Family Law Project

March 4, 2019 | Author: deepanshu | Category: Divorce, Husband, Marriage, Wife, Interpersonal Relationships
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BBA-LLB 3th SEMESTER  Session – !"#-!"

S$%&itte' to(

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I . Sh/$ti Sh0/&0 st$'ent o1 SRM ,ni2e/sit) .+0/)0n0 he/e%) 'e450/e th0t the 6/o7e4t 8o/9 entit5e' is 0 /e4o/' o1 0n o/i:in05 8o/9 ;IRRETRIEVABLE ;IRRETRIEVABLE BREAKDOWN OF MARRIAGES< s$%&itte' to the L08 De60/t&ent is 0 /e4o/' o1 0n o/i:in05 8o/9 'one %) &e $n'e/ :$i'0n4e o1 Ms* Riti90

I 1$/the/ 'e450/e th0t the 8o/9 /e6o/te' is this 6/o7e4t h0s not %een s$%&itte' 0n' 8i55 not %e s$%&itte'. eithe/ in 60/t o/ in 1$55* This 6/o7e4t 8o/9 is &) o8n 8o/9* The &0tte/ e&%o'ie' in this 6/o7e4t /e6o/t h0s not %een s$%&itte' to 0n) othe/ ,ni2e/sit) o/ Instit$tion 1o/ the 080/' o1  'e:/ee* This 6/o7e4t h0s not %een 6/esente' in this &0nne/ e0/5ie/* This in1o/&0tion is 6$/e5) o1  &) 040'e&i4 inte/est*


This is to 4e/ti1) th0t Sh/$ti Sh0/&0 o1 BBA-LLB o1 SRM ,ni2e/sit) h0s s$44ess1$55) 40//ie' o$t in2esti:0to/) 6/o7e4t< IRRETRIEVABLE BREAKDOWN OF MARRIAGES < $n'e/ the s$6e/2ision o1 Ms* Riti90 A55 the 8o/9s /e50te' to the 6/o7e4t is 'one %) the 40n'i'0te he/se51* The 066/o04h to80/'s the s$%7e4t h0s %een sin4e/e* The o/i:in05 /ese0/4h 8o/9 80s 40//ie' o$t %) he/ $n'e/ &) s$6e/2ision* On the %0sis o1 the 'e450/0tion &0'e %) he/. I /e4o&&en' this 6/o7e4t /e6o/t 1o/ e205$0tion*



I 0& hi:h5) e50te' to h02e 8o/9e' on &) /ese0/4h to6i4 ;IRRETRIEVABLE BREAKDOWN OF MARRIAGES < $n'e/ the :$i'e5ines o1 Ms. RITIKA Facult !f La". I 0& 2e/) :/0te1$5

to hi& 1o/ his 6/o6e/ :$i'0n4e* I 8o$5' 5i9e to t09e this o66o/t$nit) to e=6/ess &) 6/o1o$n' :/0tit$'e 0n' 'ee6 /e:0/' to he/ 1o/ he/ e=e&650/) :$i'0n4e. 205$0%5e 1ee'%049 0n' 4onst0nt en4o$/0:e&ent th/o$:ho$t the '$/0tion o1 the 6/o7e4t* +e/ 205$0%5e s$::estions 8e/e o1 i&&ense he56 th/o$:ho$t &) 6/o7e4t 8o/9*  +e/ 6e/4e6ti2e 4/iti4is& 9e6t &e 8o/9in: to &09e this 6/o7e4t in 0 &$4h %ette/ 80)* Wo/9in: $n'e/ he/ 80s 0n e=t/e&e5) 9no85e':e0%5e e=6e/ien4e 1o/ &e* I 8o$5' 05so 5i9e to th0n9 055 &) 1/ien's 0n' &) senio/s 0n' 060/t 1/o& 055 these I 8o$5' 5i9e to :i2e s6e4i05 /e:0/' to the 5i%/0/i0n o1 &) $ni2e/sit) 8ho &0'e 0 /e5e20nt e11o/t /e:0/'in: to  6/o2i'e the &0te/i05s to &) to6i4 0n' 05so 0ssistin: &e* Fin055) I 8o$5' 5i9e to th0n9 &) 60/ents 0n' %/othe/ 1o/ thei/ i&&ense s$66o/t 0n' 6 /esen4e '$/in: this 8ho5e 6/o7e4t 8o/9*

S+R,TI S+ARMA BBA-LLB 3/' se&este/ 


"* * 3* * >* #* ?*

A*J0)04h0n'/0 VS* Anee5 K0$/  S0n'h)0R0ni VS* K05)0n/0& N0/0)0n N02een Kho5i VS* Nee5$ Kho5i M0'h$90/ VS* S0/05 G07en'/0 VS* M0'h$ M0ti M0n7$50 VS* K*R* M0hesh Vishn$ D$tt Sh0/&0 VS* M0n7$ Sh0/&0

TABLE OF CONTENTS "* DECLARATION---------------------------------i * CERTIFICATE------------------------------------------ii 3* ACKNOWLEDGEMENT-------------------------------------iii * LIST OF CASES--------------------------------------------------------i2 >* TABLE OF CONTENTS----------------------------------------------------2 #* INTROD,CTION ?* DIVORCE LAW IN INDIA @* IRRETRIEVABLE BREAKDOWN OF MARRIAGE * W+ IRRETRIEVABLE BREAKDOWN "!* MERITS AND DE MERITS OF T+E T+EOR ""* ?"st REPORT OF T+E LAW COMMISSION OF INDIA "* FA,LT T+EOR VS* BREAKDOWN T+EOR "3* OT+ER RELEVANT CASES "3*" N02een Kho5i VS* Nee5$ 9ho5i "3* M0'$90/ VS* S0/05 "3*3 G07en'/0 VS* M0'h$ M0ti "3* Vishn$ D$tt Sh0/&0 VS* M0n7$ Sh0/&0 "* CRITICISM  CONCL,SION "*" C/iti4is& "* C/iti4is& %) +i:h Co$/t "*3 C/iti4is& %) the Go2e/n&ent "* Con45$sion ">* BIBLIOGRAP+


M0//i0:e 4onstit$tes the 2e/) %0sis o1 so4i05 o/:0ni0tion* +in'$ 508 /e:0/'s &0//i0:e 0s 0 s04/0&ent- in'isso5$%5e 0n' ete/n05* This s04/0&ent05 4h0/04te/ o1 &0//i0:e h0s :i2en /ise to 4e/t0in 0no&05ies* The 'e450/0tion o1 M0n$ th0t neithe/ %) s05e no/ %) 'ese/tion is 8i1e /e5e0se' 1/o& the h$s%0n' 80s 0665ie' on5) to 8o&en 0n' not &en* Th$s the/e 80s 0n e5e&ent o1 inhe/ent in7$sti4e on the 8i1e in +in'$ 508* To 4o$nte/ s$4h ine$05ities 0&on: s6o$ses 0n' to  6/ote4t the s04/0&ent05 0s6e4t o1 &0//i0:e. +in'$ M0//i0:e A4t. ">> 80s en04te' 8hi4h  6/o2i'e' 4e/t0in &0t/i&oni05 /e&e'ies*" M0//i0:e is 0n instit$tion in the &0inten0n4e o1 8hi4h the 6$%5i4 0t 50/:e is 'ee65) inte/este'* It is the 1o$n'0tion o1 the 10&i5) 0n' in t$/n o1 the so4iet) 8itho$t 8hi4h no 4i2i5i0tion 40n e=ist* 

A &0//i0:e so5e&nie'. 8hethe/ %e1o/e o/ 01te/ the 4o&&en4e&ent o1 the +in'$ M0//i0:e A4t.

">> 40n on5) %e 'isso52e' %) 0 'e4/ee o1 'i2o/4e on 0n) o1 the :/o$n's en$&e/0te' in Se4tion "3 o1 the A4t* Ti55 the ti&e 0 +in'$ &0//i0:e is 'isso52e' $n'e/ the A4t none o1 the s6o$ses 40n 4ont/04t se4on' &0//i0:e* Th$s. it is o%2io$s 1/o& the 20/io$s 6/o2isions o1 the A4t th0t the &o'e/n +in'$ L08 st/i4t5) en1o/4es &ono:0&)* E2en $n'e/ the M$s5i& L08 65$/05it) o1 &0//i0:e is not $n4on'ition055) 4on1e//e' $6on the h$s%0n'* M$s5i& 508 0s t/0'ition055) inte/6/ete' 0n' 0665ie' in In'i0 6e/&its &o/e th0n one &0//i0:e '$/in: the s$%sisten4e o1 one 0n' 0nothe/ tho$:h 40604it) to 'o 7$sti4e %et8een 4o 8i2es in 508 is 4on'ition 6/e4e'ent*3

As 6e/ the +in'$ L08 0'&iniste/e' %) 4o$/ts in In'i0 'i2o/4e 80s not /e4o:nie' 0s 0 &e0ns to  6$t 0n en' to &0//i0:e. 8hi4h 80s 0580)s 4onsi'e/e' to %e 0 s04/0&ent. 8ith on5) e=4e6tion 1

htp://www.manuparafas.com/arcles/PopOpenArcle.aspx?ID=77c!1f7"#$1!"%fa&"'(e" 7)7)(%)#*$&+xsearch=,u'-ec:(#am0l(#2aw 3 ( Maynard v . Hill 3 1(! 4.,. 1# 51&&&6 *  Dr usce A8 2a9shmanan3 haron;s

Di%!rce La" i# I#$ia

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The/e 80s 0 ti&e 8hen it 80s %e5ie2e' th0t the &0//i0:es 8e/e 0//0n:e' in he02en 0n' it $se' to  %e 0 /e50tion o1 15esh 8ith 15esh 0n' %one 8ith %one* So the $estion o1 se60/0tion 1/o& e04h othe/ 80s 0 10/ 4/)* B$t s5o85) 0n' ste0'i5) this 4on4e6t 'i' not 1in' 102o$/ 8ith so4i05 /e1o/&e/s. 8ho 80nte' th0t 0 8o&0n &$st not %e 4h0ine' 8ith 0 &0n 8ho is 4o&65ete5) 'e2oi' o1 055 the 2i/t$es th0t 0 /e0son0%5e h$s%0n' sho$5' h02e* The B/itish Go2e/n&ent 1/o8ne' $6on 0n) e11o/t to &09e /0'i405 4h0n:es in the 6/o2isions o1 +in'$ L08. 05tho$:h +in'$ /e1o/&e/s 8e/e 0:it0tin: 1o/ s$4h 4h0n:es 1/o& ti&e to ti&e* The +in'$ M0//i0:e A4t. ">> 40&e into e=isten4e. ei:ht )e0/s 01te/ the in'e6en'en4e o1 the 4o$nt/)* Se4tion "3 o1 the +in'$ M0//i0:e A4t 'e05 8ith the :/o$n's on 8hi4h the 60/ties 40n see9 0 'e4/ee o1 'i2o/4e 1/o& 0 4o&6etent 4o$/t h02in: 7$/is'i4tion to ente/t0in s$4h 6etition* In the 5ite/05 sense 'i2o/4e &e0ns 0 5e:05 se60/0tion o1 t8o 6e/sons o1 the o66osite se= 8ho 'esi/e to /es6e4t 0n' hono$/ e04h othe/ *#

Irretrie%a&le Brea'$!"# !f Marria(e $

htp://le>al*$#.0n/2e>alArclesDea0l?op0c=!& 3

This &e0ns the 4o$65e 40n no 5on:e/ 5i2e to:ethe/ 0s &0n 0n' 8i1e* Both 60/tne/s. 0n' one  60/tne/. &$st 6/o2e to the 4o$/t th0t the &0//i0:e %/o9e 'o8n so %0'5) th0t the/e is no /e0son0%5e 4h0n4e o1 :ettin: %049 to:ethe/* Ti55 '0te. the 6/e20i5in: 508s in In'i0 /e:0/'in: the iss$e o1 'i2o/4e h02e not /e4o:nie' 0 sit$0tion 8he/e the s6o$ses 0/e 104in: 0 sit$0tion th0t 'e s6ite the 104t th0t the) 5i2e $n'e/ the s0&e /oo1. thei/ &0//i0:e is e$i205ent to 0 se60/0tion* Th0t is. the/e is sti55 no 4o'i1ie' 508 1o/ i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n o1 &0//i0:e* The +in'$ M0//i0:e A4t /e4o:nie 1e8 :/o$n's 1o/ 'isso5$tion o1 &0//i0:e in Se4tion "3*B$t 8ith the 4h0n:e in the so4i05 &o/es 0n' in 2ie8 o1 the 4h0n:in: n0t$/e o1 &0//i0:e in the so4iet). the s$6/e&e 4o$/t h0s sho8n s6e4i05 4on4e/n o2e/ the &0tte/ o1 &09in: i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n o1 &0//i0:e 0s 0 :/o$n' 1o/ 'i2o/4e* The S$6/e&e Co$/t h0s 8ith 0 2ie8 to 'o 4o&65ete 7$sti4e 0n' sho/ten 0:on) o1 the 60/ties en:0:e' in 5on: '/08n %0tt5e. 'i/e4te' 'isso5$tion o1 &0//i0:e* In'ee'. these 8e/e e=4e6tion05 40ses. 0s the 508 'oes not s6e4i1i4055) 6/o2i'e 1o/ the 'isso5$tion o1 &0//i0:e on the :/o$n's othe/ th0n those :i2en in +in'$ M0//i0:e A4t. ">>* I//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n o1 &0//i0:e is not 0 :/o$n' 1o/ 'i2o/4e $n'e/ the +in'$ M0//i0:e A4t. ">>* Be40$se o1 the 4h0n:e o1 4i/4$&st0n4es 0n' 1o/ 4o2e/in: 0 50/:e n$&%e/ o1 40ses 8he/e the &0//i0:es 0/e 2i/t$055) 'e0' 0n' $n5ess this 4on 4e6t is 6/esse' into se/2i4es. the 'i2o/4e 40nnot %e :/0nte'* ,5ti&0te5). it is 1o/ the Le:is50t$/e 8hethe/ to in45$'e i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n o1 &0//i0:e 0s 0 :/o$n' o1 'i2o/4e o/ not %$t in o$/ 4onsi'e/e' o6inion the Le:is50t$/e &$st 4onsi'e/ i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n o1 &0//i0:e 0s 0 :/o$n' 1o/ :/0nt o1 'i2o/4e $n'e/ the +in'$ M0//i0:e A4t. ">>* E=0&65es o1 the 9in' o1 e2i'en4e the 4o$/t 8i55 044e6t 0s 6/oo1 o1 i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n(  

  

The 4o$65e h0s not 5i2e' to:ethe/ 5i9e h$s%0n' 0n' 8i1e 1o/ 0 6e/io' o1 ti&e*  One 60/tne/ h0' se=$05 inte/4o$/se 8ith so&e%o') e5se 0n' %e40$se o1 this the othe/  60/tne/ 1in's it i&6ossi%5e to 4ontin$e 5i2in: to:ethe/ 0s h$s%0n' 0n' 8i1e* One 60/tne/ is in 6/ison 01te/ %ein: 'e450/e' 0n Hh0%it$05 4/i&in05H* This &e0ns he o/ she 9ee6s 4o&&ittin: 4/i&es. 0n' %e40$se o1 this 80s senten4e' to "!-"> )e0/s in 6/ison* One 60/tne/ 'ese/te' the othe/* One 60/tne/ 0%$se' the othe/. 1o/ e=0&65e the h $s%0n' 9ee6s 0ss0$5tin: the 8i1e* One 60/tne/ is 0n 054oho5i4 o/ 0 '/$: 0''i4t*

The 60/tne/s no 5on:e/ 5o2e e04h othe/ - the) &0) %e too 'i11e/ent. o/ the) &0//ie' 8hen the) 8e/e too )o$n:* - One o1 the 60/tne/s 1in's it i&6ossi%5e to 5i2e to:ethe/ 0s h $s%0n' 0n' 8i1e 1o/ 0n) othe/ /e0son*

In A* J0)04h0n'/0 2* Anee5 K0$/ ?. the S$6/e&e Co$/t e=0&ine' s$4h 40ses* An' 01te/ 'is4$ssin: the 104t 4on45$'e' th$s( When the /es6on'ent : i2es 6/io/it) to he/ 6/o1ession o2e/ he/ h$s%0n's 1/ee'o& it 6oints $ne//in:5) 0t 'ish0/&on). 'i11$sion 0n' 'isinte:/0tion o1 &0/it05 $nit). 1/o& 8hi4h the Co$/t 40n 'e'$4e 0%o$t i//et/ie20%5e %/e09in: o1 &0//i0:e* The Co$/t 1o$n' the &0//i0:e i//et/ie20%5) %/o9en 'o8n 0n' :/0nte' 'i2o/4e to the h$s%0n'* This is ho8e2e/ 2e/) s$/6/isin:. 0s &0n) 0 ti&es in the si&i50/ 4i/4$&st0n4es the 4o$/t. /0the/ then :/0ntin: 0 'e4/ee 1o/ 'i2o/4e h0s o/'e/e' 1o/ the /estit$tion o1 4on7$:05 /i:hts ho5'in: the notion o1 0 +in'$ &0//i0:e %ein: s04/os0n4t 0s the 2e/) 1o$n'0tion o1 'e4/ee 1o/ /estit$tion* The i'e0 %ehin' the 'e450/0tion o1 i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n o1 &0//i0:e is 05so %0se' on the 4onsent 0s it 650)s 0 &07o/ /o5e in the o44$//en4e o1 0 205i' &0//i0:e* Sin4e 4onsent is 044o/'e'  6/i&04) 0t the ti&e o1 &0//i0:e. it 1o55o8s th0t 8hen one o/ %oth 60/ties %e5ie2e th0t the &0//i0:e h0s %/o9en. the) 40n 6etition 1o/ 'i2o/4e* When %oth 60/ties 0:/ee the &0//i0:e h0s 10i5e'. the) 40n 0665) 1o/ 'i2o/4e %) &$t$05 4onsent* When on5) one o1 the 60/ties %e5ie2es th0t the &0//i0:e is 10i5in:. it 8o$5' %e en0%5in: 1o/ the 60/t) to see9 'i2o/4e 0/:$in: th0t the &0//i0:e h0s %/o9en 'o8n. 'es6ite the $n8i55in:ness o1 the othe/ 60/t) to en' the /e50tionshi6* +o8e2e/. e=4e6t in the Is50&i4 508. ;i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n o1 &0//i0:e< is not 1o$n' in 0n) 5e:is50tion 0s 0 s6e4i1i4 :/o$n' 1o/ 'i2o/4e* The/e 0/e 1i2e 4ent/05 4on4e/ns 0%o$t %/in:in: the :/o$n' o1 i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n o1 &0//i0:e into the 'i2o/4e st0t$te* These 0/e( "* M0//i0:e /e50tionshi6 is 044o/'e' s0n4tit) in o$/ so4iet). 8hi4h 8o$5' %e t/e0te' 8ith * 3* * >*

5e2it) i1 this :/o$n' o1 'i2o/4e is 020i50%5e Di2o/4e 40//ies so4i05 sti:&0. es6e4i055) to the 8i1e This :/o$n' 6e/&its h$s%0n's to te/&in0te 0 &0//i0:e /e50tionshi6 0t 8i55 This :/o$n' 4o$5' %e &is$se' %) 0n e//0nt h$s%0n' 0n' Th0t s$%7e4ti2e e5e&ent e=ists in the $n'e/st0n'in: o1 i//et/ie20%i5it) 0n'  %/e09'o8n*


 AI8 (##! ,< !*%

Re4o:nition o1 i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n o1 &0//i0:e 0s 0 :/o$n' 1o/ 'i2o/4e /e$i/es settin: 0si'e o$/ notions o1 the s0n4tit) o1 the &0//i0:e /e50tionshi6* The s0n4tit) th0t s$4h /e50tionshi6 h0s 0/ises on5) 1/o& the e=4e6tion05 sh0/in: 0n' t/$st th0t s$4h /e50tionshi6 in2o52es. 0n' 40nnot %e s$st0ine' on e=te/n05 notions o1 $nit) 0n' o%5i:0tion* Re50te' to this is the iss$e o1 sti:&0. 8hi4h 8e nee' to o2e/4o&e 0n' 0''/ess inste0' o1 the 'e6en'en4ies 0/isin: o$t o1 s$4h /e50tionshi6s* This 8o$5' &0tte/ t/e&en'o$s5) in he56in: the 8o&0n /e:0in so&e &e0s$/e o1 4on1i'en4e* The 50st th/ee o%7e4tions 40n %e 'e05t 8ith to:ethe/. %) int/o'$4in: in the :/o$n' 1o/ i//et/ie20%5e  %/e09'o8n. 0'e$0te s01e:$0/'s 8hi4h int/o'$4e o%7e4ti2e e5e&ents to 'ete/&ine 8hen the/e is 0n i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n. 0n' 6/o2i'in: 1o/ the 0n4i550/) iss$es in the &0//i0:e /e50tionshi6 to  %e /eso52e' 0s 0 4on'ition 1o/ :/0nt o1 'i2o/4e* This 8o$5' in45$'e 1in0n4i05 s$66o/t to the s6o$se 0n' 4hi5'/en. 0//0n:e&ents on the 4$sto') o1 the 4hi5'/en. 'ist/i%$tion o1 the 6/o6e/t) o1 the s6o$ses. et4* Whe/e the s6o$se 0665)in: 1o/ the 'i2o/4e h0s 4o&&itte' 0 8/on:. this 4o$5' %e 0 104to/ in 'ete/&inin: the &0inten0n4e :/0nte' to the othe/ s6o$se* Whi5e this :/o$n' &0) see& 0n 0tt/04ti2e 0n' e0s) o6tion. the int/o'$4tion o1 o%7e4ti2e 104to/s to 'ete/&ine %/e09'o8n 8i55 ens$/e th0t this :/o$n' is not o6te' 1o/ on 8hi& o/ 0n i&6$5se*@

W) Irretrie%a&le Brea'$!"#*

The theo/eti405 %0sis 1o/ in45$'in: the i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n o1 &0//i0:e 0s 0 :/o$n' 1o/ &

htp://lawcomm0ss0onon)0a.n0c.0n/!1"1##/8epor71.p)f  3

'i2o/4e is no8 4o&&on5) 9no8n 0&on: 508)e/s 0n' 7$/ists* Rest/i4tin: the :/o$n' o1 'i2o/4e to 0 60/ti4$50/ o11en4e o/ &0t/i&oni05 'is0%i5it) 40$ses in7$sti4e in those 40ses 8he/e the sit$0tion is s$4h th0t 05tho$:h none o1 the 60/ties is 0t 10$5t. o/ the 10$5t is o1 s$4h 0 n0t$/e th0t the 60/ties to the &0//i0:e 'o not 8ish to 'i2$5:e it. )et the/e h0s 0/isen 0 sit$0tion in 8hi4h the &0//i0:e 40nnot %e 8o/9e' th0t is. 8he/e the &0//i0:e h0s 055 e=te/n05 066e0/0n4es o1 &0//i0:e %$t none o1 the /e05it)* In s$4h 4i/4$&st0n4es. the/e is h0/'5) 0n) $ti5it) in &0int0inin: the &0//i0:e 0s 0 100'e. 8hen the e&otion05 0n' othe/ %o$n's 8hi4h 0/e the essen4e o1 &0//i0:e h02e 'is066e0/e'* A1te/ the &0//i0:e h0s 4e0se' to e=ist in s$%st0n4e 0n' in /e05it). the/e is no /e0son 1o/ 'en)in: 'i2o/4e* In 0 sit$0tion 5i9e this. the 60/ties 05one 40n 'e4i'e 8h ethe/ thei/ &$t$05 /e50tion is e&otion055) 0n' so4i055) /e05 0n' st/on: o/ n ot* Di2o/4e sho$5' %e seen 0s 0 so5$tion 0n' 0 80) o$t o1 0 'i11i4$5t sit$0tion* S$4h 'i2o/4e sho$5' not %e 4on4e/ne' 8ith the 8/on:s o1 the 60sts. %$t &$st 1o4$s on %/in:in: the 60/ties 0n' the 4hi5'/en to te/&s 8ith the ne8 sit$0tion 0n' 'e2e5o6&ents %) 8o/9in: o$t the &ost s0tis104to/) %0sis $6on 8hi4h the) &0) /e:$50te thei/  /e50tion in the 4h0n:in: s4en0/io* One o1 the 104ts 1/o& 8hi4h the i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n 40n %e 6/es$&e' is. 8hethe/ the h$s%0n' 0n' 8i1e h02e %een 5i2in: 060/t 4ontin$o$s5) 1o/ 0 5on: ti&e* +o8e2e/. 5i2in: 060/t sho$5' %e the on5) 6/oo1 o1 i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n* Th$s. it is not eno$:h 1o/ the 60/ties to 02e/ th0t the/e 0s %een 0n i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n o1 &0//i0:e* S$4h 0n 02e/&ent &$st %e s$%st0nti0te' 0n' the 104t th0t the 60/ties to 0 &0//i0:e h02e not 5i2e' to:ethe/ 1o/ 0 5on: 6e/io' o1 ti&e 40n /e0son0%5) t09en to %e 0 t0n:i%5e 6/es$&6ti2e 6/oo1 o1 the %/e09'o8n o1 &0//i0:e * In S0n'h)0 R0ni 2* K05)0n/0& N0/0)0n0n"! the Co$/t /eite/0te' 0n' too9 the 2ie8 th0t sin4e the  60/ties 0/e 5i2in: se60/0te5) 1o/ the 50st &o/e th0n th/ee )e0/s. 8e h02e no 'o$%t in o$/ &in' th0t the &0//i0:e %et8een the 60/ties h0s i//et/ie20%5) %/o9en 'o8n* The/e is no 4h0n4e 8h0tsoe2e/ o1 thei/ 4o&in: to:ethe/* The/e1o/e. the Co$/t in s$4h 40ses. :/0nt the 'e4/ee o1 'i2o/4e* M0t/i&oni05 &0tte/s 0/e &0tte/s o1 'e5i40te h$&0n 0n' e&otion05 /e50tionshi6* It 'e&0n's &$t$05 t/$st. /e:0/'. /es6e4t. 5o2e 0n' 011e4tion 8ith s$11i4ient 650) 1o/ /e0son0%5e 0'7$st&ents 8ith the s6o$se* The /e50tionshi6 h0s to 4on1o/& to the so4i05 no/&s 0s 8e55* The &0t/i&oni05 4on'$4t h0s no8 4o&e to %e :o2e/ne' %) st0t$te 1/0&e'. 9ee6in: in 2ie8 s$4h no/&s 0n' 

htp://lawcomm0ss0onon)0a.n0c.0n/!1"1##/8epor71.p)f  3 * " S$66*  SCC >@@ *


4h0n:e' so4i05 o/'e/* It is so$:ht to %e 4ont/o55e' in the inte/est o1 the in'i2i'$05s 0s 8e55 0s in  %/o0'e/ 6e/s6e4ti2e. 1o/ /e:$50tin: &0t/i&oni05 no/&s 1o/ &09in: o1 0 8e55-9nit. he05th) 0n' not 0 'ist$/%e' 0n' 6o/o$s so4iet)* The instit$tion o1 &0//i0:e o44$6ies 0n i&6o/t0nt 6504e 0n' /o5e to 650) in the so4iet). in :ene/05* The/e1o/e. it 8o$5' not %e 066/o6/i0te to 0665) 0n) s$%&ission o1 i//et/ie20%5) %/o9en &0//i0:e 0s 0 st/0it7049et 1o/&$50 1o/ :/0nt o1 /e5ie1 o1 'i2o/4e* This 0s6e4t h0s to %e 4onsi'e/e' in the %049:/o$n' o1 the othe/ 104ts 0n' 4i/4$&st0n4es o1 the 40se*""

+,st Re-!rt Of T)e La" C!issi!# Of I#$ia /,0+12


htp://lawcomm0ss0onon)0a.n0c.0n/!1"1##/8epor71.p)f  3

The L08 Co&&ission in its ?"st /e6o/t. s$%&itte' in "?@. 'e05t 8ith the 4on4e6t o1 i//et/ie20%5e  %/e09'o8n o1 &0//i0:e* "The /e6o/t 'e05s 8ith 0n i&6o/t0nt $estion 4on4e/nin: the +in'$ M0//i0:e A4t. ">>. 8hethe/ i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n o1 &0//i0:e 40n %e &0'e 0 :/o$n' 1o/ 'i2o/4e $n'e/ th0t A4t 0n' i1 so. to 8h0t e=tent 0n' s$%7e4t to 8h0t 4on'itions The Re6o/t &entions th0t 0s 10/ %049 0s "!. Ne8 e050n' 80s the 1i/st o1 the Co&&on8e05th 4o$nt/ies to int/o'$4e the 6/o2ision th0t 0 th/ee-)e0/ o/ &o/e se60/0tion 0:/ee&ent 80s :/o$n's 1o/ 1i5in: 0 6etition in the 4o$/ts 1o/ 'i2o/4e* In "". in the 1i/st 40se o1 the :/0ntin: o1 'i2o/4e on these :/o$n's in Ne8 e050n'. the 4o$/t 50i' 'o8n th0t 8hen &0t/i&oni05 /e50tions h02e. in 104t. 4e0se' to e=ist it is not in the inte/ests o1 the 60/ties o/ in the inte/est o1 the 6$%5i4 to 9 ee6 0 &0n 0n' 8o&0n %o$n' 0s h$s%0n' 0n' 8i1e in 508* In the e2ent o1 s$4h 0 se60/0tion. the essenti05 6$/6ose o1 &0//i0:e is 1/$st/0te' 0n' its 1$/the/ 4ontin$0n4e is not &e/e5) $se5ess %$t &is4hie2o$s* This 1o/&$50tion h0s %e4o&e 0 450ssi4 en$n4i0tion o1 the %/e09'o8n 6/in4i65e in &0t/i&oni05 508* The L08 Co&&ission o%se/2e' th0t /est/i4tin: 'i2o/4e to &0t/i&oni05 'is0%i5it) /es$5ts in 0n in7$sti4e in 40ses 8he/e neithe/ 60/t) is 0t 10$5t. o/ i1 the 10$5t is o1 s$4h 0 n0t$/e th0t the 60/ties 'o not 8ish to 'i2$5:e it 0n' )et the &0//i0:e 40nnot %e 8o/9e' o$t* It /e1e/s to 0 sit$0tion 8he/e the e&otion05 0n' othe/ %on's. 8hi4h 0/e the essen4e o1 &0//i0:e. h02e 'is066e0/e' 0n' on5) 0 100'e /e&0ins* The 4o&&ission 4on45$'es th0t 8he/e 0 &0//i0:e h0s 4e0se' to e=ist %oth in s$%st0n4e 0n' in /e05it). 'i2o/4e sho$5' %e seen 0s 0 so5$tion 0n' 0n es406e /o$te o$t o1 0 'i11i4$5t sit$0tion* S$4h 0 'i2o/4e sho$5' %e 4on4e/ne' 8ith %/in:in: the 60/ties 0n' the 4hi5'/en to te/&s 8ith the ne8 sit$0tion 0n' 8o/9in: o$ t 0 s0tis104to/) %0sis 1o/ /e:$50tin: /e50tionshi6s in the 4h0n:e' 4i/4$&st0n4es* Not to '8e55 on the 8/on:s o1 the 60st*"3

Fault T)e!r V. Brea'$!"# T)e!r


 @0rrer0a'le 'rea9)ownof marr0a>e as a >roun) of )0orce;317&  71s 8epor of he 2aw > o/ 0n) othe/ St0t$te 'e05in: 8ith &0t/i&oni05 /e&e'ies*

The 104ts o1 the 40se in %/ie1 0/e 0s 1o55o8s( The &0//i0:e too9 6504e %et8een the 066e550nt 0n' the /es6on'ent on #*!*"3 0n' 0 1e&05e 4hi5' 80s %o/n on #*"*"3* In the 6etition 1i5e' %) the 066e550nt. it 80s 055e:e' th0t soon 01te/ the &0//i0:e the /es6on'ent 80s %eh02in: in 0 4/$e5 &0nne/ 'e/o:0to/) to the 066e550nt 0n' the 10&i5) &e&%e/s th0t the /es6on'ent 02oi'e' st0)in: in the &0t/i&oni05 ho&e 0n' ne2e/ 1$

 AI8 (##$ ,.*"3 8hi5e she 80s 6/e:n0nt 8ith the 4hi5'. the /es6on'ent ne2e/ /et$/ne' to 5i2e 8ith the 066e550nt* It 80s 05so 055e:e' th0t the 10the/ o1 the /es6on'ent is 0 /eti/e' S$%-Ins6e4to/ o1 the De5hi Po5i4e 0n' %/othe/ is 0 Const0%5e 0n' %oth $se' to e=ten' th/e0ts to the 066e550nt 0n' his 10&i5) &e&%e/s th0t the) 8o$5' %e i&65i40te' in 105se 40ses* The t/i05 Co$/t 01te/ e=0&inin: the e2i'en4e 40&e to the 4on45$sion th0t no 40se o1 4/$e5t) h0'  %een &0'e o$t 0s 055e:e' %) the 066e550nt* The T/i05 Co$/t he5' th0t 4onsi'e/in: th0t the /es6on'ent h0' %een t$/ne' o$t o1 the &0t/i&oni05 ho&e 0n' h0' %een :i2en %e0tin:s 1o/ 8hi4h she 80s &e'i4055) e=0&ine' it 80s the /es6on'ent 8ho 80s t/e0te' 4/$e55) %) the 066e550nt* In the inst0nt 40se. the /es6on'ent 8i1e h0' %oth %e1o/e the t/i05 Co$/t 0n' this Co$/t %een 0%5e to 'e&onst/0te th0t 10/ 1/o& t/e0tin: the 066e550nt 8ith 4/$e5t). she in 104t s$11e/e' 4/$e5t) 0t the h0n's o1 the 066e550nt* To :/0nt 'i2o/4e to the 066e550nt 'es6ite this on5) on the :/o$n' o1 i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n 8o$5' not. in the 2ie8 o1 this Co$/t. %e 'oin: 7$sti4e to the /es6on'ent*!



AIR 2009 SC 2254.


The 4on4e6t o1 i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n o1 &0//i0:e to %e &0'e 0 :/o$n' 1o/ 'i2o/4e $n'e/ the +in'$ M0//i0:e A4t. ">> h0s %een 05tho$:h 0 5ot &o/e 'e%0te' %$t it h0s e$055) %een 4/iti4ie' 0t 20/io$s 6oints %) the st0te +i:h 4o$/ts 0n' The Go2e/n&ent o1 In'i0* The) 40n %e s$&&0/ie' 0s 1o55o8s(Criticis & t)e 3i() C!urt ( +i:h Co$/t h0s in &0n) 40ses. e=6/esse' 'is0:/ee&ent 8ith the

s$::estion th0t the +in'$ M0//i0:e A4t. ">> sho$5' %e 0&en'e' 8ith 0 2ie8 to &09in: i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n o1 &0//i0:e 0s 0 :oo' :/o$n' 1o/ :/0nt o1 0 'e4/ee o1 'i2o/4e* The 7$':es o1 the +i:h Co$/ts h02e e=6/esse' the&se52es 0:0inst the int/o'$4tion o1 i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n 0s 0 :/o$n' o1 'i2o/4e* One o1 the 6oints &0'e in the /e65) o1 the +i:h Co$/t is th0t it is e=t/e&e5) 'i11i4$5t to s0) th0t the h$s%0n' 0n' 8i1e 8o$5' ne2e/ 5i2e to:ethe/ &e/e5) %e40$se the/e h0s %een 0 /i1t %et8een the& 0n' 1o/ the ti&e %ein: it 066e0/s th0t the/e &0) not %e 0n) 6/os6e4t o1 thei/ 5i2in: to:ethe/* The &e/e 104t th0t the/e h0s %een 0 /i1t %et8een the 60/ties o/ th0t the) 0/e 1o/ the ti&e 5i2in: 060/t 'oes not &e0n th0t the &0//i0:e h0s 4o&e to 0n en'* It is 6ossi%5e th0t 8h0t &0) 066e0/ to one 6e/son to %e i//et/ie20%5e &0) 066e0/ to 0nothe/ 0s not )et %e)on' /e60i/* B$t s$4h 0 st0te o1 thin:s 40nnot %e 055o8e' to 4ontin$e in'e1inite5). 0n' the/e &$st 0//i2e 0 6oint o1 ti&e 8hen one o1 the 60/ties sho$5' %e 6e/&itte' to see9 the 7$':&ent o1 the 4o$/t 0s to 8hethe/ the/e is o/ the/e is not 0 6ossi%i5it) o1 the &0//i0:e %ein: /et/ie2e'* Criticis & t)e G!%er#e#t ( -The Go2e/n&ent o1 In'i0. Minist/) o1 E'$40tion. De60/t&ent

o1 So4i05 We510/e. h0s e=6/esse' the /e2ie8 th0t &09in: i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n o1 &0//i0:e 0 :/o$n' 1o/ :/0nt o1 0 'e4/ee o1 'i2o/4e is /e'$n'0nt in the 5i:ht o1 the 104t th0t s$11i4ient :/o$n's 4o2e/in: i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n o1 &0//i0:e e=ist in the +in'$ M0//i0:e A4t 0n' the M0//i0:e L08s A&en'&ent A4t. "?#. 1o/ the 6$/6ose o1 see9in: 'i2o/4e'* Th$s 8e see th0t tho$:h 0 5ot o1 0$tho/ities h02e 'e5i%e/0te' $6on the 0s6e4t o1 i//et/ie20%5e  %/e09'o8n o1 &0//i0:e 0s 0 :/o$n' 1o/ 'i2o/4e the/e h0s 05so %een 0 20st &07o/it) o1 0$tho/ities

th0t h02e seen the '/08%049s %ehin' this 4on4e6t o1 %/e09'o8n theo/) 0n' 0/e not in 102o$/ o1 its 5e:is50ti2e %i/th 0n' i&65e&ent0tion* C!#clusi!#

Th$s to 4on45$'e. it 40n %e s0i' th0t &0//i0:e is 0n instit$tion in the &0inten0n4e o1 8hi4h the  6$%5i4 0t 50/:e is 'ee65) inte/este'* It is the 1o$n'0tion o1 the 10&i5) 0n' in t$/n o1 the so4iet) 8itho$t 8hi4h no 4i2i5is0tion 40n e=ist* This 1o$n'0tion 6/es$66oses the e=isten4e o1 0 650t1o/&  %$i5' on the %0sis o1 so$n' $n'e/st0n'in: %et8een the s6o$ses* I1 this $n'e/st0n'in: is &issin:  %et8een the s6o$ses 0n' the &0//i0:e is 0 4ontin$o$s &050'). then it is 'esi/0%5e th0t the &0//i0:e sho$5' %e 'isso52e 8ith the inte/2ention o1 the 4o$/t* The/e is no $se1$5 6$/6ose se/2e'  %) 4ontin$in: s$4h 0 &0//i0:e* Th$s. on the %0sis o1 i//et/ie20%5e %/e09'o8n theo/) s$4h &0//i0:e sho$5' %e 'isso52e' 1o/ the 4o&&on %ette/&ent o1 %oth the s6o$ses* This is the /e0son 8h) the 0ttit$'e o1 5e:is50t$/e 4h0n: e' 1/o& the ;:$i5t theo/)< to the ;'i2o/4e  %) &$t$05 4onsent< the 4onsent theo/)* The/e &0) %e 0 40se 8he/e /e50tion o1 the 60/ties h0s  %/o9en 'o8n i//et/ie20%5) 0n' the/e is no 4h0n4e o1 /e4on4i5i0tion 0n' the) 0/e 05so not /e0') 1o/  'i2o/4e %) &$t$05 4onsent* In th0t e2ent$05it) 4ontin$in: s$4h /e50tion is 1$ti5e 0n' 0s 6e/ I//et/ie20%5e B/e09'o8n o1 M0//i0:e theo/) s$4h &0//i0:e sho$5' %e 'isso52e'* It is hi:h ti&e th0t 8e 066/e4i0te the nee' o1 I//et/ie20%5e B/e09'o8n o1 M0//i0:e theo/) so th0t s6o$ses 40n h02e 0 ne8 0n' %ette/ 5i1e inste0' o1 80stin: thei/ ;o$n: D0)s< in 4o$/ts*



M0//i0:e  Di2o/4e L08s

BOOKS    

D/* P0/0s Di80n. F0&i5) L08. "!th E'ition. !"3. A550h0%0' L08 A:en4)* P/o1* G*C*V* S$%%0 R0o. +in'$ L08. "!th E'ition. !"". S* Go:i0  Co&60n)*  N05s0/ L08 Re2ie8. Vo5* >. No* ". !"!* ?"st Re6o/t o1 the L08 Co&&ission. Go2e/n&ent o1 In'i0*


htt6(888*&0n$60t/010st*4o&0/ti45esPo6O6enA/ti45e*0s6=ID??4>"1?-!#">-10@ %e-?'?''!3#@t=tse0/4hS$%7e4t(Q!F0&i5)Q!L08.

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