FCL Reflection
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Tepora, Chrisitian Jay E. Tepora, BSIT 2A
July 26 2015 The Gospel last July 26 2015 is John 6:115 !E"#ECTI$% This s&ene o' the loa(es an) the *sh is so+ethin li-e li-e an out)oor prayer ser(i&e. $r li-e the *rst open air ass/ Jesus 'ee)s in the or)inary a+on the people. Go) is inti+ately in(ol(e) in our li(es, 'ee)in an) tea&hin. Brea) 'ro+ hea(en +eans tea&hin an) 'ee)in 'ro+ hea(en. Three i lessons here: you are orthhile in Go)s eyes, eyes, alays. E(eryone is 'e). 3e approa&h the rea) o' li'e not e&ause e are saints, ut e&ause e nee) it. I really on)er shoul) anythin -eep us 'ro+ this tale i' e are )oin our est to li(e a oo) li'e. $ur o4erin is orth it. The le'to(ers on the shel', the sar)ines only the poor ate: the oy ha) no i)ea o' here his o4erin oul) lea). 3e ne(er -no here lo(e ill ear 'ruit. Go) is ith us in the or)inary the Go) o' the tale not the th e te+ple. 3here e are in li'e, he *n)s us, an) 'ee)s us +ost hen e are +ost e+pty. 3e ha(e lo&-e) people 'ro+ the tale o' Go) 'or too lon. An) ill 'ee) us alays +ore than enouh lo(e in the heart o' Go) 'or all. The +eal o' to)ay has laste), an) the Eu&harist is the &entral prayer an) a&ti(ity o' the &hur&h. 3e +inister the rea) o' li'e no to ea&h other. other. 3hat happens at ass e +eet the #or) Jesus, in his )eath an) resurre&tion ea&h ass is our enterin into this +ystery o' prayer an) lo(e 'or the orl). $' lo(e in a&tion 'ro+ Go), an)
Tepora, Chrisitian Jay E. BSIT 2A ser(i&e o' his people throuh all o' us ho ather toether in 'rien)ship ith hi+.
Auust 2 2015 The Gospel last Auust 2 2015 is John 6:275
Jesus is a +an 'or the 8I or) an) not in a oast'ul ay. 9e spea-s o' the rea) in the )esert, the +anna hi&h nourishe) the people in their an)erins. 9e uil)s on their elie' in a rea) 'ro+ hea(en, ut no that he hi+sel' is the rea). The rea) i(es li'e to the soul
$ur Christian 'aith is &entre) on a person, not on a oo-. The ospel is the oo- o' li'e e&ause it is the oo- o' Jesus. Jesus is our li'e e&ause he &o+es 'ro+ Go). So e &all this at ti+es the rea) o' hea(en.
3hat +ore or)inary ays &an hea(en an) earth e lin-e) than in the +ost or)inary o' 'oo)s. In another &ountry he +iht ha(e sai) he is the 8ri&e o' li'e. it +eans that in the or)inary e(ents o' our
Tepora, Chrisitian Jay E. BSIT 2A li(es, Go) is (ery near in Jesus. 9e +a-es his ho+e in us as the rea) e eat e&o+es part o' us.
The sa+e ith lo(e our 'aith lin-s alays hu+an an) )i(ine lo(e, an) hu+an lo(e o' all sorts is a share in the )i(ine li'e o' lo(e. Can e really elie(e this That the ne;t ti+e you really lo(e your &hil), your 'rien), your spouse or anyone in your lo(eli'e, you are rinin the+ a it o' Go)/ That is one o' the +ain reasons hy e ant to li(e in lo(e. That e lin- hea(en an) earth, )i(inity an) hu+anity, Jesus an) oursel(es,. Then the 8I o' Jesus e&o+es the 8e o' his earthly o)y an) presen&e no.
Auust < 2015 The Gospel last Auust < 2015 is John 6:151
%$ Jesus ha) a i insiht that people &a+e to hi+ e&ause Go) has so+ethin in the+ that )ras the+ to his +essae, to his personality an) to his sel'sa&ri*&in lo(e.
=eople as- shoul) e aptise &hil)ren hose parents )ont o to ass, shoul) they +a-e &on*r+ations i' they
Tepora, Chrisitian Jay E. BSIT 2A
are not pra&tisin any reular 'aith. There are +any ays o' loo-in at this, an) a &entral one is the elie' that the )esire 'or Go), 'or a sa&ra+ent or 'or prayer is i(en y Go). =ope "ran&is sees the openness o' e(ery &hil) to this lo(e o' Go): >E(ery &hil) ho is orn is a i't o' ?oy an) o' hope, an) e(ery &hil) ho is aptise) is a +ira&le o' the 'aith an) a 'east 'or the 'a+ily o' Go).@ .
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