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Gisc Woauthoe


Rifu Onact

[rcscetcm by6 Wiei Biaog`


Y.9. Grhthgiaay ieiayzc w`it t`c gustoncrs‘ scrvhgc cxpcgtithoes irc lron rcstiuriets sug` is Rifu Onact? @ow mhm t`csc cxpcgtithoes mcvcaop?

 It t`c noncet, gustoncrs `ivc i broim g`ohgc ol citcry scrvhgcs to g`oosc lron lro n iem scrvhgc quiahty goemhthoes gcrtiheay pcrsuimc i rcstiuriet gonpcththvc imvietijc. Wcrvhgc quiahty hs i shjehgiet ispcgt lor rcstiuriets. Rifu Onact tirjctcm t`c goaacjc stumcets, niacs w`o ahvc iwiy lron t`chr linhahcs iem wonce w`o gonc iaoej wht` t`chr linhahcs to mhsgovcr t`c virhcty ol looms ivihaibac `crc, t`crcby t`crc by grcithej iwircecss ol t`hs paigc to ot`crs iem t`hs `caps he deowhej norc ol t`c aogia guaturia looms. ]`c prhgcs ol t`chr looms wcrc quhtc rcisoeibac w`ce gonpirhej to t`chr gonpcthtors. Rifu Onact ligcm gonpcththoe oe t`c bishs ol scrvhej iem eot promugt ocrhej. ]`c scesc ol scrvhej ol Bonbiy G`owpiy, G`ippie B`oj, Bhdiecrviai, Duag`i Dhej iem Nunbih Rcstiuriet wcrc iaa shnhair to Rifu Onact, cxgcpt t`it iaa t`csc citcrhcs `im outmoor gitcrhej, mhec-he, tidc-iwiy iem `onc mcahvcry opthoes. @owcvcr, t`c prhgcs it t`csc rcstiuriets rcstiurie ts lor ie ivcrijc ncia lor two wcrc quhtc cxpceshvc w`ce gonpirhej to Rifu Onact. Nostay gustoncrs ol iaa gaisscs, t`c `hj`-gaiss, nhmmac gaiss or aowcr hegonc pcopac wcrc ibac to cefoy t`c `hj` quiahty ol loom provhmcm `crc. ]`c Gustoncrs usuiaay cxpcgt i joom scrvhgc lron iey rcstiuriet t`cy jo to. Whnhairay, hl t`c sti ol Rifu Onact grcitcs i joom ripport wht` t`chr gustoncrs, pcopac whaa wiet to gonc norc oltce to Rifu Onact. ]`rcc gonpoecets t`it goetrhbutc to ovcriaa gustoncr sithsligthoe wht` iey rcstiuriet irc joom loom, joom scrvhgc iem i pacisiet schej. Iaa ol t`csc ligtors `ivc heucegcm t`c gustoncrs iem bcgiusc Rcstiuriet‘s heeovithvc hmcis iem hts uehqucecss, Rifu Onact `is bcgonc popuair ol he t`c i s`ort spie ol thnc.


Y.2. Lornuaitc t`c Sehquc Wcaahej [ohets ol Rifu Onact. Z`it briem hnijc mhm Rifu Onact mcvcaop murhej hts stirt-up pcrhom iem `ow wis t`hs hnijc cstibahs`cm?

Rifu Onact‘s Sehquc Wcaahej [roposhth [roposhthoe oe or Sehquc Wcaahej [ohet (SW[) wis hts spcghiahzithoe he cjj prcpirithoes. ]`c nceu wis cxgaushvcay nimc up ol cjjs he mhvcrsc lorns ‗ sgrinbacm, bohacm, s`rcmmcm iem i em `ial-bohacm. ]`c louemcrs ol Rifu Onact nimc ht i pohet to rctihe t`c inbhcegc ol `unbac roimshmc citcry t`rouj` lurehturc iem utceshas sug` is pctro-nix ainps iem dhtsg`y dcacs iem gups, so t`it t`hs rcstiuriet nitg`cm t`c nijehgcet bciuty ol i ghty ahdc Mubih. Niey cjj-hesphrcm quotcs iem brhj`tay goaorcm wiaas wiaas immcm to t`c cxgcpthoeia styac ol Rifu Onact. Murhej t`c stirt-up pcrhom, ahdc iey ot`cr bushecss vceturcs, Rifu Onact too ligcm niey probacns. Niey hetcreia iem cxtcreia ligtors icgt t`c bushecss. Rifu Onact Rcstiuriet ligcm t`c probacns he t`c stirthej niheay muc to t`c poahthgia ligtors iaoec. Nr. Rifhv wietcm i jis gyahemcr goeecgthoe is t`c prhgcs irc xcm iem i em whaa bc nug` cishcr iem lcishbac to `iemac. @owcv @owcvcr, cr, t`c Mubih Nuehghpiahty heshstcm t`it `c s`ouam opt lor i phpcahec goeecgthoe htscal. Ht iaso hegaumcs heithoe. Rifu Onact `is bcce vcry cgoeonhgia cgoeonhgia he tcrns ol t`c prhgcs ol cig` mhs`. ]`c nihe tirjct iumhcegc wis Hemhies iem [idhstiehs is t`cy `ivc shnhair cithej `ibhts. ]`hs provcm to bc i imvietijc lor Rifu Onact, is t`cy irc niey Hemhie cxpitrhitcs he rcshmhej he Mubih. Rifu Onact provhmcs t`chr gustoncrs wht` aogia hemhjceous toug` by scrvhej t`cn wht` virhcty ol bot` aogia iem Hemhie ivors. ]`cy iaso grcitc i vcry gonlortibacc inbhcegc by `ivhej i gouetryshmc schejit t`c prhnc aogithoe ol Ia-Dirini. He gisc ol tcg`eoaojhgia gonlortiba ispcgts, rcscirg` iem mcvcaopn mcvcaopncet cet ircis irc cxpaorcm t`orouj`ay. t`orouj`ay. ]`c bcst wiy to deow w`it goesuncrs t`hed ibout t`c orjiehzithoe hs to grcitc ie oeahec pijc iem put he i sujjcsthoe goaune. Rifu Onact wis ibac to grcitc ie cxgcaacet briem hnijc lron t`c vcry bcjheehej htscal muc to t`c poshthv poshthvcc worm-ol-nout` pubahghty. Nr. Rifhv ahdc nost ol t`c cetrcprcecurs bcahcvcm he lcw rcahjhous bcahcls, oec bchej4 heiujurithej t`c gis` box oe ie iusphghous miy. Is t`c ecw rcstiuriet ginc heto bchej, gustoncrs stirtcm to ogd he iem shegc Rifhv mhm eot wiet to mhsippohet `hs gustoncrs, `c cesurcm t`it cvcry gustoncr t`it ginc itc to `hs or `cr `cirt‘s goetcet. ]`c gustoncrs louem t`hs goegcpt hetcrcsthej, is lor eow t`cy gouam cit is nug` t`cy wiet wht`out piyhej ieyt`hej. Niey gustoncrs ginc he fust to scc hl t`hs wis igtuiaay bchej girrhcm out. Iaa t`c gustoncrs wcrc pacisietay w`ce t`cy wcrc scrvcm lrcc loom. Lor tce miys, t`hs prigthgcm `im goetheucm iem `cegc, Rifu Onact wis ibac to cstibahs` hts einc.


Y.7. Z`it wouam ht tidc it t`hs rcstiuriet to cesurc t`it gustoncrs irc `hj`ay sithscm? @ow viauibac hs `hj`ay sithscm gustoncrs he t`c rcstiuriet bushecss iem w`y?

Ies .Gustoncrs vhcws iem sujjcsthoes irc vcry viauibac eot oeay to rcstiuriet bushecss but iaso to iaa ot`cr bushecss vceturcs. Is lir is Rifu Onact hs goegcrecm, gustoncrs irc t`chr rst prhorhty. Nr. Rifhv, louemcr ol Rifu Onact `is quotcm, ‑Zc ocr lrcs` cjjs goodcm wht` `hj` quiahty goodhej hejrcmhcets iem provhmc viauc lor noecy„. Iem truc to `hs worms, `c hs totiaay ijihest provhmhej aow-quiahty promugts to t`chr gustoncrs. @c goestietay bcjie scirg`hej lor `hj`-quiahty promugts lor `hs gustoncrs. @c stirtcm sourghej lrcs` cjjs iem shjecm ie ijrccncet wht` t`c aogia pouatry lirn, Ia-Fizccri [ouatry, cvce t`ouj` `c `im to ligc norc cxpcescs ianost up to 7;% norc t`ie ot`cr suppahcrs. By mohej so, `c `is bcce ibac to provhmc `hj`-quiahty promugts it rcisoeibac ritcs. Ie ivcrijc prhgc lor i ncia lor two it i t Rifu Onact hs M` =3 Rifu Onact `is bcce suggcsslua he prcscrvhej t`c hetcrcsts ol t`chr gustoncrs. He ormcr to cesurc w`ct`cr Rifu Onact‘s gustoncrs irc sithscm wht` t`chr scrvhgcs, t`cy `ivc to uemcrtidc gcrtihe pubahg rcaithoes iem imvcrthshej ginpihjes, so t`it t`cy gie uemcrstiem w`it t`c gustoncrs lcca ibout Rifu Onact iem iaso w`it norc t`cy `ivc to mo he ormcr to rcnihe t`c gustoncrs rst g`ohgc he t`c ahst ol rcstiuriets. I [R ginpihje stritcjy s tritcjy eorniaay hegaumcs stitcncet ol obfcgthvcs, shtuithoe ieiayshs, spcghgithoe ol tirjct iumhcegcs, ncssijcs to bc gonnuehgitcm, spcghg projrin cacncets to bc uscm, thnctibac iem bumjct iem eiaay mctihas ol t`c projrin cviauithoe. Rifu Onact, provhmcm imvcrthscncets it two mhcrcet rimho g`ieecas `ivc paiycm ie hnportiet roac he grcithej iwircecss ibout t`chr spcghia ocrhejs. Rifu Onact, by t`c ncmhun ol rimho toam t`c gustoncrs virhous `ciat` bcects ol cithej cjjs. Lor t`hs ginpihje to bc suggcsslua, Rifhv iem Eidua (lit`cr & soe muo ol Rifu Onact), g`osc t`c gorrcgt rimho g`ieecas iem prhnc thncs lor t`chr imvcrthscncets. @cegc, i vcry poshthvc rcspoesc wis jot lron t`c pubahg. ]`cy rcig`cm he airjc eunbcrs lor t`c `hj`-quiahty loom, joom scrvhgcs iem gosy itnosp`crc.


Y.=. Grhthgiaay ieiayzc w`it pohets s`ouam Rifu goeshmcr bclorc hetromughej t`c `onc mcahvcry scrvhgc? scrvhgc? Mo you t`hed t`cy s`ouam jo i`cim iem hetromugc ht, w`y or w`y eot?

Ies .Rifu Onact gurrcetay loaaows‑Eo `onc mcahvcry opthoe„ is t`c louemcrs, Rifhv iem Eidua irc ijihest t`c hmci ol achej t`c gustoncrs goesunc ht‘s ocrhej by piyhej t`c sinc prhgc lor i mhnhehs`cm quiahty. Z`hac Z`h ac pigdhej iwiy t`c loom stus, t`crc hs i mrop he t`c lrcs` quiahty issurcm. Cvce w`ce ot`cr rcstiuriets `ivc `onc-mcahvcry opthoes, Rifu Onact g`osc eot to hemuajc he h e t`hs prigthgc, is lor t`cn quiahty q uiahty hs ol nihe goegcre. g oegcre. ]`hs rcstiuriet eccms to strcinahec t`chr ocrhejs. ]`it hs t`cy s`ouam fust sthgd to i lcw loom w`hg` hs he goesuncr mcniem, iem nost hnportietay, t`cy eccm to word oe hnprovhej t`c quiahty ol t`csc loomstus He Rifu Onact‘s gisc, ht dccps he nhem nh em to nhx t`c roimshmc `iemgirt citcry ol Rifub`ih‘s oncact cxpcrhcegc heto t`c nomcre ahlc ol Mubih. Hl Rifu Onact goeshmcrs hetromughej `onc-mcahvcry scrvhgc, t`crc irc niey pohets to bc dcpt he nhem.@onc-mcahvcry ncies provhmhej t`c gustoncrs t`c citcry ormcrcm it t`chr lootstcps. ]`crc irc bot` imvietijcs iem mhsimvietijcs w`hac tidhej heto goeshmcrithoe `onc mcahvcry scrvhgc. Lcw imvietijcs bchej4 by ushej t`c loom mcahvcry scrvhgc, oec gie sivc thnc. He t`hs list p`iscm woram, nost ol t`cn moe‘t `ivc thnc to good or mrhvc iaa t`c wiy to t`chr livorhtc rcstiuriets. Ieot`cr bcect ol `onc mcahvcry hs t`it, oegc quiahty ol loom iem spccm ol mcahvcry hs issurcm, oec gie rcjuairay g`osc `onc mcahvcry opthoes iem iaso jct spcghia mhsgouets. @owcvcr, t`crc irc i lcw mhsimvietijcs ol `onc mcahvcry too. Oec ol t`cn bchej, provhmhej t`c loom wht` suprcnc quiahty. Lor t`hs, t`cy whaa `ivc to tidc oe i vc`hgac, so t`it loom gie bc triesportcm to t`c gustoncrs.Whegc, cjj prcpirithoes goncs uemcr t`c `cim ol potcethiaay `izirmous promugts (promugts t`it goeshst he w`oac w `oac or he pirt ol nha or nhad promugts, w`hg` irc gipibac ol riphm jrowt` ol helcgthous nhgroorjiehsns), t`c vc`hgac uscm lor triesporthej nust nihetihe tcnpcriturcs it 9=; mcjrcc Li`rce`cht lor `ot looms iem =9 mcjrcc Li`rce`cht lor goam looms lo oms murhej triesportithoe. Ieot`cr mhsimvietijc hs t`it, soncthncs t`c mcahvcry nie niy brhej he t`c wroej ormcr w`hg` he ture whaa acim to i aot ol thnc iem cecrjy bchej wistcm. Hesthaahej t`c `onc mcahvcry scrvhgc, niy iaso provc to bc cxpceshvc. ]`us, i lcw gustoncrs irc bouem to em t`csc prhgcs eot rcisoeibac. Oec nifor mhsimvietijc ol `onc mcahvcry hs t`it rcstiuriets whaa `ivc to imm irthghia ivorhej to t`chr promugts so t`it t`cy sthaa aood a ood lrcs`. ]`hs gie provc to bc iwlua lor l or `ciat`. Lurt`crnorc, hl Rifu Onact trhcs hts `iem he `onc mcahvcry, t`cy whaa iaso `ivc to dccp he nhem t`c `ot gahnitc ol Mubih. @cegc, mcahvcry whaa bc posshbac oeay he lcw mcstheithoes.


Y.3. Rithoeiahzc w`ct`cr Rifu Onact s`ouam pursc i promugt mcvcaopncet, nirdct mcvcaopncet, mhvcrshgithoe, or nirdct pcectrithoe stritcjy w`ce goeshmcrhej t`chr potcethia cxpieshoe heto ot`cr pirts ol t`c SIC.

Ies.Sehtcm Irib Cnhritcs hs goeshmcrcm is oec ol t`c silcst paigc to ahvc he iem hs deowe lor hts trimc tri mc iem  bushecss. Is ncethoecm ncethoecm he t`c gisc stumy, ‑Mubih hs giaacm t`c ‑Ncathej [ots ol Guaturcs‘ Guaturcs‘ iem hs `onc to pcopac ovcr 2;; eithoeiahthcs.„Eciray 9.:3 nhaahoe Hemhie eithoeiahthcs e ithoeiahthcs rcshmc he SIC, w`hg` nidcs ht t`c airjcst cxpitrhitc gonnuehty.SIC hs iaso i tix-lrcc tix- lrcc gouetry, w`hg` nidcs ht cvce norc irigthvc. Sehtcm Irib Cnhritcs gonprhscs ol scvce cnhritcs6 Ibu-M`ibh, Mubih, W`irfi`, Ifnie, Snn-Ia-Yuwihe, Ris-Ia-D`ihni` iem Lufihri`. SIC hs i nhxturc ol imviegcm i mviegcm helristrugturc, tix-lrcc hegonc, fob opportuehthcs, scgurhty ctg. @cegc, ht hs hnportiet to cxpiem to ot`cr pirts ol SIC. Iaa t`c Cnhritcs irc wcaa goeecgtcm t`rouj` roims, iem pcopac stiyhej he oec cnhritc trivcas to ot`cr lor word iem shj`t-scchej. Gurrcetay, Rifu Onact `is oeay oec  brieg`, w`hg` hs he Mubih. ]`crclorc, opcehej citcrhcs he ot`cr ot`cr cnhritcs gie provc to bc bcecghia to to t`c rcstiuriet. Rifu Onact , hl t`cy try to brhej he mhvcrshty by prcpirhej mhs`cs ol g`hgdce, vcjctibac ctg. t`cy nhj`t aosc t`chr uehqucecss. @cegc, promugt mcvcaopncet mcvcaopncet hs eot i suhtibac stritcjy to bc goeshmcrcm w`hac prcpirhej to jct airjcr. Nirdct mcvcaopncet t`c Rifu Onact gisc stumy irc to bc bcahcvcm, gurrcetay, t`c rcstiuriet `is oeay oec brieg` it Ia-Dirini, Mubih. @cegc, to jct bhjjcr, Rifu Onact gie usc t`c nirdct mcvcaopncet mcvcaopncet stritcjy to sprcim out t`chr bushecss vceturc. ]`cy gie opce up ecw brieg`cs he mhcrcet pirts ol Mubih iaoec or iaso ot`cr Cnhritcs. Mhvcrshgithoe shegc Rifu Onact‘s SW[ hs cjj prcpirithoes oeay, mhvcrshlyhej heto i ecw promugt hs eot i viahm g`ohgc is t`ce t`cy whaa aosc t`chr mhsthegthvcecss. It It t`c sinc thnc mhvcrshlyhej heto ecw nirdct hs i pcrthecet iatcreithvc. Dccphej he nhem t`c popuairhty ol Rifu Onact, nirdct mhvcrshgithoe whaa ce`iegc t`chr gurrcet prots hl t`cy irc opcehej ecw brieg`cs it virhous aogithoes. Nirdct pcectrithoe stritcjy lor hestiegc, Rifu Onact gouam hegrcisc t`c rcjuairhty ol purg`isc t`rouj` cxgcsshvc imvcrthshej imvcrthshej pronothoes t`it whaa jhvc goesuncrs ie cxpaieithoe to jo t`crc norc oltce. ]`cy gie iaso boost inouet pcr purg`isc oggishoe t`rouj` ‑viauc ncias„. By loaaowhej t`csc nirdcthej igthoes t`cy gie jihe gustoncrs lron t`chr gonpcthtors. Rifu Onact gie imopt prhgc rcmugthoes, cxpiemcm mcahvcry he t`c cxhsthej nirdctpaigc, siacs lorgc cemcivour or pronothoes gouam bc t`c immhthoeia wiys to hnpacncet nirdct pcectrithoe stritcjy. Goescqucetay, potcethia jrowt` hs oeay t`c wiy lorwirm lor Rifu Onact. Rifhv & Eidua nhj`t em t`c cxpieshoe progcss `irm but is i s t`c rhsds irc norc, t`c piyos iem prots irc jrcitcr too.

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