Feasibility of Pineapple.docx

February 27, 2019 | Author: Kleina Mendoza | Category: Pineapple, Chemical Substances, Chemistry, Nature
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Kleina Francheska D. Men!"a

Researchers #rae $% &STEM B

 An Entry to the the School Science Science Fair 2016 2016

Sa'ar Na(i!nal Sch!!l

Catbalogan City

Se)(e'*er +, -%$+

Mrs. #race . Ber'/n!

Research Adviser  ABSTRAT


The research on the pineapple as an effective effective stain remover on clothes c lothes !t aimed to prod"ce stain remover o"t of a cheaper material and a nat"ral prod"ct that can be fo"nd at home as a s"bstit"te to a commercial stain remover The prod"ct is effective and nat"ral than the other brands of a stain remover for  clothes To prod"ce the #pineapple as stain remover for clothes$% the researchers first first ga gath there eredd all the the mat mater erial ialss an andd e& e&"i "ipme pment nt's 's ne neede ededd for the the st"dy st"dy The The prep reparatio ationn (as to prod"c "cee an eff effecti ctive stai stainn remo move verr for for clo clothe thes that the e)perimental pineapple as stain remover for clothes is incomparable to commer commercia ciall stain stain remov remover er in terms terms of its clean cleaning ing an andd cost cost accep accepta tabil bility ity *ineapple (aste is a by+prod"ct of the pineapple processing ind"stry and it consists of resid"al p"lp% peels and s,in These (astes can ca"se environmental environmental poll"tion if not "tili-ed *ineapple .Ananas comos"s/ is a fr"it (hich (as classified as a ripe and "nripe This (as "s"ally gro(n in a place (here temperat"re and the (eather  are cold The researchers cond"cted the st"dy on *ineapple and a,ing Soda as a stain remover The researchers gathered all information abo"t the said st"dy  Ananas comosus) combined The researchers therefore concl"de that *ineapple  0 Ananas (ith ba,ing soda as an alternative stain remover is efective% tho"gh it still needs a little scr"bbing before some stains disappear *ineapple contained moderate o)alic acid The researchers have observed that the cloth can become cleaner  or the stain can disappear completely if it is scr"bbed li,e the (ay everyone scr"bs their la"ndry clothes ased on the specific findings% even tho"gh the home+made stain remover  is comparable to the prod"ct sell in the mar,et even tho"gh it has some more implication

E34R5S *ineapple 7"ice% a,ing Soda



Sincere gratit"de is hereby e)tended to the follo(ing (ho helped and contrib"ted in ma,ing this investigatory pro7ect possible To the research teacher 8rs Ermelinda C Floretes for training and g"iding the researchers in ma,ing the investigatory (rite "ps Researchers parents% family and friends for the moral and financial s"pport% 9 advices  Above all to the Almighty one for the strength and (isdom in this academic endeavor The completion of this pro7ect co"ld not have been possible (itho"t the participation and assistance of so many people (hose names may not all be en"merated Their contrib"tions are sincerely appreciated and ac,no(ledged

Ta*le !2 c!n(en(s A*s(rac(





ha)(er $ 6 INTROD7TION Back4r!/n !2 (he s(/8


S(a(e'en( !2 (he Pr!*le'




Si4ni2icance !2 (he S(/8


Sc!)e an Li'i(a(i!n


De2ini(i!n !2 Ter's


ha)(er - 6 REVIE1 OF RELATED LITERAT7RE Rela(e S(/ies


Rela(e Li(era(/re


ha)(er 5 6 MET:ODOLO#Y Ma(erials> E?/i)'en(


#eneral Trea('en( !2 Pr!ce/res


ha)(er @ 6 RES7LTS AND DIS7SSION Finin4s


Anal8sis !2 Da(a


ha)(er 9 6 ONL7SIONS AND REOMMENDATION S/''ar8












Back4r!/n !2 (he S(/8

*ineapple .Ananas comos"s/ "s"ally gro(s in a place (here temperat"re and the (eather are cold This is ab"ndant in the *hilippines partic"larly in ",idnon and this can be bro"ght in the grocery or in the mar,et This fr"it gro(s from 1+1: meters tall (ith ;0 more thro"gh shape and pointed that gro( from ;0+100 centimeters long s"rro"nding a thic, stem

*ineapple (astes s"ch as *ineapple peels and s,in can ca"se environmental poll"tion if not "tili-ed Recently there are investigations O*ec(ies #eneral O*ec(ies


+8a,e an alternative stain remover  S)eci2ic O*ec(ies $.

To prove the effectiveness of the *ineapple *eeling as a stain remover 


Compare the commercial prod"ct bet(een the homemade prod"ct

in terms of a. Effectiveness *. =eneral Acceptability 5. To ,no( ho( long% the d"ration is for the stain to be removed

 :8)!(hesis :!C

There is no significant difference bet(een the homemade stain

remover and the commercial stain remover :aC

There is a significant difference bet(een the homemade stain

remover and the commercial stain remover Si4ni2icance !2 (he S(/8

The importance of this st"dy is to s"bstit"te commercial stain remover to an alternative stain remover that can be made "sing nat"ral prod"cts 3e cond"cted this st"dy so that it (ill not ta,e m"ch time to remove stains on the clothes and so people (ill not spend too m"ch on e)pensive st"ffs that are not effective


Thro"gh this st"dy% the p"blic (ill be informed abo"t the effectiveness of  pineapple and ba,ing soda as a stain remover

Sc!)e an Li'i(a(i!n

This st"dy foc"ses on the ma,ing of a stain remover o"t of a pineapple  7"ice and ba,ing soda !t encompasses the proced"res of ma,ing "se of something that can be thro(n a(ay% b"t co"ld still be "tili-e This st"dy (o"ld be more comprehensive and meaningf"l if it covers all ,inds of stains to ,no( if pineapple 7"ice can remove a lot of stains The researchers started cond"cting this science investigatory pro7ect on >"ly 2016 in *onay's Residence% rgy 8"no-% Catbalogan City

De2ini(i!n !2 (er's $. Pinea))le& . Ananas comosus / is a tropical plant (ith edible


fr"it consisting of coalesced berries% also called pineapples% and the most economically significant plant in the romeliaceae family &pineapple acts as an effective stain remover !s one of the component

that is high in o)alic acid that can really remove stain 7

-. Bakin4 s!a& Sodium bicarbonate .!?*AC name s!i/' h8r!4en car*!na(e/ is a

chemical compo"nd (ith the form"la @aC4; !t is a salt

composed of sodi"m ions and bicarbonate ions Sodi"m bicarbonate is a (hite solid that is crystalline b"t often appears as a fine po(der !t has a slightly salty% al,aline taste resembling that of (ashing soda . sodi"m carbonate/ &  Acts as a reactant to pineapple !s an effective for cleaning and removing different stains


Rela(e S(/ies



This is not an investigatory pro7ect beca"se there (ere no ne( methods introd"ced to improve the effectively of Calamansi in removing stains o(ever% if  revisions and innovations abo"t the prod"ct and its process (ill be introd"ced% it (ill be a good Research The !nvestigatory *ro7ect on CABA8A@S! as STA!@E5 RE84ER (as cond"ct to determine the alternative prod"ct in removing the stain in dress This investigatory pro7ect research specifically aims 1To ma,e an alternative prod"ct in -onro)
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