FCE Listening

July 15, 2017 | Author: Trần Hải Long | Category: Reading Comprehension, Idiom, Test (Assessment), Linguistics, Semiotics
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Contents B2 LISTENING EXAMINATION DESCRIPTION .......................................................... 3 Test 1........................................................................................................................... 7 Exercise 1 ................................................................................................................ 7 Exercise 2 ................................................................................................................ 9 Exercise 3 ................................................................................................................ 9 Exercise 4 .............................................................................................................. 10 Test 2......................................................................................................................... 12 Exercise 1 .............................................................................................................. 12 Exercise 2 .............................................................................................................. 13 Exercise 3 .............................................................................................................. 14 Exercise 4 .............................................................................................................. 15 Test 3......................................................................................................................... 17 Exercise 1 .............................................................................................................. 17 Exercise 2 .............................................................................................................. 19 Exercise 3 .............................................................................................................. 19 Exercise 4 .............................................................................................................. 20 Test 4......................................................................................................................... 22 Exercise 2 .............................................................................................................. 23 Exercise 3 .............................................................................................................. 25 Exercise 4 .............................................................................................................. 25 Test 5......................................................................................................................... 27 Exercise 1 .............................................................................................................. 27 Exercise 2 .............................................................................................................. 29 Exercise 3 .............................................................................................................. 30 Exercise 4 .............................................................................................................. 30 References ................................................................................................................ 33 Answer Key................................................................................................................ 34


B2 LISTENING EXAMINATION DESCRIPTION Common European Framework Which communication personal identification; personal qualities; themes are the test takers house and home; daily life; free time, expected to be able to handle? entertainment; intellectual and artistic pursuits; arts and crafts; sports; travel; tourism; relations with other people; health and body care; education; work and careers; job interviews and meetings; money and shopping; food and drink; services; banking; places; language; weather; current events; environment and pollution; climate; crime and punishment; technology and tools; Internetrelated language; politics; marketing Which communicative tasks recognition or recall of detail, main ideas and are the test takers expected to sequence; recognition or recall of cause-effect be able to handle? relationships; inferring consequence, cause and effect relationships, character traits; inferring meaning from the author’s use of figurative language; evaluation tasks What kind of communicative listening to public announcements; listening to activities and strategies are telephone messages; listening to media; the test takers expected to be listening as member of live audience; listening able to handle? to overheard conversations; listening to academic and professional presentations use of top-down listening strategies What text-types and what dialogues, news broadcasts, telephone length of text are the test conversations, announcements through public takers expected to be able to address systems voice, radio broadcasts, TV, handle? cinema, computer audio files, instructions, public lectures, presentations, public debates, all spoken at normal speed; length variable depending on text-type What kind of tasks are the test ‘pedagogic’ tasks reflecting real-life needs takers expected to be able to outside the classroom, in the personal and handle? public domains. CEF scale for Overall Listening Comprehension: Can understand spoken English,

standard live or The learner’s listening comprehension is 3

broadcast, on both familiar consistent with CEF Overall and unfamiliar topics Comprehension parameters. normally encountered in personal, social, academic or vocational life. Only extreme background noise, inadequate discourse structure and/or idiomatic usage influences the ability to understand.


(Adapted from British Institutes. (2006). General Exam Description. B2 Level. Common European Framework. http://www.britishinstitutes.co.uk/userfiles/File/B2%20Exam%20presentation.pdf)


LINGUISTIC Edited from General Linguistic Range; Vocabulary Range




Can understand a very wide range of language precisely, appreciating emphasis and, differentiation. No signs of comprehension problems. Has a good command of a very broad lexical repertoire including idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms; shows awareness of connotative levels of meaning. Has a good command of a broad lexical repertoire. Good command of idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms.

Has a sufficient range of language to be able to understand descriptions, viewpoints and arguments on most topics pertinent to his everyday life such as family, hobbies and interests, work,

RELEVANT QUALITATIVE FACTORS FOR RECEPTION SOCIO-LINGUISTIC PRAGMATIC Edited from Socio-linguistic Edited from Thematic Appropriateness Development and Propositional Precision Has a good command of idiomatic Can understand precisely expressions and colloquialisms with finer shades of meaning awareness of connotative levels of conveyed by a wide range of meaning. qualifying devices (e.g. Appreciates fully the socio-linguistic and adverbs expressing degree, sociocultural implications of language used clauses expressing by native speakers and can react limitations). accordingly. Can understand emphasis and differentiation without ambiguity. Can recognise a wide range of idiomatic Can understand elaborate expressions and colloquialisms, descriptions and narratives, appreciating register shifts; may, however, recognising sub-themes, and need to confirm occasional details, points of emphasis. especially if the accent is unfamiliar. Can understand precisely the Can follow films employing a considerable qualifications in opinions and degree of slang and idiomatic usage. statements that relate to Can understand language effectively for degrees of, for example, social purposes, including emotional, certainty/uncertainty, allusive and joking usage. belief/doubt, likelihood etc. Can with some effort keep up with fast and Can understand description or colloquial discussions. narrative, identifying main points from relevant supporting detail and examples. Can understand detailed information reliably.


STRATEGIC Identifying Cues and Inferring As C1.

Is skilled at using contextual, grammatical and lexical cues to infer attitude, mood and intentions and anticipate what will come next.

Can use a variety of strategies to achieve comprehension, including listening for main points; checking comprehension by using contextual clues.


travel, and current events. Has enough language to get by, with sufficient vocabulary to understand most texts on topics such as family, hobbies and interests, work, travel, and current events.


Has a sufficient vocabulary for coping with everyday situations with predictable content and simple survival needs.

Can respond to a wide range of language functions, using their most common exponents in a neutral register. Can recognise salient politeness conventions. Is aware of, and looks out for signs of, the most significant differences between the customs, usages, attitudes, values and beliefs prevalent in the community concerned and those of his or her own. Can handle very short social exchanges, using everyday polite forms of greeting and address. Can make and respond to invitations, apologies etc.


Has a very basic range of simple expressions about personal details and needs of a concrete type.

Can understand the simplest everyday polite forms of: greetings and farewells; introductions; saying please, thank you, sorry etc.

Can reasonably accurately understand a straightforward narrative or description that is a linear sequence of points. Can understand the main points in an idea or problem with reasonable precision.

Can identify unfamiliar words from the context on topics related to his/her field and interests. Can extrapolate the meaning of occasional unknown words from the context and deduce sentence meaning provided the topic discussed is familiar.

Can understand a simple story or description that is a list of points. Can understand a simple and direct exchange of limited information on familiar and routine matters. No descriptor available.

Can use an idea of the overall meaning of short texts and utterances on everyday topics of a concrete type to derive the probable meaning of unknown words from the context. No descriptor available.

(Adapted from Relating Language Examinations to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR). URL: www.coe.int/lang)


Test 1 Exercise 1 You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 18, choose the best answer, (A, B or C).

1 You hear a woman on the radio talking about a politician. What is her opinion of the politician? A

He can be trusted.


He keeps changing his mind.


He is not like other politicians.

2 You hear a woman talking about a song. What does she say about the song? A

The performer didn't write it.


It has been recorded by lots of other


It deserves to be more popular.


3 You hear two characters talking in a radio play. Where are they? A.

in a hotel


at home


at an airport

4 You hear a writer talking on the radio about criticism. What is his attitude to criticism? A.

He rarely pays attention to it.


He thinks about it.


He gets upset by it



You hear someone talking about learning to play a musical

instrument. What is her main point? A

Everyone should learn an instrument.


Some instruments are harder to learn than others.


She wishes she could play an instrument.

6 You hear two people talking about a reality TV programme. What do the two speakers agree about? A.

There are too many programmes of that kind.


It won't be as good as other programmes of that kind.


It will be very popular.

7 You hear someone talking about a sports stadium. What does he say about the stadium? A

It's difficult to get to it.


It can be hard to get tickets for it.


It has replaced another stadium.

8 You overhear a manager talking to an employee at work. What is the manager doing? A

accusing her of doing something wrong

B sympathizing with her about a problem C

apologizing for a mistake


Exercise 2 You will hear a talk about the song 'Happy Birthday'. For questions 918, complete the sentences.


The song was first called "Good morning 9 .......................................... . It was originally intended that 10 ..................................... would sing the song every morning. The song them became known as "Good morning 11 .......................................... . Children began to sing the song with "Happy birthday" words when they were 12 ......................................... . The song was sung with "Happy birthday" words in a 13 ................................... in 1931 and then in another in 1934. The legal situation concerning the song remains valid 14 ........................................ . The song is among the 15 .................................. songs most frequently sung in English. Money has to be paid for using the song in any 16 ............................, eg a TV show, a toy, etc. The Hill sisters set up 17 ...................................... that receives money for use of the song. The song consists of just four 18 ............................. but it is one of the most famous songs in the world.

Exercise 3 You will hear five different people talking about phone call they received. For question 19-23, choose from the list (A-F) how each speaker felt after the phone call. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.


A. annoyed

Speaker 1

B. relieved C. confused

______________ Speaker 2

D. disappointed E. worried


20 ______________

Speaker 3

F. sympathetic

21 ______________

Speaker 4

22 ______________

Speaker 5

23 ______________

Exercise 4 You will hear an interview with an American actress who recently made a film in Britain. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).


What does Emma say about the weather in Britain?

A It took her some time to get used to it. B Her character in the film was wrong about it. C


It was quite a pleasant change for her.

What does Emma say about her relationship with the actors who

played her roommates? A It was the same in real life as in the film. B She was surprised by how good it was. C

It has been difficult to continue it.

25. What does Emma say about English and British accents? A She was able to copy one of the other actor's accents. 10

B She cannot do a range of English and British accents. C She doesn't like the sound of the Welsh accent. 26 What does Emma say about her American accent? A She didn't like comments that were made about it. B

She isn't really aware of having one.

C Lots of people don't notice it.


What does Emma say about boarding schools?

A She thinks they are the best kind of school. B She has changed her opinion of them. C She only knows about them from books and films.


What does Emma say about the dancing scene in the movie?

A She had to repeat it several times. B She finds it embarrassing to watch it. C She had done that kind of thing before.


Emma says that if you're a movie star,

A you will receive a lot of unfair criticism. B

you cannot expect to be popular with everyone.

C you are likely to become sensitive to negative comments.


Test 2 Exercise 1 You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 18, choose the best answer, (A, B or C). 1

You overhear two people talking about a disagreement. What feeling

does the woman express? A willingness to discuss the matter again B regret at what she said C annoyance at what happened


You hear a football supporter talking about a player. What is his

opinion of the player? A He's getting better. B

He's not as good as he was.


He's never been very good.


You overhear a college administrator talking on the phone about a

lesson. What does she tell the caller? A The cost of one lesson will be refunded. B The lesson will happen at a later date. C A different teacher will take the lesson.


You hear a man talking about a company. Who is the speaker?

A a manager at the company B

a business journalist

C a worker at the company



You hear a man and a woman discussing a social arrangement. What

is the woman's purpose? A to find out information B

to change the arrangement

C to avoid going


You hear someone on the radio talking about recycling. What is the

speaker's main topic? A problems associated with recycling B

why recycling is necessary

C the amount of recycling that is happening


You overhear two people talking in an airport waiting area. What is

the situation? A They're going on a business trip. B

They're going to live in another country.

C They're going on holiday.


You hear a man talking about a phone call. What does he say about

the call? A It took longer than it should have taken. B

He was told something surprising during it.

C He had not expected the call.

Exercise 2 You will hear an interview with someone who works in a museum in London. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences. 13


Sir William Petrie died in 9 ........................... . He mainly collected the 10 ..................... used by people in ancient Egypt. The curator's favourite object is a 11 ............................ which has two letters written on it. Petrie 12 ..................... the objects well before sending them from Egypt.

The museum contains 13 ............................ objects that people cannot see. In the new building, the objects will be displayed in 14 ............................... . A small area of the new museum will be about Petrie and 15 ................................ . The new museum will not have 16 ............................ for objects. The museum is discussing with people what the 17 .............................. in the new museum will contain. Petrie described his collection as 18 ................................ .

Exercise 3 You will hear five different people talking about trips they went on. For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-F) what each person says about their trip. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.

A. It started badly.

Speaker 1

B. It was exciting. C. It lasted too long.

____________ Speaker 2

D. It was better than I expected. E. It finished early.


20 ____________

Speaker 3 14


E. It was badly organized.

____________ Speaker 4

22 ____________

Speaker 5

23 ____________

Exercise 4

You will hear an interview with someone who started the activity known as 'free running'. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer, (A, B or C). 24

Sebastien says that he does free running because A other activities became boring for him. B

if feels like a natural activity to him.

C it is an individual activity. 25

What does Sebastien say about fitness and taking up free running? A Fit people are keen to do difficult things immediately. B

People who are not fit don't learn very quickly.

C Free running is a good way of getting fit.


What does Sebastien say about the danger of free running? A It is not as great as some people think. B Most free runners pay no attention to it. C It is reduced as much as possible.


What does Sebastien say about taking risks? A He used to take more risks than he does now. B

He always tries to take the minimum amount of risk.

C Some of the things he does involve no risk.



When Sebastien jumped across the stadium roof, A he felt that he could easily jump the required distance. B he had to control his nerves before he did the jump. C he knew that he would land on a mat if he fell.


What does Sebastien say about his fear of heights? A People don't believe that he has it. B

He always has to overcome it.

C It is not as great as it used to be.


What does Sebastien say about where free running can be done? A People's opinions on this are changing. B

His own opinions on this have changed.

C Some people have the wrong opinion on this.


Test 3 Exercise 1 You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 18, choose the best answer, (A, B or C). 1

You hear someone talking about a festival. What does she say about

the festival? A Some bands were better than others. B

The crowd was happy all the time.

C The weather spoiled it. 2

You hear two people talking about a teacher on a course they are

taking. What is the man's opinion of the teacher? A She is too strict. B

She may be rather nervous.

C She is well organized.


You overhear someone talking on the phone. Who is she talking to?

A a manager B a friend C an assistant


You hear two people talking about having a lot of money. What is

the man's attitude to having a lot of money? A He thinks it would have a big effect on him. B

He thinks it is unlikely to happen. 17

C He thinks he would waste the money.


You hear a woman talking about her education. What does she say

about her education? A Teachers did not encourage her. B Her friends also did poorly at school. C She regrets her attitude in the past.


You hear someone talking to a colleague about a problem at work.

What is the speaker's purpose? A to make her position clear B

to get advice


to suggest a solution


You hear someone on the radio talking about modern life. What is

the speaker's main topic? A research methods B

social developments

C the benefits of technology


You overhear two people talking about a restaurant. What does the

man say about the restaurant? A It isn't particularly expensive. B The food was better than he had expected. C He had difficulty getting a table.


Exercise 2 You will hear a talk about someone called Grace Darling. For questions 918, complete the sentences.


Grace's father worked as a lighthouse 9 ............................... on Longstone island. Grace and her brothers and sisters checked the 10 ........................ and made sure they were always full.

The island was surrounded by dangerous 11 ..................... and ....................... . One night, a ship's engine stopped because of the problem with its 12 .................................... . Some people go away by using a 13 ............................ . In the morning, Grace and her father didn't see the other people because it was 14 ............................. . Grace and her father used a little 15 .............................. to go to the people. Grace and her father brought 16 ........................... back to the land. Grace became famous and several artists painted 17 ............................ . Some people wanted pieces of 18 .............................. .

Exercise 3 You will hear five different people speaking on the phone. For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-F) what each speaker's purpose is. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.

A. to change some information


19 ___________

B. to confirm an arrangement

Speaker 2

20 ___________


C. to report a problem

Speaker 3

21 ___________

D. to make a complaint

Speaker 4

22 ___________

E. to check some details

Speaker 5

23 ___________

F. to request advice

Exercise 4 You will hear an interview with someone who trains whales for public performances. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).


When Laura first swam with a whale,

A she immediately changed her opinion of whales. B the experience was different from what she had expected. C she thought about what was happening to her.


Laura says that being in the water with whales is a 'miracle' because

A the whales show that they each have different personalities. B other animals do not behave in the same way as whales. C the whales make a conscious decision to be friendly.


Laura says that when you approach a whale,

A you should think of it as someone you don't know well. B

it may suddenly change its attitude towards you.

C you should not expect it to understand what you are saying.

27. Laura says that 'secondary reinforcers' are used A if a whale has not understood an instruction. B after a particular action has been completed.


C to tell a whale to repeat an action.

28. What does Laura say about giving the whales food? A It has less effect on them than physical contact. B It works best when it is combined with a game. C The whales often wonder when this will happen.

29. Laura says that a successful relationship between a whale and a trainer A is based on genuine affection between the two. B

requires strong discipline from the trainer.

C can take a very long time to develop.


When asked about the skills a trainer needs, Laura mentions

A losing confidence when something goes wrong. B reacting to the frightening appearance of a whale. C forgetting what to say to the spectators.


Test 4 Exercise 1 You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 18, choose the best answer, (A, B or C). 1 You hear someone talking about keeping a diary. What does he say about his diary? A He shows parts of it to other people. B

He thinks he might stop doing it.

C He doesn't always keep it up to date.

2. You hear a radio announcer talking about a programme. What kind of programme is she talking about? A a drama series B

a chat show

C a documentary series

3 You overhear two people talking at a bus stop. What is the relationship between them? A They are neighbours. B They work for the same company. C They used to be students together.

4 You hear someone talking about a film. What is her opinion of the film? A It's better than the book. B

The critics are wrong about it.

C It's too long.


5. You hear a voicemail message. What is the speaker doing in the message? A making an offer B

insisting on something

C asking for a favour

6. You hear a woman talking about someone she knows. What does she say about him? A He causes problems. B He wants to be popular. C He's always cheerful.

7. You hear someone talking about a mistake he made. How did he feel when he made the mistake? A calm B annoyed C scared

8. You hear a man talking about a newspaper article. What is his main point about the article? A It greatly increased his knowledge. B

He couldn't understand it.

C He didn't agree with it.

Exercise 2 You will hear part of an interview with a travel writer about travel blogs on the Internet. For questions 9-18,complete the sentences.



wayn.com: Members can find out the current location of 9 ........................

hotelchatter.com: This is the best site for 10 .................................. . It includes pictures and films of 11 .............................................. .

aluxurytravelblog.com: You can find out how much the 12 .................................. in the world costs.

gridkipper.com: It is about city breaks and includes excellent photographs and 13 .....................

travel-rants.com: The blog was started after its writer had a problem with a 14 ............................ .

perrinpost.com: This blog is more 15 ............................... than most other travel blogs.

seat61.com: This includes blogs about travelling in various parts of the world 16 ..................................... . A version of this blog is now available in 17 ...................... form.

tripadvisor.com: This may contain fake reviews that have been written by 18 .......................... .


Exercise 3 You will hear five different people talking about a famous person. For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-F) what each speaker's opinion of the celebrity is. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.

A. He doesn't have any talent.


19 ___________

B. He deserves sympathy.

Speaker 2

20 ___________

C. He has interesting ideas.

Speaker 3

21 ___________

D. He won't be famous for long.

Speaker 4

22 ___________

E. He had a bad influence on

Speaker 5

23 ___________

young people F. He annoys a lot of people.

Exercise 4 You will hear an interview with someone who runs a company called The Perfume Shop, which sells perfume in a group of shops in the UK. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).


Which of these statements summarizes Jo's sales philosophy?

A People care about what they buy. B

Names don't sell products.

C People are more important than products.


What do we learn about the 'Fish principles'?

A They are used by many companies. B

They emphasize enjoyment of work. 25

C Jo was told about them by some fish sellers.


Jo says that one of the Fish principles concerns

A thinking of enjoyable activities for staff. B

deciding to be enthusiastic about your job.

C persuading customers to buy.

27 Which of the following is true about perfume, according to Jo? A It has special connections for some people. B People often aren't given the right advice about it. C Many people find it hard to decide which one they like best.


What problem did the girl in the shopping centre have?


She hadn't been able to find the perfume she wanted.


She had used all of a certain perfume that she had.


She thought she wouldn't be able to buy a certain perfume.


Jo's intention when she spoke to the girl was

A to give her some good news. B

to sympathize with her problem.

C to sell her some perfume.

30 Jo says that the man who came into one of The Perfume Shop's stores A became a regular customer. B wanted a perfume that was no longer available. C

was amazed when she sent him a bottle of her own perfume.


Test 5 Exercise 1 You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1 8 choose the best (A, B or C).

1 You hear a man talking about a teacher. What did the teacher encourage him to do? A

to read more widely


to do some acting


to travel abroad

2 You overhear a woman talking on the phone about her computer. Why is she complaining? A

The computer hasn't been repaired properly.


A promise hasn't been kept.


The computer hasn't been returned on time.

3 You hear two friends talking about a new sports centre. What is the man's opinion of it? A It offers value for money. B It is conveniently located. C

It provides opportunities for socialising.

4 You overhear a woman and a man talking at a railway station. 27

What does the woman want to do? A

change her travel arrangements


find out appropriate information


complain about the trip

5 You hear part of a lecture on the radio. What is the lecturer doing? A

supporting an existing theory


putting forward a theory of his own


arguing against other scientists' theories

6 You overhear a woman telling a friend about something she attended recently at her local college. What is she describing? A

a concert


a lesson


a talk

7 You overhear a man and a woman who used to study at the same school talking together. In the man's opinion, what was the woman like at school? A



lazy 28



8 You hear a tennis player talking about how he hurt himself. What does he think caused his injury? A

lifting something before a game


failing to prepare himself for a game


playing a difficult shot during a game

Exercise 2 You will hear a man called Jeremy Baker talking about different ways of travelling in northern Finland. . For questions 9-18,complete the sentences.

TRAVELLING IN NOTHERN FINLAND On his dog sled, the command Jeremy used often with the dogs was 9 ............................... . Jeremy's dogs could understand command in Finish and 10 ........................ as well as English.

When travelling by sled, Jeremy tried to focus on the 11 ..................... of the load dog . The lead dog is always intelligent and generally 12 .................................... . Each dog can pull a weight of 13 ............................ . Jeremy had to avoid getting hit by 14 ............................. when riding among trees. At lunchtime, Jeremy's job was to get 15 .............................. for cooking. To Jeremy, travelling on a skidoo is like being on a 16 ........................... Jeremy liked the skidoo except for the face that it was 17 ............................ . The good thing about riding a skidoo is that your 18 .............................. don't get cold . 29

Exercise 3 You will hear five different people talking about shopping for clothes. For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-F) what each speaker says. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.

A. I often buy clothes I don't need.


19 ___________

B. I admit I spend too much on

Speaker 2

20 ___________


Speaker 3

21 ___________

C. I plan in advance the clothes I

Speaker 4

22 ___________

need to buy.

Speaker 5

23 ___________

D. I tend to become bored with the clothes I buy. E. I dislike wasting time on shopping F. I am uncertain about what suits me.

Exercise 4 You will hear part of an interview with the actor and film director Charles Martin. For questions 24 - 30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

24 How did Charles feel about acting in the TV series called Cowboys? A

worried he would never play a different part


delighted to have secure work for some years


surprised that he was earning quite a low salary


25 What does Charles say about the first film he acted in? A

The work was not as enjoyable as he had expected.


The part involved travelling to a number of different countries.


The role was quite similar to another he had played.

26 Why did Charles decide to play Miguel in a very simple way? A

He felt he knew how the character would behave.


He was trying to copy the actors in old silent films.


He had no choice because there was not much dialogue.


When Charles played the detective in the film The Good Cop, he


made use of his real feelings in the role.


was unhappy about the way his part developed.


showed that he could represent strong emotion in his acting.


In the first film he directed, Charles offered a part to John Dawson

because he A

hoped to get advice on how to direct it.


thought this would help his friend's career. C

knew John had experience in comedy films.

29 For Charles, working with actors is like conducting an orchestra because A

there needs to be a lot of time for actors to practise their parts.


it is not easy to get a group of actors to work together well.


good actors may interpret their parts in unexpected ways.

30 Why does Charles like to film just one or two versions of each scene? A

It leads to a reduction in the overall costs.


It makes the team more confident and efficient.



It helps the actors to remember their lines better.


References Acklam, R., & Crace, A. (2008). Going for Gold. Pearson Longman. Cambridge First Certificate in English 5. (2005). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press . Evans, V. (2008). FCE Practice exam papers 1. Berkshire: Express Publishing. Evans, V. (2008). FCE Practice exam papers 2. Berkshire: Express Publishing. .Harrison, M. (2008). FCE Practice Tests. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Harrison, M. (2010). FCE Testbuilder . Oxford: Macmillan . Mann, M., & Taylore-Knowles, S. (2005). Use of English. Oxford: Macmillan . Osbone, C. (2008). First Certificate Practice Tests. HEINLE CENGAGE Learning. Roberts, P. (2008). Cambridge First Certificate Reaading. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Simmons, A. (2008). Mastering the FCE Examination. Burlington Books.


Answer Key Test 1

Exercise 1 1. B 2. A

3. B 4. B

5. C 6. A

7. C 8. B

Exercise 2 9. to all

11. to you

13. show

15. three

10. teachers

12. at parties

14. until 2030

16. profit-making enterprise

17. a foundation 18. (short) musical phrases

Exercise 3 19. F

20. C

21. D

22. B

23. A

Exercise 4 24. C 25. A

26. B 27. B

28. C 29. A

30. B

3. B 4. C

5. B 6. A

7. B 8. A

Test 2 Exercise 1 1. A 2. C Exercise 2 9. 1942

11. pottery bowl

13. 72,000

15. his work

17. (big) (graphic) pane

10. ordinary things

12. packed

14. glass cupboard

16. information labels

18. useless for display


Exercise 3 19. C

20. F

21. B

22. A

23. D

Exercise 4 24. B 25. A

26. C 27. B

28. A 29. B

30. C

3. B 4. B

5. C 6. A

7. B 8. A

Test 3 Exercise 1 1. B 2. C Exercise 2 9. keeper 10. oil lamps

11. rock; currents 12. boilers

13. lifeboat

15. (wooden) rowing boat 16. five people

14. too dark

17. her portrai 18. her hair

Exercise 3 19. E

20. D

21. A

22. F

23. C

Exercise 4 24. C 25. C

26. A 27. B

28. A 29. A

30. B

3. A 4. B

5. B 6. C

7. B 8. B

Test 4 Exercise 1 1. C 2. C Exercise 2 9. (their) friends

11. hotel rooms 13. clear map


15. interactive

17. paperback

10. celebrity gossip

12. most expensive dessert

14. travel agency

16. by train/by rail

Exercise 3 19. D

20. F

21. C

22. A

23. B

Exercise 4 24. C 25. B

26. B 27. A

28. C 29. A


30. B

18. hotel owne

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