauty industry has been e%panding and growing for all of recorded history. (or the interested entrepreneur this continuing growth and evolution offers a diverse menu of opportunity. )s we can see, as the beauty products continue to grow and evolve, profitable opportunities will abound...the hard part is choosing which one*
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+any people nowadays are very conscious about their face, about how they look, how people would say about them. (or them to have a glowing and have a standout beauty among others they use many facial products which they don!t know that those products are dang erous to their skin, they may have irritation, and rashes because of the chemical content in the product. "e,, the proponents came up "e u p to an idea to innovate and produce a natural facial cream which is Banana 'eel ream. Banana 'eel ream is a face cream that treats acne, pimples, and therefore delays the aging process. his is made up of a natural ingredient and this is the banana peel p eel which based on our research it has a great nutritional value wh ich is a powerful ingredient that!s makes a perfect addition to the all$natural face cream. &t acts like a second skin that penetrates deep into epidermis to insure protection, promote elasticity and improves suppleness. &t clarifies skin while soothing and hydrating and the good thing about this, in -ust 7 days of using the product, you will see the result. he better and more beautiful you*. Banana peel cream is used to delay the aging process of the skin, whitens, and helps you look more glowing and treats the acne as well as the pimples. &t can be used in day and at night. ust like the other commercial face cream, place a small amount of cream into your face/ let the skin absorb the nutrients that are containing in Banana 'eel ream. o more powder po wder or foundations should be used to your skin. he proponents! product serves as a powder, and the good thing is, it is not sticky on the face. he customers may buy the product at any registered beauty clinic, leading drug stores here in Balayan and we also offer it through online. he proponents will market the product by providing a direct line of communication regarding their products to their prospective customers. hey will also have an advertising campaign like giving away free samples of our product at various events and fairs, do make$overs with the use of our skin care line, promotes it to the local roots with a beautiful label that lauds the local origins and also touts any organic, beauty colleges andor s mall gift stores are one of the good venues to connect with and lastly, the proponents will promote their product with the use of social networking sites like (acebook, and witter and through website which they can visit in order for them to know more about the product and for them to keep a contact if they have 2uestions regarding the product. hey will also advertise their product through pamphlets, flyers given to the people and brochures and an d catalogs. he target markets are women, especially young g irls as well as men who are also conscious con scious to their skin. 3positioning
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Bluespa will develop our market position by combining a retail strategy that includes a day spa with a wholesale distribution strategy. Bluespa will acquire the validity aforded the spa brands and access to broad distribution. Bluespa skin care and cosmetic products will ofer therapeutic benets to the user based upon the principles o Thalasso therapy in our water line and Botanical treatments in our earth line. Our color cosmetics will be mineral based and provide the user with esthetic benets while nourishing the skin. In addition to providing retail appropriate packaging we will develop bulk sies or distribution within the spa trade. !ost day spas use generic products and do not have the ability to develop a private label line. The apparel and accessory lines will combine the newest in technical abrics with t specications that allow the wearer ull range o movement. "e have developed a#liations with select yoga and tness acilities or our apparel. $ll o our products will be positioned at the quality conscious consumer. Our marketing campaign and %& positioning will reinorce the Bluespa image. Our message will be to identiy the benets o our products and to develop an image that makes Bluespa products highly desirable. !eanwhile' our pricing strategy will be to maintain retail price points in the lower quadrant o the top quality brands. $ detailed comparison o our pricing as it relates to our target market is in the appendi(.
he raw materials that are commonly used in the proposed products is the Banana and the Banana peel, which is, it is the only raw materials that the proponents will produce or source for they will have a partner company co mpany who will source other main ingredients and materialse2uipments needed in the manufacturing process. he 4eiskin osmetics and 4rugs laboratory will be the co$partner and manufacturer o f the proponent. hey will .
"e are working with some o the best manuacturers globally to develop' and bring to market' high)quality products or skin and body care. In addition we have developed a Bluespa line o yoga and tness apparel' a natural e(tension o the brand. These products have been developed utiliing the nest abrics and proven t specications
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*kin and body care products will be developed and produced at our contract acilities in +rance and ,aliornia. %roduction o apparel products will be managed through our contract manuacturer o sport)related apparel. %roduction o accessories will be managed through a contract with a manuacturer o quality sports)related accessories including- bags' hats' totes and socks or the wholesale market.
&n order to ensure that the products will work safely, effectively, effectively, in efficacy and according to its planned usage, the proponents will make more research to prove that it really works without any harmful or dangerous effects. &n order to e%pand or to upgrade the product line, our company will be having a partnership with other company that is science$based company active in health as well as materials and who will be the proponents leading manufacturer of the their product. he proponents are also planning to e%pand their business by having many branches in many places here in Batangas, and all over the 'hilippines.
Future Products $ corner stone o our strategy is the creation o sustainable growth through a combination o new product launches and replenish)able basics. In skin care our rst ve launches will consist o added ranges to the line. Bluespas product line is based on ve elements o the universe. Its character' properties and related color/s0' will dene these elements. Body care products will be scented with essential oils that are known to create or improve the related character. $ll body and bath products' e(cept ater sun care' will ultimately be ofered in ve ranges. *un care will only be ofered in balancing' calming and soothing. Because ace creams and lotions are meant to rebalance and moisturie the skin' ace care will be unscented and will only be ofered in the "ater range. Our skin care launches will occur at our)month intervals starting in $ugust o 1223 with "ater. +ollowed by the 4arth range in the spring o 1221' $ir in mid 1221' +ire in $ugust 1221 and !etal in spring o 1225.
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The colors associated with each range will allow us to create a line o cosmetics that works or all skin ski n tones and an apparel assortment that covers the basics and can respond to color trends. The initial apparel launch will be $ugust 1223. Our cosmetic launch will occur in spring 1221. These dates are or wholesale. Our retail stores will have the respective groups available by *pring 1223. +uture products will be tested in our retail stores our to si( months prior to their wholesale launch. In addition we will develop product that is intended only or our retail stores /i.e. brushes and sponges0. $s our capabilities grow we may add these products to the wholesale line as well. Bluespa is launching a brand. The successul e(ecution o this strategy will provide us with the ability to transcend into other categories in the uture' as long as we dene our image and a nd stay true to the base precepts. /!uch like &alph 6auren has done with his tie business.0 +or e(ample' properly e(ecuted these ve precepts can be applied to home products. "e believe our ability to create new product opportunities and growth will only be limited by our imagination and our ability to attract talented people who understand the concept o branding.
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Bananas are the most popular fruit in the world. he banana is, in fact, not a tree but a high herb that grows up to 15 1 5 meters. Bananas are one of the most nourishing fruits available because it contains large 2uantities of magnesium, potassium, potassium, iron, zinc, iodine and vitamins ), B 6folic acid, 8, and (. )ccording to the 4epartment of the )griculture website, there are 57 cultivars of banana in 9outheast )sia but only five are common in the 'hilippines which are 9aba, latundan, lacatan, bungulan and avendish. Based on the proponents! research, :akatan is said to be the best variety of banana that can be used in making mak ing B' ream, Banana soap and Banana oner. oner. :akatan is considered as one of the healthiest, nutritious and have many man y medicinal benefits which can be derive from it. &ts banana 'eel contains lutein, an antio%idant, and potassium. #eportedly, the the inside of banana peels may help psoriasis, bug bites and even poison ivy and acne. Banana, raw Nutritional value per 100 g
8nergy ;0 kcal g
0#'' g
1#0( g
hiamin 6?it. B1 0.0 mg
iacin 6?it. 6?it. B>5 mg
+agnesium =7 mg
'antothenic )cid 6B5 0. recommended each day.
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Bananas also have soluble fiber, which may help lower blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. ?7'===' 72< have income above >?7'=== and 18< have incomes below 79'222' 7?< are between 57 and 91 years o age. They are predominantly emale. They are well educated. Between 3==5 and 3==; 12< more B$s and !B$s were awarded to women than men. "omen received 9=< o all associate degrees' 99< o bachelor degrees' 95< o masters degrees and 72< o doctoral degrees earned in the @nited *tates. Today college campuses are over 82< emale. The buying power o this segment o the market continues to grow. There are currently over 32= million emale consumers. Their buying power is estimated at >7.7 trillion. /In comparison' the
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Aunior market is estimated at >322 >322 billion0. In 3==? 87< 87< o working women earned more than one hal o the amily income. Today' businesses owned by women generate over >5.8 trillion in annual sales. O the net increase in the workorce between 3==1 and 1229' 81< are proAected to be women. In retail the emale consumer is the primary decision maker in ;9< o households. "omen buy or inuence the purchase o ;2< o consumer goods. Their increasing educational attainment makes young women even more sophisticated and demanding consumers. Todays emale consumer is living a transactional lie with multiple constituencies. Cer lie is on ast orward. In the last ew years the sales o an(iety drugs to this consumer has surpassed the sales o anti)depressants. Cer denitions are shiting' blurring the lines between home and o#ce: private and public: proessional and casual: even male and emale. $ge has become irrelevant. 6ie stages are no longer dened cleanly by age. /$ 77)year)old rst) time mother has much in common with a 11)year)old rst)time mother.0 6inks between generations and mindsets are becoming very spread out. Todays emale consumer denes hersel more by mindset or approach to lie than by age. %arents and teens are oten on parallel treadmills. The older segment is interested in staying young and the younger segment is acting older. In addition there has been a democratiation o lu(ury. The upper)class amily group is massive. !ore than eight million households have incomes above >322'222. 6u(ury spending is growing our times aster than overall spending. "orking women o all ages have more money and they are spending it on personal lu(uries. This is a reaction to the chaos o 17D? consumerism. *hell buy' but she wants more than Aust another product. *he is not seeking empowerment))she is empowered. empowered. *he is choosing to take better care o hersel and others. *he is looking or peace' solutions and ulllment. ul llment. %urchasing has moved beyond price. The %rice-Ealue ratio has become more meaningul. *he is seeking a Fvalue addedF e(perience or product. Our strategy o combined
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channels o distribution allows us to t into her schedule while our product philosophy provides her with the benets she is seeking. Our target customers /vs. end user0 or wholesale distribution will be resellers who recognie the needs o this consumer and who she identies with. "e have used the term resellers because they will not be limited li mited to retailers. "e will reach the consumer through our distinct reseller channels. 3 Spas and Health ClubsClubs !ost high)quality day spas and health clubs /and many upscale spas at resort properties0 use generic products. /!uch like the hair salon industry beore $veda.0 Our goal will be to develop a#liations with select spas in urban areas and vacation destinations. Our manuacturing partnerships will allow us to ofer these customers bulk product at avorable prices to them while allowing us e(cellent margins. 2
5 Lifestyle RetailersRetailersOur target retailer will be liestyle)based li estyle)based rather than the typical soaps and potions or natural product retailers. These retailers e(ist in almost every city. "hether it is "ilkes Bashord in *an +rancisco' !arios in *eattle' Carolds in several south central cities' +red *egal in 6os $ngeles' Bergdor Goodman in Hew ork or ,olette in %aris. These retailers have developed a loyal and sophisticated customer base. They understand the concept o liestyle. 4
9 Cosmetic Specialty RetailersRetailers *ephora is the maAor orce in this category. 6
? Boutique Department StoresStores This category is composed o what was once called F,arriage TradeF retailers. "e will limit our distribution within this segment to *aks' Hiemans and Barneys.
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4..! "ar#et $rends The @.*. cosmetics market /measured in shipments rom manuacturers0 grew by over >3 billion last year. /$ rate o 8.8522 per ounce0 the store had trouble keeping it in stock according to the cosmetics manager. ,ertainly these are not your mothers acial creams. This new generation o creams is more scientically advanced than anything previous manuacturers brought to market. &esearch has shown that alpha hydro(y acids' retinol and anti)o(idants can smooth out wrinkles and even out irregular pigmentation. Other natural ingredients can speed up the regeneration process o skin cells' tone the skin' clariy the comple(ion' and reduce wrinkles as well. 4ven the legendary rm 6a %rairie' who pioneered sheep placenta in its ormula and has women ying to 4urope to use it' has begun to shit ormulation to vitamins' anti)o(idants and herbal e(tracts. !any manuacturers site the high cost o research as a maAor reason or the high price o their products. Cowever this FnewF trend is more a returning to
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age old' time proven' natural remedies than new science. One noted chemist and cosmetics researcher recently stated that charging more than >322 or a vial /ounce0 o any serum is unwarranted. *he stated that while there are some very special ingredients that are costly' when prices go above this l evel it is Aust ma(ing out snob appeal. "hen you combine these acts with the rapidly increasing level o consumer education and the demand or a price)value equation' you can begin to see the market niche that is i s developing or high) quality skin care at price poiints reective o their ingredients and value
'#" &or u!ine!!-to-u!ine!! ar*et
Because Bluespa is a combined retail /direct to end user0 and wholesale /to the end user through a reseller0 strategy our target customer must be broken into two distinct groups' the end user and the reseller. Our targeted end user is between the ages o 17 and 89. They are emale urban proessionals with at least some college. This consumer has an active liestyle. They are concerned about social and environmental issues. !ind and body wellness are important to them. They belong to a health club: take yoga' pilates or tai chi lessons. The efects o aging and the maintenance o a youthul appearance are a part o their lie. Our target customers /vs. end user0 or wholesale distribution will be resellers who recognie the needs o this consumer and who she identies with. "e have used the term resellers because they will not be limited li mited to retailers. "e will reach the consumer through our distinct reseller channels. *pas and Cealth ,lubs' 6iestyle &etailers' ,osmetic *pecialty &etailers' and Boutique Nepartment *tores.
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There are a number o new demand trends that have impacted the market and created greater opportunities. These trends include a returning to age old' time proven' natural remedies: more consumers that are looking or more holistic and healing benets rom her skin care products' and todays consumer being more inormed and more inquisitive about the benets o her personal care products.
#etail BusinessD #etailers are in the business of selling goods, and there are more than 1.5 million of them across the country. he greater the difference between the selling price and the price they pay for the product, the greater their profit. &t follows that retailers retailers have 6or should have a keen interest in the way products move from the manufacturer to them because thatLs where the markup occurs. &f they can find a wholesale distributor like ?itabelle ?itabelle who can deliver a product on their shelves at a lower price and still provide e%emplary service, few will refuse the chance. "e have retailers who will be begging for our products and we anticipate h aving backorders, so it is only logical that we will devote most of the time time meeting this demand. he retailers are target market who have established with consumers themselves via word$of$mouth. ?itabelle ?itabelle is essentially the distributing arm for these retailers and can provide development services as well as products for them.
'#' &or u!ine!!-to-con!uer ar*et
onsumer +arketD his is potentially our biggest market. &t is limited only by the ability to produce. ?itabelle look at the potential p otential in this market as the basis for the growth. )nd it will market to this group by giving them a clear comparison between the chemical$based che mical$based products they are now using and thier natural products. his marketing strategy will begin by letting the public know they now have a choice of getting the same relief and better results without the chemical components followed by their conversion ov er to thier products. ?itabelle &ndustries &nc. developed their potential customer base on the following parametersD
"e plan to launch Bluespa wholesale at the Hew ork $ccent On Nesign show in the third quarter o 1223. "e have secured a partnership with a well)respected distributor. Through this partnership partnership we will be able to gain key show positions
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in the 6os $ngeles' Hew ork' $tlanta and *an +rancisco git shows. In addition we will have a permanent position in their 6os $ngeles showroom. The wholesale strategy will target select spas' department stores and specialty stores that are recognied trend leaders l eaders /i.e. +red *egal' Bergdor Goodman' Barneys and +ellisimo0. This product positioning will urther establish the brand image o Bluespa.
hose who earn their living from a specified activity. &t is a target market since business! location has establishment, different ventures and offices. )nd )nd those with some college between the ages of twenty$five 6 =5 and si%ty$five 6>5.
hose female between the ages of 1 and =A who attends an educational institution. Business! location has several schools particularly colleges both public and private. 9chools and business! location includes 9& ollege Balayan, B9U Balayan Branch, Gim Farold and &mmaculate onception ollege. he population of students is usually co me from Balayan and nearby towns.
(urthermore, ?itabelle!s ?itabelle!s &ndustries &ndustries &nc. is open for all person at these ages regardless of their range of income for as long as they have the ability to pay and they will be satisfied with the service that the business!s offers. offers.
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/)PIN2 D+/I2N
he proponents used the sampling design method. 9ampling is the method of getting a representative portion of the population. he proponents adopted stratified design wherein the number of employees in different establishments, households, students from different schools, bank employees and government employees of Balayan was the basis in determining the marketability and demand of the area. his method will help the proponents to identify the perspective target market of the business.
/loven3! &orula n4
1 5 N 6e7"
8here9 N 4 sample size n 4 otal 'opulation e M margin error
Applying the formula:
M =A, 0
Brgy. 7
Brgy. ;
Brgy. 10
Brgy. 11
Brgy. 1=
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9& ollege Balayan
Gim Farold
able able > and table 7shows that the respondents main reason was to protect their skin from damage and the least reason was to address the specific skin concern.
able >
< .> @
Brgy. 7
Brgy. ;
Brgy. 10
Brgy. 11
Brgy. 1=
9& ollege Balayan
Gim Farold
pg. 29
eachers otal
4epartment 9tore
Brgy. 7
Brgy. ;
Brgy. 10
Gim Farold
pg. 35
Based on the table above, ==< respondents out of
Brgy. 7
Brgy. ;
Brgy. 10
Brgy. 11
Brgy. 1=
9& ollege Balayan
pg. 38
Gim Farold
Based on the above table, out of
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