
January 21, 2017 | Author: Tova Love | Category: N/A
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Master Count De Leon "The Power of the Spoken Word"...


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Master Count de Leon



Master Count de Leon

Copyright © 2015 F IN B A R R IN T E R N A T I O N A L F373

Fascination is a fascinating subject. We are enthralled by those few individuals who seem to exert an irresistible influence on those about them. Indeed, that is what the word itself means. Derived from the Latin fascio the word means ‘to charm or to bewitch’. People feel ‘bewitched’ by such a person and willingly do as they ask without questioning why they are being so compliant. The quality of fascination is not a corollary of good looks or beauty. Indeed, anyone who has met film or pop stars with dazzling good looks will tell you what disappointing and uninteresting  people they usually turn out to be. I have met famous beautiful women only to find myself trying to suppress my yawns after a short time in their 

company. Their socalled ‘beauty’ cannot com pensate for their lack of innate charm. The glitz and glamour is strictly for the cameraman. They live for the camera. They are only film stars because some director or producer could see their potential for looking good on camera. But it is all a sham: meet these people and you are in for a big let down. I can tell you right here and now that off camera the personal charisma of most film and pop stars is zero. So if you aspire ‘to fascinate’ you have no need to fear being at a disadvantage because you don’t have the ‘right looks’. You already have this power, dormant within, a  power more valuable than ‘looks’ or money! Adolph Hitler was one of the most fascinating men of the twentieth century. Many will find him a difficult subject to either admire or to learn from. But learn from him we must. For this man, before becoming the most powerful in Europe, had once been a complete nobody. How could someone nobody noticed, hopelessly self conscious and awkward, laughed at by women,  become a person idolized by almost everyone who knew him? Even in the death throes of the Third Reich, when all was lost, those closest to H itler remained utterly  besotted and were ready to die for him.

The example of Hitler is truly extraordinary. Yet those two other great mass murderers of the twentieth century, Stalin and Mao  who incidentally spilt more blood than Hitler ever did, they killing their own kind while he killed ‘aliens’, although hardly defensible  had no comparable charisma. Looking at film footage of Stalin’s speeches one is completely baffled: he was devoid of personality, spoke without conviction; was utterly boring and monotonous. (One is at a loss to see how he became so powerful. But he began as a gangster who shot and bludgeoned his way to the top. You don’t need ‘charisma’ when you’re holding a pistol!) Compare this to a famous footage of the Nazi leader. He advances to the podium, the audience quietens, yet he doesn’t utter a word. He stands there, hardly moving for a whole three minutes before uttering a word. The tension is palpable. Watching it you feel nervous because how can a speaker stand before thousands and not   speak? I find these moments of silence electrifying. For, as anyone who has stood before an audience will tell you, not to speak is tantamount to death itself. There are people who have experienced terrifying  physical dangers; tough ironlike men surviving unimaginable ordeals  and yet who would rather die than face an audience and hold them by the  power of their presence rather than their speech.

There is something wired into the hum an psyche that stipulates that to speak to any gathering of  people one must do so immediately and confidently or risk psychological annihilation on the spot. Yet Hitler stood unperturbed. He glanced at his notes, looked up and around. The time seems an eternity. You could hear a pin drop. The tension is unbearable and yet thrilling. When he did speak it was in a quiet conversational tone which of course was entirely calculated. For he knew his audience longed for the hysterical hectoring which characterized his speeches. Contrast this stunning mastery of his audience with the awkward young man who could barely struggle with onetoone conversation, let alone address tens of thousands. What effected this staggering transform ation? Even Hitler’s last bodyguard, who suffered terribly at the hands of the Soviets later, years afterwards said he would go ‘through it all again’, for he so loved the man. What power did Hitler command to receive this type of undying devotion? I cite him as he is the most stunning example of this power in action. T his is not a course in how to  become a demagogue or a great dictator. The sensible reader will see the point I am trying to make. If the reader lacks confidence, feels inadequate, feels ignored  none of these difficult  5

 feelings can stop him or herfrom becoming a fascinating  person. It is known that Hitler practised his speeches in front of mirrors. It is also common knowledge that he was an occultist. He was obsessed with astrology, numbers, prophecy, ritual, reincarnation, and mesmerism  the whole works. For all I know the ritual I am about to give you may be the same  or at least similar  to what Hitler used. I know that my lodge has possessed this for generations and have a continental origin. I am convinced that we are dealing with the same  principles. This is not a onceonly ritual. It has to be repeated twice a week for three months. I will explain it before discussing its complications. You need a mirror and a candle. The colour of the candle is not important but avoid red. Black is my  preference, but you make your own choice. The candle is to be the only illumination in the room. Remove all clothing and before the mirror raise your hands high over your head and sway rhythmically left to right as you speak your first name 99 times. At the 99th time tense yourself, clenching fists, speak firmly and w ith conviction:


Extinguish candle by snuffing it out with a covering of any kind. Don’t blow it out; you can use the same candle every time. The complications are as follows. You will only resolve them by practice and experiment before  perform ing the ritual properly. You may not have a whole length mirror. If not, don’t worry, but you must still do without clothes. The rhythmic swaying is all very well if you are fit and well, but if you are of advanced age balanced  posture may not be something you can take for granted. So you need to exercise care. (If you are 90 and performing this ritual, bully for you! I t’s never too late for anything. Better to succeed late than never. And remember  every act of magick gives  you life. Think not of how long you have lived, but how much longer you can. Don’t accept boundaries set by others.) The biggest problem is how does one remember exactly 99 times? Repeating our name continuously it is easy to get confused. You may end up saying it 98 or 101. But it has to be 99. That is the tradition as I have received it. One way to get around this is to get several sheets of large paper, writing your name nine times on each. It is easy to keep track of nine on a single page. Your name should be spaced out, because if written too closely you may confuse or forget the numbering.

With nine sheets of paper you will have your name down 81 times. You need only two more sheets and you are home and dry. You may devise some other way; it doesn’t matter which, whatever is right for you. After three months you will notice a stunning change. You will actu ally/^ / your power. No longer will you remain unnoticed and be taken for granted. For once people will look to you to take the initiative. And take it you will.  Now if you end up starting some cult or political movement I am not to blame! This information is for those who want more than selfconfidence; for  people who want to possess the Xfactor. This is privileged information and I know that Finbarr has restricted distribution to its mailing list of knowledge seekers. This is not for the masses. Don’t count yourself as ‘one of the masses’. The fact that you have purchased this is proof of that. Power to you.


For almost a quarter of a century I have had this secret in my file. It was an elderly Harold Jolet from Detroit who gave it to me, feeling it was safe in my hands. The problem was that he both wanted me to publish it  and he didn’t! If was given to him by a man in the 1930s. Some 20 years earlier this man had used it when he witnessed two cars colliding before his very eyes. Because of the Spoken Power, both drivers

emerged unhurt, their vehicles miraculously unscathed!

Mr Jolet believed this power could help anyone who respected i t His worry was that because it was originally kept secret, in the wrong hands it could be misused. Hence his concern and my dilemma.

The Spoken Power consist» of an 11-word sentence, in English, which releases awesome energy.

To receive T h e spoken Power’ please send £9.99 ($22.99 USA) to: Finbarr International (BC), Folkestone, Kent CT20 2QQ> England (address complete).

 It can be spoken anywhere, any time. But only when needed! Mr Jolet has since passed on, so the moral responsibility for  publishing the Spoken Power became solely mine. He recalled the time when lightning struck his neighbour’s home, it catching fire.  He spoke the ll-%oord formula and the fire stopped. M iraculously there was no damage to the building! Another time he ran to the scene of a car crash. The driver’s nose was gushing blood. Mr Jolet spoke the miracle sentence and the  bleeding stoppedimmediately. Th e driver was dumbfounded! Worst of all  in another incide nt involving a car  Mr Jolet wound up upside down after careering across a highway.  After speaking the Power his car immediately turned iiself the right way up  ... and he emerged without a scratch! Over time , he revealed the secret to others  those he felt he could trust  to give them divine protection. This is not a ‘magickal formula’ in the usual sense: the Spoken Power releases the divine creative energy of the universe. A woman who received the se cret from Mr Jolet  but who wishes not to be named  used it for her failing marriage. Her husband

was about to walk out when she spoke the Power. He changed his mind right there and then. Another time, her daughter was struck down by a mysterious illness. After speaking th e Power, she made an immediate recovery! This same woman used the Spoken Power at the race track. She won a bundle!

Why does it work? Who knows? Mr Jolet explained to me what allegedly happened at the Creation. A different picture of God emerged! This I explain in the booklet. Mr Jolet did not want this to be treated lightly. The Spoken Power is not for amusement. Precisely because it is so simply some people may faU to respea it. No  previous experience  mystical or spiritual is needed for the Spoken Power to work. All you need to know is in this booklet. DO NOT BE FOOLED BY ITS SIMPLICITY. Can a miraculous divinepotver be immediately at hand when you most  need it ? Such a question many would ask. Now you can know; now you can ACTUALLY EXPERIENCE IT. Only Finbarr would publish this. And even I have hesitated for almost a quarter of a century before doing so. You do not have to belong to any secret society to possess true spiritual power  although this secret was originally known only to initiates. It is the spiritual gift of a lifetime. In a ddition to the Spoken Power, there is a section in this booklet entitled ‘Banishing Relationship Problems’: how to end once and   for ally difficulties you may have with others, be it a relative, lover, friend or colleague.


BACK IN PRINT BY POPULAR DEMAND 'Mvstic Mind Power is one of a Kind ... I’ve collected so many Dooks ¡n 9 years and this is the best’ - WM (Reno, NV)

MYSTIC MIND POWER The bedrock of Carl Nagel’s writings! it was his first, and for many his best! Based on his own true story. He was a failure, a nobody. instead of those that you don't want! At school he was buliied and snubbed for being  YOU CAN MAKE YOUR MIND INTO A MAGNET FOR ‘different'. He wasn’t interested in the usual boys’ EVERY GOOD THING YOU SEEK! AND IT IS AS EASY AS things, football, etc. He was intrigued by the strange COUNTING 1-2-3! and the unusua! and ioved books. And this was a time if there is only one book on mmd power that you when it was unforgivable to be ‘fat'. should own let it be this one! Each page brings forth So his schooldays were a miserable time.  joy and comfort as you gradually realize your irresistible Adolescence and young adulthood were hardly potential to achieve and succeed! better. Shy. introverted, he remained ignored and  Through continuous application of Mystic Mind made tun of. He devoured books on the mystic and the Power money problems can be eradicated, bi-is always unusual, but for all their promises of success it never paid on time, debts wiped out! seemed to happen for him. Money flows continuously through the magnetic pull He was hooked on 'self-help' books, but the problem of Mystic Mind Power! was that they weren't helping him . it can start working for you the very moment you  Then he decided to take stock of everything, trying receive this book! to figure out where he had gone wrong. This led to his You can influence any person to thi nk favourably of  realization of what he caiis Mystic Mind Power, a new you . You can make them attracted to you through the magnetic pull of Mystic Mind Power! synthesis of ideas. IT CHANGED EVERYTHING! Results will be immediately apparent!  This is not fantasy or fiction. The pain of his bad Remember this book is the work of a man who had experiences and the stigma of failure were real enough. previously failed time and again until he had at last And there must be manv more like him. understood the wondrous power of magnetic  YET HE FOUND A SOLUTION. consciousness! He found mat - yes - the mind acts like an irresistible He went from inadequacy and failure to success, magnet on circumstances. The thing is to get this happiness and riches at a single stroke! irresistible power to work in one's favour, rather than Anyone can do the same! against as is so often the case. Discover the powers of Magnetic Telepathy: you can  The first day he put his findings to the test he project any thought to another and they will receive it! received an unexpected gift from his father. Later the  You can also know what others are thinking! same day he was given an opportunity to make some  You can protect yourse'f from something the author money, late' - and this is hair-raising - he was saved  calls ‘psychic attack’. Yes, he believes in this. When  when two cars collided (Mystic Mind others envy or hoid a grudge against you, he says, this from certain death  Power ‘froze' him on the spot: a second or two later acts as a kind of ‘psychic attack'. Like it or not, this would have meant disaster!}. negative mental energy' projected in your direction can  Then he used Mystic Mind Power in a goid-searchrng infiltrate your own persona! aura. The consequence of expedition with two others, He tuned into the Power to this is that for no apparent reason you fee! undermined or your best laid plans keep going wrong. be lea to the right spot. What followed was a perfect example of the weird  You can stop such 'psychic attacks’ at a stroke! and wonderful way Mystic Mind Power works. At first Whatever holds you back, Mystic Mind Power can it seemed he was misled - still no gold - but an set YOU FREE! unexpected encounter with a stranger, which he took  You can also explore the wonders of the spirit world! as a favourable omen - had the unexpected effect of  Your mind is a doorway to endless possibilities! leading to a thrilling find.  There is positively no danger in communicating with Once in motion the forces of Mystic Mind Power sprits in the next world. It is impossible to come to any conspire to make events fail in one's favour. harm, for Mystic Mind Power automatically prohibits After we first published Mystic Mind Power he any negativity with its impenetrable positive force!  You can meet spirits, converse with them, receive revealed that he had used it for the purpose of us publishing it! It was his first book and he had it important information - both in the dream state and accepted immediately! Truly Mystic Mind Power was wide awake! And you wifi feel wonderful after the working for him and it would be the first of many books experience!  There is no ‘death’, only changes in consciousness. published by Finbarr and others. Painfully shy with the opposite sex, that all changed Mr Nagel also explains how you can leave your physical  body at will, again in complete safety. Leave it, explore with Mvstic Mind Power. HE QUICKLY LOST 40 POUNDS IN WEIGHT - AND other dimensions, and return enriched by the KEPT IT OFF experience! And still it was only the beginning, for many more  Just as there is no such thing as ‘death', he also exciting changes were afoot! believes that there is no such thing as only human iife MYSTIC MIND POWER IS ABSOLUTELY SAFE AND AS in this universe. ET is there, he says, and can be NATURAL AS THE AIR YOU BREATHE! telepathicaily communicated with! EA.CH PAGE OF THIS BOOK ACTS LIKE A STEPPING He details his own experience of extraterrestrial STONE, TAKING YOU UPWARD AND FORWARD! contact.  You can now experience alt the things you want, MYSTIC MIND POWER

£19.99 UK; $39.99 USA. Send to: Finbarr (BC), Folkestone CT20 2QQ,


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