Fce Teacher PDF

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C e r t if ic a t e

«• I W « v t i > -.m ail Iiiu iv iu u r t i JJHJUL* UI cl M lU S ld ilt l? SUCH

as sand. salt, or sugar 2 a. [singular] [+ofj a very small amount of a quality or feeling: a grain of truth There was more than a grain of truth in what he'd said. 3 [u] the arrangement, pattern, or direction of fibres in substances such as wood, stone, cloth, or paper: There were deep cracks along the grain of the wood. 4 [c] an old unit for measuring weight, equal to 0.065 GRAM

go against the grain to be completely different from what you fool is right, natural, or normal for you SA LT1

g r a in e d /g r a n d / adj with fibres in a clear arrangement.

fibres '.fine-grained rock 2 used with some adjectives for insist of small individual [mrse-grained salt -> c lo s e „ „„ ..re made up of small spots, usually because they are old: photographs shot with

S kills


F irst

I }


g r a m / gn-em/ noun [C] ★ a unit for measuring weight in the m e t r i c s y s t e m . There are 1.000 grams in a kilogram , g ra m m a r / gnem a/ noun ★ ★ 1 [u] the set of rules that describe the structure of a language and control the way that sentences are formed: errors in spelling and grammar ♦ the teaching of grammar ♦ The book covers all the essential points of English grammar. 2 [c] a book explaining the rules of a language: Did you borrow the Italian grammar? g ra m m a ria n /gro meorion/ noun [c] an expert in the study of grammar g ra m m a r .sc h o o l noun [c] 1 a school in the UK for children between the ages of U and 18 who have passed a special examination to be allowed to go there 2 Am E a P R IM A R Y SCHO O L

g r a m m a tic a l /g r o 'm ic tik l/ adj *

1 [only before noun] relating to grammar and the study of grammar: grammatical analysis ♦ grammatical errors 2 a grammatical sentence follows the rules of grammar

meaning. Examples are words such as ‘of and ‘for’, g r a m m e /gra*m/another spelling oi gram G r a m m y /'grieini/ noun [c] a prize given in the US

each year to the best performers and writers of music

T e a c h e r ' s

B o o k

C e r t if ic a t e S kills


F irst

Use of English

Malcolm Mann Steve Taylore-Knowles


(lj” n



W a r m -u p

Films - see page 29

D evelo p y o u r U se of E n g l is h s k il l s Note:

You m ay wish to draw students' attention now to the extra sections at the back o f their book as students m ay wish to refer to these regularly throughout this course:

• Exam Know-how

^ ^ M o v e m e n t a n d moving Ask students to circle the correct word to complete each phrase. M ove on to exercise E without revealing the answers. cruise speed trip way trip tour speed direction trip

border route ahead way take miss set off speed

• Key First Certificate Collocations and patterns • Phrasalperfect phrasal verb glossary and exercises • UCLES specimen Paper 3 answer sheets

Q D o s a n d D o n ’ts Ask students, either in pairs or individually, to write ‘D o’ or ‘Don’t’ in each gap to complete the sentences. Check answers. 1 2 3 4

Do Do Do D o n’t

5 Do 6 Do 7 D o n ’t

^ S i g h t a n d seeing

1 2 3 4 5

‘c atch vision o f is not a phrase in English.

audience spectators sightseers viewers witnesses

6 7 8 9 10

stare glance observe catch sight of glimpse

Choose the correct answer Ask students to read each passage quickly to get a general idea o f what it is about. Then ask them to circle the correct word to fill each gap, using the words in bold in the passages to help them. Check answers. Text 1 1 D 2 C 3 C 4 D 5 A


1 2 3 4

way trip missing direction

5 border taken speed off

I ^ T h o u g h t and opinion

Ask students to circle one word or phrase to answer each question. Check answers and check they understand the meanings o f all the words and phrases. Note:

J ^ C o m p l e t e t h e film r e v i e w Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a general idea of what it is about. Then ask them to write a word from the box in each gap. Point out that words can be used more than once and that one word in the box will not be used. Check answers.

Text 2 1 C 2 B 3 D 4 A 5 B

Ask students to complete the sentences by writing one word in each gap. Explain to them that the first letter o f the word is given, and that they should use the words in italics to help them. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5

impression mind view hold com e

6 7 8 9 10

change questioned reached head bear

Time Ask students to circle the correct word to complete each phrase. Check answers. 1 2 3 4

take spent that right

5 6 7 8

take passes first takes up

9 find 10 being 11 considerable


Ask students to write a-o in each gap to complete the sentences. Check answers. 1 h 2 m 3 f

4 k S 1 6 j

7 a 8 n 9 e

10 d 11 c 12 o

13 i 14 g 15 b

U s e

o f

E n g l i s h

S k i l l s


T e a c h e r ' s

B o o k

Q Choose the c o rr e c t answer Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a general idea o f what it is about. Then ask them to circle the correct word or phrase to fill each gap. Check answers. 1 2 3 4


5 6 7 8


G ram m ar

9 B 10 C 11 D


6 am living H 7 are getting J 8 contains C 9 had G 10 spent I

P hrasalperfect Note:

D e v e lo p y o u r U s e o f E n g lis h s k ills J P a t t e r n s : verbs a n d



am watching is always changing teach go am having

■ see page 29

Ask students to write a preposition in each gap to complete the sentences. Check answers.

Ask students to circle the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. Check answers. Now ask them to match each o f the sentences 1-10 with the correct explanation as to why the verb is in that form. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5

W a r m -u p

You m ay wish students to now complete Phrasalperfect I on page 151 o f their books. Ask students to read the example sentences. Ask students if they have an y questions regarding unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below. Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult the list o f phrasal verbs at the back o f their book. You m ay wish to set this exercise for homework.

1 2 3 4 5 6

from on on between of for

7 8 9 10 11 12

as in about on as of

13 14 15 16 17

of in on for on

| ^ C o m p l e t e the passage Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a general idea o f what it is about. Then ask them to write the correct preposition in each gap. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6

for in to from about on

7 8 9 10 11 12

of with at between as as

13 14 15 16

about in for on

Pa t t e r n s : a d j e c t i v e s a n d prepositions


Ask students to write the correct letters on the lines provided to match the sentence halves. Remind them to pay particular attention to the prepositions. Check answers.

1 look, up 2 come down with 3 brought, up 4 turned down 5 takes up 6 looked up to 7 bring up 8 take up 9 handed down 10 looks down on

1 h

4 1 5 b 6 c

2 j 3 a


7 k 8 d 9 f

10 e 11 1 12 g

Patterns: nouns and prepositions

Ask students to circle the correct word to complete each phrase. Check answers.

Ex a m 1 2 3 4 5


p r a c t ic e 6 7 8 9 10


“ see page 29 11 12 13 14 15


1 2 3 4 5 6

at in in at at on

7 8 9 10 11 12

on in at at in in

13 14 15 16 17 18

on for in on in on

19 on 20 in 21 on 22 for 23 in 24 in

25 in 26 for 27 at 28 of 29 in 30 of


Q Except

students if they have any questions regarding unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the

Explain to students that 'except' is not always followed by ‘for’, as it depends on the words that come next in the sentence. Ask students to choose the correct word to fill each gap. Check answers.

words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below. Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult








Complete the passage

Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a general idea of what it is about. Then ask them to write the correct word in each gap. M ove on to exercise G without revealing the answers. 1 2 3 4


on at of as

5 6 7 8

in for at in

9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

in in for in

at at on in

the list o f phrasal verbs at the back o f their book. You m ay wish to set this exercise for homework.

1 2 3 4 5

takes off look into gone off came into take off

Ex a m 1 2 3 4 5

as from in off instead

6 7 8 9 10

in to from depends between

” see page 29 11 12 13 14 15

P r a c t ic e E x a m Note:

Q Dos a n d Don' t s Ask students, either in pairs or individually, to write ‘D o’ or ‘Don’t’ in each gap to complete the sentences. Check answers. 1 Do 2 Do J Do

4 Do 5 D on’t 6 Do

G ram m ar

7 Do 8 Do 9 D o n’t


Ask students to circle the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. Check answers. Now ask them to match each o f the sentences 1-10 with the correct explanation as to why the verb is in that form. Check answers. saw walked knew had already arranged have been were discussing used to travel would drive was working, were sitting had been working


P hrasalperfect Note:



turned into go into go off took off go off

as made as of in


Ask students to discuss their answers to exercise F in pairs. You may also wish to do this as a class activity. Bring the students together to check their answers.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6 7 8 9 10

You m ay wish students to now complete Phrasalperfect 2 on page 151 o f their books. Ask students to read the example sentences. Ask


You m ay wish students to do Practice Exam 1 on pages 18 - 21 before moving on to Unit 3. This Practice Exam can either be done under exam conditions in class, or it can be assigned for homework.

P a rti IB 2 A 3 B Part 2 16 as 17 from 18 let 19 consist 20 the

7 D 8 D 9 C

4 B 5 C 6 A 21 22 23 24 25

its this able provide into

10 A 11 B 12 D 26 27 28 29 30

13 B 14 C 15 D

to in had / seen Like under

Part 3 31 looked up to 32 the (single) exception o f Harry 33 responsible for making sure (that) 34 if she realised how late 35 in case we are 36 is always putting me down 37 wish I had not / hadn’t left 38 look unfamiliar words up in / look up unfamiliar words in 39 have a talent for 4 0 tell the difference between Part 4 41 it 42 have 43 over 44 /

45 46 47 48

that / did out

49 on 50 / 51 more 52 such

53 to 54 with 55 /

U s e

Part 5 56 employer 57 ambitious 58 encouragement 59 security 60 imagination

61 62 63 64 65

(unit 3 W A R M -U P



E n g l i s h

strengthen proof training qualified unsuccessful


■ see page 29

Q Dos a n d Don 'ts Ask students, either in pairs or individually, to write 'D o' or 'D on’t’ in each gap to complete the sentences. Check answers.


Do Do Do D on’t

5 6 7 8

Don’t Do Do D on’t

9 Do 10 Don’t

The p a s s i v e voice

Explain to students that two schools have the same school rules, but one school writes them in the active and the other in the passive. Ask students to decide if the sentence on the right means the same as the one on the left. If it means the same, they should put a tick. If not, they should rewrite it so it means the same. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


T e a c h e r ' s

B o o k

5 I have not / haven’t taken an exam since December. 6 I have been doing my homework since seven o’clock.

Q C o n r f / f / o n o f s a n d unl ess Ask students to match the sentence halves to make sentences. Then ask them to match the meanings, A-F, with the sentences, 1-6. Check answers.

D e v e lo p y o u r U s e o f E n g lis h s k ills

1 2 3 4

S k i l l s

A jacket must be worn at all times. ✓ Pupils are expected to be polite to teachers. / All fees must be paid in advance. / Lunch may be eaten by pupils in the school canteen.

B C h a n g e s in t e n s e Ask students to rewrite the sentences using the tenses and the words given. Check answers. 1 I have been attending this school for three years. 2 John hasn’t visited his old teacher for two years. 3 I last had a music lesson / M y last music lesson was six months ago. 4 M r Platt has been working as a teacher for twenty years.

1c 2 f 3a

4 e 5 b 6 d

A3 B 1 C 2

D 5 E 4 F 6

fj^R e porte d speech Ask students to complete the sentences using the key word given. Remind them that they can only write between two and five words in the gap including the key word. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Anna if she had done accused Fiona o f stealing her school had been closed for apologised for not coming who the pen belonged denied breaking the window the class not to forget

Q Re sul t s Ask students to rewrite the sentences using the phrases given. Check answers. 1 I had to catch the bus to school because it was too far (for me) to walk. 2 Ours was / We had such a big school that you could easily get lost in it! 3 I got up early in order to finish my homework before school. 4 Andrew said his bad mark was a result of being tired during the test. 5 The failure of the school trip / The fact that the school trip was a failure was caused by the rain.

B Co n c e s s i o n Ask students, either in pairs or individually, to decide whether the statements are true or not. Check answers. Then ask them to rewrite the sentences using the key words given. Remind them to look at the true/false statements if they are not sure. Check answers. F, T, T, F, F, T 1 2 3 4

(our) not having many facilities although there are so many spite of our teacher’s trying despite the fact that he


Exa m


Ask students to rewrite the sentences using a different word from the box for each sentence. Remind them not to write more than five words in each gap. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5

must have been very tired long as you give it might not have heard what case we have should have done your homework

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

p r a c t ic e

see page 29

have not / haven’t seen Alison for are having our car repaired were such expensive CDs (that) not warm enough as long as invite Emma unless we call despite (his) having so have been learning Russian since was too hot for would fall if he was

J ^ C a u s a t i v e form Elicit the causative form from students (have/get sth done). Ask students to rewrite the sentences in the causative form, using the key words given. Remind them not to write more than five words in each gap. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5

having a new roof built to get my hair cut had our exam papers marked had my money stolen having our photograph taken

G ram m ar


Ask students to circle the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. Check answers. Now ask them to match each o f the sentences 1-6 with the correct explanation as to why the verb is in that form. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6

have have have have have have

known walked passed ever been been talking been living

1 2 3 4 5



6 7 8 9 10

W a rm -u p


see page 29

D e v e lo p y o u r U se o f E n g lis h s k ills Q D o s a n d D o n ’ts Ask students, either in pairs or individually, to write ‘D o’ or 'Don’t' in each gap to complete the sentences. Check answers. 1 Do 2 Do


1 2 3 4

You m ay wish students to now complete Phrasalperfect 3 on page 152 o f their books. Ask students to read the example sentences. Ask students if they have any questions regarding unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below. Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult the list o f phrasal verbs at the back o f their book. You m ay wish to set this exercise for homework.

put, down put down ran over take down turn over



3 Do 4 Do

5 D on’t 6 Do

7 Do 8 Don’t

Tick t h e c o r r e c t s e n t e n c e

Explain to students that one sentence in each pair is correct and one contains an extra word. Ask students to tick the correct sentence and circle the extra word. Check answers.

P hrasalperfect Note:

( u n i t

put, down to let, down settle down go over settle down

5 a up 6 a down 7 a in

b up b/ b/ b o ff

a/ a out a over a /

B Choose

b/ b/ b/

the c or r e ct answer

Ask students to circle the correct word to fill each gap. If no word is required, they should circle ‘no word’. Check answers. 1c 2b

3a 4 c

5c 6c

7b 8c

Q J Circle t h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a general idea of what it is about. Ask students to decide for each choice whether the word given is necessary or not. If it is necessary, they circle the

u s e



E n g l i s h

word. If it is not necessary, they circle the dash. Check answers. 1 with 2 -

3 on 4 -

5 6 -

7 off 8 -

0 C / r c / e t h e e x t r a wor ds Explain to students that there are one or more extra words in each sentence. Ask students to circle all the extra words. Check answers. 1 up 2 up, out 3 out

4 down, about 5 off, on 6 out

Q Complete the sentences Explain to students that four of the gaps in the sentences can be filled by the words in the box. In the other gaps no word is necessary. Ask students to write the words from the box in the correct gaps, and to put a dash where no word is required. Check answers. 1 down 2 -

3 up 4 off

5 6 through

S k i l l s

1 2 3 4 5

5 6 7 8

/ off down /

G ram m ar

9/ 10 /

Complete the sentences

3 into 4 up

5 6 up


Ask students to circle the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. Check answers. will become is going to hurt I'll take up I’m going to see I’m taking part She’s going to stay I’ll be playing I will have finished I will have been learning starts arrive


Ask students to complete the sentences either by writing a word or by putting a dash (if no word is required) in each gap. Check answers. 1 down 2 -

B o o k

P hrasalperfect

Read the pa ssage

out / / ✓

T e a c h e r ’ s

(off) wonder if I should take up a new sport. (over) players decided to take a break. (down) trainer let us go home early. (up) does you a lot o f good. (out) wanted to grow up to be a footballer.

Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a general idea of what it is about. Ask students to decide whether the words in italics are unnecessary words or not. If an italicised word is unnecessary, they write the word on the line. If it is not, they tick the line. Check answers. 1 2 3 4


7 away 8 -

Q R e a r r a n g e to make


Ask students to rearrange the words to make sentences. Point out that the first word o f the sentence has been given to them, and that one word in each set is unnecessary. Ask them to circle the extra word and write their sentences on the lines provided. Check answers.

1 2 3 4 5

You m ay wish students to now complete Phrasalperfect 4 on page 152 o f their books. Ask students to read the example sentences. Ask students if they have any questions regarding unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below. Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult the list o f phrasal verbs at the back o f their book. You m ay wish to set this exercise for homework.

let off comes off let, off wore off put, off

Exa m i 2 3 4 5

/ the on up /

6 7 8 9 10

P R A C T IC E 6 up 7 on 8/ 9 across 10/

get through put, through puts, off flicked through turn off

- see page 29 11 12 13 14 15

over up it in /

R e v is io n T e s t : U n it s Note:

1 -4

You m ay wish students to do the photocopiable Revision Test. Units 1-4 on pages 30 - 32 o f this Teacher’s Book before m oving on to Unit 5. We recommend this test being done under exam conditions in class.


A 1 2 3 4 5

C 1 2 3 4 5

for on in from of

6 7 8 9 10

in of of on for

11 12 13 14 15

in in on for on

mind decision conclusion impression head

6 7 8 9 10

take spend find pass take up

11 12 13 14 15

fee profit subscription receipt income

glanced spectators witnesses sight trip

6 7 8 9 10

cruise miss border trip off

11 12 13 14 15

Bear first way charge being

D 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

must be paid are not / aren’t allowed have not / haven’t seen Fiona moved here was not / wasn't ill, she would / she’d go had not / hadn’t been ill, she would /she’d have gone for not sending / having sent her breaking / having broken such a boring film too windy (for us) not studying / having studied though she is shy have been pleased should have helped is being built

P r a c t ic e E x a m Note:

P a rti 1C 2 A 3 C






W a r m -u p


- see page 29

D e v e lo p y o u r U se o f E n g lis h s k ills J Which w o r d ? Ask students to circle the correct word to answer each question. Check answers.


You may also wish students to do Practice Exam 2 on pages 34 - 37 before moving on to Unit 5. This Practice Exam can either be done under exam conditions in class, or it can be assigned for homework.

1b 2b 3a

4 c 5a 6b

7 b 8b 9c

10a 11 c

them negative 7 A 8 B 9 C

4 A 5 D 6 D

Part 2 16 Although 17 much 18 until 19 used 20 with


Part 3 31 have put the match off / have put off the match 32 nothing but watch 33 1 had better 34 is no point (in) 35 has been an increase of 36 is / has been two months since 37 succeeded in persuading 38 being unable to speak French 39 had a quick look 40 refused to put up Part 4 51 / 41 which 46 to 52 / 42 on 47 getting 53 to 43 / 48 / 54 / 44 than 49 there 55 one 45 had 50 itself Part 5 61 responsibility 56 enjoyable 62 honesty 57 broaden 63 rapidly 58 educational 64 majority 59 viewers 60 neighbourhood 65 highly

21 22 23 24 25

these However being were the

10 B 11 D 12 B 26 27 28 29 30

13 A 14 B 15 C In / During a which like of

Ask students to complete the gaps with the negative forms of the adjectives. Remind students that, in each case, they will have to add a prefix onto the adjective to make it negative. Check answers. 1 2 3 4

unattractive unhelpful illegal impossible

5 6 7 8

unemployed impatient inaccurate uncomfortable

U s e

o f

E n g l i s h

B Complete the table Ask students to circle the correct negative noun to complete the table. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6

disadvantage disapproval impossibility unhappiness disobedience impatience

7 8 9 10 11 12

inability untidiness disbelief dishonesty insecurity uncertainty

Q J p /n d t h e verbs Explain to students that three of the verbs in the box cannot be made negative by adding the prefix ‘dis-’. Ask students to write these verbs, and their negative forms, on the lines provided. Check answers. 1 dress 2 pack 3 screw

undress unpack unscrew


S k i l l s

T e a c h e r ' s

B o o k

on the lines provided, encouraging them to give as much information as possible. M ove on to exercise J without revealing answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

adjective - must be negative verb adjective - must be negative adjective adverb adjective - must be negative adjective pronoun - must be reflexive referring to T adjective verb adjective adjective - must begin with a vowel (because of ‘an’ before) 13 pronoun / noun 14 adverb 15 verb

Q Find t h e o d d o n e o u t

Q Discuss

Ask students to circle the word in each group which is not the negative form of a positive word. Check answers.

Bring students together to discuss their answers to exercise I. Accept all logical, sensible suggestions.

1 imprisoned 2 unless

3 disturb 4 invaluable

5 aboriginal 6 illustrated

0 D o 5 a n d D o n ’ts Ask students, either in pairs or individually, to write ‘Do’ or ‘Don't’ in each gap to complete the sentences. Check answers. 1 Do 2 Do

3 Do 4 Do

5 Don't 6 Do

7 Do 8 Don’t

3 R e a d a n d wr i t e t r u e or

f al se

Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a general idea o f what it is about, ignoring the gaps. Ask students to decide whether the statements are true or not. M ove on to exercise H without revealing answers. 1 F






Complete the gaps

Ask students to use the words given to complete the gaps in the paragraph. Point out that all the words need a prefix, that they may also need to change other parts o f the word and that all of the words are negatives, apart from two. Remind students to read through the paragraph again when they have filled in all the gaps to make sure it makes logical sense. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

impossible disapprove unenthusiastic uncomfortable especially unrecognisable unattractive myself

f l y y / i a f ki nd o f w o r d ? Ask students, either individually or in pairs, to look at the passage again and decide what kind of word fills each gap. Ask students to make notes

unpopular disappear impatient independent nobody unbelievably dislike

G r a m m a r FOCUS Ask students to complete the table. Check answers.

B Discuss

Ask students to discuss their answers to exercise G in pairs. If you wish, this can be done as a class activity. Check answers.

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1 syllable adjectives: 1 or 2 syllable adjectives ending in -y : adjectives with 2 or more syllables:

Adjective large fat happy

Comparative larger fatter happier

comfortable more comfortable

Superlative largest fattest happiest

m ost comfortable


Irregular Adjectives/Determ iners Comparative Superlative Adjective / determiner better best good worst bad worse farther or far farther or further farthest more m ost m uch / many least little (= not much) less Irregular Adverbs N o rm al N orm al adjective adverb good well bad badly

Comparative adverb better worse

Superlative adverb best worst

P hrasalperfect Note:

1 2 3 4 5

You m ay wish students to now complete Phrasalperfect 5 on page 153 o f their books. Ask students to read the example sentences. Ask students if they have any questions regarding unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below. Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult the list o f phrasal verbs at the back o f their book. You m ay wish to set this exercise for homework.

throw away passed away look after do away with named after

6 takes after 7 get away 8 chased after 9 gave away 10 asked after

E X A M P R A C T IC E 1 2 3 4 5


6 7 8 9 10

disagreements invaluable unprofessional behaviour themselves





W a r m -up

- see page 29 logically unwilling meeting understanding solution


- see page 29

7// ime

Ask students to match the sentence beginnings with their endings. Check answers. Ask students to look at the question in the exercise rubric. Elicit answers. Accept all sensible, logical suggestions. Ensure students understand that 'spend time’


w h e re a s 'p a s s t h e t im e ' e m p h a s is e s t h a t y o u d o

something to prevent yourself from becoming bored. 2 a

1 d

4 e

3 b

5 c

Q Complete the p a t t e r n s Ask students to look at exercise A again and then complete the patterns by circling the correct words or phrases. Check answers. 1 passes 2 takes

3 to do 4 doing

B Obligation

5 doing

and ability

Ask students to use the words from the box to complete the sentences. Check answers. 1 capable 2 arrange

3 let 4 cause

5 make 6 able

7 allow

Q Complete the p a tte rn s Ask students to look at exercise C again and then complete the patterns by circling the correct words or phrases. Check answers. 1 do 2 to do 3 to do

4 do 5 to do 6 o f doing

7 to do

Q Obligation and ability

(passive form)

Ask students to read the sentences and decide whether they are grammatically correct or not. Students tick or cross as appropriate. Check answers. 1 / 2 /

3 / 4 X

5 / 6 /

Q Complete the p a tte rn s

D evelo p y o u r U se of E n g l is h s k il l s □

emphasises how long you do something for,

Ask students to look at exercise E again and then complete the patterns by circling the correct words or phrases. Check answers. 1 to do 2 to do 3 to do 4 rented

B Spe e c h

Ask students, either individually or in pairs, to write the verbs from the box next to the grammatical patterns the verbs can take. Point out that most o f the verbs take more than one pattern. Check answers.

U s e

o f

E n g l i s h

announce, approve, claim, mention, say, suggest, tell announce, suggest, mention, say tell agree, announce, claim, suggest, pretend, mention, say convince, inform, persuade convince, tell, persuade agree, claim, pretend convince, tell, persuade approve suggest, mention agree, announce, claim, suggest, mention, say agree

S k i l l s

G ram m ar

IE 2 H

4 b 5 g 6 i

7 d 8 f 9 h

n C o m p / e f e the p a t t e r n s

1 to do 2 in doing 3 something

4 to do 5 6 doing

7 to, doing 8 in, doing 9 doing

Q Bl ame Ask students to complete the sentences using the words from the box. Point out to students that they can use each word more than once. Check answers. 1 2 3 4

fault blame blame / criticise blame / criticise

5 6 7 8

accuse blame charge blame

Complete the p a tte rn s

Ask students to look at exercise J again and then complete the patterns by circling the correct words or phrases. Check answers. 1 for 2 on

3 for 4 on

5 for 6 with

7 of 8 with

Q C /io o s e the co rrect answer Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a general idea of what it is about. Ask students to circle the correct word to fill each gap. Check answers. IB 2 A

3 C 4 D

5 A 6 D

7 A 8 D


3A 4J

5 C 6 B


9 A 10 D

71 8 G

9D 10 K

11 F

You m ay wish students to now complete Phrasalperfect 6 on page 153 o f their books. Ask students to read the example sentences. Ask students if they have any questions regarding unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below. Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult the list o f phrasal verbs at the back o f their book. You m ay wish to set this exercise for homework.

1 handed out 2 run out o f 3 put out 4 pop in 5 drowned out

Ask students to look at exercise H again and then complete the patterns by circling the correct words or phrases. Check answers.

B o o k

P hrasalperfect

Ask students to match the sentence beginnings with their endings. Check answers. 1c 2 a 3 e

T e a c h e r ' s

Ask students to match each example sentence with a reason A-K why the modal verb in each sentence has been used. Students write the letters on the line. Check answers.

Re s u l t s a n d suc ce s s


Ex a m 1 2 3 4 5


6 handed in 7 stand in for 8 bring out 9 pull in 10 cross out

p r a c t ic e 6 7 8 9 10


P r a c t ic e E x a m Note:

- see page 29 11 12 13 14 15



You m ay wish students to do Practice Exam 3 on pages 50 - 53 before moving on to Unit 7 This Practice Exam can either be done under exam conditions in class, or it can be assigned for homework.

P a rti 1 B 4 D 7 B 10 B 2 A 5 A 8 A 11 D 3 C 6 D 9 C 12 C Part 2 16 which / that 21 very / that 26 17 of 22 though 27 18 being 23 where 28 19 the 24 anywhere 29 20 all 25 for 30 Part 3 31 be a better spot than 32 had a discussion about where 33 only a few 34 as old as 35 to have our car serviced

13 A 14 B 15 D are a whole have to


36 deserve to fail 37 am used to driving 38 has a tendency to worry 39 wish I had visited 40 might not have heard Part 4 41 it 46 on 47 to 42/ 48 much 43 that 49/ 44 the 50 been 45 was P a rtS 56 similarities 57 instantly 58 effective 59 practical 60 relatively

to fill the gaps using the prepositions from the box. Point out that they will have to use some prepositions more than once. Check answers. 1 in 2 in 3 over 51 / 52 like 53 be 54/ 55 see 61 62 63 64 65

suitable incorrectly explanation development unexpected


W a r m -u p

Food and Drink

- see page 29

D e v e lo p y o u r U se of E n g l is h s k il l s

Ask students to complete the sentences using the words from the box. Point out that they may use the words more than once, and that there may be more than one answer for some sentences. Check answers.


when who where who / that

5 6 7 8

which which where which / that

9 10 11 12

what whom whose which

M o d a l verbs

Ask students to complete the sentences by writing one word in each gap. Point out that one of the gaps in each sentence requires a modal verb, and that there may be more than one possibility for some gaps. Check answers. 1 2 3 4

should, each would, were the, had / used would, if

5 would / might, what 6 been, would 7 have / ought, them

B Prepositions Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a general idea of what it is about. Then ask students


10 in 11 on 12 on

Q Comparisons

1 than 2 much

3 more 4 to

5 as 6 much

7 enough 8 too

Q Pronouns and possessive


Ask students to circle the correct words to complete each sentence. Check answers. 2 b

3 a

4 b


Q Au x i l i a r y verbs Ask students to complete the sentences using an appropriate form of ‘have’, ‘do’ or ‘be’. Check answers. 1 been 2 does


3 had 4 have

5 be 6 be

7 was 8 having

9 does 10 being


Ask students to circle the correct word to complete each sentence. Check answers.

'^ R e l a t i v e pronouns

1 2 3 4

7 at 8 down 9 on

Ask students to write one word in each gap to complete the sentences. Check answers.



4 From 5 on 6 In

1 the 2 a

3a 4 the

5 one 6 a

Q Find t h e mi s si ng wor ds Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a general idea o f what it is about. Then ask students to write one word in each gap. Point out that the type o f word they require is given before the gap. Check answers. 1 their 2 in 3 which

4 them 5 the 6 into

G ram m ar

7 Having 8 its 9 can

10 have 11 for 12 be


Ask students to circle the correct modal verb to complete each sentence. Then ask students to circle the correct description of the sentence’s meaning. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5

should could may needn’t can’t

a b b b a

6 7 8 9

would must ought to might

b a a a

U s e

o f

E n g l i s h

P hrasalperfect Note:

unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below. Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult the list o f phrasal verbs at the back o f their book. You m ay wish to set this exercise for homework.

come up with passes out pull out made out set up

Ex a m 1 2 3 4 5


much be when has than



6 7 8 9 10

6 7 8 9 10




W a r m -u p

turned up make out make up make out make up

11 12 13 14 15

a these by had so

The M edia

Q C o m p l e t e t h e p h r a s a l verbs Ask students to complete the sentences using the verbs from the box. Point out that they will need to use some o f the verbs more than once. Check answers. 6 7 8 9 10

took looked pulled put ran

f^ M a tc h

C 8 D 5

E l F 4

G 2 H 6

1 is often taken for 2 cut down on 3 put up with your rudeness 4 you put me through

5 took place 6 look up to 7 you put me up 8 have run out of

Ask students, either in pairs or individually, to write as many nouns from the verbs as they can think of on the lines provided. Check answers. 1 2 3 4

application, applicant visit, visitor song, singer swim, swimmer, swimming 5 (dis)appearance 6 (dis)agreement

1 (in)accuracy 2 difficulty 3 (ir)responsibility

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

(mis)behaviour permit, permission discussion solution description tendency intention

13 | 9

4 (un)kindness 5 rudeness

f l C i r c / e t h e c o r r e c t words Ask students to circle the correct words to complete the phrases. Check answers. 1 2 3 4

Ask students to look at exercise A again and match the phrasal verbs in exercise A with the verbs and phrases in exercise B that mean approximately the same thing. Check answers. A 7 B IO

Ask students to complete the sentences using the key words given. Point out that all of these sentences contain phrasal verbs. Remind them they must write between two and five words for each sentence, including the key word. Check answers.

Ask students, either in pairs or individually, to write as many nouns from the adjectives as they can think o f on the lines provided. Check answers.

- see page 29

put cut took turned put

B o o k

Q No u n s f r om a d j e c t i v e s

D e v e lo p y o u r U s e o f E n g lis h s k ills

1 2 3 4 5

T e a c h e r ’ s

^ j N o u n s f r om verbs

■ see page 29

the such to out which


Q Complete the sentences

You m ay wish students to now complete Phrasalperfect 7 on page IS4 o f their books. Ask students to read the example sentences. Ask students if they have any questions regarding

1 2 3 4 5

S k i l l s

have, in have, about find, to give, of

5 have, for 6 be, with 7 have, to do

Complete the sentences

Ask students to complete the sentences using the key words given. Remind them they must write between two and five words for each sentence, including the key word. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6

many applicants / applications for following their appearance had difficulty in arranging has a tendency to ask find a solution had a discussion about


C o m p l e t e t h e wor ds

Ask students to complete the words (the first letter has been given to them) so that the second sentence means the same as the first. Check answers. 1 2 3 4

wonder interest look necessary

5 6 7 8

note attention blamed permission

Q Complete the sentences Ask students to use the words from the box to complete the sentences. Check answers. 1 2 3 4

lend work hear arrive

5 receive 6 go 7 remember 8 tell

1 dropped out

6 backed out

2 tu rn e d o u t


Ex a m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Q Complete the se ntences Ask students to complete the sentences using the key words given. Remind them they must write between two and five words for each sentence, including the key word. Check answers. 1 2 3 4

not like Dave to be tell the difference between did not / didn’t remember to cancel still hasn’t / has not /haven’t / have not sent me 5 did not / didn’t let me go

G ram m ar


Ask students to circle the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences on the right. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

was was had hadn’t, that had been thought, would could had

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

might not to, was it had felt we couldn’t wanted would, the next day run

P hrasalperfect Note:


You m ay wish students to now complete Phrasalperfect 8 on page 154 o f their books. Ask students to read the example sentences. Ask students if they have any questions regarding unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below. Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult the list o f phrasal verbs at the back o f their book. You m ay wish to set this exercise for homework.

is g e t t in g o n

8 went on 9 break out 10 went on

3 gets on 4 take on 5 break out

p r a c t i c e “ see page 29 never forget Harry’s kindness as good a swimmer as behaviour was so bad have not received any applications it really difficult to accept described in detail has taken a careful look has (the) responsibility for dealing put up with your rudeness has turned down the offer / has turned the offer down

R e v is io n T e s t : U n it s 5 - 8 Note:

You m ay wish students to do the photocopiable Revision Test: Units 5-8 on pages 33 - 35 o f this Teacher's Book before moving on to Unit 9. We recommend this test being done under exam conditions in class.

A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

inability disprove impatient inefficient insecurity unemployed unhelpful abnormal

B 1 2 3 4 5

a b b b c

6 c 7c 8b 9a 10 a

11 12 13 14 15

b b c b b

C 1 2 3 4 5

up after on up down

6 7 8 9 10

up up through out after

11 12 13 14 15

down down out on after

D 1 2 3 4 5

over much a does would

6 7 8 9 10

yours; had to wheni of

11 12 13 14 15

which what whom been one

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

disagreement inaccurate uncomfortable disobedience illogical disbelief disapproval

U s e

P r a c t ic e E x a m Note:

o f

E n g l i s h


You may also wish students to do Practice Exam 4 on pages 66 - 69 before moving on to Unit 9. This Practice Exam can either be done under exam conditions in class, or it can be assigned for homework.

Part 1 IB 4 A 7 C 2D 5 A 8 B 3 C 6 A 9 D Part 2 16 to 20 rid 17 been 21 up 18 as 22 before 19 a 23 them

10 D 11 C 12 D 24 25 26 27

than in be which

13 A 14 C 15 A 28 make 29 It 30 why

Part 3 31 not really interested in 32 wish you would not / wouldn’t spend 33 Kay liked / enjoyed most 34 told him not to leave 35 made a note of 36 don’t you let Tony 37 as long as you promise 38 took place even though 39 was an American who invented 40 do not / don’t belong to Part 4 41 did 45 what 49 / 53 to 42 / 46 that 50 of 54 do 43 / 47 off 51 / 55 will 44 part 48 will 52 a Part 5 56 importance 57 knowledge 58 worldwide 59 protection 60 scientific

61 62 63 64 65

boredom psychological variety daily unconvinced

S k i l l s

1 2 3 4

a the a / a the a the


T e a c h e r ’ s

5 6 7

b/ b of b/ b/

B o o k

b/ b the b more

a day a/ a/

0 F / n c / t h e e x t r a wor d Ask students to circle the extra word in each sentence. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5

of quite very more many

6 all 7 of 8 extra 9 than 10 much

» | Ci rcl e t h e c o r r e c t a n s w e r Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a general idea of what it is about. Ask students to decide for each choice whether the word given is necessary or not. If it is necessary, they circle the word. If it is not necessary, they circle the dash. Check answers. 1 all 2 3 -

4 5 though 6 far

7 8 9 -

10 11 -

Q Complete the sentences Ask students to write ‘o f in three of the gaps to complete the sentences. Ask students to write a dash (-) in the sentences which do not require a word. Check answers. 1-

2 of



4 of

5 of

6 -

You could discuss, as a class, how the sentences in exercise D that require 'of' are different to the others. Monitor the discussion. Accept all logical, sensible suggestions. Ensure students understand that o f ’ here is followed by a noun or a noun






W a rm -u p

phrase, rather than a clause (subject and verb).

The Weather

- see page 29

D e v e lo p y o u r U s e o f E n g lis h s k ills JT/c/c t h e c o r r e c t s e n t e n c e Explain to students that one sentence in each pair is correct and one contains an extra word. Ask students to tick the correct sentence and circle the extra word. Check answers.

J Re a d t h e p a s s a g e Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a general idea of what it is about. Ask students to decide whether the words in italics are unnecessary words or not. If an italicised word is unnecessary, they write the word on the line. If it is not, they tick the line. Check answers. 1 2 3 4

myself on / on

5 6 7 8

in about of of

9 / 10 o f


Q C h o o s e the c o r r e c t a n s w e r Ask students to circle the correct word to fill each gap. If no word is required, they should circle 'no word'. Check answers. 1 c 2b

J c 4c

Sc 6b

7c 8c

W a r m -u p

- see page 29

D e v e lo p y o u r U se o f E n g lis h s k ills

C o m p l e t e the s e n t e n c e s


Ask students to complete the sentences either by writing a word or by putting a dash (if no word is required) in each gap. Check answers. 1 2 -

£ n , , 1 O ' The Environment

3 to 4 -

5 6 as

7 though 8 -

F i n d the e x t r a w o r d

Ask students to circle the word in italics in each sentence which should not be there. Check answers. 1 other 2 else

3 one 4 other

G r am m ar

5 other


Ask students to circle for each sentence the correct explanation of the meaning of the words in italics. Check answers. Then ask students to circle the correct words and phrases to complete the rules. Check answers, la

2 b

1 who 2 which

3 b

4 b

3 where 4 put

5 don’t put 6 don’t use

J w h o f kind o f w o rd ? Ask students, either individually or in pairs, to write the kind of word that is usually formed from the given suffix. Point out that there may be more than one answer for some suffixes. Check answers. nouns verbs nouns, adjectives nouns adverbs adjectives adjectives nouns nouns, adjectives adjectives adjectives adjectives


nouns nouns, adjectives adjectives verbs, adjectives nouns adjectives nouns nouns nouns nouns, adjectives nouns adjectives


Ask students, either in pairs or as a whole class, to try to think of one more example for each suffix. Accept all sensible suggestions.

j W r / ' f e the c o r r e c t n o u n P hrasalperfect Note:

1 2 3 4 5


You m ay wish students to now complete Phrasalperfect 9 on page 155 o f their books. Ask students to read the example sentences. Ask students if they have any questions regarding unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below. Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult the list o f phrasal verbs at the back o f their book. You m ay wish to set this exercise for homework.

come on cut down on breaks down die down bend down

6 taken on 7 come on 8 carry on 9 brings on 10 close down


- see page 29

1 in 2 it 3 /

10 / 11 if 12 on

4 the 5 myself 6 the

7 to 8 she 9 that

13 hardly 14 / 15 very

Ask students to write the nouns from the verbs. Point out that the nouns either end in -ment or ‘-tion’ and that students may have to make other changes to the words. Check answers, achievement action addition agreement amusement announcement appreciation argument arrangement association competition construction conversation decoration development embarrassment

entertainment excitement explanation improvement information intention invention investigation involvement judgement measurement obligation observation organisation payment preparation

U s e

employment encouragement enjoyment

o f

E n g l i s h

production qualification variation

S k i l l s



T e a c h e r ' s



B o o k


c o n t a in e r a n d f r p p 7 p r a r e n o t p e o p U

Q W r / ' f e the c o r r e c t n o u n

l a W r i t e the a d v e r b s

Ask students to write the nouns from the verbs. Point out that the nouns either end in '-ance' or -ence and that students may have to make other changes to the words. Check answers.

Ask students to write the adverbs formed from the words given. Check answers,

appearance attendance correspondence difference distance disturbance evidence existence

importance independence insistence occurrence patience performance reference residence

Q C / r c / e the c o r r e c t n o u n Ask students to circle the correct nouns. Check answers. accuracy activity anxiety delivery fitness freedom inhabitant knowledge machinery

majority mixture popularity possibility repetition security tendency variety willingness



(u n )b e lie v a b ly

(a b )n o rm a lly

easily extremely generally

originally recently repeatedly

Q C o m p l e t e the s e n t e n c e s Ask students to write an appropriate verb in each gap by changing the word given. Check answers. 1 emphasise 2 tighten

Q C o m p l e t e the t a b l e

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

improvement distance consumption contribution organisations development production

Ask students to write one letter in each gap to complete the words. Then, ask them to circle the words which are not people. Check answers, inventor freezer



careless countless endless

enjoyable harmful helpful hopeful powerful

harmless helpless hopeless powerless

profitable successful suitable usable valuable


useless valueless

W r i t e the s u f f i x

Ask students to write an appropriate suffix to complete each adjective. Check answers.

C o m p l e t e the w o r d s

container director


comfortable countable desirable

Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a general idea o f what it is about. Then ask students to write an appropriate noun in each gap by changing the word given. Check answers. argument recycling achievement awareness pollution burning involvement appearance

5 widen

Ask students to write an appropriate adjective in the correct column(s) for each word. Point out that one of the words has an entry in all three columns. Check answers. -able believable

Q C o m p l e t e the p a s s a g e

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3 specialises 4 realise

customer sailor

researcher actor

1 2 3 4 5

attractive anxious effective practical industrial

6 7 8 9 10

expensive impressive political additional depressed


G ram m ar


35 wish I could come

Ask students to circle the correct option to complete the sentences. Then, ask them to tick the sentences a-c which mean the same. Point out that they may have to tick more than one sentence in each case. Check answers. 1 to support 2 that

a, c a, c

3 that 4 to cause

a a, b, c

P hrasalperfect Note:

You m ay wish students to now complete Phrasalperfect 10 on page 155 o f their books. Ask students to read the example sentences. Ask students if they have any questions regarding unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below. Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult the list o f phrasal verbs at the back o f their book.

36 (high / a b o u t) t im e T im le a rn e d

37 are thought to be hiding 38 put me through to 39 the (single) exception of Melissa 40 as well as bringing up Part 4 51 to 41 was 46 the 52 ✓ 47 S 42 of 53 have 48 out 43 / 54 for 49 did 44 the 55 too 50 of 45 there Part 5 61 arrangements 56 evidence 62 responsibilities 57 lawyers 63 activities 58 correspondence 64 currently 59 useful 65 unemployment 60 customers

You m ay wish to set this exercise for homework.

1 2 3 4 5

see, off bringing in get by give off come by

Ex a m 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

put, by turn in took, in fill in set off

p r a c t ic e

inhabitants popularity construction harmful countless

6 specialists 7 extremely 8 comfortable 9 secondary 10 growing

P r a c t ic e E x a m Note:

■ see page 29


You may wish students to do Practice Exam 5 on pages 82 - 85 before moving on to Unit 11. This Practice Exam can either be done under exam conditions in class, or it can be assigned for homework.

P a rti 7 C 10 A 13 B 1 B 4 A 14 D 2D 5 B 8 D 11 B 15 A 12 C 9 B 3 A 6 C Part 2 26 made 21 how 16 since 27 at 22 was 17 be 28 of 23 which 18 had 24 to 29 there 19 on 30 and 25 became 20 where Part 3 31 is not / isn’t interested in 32 must have been 33 nothing left in 34 is not / isn’t far from







I I Technology

W a rm -u p

- see page 29

D e v e lo p y o u r U s e o f E n g lis h s k ills J C h o o s e the c o r r e c t a n s w e r Ask students to circle the correct word or phrase to fill each gap. Check answers, la 2c


3b 4 c

5a 6c

7 c 8b

9 b 10 b

C o m p l e t e the p a s s a g e

Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a general idea of what it is about. Then ask them to circle the correct word or phrase to fill each gap. Check answers. Because Although even if otherwise though regardless of

3 C o m p l e t e the s e n t e n c e s Ask students to complete the sentences using the words from the box. Check answers. 1 better 2 further

3 rather 4 better

5 rather 6 further

U s e

0 f

E n g l i s h

S k i l l s

Q c h o o s e the c o r r e c t a n s w e r




Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a general idea of what it is about. Then ask them to fill the gaps using the words from the box. Check answers. 1 so 2 such 3 enough

4 better 5 too 6 rather

7 further

B o o k

Remind students iiiai, ir necessary, They can consult the list o f phrasal verbs at the back o f their book. You m ay wish to set this exercise for homework.


^ ^ C o m p I ete the p a s s a g e

T e a c h e r ’ s

unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below.

Ask students to circle the correct word to fill e a c h gap. Check answers. Id


1 2 3 4 5

taken aback give out fell for fall out fall for

Ex a m 1A 2 B 3D

4 A SB 6 B

6 7 8 9 10

make for leave, out come forward put forward bring, forward

p r a c t i c e “ see page 29 7 D 10 C 13 B 8 A 11 A 14 A 9 B 12 D 15 B

Q C / r c l e the c o r r e c t w o r d Ask students to circle the correct word to fill each gap. Check answers. 1 still 2 already

3 just 4 still

5 still

(T77712 W a r m -u p

H ealth an d Fitness

“ see page 29

J ^ C h o o s e the c o r r e c t v e rb Ask students to circle the correct verb to fill each gap. Check answers. lc




D e v e lo p y o u r U se of E n g l is h s k il l s


3 M a k e or d o ? Q j M o f c h to m a k e s e n t e n c e s Ask students to match the sentence halves. Check answers. lb



4 d


Q C / r c / e the c o r r e c t w o r d Ask students to circle the correct word to fill each gap. Check answers. lb



G ram m ar




Ask students to circle the letters to complete the sentences. Point out that there may be more than one correct choice for each sentence. Check answers. a, b a & c, a b, a & c a & b, b

Ask students, in pairs or individually, to write ‘make’ or ‘do’ on the lines provided. make make make make do make do make make make make make

make do make do make make do make do make make do

do make make do make do make make make do do make

m ake



do do

make do


0 / - / o v e or take? Ask students, in pairs or individually, to circle the odd one out for each set o f words and phrases.

P hrasalperfect Note:

You m ay wish students to now complete Phrasalperfect 11 on page 156 o f their books. Ask students to read the example sentences. Ask students if they have any questions regarding

1 a decision 2 pity on someone 3 the blame

4 difficulty 5 to do something


0 H a v e , or have an d take? Ask students to decide whether the words and phrases go with the verb 'have' or with both 'have' and 'take'. Ask them to write ‘have’ or ‘have/take’ on the lines provided. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

have have have have have have have have

/ take / take / take

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

/ take / take / take

have have / have / have have have / have / have

take take

M ain differences: • 'have a day o f f suggests the day off is given to you whereas take a day o f f suggests you choose not to go to work « have a job ' means yo u are not unemployed whereas take a job' means you accept a job offer • 'have something to d o ’ means you must do something whereas take something to do' means you take something with you to occupy you, e.g. take a book to read • 'have time to do som ething’ refers to the am ount o f time given to yo u whereas take time to do som ething’ refers to how long yo u need

| ^ C o m p l e t e the p a s s a g e Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a general idea of what it is about. Then ask students to fill the gaps using ‘make’, 'do', ‘have’ or 'take' in their correct forms. Check answers. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

took made had make do take make done made does had

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

made made made make have do makes have made

Q P hrasal verbs Ask students to circle the correct words to complete the sentences. Check answers. Note:


5 n o t h a v e a n y l e f t in s to c k

6 t h i n k &f,

invent, create 7 kill an animal because it's very old or ill, etc 8 become ill with 9 solve 10 recover from

1 2 3 4

on away o ff up

5 6 7 8

out, o f up, with down down, with

9 out 10 over

Ask students to write ‘take place’, ‘happen’ or ‘occur’ in each gap to complete the descriptions. Check answers. Then ask them to circle the correct verb to complete each sentence and to write it in the correct form on the line provided,

Ask students, in pairs or as a whole class, to look at the phrases in exercise C that go with both 'have' and ‘take’. Ask them to discuss whether the choice o f verb for each one affects the meaning.

made/took had have doing making doing making made doing had do

A s t a r t , fo r m , c r e a t e

G Take place, h a p p e n a n d o c c u r take take

Q Discuss

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

M ain meanings: 1 continue 2 put sth in the place where you usually keep it when y o u ’re not using it 3 disconnect

You could discuss, as a class, the meanings o f the phrasal verbs in exercise F. Accept all sensible suggestions.

Text 2 1 take place 2 occurs 3 occur 4 happened 5 happen

Text 1 1 occur 2 occur 3 happen 4 occur 5 take place

Q^ C o m p l e t e th e p a s s a g e Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a general idea of what it is about. Then ask students to write one word in each gap. Check answers. 1 2 3 4

up came down occurred

5 6 7 8

G ram m ar

on had did over

9 10 11 12

happens place sort / work take


Explain to students that each o f the sentences in the passive voice contains a mistake. Ask students to rewrite the words in bold so that the sentence is correct and to add any words that are missing, as appropriate. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6

are held is being treated has been used was hypnotised was being shown had been prescribed

7 8 9 10 11

will be informed going to be given will be cut off by with

P hrasalperfect Note:

You m ay wish students to now complete Phrasalperfect 12 on page 156 o f their books. Ask students to read the example sentences. Ask students if they have any questions regarding u n k n o w n v o ca b u la ry . T h e n a s k s t u d e n t s to w rite the

words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below.

U s e

o f

E n g l i s h

Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult the list o f phrasal verbs at the back o f their book. You m ay wish to set this exercise for homework.

1 2 3 4 5

bank on cut off caught on made o ff called off

Ex a m 1 2 3 4 5

6 show off 7 caught on 8 keep on 9 cut off 10 try on

6 out 7 of 8 come 9 not 10 becoming

R e v is io n T e s t: Note:

p r a c t ic e

more known to one There

see page 29 11 12 13 14 15

U n it s

have done as was told


You m ay wish students to do the photocopiable Revision Test: Units 9-12 on pages 36 and 37 o f this Teacher's Book before moving on to Unit 13. We recommend this test being done under exam conditions in class.

A 1 2 3 4 5 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

fitness explanation appreciation difference addition security knowledge anxiety

C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

inventor freezer repeatedly tighten industrial impressive depressed sailor

D 1 2 3 4 5

do made take have made

more the of of quite

6 of 7 of 8 all 9 else 10 to

11 your 12 of 13 o f 14 at 15 about

9 distance 10 competition / competitor 11 accuracy 12 majority 13 freedom 14 entertainment 15 evidence 9 emphasise / emphasize 10 successful 11 comfortable 12 hopeless 13 effective 14 contribution 15 useless

S k i l l s


T e a c h e r ’ s

P r a c t ic e E x a m Note:

B o o k


You may also wish students to do Practice Exam 6 on pages 98 - 101 before moving on to Unit 13. This Practice Exam can either be done under exam conditions in class, or it can be assigned for homework

P a rti IB 4 A 7 D 10 B 13 A 2D 5 C 8 B 11 B 14 B 3A 6 C 9 A 12 C 15 D Part 2 16 its 21 made 26 from 17 o f 22 the 27 since 18 that 23 for 28 been 19 out 24 as 29 allowing / enabling 20 had 25 all 30 out Part 3 31 were you I would use 32 at the age of 33 as a result of 34 accused Darren of breaking 35 in case it rains 36 you mind if I make 37 to have our house painted 38 has a tendency to get 39 put me up 40 was not / wasn't necessary for Ed Part 4 41 that 44 o f 47 ✓ 50 say 53 less 42 / 45 in 48 a 51 / 54 to 43 so 46 for 49 we 52 it 55 that Part 5 56 famous 61 photographers 57 entertainment 62 unacceptable 58 journalists 63 valuable 59 growing 64 inaccurate 60 unreasonably 65 obligation

13 |Transport

|u n i t i o

W a r m - u p ■ see page 29 D e v e lo p y o u r U s e o f E n g lis h s k ills Q A b i I i ty

6 Take 7 occurs 8 do 9 make 10 up

11 down 12 off 13 down 14 out 15 out

Ask students to tick the correct sentences and to rewrite those that are incorrect. Check answers. 1 2 3 4

/ Tanya is very good at driving. ✓ Darren didn’t succeed in catching the ferry.


5 Darren didn't manage to catch the ferry. 6 ✓ 7 Bob isn't really capable of sailing in rough weather. 8 It’s impossible for me to get there by four o'clock. 9 / 10 She wants to know if I can pick up the tickets for her.

11 / 12 /

13 Inga had difficulty (in) landing the plane. 14 /


Chance an d p r o b a b i l it y

Ask students to complete the sentences using the key words and patterns given. Point out that they may need to write more than five words for each one. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5

is no chance of the airport being has no chance of passing is unlikely (that) there are / will be is unlikely to arrive is no doubt (that) the tickets will be more

Q Responsibility Ask students to circle the correct words to complete the patterns. Check answers. Then ask students to complete the sentences using the key words given so that they all mean the same as the example sentence. Check answers. 1 to do 2 for doing 1 2 3 4

3 for doing 4 to do

is Kevin’s responsibility to check has responsibility for checking is responsible for checking is Kevin’s duty to check

J Preference and regret Ask students to complete the sentences so that they mean the same as the sentences, given. Check answers. 1 like taking the bus today / not take the bus today 2 like to learn how to skateboard / in learning how to skateboard 3 able to hang-glide / hang-glide / being able to hang-glide 4 why he hadn’t learned how to hang-glide before. 5 he hadn’t crashed his mother’s Porsche 6 he had driven more carefully / not driving / having driven more carefully


J Force, perm ission and recom m endation Ask students to tick the correct patterns and rewrite the incorrect ones. Check answers. 1 let someone do something 2 / 3 be allowed to do something 4 make someone do something 5 / 6 / 7 would advise someone to do something 8 had better do something 9 / 10 be no point (in) doing something 11 see the point (of / in) doing something 12 be worth doing something 13 / 14 / 15 it is (high) time someone did something 16 give someone permission to do something

C o m p l e t e the s e n t e n c e s


Ask students to complete the sentences using the key words given. Remind students that they must write between two and five words in each gap. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

wasn't / was not allowed to borrow had better wear were you I would is no point (in) getting see the point (in / of) getting (high) time you learned gave us permission to use

Time a n d re g u la rity Ask students to rewrite the second sentence of each pair correctly. Check answers. 1 How long did it take you to fly from London to Athens? 2 It took us an hour to walk to the garage. 3 Phil spent the whole flight complaining. 4 It’s unusual for Intercity trains to stop at this station. 5 Rebecca can’t avoid getting lost all the time.

O p in io n and discussion

Ask students to circle the sentence in each pair which does not contain any mistakes. Check answers. 1b

2 b

3 a

U 5 e

G ram m ar

0 f

E n g l i s h


Ask students to decide if the statements are true or false. Check answers. Then explain that each of the sentences contains a mistake. Ask students to rewrite the words in bold so that the sentence is correct and add any words that are missing. Check answers. IT 2F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

3 F 4 F

5 T

has cleaned are getting, delivered has had, stolen got, fitted was having, repaired had had, painted will have, towed are going to have, polished will have had, pulled by with

S k i l l s


T e a c h e r s

C . . .1 4 W a rm -u p

B o o k


- see page 29

D e v e lo p y o u r U se o f E n g lis h s k ills Q Conditionals Ask students to circle the correct option to fill each gap. Point out that for some gaps there may be more than one correct option. Check answers, lb&c 2b

3 a&c 4b

5b 6a

7a 8c

Q A u x ilia ry verbs an d m o d a ls Ask students to tick the correct sentence in each incorrect sentence. Check answers.

P hrasalperfect Note:

You m ay wish students to now complete Phrasalperfect 13 on page 157 o f their books. Ask students to read the example sentences. Ask students if they have any questions regarding unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below. Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult the list o f phrasal verbs at the back o f their book. You m ay wish to set this exercise for homework.

1 2 3 4 5

put on see, through sailed, through picking on pull through

Ex a m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6 think, through 7 getting on for 8 dawned on 9 grown on 10 see, through


* see page 29

didn’t / did not succeed in getting found it difficult to carry if / whether John could meet him has no chance of making are responsible for carrying didn’t / did not feel like doing regrets not being was made to sit isn't / is not worth you / your coming looking forward to going

1 2 3 4 5

a be a would a been a / a/ 6 a being 7 a/

b/ b/ b/ b got b had b/ b been

8 a being 9 10 11 12 13

a/ a can a/ a/ a/

b/ b being b / b did b to b have

0 R e / o f ; ive c l a u s e s Ask students to circle the correct option to complete each sentence. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5

who -

67 they


11 12 to 13 -

9 10 -

Q A r t i c l es Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a general idea of what it is about. Then ask students circle all of the articles (‘a’, ‘an’, or ‘the’) in the passage which are extra, incorrect words. Check answers. We’re studying @ )fashion a t@ )sc h o o l at the moment, and ^he) last week our teacher arranged for us to go on a trip to see a fashion shoot. It w a s @ very exciting! w e travelled Dy ^ c o a c n to an old quarry which hasn’t been used for@ )years, near a small village surrounded by (he)beautiful countryside. When we arrived, the photographer was just setting up his camera, and the models were putting on their make-up and generally getting


ready. It was a fashion shoot for a mail-order clothing @)catalogue. The weather was0lovely perfect for taking photos. We watched as the photographer told the models where to stand and how to pose. At the end of the shoot, which lasted (fh^four hours, he took a photo of us, with the models. I've got a copy of it framed on my bedroom wall. Then, we talked to the models for a while and they told us what(a)life was like working in the fashion @ industry. It was all(a)very useful information for my course and I realised that they don’t have an easy job to do. It was a very educational trip, and we all had(a)fun too.

correct sentence, whether the phrase in bold is referring to the past, now, generally, or the future. Ask them to write ‘past’, ‘now’, ‘generally’ or ‘future’ on the second line. Point out that they might need to write more than one time word on some of the lines. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

/ / / ✓ / / / ✓

X / / A / / / /

generally now / future now now now past

T im e


Ask students to circle the extra word in each sentence and write it on the line provided. Check answers. 1 have 2 than 3 will

4 being 5 before 6 will

P hrasalperfect Note:

7 will

words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below. Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult the list o f phrasal verbs at the back o f their book.

Q S o , such a n d t o o

such too such

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

so so -

You m ay wish students to now complete Phrasalperfect 14 on page 157 o f their books. Ask students to read the example sentences. Ask students if they have any questions regarding unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the

Ask students to complete the sentences by writing so’, ‘such’ or ‘too’ in the gaps, or a dash (-) if no word is required. Check answers. 1 2 3 4

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

future future past past future future generally now / future

so so such -

13 14 15 16

so such too too

You m ay wish to set this exercise for homework.

1 2 3 4 5

Ex a m 3 Adjectives. comparatives

and superlatives

1 2 much 3 more

1 she

2 a 3 been 4 a

Ask students to circle the correct option to complete each sentence. Check answers. 4 5 rather 6 -

6 7 8 9 10

put, to coming round came round / to put, to turn round

p r a c t ic 9 10 11 12

5 V 6 the 7 of 8 /



see page 29

th e y

11 h a v e

/ so more

14 which 15 did

P r a c t ic e E x a m Note:

coming (a)round come round set to see to coming (a)round to


You may wish students to do Practice Exam 7 on pages 114 -117 before moving on to Unit 15. This Practice Exam can either be done under exam conditions in class, or it can be assigned for homework.

J ^ A m o u n ts Ask students to circle the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. Check answers. 1b 2a

3a 4b

G ram m ar

5b 6a

7b 8b

9a 10 b


Ask students to tick the sentences that are grammatically correct and put a cross if they are grammatically incorrect. Their ticks and crosses should be in the first column of lines. Check answers. Then, ask students to think, for each


P a rti 1 B 4 C 2 D 5 C 3 A 6 A Part 2 16 through 17 what 18 of 19 to 20 or 21 is

7 D 8 C 9 B 22 23 24 25 26 27

10 A 11 A 12 D

13 B 14 C 15 A

28 and as are 29 has 30 between There such Although / While to

U s

o f

E n g l i s h

S k i l l

Part 3 31 is supposed to be 32 doesn't / does not approve of me / my 33 would rather not 34 haven’t / have not seen Joe for 35 if you hadn’t / had not helped 36 been very good at 37 am (really) looking forward to 38 behaviour was so bad (that) 39 turned it down 40 didn’t / did not deserve to be Part 4 41 too 46 doing 51 which 42 a 47 same 52 to 43 / 48 ✓ 53 one 44 being 49 an 54 / 45 / 50 ✓ 55 so Part 5 56 advertising 61 latest 57 customers 62 decision 58 competition 63 powerful 59 useful 64 valuable 60 fashionable 65 worldwide

T e a c h e

lengths height

8 heighten 9 length

b ro a d e n e d

10 h e ig h t s

enlarged breadth strengthened width

11 depth 12 strength 13 widens

B o o k

I r r e g u l a r n o u n s f r om verbs

Ask students, either individually or in pairs, to complete the table. Check answers, attention belief choice decision defence description death explanation furniture gift intention loss

marriage p e r m is s io n

practice pretence p ro of

safety sight solution success

thought variation

Q I r r e g u l a r n o u n s f r om

|un i 1 1 5


W a rm -u p -

see page 29


Ask students, either individually or in pairs, to complete the table. Check answers, ability anxiety

D e v e lo p y o u r U s e o f E n g lis h s k ills Q D i s t a n c e , size a n d p o w e r Ask students to circle the correct words to complete the table. Check answers. length shortness width breadth depth largeness height lowness strength weakness

lengthen shorten widen broaden deepen enlarge heighten lower strengthen weaken

[ ^ C o m p l e t e the sentences Ask students to complete the sentences by forming a word from the word in bold. Check answers.

evidence truth

Q I r r e g u l a r a d j e c t i v e s f rom

nouns Ask students, either individually or in pairs, to complete the table. Check answers, beneficial daily humorous horrible / horrid / horrific / horrifying / horrified / horrendous imprisoned scientific terrible / terrific / terrifying / terrified

Q Complete the passage Ask students to read the passage quickly to get a general idea of what it is about. Then ask them to use each word in bold to form a new word which fills the gap. Check answers.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

beliefs defence safe loss daily evidence solution scientific

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

beneficial explanations terrible imprisoned prisoners choice truth attention

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

practice safer ability successful proof decisions thought death

f ^ l r r e g u l or Ask students, either individually or in pairs, to complete the table. Then ask them to check their answers by looking at the table on page 42. Ensure all students now have the correct answers. Comparative adjective Superlative adjective best better worse worst farther / further farthest /furthest more most least less Superlative Normal Comparative adverb adverb adverb better best well badly worse worst

G r am m ar

advice glass luggage sheep cake hair money time

5 worst 6 best

7 further 8 least

| I r r e g u l a r verbs Ask students to complete each sentence by changing the form of the verb in bold. Check answers. 1 2 3 4

brought Written dug broken

5 6 7 8

stolen chosen caught, found drove

Q Pe o p l e Ask students, either individually or in pairs, to complete the table. Check answers, advisor / adviser criminal employer / employee lawyer relation / relative sailor scientist surgeon 26

u C/U

furniture information news travel fish knowledge person work 7 8 9 10 11

3 T 4 F 5 T 6 T

U U u u C/U U C u


12 F

P hrasalperfect Note:

You m ay wish students to now complete Phrasalperfect 15 on page 158 o f their books. Ask students to read the example sentences. Ask students if they have any questions regarding unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the words in

3 Circle t h e c o r r e c t wo r d

3 well 4 worse

U C/U u C C/U C/U

1 F 2T

Ask students to circle the correct word to complete each sentence. Check answers. 1 M o st 2 less


Ask students to decide whether the nouns are usually countable or uncountable, or both and to write C, U or C / U next to each one. Check answers. Then, ask them to decide whether the statements are true or false. Check answers.

bold in the gaps in the sentences below. Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult the list o f phrasal verbs at the back o f their book. You m ay wish to set this exercise for homework.

1 2 3 4 5

set out narrow down set out go down stands out

Ex a m 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

get, down tear down Look out backed down set out


evidence description information appearance lawyer

6 7 8 9 10

- seepage

carefully choice freedom advice truth

U s e





W a rm -u p

o f

E n g l i s h


“ see page 29

D evelo p y o u r U se of E n g l is h s k il l s Note:

You m ay wish to point out to students that this is a revision unit. Everything in this unit has already been covered in previous units.

J C on fu sa b le words and phrases Ask students to choose the correct word from each word group to fill each gap. Point out that there is one word in each group which will not be used. Check answers.


T e a c h e r s

B o o k

| ^ C o m p l e t e the s e n t e n c e s Ask students to write one word in each gap to c o m p le t e t h e s e n te n c e s . C h e c k a n sw e rs.

1 2 3 4 5

of for between from in

6 7 8 9 10

about for of in on

11 12 13 14 15

for as of of on

16 17 18 19 20

at to of to for

them n e g a tiv e Ask students to write a prefix on each word to make it negative. Check answers. 1 2 3 4

illegal abnormal impossible inaccurate

5 6 7 8

uncomfortable disadvantage impatient insecurity

Q 5 o , such, t o o a n d e n o u g h

1 recipe 2 receipt 3 prescription 1 spectators 2 witnesses 3 onlookers

S k i l l s

Ask students to circle the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. Check answers. 4 viewers 5 audience

1 profit 2 wages 3 salary

1 enough money 2 old enough 3 too young

4 such an expensive 5 so

Q Relative p ro n o u n s Ask students to write the correct relative pronoun in each gap to complete the sentences.

1 cruise 2 trip

3 voyage 4 tour

1 spends 2 finds

3 takes 4 passes

1 came in 2 got back 3 came to 1 in

2 at

1 missed

2 lost

Q C o r r e c t the m i s t a k e s Ask students to rewrite the words and phrases in bold so that they are correct. Check answers. 1 go 9 hadn’t 2 would 10 hadn’t bought 3 hadn’t 11 had 4 have ever bought 12 was coming / 5 was could come 6 would 13 hope 7 have paid 14 see 8 bought 15 started

1 when / that 2 who / that 3 where

4 whose 5 which / that

B Complete the sentences Ask students to complete each sentence using the key word given. Remind them they must write between two and five words in each gap, including the key word. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5

was not allowed to buy made me go found it difficult to get has responsibility for dealing impossible for us to offer

W r i t e the n o u n s a n d v e r b s

Ask students to complete the table. length width breadth height depth strength

lengthen widen broadort heighten deepen strengthen 27

QF in d

the e x t r a words

R e v is io n T e s t:

Ask students to circle the tw o extra words in each sentence. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5

of, not to, up is, a of, that did, a

Q Ma t c h

3 a 4 g

G ram m ar

5 h 6c

7 b 8e


Ask students to circle the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences. Remind them that, with inversions, the verb is in the question form even though it is not a question. Check answers. 1 2 3 4 5

does my mum will you has can goods be had I arrived, realised, I had lost

6 7 8 9 10

when find have I met was it, I also got had

P hrasalperfect Note:

1 2 3 4 5


u n its

1 3 -1 6

You m ay wish students to now do the photocopiable Revision Test: Units 13-16 on pages 38- 4 0 o f this Teacher's Book. We recommend this test being done under exam conditions in class.

6 to, for 7 a, a 8 too, to 9 to, for 10 who, the

Ask students to match the sentences with their meanings. Check answers. If 2d


You m ay wish students to now complete Phrasalperfect 16 on page 158 o f their books. Ask students to read the example sentences. Ask students if they have any questions regarding unknown vocabulary. Then ask students to write the words in bold in the gaps in the sentences below. Remind students that, if necessary, they can consult the list o f phrasal verbs at the back o f their book. You m ay wish to set this exercise for homework.

pick, up 6 taken to drops, o ff 7 dropped off get back 8 make up for gave up 9 came across do up 10 taken to

A 1 is very good at telling 2 managed to contact 3 had difficulty (in) getting over 4 little chance of our winning / we will win 5 don’t / do not feel like going 6 impossible for me to work 7 regrets not making / having made 8 does it take to fly 9 wishes he could / was able to 10 expressed her/an interest in taking 11 is unlikely to turn up 12 gave us permission to go 13 is responsible for making sure 14 looking forward to seeing 15 apologised for not recognising B 1 down 9 up 2 to 10 up 3 down 11 on 4 through 12 out 5 up 13 on 6 out 14 out 7 down 15 to 8 through C IX 6 X 2 X 7 X 3 ✓ 8 ✓ 4 X 9 X 5 X 10 X D 1 viewers 6 audience 2 trip 7 missed 3 spending 8 fortune 4 receipt 9 prescription 5 a tour 10 at E 1 on 6 for 2 such 7 so 3 of 8 as 4 in 9 of 5 to o 10 about

U s e

P r a c t ic e E x a m Note:

o f

E n g l i s h


You m ay also wish students to now do Practice Exam 8 on pages 130 - 133. This Practice Exam can either be done under exam conditions in class, or it can be assigned for homework.

P arti 1A 4 C 7 C 10 A 13 B 2 A 5 B 8 B 11 D 14 C 3 C 6 D 9 A 12 D 15 B Part 2 16 known 21 certain 26 their 17 For 22 not 27 making 18 themselves 23 at 28 take 19 able 24 own 29 there 20 about 25 have 30 between Part 3 31 is no chance of 32 a small number of 33 have run out of 34 last as long as 35 made it hard 36 me a detailed description of 37 as long as you get 38 be closed as a result 39 manage to get 40 doesn’t / does not feel like coming Part 4 41 so 46 51 for 42 was 47 o f 52 to 43 o f ' 48 had 53 / 44 has 49 up 54 know 45 / 50 y 55 gone Part 5 56 currently 61 criminal 57 information 62 specialists 58 nearest 63 financial 59 useful 64 suitability 60 scientific 65 judgement

F in a l P r a c t ic e E x a m Note:

P arti IB 2D 3D

As a final exam, there is a further photocopiable practice exam on pages 41 - 47 o f this Teacher’s Book. We recommend this exam being done under exam conditions in class. You m ay wish to photocopy the specimen answer sheets from UCLES on pages 159 - 160 for the students to use, so they become more familiar with using them. Or, ask them to write their answers directly in the books, and then collect the books for marking.

4 A 5 C 6 A

7 C 8 C 9 A

10 A 11 C 12 D

13 A 14 A 15 C

S k i l l s


T e a c h e r s

B o o k

Part 2 16 even 21 so 26 to 17 one 22 by 27 in/with 18 Although 23 are 28 its 19 a 24 o f 29 out 20 do 25 where 30 other Part 3 31 blame Carl for the damage 32 had no intention o f being 33 (high / about) time you came to 34 take care of 35 are supposed to be 36 (just) in case we decide 37 was a policeman w ho found 38 was hardly anyone/anybody /were hardly any people 39 haven’t / have not heard from 40 was postponed owing to Part 4 41 far 46 about 51 to 42 the 47 / 52 more 43 / 48 over 53 that 44 / 49 / 54 she 45 has 50 / 55 do Part 5 56 choice 61 requirements 57 countless 62 desirable 58 practical 63 neighbourhood 59 unreasonable 64 suitable 60 anxiety 65 easily

T a s k s in a l l u n it s W a r m -u p Direct students’ attention to the photograph(s) and the topic for the unit. Ask students to discuss their answers to the questions in pairs. Monitor the pairwork and bring the class together again to compare ideas. You might like to do this as a class activity, eliciting the responses of different students. Encourage students to respond freely, speculating and developing their answers.

Ex a m

P r a c t ic e

Ask students to read the exam know-how tips. Check understanding. Ask students if they have any questions about the tips. You may wish students to do the exam practice tasl< under exam conditions in the classroom. Alternatively, it can be assigned for homework. You may wish to go through the relevant ‘How to do’ section at the back of the Students’ Book with the students before they attempt this task. Check answers.


R e v is io n T e s t :

u n it s

1 -4


C o m p l e t e the g a p s Write one word in each gap to complete the sentences. 1 Did you a p p ly ________________ that job you saw in the paper yesterday? 2 You can always re ly ________________ Angie to stay calm in a crisis. 3 We'd really like you to take p a rt________________ our ‘Beach Cleaning’ project. 4 Nothing will prevent h e r -----------------------getting to the Rock concert! 5 M ost schools don’t approve-----------------------students chewing gum in class. 6 I've always been interested-----------------------looking after young children. 7 I really think Tanya’s capable________________passing the exam if she tries. 8 Dan’s a bit s h o rt________________ money at the moment. 9 I’m not very keen________________ classical music. I prefer pop. 10 The area is fa m o u s________________its local mineral water. 11 There’s been an 8% increase________________house prices over the past year. 12 Why was M rs Taylor________________ such a bad mood during the Maths lesson? 13 The children’s clothes department is located-----------------------the second floor. 14 I’ve got great respect________________ anyone who stands up for what they believe. 15 Can you get some bread________________your way home from school?

C h o o s e the c o r r e c t w o r d Write a word or phrase from the box in each gap to complete these sentences.


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