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Diliman, Quezon City. Philippines 

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R ule ules a and nd Procedure ures o off D ARAB and AL I  



T e Quasi - Ju  Ju

What do they mean when they say DAR has quasi- judi  judic cia iall po powe wers rs? ?  As a quasi-judicial quasi-judicial body the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) has the power to hear, determine questions of fact to which the legislative policy is to apply and to decide in accordance with the standards laid down by b y the law itself. itself.  

i ci a Pow Power s o D AR  

“Justic e a nd power mu musst be broug ht ttog og ether, sso o that wha teve r is is just just may b e p ow erful, erful, and whateve r is is powe rful may b e  just.”  Blaise lai se Pascal..

What is the basis  basis for the DAR’s quasi judic  -judicia iall pow powe er?  Section 50 of Republ Republic ic Act (RA) 6657 (1988) and Supreme Supreme Court Admi A dministrative Circular No. 29-2002 state that the that the DAR is vested with primary jurisdiction to determine and adjudicate agrarian reform matters and shall have exclusive original jurisdiction over all matters involving the implementation of agrarian reform, EXCEPT those falling  under the exclusive exclusi ve juris ju risdi diction ction of the t he Department Department of Agriculture Agri culture (DA) (DA) and and the Department of Envir Environment onment and Natural Natur al Resources (DENR). (DENR).  

What are the quasi judici  -judicia al powe powers rs of the DAR DAR?  As a quasi judicial  -judicial body, body, DAR is vest vested ed with: with: 

Pri mar mar y Juri sdictio sdiction n   to determine and adjudicate all agrarian disputes or matters  EXCEPT those pertaining to the determination of just compensation and resolution of criminal offenses of fenses arisi arising ng from fro m the implementation of agrarian laws.  laws.  Exclusive Exclu sive or or ig inal jur isdiction isdiction   over over all matte matters rs i nvol ving vin g the implement implementation ation of agrarian reform, EXCE EXCEPT PT those falling fall ing under the exclusive exclusi ve jurisdi jur isdiction ction of the Department of Agriculture (DA) and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Resour ces (DENR). (DENR). 

 A pp ellat ella t e j u r i s di cti ct i on   to hear hear appeals appeals of all Agrarian Agrari an Law Implementation Implementation (ALI) cases, cases, derr N o. 3 (200 3), and to order reversal or other correction, if error is found . (Administrative Or de Rule II, Sec. Sec. 1 0)  0)  

How does DAR exercise its quasi judic - judicia iall powe power? r?   judicial functions of DAR are being carried carried out at the provincia provincial, l, regional, regional, Quasi- judicial Quasinational levels by the Provincial and Regional Agrarian Reform Adjudicators, and DAR Adjudication Board (DARAB) under the Office of the Secretary. (Executive Order No. 129 -  AA (1987), Sec. Sec. 13 )  

2  De Depa partment o Agrar an Reorm Re orm 



T e Quasi - Ju  Ju

i ci a Pow Power s o D AR  

What is the essence of DAR’s DAR’s quasi judic  -judicia iall powe powers? rs?    The quas quasii- judicial  judicial powers powers  of DAR strongly support and adhere to justice and equity for all. This Thi s is evident evident through the fo follo llowing wing substantive provisions provisi ons of the DARAB rules:  rules: 

 J ustice and

privileges for pauper litigants. Rule V, Sec. 2 provides a concession and advantage for those those agrarian reform beneficiaries b eneficiaries (ARBs) (ARBs) who have have little littl e or no means means of paying pay ing the fili fi ling ng fees and other expenses. expenses.  

Unapplicabil napplicability ity

of the technicalities of law and and procedure to agrarian agrarian ca cases. ses. Rule I, Sec. 3 and Rule X Sec. 1 directs the DARAB to employ all reasonable means to ascertain asce rtain the facts f acts of every every case case without regard r egard of the technicali technicalities ties of law.  law. 

Social Justice Justi ce oriented. ori ented.

Rule X, X, Sec. Sec. 7 strongly supports the ARB ARBs, s, so that in cases cases of doubt in the interpreta interpretation tion of the rules, rules, the resolution of the cases shall be in favor of the ARBs. 

Territo erritorial rial

jurisd j urisdictio iction. n. Rule II, S Sec. ec. 4.2 and Rule Rule X, Sec. 8 decentraliz decentralizes es the powers and functions of the Adjudication Board at the regional and provincial level to allow more cases to be heard at any given time, ti me, at the least expense for the litigants.  litigants. 

Expedi xpediency ency and less

cost. Rule III, Sec. Sec. 2 & 5 allows litigants li tigants to file fi le complaint or petition petitio n with the Municipal Muni cipal Agrarian Agrari an Reform Reform Officer Off icer (MARO). (MARO).  

Concil onciliation iation and mediation at the lowest level level possible. possi ble.

Rule X, X, Sec. Sec. 8 ensures that an an issue is clarified to the satisfaction of both parties at the lowest level possible to lessen the burden and diffi dif ficulties culties of both parties involved.  involved. 

Unextendibl nextendible e period perio d

of promulgating promul gating decision. Rule X, Sec. Sec. 9 and R.A. 6657 (1988), Sec. 51 provide 30-day 30-day period of rendering decision on the merit of the case and it shall be final after the lapse of 15 days from receipt of a copy of the decision or ruling. 

Appearance of non-lawye lawyerr may be allowed. Rule VIII, Sec. Sec. 1 & 3 and Rule X, Sec 8 allows non-lawy lawyer er who understands the law to appear appear before the DAR to enable enable services service s of friends, relatives relatives or concerned citizens citiz ens at little li ttle or no expense. expense. 

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interpretation interpreta tion of facts and issues. Rule I, Sec. Sec. 2 enables/ provides greater variatio va riation n from the standard standard dimensions of justice. j ustice.  

Is there a difference between the DAR and a regular court’s handling of agrarian matt ma tters/ ers/ disputes? disputes?   Yes. In the exercise  Yes. exercise of the DAR’s DAR’s jurisdic j urisdiction tion over over agra agrarian rian matte matters, rs, the DAR is not bound by technical rules of procedures and evidence but can proceed to hear and decide all all cases, disputes or controversies in a most expeditious expediti ous manner, manner, employing all reasonable means means to ascerta ascertain in the facts and and the merits of the case in accordance accordance 665 7 (1988), Sec. Sec. 50 50   with justice justi ce and equity. equity. Republic Act No. 6657  The DAR adopts its own proce procedure dures s in handling handling agra agrarian rian case cases s base based d on R. R.A. A. 6657 (1988); DAR Administrative Order No. 3 (2003) for ALI cases; and DARAB Rules of Procedure (2003) for fo r DARAB D ARAB cases cases.. Whil hile e in the regular regular court, the governing procedure pro cedure of the Rules Rules of Court C ourt is i s applied.  applied.  

 Jurisd  J urisdic ic tion of DA R

Is agrarian agrarian dispute dispute and and agrarian administrative admini strative matter matter the same?  same? 

No.  A cl assified ed as a DARAB case and falls under the exclusive exclusi ve  Agg r ar i an D Dii spute sp ute  is classifi original jurisdiction of the DARAB and its Regional or Provincial Agrarian Reform Adjudicators Adjud icators (RAR (RARAD/ AD/ PARAD). PARAD). 

 Ag  A g r ar i an A dmi dmini ni st strr ati ative ve Matter  Mat ter   is classified as an ALI case and falls under the  jurisdiction of the DAR Secret  jurisdiction ecreta ary  ry or his/ her authorized authoriz ed representative representative and the Regio Regional nal Directorr (RD). Directo (RD). 

4  De Depa partment o Agrar an Reorm Re orm 



T e Quasi - Ju  Ju

i ci a Pow Power s o D AR  

What type of issues, problems or misunderstanding can DAR help settle through DARAB?   DARAB?  The DAR DAR Adjudicat Adjudicator or has has the primary primary and and exclusiv exclusive e original original jurisdiction to dete determine rmine and adjudicate the following follo wing cases: DARAB CASE CASES S 

Determination of title to agricultural lands where this issue is raised in an agrarian dispute by any of the parties or a third person in connection with the possession thereof for the purpose of preserving the tenure of the agricultural lessee or actual tenant-farmer or farmerfarmer-beneficiaries; and affecting the ouster of the interloper or intruder in one and the same same  

Annulment or cancellation cancellation of llea ease se contracts contracts of deeds of sale sale or their amendments amendments involving lands under the administration administratio n and dispositi dispo sition on of the DAR and LBP; LBP; as well as EPs issued under PD 266, Homestead Homestead Patents, Patents, Free Patents, Patents, and miscellaneous mi scellaneous sales patents to settlers in settlement and resettlement areas under the administration and dispositio sposition n of the DAR; 


and obligation of persons, whether natural or juridical, engaged in the management, cultivation, and use of all agricultural lands covered by RA 6657, and other related agrarian agrarian laws. This Thi s also includes review review of lease leasehold hold r entals; 

Annulment or cancellation of lease contracts or deeds of sale or their amendments involving lands under the administration administratio n and disposition disposi tion of o f the DAR or LBP; LBP; as as well well as Emancipation Patents (EPs) issued under PD 266, Homestead Patents, Free Patents, and miscellaneous sales patents to settlers in settlement and re-settlement areas under the administration administration and disposition dispositio n of the DAR; DAR; 

over lands under the admini administration stration and dispositi dispo sition on of the DAR and and Boundary disputes over

the LBP, which which are transferred, transferred, distributed, and/or and/ or sold sol d to tenant tenant--beneficiaries and are covered covered by deeds deeds of sale, patents, and certificate certifi cates s of title; titl e;  

Cases involving the coll collection ection of

amortizations amortiz ations on payments payments for lands l ands awa awarded rded under PD 27, as amended, RA 3844, as amended, and RA 6657, as amended, and other related laws, decrees, decrees, orders, instructio i nstructions, ns, rules, rul es, and regulations, as well as payment payment for residential, residential, commerc commercial, ial, and industrial lots within the settlement and resettlement areas under the administration administration and disposition of o f the DAR; DAR;  

Acquired lands l ands under PD 27 and the Comprehensive Co mprehensive Agrarian Agrari an Reform Reform Program Pro gram (CARP) (CARP) for fo r preliminary preli minary administrative determination of reasonable reasonable and just compensation;  compensation;  5  De Depa partment o Agrar an Reorm Re orm 



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Sale ale,, alienation, pre p re--emption, and redemption of o f agricultural lands under the coverage coverage of the th e CARL or other oth er agrarian agrarian laws;  laws; 

E jec  jectm tmen entt and and disposse dispossession ssion of tena tenants nts and and or le lea aseholde seholders, rs, exclusiv exclusive e jurisdiction jurisdiction of the defunct Court Cour t of Agrarian Relations Relations under under Section 12 of PD PD 946 except those cases falling falling under the proper courts or other quasiquasi- judicial  judicial bodies; and  and 

Secondary and subsequent issuances of Certificates Certif icates of Land Ownership Award (CLOAs) and EPs which are registered with the Land Registration Authority, and those cases involving correction, partition, disputes, matters or concerns referred to it by the DAR Secretary.   Secretary. What types of cases can be brought to the DAR Of Offi fice ce of the Secretary? Secretary?    The Office of the Sec Secret retary ary has has the power power to recognize recognize the following foll owing ADMIN CASE CASES, otherwise known as Agrarian Law Implementation (ALI) cases. ADMIN CASES  CASES 

Application for exemption from coverage under Section 10 of RA 6657; and

Department of Justice (DOJ) Opinion Opin ion No. 44 application for  for  exemption pursuant to Department (1990); 

Dete eterminati rmination on

of rights ri ghts of ARBs ARBs such as: disp d isposi osition tion of ex excess cess area area of the tenant’s/ tena nt’s/ farmer farmer-beneficiary’s landholdings; rights to homelots; and rights of retention by landowner.  landowner. 

Matte atters rs or o r concerns referred r eferred to it by b y the Secre Secretary tary of the DAR; DA R; dentification cation and and classif classification ication of landholdings landhold ings ffor or coverage coverage under the agrarian agrarian reform refo rm Identifi program and and the initial issuance issuance of CLOAs and EPs, EPs, including protests or oppositions thereto and petitions for lifting of such coverage and identification, classification, inclusion, exclusion, qualification, or disqualification of exclusion, qualification, or disqualification of potential/ potential/ actua actuall farmer farmer-beneficiaries; Issuance of Certificate of Exemption for land subject of Voluntary Offer to Sell (VOS) and Compulsory Acquisition (CA) found unsuitable unsuitable for agricultural purposes; 

Not yet registered documents with the Register of Deeds such as Certificates of Land Ownership Awards (CLOAs); and recall, or cancellation of provisional lease rentals, Certificates Certif icates of Land Transfers Transf ers (CLTs) and and CARP Beneficiary Beneficiary Certificate Certifi cates (CBCs) in cases outsid outs ide e the purview pur view of Presidential Decree (P (PD) D) No. 816, includi incl uding ng the issuance, iss uance, recall, or cancell cancellation ation of EPs or CLOAs; CLOA s;   6  De Depa partment o Agrar an Reorm Re orm 



T e Quasi - Ju  Ju

Conf onfli lict ct of claims in landed estate estates s

i ci a Pow Power s o D AR  

administered by DAR and and its predecessors; predecessors;  

Application for conversion of   agricultural land to residential, commercial, industrial, or other non- agricultural uses and purposes including protests or oppositions thereto; 

Subdi ubdivision vision surve sur vey y of land under un der Comprehensiv Compr ehensive e Agrarian Reform Program Prog ram (CARP) (CARP);;  Exclusion from CARP coverage except agricultural land used for livestock, swine, and poultry raising and exemption/ exemption/ exclusion of fishpond and prawn prawn from fr om the covera coverage ge of CARP pursuant to RA 7881; and  and 

Settleme ettlements nts administered by DAR and and its predec pr edecessors essors involving confli conf lict ct of claims.  What are the types of cases and who is the authority responsible in adjudicating and deciding these cases? 

Authority  Authority 

Type of Cases  Cases 

BARC Chairman/MARO  Chairman/MARO 

 All  All AR matt tte ers rs/d /dis isp putes tes fo forr mediati iatio on/ concililia iati tio on 

Provincial Agrarian (PARO)   (PARO)

Clearance to transfer agricultural land  land 


Office of the Secretary Secretary Off ffice ice of the President Court of Appeals 

 Ap  Appella llatejur jurisd isdicti ictio on over all ADMINCASES/A /AL LI cases 

DARSecretary (appell DAR (appellate ate jurisdicti jurisdiction) on) Regional Reg ional Director (prim (primary  ju  jurris isd dic icti tio on) 

Protest or petiti petitions ons to lift lift CAR CARP P coverage, Rights of FBs, FBs, Identifificati Identi cation on of FBs, FBs, Initial Initial L Land and Valuati Valuation, on, Determinati Determination on of Provisional Lease Rentals, Land U Use se Con Conversion, version, Canc Cancell ellation ation of CLOA and EP not yet registered, registered, and clearance to transfer agricultural Land (PARO may decide) 

7  De Depa partment o Agrar an Reorm Re orm 



T e Quasi - Ju  Ju

i ci a Pow Power s o D AR  

Type of Cases  Cases  Authority  Authority  DAR Secretary/OSEC 

Land Use Conversion Conversion (5 has. has. above), Exemption ption due to reclassi reclassifification cation (5 has. above), above), Prejudicial Prejudicial issue, and Flashpoint Flashpoint cases cases  

DAR Secretary/ DAR and PARADs) 

Determining the landowner Determining landowner tenant relationship, relationship, Tenant Tenant ejectment, ejectment, Bounda Bou ndary ry disputes, Lease Lease rentals, rentals, Inheritance Inheritance succession, succession, Sale, Sale, alienation, alienation, mortgage, forecl foreclosure, osure, preem preempti ption, on, redempti redemption on of a agricul gricultural tural lands covered  covered by CARP and other agrarian laws, Issuance, correction and cancellllati cance ation on of CLOA and EP registered registered with the Land Regist Registrati ration on  Au  Auth tho ority rity,, and Prejud judicia iciall iss issue

Adjudicators Adjudicators (RARADs

DARAB DAR AB Central (as appellate appellate body)  body) 

Review of decisions of adjudicators; and original  original juri  juris sdicti ictio on is lod lodged wit ith h the Board to hear, determine, and adjudicate all agrarian cases and disputesarising within their assigne assigned d territori territorial al jurisdiction jurisdiction  


Direct supervision over PARAD; AD; oard   with the Board

Special Agrarian Court Special Court (O (Original riginal and exclusive  ju  juri ris sdic icti tio on) 

Determination of just compensation for landowners; and Prosecution of all criminal offenses  offenses 

Court of Appeals (CA) Supreme Court (SC)  (SC) 

 Ap  Appella llatejur jurisd isdicti ictio on over agra rarrian ian cases decide ided by D AR  ARAB 

Con Concurrent current or origi original nal juri jurisdicti sdiction on

What is con consi sidered dered as a Flashp Flashpoint oint Case? Case?   Flashpoint Cases are Agrarian Law Implementation (ALI) cases duly determined and certified certifi ed by the DAR Secretary Secretary or his/ hi s/ her Head Executive Executive Assistant (HEA) in accordance with the criteria and and procedures provided in DAR Memorandum Circular No. No . 13 (1997), (1997 ), to give utmost utmost priori pri ority ty to the resolution resolutio n of the ca case. se.

 These cases cases are under under the jurisdiction juri sdiction of the Regional Regional Director Director or the Burea Bureau u of Agrarian Agrari an Legal Legal Assistance Assi stance (B (BALA) Director. Di rector.  

8  De Depa partment o Agrar an Reorm Re orm 



T e Quasi - Ju  Ju

i ci a Pow Power s o D AR  

When does an ALI case become a Flashpoi Flashpoint nt case?  An ALI case is certified certifi ed as Flashpoi Flashpoint nt case when it is:  is: 

Threate hreatening ning to disrupt di srupt the status quo in i n a particular area; area;  Endangering the life and limb of individuals as a result of the use of force from either the landowners’ landowners’ side si de or farmer-beneficiaries’ side sid e or other parties;  parties; 

Massive pickets or which may immediately result in concerted mass actions either in the DAR Central Central Office Offi ce,, in the field offices off ices or at the site of the conflict; confli ct; or  or 

Assigned by the DAR Secretary Secretary for immediate resolution. What are the key steps in the resolution resol ution of of a Flashpoint Flashpoi nt case?  case?  DAR Official  Official 


Step 1: Issuance of an Order to Head Head of Office/ Off ice/ Unit

Step 2: Tran  Transmitt smitta al of Case

concerned  concerned 

Records Re cords to SCS Director’s Office Off ice  

Step 3: Issuance of Notice Noti ce fo forr Submissi Submission on of Position Posi tion Paper and and Documentary Docu mentary Evidence Evidence  

Step 4: Submission to SCS  Step 5: Conduct of clarifi clarifica catory tory hearing, hearing, concili conciliation/ ation/ mediation mediation or ocular inspection inspectio n (when (when appropriate appropr iate  

Step 6: Case ruling rul ing or submission submi ssion of Recomme Recommendation ndation  

9  De Depa partment o Agrar an Reorm Re orm 



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i ci a Pow Power s o D AR  

DAR Official  Official 

Step 7: Appeal to ASEC for PPLAO 

Step 8: Tran  Transmitt smitta al to Office Of fice of o f the Secretary Secretary  

Step 9: Decision of the Case Case 

Step 10: Certificate of Finality  Finality 

Decisi on  Step 11: Execution of Decision

Pathways Pat hways ttowards owards AR JJust ustic ic e: DA RA B  Who has the power to a adj djudicate udicate specific specific agrarian agrarian reform cases?  cases?  iven the powers and DARAB (Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board) is g given functions functi ons to Adjudicate Adj udicate specific specifi c agrarian agrarian reform cases. cases.   What are the limi limitations tations of of the DARAB?  DARAB?  DARAB has no jurisdicti juri sdiction on on matters which which strictly stri ctly involve involve the followi fol lowing ng cases: cases:  

Cr iminal off ense ensess . Prosecution of criminal offenses, off enses, eve even n if iitt is agrarian related related cases. cases.  This can can be filed directly directly to the regular regular courts courts or Specia peciall Agraria Agrarian n Courts (SAC). AC). 

10  De Depa partment o Agrar an Reorm Re orm 



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i ci a Pow Power s o D AR  

 Admi  A dmini niss tr ati ative ve implementati on o off R RA A 6 6 5 7 an and do other ther ag r ar i an laws.    Thes  These e are within within the exclusive jurisdictio jurisd iction n of the Secre Secretary tary of D AR.

RA 6657, Sec. 49  49 

N on-Tenanc Tenancyy r elate elated d is sue.   DARAB cannot cannot rule rul e when issue is i s not no t tenancy related related case or no tenancy relationsh relationship ip between between the parties.  parties. 

 Jus t compensat compensatii on. Determination of just compensation for landowners can be filed directly  to the SAC.  directly What is the case fl flow ow process of DARAB? DARAB?  

Comp Com p anant 

A u cator 

Step 1: 1: Acquire Acquir e BARC BARC Certification  Certification  Step 2: 2: Report of o f Settlement at BARC  BARC 

 Settled   Sett led  


Step 3: 3: Return Return the unsettled unsettl ed case  case  Step 4: 4: Filing complaint compl aint before the the Adjudicator  Adjudicator 

Step 5: 5: Issue Order directing complaina compl ainant nt to comply with with the requirements requirements of fi fili ling ng Certification 

Step 6: 6: Service Service Pleadings, Pleadings, Noti N otices ces and Resoluti Resolutions ons  

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Step 7: 7: Issuance of summons & notices of he hearing aring   Step 8: 8: File answer answer to the complaint & submission submissio n of evidence 

Step 9: 9: Issue order setting the date date of initial ini tial preliminary preli minary conference 

Step 10: Filing of Reply  Reply  Step 11: Preliminary Conference  Step 12: 12: Second Preliminary Conference  Conference 

Step 13: 13: Notice of Decisions/ Orders Orders  

When does an order, ruling ruling or decision decision become final? final?    The order, ruling or de decision cision shall be final after after the lapse lapse of fifteen fifteen (15) day days from receipt of a copy thereof.  thereof.  How much is the filing filing fee for a case pleading to DAR?  DAR?  A fili fi ling ng fee of Seve Seven n Hundred Fifty Fif ty (P (Ph750. h750.00) 00)  Pesos plus a legal research research fee f ee of Twenty T wenty Pesos (Ph20.00) shall be charged for any petition or complaint filed with the Adjudicator or the Board, as an original action. The fees shall be paid by the party concerned to the DAR Rules of Procedures (200 3), (2003), RuleCashier XX XXIII, III, Sec. 2  2or   its counterpart offices at the time of filing.


 The paupe pauperr litigant litigant is exempt exempted ed from the pay payment ment of the the filing fees fees..  cision, ion, order, or ruling ruling made by the DAR Secretary/ ecretary/ DARAB?  DARAB?  Can we appeal the decis  Yes. Sec  Yes. Section tion 54 54 of RA RA 6657 state states s tha thatt a any ny decision, decision, order, award ward or ruling of the the DAR on any agrarian dispute or on any matter pertaining to the application, impleme impl ementation, ntation, enforcement, or Interpretation of this Act and other pertinent laws on agrarian reform refor m may be brought broug ht to the Court Cour t of Appeals by certiorari except except as otherwise provided in this th is Act withi within n fifteen fi fteen (15) (15) days days from fro m receipt receipt of o f a copy thereof. thereof.    The findings of fact fact of the DAR are final and conclusive if based on substantial evidence. 

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What a are re the grounds for f or fil filing ing an appeal? appeal?   One can file an appeal if there are errors in the findings of fact or conclusions of law are committed which if not corrected, would cause grave and irreparable irr eparable damage or injury to the appellant; or the order, resolution, or decision was obtained through fraud or coercion. 

How long will wil l it i t ta take ke to act/ act/ decide on an appea appeall to DARAB?  DARAB?   The Board Board rende renders rs its decision decision on appe appeal al before before it, as as much much as possible possible,, within within thirty (30) days upon receipt of the Notice of Appeal and the records of the case transmitted by the Adjudicator. Adj udicator.   Decision or order of the Board becomes final after the lapse of fifteen (15) days from receipt of a copy by the counsel or representative representative or by the party himself.  himself.  If copy of the decision cannot be served personally or by mail and publication, the decision shall become final after the lapse of sixty (60) days from the date of (20 03) Rule XIV, Sec. 14.  publication. DARAB Rules of Procedures (2003)

What is the appeal process of DARAB? DARAB?  

Comp anant 

A u cator 

Step 1: 1: File notice of appeal appeal either oral/ written  written 

Step 2: Pay Payment ment of Appeal App eal Fee  Fee  Step 3: Trans 3: Transmitta mittall of the appeal appeal to the the Board  oard 

Step 4: Issue Order of transmittal of records  records 

Step 5: Docketing of cases cases  Step 6: Notify the Parties 

Step 7: Issue appeal memorandum  memorandum  Step 8: Decide Appea App eall 

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Comp anant 

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A u cator 

Step 9: Furnish copy of the final decisions/ resolutions 

Step 10: Appeal to the Court of Appeals  Appeals 

Pathways Pat hways towards AR J ust ustic ic e: A LI

Who has the authority to decide decide an ALI case?  case?  An administrative matter matte r or ALI case fallsRegio under the appell appellate jur ction of theagrarian DAR Secreta Secretary ry and primary jurisdictio juri sdiction n of the Re gional nal Director Dir ectorate (RD (RDjurisdi ). isdiction Where initiatory pleading or appli applicat cation ion should s hould be filed? f iled?   Without ithou t or prior pri or to issuance i ssuance of notice no tice of CARP CA RP coverage coverage the applicant/ petitioner petitio ner may may file fil e his/ her initiatory pleading pleading or o r application before the RD RD or Provincial Provincial Agrarian Agr arian Reform Officer (PARO).  (PARO).  However, after the issuance However, issuance of notice noti ce of coverage coverage,, the appell appellant ant should fil f ile e his/ her ini initiatory tiatory pleading at at the DAR Municipal Office. Off ice.   Who is all allowed owed to to file fil e a petitio petition n or protest to lift lift CARP coverage?  coverage?  Only the realreal-party-interest may file a protest protest or petition to lift CARP coverage within sixty six ty (60) days days from receipt of the notice of coverage coverage or from f rom publication publ ication date. Failure to file fi le a protest/ petition petitio n within the period will be considered a waiv waiver er of the party’s party’s case.  right and will merit outright di smissal of the case. Who notif notifies ies the concerned Farmer Farmer Beneficiaries/ eneficiaries/ occupants of the subject subj ect land of the initiation of the case? case? 

 The Municipal Municipal Agrarian Agrarian Reform Office Off icerr (MARO) MARO) notifies all tenant tenants, s, leaseholde leaseholders, rs, farmworkers, and occupants of the subject land land of the initiation initi ation of the case. case.   The proof of notice notice to all persons persons abov above e will be part part of the the case case records. records.  

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i ci a Pow Power s o D AR  

Who conducts the investig investigation ation of ALI cas cases? es?    The PARO, PARO, or any any Inves Investiga tigating ting Officer Officer or Committe Committee, e, which which the RD may may designa designate te,, will conduct the investigation and perform whatever is necessary to achieve a just, expeditious, and inexpensive disposition of the case. Administrative Order No. 3 (2003), Rule III, Sec. 18.5  18.5 

Can the inspection team do an ocular inspection even if the party refuses   to cooperate?   cooperate?  Yes. The ocula  Yes. ocularr inspect inspection ion should procee proceed d with or without without the the prese presence nce of any party party who refuses to cooperate. cooperate.  The tea team m sha shall ll prepare prepare an an inspection inspection report report signed signed by all atte attending nding partie parties s and and BAR BARC C representativ represe ntative/ e/ s. If any anyone one refuses to sign, reasons for fo r such refusal must must be noted.  noted. 

What are tthe he key steps in i n the resolution resolution of of an ALI ALI case?  case? 



DAR Official  Official 

Step 1: Filing of initiatory pleading, pleading, protest, or petition to lift the CARP covera coverage ge  

Step 2: Notif Notify y all parties on the initiatory pleading (if fi filed led at the DARMO) *Docketing, case brief & transmittal of the case folder fol der if  filed at the DARPO or DARRO DARRO (w/ (w/ in 5 working work ing days)  days) 

Step 3: Mediation and and conciliation concil iation   Written report repor t of the result of o f the mediation and conciliation concili ation to PARO & all all parties concerned  concerned 

15  De Depa partment o Agrar an Reorm Re orm 



T e Quasi - Ju  Ju


i ci a Pow Power s o D AR  

DAR Official  Official 

Step 4: Conduct of o f Investigations and attested written written summary summa ry of proceedings p roceedings and substance of evidence ev idence by the parties or their co counsel unsel  

Step 5: Conduct of Ocular Inspection  Inspection and initial report 

Step 6: Submission of position positi on papers papers   Submission ubmissi on of Recomme Recommendation ndation by Investigating Officer  Step 7: Promulga Promulgation tion of o f Decision Decision copy furnish all parties parties 

Step 8: Execution of Decision Decisio n 

When is a case or controversy decided decided by the approp appropriate riate authority?  authority?  RA 6657 (1988), Section 51 provides that “any case or controversy before it shall be decided within thirty thi rty (30) (30) days days after it is i s submitted for f or resoluti r esolution” on”..   The deciding deciding authority authority will furnish furnish a copy of decision decision directly directly to the the partie parties s as as well well as the PARO, MARO, BARC, and all other DAR officials who took part in the case or who take part part in its i ts execution execution or o r impleme impl ementation. ntation.   Who renders the final decision of ALI case?  case?   The Regiona Regionall Director Director has has tthe he authority authority to rende renderr fina finall decision decision of ALI case cases. s. Howev However, er, in cases where the DAR Secretary exercises its exclusive original jurisdiction, the DAR Secretary ecretary has has the final f inal decision.  

16  De Depa partment o Agrar an Reorm Re orm 



T e Quasi - Ju  Ju

i ci a Pow Power s o D AR  

Can one disagree with the the decisi decision on or resolution resol ution of an ALI case?  case?   Yes. Unles  Yes. Unless s the the decision decision of the deciding deciding authority authority is final, final, and and may may do so only within within a non-extendibl extendible e perio period d of fif f iftee teen n (15) days days from fro m receipt of the decisio decision. n.   What will the losing party do if his/ his / her motion motion for for reconsideration reconsideration is is reversed by the deciding deciding authority?   The losing party party may may perfec perfectt his/ his/ her her appe appeal al before the DAR Secret ecretary ary (if the motion motion is on the decision/ decision/ order of the RD) RD) or the Office of the President President (if (if the motion motion is i s on the decision/ order of the DAR Secretary ecretary)) withi within n a full ful l but non-extendible period of 15 days from fr om rece receipt ipt of the new new decisi decision. on.   What a are re the vali valid d grounds grounds for for making making an appeal? appeal?   One can file an appeal if there are serious errors in the findings of facts or conclusion of law which may cause grave and irreparable damage or injury to the appellant; or if there is coercion, coercion, fraud, f raud, or clear graft and and corruption corrup tion in i n the issuance of a decision. decision .  preparation tion for his/ his/ her appea appeal? l?   What will the appellant do in prepara  The appe appellant llant shall shall submit submit an an Appeal Appeal Brief Brief to the the Bureau ureau of Agrarian Agrarian Lega Legall Assista Assistance nce (BALA) within 10 days from perfection of the appeal copy furnished the adverse party of the appellee and the Regional Director. Administrative Order No. 3 (2003), Section 29 What hat is the the a

eal flow flow roce rocess of ALI ALI case case? ? 

Appellant/Appellee Appellant/ Appellee  

DAR Official  Official 

Step 1: Filing of motion for reconsideration reconsideration (wit (within nonextendible exte ndible period of o f 15 fays fays fro from m receipt receipt of the decision)   decision)

Step 2: Ruling of the Motion for fo r Reconsiderat Reconsideration ion (within 30 days day s ffrom rom the filing fili ng date)

Step 3: App Appeal eal before the DAR Secretary  Secretary 

Step 4: 4:Appeal Appeal Pleadings (withi (within n 10 days days from fro m perfection of the appeal)

Step 5: Submission ubmissi on of Comments by the Appellee  Appellee  17  De Depa partment o Agrar an Reorm Re orm 



T e Quasi - Ju  Ju



i ci a Pow Power s o D AR  

DAR Official  Official 

Step 6: Issuance of a Prelimi Preliminary nary Order copy furnish furni sh all parties   parties

Step 7: Submission of Recommendation Recommendation  

Step 8: Appeal to the Office Off ice of the President  President 

Step 9: Decision on o n the Appeal (anytime (anytime during the pendency of the appeal  appeal 

Can an appell appellant ant appeal appeal directly directly to the Court Court of Appeals? Appeals?  Yes. The appe  Yes. appellant llant can can still elev elevate ate his/ his/ her her app appea eall directly directly to the Court of Appea Appeals or  judicial forum, forum, until and and unless the judicial forum for um dismisses dismisses the appeal appeal for failure to exhaust administrative remedies.  remedies.  are the procedures of appeal to the Court of Appeals? Appeals?  What are


DAR Official  Official 

Step 1: Appeal to Judicial Forum  Forum  Step 2: Finality of Decision Decisi on (after the lapse of 15 1 5 days from the receipt receipt of an official offi cial copy of the decision by b y the last recipient)  recipient) 

Step 3: Execution of Decision (upon completion completio n of the Certificate of Finality) 

18  De Depa partment o Agrar an Reorm Re orm 



T e Quasi - Ju  Ju

i ci a Pow Power s o D AR  

When can we say that the order/ decision decision is is final fi nal and executory? executory?   An order, decision, or resoluti r esolution on is final fi nal and and executory executory when: when:   ·

  All Parties Parties have have receiv received ed the official copy of the order/ decision/ decision/ resolution;  resolution; 


  After the lapse of 15 days days from fro m the date date receipt receipt of the official copy of the order/


decision/ de cision/ resolution; resolution;     There is neithe reconsideration ion nor appeal appeal of the order/   There neither motion for reconsiderat decision/ de cision/ resolution. resolution.  

When wil willl the appellant appellant receive receive the Certificate Certificate of Finality? Finali ty?    The appe appellant llant may may receiv receive e the certifica certificate te of finality after five (5) day days from the date date of finality fi nality of a case case from fr om the Regio Regional nal Director or decidi deciding ng authori authority. ty.   Who enforce enforces s the final final order/ order/ decision/ decision/ resolution? resolution?  

Pursuant to AO No. 3 (2003), Sec. 36, upon completion of the certificate of finality, the Regional Director or deciding authority, upon motion or motu mo tu propio, issue a writ of execution ordering the MARO or appropriate DAR official to enforce the final order/ orde r/ decision/ decision/ resolution. resolution. qqqq 

 Sour ces:   BA T A S The Pa Parr al ale eg al als’ s’  Gu Guidebo idebook ok on  A g r a r i a n R ef or m L a w s -V olume 6 ,  2 0 0 3   qqqq 

Produced by:  Bureau of Agrarian Reform Information and Education (BARIE) Communications Development Division (CDD)  19  De Depa partment o Agrar an Reorm Re orm 

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