September 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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1. Which rrefer eferss to the instruconal instruconal strateg strategies ies that make make up the art art or science science of knowledge? knowledge? a. Psycho hollog ogy y b. Meth tho odol dolog ogy y c.


d. Andragogy 2. You are following following the task-based task-based syllabus. syllabus. Which Which learning learning acvies acvies do y you ou apply? a. Ex Exer ercis cises es follo followi wing ng pr proc ocess ess wr wri ing ng b. Iden Idenf fyi ying ng text text type typess c.

Recal Recalli ling ng suppor supporng ng detai details ls

d. Wri Wring ng not notes, es, memos memos,, repo reports rts 3. The Japan-funded mega manila Subway Subway Project

to the approved approved by NEDA next year. year.

a. Will Will be exp xpec ecte ted d b. Are Are exp xpe ecte cted c. Sh Shou ould ld be exp xpec ecte ted d d. Is ex expected 4. The poe poett can be sari sarical, cal, expre expressin ssing g himself himself with with wit and forc force. e. Interpret: “Which is the basest creature, man or beast? Birds feed on birds, birds on each other’s pray; but savage man alone does man betray.” a. Man Man iiss jus justt lik like ea ani nima mals ls b. Man is the the mos mostt beas beastly tly of anim animals als c.

Man’ Man’ss in inhu huma mani nity ty tto o hi hiss ki kind nd

d. Man is prov proven en by his acons acons 5. Which ssynonym ynonym will will you choose choose for the the given sentence sentences? s? “One of his ambion is to make make a fortune.” a. Shape b. Earn c.


d. Receive 6. Skills are intricate intricate part of learning a subject, for for instance, instance, there are are some mathemacal mathemacal skills skills that need to be mastered before starng an Engineers degree. These skills referred to are . a. Pre Pre-r -re equ quiisite site b. Enabling c.


d. Terminal 7. Which w word ord is is closest in meaning to the CAPIT CAPITALIZED ALIZED wor word d in the the given sentenc sentence? e? “I got my courage back and wonderful sense of expectaon of the IMMINENT arrival of the liberaon.” a. Unexpected b. Eminent c. Approaching d. Delayed


8. Whi Which ch sent sentenc ence e has an adje adjecv cve e clause clause? ? a. Th The e vicm vicm who who was was alleg allegedl edly y salva salvage ge b. The vvicm icm who was was allege allegedly dly salva salvage ge iiss a freshm freshmen. en. c.

The They y fou found nd th the e salvaged salvaged vicm vicm in an abandoned abandoned building building..

d. The They y wer were e called called to to idenfy idenfy the the salvag salvaged ed vi vicm. cm. 9. If you plan to choose instruconal instruconal materials for iconic iconic lear learning, ning, which will you you consid consider? er? a. Le Lear arni ning ng abs abstr trac actt idea ideass b. Iconi Iconicc symb symbols ols fo forr lear learnin ning g c.

Vis Visual ual image imagess ffor or real real things things

d. Leanin Leaning g icons icons o off big people people and and thing thingss 10. If interven intervenon on instrucon in Eng English lish is to be redeveloped, redeveloped, which among the var variable iable will be regarded “non-negoable”? a. Real language language used for real real commu communica nicaon on b. List Listenin ening g comprehen comprehension sion is recogn recognize ized d as a fundamental fundamental skill skill c.

List Listenin ening g and reading reading as nonnon- passive passive and very comple complexx recepve recepve proces processes ses

d. Indi Individu vidual al learne learners rs and and individ individuali ualies es of of learning learning 11. Stud Study y the given given sentences sentences.. The epidemic BROKE OUT. The OUTBREAK of the epidemic was alarming. The noun outbreak is formed by the process of


a. Reversal b. Inversion c.

Conversi sio on

d. Temporal 12. In the old English poem, “Dream of the R Road” oad” pagan and Chris Chrisan an images were were used to depict the Chrisan teachings. Which is NOT a part of the pagan imagery? a. Symbo ymboll of true true b. De Deat ath h of of the the He Herro c. Cr Cruc uci ixi xion on as a ba bale le d. Chri Christ st as a War Warri rior orss 13. If you want to teach “haiku with atude” as some poets say, say, you need to choose

which is

full of wit and insight. a. Tanka b. Tanku c.


d. Sensei 14. Which of th the e following following statements statements has a noun clause? clause? a. My mother mother told told me that you you knew wher where e to nd the b best est cater caterer er in town. town. b. The much-awaite much-awaited d performance performance which was postponed postponed several several mes n nally ally came. came. c.

Mrs Mrs.. Romero Romero is the speech speech trainer trainer who rst rst taught taught me how to give give a good imprompt impromptu u

speech. d. When do you expec expectt to mee meett the new new members members of of our dance dance troupe troupe? ?


15. Among news stor story y leads that use the 5 W’s and H, which is appli applied ed in the given lead? “Coral vandalism sparked outrage among drivers and environmentalist.” a. Where b. When c.


d. How 16. Compl Complete ete the analog analogy y. King Lear: Tragedy Tragedy of parental love

: Tr Tragedy agedy of ambion

a. Othello b. Hamlet c. Rom ome eo and and Juli Julie et d. Macbeth 17. In selecng instruc instruconal onal materials, which of the following following factors should be conside considered? red? I.

Co Cons nsid ider er the the var varie ied d inte intere rest st;; ab abil ili ies es a and nd pro proc cie ienc ncy y leve levell o off th the e lear learne ners rs..


Adv Advoc oca ate the the u use se of ccul ultu turre-boo -book k ma materi erials als.


Mak Make sur sure e to to iinc nclu lude de the the div diver erse se cu cult ltur ure e of of the the cl clas ass. s.

a. I and II b. III only c.

I only

d. II and III 18. Which of the follow following ing is a component of planning an and d carrying out a good read read-aloud -aloud lesson for your junior high schools? a. Av Avoid oid faci facilit lita ang ng a di discu scussi ssion on of a te text. xt. b. Previ Preview ew and prac pracce ce the the ttex ext. t. c.

Mod Modell elling ing uent uent read reading ing by stud studen ents ts

d. Readi Reading ng wi witho thout ut props props and and anima animaon ons. s. 19. In Langston Hughe’ Hughe’ss poem “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” Rivers”,, the African persona menoned the great rivers of Asia and Africa to talk about the culture heritage and history of the African people. Why is the use of this imagery eecve? a. The famed famed Tigri Tigriss and Euphra Euphrates tes river riverss are locate located d in Central Central Asia. Asia. b. Ancient civiliza civilizaon on ourishe ourished d near bodies of water like the Nile Nile,, Tigris and Euphr Euphrates. ates. c.

The ffamous amous Nile and Congo Congo rivers rivers a are re locat located ed in A Afric frica. a.

d. The earth’s earth’s surface is composed composed of 70% water water and there are are a lot of bodies bodies of water water in Africa Africa and Asia. 20. Who was the rst Afric African an to win the Nobel Prize ffor or literatur literature e in 1986? a. Chinu hinua a Acho Achobe be b. Mabe Mabell Dov Dove e Dan Danqa qa c. Leop Leopol old d Si Singh ghor or d. Wole ole So Soyink yinka a


21. The underlined verbs in the following following sentences sentences are classied as


The me is now. The world became esh. We remain silent. a. Intran transi si ve b. Reexive c. Transive d. Ascripve 22. Which of the ffollowing ollowing is the the true descrip descripon on of an auxiliary verb? verb? a. It is used used to complete complete the the verb verb phras phrase e in ce certain rtain construcons construcons such as the emphac, emphac, the negave, the passive, or the perfect and progressive aspects. b. It occurs occurs before before the main verb, verb, and de denotes notes modicaon modicaon of of the basic basic meaning meaning of the main verb. c.

It belong belongss to several several classica classicaons ons of vverbs. erbs. It It may take an impersonal impersonal it as a subject.

d. It is fol followe lowed d by noun or noun noun phrase phrase funcon funconing ing as its d dire irect ct obje object. ct. 23. What pref preferred erred tense is used used for “stage “stage direcons and synopses? synopses? a. Present b. Past c.


d. Pres Presen entt per perffect ect 24. The word “just” in the sentence below indicates

. “She has just eaten.” eaten.”

a. An acon acon that that was true true in the the past past and is sll sll relev relevant ant to the the presen present. t. b. A rece recentl ntly y ccomp omple leted ted acon acon.. c.

An ac acon on which which was was comple completed ted bef before ore anothe anotherr past past acon. acon.

d. An ac acon on connui connuing ng at at a given given point point in me. me. 25. All of the following contains verbal EXCEPT


a. Sased, Sased, the p prod roducer ucer began began pa paying ying the a ars rst. t. b. Hav Having ing recov recovere ered d her vo voice, ice, the the sopr soprano ano hit her her top notes notes well. well. c.

Your mom arrive arrived d aer aer you you had had gone gone..

d. To se see e is is to to be beli liev eve. e. 26. What type of mood is indicate indicated d in this sentence: “How di did d you come to know about that trag tragic ic event?” a. Indicave b. Subjuncve c.


d. Direcve 27. The sentenc sentence e “The child cried when his toy car got broken” broken” follows a. N InV b. N LV a ad dj. c.


d. N I nV A Ad dv.



28. “Mario, my older brother brother,, fathers there good looking and smart children. children.”” The underlined word funcons as


a. A noun b. A verb c.

An adjecve

d. A po posssessi essive ve 29. Which of the follow following ing adjecve adjecve phrases is syntaccally syntaccally correct? correct? a. The mos mostt u uni niqu que e b. Near early un uniq iqu ue c. Th The e ver very ym muc uch h uni uniqu que e d. Less u un nique 30. Which of th the e following following is a gradable gradable adjecve? adjecve? a. Absolute b. Clear c.


d. Impossible 31. Which se sentence ntence has ditransive ditransive vverb? erb? a. Those Those guys are highly highly intel intellige ligent nt group group of e engin ngineer eers. s. b. Thos Those e mean boys boys tried tried to thro throw w a ro rock ck through through our our window windows. s. c.

Nob Nobody ody will will b bel eliev ieve e a ruan ruan lik like e yo you. u.

d. My mot mother her gave gave me this this cardig cardigan an ffor or Christ Christmas. mas. 32. “When we arriv arrived, ed, they gave gave us badges. “Which of the following following queso quesons ns should be asked to nd the direct object? a. Wha hatt d did id we do? do? b. When When di did d we we a arr rriv ive? e? c.

What What did did the they yg giv ive e us? us?

d. Wh Who o gav gave e us us b bad adge ges? s? 33. All of the following contain operator operator verbs ECXEPT


a. My fathe fatherr appro approves ves your marriag marriage e propos proposal. al. b. My ffathe atherr won’t won’t appro approve ve y your our marri marriage age p prop roposal. osal. c. Will your father father a appr pprove ove my marria marriage ge proposal? proposal? d. Your fa father ther appro approved ved m my y marriage marriage pr proposa oposal, l, won’t won’t he? 34. Each perso person’s n’s vocabulary vocabulary is a connuum. On the one en end d of the connuum are w words ords the person knows very well and for which he has a full rich understanding of their various meaning. On the other end of the connuum are


a. Wor ords ds he enjo enjoys ys using using reg regula ularly rly.. b. New w word ordss that h he e has learne learned d both the the spelling spelling and and mea meaning ning for for c.

Wor ords ds he doesn’ doesn’tt rec recogn ogniz ize e

d. Words he can can recogni recognize ze and gu gure re out the meaning meaning of based based on context context.. 35. Which of the ffollowing ollowing does does NOT funcon funcon as a pronoun? pronoun? a. I b. We




d. My 36. The Presiden Presidentt himself promised to stop the war. war. The underlined word is


a. An inte interr rrog oga ave ve b. An intens tensiive c.

A reexive

d. A reci cipr pro ocal 37. The queson “Is he coming?” has a

intonaon. intonaon.

a. Falling b. Sustained c.


d. Melodic 38. Which of the following sente sentences nces does NOT observe correct correct subject subject-verb -verb agreement? agreement? a. The mayo mayorr as well well as as his brot brother herss is g going oing to prison. prison. b. Neit Neither her of the two trac trac li lights ghts is worki working. ng. c.

My as asse sets ts were were wipe wiped d out in in the de depr press ession ion..

d. Neit Neither her the the plat plates es nor the the serving serving bowl bowl go go on tha thatt shelf shelf. 39. The pronoun in this sen sentence tence “When she arrived, arrived, Suad was surpr surprised ised to nd her apartment door open” is


a. Cataphoric b. Anaphoric c.


d. Co Correferen erena all 40. The underlined word in this sentence “We elected him chairman” funcons as


a. Di Dirrect ob objject b. Indi Indirrect ect o obj bje ect c.

Obje Objec cve ve co comp mple leme ment nt

d. Pr Pred edic icat ate e nom nomin ina ave ve 41. Which hypothesi hypothesiss of Krashen’s Krashen’s Monitor Model proposes that when learners learners are exposed to grammacal features a lile beyond their current (i.e., I + 1), those features are “acquired”. Acquision results from comprehensible input, which is made understandable with the help provided by the context. a. Acquis Acquisio ion/l n/lear earnin ning g hypot hypothes hesis is b. Inpu Inputt hyp hypot othe hesi siss c.

Natu Naturral ord order er h hyp ypot othe hesi siss

d. A Aec ecve ve lt lter er hypot hypothes hesis is 42. All of the following are implicaons implicaons of Krashen’s Krashen’s Monitor Model EXCEPT


a. Teachers should correct correct errors errors during during the  me me they are are commied commied as error error correcon correcon is valuable. b. Teachers sh should ould not insist on learners learners conver conversing sing bef before ore they ffeel eel comfortable comfortable in doing doing so. c.

Teachers should not expect learners learners to learn “late structures structures”” such as third person person singular early.


d. Teach eachers ers consid consider er gramma grammacal cal teaching teaching is of limite limited d value. value. 43. They view the langu language age as a system of re related lated elements elements or “building blocks” for for the encoding of meaning, the elements being phonemes (sounds), morphemes (words), tagmemes (phrases/sentences/clauses). a. Stru Struct ctur ural alis ists ts b. Tra rans nsfo form rma aon onal alis ists ts c. Fun unccon onal alis ists ts d. Inte Interraco acona nali list stss 44. Which of the ffollowing ollowing is a view view of a inter interaconalist? aconalist? a. Langua Language ge is primar primarily ily vo vocal cal.. b. La Lang ngua uage ge is crea creav ve. e. c.

Langu Language age emphasi emphasizes zes the me meaning aning and and funcons funcons rather rather than than the structur structures. es.

d. Langu Language age is a vehicle vehicle for establi establishing shing inter interper personal sonal re rela laonshi onship. p. 45. Which theory on languag language e teaching has given given birth to the methods that are lear learner-ce ner-centered, ntered, allowing learners to work in pairs or groups in informaon gap tasks and problem-solving acvies where such communicaon strategies as informaon sharing, negoaon of meaning, and interacon are used? a. Stru tructur ctural aliism b. Beha havi vior oris ism m c.


d. Fun unccon onal alis ism m 46. It is a branch of linguis linguiscs cs that deals with how wor words ds combine to form form phrases, phrases phrases combine to form clauses, and clauses conjoin to make sentences. a. Morphology b. Syntax c.


d. Pragmacs 47. What is shown in the sys systemac temac variaon variaon of /t/ such as /t/ in top is aspirated, aspirated, /t/ is stop is released, and /t/ in pot is unreleased? a. Phoneme b. Consonant c.


d. Allophone 48. Which of the follow following ing sounds are produced produced by bringing bringing the arculators arculators near each other such that the ow of air is impeded but not completely blocked. The air ow through the narrow opening creates fricon. a. P,b, ,b,t, t,d, d,k k,g b. F,v ,v,e,o,s,z,s,z,h ,e,o,s,z,s,z,h – answer ( double check the leers) leers) c.


d. L,r


49. What is illustr illustrated ated in following following example? example? In English, the statement statement “Marian is a linguist” ends with a fall in pitch, while as a queson, “Marian is a linguist?” the pitch goes up. a. Stress b. Juncture c.


d. Su Supr pras aseg egme ment ntal alss 50. Which of the ffollowing ollowing is an example example derivaonal derivaonal morpheme? morpheme? a. Helpful b. Stays c.


d. Long Longe est 51. The words “gym, mike, and TV” are formed through


a. Clipping b. Back forma maon c.

Root ccrreaon

d. Com omp pound unding ing 52. What morphophon morphophonemic emic process is involved involved in which units units that occur in some conte context xt are “lost” in other such as “L I b r y “ instead of “l I b r a r y”? y ”? a. Assimilaon b. Di Diss ssiimi mila la on c.


d. Metathesis 53. Which syntac syntacc c structure is shown in the following following examples? Responsible Responsible ocers, trusted trusted friend a. Predicon b. Co Comp mple leme men ntao taon n c.


d. Coo oorrdin ina aon 54. What is made use iin n this exampl example e “I told Paul to to close the door and he he did so”? a. Homonymy b. Anaphora c.


d. Hyponymy 55. What categ category ory of illocuonary act is demonstrated demonstrated in the following following example? example? Recession will worsen in Europe in the next ve years. a. rep eprresen esenta tav ve e b. ommissive c.


d. expressive


56. What conv conversaon ersaon maxim maxim seems to have been violated violated in the following example? example? A: How was the LET? B: Well, the proctor is my former college professor. a. Maxi Maxim m of quan quant ty y b. Maxi Maxim m of qual qualit ity y c. Maxi xim m of of re rela aon on d. Maxi xim m of of ma manne nner 57. This view emphasiz emphasizes es that nave language language comprises habits that that a second language learn learner er must overcome. This is accomplished by forging new habits through repeon of paern drills with accompanying posive reinforcement. a. Beha Behavio vioris ristt lea learni rning ng theory theory b. Func Funcona onall learn learning ing theory theory c.

Cogn Cogni ive ve le lear arni ning ng the theor ory y

d. Ho Holi lis scc lear learni ning ng the theor ory y 58. Overge Overgeneraliz neralizaon aon errors such as “good” and “keeped” are common in children’s children’s speech. Such errors suggest that children


a. Are repea repeang ng what what was was said said to them, them, and should should take take note note of them them b. Do not kno know w the past past tense forms forms of those those verbs, verbs, and experi experience ence di dicul culty ty c.

Indu Induce ce the rules rules for for the pas pastt tense tense from the the language language to to which which they are are exposed exposed

d. Repeat the teacher’s teacher’s mistakes, mistakes, and those errors errors are very hard tto o undo 59. This type of language is used to desc describe ribe the kind of language a lear learner ner uses at a given me, that is, his version of a given language, which deviates in certain ways from the language of a mature speaker. a. Dialect b. Nav Nave e la lang ngua uag ge c. Holo Holoph phrras asc c spe speec ech h d. Inte Interl rlan angu guag age e 60. According to cognivists, cognivists, errors errors in second language learning is consider considered ed


a. Ba Basi siss for tes tesng ng b. As p proof roofss of unsyst unsystema emacc way way of of learni learning ng c. Part Part of lea learn rnin ing g pro proce cess ss d. Not pa part rt of na natur tural al pr progre ogression ssion in acquisi acquision on of E Engli nglish sh 61. Give the BES BEST T explanaon fo forr the metaphorical metaphorical lines: “The car is a gluton for gasoline. gasoline.”” a. Eat a all ll you can b. Speed Speeding ing eats eats u up p a lot of gas gas c. Ridi Riding ng in ttan and dem d. High High expe expensi nsive ve ffor or fuel fuelss gas gas 62. “Give me a cup of blenden coee, “this sentence is a / an a. Ex Expl plic icit it lo locu cuo ona nary ry b. Indi Indire rect ct il illo locu cuo ona nary ry c. Dir Direc ectt illoc illocu uon onar ary y d. Impl Implie ied d lo locu cuo ona nary ry



63. Which ref refers ers to what a speaker speaker does in uering a sent sentence? ence? a. Register b. Illo Illocu cuo ona nary ry Act Act c.


d. Comparave 64. Which me of the d day ay is expr expressed essed in the given given lines? “An hour before the worshipp’d sun Peered forth the golden window of the east. a. Sunset b. Sunrise c.


d. Dusk 65. How is the followi following ng sentence labelled labelled according according to word usage? usage? “I deeply apologize for delivery delay” a. Slang b. Contracon c.


d. Faulty 66. Which of the following following is is a fr fragment? agment? a. Aer sunset, sunset, the farmer farmer iiss ready ready for for his his dinner dinner.. b. Bef Before ore the rice elds elds w were ere lush gre green. en. c.

Bef Before ore he went went for for vaca vacaon, on, he he nished nished his his projec project. t.

d. The birds birds pe perch rch on the the trees trees aer sunset. sunset. 67. “EVERYWHER met at the con contest test venues venues.. “The capitalized wor word d in the sentence is a/ an . a. Inte Interr rrog oga ave ve p pro rono noun un b. Inde Inden nit ite e pron pronou oun n c. Rela elavve pron pronou oun n d. De Demo mons nstr tra ave ve pro prono noun un 68. Another category category in a rubric for scoring storytellin storytelling g ability is a. Ellipsis


b. Uer Ueran ance ce str stres esss c.


d. Inte Intell llig igib ibil ilit ity y 69. Aer the basketball basketball brawl brawl,, the players players were

to explain their side

a. Allowed b. Allows c.


d. Allow 70. If you want your lesso lesson n on the story of “Biag ni Lam-ang” interes interesng ng and to establish established ed a connecon to your students’ personal lines, which do you do? a. Make Make the stu student dentss tran translat slate e major even events ts in their their home langua language ge


b. Encourage Encourage them to nd characters characters of other stories stories simil similarly arly situated situated to Lam-ang’s life c.

Let Let them comp compos ose e their their own own cli clima maxx of the stor story y

d. Have the stude students nts make make a caricatur caricature e of llam-ang’s am-ang’s aributes as seen today today.. 71. Which is experi experienced enced by a speaker when when the “p of the tongue” phenomenon phenomenon in nding diculty in what word to say occurs? a. Acqu Acquir ired ed d dys ysle lexi xia a b. Anomia c. Jar Jargon Apha Aphassia d. Aphasia 72. Central to the te teaching aching of Hinduism is karma karma which includes aco acons, ns, intenons and consequences. This is a recurring theme in Indian literature like “Sakuntala”. Karma revealed itself in this paly when


a. Bharata Bharata took took Dushy Dushyanta anta to hi hiss mother mother Sakun Sakuntala tala.. b. A sherm sherman an foun found d a ring ring iin n the sh sh bell belly y c.

Durv Durvasa asa cursed cursed Sa Sakun kuntala tala ffrom rom ffaili ailing ng to greet greet him him pro properl perly y

d. Dush Dushyan yanta ta failed failed to to rec recogni ognize ze S Sakun akuntala tala as as his wife wife 73. What is the rst step tha thatt you follow to increase increase students’ reading reading uency? a. Prep Prepare are the script script of the the text. text. b. Gro Group up stu student dentss by int intere erest st ra rather ther than than reading reading level level.. c.

Stud Students ents present present a text text by poinng poinng it rst rst..

d. Assig Assign n specic specic parts to sstuden tudents ts for for re rehear hearsal. sal. 74. Which of the follow following ing DOES NOT serve serve as the legal basis for the Enhanced Enhanced Basic Edu Educaon caon Curriculum (K-12)? a. R.A. 10533 b. 1987 1987 Philip Philippin pine e Cons Constu tuon on c.

Bili Biling ngua uall Ed Educ uca aon on p pol olic icy y

d. Ki Kind nder erg garte arten n Act Act 75. In the Egypan short story story,, “The “ The Two Brothers” Brothers”,, what were the names of the two brothers? a. Rama an and Si Sita b. Anp Anpu an and d Bata c. No and Ki d. Di Dian anqu qu an and d Sul Sulta ta 76. If you ask a translator to tr translate anslate a text at the same me to ver verbalized balized as much his/he his/herr thoughts as possible, which method do you use? a. Th Thou ough ghtt proc proces essi sing ng b. Cogn Cogni ive ve proc proces essi sing ng c.

Read aloud

d. Think al aloud 77. Reading uen uency cy has three elements. elements. Which Which is one of them? a. Aut Autno noma ma city city b. Vacabulary c. Accuracy


d. Co Comp mprreh ehen ensi sion on 78. Which type of ac acvity vity is highlighted highlighted in the ffollowing ollowing examples? examples? Puppets, board games, picture dictaon, speed dang, interviews a. Interacve b. Generave c. Com omm munic unica ave d. Conv Conver ersa sao on n games ames 79. What is the embedded claus clause e in the sentence: “That the farmer applied applied health-thre health-threatening atening pescides to his farm crops shocked the community?” a. It shoc shock ked the the far farme merr b. Th The e news news shock shocked ed the farme farmerr c.

It shoc shock ked the the com commu muni nity ty

d. Th The e comm communi unity ty is is in disbel disbelie ieff 80. Which languag language e funcon is expressed expressed in the following following statements? statements? “Assessment in most schools are segmented. There must be a well-craed assessment tool to determine learning. Assessment tools must be standardized” a. Valuing b. Acc Accommod mmoda ang c.


d. Evaluang 81. A good language educaon program program should give equal importance to meaning and


the beginning. a. Fluency b. Accuracy c.


d. Expr xpression 82. Which st statement atement tells tells the truth truth about communicaon? communicaon? a. Communic Communicaon aon invol involves ves re reading ading and and wring wring ideas proper properly ly.. b. Comm Communic unicaon aon deals deals with with imperf imperfeco econ n in the use use of the skill skills. s. c.

Communica Communicaon on is the the ke key y progress progress and advancement advancement in cconnuing onnuing to learn things more more accurately and eecvely.

d. All the ccommu ommunica nicaon on ski skills lls are are dev developi eloping ng one ability ability.. 83. Which one ccan an help the students students develop the habit of cric crical al thinking? a. Making Making the the stude students nts pre prepar pare e pos poster terss b. Obeyin Obeying g aut author hority ity with without out ques queson onss c.

Askin Asking g qu ques esons ons explicitl explicitly y answer answered ed by by the text text

d. Being willing to susp suspend end judgement judgement unl sucient sucient evidence is pr presented esented 84. Which is at the he heart art of reading, be it in the rst or second language? language? a. Pron Pronu uncia ncia on b. Spelling c. Com omp prehens hensiion d. Grammar


85. Which opon below prese presents nts CORRECTLY CORRECTLY the steps in the listening process? a. Underst Understandi anding ng – reme remember mbering ing – eval evaluan uang g – responding responding – receiv receiving ing b. Remembering Remembering – evaluan evaluang g – responding responding – receiving receiving – unders understanding tanding c.

Evalua Evaluang ng – respondi responding ng –rec –receivi eiving ng – understan understanding ding –remem –remember bering ing

d. Rec Receivi eiving ng – understan understanding ding – remember remembering ing – eval evaluan uang g –respondi –responding ng 86. Miss Concepcion w wants ants to prepare prepare her students for a lesson lesson that aims to sharpen the crical evaluaon listening skills of her students. Before making them listen to a recorded adversement, she establishes the context of the listening text and acvate the background knowledge of the students about the nature of adversement. In what phase or stage is her listening lesson? a. Pr Pree-li list sten enin ing g stag stage e b. Post Post-l -lis iste teni ning ng st stag age e c.

Whil Whilee-li list sten enin ing g sta stage ge

d. Pl Plan ann nin ing g stag stage e 87. Which teaching ac acvies vies would would be most appropria appropriate te if the objecve of teaching teaching speaking is the improvement of uency? I.

De Deli live veri ring ng spe speec eche hes, s, gro group up d dis iscu cuss ssio ions ns,, nego negoa aon onss and and de deba bate tes, s, int inter ervi view ewss an and d meengs, etc.


Working orking on spec specic ic vo vowe wels, ls, troub troubles lesome ome co conso nsonan nants, ts, exe exerc rcise isess on sou sounds nds not pr prese esent nt iin n the rst language, etc.


Working orking on redu reduco cons ns e e.g. .g. wa want nt tto o – wann wanna, a, wor word d stre stress, ss, into intona naon on pa paern erns, s, etc etc..

a. I only b. I, II, III c.

I and II

d. II and III 88. When teaching sp speaking eaking to learners learners of English as a second language language (ESL), the specic lear learning ning needs that need to be addressed always are


a. Improvin Improving g their uency uency,, their pronunc pronuncia iaon, on, and their enu enuncia nciaon. on. b. Expos Exposing ing them them to nave nave speakers speakers and and giving giving them plent plenty y of pracce pracce.. c. Teach eaching ing them to speak speak the target target language. language. d. Understanding Understanding the movement movement and and locaon locaon o off mouth and tongue tongue when when making sounds. 89. How do cognivi cognivist st such Chomsky per perceive ceive the commissi commission on of error by learner learners? s? a. Errors Errors are indicators indicators of ffailure ailure to learn, thus should be right right away away eliminated. eliminated. b. Error foster wrong speech habits habits and should should be stamped out by repeated repeated drills an and d exercises. c.

Err Errors ors are are welcome welcome in that they they indicate indicate wh what at has been learne learned d and what needs needs yet yet to be learned.

d. Contrasve Contrasve analysis before before lang language uage teaching teaching minimize minimize error error occ occurrence urrence.. 90. Which is NOT true abou aboutt the applicaon of Dale’ Dale’ss Cone of Experience? a. It encourages encourages educators educators to plan experiences experiences that will help help studen students ts apply their learning learning to real-life situaons. b. Cont Contriv rive e experienc experiences es are those those that make make the learner learnerss act out a role.



Moon pi pictures ctures limit limit the parcipao parcipaon n of stu students dents since since it only only involves involves seeing seeing and hearing.

d. The more senses used used in interacon interacon with with a source, source, the beer beer the chance chance for students to to learn. 91. Which wo work rk is shown shown in the following following examples? examples? “The mother arms her child’s correct reading of words (e.g. ‘yeah’), and corrects him when he needs a word wrongly (e.g. ‘not billow’). a. Ski Skinne nner’ r’ss Rein Reinfo forc rcem ement ent b. St Steph ephen en Krash Krashen’ en’ss Mon Monito itorr Model Model c.

Pa Pavlo vlov’ v’ss Clas Classic sical al Cond Condi ioni oning ng

d. Jer Jerome ome Brun Brunner’ ner’ss S Spir piral al Teaching eaching 92. The type of words that a child ma may y be able to comprehen comprehend d by using context context clues are known as  


a. Rece Recep pve ve voca vocabu bula lary ry b. Po Pote ten nal al marg margina inall vo vocab cabul ulary ary c.

Li List sten enin ing g voca vocabu bula lary ry

d. Ex Expr pres essi sive ve voc vocab abul ular ary y 93. The following are gener generally ally considered as prepar preparaonal aonal strategies strategies in teaching reading EXCEPT: EXCEPT: a. Previewing b. Predicng c. Sc Sche hema ma ac acv va aon on d. Determ Determini ining ng iimpo mport rtant ant de detai tails ls 94. Which of the following languag language e teaching methods is NOT learner learner-center -centered ed in approach? a. Conten Contentt-bas based ed instru instruco con n b. Task-as ask-ask k languag language eT Teac eachin hing g c.

Coop Cooper era ave ve le lear arni ning ng

d. Gr Grammar ammar Transla ranslaon on importan importantt detail detailss 95. Which elemen elementt of con refers refers to the universal aspects aspects of life as the writer perceives perceives them to be so that it determines his choice and organizaon of acn, characters, seng, and point of view? a. Plot b. Character c. Seng d. Theme 96. Which type of plot device end endss abruptly so that the main characters characters are le le  in a dicult situaon without oering any resoluon or conict? a. An-hero b. Archetype c.


d. Foil 97. What is another term for prolepsi prolepsiss which is a ‘scene that temporarily tak takes es the narrave for forward ward in me from the correct point of the story in literature, lm, television and other media? a. Flashback b. Fla lasshfor orw ward ard


c. For ore eshad shado owing ing d. Tele elescop opiing 98. In a novel or a short story story,, this is the point of view assumed by the narr narrator ator form whi which ch he is able to tell everything that happens in the story. This is known as


a. Eyewitness b. Omniscient c. First pe person d. Con onssciou cioussnes ness 99. Which form of expo expository sitory prose presents presents the personal personal view of its writer on a topic? It is said to provide light as well as delight for the author tries to charm his reader with his prose as he discusses his ideas or experiences? a. Paragraph b. Essay c.


d. Composion 100. Which of the following readi reading ng techniques is used when the teacher requ requires ires the learner to read the selecon rapidly by using all available informaon, such as tle, subtles, introductory paragraphs, rst sentence, summaries, pictures, maps, and diagrams? a. Sur urvvey rrea eadi ding ng b. Skimming c. Stu tudy dy read adiing d. Scanning 101. Compl Complete ete the analogy. analogy. Phoneme: the single unit of sound Morphene: a. Th The e smal smalles lestt u unit nit of mea measur suring ing b. Th The e most most imp import ortant ant eleme element nt c.

Th The e simp simple lest st unit unit of of an idea idea

d. Th The e ssho hort rtes estt p phr hras ase e 102. Pronouns and proposi proposion on are open word classes while nouns, adjecves, adjecves, and adverb are closed word classes? a. False b. Partly ttrrue c.


d. Par artl tly y fal alsse 103. Which of the follow following ing is negligible in co color-blin lor-blind d casng? a. Crow Crowd-d d-dra rawin wing g e eect ect of of new new actor actor b. Talent alent ffees ees o off season seasoned ed actor actorss c. Di Dirrec ecto tor’ r’ss ccho hoic ice e d. Nao Naona nali lity ty of acto actors rs


104. The answer to the economic woes of the Philippines

use of arcial

intelligence in agricultural producvity. a. Are b. Is c.


d. Will be 105. Which does NO NOT T belong to the group? group? a. Modules b. Show an and d Te Tell c.


d. Soware 106. In the commonest paern for fforming orming nouns, the phrasal verb rem remains ains unchanged, except except that in speech. a. Th The e seco second nd elem element ent is uns unstre tresse ssed d b. Th The e second second e elem lement ent is is new new stre stress ssed ed c.

Th The e rst rst elemen elementt is unstr unstress essed ed

d. Th The e rst rst elem elemen entt is new new str stress essed ed 107. Which sent sentence ence has a wrong wrong verb form? form? a. The oce oce sta noces noces that the the crowd crowd has not been disper dispersed sed when when they arrive arrived. d. b. Lilia h had ad drove drove all all night night to get tto o the confe conferen rence ce on  me. me. c.

Rob Robert ert knew knew yester yesterday day that that you have have n not ot recei received ved your your mail. mail.

d. Mari Marilyn lyn w was as correc correctt when she she said said she would would fail fail the exa exam. m. 108. Which is the correct order of the followi following ng words to form a sentence? Everybody












a. 13452 b. 45312 c. 32154 d. 21345 109. In Jane Austen’s “Pride and prejudice” prejudice”,, why is Mrs. Bennet so determined to arrange good marriage for her ve daughters? Because . a. The law law dictate dictatess that only only a son can inheri inheritt the Bennet Bennet family family fo fortun rtune. e. b. She be believ lieves es her daughter daughter deserve deserve to to have have a goo good d fortune. fortune. c.

Marr Marrying ying tthem hem o to to good famil families ies means means nancia nanciall security security ffor or them. them.

d. She wants wants all all her daughter daughterss to b be e happy happy.. 110. Which of the following DOES NO NOT T illustrate the arbitrariness arbitrariness of language? a. Answers Answers that are are considered considered appropriat appropriate e respo responses nses to complements complements vary across cultures. b. Language is capable capable of represen represenng ng things things that are are parally parally or temporar temporarily ily distant. distant. c.

Through me, language language users users will see the evoluon of the denotaon or connotaon connotaon of an expression.

d. A commu community nity can can construct construct meaning meaning o other ther than than that whi which ch the diconary diconary gives gives..


111. Which of the Japanese poems co consist nsist of ve lines 5-7-5-7-7 syllables syllables including at leas leastt one pause? a. Renga b. Choka c.


d. Tanka 112. “The woods are love lovely ly,, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep And miles to go before I sleep” In what poem can the given lines be found? a. Th The e roa road d Not Not Tak aken en b. Stop Stopping ping by the the woods woods in a Snowy Snowy E Eveni vening ng c.

Fire an and Ic Ice

d. Mendi ending ng Well ell 113. Which method does T Teacher eacher may use when she instruct her studen students ts not to use the nave language and instead tell them to gure out the grammar rules for themselves as they are encourage to speak the target language at all mes? a. Com omm munic nica avve b. Immersi sio on c.


d. Aud Audio-l io-liing ngua uall 114. When you teach students to use word wordss instead of those with distasteful or oen oensive sive eect eect like the “grim-reaper” for death or “crossing over” for dying, you are teaching a lesson on


a. Exi xissten tenali alism b. Euphemism c.


d. Co Con ntext textua uali liza zao on n 115. A schema theory basically a theory about


a. How to know b. Memory c. Inf Informa ormao on n back back d. Knowledge 116. Who is consider considered ed as the herald and messenger messenger of the Olympian Gods? a. Prometheus b. Procusteus c.


d. Zeus 117. The Philippine economy a. Grew in b. Grew with c. Grew at

a sizzling pace in the second quarter of this year. year.


d. Grew on 118. Which type of speech arts pr presents esents parts, knowledge knowledge or inform informaon? aon? a. Persuasive b. Expo xpository c.


d. Informave 119. Which is an appropri appropriate ate alternave alternave point of view to tradional tradional media? a. Beat b. Hypelocal c.


d. Blogs 120. What does the following sta statement tement imply? “Someone’ “Someone’ss frown may indicate anger anger to one person, while to another, the same frown may indicate that has headache.” a. Percep Percepons ons are are interpr interpreta etaon on of exter external nal signs. signs. b. Rar Rarely ely do peopl people’ e’ss p perc ercepo epons ns agree. agree. c.

Seld Seldom om are are perce percepon ponss based based on inter interpre pretao taons. ns.

d. Per Percep cepons ons are also interpr interpreta etaons ons.. 121. The speaker should chang change e the language according according to the needs of a listener or cased on the demand of the situaon like the given example EXCEPT for . a. Sophisc Sophiscang ang the the language language by using high high level terminol terminologie ogiess for learners learners.. b. Likin Liking g die dieren rently tly tto o a baby baby that that to to an adult adult c.

Spea Speaking king di diere erently ntly iin n a classroo classroom m that o orr the playg playgrou round nd

d. Givi Giving ng backgro background und informa informaon on to an unfam unfamiliar iliar list listener ener 122. The goal of this type of assessment is to prom promote ote an on-going ffeedback eedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching and for the students to improve their learning. a. Summave b. Diagnosc c.


d. Objecve 123. What is the mood of these lines? Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise, I must think of a new life And I mustn’t give in. When the dawn comes Tonight will be a memory, too, and a new day will begin.” -“Acquainted with the Night” Robert Frost a. Confused b. Hopeful c.


d. Sarcasc 124. Which among the following DOE DOES S NOT represent represent the concept of washback? a. A test may may inuence inuence w what hat teache teachers rs teach teach and ho how w they teach teach their their students students.. b. The extent extent to which the the introducon introducon and use of a test test inuen inuence ce language language learners learners



Wha Whatt is tested tested does not a ae ect ct what what is taugh taught. t.

d. It is tthe he connec connecon on betw between een tes tesng ng and and learning learning.. 125. Which bran branch ch of linguiscs deals deals with the meaning of word words? s? a. Pragmacs b. Syntax c.


d. Semancs 126. “Poetry should glorify God, promote promote religious valu values, es, enlighten read readers ers and help people to become Chrisans.” Whose literary theory is this? a. Ale Alexan ande derr Pop Pope e b. Ben Jo Johnson c.

John M Miilton

d. Franc ncis is Bacon 127. “The problem with many of the organizaon’ organizaon’ss oers is that they are oen conscious what the members think or say about their project proposals” a. About b. In c. For d. On 128. Which gure of speech in use in the given example, “What happens to a dream deferred, deferred, does it dried up like a raisin in the sun? a. Metaphor b. Hyperbole c.


d. Perso ersoni nic ca aon on 129. How many phrases are ther there e in the given sentence? Villagers Villagers in the mining area were prohibited to go back to their homes covered by scky mud. a. 4 b. 5 c.


d. 3 130. Which naonal policy descr describes ibes the level educaonal qualicaon qualicaon outcomes? outcomes? a. Colleg College e Readi Readines nesss Stand Standar ard d b. Ou Outc tcom omee-ba base sed d Ed Educ uca aon on c.

Phi Philip lippin pine e Quali Qualica caon on Frame Framewor work k

d. Asean Asean Qual Qualic ica aon on F Fra rame mewo work rk 131. Which is the rst ste step p to follow in wri wring ng a literature literature test? a. Write Write the ttest est where where the the target target com compet petence ence iiss consider considered. ed. b. Mat Match ch texts texts to the the tasks-t tasks-tasks asks with seen texts. texts. c.

Idenfy the learning learning context, context, language language level, level, prole prole of tthe he language language and literatur literature e syllabus, syllabus, rule of the test and prole of the test.


d. Group the skills to be covered covered-literary -literary knowledge and skills skills for literary literary appreciaon. appreciaon. 132. Which of the following are NO NOT T characteriscs characteriscs of a formalist cricism? a. It iiss indepe independen ndentt if the writer’ writer’ss backgr background ound.. b. Cri Cricis cism m is a descri descripo pon n of its obje object. ct. c.

It iiss extr extrin insi sicc in es esse senc nce. e.

d. Cri Cricism cism is is con concent centra rated ted on on the work work itself itself.. 133. Teacher Fely imposes copious rules and paradigms to students rather than leng them discover the rules. She views language learning as . a. Passive b. Intr tru usive c.


d. Deducve 134. The following following are the element of Haiku, EXCEPT


a. 5-75-7-5 5 syll syllab abic ic str struc uctu ture re b. Kire Kireji ji or or th the e cun cung g wor word d c.

Kigo Kigo or seas season onal al them theme e

d. Iamb Iambic ic pent pentam amet eter er 135. Which is the appropriate appropriate preposion? preposion? Most people like surng, but my opinion, it is quite risky. a. Form b. Of c.


d. According 136. On levels of reading comprehension comprehension,, which involves the understanding understanding of informaon stated directly in the text? a. Crical b. Literal c. Interp erpreta ta ve d. Inferen eren al 137. The “mast head” refers refers to the


a. He Head ad of of th the e news newspap paper er pub publis lisher her b. Leadin Leading g repor reporter ter of the the ne news wspap paper er c. Name Name of the the new newsp spap aper er d. Ed Edito itoria riall o off tthe he newspa newspaper per 138. Which literar literary y movement considers considers nature as its subject, being the source of enjoyment and knowledge? a. Renaissance b. Natu turralism c.


d. Romancism


139. Which is TRUE among the opon oponss below as you refer refer to the two given statement? statement? He may leave tomorrow if he nishes his term paper. He will leave tomorrow if he nishes his term paper I. The sen sentenc tence e with may de denote notess permission permission or possibi possibility lity.. II. The sent sentence ence with will will simply describes describes a future event. event. III. The two senten sentences ces convey convey the same meaning. IV. IV. Acon in sentenc sentence e 1 is condional as stressed stressed by the word “if” a. II and IV b.

II, III, and IV


I and III


I and II

140. Which of the following language learning theories emphasiz emphasizes es student-centered student-centered and projectprojectbased learning? a. So Soci cioo-cu cult ltur ural al b. Co Cons nstr truc ucv vis ism m c.

Cogn Cogni ive ve-c -cod ode e lear learni ning ng

d. Ski killl lear learni ning ng 141. Which literar literary y term refers refers to the overriding feeling feeling in a work? a. Mood b. Poin oint of of vie view c.


d. Theme 142. The primary thing to be taken into account by teacher in formulang formulang objecves objecves of the lesson is: a. Ability Ability of the learne learners rs to under understan stand d the objecv objecves es and to reali realize ze them b. Comp Complian liance ce of the objecv objecves es with perfor performanc mance e standard standard to be observe observed d c.

Cons Consider ideraon aon of SMART (Specic (Specic,, Measurable Measurable,, Aainable, Aainable, Realis Realiscc and Time-Bound Time-Bound

d. Re Reec econ on of the h holis olisc c de develo velopmen pmentt of the learne learners. rs. 143. Teacher Reyes wan wants ts students to use a metacognive strategy strategy before lis listening tening to text. Which should her students do? a. Determin Determine e th the e range range of dicu diculty lty of th the e text. text. b. Chec Check k for for di dic cul ultt word words. s. c.

Find Find out out the the auth author’ or’ss pu purp rpos ose e

d. Set Set a purpos purpose e for for listen listenin ing g 144. You plan to adapt instruconal materials for your class class.. Which of the following do you consider? a. Using Using a varie variety ty of techniq techniques ues for for a chose chosen n conten content. t. b. Ensu Ensuring ring studen students’ ts’ perfor performanc mance e in achieve achievement ment texts texts.. c.

Leve Levell of instruc instruconal onal material material to to make make one’ one’ss work work easy easy.

d. Comb Combina inaon on of techniq techniques ues for for the the same same conte content. nt.


145. The last step in the applicaon of Situaonal Language Teaching is


a. Elicitaon b. Ques Quesonon-ans answe werr drill drilling ing c.


d. Subs Subst tu uon on dril drilli ling ng 146. Which among the given tools will most likel likely y achieve the goal of given assessment to achieve mastery of competencies, desired outcomes and standards? a. Musi Musicc CD Co Comp mpil ila aon on b. Perso ersona nall Es Essa say y c.

Learning Log

d. None 147. Idenfy the necessary punctua punctuaon on at points marked by black space in the following sentence. sentence. Here’s the bad news rate

The country’s country ’s rice shortage is shoong at an alarming

much faster than projected.

a. Se Semi mi-c -col olon on,, co coma ma b. Dash, cco olon c.


d. Colon, cco oma 148. Which transla translaon on problem is VERY VERY evident in the given sentence? sentence? “Mabu and panahon sa aking palagay.” a. Li Line near ar di disl sloc oca aon on b. Ext xtrra po posi sion c.

Synt Syntac acc c disl disloc oca aon on

d. Nomi Nomina nali liza zao on n 149. Which is the symptom manifes manifested ted by a beginning reader who is unable to quickly recog recognizes nizes sight words? a. Canno Cannott read read 2 vocabu vocabular lary y and si sigh ghtt word. word. b. Unab Unable le to b break reak the the code code especial especially ly the vocab vocabular ulary y words. words. c.

Conf Confuses uses a and nd cannot cannot rreco ecogniz gnize e and rremem emember ber sligh slightt wor words. ds.

d. Can sl slowly owly decod decode e sight sight words words syllabl syllables es by sylla syllables. bles. 150. Which assessment is appropr appropriate iate for an oral examinaon examinaon in phonecs? a. Authenc b. Perf erforma man nce c.


d. Product  

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