Feasib Survey Questionnaire Students

June 30, 2018 | Author: Marielle Buscato | Category: Business
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Short Description

The Feasibility of the Establishment of a Co-working Space Hub in Dumaguete City A questionnaire for Students...


Silliman University College of Business Administration Dumaguete City Questionnaire A: For Students Date: Dear Respondents, We are senior management students from the College of Business Administration, Silliman University, who are presently conducting a study entitled “ A Feasibility Study on the Establishment of a Coworking Space Hub in Dumaguete City .” In this regard, we humbly request for a few minutes of your time to accomplish this survey. Please feel assured that your anonymity and the information you provide will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

A coworking space hub is a shared, communal, relatively low-cost, membership-based office for freelancers, writers, students, entrepreneurs, telecommuters and other independent workers. It has open workspaces and shared desks, exposing  people to different wa ys of working and alternate business, thus fostering opportunities for collaboration, creativity and boosts in productivity at the same time letting them escape the distractions of home.

Thank you very much! Respectfully yours,


Ramirez, Ann Rae

Daligdig, Faith Christine

Sindiong, Denver

Fetalvero, Jeff Robert

Wee, Hannah Gail



Majestrado, Madeline Joy

4.  Noted by:

Dr. Gloria G. Futalan Adviser


Instructions: Please put a check mark (✔) on the box provided for each item.  Name (Optional): _________________ _________________ School: ______________________ __________________________ ____ Year & Course: ___________________ ___________________ Age: ___ Gender: ___

Buscato, Marielle


Have you heard of a coworking space? Yes □ □  No Do you think a distinct place for studying would work well for you? Yes □ □  No Where do you usually study? My room □ Library □ Coffee shop □ Fastfood chain □ Student lounge □ Empty classroom □ Others (please □ specify):________________ How often do you study outside of your usual residence? Once a week □ Twice a week □ 3-4 times a week □ Everyday □ Every weekend □




What do you usually do when 10. Would you be willing to spend studying? (Please check all that extra money for a study space? (If apply) no, do not proceed) Make assignments, reports, Yes □ □ and/or presentations □  No Group discussion 11. How much are you willing to pay □ Research  per hour for a study space outside □ Review for an exam your usual residence? □ Others (please P30-P80 □ □ specify):____________________  P81-P120 □  _____________________  ___________________________ ______ P121-160 □ When do you usually study? P161 and above □ Morning 12. If a study space is available in the □ Afternoon city, would you be interested? □ Evening Yes □ □ Class breaks □ □  No At dawn 13. Where would be the ideal location □ What is your studying preference? for a study space for you? Alone Within downtown area □ □ With a friend □ □  Near the downtown area In a group Along the boulevard □ □ What amenities or services would Does not matter as long as it □ you want from a study space? is conducive for studying (Please check all that apply) Fast internet connection Please write down your comments/ □ speed suggestions on the proposed coworking Bigger accommodation space hub below: □ Attractive interior design  ______________________  ________________________________  __________  □ Quiet environment □  ______________________  ________________________________  __________  Meeting and lounge spaces □ 24/7 facility access  ______________________  ________________________________  __________  □ Air-conditioned □  ______________________  ________________________________  __________  Printing and copying facilities □ Availability of food and  ______________________  ________________________________  __________  □ drinks  ______________________  ________________________________  __________  Efficient security □ Others (please  ______________________  ________________________________ __________ □ specify):________________   _____________________  _______________________ __ How much is your budget for studying activities? P100 and below □ P101-P200 □ P201-P300 □ P301-P500 □ P501 and above □

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