Family Coping Index Gian Vergara

October 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Family Coping Index of Vergara Family

Overview of Family’s Medical/ Health Condition:

The famil family y is compos composed ed of iv ive e member members: s: Angeli Angelita ta Vergar Vergara a (Mothe (Mother), r), Nikol Nikolai ai Vergar Vergara a (Father), Gian Vergara (Eldest child), Jen Vergara (Middle child), and Nikolai II Vergara (Youngest  child). The Vergara family are Physically independent because they can do any physical activities without issues. The Family also value their way of living and healthy lifestyle. Some members of the family know what to do on how to maintain their healthy lifestyle but the two young children lack  knowledge about it. The family Vergara has no physical and mental problem and they also don’t  have any problem but if time comes the mother says that they can easily surpass the problem because each member of the family understands each other. Th family also practice cleaning the surroundings and with clean surroundings they also need to be clean their own body in order to avoid health problems. The family also has a great attitude when it comes to learning about healthrelated information but not all of them are eager to learn because the youngest son and the daughter are not yet interested in learning because they can’t see the advantage yet. The family have a great role towards each other they always make other members happy and they are really concern to each other. Their neighborhood is really healthy and they also have neighbors that are well mannered and well educated. The physical environment that the Vergara family resides is a great gre at place place bec becaus ause e it’s it’s clean clean and pollut pollution ion free. free. Lastl Lastly y the Vergar Vergara a family family are aware to the community facilities and they also use know the advantage and disadvantage on going to the facilities. In short, they are  aware about the community facilies and they received informaon about any community programs and can fully used the extend of the advantages it gives. The family knows when or to whom and where to call or approach for help for community facilies especially in terms of  health. The children in the family received proper immunization that some of them are provided by

the barangay health center. In conclusion the Vergara lives a simple and balance life the only problem for them is the lack of knowledge of the two children and it can be solved when they are always open to each other and eager to learn about healthy living.




1. Physical Independence





The The memb member erss of  the family are physically


independent  be beca caus use e th they ey ar are e able to get out of  their bed, do their chor chores es,, exer exerci cise se daily, walk   independently with no issues. 

The family is also coop cooper erat ativ ive e and and supp suppor orti tive ve with with ea each ch ot othe her. r. Bo Both th the the mot oth her and and father work to support their family fam ily.. No fa famil mily y memb me mber erss ha have ve a disability.

2. Therapeutic Competence


3. Knowledge of the Health Condition


Only three members of the family knows the proper ways or procedure of treatments. Children are always reminded to have a healthy diet. The Children are dependent to the elderly when it comes to taking prescribed drugs diet, exercises, procedures, using appliances etc.

Three members of the family have knowledge in their


conditions. Some members of the family also maintain a proper diet. 

The 2 young children which is youngest son and the only daughter are not yet concern to their health due to their lack of knowledge. During an illness, both of the parents and the eldest son knows what to do and what interventions they are going to follow in order to solve the problem.

4. Application of Principles of General Hygiene


Almo Almost st all all of th the e members of the family always clean an and d main mainta tain in th the e house except to the youngest son be beca caus use e he is no not  t  yet yet awar aware e to his respon res ponsib sibili ilitie tiess in the house. The house is always clean and all things are organized. The family has an adequate rest and sleep.

The family are able to eat on the right


time and frequency. 

5. Health Attitudes


The children are vaccinated with most common vaccinepreventable diseases. The food of the family is handled in a sanitary way.

Only three members of the family members are aware about their health status and preventive measures.

6. Emotional Competence


The three members of the family are very cautious when it comes to their health while the two children are different. The family also goes to the hospital instead of albularyo. The members of the family always raise concern whenever they feel something is wrong.

The family is calm and able to overcome any problems



stresses stress es that that th they ey are encountering. 

7. Family Living


Th They ey are unit united ed when wh en it come comess to indin inding g a soluti solution on some of t he members are willing to adjust so that they will pass the challenges.

The family family alw always ays ha have ve th thei eirr meal mealss together. All All th the e memb member erss are well disciplined and responsibl responsible e to ev ever ery y ac acti tion on th they ey take.

8. Physical Environment 


Th The e family mily wer were able to understand each eac h of the family family member’s concern.

The home of the family is clean and in a great shape. Their house is free from pest insecticides, noise pollution and etc. But has fall hazard duo to the old wooden parts in the irst loor.

Trashes are properly segregated and the water they use is clean.


9. Use of Community Facilities


No unpleasant odor on the surroundings.

The members of the family are well aware of the available community facilities and can easily reach or interact with the community workers.

They also received information about any community programs. The family also have a good relationship relationsh ip with the neighborhood.

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