Faster Eft

November 14, 2016 | Author: Monniq | Category: N/A
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EFT emotional healing...


FasterEFT What is FasterEFT? FasterEFT (Emotionally Focused Transformations) is a methodology developed by Robert G. Smith after many years of studying and working with thousands of people. Robert has put together new cutting-edge techniques and processes that integrate the most effective elements of EFT, BSFF, NLP, spiritual understanding, science and the mind’s great ability to transform itself. With this great mix of understandings, he has developed a system that can quickly transform how you represent your past, shift your emotional disruptions and restore your physical health. In essence , it enables you to change and improve your life. According to Robert, one of the greatest aspects of FasterEFT is that it is fast, direct and to the point. He also believes that it has a healthy and logical belief system that is easily accepted. Robert’s FasterEFT addresses the entire mind/body system which includes what you think and how you process your thoughts, along with the body’s response. It is a self-empowering system that gives you control over your past, present and your future. You can consciously change the unconscious mind, help to heal your body and improve your emotional health easily with FasterEFT. It is a universal healing system that can address virtually anything. My clients have found it to be very effective for the release of: anxiety, low self-esteem, fears, phobias creative blocks , feeling stuck, grief and loss, depression, relationship problems, trauma, cravings, headache, disease, allergy, pain, fatigue and addictions. I have found that it can also help to improve: weight control, energy levels, performance, sleep and relaxation, immune system and abundance in all aspects of your life. My clients generally report feeling lighter and/or as though a weight has been lifted from them after doing FasterEFT. They also typically feel more positive. Easy to learn FasterEFT is easy to learn and apply. Even children can do it. It is also very flexible and creative in its application. I sometimes use it for my clients with other healing systems in a treatment but I often only use the FasterEFT on its own. FasterEFT works with people who do not visualize well and it also works with people who have no memories of an issue. There is no need to search for words to say when you tap and you can do it mentally or physically because of the simple tapping process on specific meridian points on the body. Newcomers to FasterEFT are generally amazed at the results. Those who have already experienced its benefits can enhance their skills and experience by attending seminars and workshops and by viewing Robert’s hundreds of videos available on YouTube.

Seminars I can arrange seminars for 8 or more people within Canberra or for 12 or more in Country and interstate locations. You will learn how to experience freedom from the things that get you down. Topics covered will include:  

The history of EFT and FasterEFT; The theory behind FasterEFT;

How to apply the basic protocols of FasterEFT on yourself and others for e.g. stress, grief, fears and phobias;

One-on-one demonstrations using the many protocols of FasterEFT.

A comprehensive manual will be provided. Phone for private appointment or seminar details: (02) 6251 6369 (m) 0412 605274 Testimonials “I have had several years of experience with meridian tapping and I was looking for someone who was able to help me break through my own “ceiling of limitations” and help me get to the next level of freedom within myself. Then I found Deirdre. I had one two hour session with her and she graciously helped me to catapult myself into an accelerated de cluttering of the old and launched me into the new. I was so amazed and liberated by the experience. During the two weeks between my next visit I have found my joy, found my groove and I am so excited about shedding more skins and becoming more of who I know I can be and less of all that other stuff. So looking forward to working with Deirdre again and again and again.” C McM ACT “Nothing else works for me quite like Faster EFT. It always works quickly and leaves me feeling lighter and relieved. Deirdre taught me a few things and I use it all the time. It’s quite amazing, It’s helped me with my low self-esteem issues and left me feeling more confident and in control of my life.” NC Canberra “I’ve been using the basic method of EFT for many years, and have now been introduced to FasterEFT through Deirdre. In a session which focused on a shoulder problem which I’d had for many months, I had a strong childhood memory of chooks being shot. The connection for me was that my arm felt like a flapping injured wing of the chook. Besides laughing at this incredibly funny image, we tapped through, resulting in a happier chook that has now passed over to the “other side”. The outcome for me was that I was able to straighten and raise my arm with minimal to no discomfort in a very short period of time. I am pleased that my shoulder is still flexible and pain free months after that session.” KK Canberra “The Faster EFT session I had with Deirdre was valuable. As a process, it was straightforward and respectful; in it’s effect, insightful and freeing. It was interesting that what came up to be dealt with was not the issue I thought it would be but rather events from long ago, i.e. sexual assaults and car accidents. This was surprising. Over decades I’ve done a lot of work on the

conditions arising from these events yet there were still traces in my body charged with emotion. Later, the realisation came that there was a connection between the assaults and the accidents: the same feeling of being trapped, pinned down (especially on the left side), my body harmed, blaming myself for not being able to stop what was happening, feeling a sense of anger, shame, betrayal, of being out of my body because it was too hard to occupy it. I sense that the weight of these undischarged emotions may have contributed to the development of chronic fatigue and a pattern of working too hard. Forgiving both myself and the abusers was truly liberating. We carry so many burdens unnecessarily. During the session I was uncomfortable and a little tearful in remembering painful events. Immediately after the session, however, and in the days following, I felt terrific, light and cheerful. The first night I slept very soundly and the next day had more energy than usual. Over the next few days I felt physically tired but emotionally relaxed and comfortable within myself. Now, one week later, I feel a nice sense of balance between the physical, mental and emotional bodies, of being more fully present. Deirdre is a skilful and generous practitioner of FasterEFT. She has shown me an easy and accessible technique to call upon whenever I need it.” PC Canberra Important note The techniques, processes and ideas in FasterEFT are not considered a substitute for consultation with your professional health care provider. Therefore, each person must take responsibility for their use of it. Furthermore, the testimonials and opinions expressed by the individuals who contribute content are theirs only.

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