Fazilat About Hazrat Imam Ali Ibn e Abi Talib A

April 12, 2017 | Author: jamal abdul nasir | Category: N/A
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Fazilat About Hazrat Imam Ali Ibn e Abi Talib r.a according to Hadith's of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w. . 1. Allah's wish is only to remove uncleanness far from you,O Folk of the Household; and cleanse you with a thorough cleansing." 2. Abu Bakr says that the Holy Prophet said: "Looking at Ali is worship." 3. And whoever disputes with you concerning him, after the knowledge which has come unto you, say (unto them): Come! We will summon our sons and your sons, and our women and your women, and ourselves and yourselves, then we will pray humbly (to our Lord) and (solemnly) invoke the curse of Allah upon those who lie." Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.), accompanied Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Hussain (a.s.), went to meet the Christians of Najran for "Mubahalah" (Malediction). When the Christians saw him coming with his household, they were afraid of the consequences and excused themselves for not going through with the "Mubahalah" , and agreed to pay tribute in submission to his authority. 4. "Only believers will love you and only hypocrites will hate you! 5. The prophet of God (SAW) has said: "I am the City of Knowledge and Ali is its Gate. If you want to get (close) to me you have to come through the Gate (Ali)" 6. Imam Ghazaali in his Ihya Fi Uloom ad-Deen, under the topic AL-EESAAR AL-AN NAFS. writes that Allah sent called two of the great angels, Jibreel and Meekaa-eel and said: "I make you two brothers of each other. Now can one of you sacrifice his life for the other." Both declined to do that. Allah then pointed to Ali bin Abi Talib sleeping in the Prophet's bed and said: "There is a brother ready to sacrifice his life for another brother." . 7. The Prophet (s) said, “The most knowledgeable person in my nation after me is Ali (a).” Manaqib Al-Imam Ali Ibn Abi TAlib (a) of Ibn Al-Maghazeli Al-Shafi^i.

8. The Prophet (s) said, “Embellish your gatherings by mentioning Ali (a).” Mustadrak Al-Sahihain of Al-Hakim Al-Nisabori, 3/109; Musnad Ahmad, 4/368, 5/419; AlKhasa’is of Al-Nisa’I, 9; Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 16; Al-Manaqib of Akhtab Khawarizm, 94; Tarikh Baghdad of Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdadi, 8/290; Yanabi^ Al-Mawda.

9. The Prophet (s) said, “Embellish your gatherings by mentioning Ali (a).” Mustadrak Al-Sahihain of Al-Hakim Al-Nisabori, 3/109; Musnad Ahmad, 4/368, 5/419; AlKhasa’is of Al-Nisa’I, 9; Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 16; Al-Manaqib of Akhtab Khawarizm, 94; Tarikh Baghdad of Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdadi, 8/290; Yanabi^ Al-Mawda.

10. The Person who died in love of Hazrat Imam Ali a.s , he will go to in paradise . -211. The Prophet (s) said, “I am the warner, and the guide after me is Ali (a).” Musnad Ahmad, 1/151; Al-Tirmidhi, 2/135; Al-Khasa’is of Al-Nisa’I, 20; Kenz Al-Omal, 1/247; Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 222. 12. Muhibuddin Tabari in his book Dhakhai'r aI-Uqba fi Manaqib Dhawi aI-Ourba' quoting Ibn Abbas, the Prophet's cousin and companion says: "On the revelation of ayat al-Ma wadda people asked the Prophet as to who were his relatives whom they were required to love. The Prophet replied: Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husain. (This is also stated by Ahmad in al-Manaqib').

13. There is no stronger evidence than this regarding the merits of the Ahl a1-Kisa` (Ahl al-Kisa is a term denoting those who gathered with the Prophet under his Kisa (cloak) whereupon the verse of purity was revealed: They are Ali, Fatima, Hasan, and Husain, as had been already discussed earlier.). It is the proof of the truthfulness of the Prophet's mission, because nobody however biased has narrated that they (the Christians) dared to accept that (the challenge for Mubahala) 14. Allama Muhammad Husain Tabataba'i, the renowned modern day exegist, in his monumental commentary on the Holy Qur'an, Tafsir al-Mizan', referring to the verse those through whom Allah has cursed their enemies', says that these are none other than the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husain. He adds ...this narration has been related by all traditionists and recorded by all compilers (of traditions) in their collections, such as Muslim in his Sahih' and Tirmidhi in his Sahih', besides historians have confirmed it as welt.

15. "Only Allah is your Guardian and His Apostle and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay the poor-rate while in (Ruku'). And whoever takes Allah and His Apostle and those who believe as his guardian, then surely the party of Allah are they that shall be triumphant." Holy Qur'an (5:55-56) 16. Zamakhshari, in his Al-Kashshaf, says the following about this verse: "It was revealed in favour of Ali (May Allah enlighten his face) when a beggar asked him (for alms) while he was in the position of Ruku' during prayer, and he gave away his ring (in the some position). 17. It seems it was loose on his little finger, for he did not exert any effort in taking it off, which would have nullified his prayer. If you ask; How could it be in favour of Ali (May Allah be pleased with him), when the wordings are in the collective form?' I say: The form is collective, though its instigator is a single-man, because this is to

encourage people to follow his example and earn a similar reward, and also to draw attention (to the fact that) the believers must be extremely mindful and benevolent, towards the poor, in as much as, if a situation could not be postponed to after the prayer, it may not be delayed till having finished it. 18. Wahidi, in Asbab al-Nuzul', citing Kalbi's narration concerning the cause for the revelation of this verse says: "The latter part of this verse is in favour of Ali ibn Abi Talib' (May Allah be gracious to him) because he gave a ring to a beggar while in Ruku'during prayer. 19. "0 Prophet proclaim what has been revealed to you from your Lord, for if you do it not you have not conveyed His message, and Allah will protect you from the (evil designs of) people... Holy Our'an (5:67) 20. The Prophet (s) said, “Exemption from the Hellfire comes with love for Ali (a).” Mustadrak Al-Sahihain of Al-Hakim Al-Nisabori, 2/241; Tarikh Baghdad of AlKhateeb Al-Baghdadi, 6/851; Akhtab Khawarizm, 86; Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 90. 21. The Prophet (s) said, “There would not be one sufficient for Fatima if God had not created Ali (a).” HAliyat Al-Awliya’, 1/34; Al-Riyadh Al-Nudhra, 2/177; Ibn AlMaghazeli, 242; Al-Khawarizmi, 42; Yanabi^ Al-Mawda, 112. 22. Muslim in his Sahih reported that Zeid Ibn Arqam said: "The Messenger of God stood at Ghadeer Khum (between Mecca and Medina), delivering to us a sermon. He praised the Almighty and preached and reminded us. Then he said: `O people, I am only human, the Messenger of my Lord is about to come to me, and I shall respond. I am leaving in you "Al-Thaqalain" (The Two Valuables). The first of the two is the Book of God. The guidance and the light are in it. Follow it and adhere to it. He urged people to follow the Book of God and induced them to do so. Then he said: "And members of my House. Remember God in dealing with the members of my House. (Repeating this three times.)" 23. Asma Bint Omais (wife of Jaafar Al-Tayyar) said: "I heard the Messenger of God saying to Ali: You are to me like Haron to Moses, except that there shall be no Prophet after me." 24. Al-Termathi recorded through his channel to Anas Ibn Malik that Anas reported: The Prophet sent Bara-ah with Abu Bakr, then he called him and said: No one ought to deliver this except a man from the members of my House. He called Ali and gave him the chapter." 25. Ibn Husham in his Biography of the Prophet recorded that Mohammad Al-Baqir reported the following: "When Bara-ah was revealed to the Messenger, he sent Abu Bakr to lead the people in pilgrimage. The Prophet was told: Messenger of God, it would be good if you send Bara-ah with Abu Bakr so that he will announce it. The Prophet said: No one should deliver for me but a man from the members of my House. Then he called upon Ali Ibn Abu Talib and said to him: Take the verses at the beginning of Bara-ah . . . Ali went on, riding the camel of the Messenger, "Al-Adba," until he reached Abu Bakr on the road. Abu Bakr said: Are you a commander or commanded? Ali said: I am commanded, and they went on and Abu Bakr led the people in the Hajj, Pilgrimage... When the Day of Arafat came, Ali stood up and announced to the people what the Messenger ordered him to announce..."

26. "The Messenger and the people departed for military operations in Tabook. Ali said to him: I will depart with you. The Prophet said to him: No. Ali became sad. The Messenger said to him: Are you not satisfied to be to me like Haron to Moses, except that you are not a prophet? It would not be proper that I leave unless you are my successor." 27. Al-Hakim recorded also that Zeid Ibn Arqam said that the Prophet said on that day: "O people, I am leaving in you two elements if you follow you shall not go astray. They are the Book of God and the members of my House." 28. "When the Messenger of God was coming from the Valedictory Pilgrimage, he stood at Ghadeer Khum. and said: I am about to be summoned (by God) and I will respond (to His call). I am leaving in you the Two Valuables: One of them is bigger than the other: the Book of God, and the members of my House. Beware how you shall treat them after me, for they shall not part from each other until they join me at the basin (on the Day of Judgment) . . ." 29. The Imam Al-Nisa-i in his Al-Khassa-iss Al-Alaweyah (the distinctions of Ali) reported that when Jaafar Ibn Abu Talib and Zeid Ibn Haritha and Imam Ali disputed each other about the guardianship of the orphan of Hamzah, the Prince of Martyrs, the Messenger said: "Ali, you are to me like Haron to Moses..." 30. It seems that this event was well known. Omar did not deny it when Ibn Abbas reminded him of it. Ibn Abbas reported the following: "... Omar said to me: Ibn Abbas, I see your man (Ali) is treated unjustly . . . I said: Ameer Al-Mumineen, give him his right. He pulled his hand from my hand and went on speaking to himself, then he stood waiting for me. When I came to him; he said: Ibn Abbas, I think they (the Qureshites) did not give him the leadership only because they thought he was too young for that... I said: By God, neither God nor His Messenger considered him too young when they ordered him to take the chapter of Bara-ah from your man. He (Omar) turned his face away from me and sped up and I went back." 31. "The Messenger said to Ali: It would be necessary that I stay, or you stay (in Medina). So he left him in Medina. When the Messenger departed, some people said: He left Ali behind him only for something he hated about him. When this word reached Ali, he followed the Messenger (and informed the Messenger about what people were saying). The Messenger laughed and said: Ali, are you not satisfied to be to me like Haron was to Moses, except that you are not a prophet? Ali said: Yes, Messenger of God. The Messenger said: It is as I told you." 32. "I came to Mecca and met Saad Ibn Abu Waqas, I asked him: "Did you hear any recommendation for Ali?" He said: I witnessed four for him, if one of them were for me, I would prefer it to having the whole world, living in it as long as Noah lived. The Messenger sent Abu Bakr with Bara-ah to the pagans of Quraish. He traveled a day and night, then the Prophet said to Ali: Follow Abu Bakr, take Bara-ah from him, and deliver it, and send Abu Bakr back to me. Abu Bakr came back crying. He said: Messenger of God, did any revelation come down concerning me? The Prophet said: None but good. No one should deliver for me except myself or a man from me, or he said: from the members of my House..."

33. "Ibn Husham recorded in his Biography of the Prophet that the Prophet said to Ali on that day: "Ali, are you not satisfied to be to me like Haron was to Moses, except that there shall be no prophet after me? 34. Al-Termathi recorded that Zeid Ibn Arqam reported that the Messenger of God said: "I am leaving in you what if you follow, you will never stray after me. One of them is bigger than the other. The Book of God, a robe extended from Heaven to earth, and the members of my House. They will never part with each other until they join me at the basin (on the Day of Judgment). Beware how you shall treat them after me." 35. Muslim in his Sahih through channels to Saad Ibn Abu Waqas recorded that the Messenger said to Ali on that day: "Are you not satisfied that you are to me like Haron to Moses, except that there shall be no prophet hood after me?" 36. Abbas stated that this was by order from God.) That man was Ali Ibn Abu Talib. Let us try to understand what the Messenger meant by his saying "No one should deliver for me except a man from me (or from the members of my House)." 37. The Messenger used to say: "Let the present inform the absent." 38. The Messenger informed us that the members of his House during his lifetime were only four: Ali, Fatima, and their two children (Al-Hassan, and Al-Hussein). We have mentioned in the second chapter, vol. 1 of this book, several hadiths which indicate this. Of those hadiths is what Muslim reported through Saad Ibn Waqas: When this verse, `Let us invite our sons and your sons . . . ,' the Messenger called Ali, Fatima, and Hassan and Hussein, and said: God, these are the members of my House." 39. "And the Prophet said to Ali: "You are to me like Haron to Moses except that there shall be no Prophet after me." The saying of the Prophet to Ali: You are to me like Haron to Moses . 40. Holy Prophet except one person: That is Ali Ibn Abu Talib. Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein were still children and Fatima was a grown lady. Thus, when the Messenger said: "No one performs for me except a man from the members of my House," he had meant only Ali. Therefore, he sent him with the chapter of Bara-ah 41. The Holy Prophet never said to any one of these temporary deputies what he said to Ali: "You are to me like Haron to Moses... 42. Al-Termathi in his authentic "Sunan" recorded that Zaid Ibn Arqam reported that the Messenger said: Whoever I am his Moula, Ali is his Moula. 43. Imam Ahmad reported in his Musnad through his channel to Abdul-Rahman Ibn Abu Leila that he said: "I witnessed Ali at Al-Rahbah, asking people to testify. He said: I ask in the name of God whoever heard the Messenger of God saying on the Day of Ghadeer Khum: "Whoever I am his Moula, Ali is his Moula to stand up and testify. Abdul-Rahman said: Twelve companions who had attended the Battle of Badr stood up and I remember as if I am looking at one of them, and they said: "We testify that we heard the Messenger of God saying on the Day of Ghadeer Khum: Do I not have more authority over the believers than they have over themselves? . . ." We said: Yes, Messenger of God. He said: Whoever I am his Moula, Ali is his `Moula.' God, love whoever loves him, and be hostile to whoever is hostile to him.

44. Ali is to slander the Messenger and to love him is to love the Messenger, and to be hostile to him is to be hostile to the Messenger. 45. "The Messenger of God said: `Whoever obeys me obeys God, and whoever disobeys me disobeys God; and whoever obeys Ali obeys me; and whoever disobeys Ali disobeys me.'" 46. As to the last content, "Whoever I am his Moula, Ali is his Mouls," it was reported by tens of his companions. 47. Hubshi Ibn Janadah reported the following: "I heard the Messenger of God saying: Ali is from me and I am from him, and no one represents me except Ali." Al-Termathi in his authentic Sunan reported this hadith and said this is good, unusual, and authentic. 48. Prophet said the following: ". . . O people, I am leaving in you two elements, you will never go astray if you follow them. They are the Book of God and the members of my House, my Itrah.' Then he said: Do you know that I have more authority over the believers than they have over themselves, (repeating that three times)? They said: Yes. The Messenger of God said: Whoever I am his Moula, this Ali is his Moula." 49. The Messenger himself asked his Lord to love whoever loves Ali and be hostile to whoever is hostile to him. 50. It is reported by Zeid Ibn Oufa that the Messenger of God said to Ali on the day of brotherhood (in the first year after the Hijra): "By the One Who sent me with the truth, I only preserved you for myself. You are to me like Haron to Moses, except that there shall be no prophet after me, and you are my brother and my heir... 51. Imam Ahmad also reported in his Musnad (part 5, page 356) that the Messenger said to Buraidah: "Speak not ill of Ali for he is from me and I am from him, and he is your `Wali' after me." 52. Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! and to purify you a (thorough) purifying " (33:33) The Identity of Ahlul-Bayt: Umm Salama, the wife of our beloved Prophet says, "Ayah 33 of surah 33 (Al-Ahzaab) was revealed to the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) when he was at my house. After this revelation, the Messenger of Allah called upon Ali, Fatima, Al-Hasan and Al-Husain to come to him and be under the mantle with him; then he proclaimed "O' Lord, these are my AhlulBayt, I implore thee to cleanse them of all stigmas, and to purify them." 53. Tibari, the great historian, writes in his interpretation of the Holy Qur'an that Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) said, "This Ayah was a revelation about me, Ali, Fatima, AlHasan and Al-Husain. 54. Imam Ali and Om Selemah, wife of the Messenger who said: "The Messenger held the hand of Ali at Ghadeer Khum. He raised it until we witnessed the whiteness of his armpit, and said: Whoever I am his Moula Ali is his `Moula'. Then he said: `O people, I am leaving in you `Al-Thaqalain' (The Two Valuables): `Kitabullah' (the Book of God) and my Itrah (my close relatives). And they will not part with each other until they join me at the Basin (on the Day of Judgment)." 55. Ibn Jareer, Ibn Asim, Al-Mahamili in his Amali and Ibn Rahawaih recorded that Ali reported that the Messenger of God said: "Whoever God and His Messenger are his "Moula" (Guardian), this Ali is his Moula. I have left in you what if you adhere to, you will never go astray: the Book of God, His robe in His hand and in your hands, and the members of my House."

56. The Messenger s.a.w said , Hazrat Ali a.s , is your Olil-Amr . 57. It is narrated by H. Abu Bakr Siddiq , H.Umar Faroow , H. Usman Gani & H.Bibi Ayesha that we heard from Hazrat Muhmamad s.a.w , that He s.a.w says , The Person who who read Fazilat / Ranks about Hazrat Ali a.s & he believe on his ranks , Allah Talah will forgave his all X-sins & Today sins .(Sahiah Buhari / Muslim) 58. The person who write one fazilat / ranks about Hazrat Ali a.s & he believe on his ranks & his ink of written remains till Angels pray & Estagfar for him. 59. The Person who Listen one Fazilat / ranks about Hazrat Ali a.s & Allah Talah will forgave all his sin's . 60. The sin's which he has done from his eyes & to see the face / ziyarats of Hazrat Ali a.s is Ibadat . 61. It is narrated by H. Abu Bakr Siddiq , H.Umar Faroow , H. Usman Gani & H.Bibi Ayesha that we heard from Hazrat Muhmamad s.a.w , that He s.a.w says , Hazrat Ali a.s name is written on every door of Paradise / Jannat .(Sahiah Buhari / Muslim / Termandi) 62. Angles takes permission from Hazrat Imam Ali ibn e Abi Talib a.s ,& his 11 sons as well as now (they take permission from 12th Imam) Hazrat Hujat ul Qaim , Sahib ul Amer , Hujat Allah Hazrat Imam Muhammad Mahdi a.s what to do & what not to do & decide what to do now & what to next year .(see & read Saroot Qadr qur.30). 63. The Prophet (s) said, “For the one who believes and trusts in me, I recommend the wilayat of Ali (a).” Al-Jami^ of Al-Suyuti, 1/230; Al-Riyadh Al-Nudhra, 2/168; Tarikh Baghdad of Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdadi, 1/316; Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 49; Yanabi^ Al-Mawda, 266. 64. Abu Dharr al-Ghifari says that one day he was praying with the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) when a beggar came to the Prophet’s mosque. None responded to his pleas. The beggar raised his hands towards heavens and said, Allah! Be a witness that I came to the Prophet’s Mosque and no one gave me anything. Ali (a.s.) was bowing, in ruku at that time. He pointed his little finger, on which was a ring, towards him who came forward and took away the ring. This incident occurred in the Holy Prophet’s (s.a.w.) presence who raised his face towards heavens and prayed : O Lord! My brother Musa had begged to You to open his chest to make his work easy for him, to loosen the knot of his tongue so that people might understand him and to appoint from among his relations his brother, as his vizier, and to strengthen his back with Harun and to make Harun his partner in his work. O Allah! You said to Musa, We will strengthen your arms with your brother. No one will now have an access to either of you! O Allah! I am Mohammed and You have given me distinction. Open my chest for me, make my work easy for me and from my family appoint my brother Ali as my vizier Strengthen my back with him.The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) had not yet finished his prayers when Jibrael (a.s.) brought the above quoted verse. At-Tabari: at-Tafsir, vol.6, pg 186, AsSuyuti : ad- Durrul Manthur, Vol. 2, Pgs. 293-4 65. “This day have I perfected unto you your religion and completed upon you My Blessings, and I am well-pleased with Islam as your religion.” (Ch. 5, Verse 3). Then the Prophet bent down and lifted up Ali in his hands, showing him to the crowds on all sides of the pulpit, aid proclaimed, “Mun Kunto Maulaho fe haaza Ali-yun Maulah” “Of whomsoever I am the Master (Mauls), this Ali is his Master (Mania)”. So saying

the Prophet raised up his hands heavenwards and prayed, “O our God, love those who will love Ali, despise those who will despise him; support those who will support him; sad reject those who will reject him. 66. "...say (0' Muhammad unto mankind): I do not ask of you any reward for it (preaching the message), but love for my near relatives Ahlul-Bait'; and whoever earns good, we give him more of good therein;... Holy Our'an (42:23) The Prophet (s.a.w.) explicitly told the Muslims that this verse refers to his Ahlul-Bait that is Ali, Fatima, Hasan, and Husain and urged them to obey and follow these illustrious personalities after him. 67. It is Narrated by H.Ayesha Siddiqa that they heard from , Hazrat Rasool Allah s.a.w that He s.a.w says , Now O Ali a.s ! The person who loves with you by heart , so he completed 1/4 th of Iyyman , 68. The person who loves with you by both tongue & heart , so he completed 2 Thai Iyyman , & 69. The person who loves with heart & tongue & hands or practical , all of your loved with you deeply so he completed all Iyyman . 70. The Prophet (s) said, “The first of you to reach the Pond is the first of you who accepted Islam: Ali (a).” Kenz Al-Omal, 6/154; Al-Tabarani, 5/32; Al-Riyadh AlNudhra, 1/165; Dhaka’ir Al-^Aqi, 65; Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 230. 71. The Prophet (s) said, “No one is permitted on the Bridge except by the wilayat of Ali (a).” Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 15; Al-Isti^ab, 2/457. 72. Announcing this thrice, he got down from the raised platform, and seated Ali in a tent, where the people did him homage. Omar bin Al-Khatab was the first to congratulate Ali and to acknowledge him ‘Guardian of all Believers’ Saying “Bakhin bakhin laka ibne Abi Talih Asbahta Maul ayee Wa Maula kulla Momineen wa Mominaatin.” “Greetings be to thee O son of Abu Talib! Thou hast dawned as my Leader and the Leader of all faithful men and women.” 73. Wahidee in Asbab-un-Nuzool; Suyuti in Tafseer-e-Durr-i-Mansoor; Shaukani in Tafseer Fathul Qadir and Sideeq Hasan Khan in Fathul Bayan mention a tradition noted by Ibn Abi Hatim and other scholars from Abu Saeed Khudri in which it is stated that the verse “O Messenger! Make known what has been revealed unto you by your Lord and if you do not do so you have not made known your message.” The Quran Ch. 5, verse 67-was revealed on the occasion of the event at Ghadir-E-Khum in honor of Ali. Moreover in another tradition which has been quoted by Aini in his annotation of Saheeh Bukharee, this verse is paraphrased as “O Messenger! Proclaim the order which your Lord has passed and revealed unto you in honor of Ali Ibn Abu Talib.” So when this verse was revealed the Apostle held Ali by his hand and said, “Ali is also Lord of him who has taken me as his Lord.” Many similar quotations are given by historians and the names of a few are mentioned below:- Abul Fida, Ibn Khallakan in Wafiyat-ul-A’ yaan; Hakini in his Mustadrak; Nasaee in Kitabul Khasais; lbn Hajar Makki in Sawaiq-i-Muhriqa; Rawdzat-ul~Ahbab; Naishapuri in Tafseer Gharaibul Quran, Hafiz Ibn Mardwaih and Hafiz Abu Naeem from Abu Saeed Khudri. Muhammad Ibn Saalim Hanafi remarks in his marginal note on Sirajul Muneer-i-Azeezee, an annotation of Jam’i Sagheer of Suyuti, that when the Apostle delivered his speech “Ali is also the Lord of him who has me for his Lord, and some of the people inquired of the Holy Prophet, “Was it not sufficient for us to profess the

‘Creed of evidence, say our prayers and give alms with strict regularity, that the superiority and Lordship of Abu Talib’s son is now being imposed upon us? Do you commission us in this matter of your own accord, or is it ordered by Allah?” The Apostle replied, “By Him other than whom there is no one to be worshipped, this is the order of Allah”. 74. Tafseer-o-Sa’labi, Noor-ul-Absar, Seerat-ul-Halabiyah and Mustadrak relate that when on that day a man named Haris, son of No’man Fihri refused to acknowledge Ali as his leader and disputed with the Holy Prophet on this matter and said, “O Allah! If this be truly Thy Command then either rain down stones from heaven upon Muhammad or punish us.” A large stone fell upon him from heaven so that he was killed, just as the army of Abraha and their elephants had been killed before. 75. The first face that little Ali (A.S.) saw in this world was the smiling face of the Apostle of Allah, Muhammad (S.A.W.), whom he greeted thus: "Assalaamo alaika ya Rasoolallah (Peace be upon thee O Prophet of Allah). Muhammad (S.A.W.) lovingly took him into his arms. The child accepted no other food other than the moisture of Muhammad's tongue, which he sucked for several days after his birth. 76. The Prophet (s) said, “No one can give account of me but Ali (a).” Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 119, 242; Al-Riyadh Al-Nudhra, 2/177; Yanabi^ Al-Mawda, 112, 419; AlKhawarizmi, 253. 77. The Prophet (s) said, “The most miserable person from the beginning of the world to the end is the murderer of Ali (a).” Mustadrak Al-Sahihain of Al-Hakim Al-Nisabori, 3/141; Musnad Ahmad, 4/263; Al-Khasa’is of Al-Nisa’i 39; Al-Tabari, 2/408; Kenz Al-Omal, 5/58. 78. The Prophet (s) said, “There is a tree in Paradise called Tuba. Its roots are in the house of Ali, and its branch is Ali (a).” Mustadrak Al-Sahihain of Al-Hakim AlNisabori, 3/109; Musnad Ahmad, 4/370; Al-Khasa’is of Al-Nisa’i, 25; Al-Tirmidhi; Al-Tabarani. 79. Abdullah Ibn Omar, well known and righteous, refused to assist Ali or to elect him though he reported that the Messenger said: " . . . Whoever dies while he does not owe any allegiance to a caliph, he would die a pre-Islamic death." 80. Holy Prophet spoke to them saying, (and the Imam Ali reported it): "O children of Abdul-Muttalib, by God, I know of no young man from among the Arabs ever brought his people better than I brought to you. I have brought to you the best for you in this world and in the Hereafter. 81. Certainly, God has commanded me to invite you to it. Who is among you that will be my minister in this mission and he will become my brother, my executor and my successor among you?" The audience kept silent. Ali said, "Prophet of God, I will be your minister in this mission." He held my neck and said: "This is my brother, my executor, and my successor among you. Listen to him and obey him." The group laughed, saying to Abu Talib: "He commanded you to listen to your son and to obey him!" 82. The high ranks which were bestowed upon him were only by the order of God and as a reward from God to Ali for his promise of assistance which the Almighty knew that it will be implemented with unparalleled sincerity. All that indicates that Ali, while he was in his childhood, was above the rest of men and his brilliant future made him the candidate whom the Almighty chose to succeed His Messenger.

83. "... O people, understand my word, for I have delivered the Message. I have left for you what if you fortify yourselves with, you will never go astray, a clear instruction: The Book of God, and `Sunnah' of His Prophet..." 84. Holy Prophet announced the names of the members of the House who lived with him. We have mentioned in the second chapter that Saad Ibn Abu Waqass reported that the Holy Prophet on the day of Mubahalah (contesting prayer) said: "God, these (Ali, Fatimah, Al-Hassan, and AlHussein) are the members of my house." 85. Om Saleem, the flesh of Ali is from my flesh and his blood is from my blood, and he is to me like Haron to Moses.'' 86. "And I have left for you what you will not go astray if you fortify yourselves with: The book of God, and you shall be questioned about it." 87. "Whoever knows me, I am the one whom he knows, and whoever does not know me, I am Abu Zaharr. I heard the Prophet saying: The position of the members of my House among you is the position of Noah's ark and his people. Whoever embarked on it was saved, and whoever failed to embark on it was drowned." 88. Al- Bukhari recorded that Saad Ibn Abu Waqas reported the following: "The Messenger of God took a journey to Tabook, and he appointed Ali to succeed him in Medina. Ali said to the Prophet: `Do you leave me with the children and the women?' The Messenger replied: `Are you not satisfied to be to me like Haron to Moses, except that there shall be no Prophet after me?'" 89. Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Sa-eed Al-Khidri reported that the Messenger of God said: "I am about to be summoned by God and I shall respond. I am leaving in you the Two Valuables: The Book of God and the members of my House. The Almighty informed me that they will never part with each other until they join me at the Basin (on the Day of Judgment). Beware how you shall treat them after me." 90. Imam Ahmad in his Musnad recorded that Abu Bakr said: The Prophet sent me with the chapter of Bara-ah to the people of Mecca: "No pagan should make a pilgrimage after this year. No naked shall circumnavigate around the Ancient House. No one shall enter Paradise except a Muslim soul. Any Pagan community that has between them and the Messenger of God a peace accord, the accord will end by the end of the specified period (without extension), and God and His Messenger are clear of the pagans." Abu Bakr traveled on for three days, then the Prophet said to Ali: "Follow him and send Abu Bakr back to me, and go on to deliver the message yourself." Ali did that and Abu Bakr came back to the Prophet. He wept and said: Messenger of God, did anything happen concerning me? The Prophet said that nothing happened but good. "But I am commanded that no one should deliver it except myself or a man from me." 91. The Messenger spoke about Ali's leadership on an occasion other than the occasion of Ghadeer Khum. Al- Termathi in his authentic Sunnan recorded that Imran Ibn Hossain reported that four men complained about Ali to the Messenger of God, and the Messenger was angry and said to them: "What do you want from Ali? What do you want from Ali? What do you want from Ali? Ali is from me and I am from him. And he is the Wali (Guardian) of every believer after me."

92. The Imam Ali in one of his sermons reported that the Holy Prophet told him during the period of the commencement of his prophet hood: "Ali, you hear what I hear, and you see what I see, but you are not a prophet, and you are on the right path." 93. Imam Ahmad recorded through his channel to Sa-eed Ibn Jubair that Ibn Jubair said that Ibn Abbas reported that Buraidah Al-Aslami said: "I went with an expedition under Ali's leadership to Yemen, and I noticed from him an unfriendly attitude. When I came to the Messenger of God, I mentioned Ali and spoke ill of him. I noticed the face of the Messenger was changing. He said: Buraidah, do I have more authority over the believers than they have over themselves? I said: Yes, Messenger of God. He said: Whoever I am his , Moula' Ali is his `Moula.'" 94. "Certainly God has chosen Adam and Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of Imran above all people. Off springs, one is from the other. And God hears and knows all things." 95. "Certainly God wants only to remove all abominations from you, ye members of the House, and to make you pure and spotless" was revealed and Ali, Fatima, Hassan, and Hussein were with him, he took the surplus of his cloak and covered them with it. Then he stuck his hand out and turned it towards the sky and said: "God, these are the members of my House and the closest to me. I ask Thee to remove all abomination from them, and to make them pure and spotless. . ." 96. Imam Ahmad in his Musnad (part 4, page 437) reported this hadith with little difference in wording, and he said that the Prophet said: "Leave Ali alone, leave Ali alone, leave Ali alone. Ali is from me and I am from him. And he is the `Wali' (Guardian) of every believer." 97. Al-Tabari recorded that Ibn Abbas reported that the Messenger said to Ali on the day of brotherhood (this was eight years before the occasion of Tabook): ". . . Ali, were you angry with me (showing his love to Ali as a brother shows his love to his brother) when I made brotherhoods between the Meccans and the Medinites and I did not make a brotherhood between you and any of them? Are you not satisfied to be to me like Haron to Moses, except that there shall be no Prophet after me?" 98. Om Selemah (wife of the Messenger) said: "The Messenger of God held the hand of Ali at Ghadeer Khum and lifted it. . . Then he said: `Whoever I am his "Moula" Ali is his "Moula" '. Then he said: `O people, I am leaving in you the Two Valuables: The Book of God, and the members of my House. They will never part with each other until they join me at the Basin (on the Day of Judgment).'" 99. He also prayed for the members of his House in his daily prayers, and he taught the Muslims to say when they pray for him: "God, I ask Thee to honor Mohammad and the members of his House as Thou have honored the members of the House of Abraham. Certainly Thou art The Praised, the Glorious." 100.Al-Hakim recorded that Abdullah Ibn Jaafar Ibn Abu Talib reported that his father said: "When the Messenger of God witnessed the mercy of God coming down, he said: `Call for me, call for me.' Safiyah said: `Whom should we call for you, Messenger of God?' He said: `Members of my House: Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein.' They were brought to him. He then covered them with his garment, then raised his two hands, and said: `God, these are the members of my House. I ask Thee to honor Mohammad and the members of the House of Mohammad.' God revealed the following verse:

`Certainly, God wants to remove the abomination from you, members of the House, and to purify you and make you spotless." 101.Whoever I am his Moula Ali is his Moula, nothing could be meant by the word Moula but the leader (the guardian), or the one who was given by God the right to administer the affairs of the Muslims. The Messenger declares that Ali is like him in that. 102.Al-Bukhari also reported that Saad said: "The Prophet said to Ali: Are you not satisfied to be to me like Haron to Moses?'' 103.Then he said: "Certainly God is my `Moula' (Guardian), and I am the guardian of the believers. Do you not know that I have more authority over you than you have over yourselves? We said: Yes. He said this three times. Then he held your hand, Commander of Believers (the reporting companions were addressing the Imam Ali), and lifted it and said: `Whoever I am his Moula (Guardian) this is his `Moula' God, love whoever loves him and be hostile to whoever is hostile to him.' 104.The Imam Ali said to the testifying companions: You have told the truth, and I am among those who bear witness to that." 105.Abdullah Ibn Omar said to him: "The Messenger of God sent Abu Bakr and Omar with the chapter of Bara-ah to the people of Mecca. The two men went on and suddenly a man overtook them. They asked: Who is this? He said: I am Ali. Abu Bakr, give me the written message which you have. Abu Bakr said: What happened concerning me? Ali said: By God, I did not know but good. Ali took the written message and went on, and Abu Bakr and Omar went back to Medina and said: Messenger of God, what happened to us? He said nothing but good, but I am told: No one should deliver for you but you, or a man from you." 106.Al-Nisa-i in his book "Al-Khasa-is Al-Alaweyah" (Distinctions of Ali) reported that the Messenger of God sent the chapter of Bara-ah to Mecca with Abu Bakr. Then he ordered Ali to follow him. He told him: Take the written message from Abu Bakr and go to the people of Mecca. Ali reached Abu Bakr and took the message from him. Abu Bakr sadly went back and said to the Messenger: Did any Revelation come down concerning me? The Prophet said: No, but I am commanded that either I should deliver it, or a man from the members of my House. 107.Imam Ahmad in his Musnad reported that Zeid Ibn Thabit reported that the Messenger of God said: "I am leaving in you two caliphs: The Book of God, and the members of my House. Beware how you shall treat them after me, for they will never part with each other until they join me at the Basin (on the Day of Judgment)." 108.Al-Hassan Ibn Badr, Al-Hakim in his book Al-Kuna, Al-Shirazi in Al-Alqab, and Ibn Al-Najjar reported that the Messenger said to Ali while Abu Bakr, Omar, and Abu Obeidah Ibn Al-Jarrah were with the Prophet: "Ali, you are the first of the believers in belief and their first in Islam, and you are to me like Haron to Moses..." 109.The Prophet (s) said, “Ali (a) is the distinguisher between truth and falsehood.” Mustadrak Al-Sahihain of Al-Hakim Al-Nisabori, 3/132; Musnad Ahmad, 1/331; Yanabi^ Al-Mawda, 92.

110.The Holy Prophet in one of his Khutbas said, “God has so much exalted my brother Ali that his numerous virtues could not be counted easily: whosoever from amongst you narrated one of his excellences, God will forgive his past and future sins; and whosoever will record one of his excellences, the angels will bless him as long as his writing remains; whosoever will read about his virtues with eyes, the sins of the eye will be forgiven to him. Beware! That man is not steadfast in faith who does not love Ali and does not shun his enemies. 111.Ali a.s like me as a head . 112.Abu Dharr al-Ghifari says that one day he was praying with the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) when a beggar came to the Prophet’s mosque. None responded to his pleas. The beggar raised his hands towards heavens and said, Allah! Be a witness that I came to the Prophet’s Mosque and no one gave me anything. Ali (a.s.) was bowing, in ruku at that time. He pointed his little finger, on which was a ring, towards him who came forward and took away the ring. This incident occurred in the Holy Prophet’s (s.a.w.) presence who raised his face towards heavens and prayed : O Lord! My brother Musa had begged to You to open his chest to make his work easy for him, to loosen the knot of his tongue so that people might understand him and to appoint from among his relations his brother, as his vizier, and to strengthen his back with Harun and to make Harun his partner in his work. O Allah! You said to Musa, We will strengthen your arms with your brother. No one will now have an access to either of you! O Allah! I am Mohammed and You have given me distinction. Open my chest for me, make my work easy for me and from my family appoint my brother Ali as my vizier Strengthen my back with him. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) had not yet finished his prayers when Jibrael (a.s.) brought the above quoted verse. At-Tabari: at-Tafsir, vol.6, pg 186 ,AsSuyuti : ad- Durrul Manthur, Vol. 2, Pgs. 293-4 ,Ar-Razi: at Tafsirul Kabir, vol. 12, pg. 26 ,Az- Zamakshari: at tafsir (al-Kashshaf), vol. 1, pg. 649 ,Al- Jassas: Ahkamul Quran, vol.2 pgs. 542-3 , Al- Khazin : at-Tafsir, vol. 2, pg. 68 113.Ali a.s is with me & my from him . 114.Ali a.s body is my body . 115.Obey Allah obey His Messenger and those of authority from amongst you (Ulul Amr) ... . (Nisa : 59) 116. I do not ask anything from you, except the love of my kinship. (42: 43) 117. O Apostle! Deliver what had been sent down to you from your Lord; and if you have not delivered His message (at all) and Allah will protect you from the people. (5.67) 118.Hazrat Ali a.s Rank is very Honorable . 119.He was the great warrior who succeeded in killing all adversaries who fought against him. 120.It was Ali who caught and conquered pagan "Jinns" many of whom accepted Islam. 121.It is Narrated by Hazrat Ayesha from his father Abu Bakr , Hazrat Ali a.s is High Ranked in every one . 122.There is no room here to quote all verified texts citing Ibn `Abbas, Ibn `Umer, Zayd ibn Arqam, Zayd ibn Abu `Awfah, Anas ibn Malik, Huthayfah ibn al-Yemani, Makhduj ibn Yazid, `Umer ibn al-Khattab, al-Bara' ibn `Azib, `Ali ibn Abu Talib, and others narrating this hadith as such. Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah has also said to `Ali: "You are my Brother in this life and the life hereafter."

123.This day I have perfected your religion and I have completed my bounty upon you and I have approved Islam as your religion. (5:3) 124.But whoever disputes with you in this matter after what has come to you of knowledge. Then say: “Come let us call our sons and your sons and our women and your women and ourselves and yourselves. Then let us be earnest in prayer and invoke the curse of Allah upon the liars.” (3:61) 125.Allah only desires to keep away abomination from you, O people of the house! And to purify you a through purifying. (33:33) 126.Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) declared Ali ibn e Abi Talib (a.s.) has his successor and the caliph of Muslims after him (s.a.w.). 127.Ali a.s Blood is my blood . 128.Ali a.s Flesh is my flesh . 129.Ali a.s Roah is my Roah . 130.Ali a.s & Me are made from One Noor . 131."And among men there is one who selleth his self ( soul ) seeking the pleasure of God; and verily, God is affectionate unto His (faithful) servants. " The Glorious Quran Chapter 2 Verse 207 , Both the angels descended. Jibrail took up his position near Ali's head and Mikail near his feet. Jibrail was crying out aloud Excellent. Excellent. O son of Abu Talib! There is none like you. Allah is making boast of you before the angels.Tafsir al Kabir, by Fakhr ad Din al Razi, v 2 p 189 ( for the above narrt )- Hakim al Mustadrak, v 3 p 4,- Ghayatul Maryam, p 344 -> 345,- Tafseer e Qurtubi, v 3 p 347,- Asadul Ghaiba fe Marifatil As Sahaba, v 4 p 25,- Tafseer Nishapoori ( Allama Nishapori ) , v 1 p 281,- Kifyatul Talib, p 114,- Zhakhiar al Uqba, p 88,- Noor ul Absar, p 86. 132.Ibn Abbas said: "When Fatima was taken to Ali's house on her wedding night, the Prophet proceeded her, Gabriel was on her right, and Michael on her left, and seventy thousand angels followed her. These angels praised and glorified Allah until dawn!! 133.Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w (Allah's Apostle declared:) "Surely Allah made every Prophet's progeny proceed from his own loins, and made my progeny proceed from Ali's loins." 134."The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) was in the mosque when he said to Ali: `Here is Gabriel informing me that Allah gave Fatima to you in marriage, and made forty thousand angels testify to her marriage. He also revealed to the Tree of Tuba to sprinkle them with gems, rubies, jewelry and embellishments. When it had done this, the Huris rushed to collect these gems, rubies, jewelry, and embellishments to exchange them for gifts until the Day of Resurrection. " 135.Abu Abdillah narrates through his father and grandfather, from Ali (A.S.) that he said: "The garden has eight gates: one for the entry of prophets and the truthful ones, the other for the martyrs and the good ones; and five gates are for the entry of our Shiites and lovers-I shall be standing on the As-Sir?t (the path, the bridge over hell) praying and saying: ` 136.My Lord! Save my Shiites and my lovers and my helpers and those who followed me in the (life of the) world.' 137.When all of a sudden there will come a voice from inside the throne: Your prayer is granted and your intercession for your Shiites accepted.' And every Shiite of mine and

everyone who loves me, helps me and fights my enemies by (his) deed or word, shall intercede for seventy thousand of his neighbors and relatives; and (there is) a gate from which shall enter all the Muslims who witness that there is no god except Allah and in whose heart there is not an iota of enmity towards us, the people of the cause." 138.Ahmad Ibn Hanbal and al-Hakim recorded with authentic document from Abu Said al-Khudri, that the Apostle of God said to Ali: "Verily you will do battle for (implementation of) the Quran, as you has done for its revelation." Tarikh alKhulafaa, by Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, p173 139." He granted wisdom to whomsoever He willet, and he who have been granted wisdom hath been given abundant good; and none shall mind it save those endowed with wisdom. "Glorious Quran Chapter II - Verse 269 , Wisdom has been divided into 10 ( ten ) parts, and 9 (nine) of these are possessed by Ali, and the remaining has been divided among the rest of the people.- Kanz al Ummal, v 6 p 154, - Asadul Bilagha, v 4 p 22 and v 1 p 22, - Kitabul Sagheer, p 15 , - Manaqib Khawarizmi, p 49 ,Dhakhair al Uqba, p 78,- Musnad of Ahmed Hanbal, v 1 pages 140 and 185,- Maqtal Hussain, v 1 p 43 140.The Holy Prophet (saw) was informed by Jibra'eel about the words of Allah (the Most High) : -"When a person has faith that there is no God other than Me and that Mohammed (saw) is My servant and My Prophet and that Ali (as) is My Imam and the Imams from Ali's progeny are My Proof upon the people, then I, by My Mercy, will make him enter paradise and I will save him from the fire by My Forgiveness. I will permit him to come closer to Me. I will make Karamat obligatory for him and complete My favors upon him. I will regard him amongst My most special and pious servants. If he calls out to Me, I will answer him. If he asks Me, I will accept his prayers. If he requests me, I will grant his desires. If he is silent then I, My self, will shower mercy upon him. If he is depressed, then I will have compassion for him. If he runs away (if he is sinful), I will call him towards Me. If he returns to me, I will accept his repentance. If he Knocks at My door, I will open it for him." Ref:Kamaluddin; chapter 24; Tradition no. 3; page no 278; Urdu 141.The Prophet (s) said, “The most righteous one is Ali (a).” Al-Bayhaqi, 4/35; Kenz AlOmal, 7/176; Al-Jami^ of Al-Suyuti, 2/276; Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 93. 142.The Prophet (s) said, “The hand of Ali (a) and my hand are equal in justice.” Mustadrak Al-Sahihain of Al-Hakim Al-Nisabori, 3/14; Al-Tabari, 2/272; AlTirmidhi, 2/299; Ibn Al-Maghazeli. 143."...they fulfil vows and fear .a day the evil of which shall be spreading far and wide. And they give food out of love for Him to the poor and the orphan and the captive: We only feed you for Allah's sake; we desire from you neither reward nor thanks: Surely we fear from our Lord a stern, distressful day. Therefore Allah will guard them from the evil of that day and cause them to meet with ease and happiness;... Holy Qur'an (76:7-11) These verses of the Holy Qur'an speak of the Ahlul-Bait, eulogizing their selflessness and piety. The historical occasion to which these blessed verses refer was, when Ali, Fatima and their two sons Hasan and Husain fasted for three consecutive days, and each day at the time of breaking the fast some needy person as verse number eight indicates - appeared and the Ahlul-Bait gladly fed him, and themselves passed the nights without food. Allah was so pleased by the generosity of the Prophet's Household that He converted their actions into verses of the Glorious

Qur'an to serve as guidance for the Muslims. These verses not only portray the A hi ni-Bait' s total submission to Allah's Will but also reveal them as pure and spotless personalities, promised esteem and admiration among the dwellers of Paradise. They are shown as immaculate models of emulation so that whoever among the Muslim communities follows their glowing path will achieve salvation and will be assembled in their illustrious company on the Resurrection Day. 144.Zamakhshari, in his Kashshaf' commenting on this verse, narrates from Abdulla Ibn Abbas - that once Hasan and Husain fell sick and the Prophet together with some of his companions visited his sick grandsons. He suggested that Ali should make a vow to Allah for his sons' health. Heeding the Prophet's suggestion Ali, Fatima along with their maid, Fidha, took a vow that if the boys recovered, they would fast for three consecutive days. Eventually Hasan and Husain recovered and to fulfill the vow they also fasted alongwith their parents and maid. Since there was nothing in the house to eat, Ali borrowed from Sham'un, a Khaibarian Jew, and three measures of barley. Fatima grounded one measure into flour and baked it into five loaves (of bread) equal to their number, and placed before them for breaking the fast. Just then a beggar stopped at their door and said: ai-Saiaam Alaikum (peace be upon you), 0 Ahlul-Bait of Muhammad (s.a.w.), (I am) one of the poorest of Muslims (so), feed me, may Allah feed you of the food of Paradise ! So they gladly gave him all the food and slept that night, tasting nothing but water. 145.They fasted again the next day and at sunset as they placed the bread before them to break the fast, an orphan knocked on the door asking for food and they cheerfully fed him, themselves going without food for yet another day. On the third day of the fast, as the breaking time approached, and the food was spread, a prisoner (of war) suddenly appeared at their door and the same scenario was repeated, with the Prophet's Ahlul-Bait passing the third successive night without tasting a morsel of food. Zamakhshari continues that when dawn broke Ali holding the hands of Hasan and Husain came to the Prophet's house. The Prophet seeing their pale countenances and noting that they were trembling from hunger, expressed dismay and at once accompanied them to their house'. On entering the house he was shocked to see the sight of his daughter Fatima, sitting hollow-eyed on her prayer mat, her back stuck to her stomach. It was then that the angel Gabriel came down with this Sara, saying: 146."0 Muhammad, Allah congratulates you for (the sacrifice of) your household. Then he recited the (sura). " 147.Another famous scholar Sheikh Fadhl ibn Hasan Tabarsi, in his Ma] ma' al-Bayan' after citing the same narration, adds: All ibn Ibrahim' narrates from his father who quotes Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq on the authority of Abdulla ibn Maimun that Fatima had (some) barley from which porridge was made and placed before them (for breaking the fast). Just then a beggar came and said, I am a poor man, may Allah have mercy upon you. Ali (a.s.) got up and gave him one third of the food. Then came an orphan and said, Tam an orphan, may Allah have mercy upon you. Ali (a.s.) got up and gave him another third (of the food). Then came a prisoner (of war) and said, may Allah have mercy upon you. Ali gave him the remaining one-third, without, they, the AhlulBait tasting anything and going without meals. Thereby Allah the Exalted revealed the said verses. It is clear that this surah was revealed in Madina, and as a scholar of

the stature Abu Hamza Thamali testifies, the whole sura was revealed in favour of Ali and Fatima. 148.The Almighty says: .... .you are only a warner, and (there is) a guide for every people. Holy Qur'an (13:7) It is stated that when this verse was revealed, the Messenger of Allah placing his hand on his chest said: "I am the warner, and for every people there is a guide. Then pointing towards Imam All (a.s.), he said: You are the guide, All, by you the believers will be guided after me . 149.The Almighty says: "Is he who is a believer like him who is a transgressor? They are not equal . Holy Qur'an (32:18) All authoritative books mention that the verse refers to Imam Ali (a.s.), a believer and describes Walid ibn Uqba.as a transgressor. 150.The Prophet (s) said, "Oh, Ali, God has commanded me to marry you to Fatima." Al-Sawaiq Al-Muhariqa,. ch. 4, p. 142; Dakha'ir Al-Uqubi, p. 30 & 31; Tadhkirat AlKhawas, p. 276; Manaqib Al-Imam Ali from Al-Riyadh Al-Nudhra, p. 141; Nur AlAbsar, p. 53. 151.Abu Said al Khudri reports: "We sat waiting for the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) when he came out to meet us. The strap of his sandal was broken and he tossed it to Ali. Then he (s.a.w) said: "A man amongst you will fight the people over the tawil (interpretation) of the Quran in the same way as I have fought over its tanzil (revelation)." Thereupon Abu Bakr said, 'Is that I?' The Prophet (pbuh&hp) said: "No." Then Umar asked him, 'Is that I?' "No." said the Prophet (s.a.w). "It is the mender of the sandal (i.e. Ali)."al Hakim in Mustadrak, iii, 122; Ahmad ibn Hanbal in his Musnad, iii, 33, 82; Abu Nuaym in Hilyat al Awliya', i, 67; Ibn al Athir in Usd al Ghabah, iii, 282, iv, 33; Ibn Hajar, al Isabah, i, 22, iv, 152; Ibn Abd al Barr, al lsti`ab, ii, 423; al Haythami, Majma al Zawa'id, v, 186; al Muttaqi, Kanz al Ummal, vi, 155, 390, 391. 152.he Almighty says: "Is he, then (to be counted equal to them) who was clear proof from his Lord, and a witness from Him recites... Holy Qur'an (11:17). 153.Suyuti in Dur al-Manthur', Fakhruddin Razi in al-Tafsir al-Kabir' and Muttaqi Hindi in Kanz al-Ummal', vol. 1, p. 251, have all narrated, that the words: "He who has a dear proof, means Prophet Muhammad (s.a. w.), while "the Witness from Him" means Imam Ali (a.s.) 154.The Almighty says: "...Allah it is Who is his Guardian, and Gabriel and the Righteous among the believers..." Holy Qur'an (66:4) All leading scholars are unanimous that the Righteous among the believers is none other than Ali ibn Abi Talib. 155.The Almighty says: ".. .and that the Retaining ears might retain it . Holy Our'an (69:12) After reciting this verse the Prophet turned towards Imam Ali (a.s.) and said: I asked Allah to make it your ear . Ali (a.s.) said: "I never forgot anything I heard from the Messenger of Allah. 156.The Messenger of Allah told Ali: Allah ordered me to bring you nearer not to distance you, and to teach you so that you would retain it in, as it is Allah s promise to let you retain it in. Then this verse was revealed: '...and that the Retaining ears might retain it'. "Surely as for those who believe and do good deeds for them will Allah bring about love. Holy Qur'an (19:96) 157.Once the Prophet told Ali: "0 Ali, say: 0 Allah, grant me your covenant, and place my love in the bosoms of the believers, then the said verse was revealed in Ali's favour .

"(As for) those who believe and do good, surely they are the best of men. Holy Qur'an (98:7) 158.On the revelation of this verse, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) said: "0 Ali, these are you and your followers. 159."Do you consider (the person who undertakes) giving of water to the pilgrims and the guarding of the Sacred Mosque like him who believes in Allah and the Last Day and strives in the way of Allah. They are not equal in the sight of Allah; and Allah does not guide the unjust people. ". Holy Qur'an (9:19) All leading Scholars of Islam such as Tabari, Fakhrudin Razi, Suyuti, Nisaburi, etc. have stated in their interpretations of this verse that once Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib and Talha ibn Shaiba proudly boasted in front of Ali ibn Abi Talib about their respective duties; the supplying of water to pilgrims and holding the keys of the Holy Ka'ba. 160.Imam Ali answered them that he has been praying towards the Ka'ba six months before anyone else (besides the Prophet) ever bowed in prayer and has never ceased struggling in the way of Allah. It was then that this verse was revealed to the Prophet as a proof of Ali's superiority over all other Muslims. 161.The Prophet (s) said, “Ali (a) is my brother in this life and the Hereafter.” AlKhasa’is of Al-Nisa’i, 5; Al-Tirmidhi; Yanabi^ Al-Mawda, 61; Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 37; Yanabi^ Al-Mawda, 57. 162.The Prophet (s) said, “Ali (a) is the best of humanity, and the one who denies it has blasphemed.” Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 129; Yanabi^ Al-Mawda, 233; Tarikh Baghdad of Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdadi, 5/37; Al-Khawarizmi, 235. 163.This Ali Ibn Abi Talib A.S. is my brother, and my successor, and bear in mind that his appointment as my successor is from Allah and Allah has revealed this fact to me." 164."O' people this Ali A.S. an the other infallibles in my progeny constitute the SiqlulAsghar, the junior of the weighty two weighty things while the Holy Qur'an is the Siqlul-Akbar, the Senior one, and these two would not get separated from each other till they join me at the Cistern of Kausar (Hawzil Kausar) on the Day of Judgement (Yawmul Qiyyamah). 165.Beware the I have discharged my duty; beware that I have conveyed what I was charged by Allah to convey, take note that I have clarified everything and note that whatever Allah revealed to me has been faithfully conveyed by me to you. Take note that no one except this my brother Ali A.S. would be the Ameerul Mo'mineen, the Commander of the Faithful, for after me it is not lawful for anyone except Imam Ali A.S. to wield authority over the Faithful." 166."O' people I have clearly explained all the matters before you. Now after me this Imam Ali A.S would be explaining to you these matters. After finishing my speech I would call you to pay allegiance (Bay'at) to him, and to acknowledge him. 167.Beware that I have paid allegiance (Bay'at) to Allah while Imam Ali A.S. has paid allegiance to me. 168.Now I am taking your allegiance for Imam Ali A.S. under the Command of Allah. 169.Now you should also proclaim that in this matter you bow before the Command of Allah and would obey Him, and obey me, and obey Imam Ali A.S., Imam Hasan A.S. and Imam Husain A.S. and the other Imams A.S. in Husain A.S.'s line as mentioned by me."

170."O' people, now say what I have told you to say and from now onwards you should offer salutation to Imam Ali A.S. by the title Ameerul Mo'mineen. Now confirm that you have heard and accepted what I have told you, and also say: All praise is due to Allah who gave us guidance for if He had not given us guidance we would have remained without it"." 171.The entire crowd then cried loudly and confirmed, "Yes, O' Prophet of Allah S.A.W.A.S., we have heard you fully and are ready and prepared to obey every Command of Allah and every Command of the Prophet of Allah with heart, tongue and limbs." 172.The people then thronged to the Holy Prophet S.A.W.A.S. and Imam Ali A.S. from all sides. The first who held out their pledge to the Holy Prophet in the matter were Abu Bakr, Umer and Usman.Then they were followed by other Migrants (Muhajireen) and the Locals (Ansar) and the rest of the people of all classes, groups and grades, so much so that the Maghrib and Isha Salaat were offered together because of the function having extended till it was fairly dark. 173.Umer the second Caliph is reported to have greeted Imam Ali A.S. on this occasion in the following words: "Greeting be to you O' 'Ali son of Abu Talib; you have become my Master and the master of every believer (faithful) man and woman". 174.The Holy Prophet S.A.W.A.S. repeated the last sentence thrice. This is as recorded in the Saheeh Muslim of Muslim. However, Nisaee, Imam Ahmad bin Hambal, Tirmizee, Tibrani and Tabari have related some further sentences relating to the merits of Imam Ali A.S.. The most common sentence is the following, "Of whomsoever I am the Master Ali A.S. is his master; may Allah keep friendship with everyone who keeps friendship with Ali A.S. and bear enmity with everyone who bears enmity with Ali A.S."."" Seeratun Nabi, p.165-6 175.And thus the analogy with the Hujjatullahs becomes manifestly clear, for the Holy Prophet (saws) departed this earthly existence in the manner of the Sun setting, yet as Allah decrees mankind will not be left aimless and in the dark, guidance to the sirat al mustaqim continued in the form of the lineage of Twelve Imams, who function as the enduring Mercy of the Holy Prophet to mankind, reflecting his light as the Moon reflects the light of the Sun when it sets. And when one contemplates that in this lineage each Imam was succeeded by another, one discerns the obvious in the physical world around us, that which we knew all our lives as muslims, but did not ponder in more depth - the Moon’s trajectory forms 12 lunar months, one signifying each Imam and Khalifatullah, each Sign of Allah. And on the Moon one will find the the name of the First, the direct link to the Holy Prophet and the reliever of burdens, Ali (as), having his name carved on its surface, while the guidance of the Twelfth is vouchsafed for by the fact that the Moon continues to illuminate the Earth as Imam Mahdi (as) shines his light on the Earth. And when the Moon is hidden by a cloud, to quote a popular analogy, it still reflects the light of the Sun it trapped and guides mankind, as does the Twelfth Imam (as) in his concealment. When on the 14th of the lunar month the full moon is seen and the Moon is most brilliant, one realises that it is the 14 infallibles, Mohammad (saws), Fatima (sa) and the 12 Imams, in whose honour the full moon of the 14th night was created by Allah.

176.Kokab Durri Page 285 - Tradition of the Holy Prophet [pbuh] " Who ever refuses to accept the right ( Haq ) of Moula Ali [as] is surely one of the three : 1) Munafiq , 2) Born as a result of Zina by his/her Parents , 3) His/Her mother concieved when she was having her periods 177.He would never put his own interest and of his family above Islam's Interest . 178.The lion of Allah- Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as). 179.He would never support any person's selfish interest over the interest of Islam and of Human Justice . 180.He would never speak ill behind any person's back. 181.The Prophet (s) said, “Ali (a) is the door of servitude, and whoever passes through that door is a true believer.” Mustadrak Al-Sahihain of Al-Hakim Al-Nisabori; Kenz Al-Omal, 6/156; Al-Dilmi. 182.The Prophet (s) said, “Ali (a) is the Imam of goodness, the fighter against iniquity, the helper of those who come to his aid, and the deserter of those who desert him.” Kenz Al-Omal, 6/153; Al-Darqatani. 183.Abu Hamzah said, "I heard Abu Ja'far (‫ )عليه سلم‬say that Rasul'ullah (‫صل ال عليه واله‬ ‫ )وسلم‬said: Allah said, 'My proof has been terminated for the wretched of your community, those who have abandoned the Wilayyah of `Ali and the successors after you. Indeed, in these is your Sunnah and the Sunnah of the Nabiyyin before you. They are the treasurers of My Knowledge after you.' Then Rasul'ullah said: Jibra'il has informed me of their names and the names of their fathers.Usul al-Kafi, 508-4 184.Rasul'ullah (‫ )صل ال عليه واله وسلم‬is reported to have said, "I and eleven of my descendants and you, O `Ali , are the axis of the Earth, its pegs and its mountains... When my eleven descendants pass away, then chaos and disorder will occur among the people." 185.In the seventh chapter of the same book, its author narrates from Hafiz Abu `Abd'ullah Na'im ibn Hemad (from the book “Fatan”) who narrates from Ishaq ibn Yahya ibn Talha that Ta'us said: “`Umar ibn Khattab bid farewell to his family and said: ‘What is wrong if I spend the treasures of the Ka'bah and the weapons in the way of Allah? `Ali said: ‘Ya `Amir al-Mu'minin! Refrain from such thoughts. You are not the owner of Ka'bah. The owner of Ka'bah is a youth from Quraysh who will donate the wealth of Ka'bah in the way of Allah at the end of Zaman (Age).” 186.Tusi has reported in his "Al-Ghaybah" that Rasul'ullah (‫ )صل ال عليه واله وسلم‬said to `Ali: "O `Ali there would be twelve A'immah (‫ )عليهم سلم‬after me, and after them, there will be twelve Mahdiyyin. You are O `Ali the first of the twelve A'immah (‫عليهم‬ ‫)سلم‬... Then there will come after him, twelve Mahdiyyin." 187.The Prophet (s) said, “Ali (a) is the Imam of the pious, the prince of believers, and the leader of the resplendent.” Mustadrak Al-Sahihain of Al-Hakim Al-Nisabori, 3/129; Kenz Al-Omal, 6/153. 188.It is Narrated by Abu Bakr Siddiq that I saw Hazrat Rasool Allah s.a.w is binding hut & then I saw He was sitting with Arabic Kaman & In this Hut there was sitting , Hazrat Ali a.s , Hazrat Bibi Fatima a.s , Hazrat Imam Hassan a.s , Hazrat Imam Hussain a.s .then Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w replied , O Muslim's ! I Friendship those peoples who are Friendship with these Hut peoples & I do war those who war with them & I am friend of those who knows them there friend , those who do not knows

them there friend who is good but good birth & who is there enemy but bad & bad birth. 189.The Prophet (s) said, “Ali (a) is to me what Haroun was to Musa.” Mustadrak AlSahihain of Al-Hakim Al-Nisabori, 3/137; Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 65, 104; Al-Tabarani; HAliyat Al-Awliya’, 1/63; Akhtab Khawarizm, 229. 190.The Prophet (s) said, “Ali (a) holds a right over this nation like the right of a father over his son.” Muslim, 2/361; Al-Tirmidhi, 2/299; Al-Hakim, 3/130; Musnad Ahmad, 3/198; Al-Nisa’i, 7; Asad Al-Ghaba, 3/40. 191.Allah created Ali a.s for my Daughter . 192.Allah created this hole world because of Me & Ali a.s & Hazrat Fatima a.s . 193.If Allah do not create Hazrat Fatima a.s & He will not create this world & Me & Ali a.s also . 194.It is Narrated by Hazrat Hozaifa r.a that Nabi Akram s.a.w says , If peoples knows when Ali a..s become Amir ul Momineen then will never denied the fazilat , Hazrat Ali a.s is Amir ul Momineen on that of time when Hazrat Adam a.s Roah & Body is in process of building. 195.It is Narrated by Anas bin Malik that Hazrat Rasool Allah s.a.w says that , 7 years Angels send Salawat on Me s.a.w & Ali a.s because except Me & Ali a.s there is no one shahid, the Kalma Tawheed La IlL ah IlL ah & that rised towards on the sky . 196.Ali a.s with me & I am with Him . 197.After Me, Ali a.s is Leader of all Momin . 198.Holy Porphet (s.a.w.) said to Ali (a.s.): “You are to me as Harun was to Musa, but there is no prophet after me.” Sahih al Bukhari, Vol. 2. 199.“You are from me, amd I am from you” Sahih al Bukhari Vol.1 Sahih al Tirmidhi, Vol. 5 200.Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “Loving Ali is believing, and hating him is hypocrisy” Sahih Muslim, Vol.1 Sunan al- Nisai, Vol. 6 Sahih Tirmidhi, Vol. 8

201.The Holy Prophet has said: “I am the last of time Apostles of Allah (Khatam-unNabeeyeen) O Ali, whilst you are the last of the successors to the Prophets.” (Khatam-ul-Waseeyeen). 202.Tafsir Kabir; Tafsir Durr.aI-Manthur Tafsir Neshapuri; Sirat-aI-Halabia. Sayid Safdar Husain. Suyuti has reported thus “O God! Befriend him who is a friend of Ali, and be an enemy to him who is an enemy to Ali.” Mishkat; Khasais Nasai; Rawdzat.alAhbab; Rawdzat-aI-Safa. Tabari; lbne Athir; 203.It is Narrated that Abu Bakr says , that Hazrat Rasool Akram s.a.w says truth ! on the night of Hijrat when we came from Cave & come to Medina , the You s.a.w says to me O Abu Bakr ! My hand & Ali a.s in counting is equal . 204.Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said : “I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate” Sahih Tirmidhi Vol. 5 Mustadrak al Hakim, Vol.3 205.Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “Ali is the master of all believers after me” Musnad of Imam Ahmed. Vol. 5 Mustadrak al Hakim, Vol. 3 Sahih Tirmidhi, Vol. 5 206.Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said:“Whoever accepted me as his master, then he should also accept Ali as his master. O Allah be friendly with his friends, and be enemy of his enemies” Sahih Muslim, Vol. 2 Mustadrak al Hakim, Vol. 3 Musnad of Imam Ahmed, Vol. 4

207.Now then”, continued the Prophet, “Listen to me carefully; I have been commanded to tell you that I will soon be taken away from your midst, but I leave unto you my Legacy of two grand precepts, each of which surpasses the other in its grandeurGod’s Holy Book (The Quran) and my Ahl-ul-Bait (my irrevocable Progeny, consisting of Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husain).

208.Never shall they separate from one another until they reach me in Heaven at the Fountain of Kausar, and so long as you will adhere unto both my legacies, you will never be led astray after me. Therefore, O ye folk, it is my last Will and Testament unto you that you should always remain faithful to the Holy Quran and my Ahl-ulBait as true Muslims until death. 209.The Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HF) said: "He who wants to see Noah (AS) in his determination, Adam (AS) in his knowledge, Abraham (AS) in his clemency, Moses (AS) in his intelligence and Jesus (AS) in his religious devotion should look at Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS)." Sahih al-Bukhari ,Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, as quoted in ,Sharh Ibn Abil Hadid, v2, p449 ,Tafsir al-Kabir, by Fakhruddin al-Razi. 210.The Prophet (PBUH&HF) said: "There is amongst you a person who will fight for the interpretation of the Quran just as I fought for its revelation." The people around him raised their heads and cast inquisitive glances at the Prophet (PBUH&HF) and at one another. Abu Bakr and Umar were there. Abu Bakr inquired if he was that person and the Prophet (PBUH&HF) replied in the negative. Then Umar inquired if he was that person and the Prophet (PBUH&HF), replied "No. He is the one who is repairing my shoes (i.e., Ali)." Abu Said Khudri said: Then we went to Ali and conveyed the good news to him. He did not even raise his head and remained as busy as he was, as if he had already heard it from the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HF)." al-Mustadrak, by al-Hakim, v3, p122, who said this tradition is genuine based on the criteria of al-Bukhari and Muslim. al-Dhahabi, also records it in his Talkhis al-Mustadrak and admitted that it is genuine according to the standard of the two Shaikhs. Khasa'is, by al-Nisa'i, p40 Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v3, pp 32-33 ,Kanz al-Ummal, by al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, v6, p155 ,Majma' al-Zawa'id, by al-Haythami, v9, p133 .

211.Al Tirmidhi in his Sahih reports that once when the Prophet (S) sat down to eat a fowl that had been prepared for his dinner, he prayed to God: "My God, bring the most beloved of Your creatures, that he may eat this fowl with me." Then Ali (AS) came and the Prophet ate with him. Hakim in Mustadrak, iii, 130, 131; Abu Nuaym in Hilyah, vi, 339; al Khatib in Tarikh Baghdad, ii, 171; Muhibb al Tabari in al Riyad al Nadirah, ii, 160, 161, and Dhakha'ir al?-uqba, 61; Haythami in Majma al Zawa'id, ix, 125, 126; al Muttaqi in Kanz al Ummal, iv, 406; Ibn al Athir in Usd al Ghabah, iv, 30. 212.The Person who loves with Hazrat Ali Ibn e Abi Talib a.s in his life or after his shahdat . when ever sun rises or drown so Allah Talah writes for him safety & Iyyman . The Person who hate with Hazrat Ali Ibn e Abi Talib a.s . in his life & after his shadat , he must be died like as Jahalat , he will take exams very thing which he has did . 213.No one hates with Hazrat Ali Ibn e Abi Talib a.s except Bad Peoples & no one friendship except Good / Honorable , respectable peoples & except who is sincere no one Iyyman on Hazrat Ali Ibn e Abi Talib a.s. 214.The Person who wished to reach the bales of red tree , which Allah Allah has made on the left side of Janat e Adan , he should except the love of Hazrat Ali Ibn e Abi Talib a.s. 215.Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w says , the Paradise wished to see the friends of Hazrat Ali Ibn e Abi Talib a.s , The light of Noor is covered this world the friend of Hazrat Ali Ibn e Abi Talib a.s before enter in the Paradise & the fire of Hell , more fired & increased with anger with the enemy of Hazrat Ali Ibn e Abi Talib a.s & before enter in the Hell it reached to them in this world . 216.The Holy Prophet [s] said in one of his sermons regarding Imam ‘Ali [a]: God has so much exalted my brother ‘Ali that his numerous virtues could not be counted easily:

whosoever from amongst you narrates one of his excellences, God will forgive his past and future sins; and whosoever will record one of his excellence, the angels will bless him as long as his writing remains; whosoever will read about his virtues (with his eyes), the since of the eye will be forgiven for him. Beware! That man is not steadfast in faith who does not love ‘Ali and does not shun his enemies. 217.Thus, to understand the lofty status of Imam ‘Ali [a] is ibadat in itself, for such an understanding strengthens one's love for the Ahlul-bayt [a] and one's hate for their enemies; resulting in increased piety and devotion to the Almighty [a]. 218.O Ali a.s ! do not get furious & when you (happen to) be enraged then sit down & meditate about the power of Allah over His slaves & His fore forbearance about them . 219.O Ali a.s ! all the eyes will weep on the resurrection day except 3 eyes , 1) The eye which remained waking in the night till morning on the way of Allah & the eye which refrained from seeing the things prohibited by Allah , the eye which shed tear from the fear of Allah . 220.Allah Talah has not make strong heart of Momin lover of Hazrat Ali Ibn e Abi Talib a.s because of that in this world his foot moves . But on the Day of Judgment , God made them strong , In the world there is no harm ness in moving here & there & in the last . 221.Those who loves with Hazrat Ali Ibn e Abi Talib a.s in his life & after death , Allah Talah save him in this world & in the last saved him for harm ness . 222.O Ali a.s ! Allah Talah forgave you , your Ahlal Bait a.s your shia & your friends of shia . It is sure you are save from Shrike & had a lot of Knowledge . 223. Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w says , In my Ummat there are 70,000 rows will entered in Paradise with out giving exams , & then He see towards Hazrat Ali a.s ,& says to him & they are Ali a.s & his Shia's , O Ali a.s ! those shia enter in Paradise without exams , you are there Imam a.s . 224.In Imam Ali's(as) relation to 'the Truth', The Prophet (s.a.w) had been recorded to have said, "Ali is with the Truth. And the Truth is with Ali!" 225.The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) said:"Whoever contests Ali in regard to the khilafah is an unbeliever." Ibn al Maghazili in his Manaqib (Tehran), p.45, from Abu Dharr al Ghifari,Allamah Ayni Hyderabadi in Manaqib Sayyidina Ali (Alam Press, Charminar), p.52, from al Khatib al Khwarazmi and Ibn al Maghazili. 226.He was the most loyal to The Prophet (s.a.w), of all his Companions . 227."I and Ali are (created) from the same light" -- (Holy Prophet) 228.He was the most devoted follower of The Prophet (s.a.w), of all his Companions . 229.When Ali (AS) was ten years old, the Prophet received his first revelation and was commanded by the Almighty to publicly proclaim his mission. "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah” said the Prophet. Before the dumbstruck ignorant minds could say anything, the young Ali (AS) rose and gave testimony of his cousin's divine mission: "I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." The Prophet called Ali (AS) his vizier and Khalifa (successor). 230.He was just in all his dealings with all the people.

231.It is Narrated by Ibn e Abbas that Quran has came into 7 Words , every word has inner & outer & Hazrat Ali ibn e Abi Talib a.s knows both of showing & hidden . 232.It is Narrated by Jabir ibn e Abdullah r.a that Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w says O Ali a.s ! I swear to Allah , that it is written on the door of Paradise "Laaelaha Illalla, Mohammad dur Rasullala, Ali ibn e Abi Talib a.s Akoor Rasool Allah "& it is written 2000 years before establish of skies & earths . 233.Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w says that O Ali a.s ! if you were not there will be no recognize Momineen . 234.It is Narrated by Abu Zahr Gafari r.a that Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w says that the person who do war Caliphate Islamic against with Ali a.s , kill them that person , those who will be any one, 235.Then Hazrat Muhammmad s.a.w says that the person who do Shak on the Haq of Ali .as that person is Kafar. 236.I am s.a.w leader of all Anabia a.s & Ali a.s is a leader of all Osiyya . 237.O Ali a.s you are Imam on my Ummat & after me you are my caliph & Jan nasheen . 238.Prophet (SAW) lifted Ali (AS) on his shoulders to deliver the coup de grace to the chief idol atop the roof of the Ka`ba. 239.The Holy Prophet (s.a.w) said: "Verily, Ali and I are inseparable, and he is the master (wali) of every believer after me."Al Tirmidhi, in his Sahih, ii, 297, Ahmad ibn Hanbal in his Musnad, iv, 437, v, 356; Abu Dawud al Tayalisi in his Musnad, iii, 111, xi, 360; al Haythami, Majma al Zawaid, ix, 109, 127, 128, 199; al Khatib al Baghdadi, Tarikh Baghdad, iv, 339; al Muhibb al Tabari, al Riyad al Nadirah, ii, 203, 171; al Muttaqi al Hindi, Kanz al Ummal, vi, 154, 155, 396, 401; Ibn al Athir in Usd al Ghabah, v, 94; Abu Nuaym in Hilyat al Awliya, vi, 294; al Nasa'i, Khasais, 19, 23; as well as Ibn Abi Shaybah, al Tabari, al Tabarani, al ?Daylami, Ibn Mardawayh, Ibn al Jawzi, al Rafii, and Ibn Hajar. 240.He treated all the people equally without discrimination. 241.He would then distribute them among all the needy and the poor . 242.Al-Hakim recorded v3, p112 that Anas Ibn Malik narrated that the Holy Prophet said to Ali: " You shall inform my nation about the truth and what they dispute after me": 243.Salman al-Farsi said that the Messenger of God said: "The first one of you to drink from the Basin on the Day of Judgment is your first Muslim, Ali, the son of Abu Talib." Al-Mustadrak, by al-Hakim, v3, p112 244.Ali Ibn Abi Talib was the first male to believe in the Messenger of God and that he prayed with him while he was only ten years old. Biography of the Prophet, by Ibn Hisham, v1,p245

245.Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w says to Hazrat Imam Ali a.s "You have been given three things which have been given to no one else, not even me, (they are): 246.You have been given a father-in-law like me and my father-in-law was not like me. 247.You have been given an honest (Siddiqah) wife like my daughter, and I have not been given the like of her as a wife. 248.And, you have been given Hassan and Hussain from your loin and I was not given two sons like them. 249."I went to ask Fatima (A.S.) about Ali; she told me to go to the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) and ask him, so I went and sat down to wait for him; 250.I then saw the Prophet coming in the company of Ali, Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain. He held their hands until they entered the room. He then sat Al-Hassan on his right leg and Al-Hussain on his left leg and ordered Ali and Fatima to sit near him. The

Prophet (P.B.U.H.) covered them with his cloak (or garment) and read: And Allah only wishes... than he (P.B.U.H.)) supplicated to Allah and said: "O Allah, truly these are my Ahlul-Bayt (Family)." 251.But you are from me, and 1 am from you." 252.The dearest person to Allah's Messenger; 253.The holder of the great guardianship; 254.The possessor of absolute Imamate; 255.The Prophet's brother, successor and heir; 256.The possessor of excellent talents; 257.His long-standing service to Islam was also apparent to everyone. 258.Likewise, Ali (a.s) respected Fatima, not only because she was his wife, but also because she was: 259.The most beloved to Allah's Messenger; 260.The mistress of all women; 261.And her sanctity was part of the Prophet's. 262.Indeed, Fatima enjoyed noble traits which had any woman held even one of them, she would be worthy of respect and exaltation. 263.Prince of The Faithful (A.S.) acted in such an atrocious manner with his noble wife, while the Prophet says to him "Your conduct and looks are similar to mine, and you are from the same tree from which I came." 264.Prophet declared that Ali was the best man of his nation, for he was the most patient and best mannered one of them all, and says: 265."Ali is the best of my nation, most knowledgeable and most patient from among them" 266.Would Ali behave in such a manner when he heard the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) say to Fatima? "I gave you in marriage to the first one to adhere to Islam from my nation, he is also the most knowledgeable and most patient among them?" & 267."I gave you in marriage to the first Muslim and best mannered man." 268.Would the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) say all of this about Ali, while he behaved cruelly with Fatima? Surely the croaks fabricate many a falsehood; 269.For Ali was exactly the honest and truthful one Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) said about. 270."Surely Allah is angered when you are angered, and is pleased at your pleasure." 271.Had this been true!! Then why did he (P.B.U.H.) take Ali's hand and raise it publicly and announce: "He was the first to believe in me, and he will be the first to shake my hand on the Day of Rising!?" 272.He also informed his companions that: "The first among you to appear at my domain (reservoir), 273.Is he who was the first among you to follow Islam Ali Ibn Abu Talib." 274."Ali to me is like my head to my body." 275."Ali to me is like I am to my Lord." 276."Ali is the most beloved to me, and the most beloved to Allah." 277.He (P.B.U.H.) also said to Ali: "I am from you, and you are from me; or you are from me and I am from you."

278.'Ali is from me and I am from him; he is the guardian (wali) of every believer after me." 279.-In the narration regarding sending Ali (A.S.) to read Surah At-tawbah (Surah No. 9) to the pilgrims on which it has been unanimously agreed, he said: 280."No one takes it (to the pilgrims) except a man being from me and I from him." 281."Your flesh is my flesh, your blood is my blood, and righteousness is on your side." 282."There is not a prophet who has not had a peer, and Ali is my peer." 283.Also, in a narration that Al-Hakim deemed authentic, Tabarani related to Umme Salama the following: "Whenever the Prophet of Allah was angered, no one dared to speak to him save Ali." 284.Also Aisha said: "(I declare) by Allah that I have not seen anyone more beloved to Allah 's Messenger than Ali, or a woman on earth more beloved to him than his wife (Ali's wife, Fatima)." 285.Buraida and Ubae also said: "The most beloved to the Messenger of Allah from among women is Fatima, and from among men is Ali.,, 286.And Juma Ibn Umair said: "I entered Ali's house with my Aunt, when I inquired as to who was the most beloved of all people to Allah's Messenger?! She said: Fatima. Then she was asked: And from among men? She said: her husband, ever since I met him he has been fasting and praying." 287.Furthermore, how could it be true that Allah's Messenger preferred others over Ali and paid more attention to them, while Ali was the first man chosen by Allah to follow his Messenger from among the dwellers of Earth, 288.As he (P.B.U.H.) told Fatima in the following narration: "Surely Allah has examined the dwellers of Earth and has chosen your Father to be a prophet, He then examined (them) and chose your husband, then He revealed to me that I give (you to him in) marriage and appointed him as my successor." 289.He (P.B.U.H.) also said to Fatima: "Surely Allah chose two men from the dwellers of Earth, one being your Father and the other your husband." 290.Al-Majlisi, quoting Fural Ibn Ibrahim's interpretation of The Holy Quran in his book Al-Bihar, said: 'Abu Saeed al-Khudari said: One morning Ali Ibn Abu Talib woke up very hungry and said: 291.'Fatima, do you have anything to feed us?' She answered: `No, 292.By Him who honored father with Prophet hood, and honored you with successors ship, we have nothing edible this morning, and we haven't had any food for two days save that which I have preferred to give you and our two children, Hassan and Hussain.' 293.Ali (A.S.) said: 'Fatima! Why didn't you tell me, so I could bring some food for you?' 294.Fatima answered: 'Abu Al-Hassan, I surely become ashamed before my God to ask you to do something you cannot do.' 295.At this, Ali Ibn Abu Talib left Fatima, with full trust that Allah would help him. He borrowed a dinar, and while he was holding the dinar and trying to buy some food for his family, he came upon Miqdad Ibn Al Aswad. 296.The sun had burnt Al-Miqdad's face and feet on that exceptionally hot day. When Ali (A.S.) saw him, he exclaimed surprisingly: `Miqdad, what brings you out of your home at this hour?' Miqdad answered: 'Abu Al-Hassan, ask me not about what I have left behind in the house.'

297.Ali (A.S.) said: `My brother, I cannot leave you without knowing your problem.' Miqdad then said: 'Abu Al-Hassan, for Allah's sake and your sake leave me alone, and do not ask about my condition!!' 298.Imam Ali said: `My brother, you should not hide your condition from me.' Miqdad replied: 'Abu Al-Hassan, now that you insist, by Him who honored Muhammad with Prophethood and honored you with successorship, nothing forced me out of my house save poverty. I left my children starving; when I heard their cries, there remained no place for me on earth-I have come out of my house in depression; this is my story.' 299.Imam Ali (A.S.) cried when he heard the story; he cried until his beard was wet from tears and said: `By Allah, that which forced you out of your house and also forced me out of my house; I borrowed a dinar, but I prefer you to have it.' 300. When Imam Ali (A.S.) had given the dinar to Miqdad, he went to the Mosque and performed his Zhuhar (noon), Asr (afternoon) and Maghrib (evening) prayers. 301.When the Messenger of Allah had completed his prayers, he signaled Ali, who was in the first line, to follow him. Ali (A.S.) obediently followed him out of the Mosque and after the Prophet greeted him said: 302.'Abu Al-Hassan, do you have some food for dinner so that I can accompany you?' 303.Imam Ali was too shy to answer the Messenger; but the Prophet of Allah (P.B.U.H.) had detailed knowledge about the dinar and what had happened to it; for Allah, the Exalted, had revealed to His Prophet to have dinner at Ali's house that night. 304.When Ali did not answer, the Prophet said: 'Abu Al-Hassan, why don't you say no, so I may leave you; or yes, so I may accompany you?' 305.Imam Ali (A.S.) said: 'Accompany me!!' 306.The Prophet then took Ali's hand and proceeded toward Fatima's house. 307.When they arrived, Fatima was just finishing her prayers and there was a pan oil fire behind her. 308.When she heard the Prophet coming, who was the dearest person to her, she greeted him and he wiped his hand on her head and said: 309.`How is your evening, my daughter? She answered: `Fine!' 310.He then said: `Give us some dinner, may Allah bless you, and surely He has.' 311.Fatima (A.S.) placed the pan in front of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and Ali Ibn Abu Talib... 312.At that moment, the Messenger of Allah put his hand on Ali's shoulder and said: 'Ali, this is a substitute for your dinar. This is a reward from Allah for the dinar; surely Allah grants whoever He wills without limit.' 313.The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) cried and said: "Praise be to Allah, Who insisted on rewarding you in this world, too, and made you Ali-like Zakariya and Fatima like Maryam Bint Imran, for whenever Zakariya entered the Mehrab, he found Maryam with her subsistence." 314.You know what my relations with the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) were. From the very beginning of my life, he loved me and I loved him. 315.Allah then commanded the two angels to go down and protect Ali bin Talib from the enemies. Thus the two angels came and Jibreel stood by Ali's headrest and Meekaa'eel by his feet. And they both were saying: "Bravo, bravo, O son of Abu Talib, Allah is taking pride in your act of self-sacrifice and showing your glory over the angels." 316.He took me in his lap

317.when I was a baby and thence I was always with him. 318.He often kept me embraced to his heart. 319.He used to lay me next to him. 320.We used to be so close to each other that I felt the warmth of his body and smelled the fragrance of his odor. 321.When I was a baby, he fed me with his hands, 322.Often chewing hard bits for me. 323.He never found me lying nor weak and wavering. 324.From the time of his (the Prophet (s.a.w.)) infancy, Allah had appointed the greatest of His angels to always be with him, 325.And His Arch Angel was leading him towards exemplary qualities and high moral values, 326.And I followed him (s.a.w.) step by step as a baby camel follows its mother. 327.Daily he used to place before me a fresh standard of efficiency and used to order me . to follow it. 328.Every year he used to stay in a grotto of the Hara' for some time, 329.And nobody used to be with him but I. 330.None could then see or hear him but I. 331.During those days Islam was the religion of only the Prophet and his wife, Khadijah. 332.I was the third of the trio. 333.Nobody else in this world had accepted Islam. 334.Even then I used to see the divine light of revelation and prophet hood and smell the heavenly fragrance of prophet hood." 335.Imam Ali (a.s.), remembering those momentus days, during a decisive period of his life, recalls "... 336.Every year he used to stay in a grotto of Hira' Mountain for some time, and nobody would be with him but I..." 337.Thus, he talked to Imam Ali (a.s.) and Khadijah about his Message and later on to Zaid bin Harithah. No one except these, and some others of his close household, knew about it. 338.Ibn Abi Shaybah and Ibn Asakir recorded on the authority of Salim Ibn Abi Jaad that he said: I asked of Muhammad Ibn Hanifah, "was Abu Bakr the first of the people to adopt Islam?" He replied: "No". And Ibn Asakir on a reliable ascription from Muhammad Ibn Sa'd Ibn Abi Waqqas, that he said to his father Sa'd: "was Abu Bakr the first of you in embracing the faith?" He said: "No, for there were more than five people in faith before him" Ibn Kathir says: "it is clear that Muhammad's family believed before every other - his wife Khadija, his freedman Zaid and the Wife of Zaid Umm Ayman and Ali and Warakah." Tarikh al-Khulafaa, by Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, p33 (History of the Caliphs translated by Major Barrett) 339.The first three to offer prayers were Muhammad (PBUH&HF) , Khadija and Ali (AS). History al-Tabari, v2, p65 340.Ali said: "I was the first one to accept Islam at the hands of the Holy Prophet." Tarikh, by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi, v4, p333

341.The Holy Father of all the Infallible Eleven Holy Imams (as). 342.The Prophet (PBUH&HF) said: "There is amongst you a person who will fight for the interpretation of the Quran just as I fought for its revelation." The people around

him raised their heads and cast inquisitive glances at the Prophet (PBUH&HF) and at one another. Abu Bakr and Umar were there. Abu Bakr inquired if he was that person and the Prophet (PBUH&HF) replied in the negative. Then Umar inquired if he was that person and the Prophet (PBUH&HF), replied "No. He is the one who is repairing my shoes (i.e., Ali)." Abu Said Khudri said: Then we went to Ali and conveyed the good news to him. He did not even raise his head and remained as busy as he was, as if he had already heard it from the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HF)." al-Mustadrak, by al-Hakim, v3, p122, who said this tradition is genuine based on the criteria of alBukhari and Muslim. al-Dhahabi, also records it in his Talkhis al-Mustadrak and admitted that it is genuine according to the standard of the two Shaikhs. Khasa'is, by al-Nisa'i, p40 , Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v3, pp 32-33 , Kanz al-Ummal, by alMuttaqi al-Hindi, v6, p155 , Majma' al-Zawa'id, by al-Haythami, v9, p133 343.Whose I am any one Leader & Ali a.s is also his leader . 344.Ali a.s will pay my debt & fulfill my all Promise . 345.Prophet (p.b.u.h) placed Fatima's hand in Ali's hand and said: May Allah bless his Messenger's daughter; 346.Ali, this is Fatima, you are responsible for her (or I entrust her to you) 347.Ali what an excellent wife Fatima is!! 348.Fatima, what an excellent husband Ali is!! 349.O Allah, bless them, bless their lives, and bless their children. 350.O Allah, surely they are the most beloved to me from among your creatures, 351.So love them too, and assign for them a guardian. 352.I place them and their progeny under Your protection from the curse devil.' 353."Tomorrow I will give the standard to a man, by whose hand God shall conquer (Khaybar). He loves God and His Messenger, and God and His Messenger love him."The people passed the night wondering as to who will receive it and everyone was hopeful of getting it. (The next day) the Prophet (s.a.w) declared: "Where is Ali?" He was told: 'He is suffering with an eye pain.' (When Ali came) the Prophet applied his saliva to his eyes and prayed for him. Ali recovered as if he had no pain before. Then the Prophet (s.a.w) gave it (the standard) to him... Muslim in his Sahih, "Kitab al-jihad wa al Siyar" and "Kitab fada'il al Sahabah"; al Tirmidhi in his Sahih, i, 218; Ibn Majah in Sunan (Matba`at al Faruqi, Delhi) "bab fada'il ashab Rasul Allah (S)"; al Hakim in Mustadrak, iii, 38, 437; Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal in Musnad, i, 99, 133, 185, 320, iv, 51, v, 353; Abu Nu`aym in Hilyat al 'awliya', i, 26, 62; al Nasa'i in Khasa'is, 4, 5, 7, 8, 32; al Muttaqi in Kanz al Ummal, v, 283, 285, vi, 394, 395, 405; al Haythami in Majma al Zawa'id, vi, 150, 151, ix, 119, 123, 124; Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib al Tahdhib, vii, 337, 339; al Muhibb al Tabari, al Riyad al Nadirah, ii, 185, 187, 203; al Tabari, Tarikh, ii, 300; Ibn Sa`d, al Tabaqat, ii, part one, 80; Ibn Abd al Barr, al Istiab (Hyderabad, 1336), ii, 450; al Bayhaqi in Sunan, vi, 362. 354.Also Khateeb al-Baghdadi, in his book quotes Imam Ali that: Ali said: "I was the first one to accept Islam at the hands of the Holy Prophet." Tarikh, by al-Khateeb alBaghdadi, v4, p333 355.Ali a.s is My dear & I am His Dear . 356.Al-Hakim recorded that Anas Ibn Malik narrated that the Holy Prophet said to Ali: " You shall inform my nation about the truth and what they dispute after me": alMustadrak, by al-Hakim, v3, p112, who wrote this is an authentic Hadith according to

the stipulation of the two Shaikhs (al-Bukhari and Muslim). [This would mean that the chain of narrators are considered to be authentic as stipulated by Bukhari and Muslim] 357.Ali a.s & his Lover will be successful . 358.Ayat 1. “Verily, your master is only Allah and His Apostle and those who believe, those who establish prayers and pay the zakaat while bowed (in worship)”The Muslim scholars, Sunni and Shia alike, agree that this verse was revealed in honor of Imam Ali (a.s.). It clearly shows that there are only three masters of the believers. Firstly, Allah, secondly, His Prophet (s.a.w.) and thirdly Ali (a.s.) (with the eleven succeeding Imams). 359.(Say) O Muhammad, to your nation: (no reward do I ask of you for this) the message of Islam (except the love of those near of kin) to me. (i.e.) Ahlul-Bayt (A.S.). When this verse was revealed, someone said: "Messenger of Allah, who are the kin whose love is obligatory for us?" The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) replied: "Ali, Fatima, and her two children." 360.Allah the Exalted has said: "Verily the Good shall drink of a Cup (of wine) mixed with Kafur. A fountain where the Devotees of God do drink, making it flow in unstinted abundance. They perform (their) vows, and they fear a Day whose evil lies far and wide. And they feed, for the love of God, the indigent, the orphan and the captive. Saying, `We feed you for the sake of God alone; no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks.' `We only fear a Day of distressful Wrath from the side of our Lord.' But God will deliver them from the evil of that day, and will shed over them a light of Beauty and a (blissful) Joy. And because they were patient and constant, He will reward them with a Garden and (garment of) silk. Reclining in the (Garden) on raised thrones, they will see there neither the sun's (excessive heat) nor (the moon's) excessive cold. And the shades of the (Garden) will come low over them, and the bunches (of fruit), there, will hang low in humility. And amongst them will be passed round vessels of silver and goblets of crystal; Crystal clear, made of silver. They will determine the measure thereof (According to their wishes). And they will be given to drink there of a Cup (of wine) mixed with Zanjabil. A fountain there, called Salsabil. And around about them will (serve) youths of perpetual (freshness): if thou seest them, thou wouldst think them scattered Pearls. And when thou lookest, It is there thou wilt see a Bliss and a Realm Magnificent. Upon them will be green garments of fine silk and heavy brocade, and they will be adorned with Bracelets of silver; and their Lord will give to them to drink of a Wine pure and Holy. Verily this is a Reward for you, and your Endeavor is accepted and recognized." (76: 5-22) These verses were revealed after Ali, Fatima, Hassan, and Hussain (A.S.) gave charity to needy people; this story is stated in the book Al-Kashaf by Zamakhshari; it goes as follows: 361."Ibn Abbas said: `Once Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain (A.S.) were ill, the Messenger of Allah and a group went to visit them. The visitors suggested to Imam Ali (A.S.) to make a vow to Allah: if He were to relieve them, he would perform some good action. Therefore, Imam Ali together with Fatima and their servant Fidhdha vowed to Allah that they would fast for three days if He would relieve Hassan and Hussain.' 362.'When Allah had relieved them, Imam Ali (A.S.) borrowed three (3) aswu (a cubic measure) of barley from a Jew known as Shimon. Fatima ground one (1) sa'a

(singular of aswu) of the barley and baked five loaves of bread for her family's meal at sunset. As sunset approached, a needy man knocked on the door and said: Assalamu Alaikum, Family of Muhammad. I am a needy man from among the Muslims, feed me, may Allah feed you from the food of Paradise.' The holy family preferred the needy man over themselves and spent the night with nothing in their stomachs save water.' 363.'They fasted the second day, and again at sunset, when they were waiting for their food, an orphan asked them for help and they again preferred him over themselves. The third evening a captive (prisoner of war) asked them for help and they repeated their preference for the needy above themselves.' 364.'The following morning, Imam Ali (A.S.) took Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain to the Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H.) who said the following when he saw them shaking like little chicks from hunger: 365."The Prophet said: It displeases us to see you in this condition.' Then he went with them, for he wanted to see Fatima. When they arrived, Fatima (A.S.) was in the Mehrab (prayer place), and her condition was such that it further displeased the Prophet (P.B.U.H.). At this time, Gabriel descended and said: ` 366.Take this chapter Muhammad, - Allah surely congratulates you for having this family. " It is worthy to state that the Good ones mentioned here are Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain; who deserve Paradise because of their act of feeding the needy, the orphan, and the captive. 367.Another point to keep in mind here is that despite the detailed description of Paradise given in the verses, Allah, the Exalted, does not mention the huris. This understood to be in honor and exaltation of Fatima (A.S.) the wife of Imam Ali, and the mother of Hassan and Hussain. 368.Ali a.s is Imam of Sala haeen (Good peoples) & killer of Bad peoples . 369.The famous Sunni Historian, al-Tabari also wrote: The first three to offer prayers were Muhammad (PBUH&HF) , Khadija and Ali (AS). History al-Tabari, v2, p65 370.It is Narrated by Imam Buhakri that , Umar ibn e Katab says that when Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w died , He is happy with Hazrat Ali a.s . 371.Hadith al-Thaqalayn, for `Ammar himself was one of the staunch followers (shi`ah) of `Ali (A) and had been instructed by the Prophet (S) to obey and follow `Ali (A): 372.[The Prophet (S) said to `Ammar:] O `Ammar, `Ali will not divert you from guidance. O `Ammar, obedience to `Ali is obedience to me, and obedience to me is obedience to God, Almighty and Glorious. 373.It is Narrated by Abu Bakr , Umar ibn e Katab , Usman bin Afan , that whose is Hazrat Ali a.s enemy is really the enemy of Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w . 374.When the infidels of Mecca decided to kill the Prophet and surrounded his house, the Holy Prophet decided to emigrate to Medina. He said to Ali, "Will you sleep in my bed at night so that they will think that I am asleep and I will be secure from being pursued by them?" Ali accepted this dangerous assignment with open arms. 375.Whoever contests `Ali in regard to the khilafah is an unbeliever. 376.This is the famous tradition, also mentioned in the narration given by alHakim in Mustadrak `ala alSahihayn (vol. iii, pp. 109110), quoted in the section "On Some Sahih Versions of the Hadith" in the present article, in which the Prophet (S) while returning from his last pilgrimage stopped the entire caravan at Ghadir Khumm and

made the announcement: Of whomever I am his master, `Ali also is his master (mawla). 377.The Prophet said, "God has informed me that He loves four men and that I should love them also." They asked about their names. He mentioned Ali and then the names of Abu Dharr, Salman and Miqdad. (Sunan of Ibn Majah, Cairo, 1372, vol. I, p. 66.) 378.It is Narrated by Abu Bakr , Umar ibn e Katab , Usman bin Afan , that Hazrat Ali a.s 3 Qualities . He accept Islam first in all Muslim , 379.Whoever wishes to see Adam in his knowledge, Noah in his piety, Abraham in his forbearance, Moses in his strength, and Jesus in his worship and devotion should look at `Ali ibn Abi Talib. 380.AlTirmidhi, in his Sahih, ii, 297, records this tradition of the Prophet (S): Verily, `Ali and I are inseparable, and he is the master (wali) of every believer after me. 381.It is Narrated by Abu Bakr , Umar ibn e Katab , Usman bin Afan , that Hazrat Ali a.s In accepting Iyyman He is best in all Momineen . 382.AlTirmidhi in his Sahih reports that once when the Prophet (S) sat down to eat a fowl that had been prepared for his dinner, he prayed to God:"My God, bring the most beloved of Your creatures, that he may eat this fowl with me." Then `Ali (A) came and the Prophet ate with him. 383.AlHakim records this tradition of the Prophet (S) in his Mustadrak, iii, 126, 127: I am the city of knowledge and `Ali is its gate; whoever intends to enter the city should come to its gate. 384.It is Narrated by Abu Bakr , Umar ibn e Katab , Usman bin Afan , that Hazrat Ali a.s & He is like as Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w same as Hazrat Musa a.s to Hazrat Haroon a.s . 385.Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni, from 'Ali ibn Ibrahim, from his father, from Hammed, from Rib`i, from Zurarah, from Abu Ja'far, may peace be upon him. [Zurarah] says: "I heard him say, `Verily, God, the Almighty and the Glorious, cannot be described, and how could He be described when He declares in His Book. "And they measure not God with His true measure."'[1] 386.Hence He cannot be described by any measure, and if described He would transcend it. And, verily, the Prophet, may God bless him and his Household, cannot be described, and how could be described a servant whom God, the Almighty and the Glorious, has concealed with seven veils and made obedience to him in the earth like obedience to him in the heavens, declaring, "And whatsoever the Messenger giveth you, take it. And whatsoever be forbiddeth, abstain from it."[2] 387.And [He has declared] "Whoever obeys him assuredly obeys Me, and whoever disobeys him disobeys Me. [3] 388.Hence He has delegated authority to him. And we (Imams of the Ahl al-Bayt) cannot be described And how could a people be described whom God has kept free from impurity, which is doubt. And neither can the believer be described. And indeed, when the believer takes his brother with the hand on meeting him, God looks at them and sins are shed from their faces in the way leaves fall from a tree:" [4] 389.[(In al-Kafi al-Kulayni reports) with his isnad from Abu Basir that he said, "I asked Abu 'Abd Allah, may peace be upon him, concerning the statement of God, the Blessed and the Exalted, 'And thus have We inspired in thee (O Muhammad) a Spirit

of Our Command. Thou knewest not what the Scripture was, nor what the Faith' (42:52). He replied, '(The Spirit mentioned in the verse) is one of the creatures of God, the Blessed and the Exalted, greater than Gabriel and Michael, that was with the Messenger of God, may God bless him and his Household, and which used to inform and guide him, and after him it is with the Imams, may God bless them." [12] 390.Tradition of the Prophet, may God bless him and his Household: Ali is immersed in the Essence of God, the Exalted." [13] 391.In former days, this author, like a bat describing the world-illuminating sun, has described a modicum of the station of prophethood and wilayah in a separate treatise named Misbah al-hidayah. [14] 392.In al-Kafi [al-Kulayni reports] with his isnad from Muhammad ibn Sinan that he said: "I was with Abu Ja'far, the Second, may peace be upon him, when I mentioned before him the disagreement amongst the Shi'ah. Thereat he said, 'O Muhammad, verily God, the Blessed and the Exalted, is ever unique in His Unity. Then He created Muhammad, 'Ali and Fatimah. They remained for a thousand eons, then He created all the things and made them witness their creation and decreed them to obey them, delegating their affairs (i.e. of the creatures) to them. Hence they permit whatever they will and forbid whatever they will and they will not anything except what God, the Exalted, wills.' Then he said, 'O Muhammad, whoever goes beyond this creed transgresses the bounds [of right doctrine] and whoever lags behind perishes, and whoever adheres to it attains [to the truth]. So hold on to it, O Muhammad!' " [25] 393.The conviction of 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, may peace be upon him, had brought him to the station that he declared: "Even if I were to be given the whole world in order to unjustly deprive an ant of a grain, I would not do it. " [27] 394.AlTirmidhi in his Sunan (v, 662, no. 3786) records the following tradition ....Jabir ibn `Abd Allah said: "I saw the Messenger of Allah - upon whom be God's peace and benedictions - in the course of his hajj pilgrimage on the day of `Arafah. The Prophet (S) was seated on his camel, alQaswa', and was delivering a sermon. I heard him say: 'O people, I am leaving among you that which if you hold on to you shall never go astray: the Book of Allah and my kindred, my household." 395.O Muslim's ! do Zikar of Ali a.s . 396.Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S.) recounts, “My father asked Jabir b. Abdullah Ansari regarding the tablet of Hazrat Zahra (s.a.) which he had seen with her” Jabir narrates, ‘I take Allah as witness that on that occasion of the birth of Imam Husain (a.s.) I went to your mother’s (Hazrat Zahra (s.a.)) House so as to felicitate her on this joyous occasion. I saw a green tablet resembling emeralds in her hand. The writing on the tablet reminded me of the brilliance of the sun. Amazed, I said, ‘O Daughter of the Prophet! May my parents be sacrificed for you! What is the significance of the tablet (in your hand)? She said, ‘This tablet was presented by Allah to His Messenger (saw). It bears my father’s name, as well as the names of my tow sons and their successors. This tablet was then presented to me by my father, to commemorate the momentousness of this birth.’ Then Jabir continues, ‘I swear by Allah that I saw the following inscribed on the tablet. In the Name of Allah, the most beneficent the most Merciful. This is a communiqué from the most Venerable and the most Wise to His light, His messenger, His proof, Muhammad. Jibraeel (A.S.) conveys this tablet form Allah’s side. I have not raised a Prophet and caused him to die, except that I have

chosen from him a successor. I have given your successor precedence over all other successors. And after him, I have elevated you through your beloved grandsons, Hasan and Husain. I shall reward the people and chastise them based on their love for the progeny of hasan and Husain. The first among them is Ali, the doyen of worshippers and the adornment of all my friends. After him is his son, Muhammad, the semblance of his ancestor Muhammad (s.a.). He shall disseminate (My) Knowledge, and is indeed the mine of My wisdom. Those who deny (his son) Jafar Shall meet most unpleasant end. I shall elevate Jafar to a lofty station. I shall gratify him through his followers, his helpers and his friends. After him I selected (his son) Moosa. Then the one who denies even one of them, has indeed repudiated (all) my bounties. And one who disowns the eight one (Raza) has indeed denied all my (previous) successors. 397.Surely Ali is My successor and helper. And I have made it binding upon myself to soothe him through his son Muhammad, who shall succeed him. He is the inheritor of My knowledge and the mine of wisdom. After him is (his son) Ali who is my friend and helper. I shall complete My leadership through him. (Soon) through him I shall manifest Hasan, who will call towards my path and be the treasurer of My knowledge. Then I shall complete this chain through his son Muhammad (atfs) the mercy for the universe. Indeed these are my true successors. I shall repel all discord and strife through them. I shall reform all errors through them. Through them, I shall grant reprieve to the imprisoned, their religion is incessantly sending salutations and mercy upon them, Verily they are beacons of guidance (for mankind). Ref: Faraadius Simtain, Chapter 2/137-139, Tradition 432 398.“Ye people! Close your doors opening into the Mosque.” The people were struck with wonder to hear the voice, but they sat dumb without stirring to carry out the Command, till they heard again the injunction to close the doors on pain of Divine Wrath. Terrified at this warning, they all approached the Prophet, who was in his apartment. Ali also came out of his apartment, which was adjacent to the Prophet’s rooms since the day of Fatima’s marriage with him. He stood by the Prophet when he ordered that all the doors opening into the Mosque, excepting that of Ali and his own, should be closed. People began to murmur. The Prophet was angry at their attitude and addressed them thus: “Verily, God ordered His apostle Moses to build a holy Mosque, and he allowed Moses, Aaron and the two sons of Aaron, viz. Shabbar and Shabbir, to live therein. I was likewise ordered to construct a holy mosque wherein myself and my brother All and his two sons, Hasan and Husaln are allowed to live. Verily, I do only what I am ordered to do. I never undertake to act on my own wish. Certainly I have not ordered of my own accord to close your doors or to let All’s door open. it is God who granted All an abode in the Holy Mosque.” Consequently, the companions, whose houses skirted the quadrangle of the Mosque, closed their doors. 399.Authentic Proofs are quoted below regarding the Ayah of the Holy Quran-Sura 3verse 60 as given on page 73 Imam Fakhruddin Razi writes in his ‘Tafseer-e-Kabeer’ (Volume 2) : “When this verse was revealed to the Holy Prophet, the Christians of Najraan accepted the challenge of ‘Mubahala’ and the Holy Prophet took along with him Imam Hasan, Imam Husain, Janab-e-Fatima and Hazrat Ali to the field of ‘Mubahala’ “. Alama Zamakhshari writes in his ‘Tafseer-e-Kashshaf’ : “There can be no more authentic and stronger evidence for the holiness of Ashab-e-Kisa, i.e., Hazrat

Ali, Janab-e-Fatima, Imam Hasan and Imam Husain, than this Quranic verse. For in compliance with the order of God, the Holy Prophet summoned his Ahl-ul-Bait, took Imam Husain in his arms, grasped Imam Hasan’s hand in his own, asked Janab-eFatima to follow him, and Hazrat Ali to follow her. This proved that the Holy Ahl-ulBait were those to whom the Quranic verse was directed.” 400."Whomsoever I have authority over, Ali (A.S.) has also authority over him, O Allah! Befriend whoever befriend him and be hostile to whosoever is hostile to him". 401."Ali (A.S.) is with truth and truth is with Ali (A.S.). They will never separate until they join at the Pool of Kawthar in the Hereafter" 402.The likeness of my Ahlul-Bayt is that of the Ark of Noah, whoever got into it got saved, and whoever turned away from it got drowned and lost." 403."Every prophet has a vicegerent and inheritor and Ali (A.S.) is my vicegerent and inheritor." 404."You [Ali (A.S.)] are to me as Aaron unto Moses, only there is no prophet after me." 405.Ali a.s is best from the Creation of human being the person who Ignore Him is a Kafir . 406.Implicit faith in the duty of a man to earn the pleasure of the Almighty Allah and His Prophet Muhammad ( p.b.u.h ), at any cost, even at the cost of his own life The courage of surrendering himself willingly with the utmost peace of mind, to sleep under the swords, ready to fall upon him .The confidence and faith in God's protection . And on the night of Hijrah, Allah the glorious revealed to Jibrail and Mikail I have established brotherhood between you two and have ordained the life of one longer than the life of the other. Now, are you willing to make a present of the extra length of life to the other? But each preferred the longer life for himself. Then Allah revealed Why not follow the example of Ali ibn Abu Talib. I have established brotherhood between him and Muhammad (pbuh). He is now sleeping on the bed of Muhammad in order to save his life by sacrificing his own. Now descend both of you to the earth and protect him from his enemies. Both the angels descended. Jibrail took up his position near Ali's head and Mikail near his feet. Jibrail was crying out aloud Excellent. Excellent. O son of Abu Talib! There is none like you. Allah is making boast of you before the angels. And it was on this very occasion that the above verse was revealed. Tafsir al Kabir, by Fakhr ad Din al Razi, v 2 p 189 ( for the above narrt ), Hakim al Mustadrak, v 3 p 4 , Ghayatul Maryam, p 344 -> 345 , Tafseer e Qurtubi, v 3 p 347 , Asadul Ghaiba fe Marifatil As Sahaba, v 4 p 25 , Tafseer Nishapoori ( Allama Nishapori ) , v 1 p 281 , Kifyatul Talib, p 114 , Zhakhiar al Uqba, p 88 , Noor ul Absar, p 86. 407.Omar b. Al-Khattab said “Verily, Ali has been endowed with three qualities, of which had I but one, it would be more precious to me than were I given high bred camels.” It was asked of him what they were? He replied “His marriage with Fatirna, the daughter of the Prophet; his remaining in the Mosque while that is permitted to him which is not lawful for me; and carrying the Standard’ on the day of Khaibar.” Major Jarret’s translation of Suyuti’s His. p. 175. Tirmizi Mishkath 463, Nasai page 9, Riazunnazarah Vol. II page 192, Ibn-.e-Maghazili and Kanzul-Urnmal page 29. 408.Al-Hakim also narrated that: Salman al-Farsi said that the Messenger of God said: "The first one of you to drink from the Basin on the Day of Judgment is your first Muslim, Ali, the son of Abu Talib." al-Mustadrak, by al-Hakim, v3, p112

409.Ali a.s has degree or certificate of Allah Talah & I am his Shahid . 410.Ibn Abi Shaybah and Ibn Asakir recorded on the authority of Salim Ibn Abi Jaad that he said: I asked of Muhammad Ibn Hanifah, "was Abu Bakr the first of the people to adopt Islam?" He replied: "No". And Ibn Asakir on a reliable ascription from Muhammad Ibn Sa'd Ibn Abi Waqqas, that he said to his father Sa'd: "was Abu Bakr the first of you in embracing the faith?" He said: "No, for there were more than five people in faith before him" Ibn Kathir says: "it is clear that Muhammad's family believed before every other - his wife Khadija, his freedman Zaid and the Wife of Zaid Umm Ayman and Ali and Warakah." Tarikh al-Khulafaa, by Jalaluddin alSuyuti, p33 (History of the Caliphs translated by Major Barrett) 411.Ali a.s shines , the Peoples of Paradise like that , the people of this world the shines of morning star . 412.Angels do not do any work with the order of there Imam Ahlol e Amer . 413.Angels do not do any work with the order Hazrat Imam Ali ibn e Abi Talib a.s & his 11 sons . 414.Ali a.s is the leader of Momineen & Rasool Allah s.a.w says Truth . 415.Ibn Hisham recorded that: Ali Ibn Abi Talib was the first male to believe in the Messenger of God and that he prayed with him while he was only ten years old. Biography of the Prophet, by Ibn Hisham, v1, p245 416.O Ali a.s ! The Person is very Bad who Curse on you after me . 417.The Prophet (s) said, “Ali (a) is with the Qur’an, and the Qur’an is with Ali.” AlBukhari, 5/19; Muslim, 2/360; Al-Tirmidhi, 5/304; Mustadrak Al-Sahihain of AlHakim Al-Nisabori, 3/109; Ibn Majah, 1/28; Musnad Ahmad, 3/328. 418.The Prophet (s) said, “Ali (a) and his shi^a are the successful ones.” Ibn AlMaghazeli, 47; Mizan Al-^Itidal, 2/313. 419.The Prophet (s) said, “Ali (a) is the door of my knowledge, and the one who will clarifies for my nation that which I was sent with.” Tafsir Al-Tabari, 3/171; Shawahid Al-Tanzil, 2/356; Al-Darr Al-Manthour, 6/379; Yanabi^ Al-Mawda, 61. 420.The Prophet (s) said, “Love for Ali (a) is faith, and hatred for Ali is hypocrisy.” Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 67; Al-Khawarizmi, 236; Fara’id Al-Samateen; Yanabi^ Al-Mawda. 421.It is Narrated by H.Abu Bakr that they heard from , Hazrat Rasool Allah s.a.w that He s.a.w says , Now O Ali a.s ! The person who loves with you by heart , so he completed 1/4 th of Iyyman , 422.The person who loves with you by both tongue & heart , so he completed 2 Thai Iyyman , & 423.The person who loves with heart & tongue & hands or practical , all of your loved with you deeply so he completed all Iyyman . 424.The Prophet (s) said, “Ali (a) is the partition between Heaven and Hell.” Mustadrak Al-Sahihain of Al-Hakim Al-Nisabori, 3/127; Kenz Al-Omal, 5/30; Al-Jami^ of AlSuyuti, 1/374; Al-Tirmidhi; Ibn Maghazeli, 80. 425.The Prophet (s) said, “The position of Ali (a) amongst the people is like Surat Qul Hu Allahu Ahad in the Qur’an.” Muslim, 1/48; Al-Tirmidhi, 2/299; Al-Nisa’i, 27; Musnad Ahmad, 6/299; Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 191. 426.The Prophet (s) said, “Ali (a) is the beloved between two friends, myself and Ibrahim.” Yanabi^ Al-Mawda, 88; Fara’id Al-Samateen; Bea^ Al-Abrar; Moniq Ibn Ahmad Al-Khawarizmi.

427.Shaikh As Saduq in his Book " Al Tauheed " page 228 writes ; Tradition of Moula Ali ibn Abi Talib Ameerul Momineen [as] " No Doubt, there is an Angel of God Almighty who's one wing spreads over the East and the Other One spreads over the West , at the time of Salat says azaan and in his azaan the Angel says I conform that there is no God but Allah , Mohammed [pbuh] is the master of all prophets and his " Wasih " ( Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]) is the master of all " Wasiyeen 428.He was the first to offer to sleep in the Holy Prophet's (S.A.W.) bed on the night of his emigration to Medina. 429.The Prophet (s) said, “Fatima is more beloved to me than you, oh Ali, and you are dearer to me than her.”Majma^ Al-Zawa’id, v. 9, p. 202; Al-Jami^ Al-Sagheer, v. 2, p. 654, n. 5761; Muntakhab Kenz Al-Omal, v. 5, 97; Asad Al-Ghaba, v. 5, p. 522; Yanabi^ Al-Mawadda, v. 2, ch. 56, p. 79; Al-Sawaiq Al-Muhariqa, ch. 3, p. 191. 430.He was the first to be appointed commander in all those battles in which the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) did not participate personally. 431."Ali is with righteousness and righteousness is with Ali" -- (the Prophet) 432.The Prophet (s) said, "The first people to enter Paradise will be Ali and Fatima." Nur Al-Absar, p. 52; related by similar wording in Kenz Al-Omal, v. 13, p. 95. 433.The person who wish to see happy from that person who is relative of Rasool Allah s.a.w & he is nearer to every person & from us in Ashab is in high rank , the person should must see towards the face of Hazrat Ali a.s 434.The honor of the propagation of the Quranic Sura, "al Bara'at" fell to Imam Ali's (A.S.) lot. 435.The Prophet (s) said, "Oh, Ali, Jibreel has informed me that God has married you to Fatima." Manaqib Al-Imam Ali from Al-Riyadh Al-Nudhra, p.141. 436.He was the only man to be titled as the "Second Aaron" by the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.). 437.Hazrat Salman Farsi in the presence of our Holy Prophet [pbuh] always used Ali un Wali Ullah in Azaan" 438.The Prophet (s) said, “Whoever splits with Ali (a) has split with me, and whoever splits with me has split with God.” Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 45; Yanabi^ Al-Mawda, 181. 439.The Prophet (s) said, “Ali (a) is from me and I am from him, and he is the protector of every true believer after me.” Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 69; Yanabi^ Al-Mawda, 125. 440.The Prophet (s) said, “Ali (a) is the most beloved of God and His Prophet in all of creation.” Kenz Al-Omal, 5/33; Al-Riyadh Al-Nudhra, 2/211; Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 219. 441.The Prophet (s) said, “Mentioning Ali (a) is a form of worship, and looking upon him is a form of worship.” Mustadrak Al-Sahihain of Al-Hakim Al-Nisabori, 3/123; Kenz Al-Omal, 6/156; Al-Tabarani; Ibn Al-Maghazeli, 240, 278; Al-Khawarizmi, 62. 442.The Prophet (s) said, “Love for Ali (a) is a good deed, so don’t ruin it with bad deeds.” Al-Tabarani; Yanabi^ Al-Mawda, 2/3. 443.The Prophet (s) said, “Ali (a) holds the position of the Ka^aba.” Mustadrak AlSahihain of Al-Hakim Al-Nisabori, 3/122; Musnad Ahmad, 3/82; Al-Tabarani, 6/155; Kenz Al-Omal. 444.The Prophet (s) said, “Ali (a) stands in relation to me as my head to my body.” Mustadrak Al-Sahihain of Al-Hakim Al-Nisabori, 3/141; Al-Jami^ of Al-Suyuti,

1/583; Tarikh Baghdad of Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdadi, 1/51; HAliyat Al-Awliya’, 1/182; Al-Riyadh Al-Nudhra, 2/219. 445.AlHakim records this tradition of the Prophet (S) in his Mustadrak, ii, 343, iii, 150: The parable of my Ahl albayt is that of the boat of Noah, whoever gets aboard it is saved and whoever stays away from it is drowned. 446.The Prophet and Ali alone could come to the Mosque when under the obligation of a bath. 447.It is Narrated by Abu Bakr , Umar ibn e Katab , Usman bin Afan , that Hazrat Ali a.s is best in doing equality. 448.(Al-Kulayni reports) with his isnad from Abu `Abd Allah-may peace be upon himthat he said in one of his exhortations: "Know shat even if the assassin of 'Ali-may peace be upon him-who struck him with the sword, were to entrust me with something and were he to seek my advice and counsel, and were I to accept his request, I would not betray his trust."" 449.AlNasa'i in Khasa'is, 40, reports this tradition on the authority of Abu Sa`id alKhudri: Abu Sa`id alKhudri reports: "We sat waiting for the Messenger of Allah (S) when he came out to meet us. The strap of his sandal was broken and he tossed it to `Ali. Then he (S) said, 'A man amongst you will fight the people over the ta'wil (interpretation) of the Qur'an in the same way as I have fought over its tanzil (revelation).' Thereupon Abu Bakr said, 'Is that I?' The Prophet (S) said, 'No.' Then `Umar asked him, 'Is that I?' 'No.' said the Prophet (S). 'It is the mender of the sandal (i.e. `Ali).'" 450.AlTirmidhi has recorded this tradition of the Prophet (S) in his Sahih, ii, 298: May God's mercy be upon `Ali. My God, keep the haqq (truth, righteousness, justice) always with `Ali. 451.Ali's door, like that of the Prophet, that opened in the Mosque was retained while the doors of all others closed under a Divine Mandate. 452.It is Narrated by Abu Bakr , Umar ibn e Katab , Usman bin Afan , that Hazrat Ali a.s is nearer & high Ranked near Allah Talah . 453.Ibn 'Abbas has said, "I said to the Prophet, 'Who are your descendants whose love is obligatory [upon Muslims]?' He said, 'Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husayn.'" 454.Ali is the one who was ordained to assist all Messengers of Allah from Adam to Jusus, hiddenly and to come out openly to assist the Holy Prophet. 455.Jabir has transmitted that the Prophet has said, "God placed the children of all prophets in their 'backbone' but placed my children in the backbone of Ali." 456.The junior of the weighty two weighty things while the Holy Qur'an is the SiqlulAkbar, the Senior one, and these two would not get separated from each other till they join me at the Cistern of Kausar (Hawzil Kausar) on the Day of Judgement (Yawmul Qiyyamah). 457.Beware the I have discharged my duty; beware that I have conveyed what I was charged by Allah to convey, take note that I have clarified everything and note that whatever Allah revealed to me has been faithfully conveyed by me to you. 458.Take note that no one except this my brother Ali A.S. would be the Ameerul Mo'mineen, the Commander of the Faithful, for after me it is not lawful for anyone except Imam Ali A.S. to wield authority over the Faithful."

459."O' people I have clearly explained all the matters before you. Now after me this Imam Ali A.S would be explaining to you these matters. 460.After finishing my speech I would call you to pay allegiance (Bay'at) to him, and to acknowledge him. Beware that I have paid allegiance (Bay'at) to Allah while Imam Ali A.S. has paid allegiance to me. 461.Now I am taking your allegiance for Imam Ali A.S. under the Command of Allah. Now you should also proclaim that in this matter you bow before the Command of Allah and would obey Him, and obey me, and obey Imam Ali A.S., Imam Hasan A.S. and Imam Husain A.S. and the other Imams A.S. in Husain A.S.'s line as mentioned by me." 462."O' people, now say what I have told you to say and from now onwards you should offer salutation to Imam Ali A.S. by the title Ameerul Mo'mineen. Now confirm that you have heard and accepted what I have told you, and also say: All praise is due to Allah who gave us guidance for if He had not given us guidance we would have remained without it"." 463.The entire crowd then cried loudly and confirmed, "Yes, O' Prophet of Allah S.A.W.A.S., we have heard you fully and are ready and prepared to obey every Command of Allah and every Command of the Prophet of Allah with heart, tongue and limbs." 464.The people then thronged to the Holy Prophet S.A.W.A.S. and Imam Ali A.S. from all sides. 465.Ali is the sole one Divinely designated as the Hand of Allah, Face of Allah, Eye of Allah, Ear of Allah, Tongue of Allah and Symbole of Allah. 466.Moulana Shiblee writes:"The Holy Prophet S.A.W.A.S. then set off on his return journey towards Madina along with Muhajireen and Ansar. On the way he came to a place called Khum three miles from Haifa. Here there is a pond. The Arabic for a pond is Ghadeer. For that reason usually it is mentioned as Ghadeer-a-Khum in narrations. The Prophet S.A.W.A.S. collected all his companions here and delivered a short sermon: After praising Allah he said, "O' people, I am also a human being. Maybe the angel of Allah (that is, death) comes soon and I may have to respond to him. I am leaving among you two weighty things namely first the Book of Allah which is full of Divine Guidance and Light; you should hold fast to the Book of Allah, and second the People of my House (Ahlul Bait); I recall Allah to you about my Ahlul Bait." The Holy Prophet S.A.W.A.S. repeated the last sentence thrice. This is as recorded in the Saheeh Muslim of Muslim. However, Nisaee, Imam Ahmad bin Hambal, Tirmizee, Tibrani and Tabari have related some further sentences relating to the merits of Imam Ali A.S.. The most common sentence is the following, "Of whomsoever I am the Master Ali A.S. is his master; may Allah keep friendship with everyone who keeps friendship with Ali A.S. and bear enmity with everyone who bears enmity with Ali A.S."."" Seeratun Nabi, p.165-6 467.The first who held out their pledge to the Holy Prophet in the matter were Abu Bakr, Umer and Usman. 468.Then they were followed by other Migrants (Muhajireen) and the Locals (Ansar) and the rest of the people of all classes, groups and grades, so much so that the Maghrib

and Isha Salaat were offered together because of the function having extended till it was fairly dark. 469.Umer the second Caliph is reported to have greeted Imam Ali A.S. on this occasion in the following words: "Greeting be to you O' 'Ali son of Abu Talib; you have become my Master and the master of every believer (faithful) man and woman". 470.AlBukhari mentions this tradition in his Sahih, "Kitab aljihad wa alsiyar": Sahl ibn Sa`d said: "The Prophet (S) said on the day of (the victory of) Khaybar: 'Tomorrow I will give the standard to a man, by whose hand God shall conquer (Khaybar). He loves God and His Messenger, and God and His Messenger love him.' The people passed the night wondering as to who will receive it and everyone was hopeful of getting it. (The next day) the Prophet (S) declared: 'Where is `Ali?' He was told: 'He is suffering with an eye pain.' (When `Ali came) the Prophet applied his saliva to his eyes and prayed for him. `Ali recovered as if he had no pain before. Then the Prophet (S) gave it (the standard) to him.... 471.It is Narrated by Abu Bakr , Umar ibn e Katab , Usman bin Afan , that peron who loves & friendship with Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w & Hate with Hazrat Ali as , he is liar . 472.AlMuhibb alTabari narrates this tradition on the authority of Salman from the Prophet (S ) in alRiyad alnadirah, ii, 163: Fourteen thousand years before Adam upon whom be peace was created, I and `Ali were a light in the presence of God. When God created Adam upon whom be peace He divided it into two parts. I am one of the parts and `Ali is the other part. 473.Muhammad ibn `Ali ibn al-Husayn reports with his isnad from Abu Hamzah alThumali that he said: "I heard the Master of the Devout, 'Ali ibn al-Husayn ibn 'Ali ibn Abi Talib-may peace be upon them-say to his followers (shi'ah): `Commit yourself to trustworthiness; for, by Him Who sent Muhammad-may God bless him and his Household-with the Truth as a Prophet, even if the killer of my father, alHusayn ibn 'Ali, may peace be upon them, were to entrust me with the sword with which he had killed him, I would not betray his trust.' " 474.He said, “I am the proof of Allah upon his creatures and I am the Baqiyatullah upon this earth. I am the one who will fill the earth with justice and equality just as it will be filled with injustice and in equity. I am the son of Hasan ibne Ali ibne Mohammed ibne Ali ibne Musa ibne Ja’far ibne Mohammed ibne Ali ibne Husain ibne Ali ibne Abi Talib (a.s.).” 475.It is Narrated by Abu Bakr , Umar ibn e Katab , Usman bin Afan , that lover of Hazrat Ali a.s is lover of Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w & who is Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w lover he is Allah Talah lover & whose Allah Talah knows his Friend He gave him Paradise . 476.The Prophet (s) said, "Oh, Ali, Jibreel has informed me that God has married you to Fatima." Manaqib Al-Imam Ali from Al-Riyadh Al-Nudhra, p. 141. 477.The Prophet (s) said, "Oh, Ali, God has commanded me to marry you to Fatima."AlSawaiq Al-Muhariqa,. ch. 4, p. 142; Dakha'ir Al-Uqubi, p. 30 & 31; Tadhkirat AlKhawas, p. 276; Manaqib Al-Imam Ali from Al-Riyadh Al-Nudhra, p. 141; Nur AlAbsar, p. 53.

478.It is Narrated by H.Umar that they heard from , Hazrat Rasool Allah s.a.w that He s.a.w says , Now O Ali a.s ! The person who loves with you by heart , so he completed 1/4 th of Iyyman , 479.The person who loves with you by both tongue & heart , so he completed 2 Thai Iyyman , & 480.The person who loves with heart & tongue & hands or practical , all of your loved with you deeply so he completed all Iyyman . 481.The Prophet (s) said, "Verily, God married Ali to Fatima."Al-Sawaiq Al-Muhariqa, p. 173. 482.The Prophet (s) said, "The first people to enter Paradise will be Ali and Fatima."Nur Al-Absar, p. 52; related by similar wording in Kenz Al-Omal, v. 13, p. 95. 483.The Prophet (s) said, "The verse of purification was revealed concerning five people: myself, Ali, Hassan, Hussein, and Fatima."Is^af Al-Raghibeen, p. 116; Sahih Muslim, Kitab Fadha'il Al-Sahaba. 484.Abu Sa-eed Al-Khidri reported that the Messenger said: "I am about to be summoned (by God to depart from this world), and I shall respond. I am leaving in you the Two Valuables: The Book of God, and the members of my House. The Book of God is a rope extended between heaven and earth, and the members of my House. The Almighty informed me that they shall never part with each other until they join me at the Basin. Beware how you shall treat them after me." 485.Follow Allah & his Rasool s.a.w & Olil-Amr .( Ali a.s & his 11 son's , total 12 Imams) 486.Athafer Al-Seirafi reported that he was with Al-Hakam Ibn Oyainah at the house of the Hazrat Imam Mohammad Al-Baqir a.ss (the father of Hazrat Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq a.s ). Oyainah asked Hazrat Imam Al-Baqir a.s about some Islamic rules. Abu Jafar a.s told his son to bring the book of Ali. He brought a huge book and Al-Baqir a.s opened it and looked at it until he found the subject in question. Abu Jafar a.s said: This is the writing of Ali and the dictation of the Messenger of God. Then he looked at Al-Hakam and said: "Abu Mohammad a.s , go, you and Selemah and Al-Miqdad wherever you want, right or left. By God, you will not find more reliable knowledge at any place than that of a people Gabriel used to come to." 487.It is reported that Al-Imam Al-Sadiq said: "My statement is the statement of my father. The statement of my father is the statement of my grandfather. The statement of my grandfather is the statement of Al-Hussein. The statement of Al-Hussein is the statement of Al-Hassan. The statement of Al-Hassan is the statement of Ameer AlMumineen, Ali. The statement of Ameer Al-Mumineen is the statement of the Messenger of God, and the statement of the Messenger of God is a Revelation of God." 488."And I shall question you when you join me on the Day of Judgment about The Two Valuables. Beware how you shall treat them after me: The bigger Valuable is the Book of God, a robe whose end is in the hand of God and the other end is in your hands. Hold it firmly. Do not go astray and do not deviate. The smaller Valuable is the members of my House. The Almighty informed me that they will not part with each other until they join me at the Basin (on the Day of Judgment)."

489.Imam Ali bin Hussein (a.s.), in a speech about the Islam of his father, Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.), said: "....and he believed in Allah, the Exalted, and in His Messenger. He preceded the others in Islam and in reciting prayers by a three year interval." 490.Umme Salama, the Prophet's wife, narrated that Allah's Messenger (P.B.U.H.)was present in her house when Fatima brought him an earthenware pot filled with wheat cooked with milk. He (P.B.U.H.) said: "Call in your husband and two sons for me." Thus, Ali, Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain came and joined him in eating the food. Meanwhile, he (P.B.U.H.) sat on a bench, covered with a Khairban cloak. 491.The chief of the Prophet's successors", he said, "the leader of the untainted ones at the Resurrection, 492.The most righteous among the believers, `Ali ibn Abi Talib, the Imam of right guidance, 493.Cut off the fingers of my right hand . . . 494.The first to reach the Gardens of Felicity, 495.The hero of the brave, 496.The avenger against the promoters of ignorance, 497.The giver of zakat . . . 498.The leader on the right and perfect path, 499.The speaker of what is true and appropriate, 500.The champion of Mecca, 501.The steadfast exceller. " 502."Poor you!" said Ibn al-Kawwa', "He cut off your hand, and you extol him thus! " 503.Why should I not extol him", he said, "now that his friendship is mixed with flesh and blood? 504.I swear by God that he did not cut off my hand except with a right that God has established." 505."Surely Ali is the most beloved of all men and the most precious to me. Therefore, recognize his rights, and pay tribute to him." 506."The most beloved of all men to me is Ali." 507."Ali is the best of those whom I leave behind me (after death)." 508."The best of your men is Ali Ibn Abu Talib, and the best of your women is Fatima Bint Muhammad." 509.We, (the members) of the house (Ahl al-bayt) have seven qualities none of which the (rest of the) people have; From us (came) the Prophet may God bless him and his family ; From us came the trustee of authority (wasi),the best of this community after him (i.e. Prophet) ,'Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be on him , From us came Hamza, the lion of God and of His Apostle ,and the lord of martyrs; From us came Ja'far b. Abi Talib who is adorned by two wings with which he flies in heaven wherever he wishes; From us (came) the two grandsons of this community, the two lords of the youth of paradise, al-Hasan and al-Husayn; From us (came) the (one who will undertake the Imamate for the rest of time) Qa'im of the family of Muhammad, by which God graced His Prophet; From us (came) the one who was given (final) victory (almansur). 510.The Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family, spoke to 'Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be on him: "'Ali, you will be engaged in disputes but you will overcome any dispute by seven qualities, the like of which no one else has:

511.You are the first of those who believed with me, 512.The greatest of them in war, 513.The most knowledgeable of them in the battles (ayyam) on behalf of God, 514.The one of them who is most loyal in keeping the covenant (Uhad) of God, 515.The most compassionate of them towards subjects, 516.The most capable of giving equal treatment and the greatest of them in distinction before God." 517.The Prophet said to Ali: "Do you possess anything (which you can pay for the dowry) to marry Fatima'?" 518.". . . The Messenger said to Ali on the Day of Ghadeer Khum, after praising the Almighty and exalting Him: Do you know that I have more authority over the believers than they have over themselves? We said: Yes. He said: God, whoever I am his `Moula,' Ali is his Moula. God, love whoever loves him, and be hostile to whoever is hostile to him. . ." 519.For the Almighty says: "O you who believe, obey God and obey the Messenger and Olil-Amr (men of command) from among you." 520.Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w says , Hazrat Ali a.s , Olil-Amr in you . 521.Prophet said that to obey Ali is to obey God and His Messenger; to disobey Ali is to disobey God and His Messenger; to part with Ali is to part with God and His Messenger and to speak ill of Ali is to speak ill of God and His Messenger. 522.And Abu Zaharr is the one who said while he was holding the door of the Kaaba: "Whoever knows me, I am the one whom he knows, and whoever does not know me, I am Abu Zaharr. I heard the Prophet saying: "The position of the members of my House among you is the position of Noah's ark among his people. Whoever embarked on it was saved and whoever did not embark on it was drowned." 523."When the Messenger of God returned from the Valedictory Pilgrimage and stopped at Ghadeer Khum, he ordered the Muslims to clean under the trees at that place and said: `I am as if I were summoned and I responded. I have left in you "Al-Thaqalain," one of them is bigger than the other: The Book of God, and my "Itrah" (the close relatives). Beware how you will treat them after me; for they shall not part with each other until they join me at the Basin (on the Day of Judgment). Then he said: Certainly, God is my Guardian, and I am the Moula (Guardian) of every believer. Then he lifted the hand of Ali and said: Whoever I am his Moula (Guardian), this is his "Wali" (Guardian), God, love whoever loves him, and be hostile to whoever is hostile to him." 524.Messenger said to Ali: "Ali, whoever parts with me parts with God, and whoever parts with you parts with me." 525.Messenger of God said: "Whoever obeys me obeys God, and whoever disobeys me disobeys God. And whoever obeys Ali obeys me, and whoever disobeys Ali disobeys me." 526.The Prophet (s) said, “Fatima is more beloved to me than you, oh Ali, and you are dearer to me than her.”Majma^ Al-Zawa’id, v. 9, p. 202; Al-Jami^ Al-Sagheer, v. 2, p. 654, n. 5761; Muntakhab Kenz Al-Omal, v. 5, 97; Asad Al-Ghaba, v. 5, p. 522; Yanabi^ Al-Mawadda, v. 2, ch. 56, p. 79; Al-Sawaiq Al-Muhariqa, ch. 3, p. 191 527.It is Narrated by Sahahba Akram r.a , that we heard from Holy Prophet s.a.w that , He s.a.w says , These are the ones that the Prophet( peace be upon him ) talked to

when he said: "man ..". Also the speech was not only about Ali despite the fact that Ali deserves the speech and more (may Allah be pleased with him). But in the speech, the Prophet ( peace be upon him ) reminded the people with the Quran and its importance. He also reminded the people of the love of his household (may Allah be pleased with them) and then he mentioned Ali (rah). So there were more than one topic that the prophet ( peace be upon him ) talked about. 528.It is Narrated by Sahahba Akram r.a , that we heard from Holy Prophet s.a.w that , & Jabir ibn `Abd Allah said: "I saw the Messenger of Allah - upon whom be God's peace and benedictions - in the course of his hajj pilgrimage on the day of `Arafah. The Prophet (S) was seated on his camel, alQaswa', and was delivering a sermon. I heard him say: 'O people, I am leaving among you that which if you hold on to you shall never go astray: the Book of Allah and my kindred, my household. (Ahalul Bait)". 529.When the Messenger of Allah (A) returned from the last hajj and came down at Ghadir Khumm.... "Then he declared: 'I am about to answer the call (of death). Verily, I have left two precious things (thaqalayn) among you, one of which is greater than the other: the Book of God and my `Itrah, my Ahl alBayt. So watch out how you treat them after me. For, indeed, they will never separate until they return to me by the side of the Pond.' Then he said, 'Verily, God is my master (mawlaya) and I am the wali of every believer.' Then he took `Ali's hand and declared, 'To whomever I am his wali, this one is also his wali. My God, befriend whoever befriends him and be hostile to whoever is hostile to him.'" Abu alTufayl says: "I said to Zayd, 'Did you hear it from the Prophet(S)?' He replied, 'There was no one in the caravan who did not see it with his eyes and hear it with his ears,'" 530.It is narrated that he (i.e. the Prophet) - upon whom be peace - said in the last sermon that he delivered during his illness: "O people, I leave behind two precious things (thaqalayn) amongst you...: the Book of God - which is a rope between Him and you, whose one end is in His hand and whose other end is in your hands so act according to its muhkamat and believe in its mutashabihat; consider as lawful that which it regards as lawful and consider as forbidden that which it regards as unlawful - and my `Itrah and my Ahl alBayt, who are the second thaql. So don't outstrip them (fa la tasbiquhum ), for then you shall perish." 531.The Messenger of Allah (S) said during his last illness: "Soon I am going to pass away and I have extended to you my plea of excuse. Lo, verily I leave behind amongst you two precious things: the Book of Allah , the Almighty and the Glorious, and my kindred (`Itrah)." Then he took `Ali's hand and raised it, saying, "This `Ali is with the Qur'an and the Qur'an is with `Ali. The two will not separate until they return to me by the Pond. Then I will ask the two as to how they were treated after me."

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