Family and Friends 3 Syllabus (4th to 5th Grade)
Short Description
Easy to follow course syllabus for ESL teachers using Family and Friends 3...
Family and Friends 3 Course Syllabus Primary Text: Family and Friends 3 Supplementary Text: Fun for Movers Additional Materials: Grammar Time 2, tea!er"reated ativities and pro#ets
This course is aimed at children who already possess a strong beginner level of English Proficiency. They know basic grammar rules, can read simple stories with comprehension, comprehension, and have a solid vocabulary. Teachers Teachers will build upon these these existing skills using the texts above. In addition to this, strong conversational skills skills will be developed, students will begin to create create writing portfolios, and vocabulary/grammar will be expanded. Teachers Teachers will use regular revision revision and crosscurricular materials to help students gain the most possible from from the courses. !ively games and activities will keep children interested interested in the material, and engaged in the learning process. "egular skills assessment will help students prepare for standardi#ed language tests, as well as build confidence in their own speaking, reading, and writing abilities. $ee% &: Sept' 23"2( )esson &: Family and Friends 3: Assessment testin* Students will be given portions of a Movers Cambridge exam, covering listening, reading/writing, and speaking skills. Teachers Teachers will ask additional questions and create their own speaking/listening speaking/listening activities in order to further gauge students abilities. )esson 2: Family and Friends 3 Family and Friends 3 Starter +nit !hats "our name# $ow old are "ou# !hat color is "our hair# !hat color are "our Conversation: !hats e"es# $ow man" people are in in "our famil"# famil"# !ho is bigger, "our mom or "our dad# !ho is older, "our grandma or "our grandpa# !ho is taller, "ou or "our sister# %o "ou have an" cousins# !hat are their names# !hen is "our birthda"# !hat are three autumn, winter, spring, summer months# $ows $ows the weather in %ecember# $ows the weather in &une# $ows the weather toda"# $ow was the weather "esterda"# !hat !hat is "our "our favorite season# !hat is "our favorite month# !h"# !hat did "ou do for "our summer holida"s# !here did "ou go# !ho did "ou go with# with# !ho is faster, a cheetah or an elephant# !ho is bigger, a cow or a pig# !ho is slower, a donke" or a horse# !ho is smaller, "ou or a bab"# !hat is ten plus twent" seven#
faster, slower, oabulary: grandma, grandpa, mum, dad, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, cousin, bigger, faster, smaller, elephant, monke", cow, donke", 'ebra, giraffe, goat, sad, hungr", thirst", cold, &anuar", (ebruar", March, )pril, )pril, Ma", &un, &ul", )ugust, September, *ovember, %ecember, +, -, , , 0 1, 2, 3, 4, twent"5one, twent"5two, twent"5three, twent"5four, twent"5five, twent"5five, twent"5six, twent"5 seven, twent"5eight, twent"5nine, thirt" 6continue with spelling of numbers up to one hundred7 Grammar: 8sing basic comparatives, singular ob9ective pronouns )istenin*-.eadin* Compre!ension : adding written forms of large numbers
!rite about someone in "our famil": $ello, ;m fromDDDDD/)A> "ou, we, the " fromDDDDD# ; )M fromDDDD. )istenin*-.eadin* Compre!ension: g"pt or the the 8?# !h"# !hat can "ou do in in each place# oabulary: cra"on, draw, spoon, snake, drink, pla" 6and other words words using the same consonant blendsFit would be great to pla" a reading game here=7, cinema, cit", farm, village, hospital, road, school, shop, street, supermarket ,woman, bus, car, helicopter, lorr", motorbike, plane, truck, flower, "ounger, taller, longer, quicker, bigger, older Grammar: 8sing basic comparative ad9ectives to compare and contrast different people and places
)istenin*-.eadin* Compre!ension: Aeading and identif"ing consonant blends, Aeading a short passage about two friends, drawing the information . Choosing which sentences identif" a village and which identif" an cit", writing them in the correct boxes. $ritin*: Children should choose a famous cit", and write a short passage about it, similar to the one on part % of Movers 8nit 1. Grovide students with the necessar" information for each cit" "ou would like them to describe. Movers: 8nit 1
7.8A9: 1t' ("&& $ee% 3: 1t' &"&4 )esson &: Family and Friends 3 &'3 p*' &2"&36 Conversation: $ow are "ou toda"# $ow old are "ou# !here are "ou from# !hen is "our birthda"# !hat is "our favorite season# $ow is the weather in spring, summer, autumn, winter# !hat can "ou do in each season# !hat do "ou wear during each season# )re their special foods that "ou can eat during each season# %o "ou have a garden# )re there an" beautiful parks or gardens in Moscow# !here are the"# !hat do "ou like to see there# )@H8T STHAE: !hat has the giant got# !h" do the children want to pla" there# !h" is the giant selfish# !hat happens to the giants garden# !ho brings spring to the giants garden# !h" is the giant happ"# oabulary: Spring, summer, autumn, winter, garden, season, giant, selfish, wall, hole, cloud, rain ,rainbow, snow, sun, weather, wind, badminton, painting class, cloud", cold, hot, sunn", wet, wind", choose, fl" a kite, go sailing, have an idea, paint a picture, pla" badminton, rain, raide a bike, snow, !ow= !hat a great picture= !ell done=, !hats the weather like# Grammar: review all grammar from lesson +5 sub9ect pronouns with singular and plural forms of to be, ad9ectives of comparison )istenin*-.eadin* Compre!ension: Aead the stor" of the selfish Biant, answer co mprehension questions. xpansion $ave a multicultural festival with the kids. Introduce them to different countries and capital cities% have them read about other students around the world. $ave them match different cultural foods and activities to different countries% have them talk about their own culture. &sk them about their favorite holidays in "ussia, and what season they happen in. Put kids into groups and have them create a poster about a different holiday in "ussia. $ave them write/draw/explain what special foods are eaten, what special games are played, what special clothes are worn, what special events happen , etc. for 'ew (ears), *aslenitsa, +ictory ay, -omen)s ay
$ee% : 1t' 2&"2 )esson &: Family and Friends 3, 2'& p*' &"&6 Conversation: %o "ou have an" hobbies# !hat do "ou like to do for fun# !hat are some things "ou dont like to do# ;s it boring or interesting to take photos# !hat about to go fishing# %o "ou pla" sports# !hat sports do "ou pla"# %o "ou watch an" sports# !hat sports do "ou like# ;s chess a sport# !h" or wh" not# !hat about bowling# )re "ou excited for the Hl"mpics# %o "ou have an" favorite events# !hich do "ou like more, the summer or winter Hl"mpics# !h"# %o "ou know of an" STA)*B> events in the Hl"mpics# oabulary: read comics, skateboard, do g "mnastics, pla" chess, fish, pla" basketball, take photos, pla" volle"ball, comics/comic books, cooking, dancing, radio, skating, sun hat, beach, sand, ice, stor", towel, bounce, draw pictures, 9ump out of planes, pla" the piano, sing, wave, write a song, clever Grammar: ;, "ou, we, the" / %H*T . %H "ou/we/the" # E>S ; %H/*H ; %H*T. $e/she/it S/%H>S*T , %H>S he/she/it # Ees he %H>S/*o he %H>S*T )istenin*-.eadin* Compre!ension: Aead the dialogue on pg. +3, choose a new sport or activit", and recreate the dialogue as a group. Aead the passage about a brother and a sister who are ver" different, answer comprehension questions. $ritin*: Aead the dialogue on pg. +3, choose a new sport or activit", and recreate the dialogue as a group. Aead the passage about a brother and a sister who are ver" different, answer comprehension questions. Movers: 8nit +2: M" hobbies )esson 2: Family and Friends 3, 2'2 p*' &;"&(6 Conversation: !hat does "our mom like doing for fun# Eour dad# Eour sister# Eour brother# !hat does "our famil" do on the weekends to relax# %o "ou sta" at home, or go somewhere# %o "ou like going to restaurants, attractions, parks, malls# !hat do "ou like to do at home# !hat is "our favorite room in "our house# !h"# !hat can "ou do there# %o "ou like "our house# !hat do "ou like about it# ;f "ou could make "our own house, what would it be like# oabulary: the weekend, dream house, address, apartment, bath, bed, chair, clock, cupboard, sofa, table, bathroom, bedroom, dining room, hall, kitchen, living room, weekend, circle, fa mil" name, star, triangle, spell, b"e for now, see "ou, face, space, rope, stone, like, bike, &une, cube Grammar: %oes he/she like DDDDing# Ees he does/ *o he doesnt $e likes DDDDDing, he doesnt like DDDDing. )istenin*-.eadin* Compre!ension: 8nderstanding simple long vowels, reading a simple rh"ming poem. Aead about other peoples houses and answer questions. )nswer similar questions about "our own home. $ritin*: Make a chart about "our famil"s likes and dislikes, similar to the one on page +1 in (amil" and (riends , discuss "our chart with a partner. !rite a simple paragraph about "our own home. %raw and write about "our dream house= Movers: 8nit +
$ee% : 1t' 25"S>AT ;SSC)G># !ork in teams to make a plan to get off the island, or survive there. oabulary: survive, desert island, escape, novel, tools, wood, cave, hunt, leave, pick, mattresses, during, grow, slippers, furniture Grammar: general review5 like/dont like gerund, DDDD is/are from DDDD, ; can/can ;# ; have/$ave "ou got# )istenin*-.eadin* Compre!ension: read both stories from extended reading, Swiss (amil" Aobinson, (amilies around the world. %iscuss, do comprehension, pla" a relevant game or do an expansion activit" for both. $ritin*: !rite about a t"pical da" for "our famil" in Moscow, and share "our work with the class 6this can be assigned for $omework if necessar"7.
7.8A9: I>A do at the beach# !h"# oabulary: swim, sail, dive, surf, ka"ak, windsurf, snorkel, waterski, crowded, un5crowded, relax 6from movers: ball, baseball, football, hocke", sailing, swimming, swimming pool, soccer, table tennis, (rida", Monda", Saturda", Sunda", Thursda", !ednesda", Tuesda", go sailing, go swimming, hit, 9ump, kick, laugh, pick up, shout, watch a %I%, watch a game of football, boring, H?, help=7 Grammar: Gresent continuous, positive and negative forms, singular and plural, using the present continuous to compare and contrast what people are doing )istenin*-.eadin* Compre!ension: )fter discussing different beach activities and writing them on the board, read the dialogue with students. Gut them in groups and have them recreate the dialogue,
using different activities. $ritin*: $ave students work in groups to describe what is happening in a beach/sea related picture 6provided b" teacher, google images, can be black and white7. The team that writes down the most positive and negative present continuous sentences about their picture wins. Movers: 8nit +1 )esson 2: Family and Friends 3, '2 p*' 32"336 Conversation: !hat are some different foods people eat on the beach# !hat sorts of foods are difficult/ eas" to eat on the beach# ;s it difficult to eat ice5cream on the beach# !h" or wh" not 6"ou can have a sill" debate here7# !hat sort of clothes do we need to wear on the beach# ;s there an"thing else we need to wear when we go on the beach# !ould "ou rather go waterskiing or surfing# !h"# !hat kinds of animals can we see on the beach or in the sea# oabulary: eat a sandwich, eat an ice cream, wear a hat, wear sunglasses, waterski, surf, look at a bird, look at a fish, sit in the sun, sail in a boat, pla" in the sea 6from Movers: arm, ear, shoulder, stomach, orange, pink ,purple, basketball pla"er, basketball cup, plant, shop, window7 Grammar: More work with the present continuous, using the present continuous to describe what is happening in a picture )istenin*-.eadin* Compre!ension: Gla" guess the picture game from page - with students. Then provide students with sets of maga'ine pictures and have them make their own version of the game, different teams can call out which picture the students are describing. The team with the most points at the end wins. $ritin*: $ave students draw and describe a picture of themselves at the beach, and what the" are doing. Movers: 8nit +3 $ee% 5: >e' 2"; )esson &: Family and Friends 3, '3 p*' 3"36 Conversation: !ould "ou like to swim with a dolphin# !h" or wh" not# %o "ou think it is safe or dangerous to swim with a dolphin# %o "ou think dolphins like to swim with people# %o the" like to live in aquariums or 'oos# ;s it safer for a dolphin to live in the wild or to live in an aquarium or 'oo# oabulary: polluted, clean, dangerous, safe, beautiful, ugl", snorkeling, swimming, surfing, diving, waterskiing, windsurfing, pla"ing, sailing, ka"aking 6from Movers: dentist, doctor, headache, nurse, stomach5ache, temperature, toothache, movie, have fun, careful, terrible, well7 Grammar: correct spelling rules for turning infinitives into gerunds 6present continuous verbs7. )istenin*-.eadin* Compre!ension: Aead the article about dolphins on page of (amil" and (riends. %iscuss and answer comprehension questions. $ritin*: !ork in teams to make a fact file about an animal "ou like. Gresent "our fact file to the class. Teacher ma" need to provide information sheets for students.
Movers: 8nit +4 )esson 2: Family and Friends 3 +nit Cross"Curriular 8xtension &t the beginning of class, explain what it is to respect or admire someone. Tell the class about someone you really respect or admire, and why. Then, have students tell you about a famous person or historical figure they respect, and why. -rite the names of the people they choose on the board. 'ow, tell students to imagine that all of these people are together on a boat, in the middle of a sea storm. If they do not kick one person off the boat, everyone will die. $ave students tell you why they think the person they chose should stay on the boat. *odel this with by explaining why the person you admire should stay on the boat. Then put students in groups and have them choose three people they think should stay on the boat, and why, as well as two people who they might want to kick off the boat, and why. &s students present, tally the votes for and against the people on the boat. Then, do a final round of voting. Everyone must write down one name of someone to save, and one name of someone to kick off. 3ee who survives and who doesn)t. $ee% &/: >e' 5"& )esson &: Family and Friends 3, '& p*'3;"3( in t!e Class boo%6 Conversation: %o "ou like to go to the 'oo# $ave "ou been to the Moscow Joo# !hat animals can "ou see there# ;s it big or small# ;s it boring or interesting# !hat is "our favorite animal# !hat does it look like# !here does it live# !hat does it eat# ;s there an animal "ou do not like or are scared of# !h"#
Iocabular": penguin, 'ebra, monke", kangaroo, camel, li'ard, flamingo, crocodile, 'oo, the 9ungle, the forest, the sea, the grassland, the desert, meat, fish, grass, bananas, bugs, leaves 6from Movers: bat, bear, bird, cat, cow, crocodile, dog, dolphin, fl", frog, goat, lion, mouse/mice, panda, parrot, rabbit, shark, snake, whale, river, water, cage, afraid, beautiful, hungr", ugl", can, carr", catch, crack, fl", help, 9ump, live, open, plant, sound like, ver", well7 Brammar: questions in the present continuous: are "ou DDDDing# Ees, ; am/ *o, ;m not. ;s he/she/it DDDDDing # Ees he is/ *o, it isnt. )re the" DDDDDing# Ees, the" are/*o, the" arent T8.M T8ST Students will complete Aeview - from the workbook 6pages 11512 in the workbook7 as well as a small portion of a (un for Movers test. 6?at" will email files for test7. )n" remaining lesson time can be used to pla" games.
$ee% 4: Mar! &/"& )esson &: Family and Friends 3 .evie= 3 extensive readin* Conversation: !hat do "ou think is the most delicious food# !hat do "ou think is the most disgusting# !hat is the best Aussian food# !hat is the worst Aussian food# %o "ou like ethinc foods# %o "ou think Chinese food is "ummier or "uckier than ;talian food# !h"# !hat ethnic food do "ou think is the spiciest5 Beorgian food or Mexican food# !hat food is the most colorful5 8krainian or ;ndian# oabulary: Sarma, dolmas, dolmades, mahsi, national dish, similar, >g"pt, Breece, Turke", Aomania, minced meat, rice, onions, salt, pepper, herbs, to mix together, cabbage leaves, grape/vine leaves, several, little parcels, pot, to serve, to wrap, shellfish, citrus, raw, to include, ceviche, sliced, garlic, shark meat, to be read", a few, seaweed, cuador, Chile, Mexico, Cuba Grammar: More work with comparative and superlative ad9ectives )istenin*-.eadin* Compre!ension: $ave students read and discuss the S>CH*% extensive reading article in the rd extensive reading portion of the book, *ational dishes 6page 2 in the student book7. $ave them discuss the foods, and decide whether or not the" think the dishes should delicious or disgusting. $ritin*: Bive children the names of different Aussian foods 6golubtsi, pelmeni, borsch, vinagret7 and have them describe the foods, what the" look like, how the" taste, and how the" are made. $ave them tell "ou the best restaurant to find the foods in, the worst version of the food 6for exa mple eggplant goluptsi7, and the most interesting MH%;(;C)T;H* "ou can make to the food.
Movers: 8nit 05 -nd page 6opposites game7 if "ou have time. )esson 2: Family and Friends 3 ross"urriular pro#et units ("5 *ote: for this activit", "ou will need several workbooks5 aprilfoolsfood, and measure"oo%"reipe boo% . Glease contact ?at" if "ou do not have either of these files=
@egin the class b" showing kids several pages from the measure5cook5recipe workbook. Then have kids get into teams, and hand them a single page. The" will need to work in teams to write an article similar to the one the" read in the previous class. Tell them that this food is a Lnational dish. The" need to decide on several countries where the dish is made, as well as several variations on the dish and its name. the" also need to describe what ingredients are needed to make the dish, and how it is made. Some more interesting recipes "ou can use for this activit" include the Midwestern pickle roll, ants on a log, and the banana hot dog. Tell the kids that )merica, >ngland, and Aussia C)**HT be used as the countries for these national dishes. Thailand, @ulgaria, Monaco, Mo'ambique, however, can be used.
>ncourage "our class to be funn" and creative. )fter the" have had a chance to put together their presentations, have each team present their food, and the information the" have created about it, to the class. Students can then work with partners and use the pla" food to design a new Lnational dish for a Aestaurant "ou are planning to open in their cafeteria. The" can cut out and color the food pictures, and put them together in whatever order the" would like. The" then need to give their dish a nationalit" and a name. The dish "ou like best gets to go on the menu of "our new restaurant. $ee% 5: Mar! &("2& )esson &: Family and Friends 3 &/'& p*'("(6 Conversation: %o "ou en9o" spending time outside# !h" or wh" not# !ould "ou rather relax in a park, or go sightseeing# !here are some different places that people can go sightseeing in Moscow# !hat are some of the best parks in Moscow# !hat are some different things "ou can do at a park for fun# %o "ou en9o" going hiking or skiing# !here are some of the best places to go hiking or skiing in the world# %o "ou know what a national park is 6'apovednik7# %oes Aussia have man" national parks# %o "ou think there should be more national parks in Aussia# !hat do "ou think the most beautiful natural place in Aussia is# oabulary: path, grass, flowers, bin, trees, pla"ground, fountain, litter, sand, shell, skate, hold, hop, kick a ball, listen to a song, look at a map, have a dream, thing Grammar: must/mustnt, the general "ou5 have kids make lists of rules for different places throughout Moscow5 The Gushkin Museum, Aed Square, Church of Christ the Savior, Bork" Gark )istenin*-.eadin* Compre!ension: Aead the dialogue in lesson + of unit + 6page 2 in the Student book7. %iscuss wh" the children mustnt walk on the grass, wh" the" mustnt pick the flowers, and wh" the" mustnt pla" in the fountain. Then, have them work in groups to make new, more interesting rules for the park. (or example, "ou must cross the path on one foot, "ou must feed the ducks )merican cheese, and "ou must pla" Lmarco polo in the fountain if it is raining. $ave them think of new rules for the park, and present them to the class. ;f "ou have time, "ou ma" also wish to have them make their own dialogues, after the" have produced their lists of rules for places around Moscow.
Movers: 8nit )esson 2: Family and Friends 3 &/'2 p*' (;"(( in t!e student boo%6 Conversation : %o "ou en9o" going to the park# !hat do "ou think is the best park in Moscow# !hat can "ou do there# !hat is something interesting "ou can see at Tsarintsino park# !hat is something fun "ou can do at Bork" Gark# !hat about at (ru'nenska"a park# Sokol park# ;'mailovo park# !hat is the biggest park in Moscow# !hat is the most fun park in Moscow# !hat is the most boring park in Moscow# !hat are some different things "ou can do in the park# !hat are some things "ou must do at the park# !hat are some things "ou mustnt do at the park# oabulary: turn off "our mobile phone, put litter in the bin, walk on the grass, be quiet, walk "our dog, wash "our hands, take photos, eat here, come to the park, have some fun, pick the flowers, keep the park clean Brammar: more work with must/mustnt and the general "ou. Tell kids that we use must/mustnt to make rules, as well as to make suggestions 6"ou must come to the park7. $ave them work in groups to make lists of things tourists must do, see, visit, eat, etc. in Aussia
)istenin*-.eadin* Compre!ension: $ave kids complete the speaking exercise from unit + lesson in the student book 6page 217. )s the" make the rules, have them generate lists of places where we must follow these rules 6!here must "ou turn off "our mobile phone# ;n a movie theatre, at dinner, in a hospital, in a librar", in a museum7 Then, have kids read the song at the bottom of the page. )sk questions. $ritin*: workbook pg. 25 unit + lesson . Movers: 8nit 45 this is a particularl" useful unit, and well worth doing. Eou can also have kids work in groups to make interviews retelling the stor". $ee% &/: Mar! 2"24 )esson &: Family and Friends 3 &/'3 p*' (4"(5 in t!e student boo%6 Conversation: %o "ou like to read fair" tales# !hat are some different fair" tales "ou know# !hich ones are "our favorites# !hich ones do "ou not like# (air" tales sometimes teach us rules5 for example, in Snow !hite, we learn that "ou mustnt be mean, and that "ou mustnt eat poisoned apples. ;n Cinderella we learn that "ou must be kind if "ou want a happ" ending. Can "ou tell me the Aussian fair" tale of ?olubok 6circle bread man5 heres a !ikipedia article if "ou dont know the stor": 7# !hat happens in this stor"# !hat is the rule that "ou learn# !e have a similar stor" called the gingerbread man. %o "ou know the stor" of the gingerbread man# oabulary: shout, chase, catch, meet, cross, laugh, gingerbread man, to run awa", deep/deeper, eat, be quiet, turn off "our mobile phone, put the books on the shelf. Grammar: using and/or to link positive and negative sentences. $ave kids to a place, and then make a list of rules for that place. >xplain that with positive rules, things "ou M8ST do, the" can link their thoughts with and, but with negative rules, things "ou M8ST*T do, the" need to link their thoughts with or. )istenin*-.eadin* Compre!ension: read the stor" of the gingerbread man from unit + lesson 0, on page 23 in the student book. %iscuss the stor" and answer the questions together as a class. Eou ma" also wish to look at the activit" on unit + lesson 0 in the workbook, and have "our students work in teams to put the stor" into the correct order. The" can then practice retelling the stor". $ritin*: $ave students complete unit +, lesson six in the workbook 6page 27 Movers: 8nit +5 for additional practice retelling stories, students can look at the pictures from this lesson, and tell the stor" about &akes birthda" part". )esson 2: Family and Friends 3 &&'& 4/"4& in t!e student boo%6 Conversation: $ave "ou ever been to a transportation museum# !hat do "ou think "ou can see there# %o "ou know if there is a transportation museum in Moscow# There is an antique car museum close to park (ru'nenska"a. %o "ou think it would be interesting to go there# !h" or wh" not# There is also a classic car exhibition at Sokol park this month, of old )merican cars. %o "ou think it would be fun to go to the exhibition# !h" or wh" not# Eou can have kids make a debate about whether or not "ou should take a class trip to the antique car exhibition. Hne team can think of reasons wh" the" should go, and the other team can think or reasons wh" the" shouldnt. Monitor student progress, and make sure kids have at least 0 good reasons before starting the debate.
oabulary: ferr", bus, helicopter, motorbike, plane, taxi, train, tram, transportation, museum Grammar: past simple forms of Lto be with time markers5 was/were, wasnt/werent, "esterda", last week/"ear, Monda", fift" "ears ago, then. 8sing lots, some, and with there were and there werent to describe life in the past. )istenin*-.eadin* Compre!ension: $ave kids look at the dialogue from unit ++ lesson + in the student book, page 3. )fterwards, the" can work in teams to make their own dialogues about a trip to an antique store. Tell them the" need to describe ob9ects from the past, using target grammar. $ritin*: $ave kids work in teams to write as man" sentences as the" can think of about life + "ears ago, using target grammar structures. The team that can write the most sentences wins. Movers: 8nit 05 focus on the second page5 as it gives students more information about constructing dialogues.
7.8A9: Mar! 3&"April $ee% &&: April ("&& )esson &: Family and Friends 3 &&'2 42"43 in t!e student boo%6 Conversation: $ow do "ou think life was different 0 "ears ago# !hat about + "ears ago# !hat about - "ears ago# !hat about + "ears ago# ;f "ou could live at an" other time in histor", what would it be and wh"# %o "ou think time travel is possible# !hat do "ou think was the most dangerous time in histor", the most interesting, the easiest, the most difficult# Eou can do several activities here5 have students work in groups to make a recommendation about a different historical period it would be fun to live in, have a debate about whether or not time travel is possible, have a debate about whether or not life is easier or more difficult now than it was + "ears ago. oabulary: fift" "ears ago, two hundred "ears ago, buses, motorbikes, cars, trains, planes Grammar: more work with past simple forms of to be and countable/uncountable verbs to describe the past )istenin*-.eadin* Compre!ension: g"ptians# %o "ou like to stud" ancient histor"#
!h" or wh" not# %o "ou know where )ncient >g"ptian kings went after the" died# %o "ou know what different things the" kept in the p"ramids# oabulary : start, finish, love, hate, want, use, laugh, live Grammar: past simple with regular verbs, positive and negative forms5 have kids work in 5 groups and write about an ancient people5 the Iikings, the Breeks, the )'tecs/Aomans/native )mericans5 give each group a piece of paper and tell them to think of things these people did. The" will present their ideas to the class, and the other teams will tr" to guess which ancient civili'ation the other teams have described. )istenin*-.eadin* Compre!ension: read the lesson + dialogue in the class book, page 41. %iscuss the stor" with students, ask how the" would have felt and what the" would have done if T$>;A grandpa had eaten their homework. Then, tell students that ancient >g"ptian writing was called $;>AHBnglish. $ere is an image "ou can print out: http://www.virtual5 eg""phics/sample/alphabet.htm $ave kids write coded letters to each other, and then pass them along for different groups to Ldecipher. Movers: 8nit 0 )esson 2: Family and Friends 3 &3'2 55"&/&6 Conversation: %o "ou know which ancient civili'ation was the first to make paper 6the eg"ptians7# %o "ou know which ancient civili'ation was the first to make the comb 6the vikings7# %o "ou know which ancient civili'ation was the first to make the "o5"o 6ancient China7# %o "ou know what ancient civili'ation made the first Hl"mpic games# )ncient civili'ations have given us man" things we still use toda". !hat is something totall" new that "ou think people from the -/-+st centur" will be remembered for5 what is our most important invention# Bive kids different inventions 6the personal computer, the smart phone, BGS, the car, air5conditioning, the refrigerator, the microwave7, and have them think of five reasons wh" this invention is the most important5 the" can then present their ideas, and kids can guess which invention the" are talking about. )fterwards, take a class vote on which invention ever"one reall" thinks is the most important oabulary: heav", light, hard, oft, eas", difficult, paper, cla", tablets, expensive, cheap Brammar: parts of speech5 essa" organi'ation, identif"ing paragraphs, main ideas, and topics )istenin*-.eadin* Compre!ension: read the skills time article from lesson 0 in the class bo ok, answer comprehension questions, and discuss. !h" was paper such an important invention# Eou ma" also wish to do the comprehension activit" from lesson 0 in the workbook, page 4-. $ritin*: %o the lesson 1 writing activit" in the workbook, page 4.
Movers: 8nit 1 $ee% &: May "5 )esson &: Family and Friends 3 &'& &/2"&/6 Conversation: !hen did "ou have an >nglish lesson this week# !hen did "ou stud" maths# !hen did "ou stud" art# !hen did "ou have computer class# !hen did "ou have G> class# !hat did "ou
bring with "ou to "our >nglish class# !hat did "ou bring with "ou to "our G> class# !hat did "ou bring with "ou to "our art class# !hat is in "our backpack right now# !here do "ou have G> class# !here do "ou have art class# !here do "ou do "our homework# ;f "ou have a great da" at school, what are some different things that can happen# ;f "ou have a ver" bad da" at school, what are some different things that can happen# oabulary: paint, paintbrush, calculator, lunch box, dictionar", G> kit, backpack, apron, T>AA;@, !H*%>A(8 @>ST %)E >I>A, T$> !HAST %)E >I>A Grammar: asking questions with past tense form to to have O question words5 what, where, when )istenin*-.eadin* Compre!ension: read the dialogue from lesson + in the class book, page +-. %iscuss the stor", and wh" )m" had such a bad da". Then, have kids work in pairs to make dialogues about the best da"s and the worst da"s ever. @efore starting, brainstorm ideas together on the board about things that might happen on a terrible or wonderful da" Spea%in*: have kids answer question about ?atie and @ill" from the speaking exercise on lesson in the class book, page +. Then, have them ask each other questions as well. Movers: 8nit 2 )esson 2: Family and Friends 3 &'2 &/"&/(6 Conversation: %o "ou like to go camping# %o "ou en9o" spending time outdoors# !h" or wh" not# !hich sounds like a better vacation to "ou5 camping in the Carpathian Mountains for two weeks, or camping on the beach in Crimea for two weeks# !h"# !e are going to take a class camping trip together, but we need to decide where we will go. Hne team will sa" wh" we should camp in the mountains, the other team will sa" wh" we should camp on the beach. oabulary: tent, sleeping bag, fr"ing pan, matches, rope, torch, camping trip Grammar: using time words to structure the events in a stor"5 first, next, then, after that, finall" )istenin*-.eadin* Compre!ension: read the skills time article from lesson 0 in the class bo ok, page +1. )nswer comprehension questions, and if time permits, to the corresponding lesson 0 activit" in the workbook $ritin*: do lesson in the workbook, page 445 kids will use time markers to tell a stor" about their da" at school toda". )fter students have finished writing, collect their work and correct it. Movers: 8nit 3
$ee% &;: May &2"&; )esson &: Family and Friends 3 &'& &/4"&&/6 Conversation: ;ts almost summer break, and ; am ver" excited. ;m going to go on $olida" in (rance= !here are "ou going to go on $olida"# !hat will "ou do there# !here are some interesting places to go on holida"# !here are some boring places to go on holida"# ;f "ou could go on holida" an"where in the world, where would "ou go# !h" would "ou go there# !hat could "ou do there# Eou are going to be travel agents. Eou will design a vacation for "our teacher. !here should ; go for holida"# !hat are three things ; can see there# !hat are three things ; can do there# !hat are three things ; can
eat there# oabulary: suitcase, sun cream, towel, soap, shampoo, hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, a camera, a hat, some soap, a hairbrush, a swimsuit, a bikini, swim shorts, a baseball cap, a sun h at, to swim, to windsurf, to waterski Grammar: the future with going to time parkers5 tomorrow, soon, later, next week/month, "earF "ou can pla" L;m going to pack m" suitcase to get kids using the grammar structure right awa". ;ts a prett" straightforward )@C/memor" game. Eou can decide whether "ou would like students to sa" words alphabeticall" or 9ust use relevant vocabular". Hne person start off b" sa"ing L;m going to pack m" suitcase with a DDDDDD. The next person sa"s L;m going to pack m" suitcase with a DDDD and a DDDD, etc. )istenin*-.eadin* Compre!ension: read the dialogue from unit +0, lesson + in the class book. %iscuss what each kid has packed in their suitcase, and wh". Then, do an activit" where kids work in groups to pack a suitcase for a trip to the beachFthe" can onl" bring ten things with them, and the" need to explain wh" the" are going to bring something. Spea%in*: (or more practice with Lgoing to consult unit +0 lesson in the class book. $ave students describe what each kid is going to take with them to the beach. Eou ma" also wish to do the corresponding page in the workbook, for extra practice Movers: 8nit )esson 2: Family and Friends 3 &'2 &&&"&&36 Conversation: !hat are "ou going to do tomorrow# !hat are "ou going to do later toda"# !hat are "ou going to do tonight# !hat are "ou going to do later this afternoon# !hat are "ou going to do next week# $ow often do "ou write letters or emails# !ho do "ou write letters or emails to# !hen "ou go on holida", do "ou en9o" taking photos# !h" or wh" not# %o "ou en9o" bu"ing souvenirs# ; need to bu" some souvenirs from Moscow5 "ou can help me choose what to bu"= Bet into groups and think of five souvenirs ; should bu" from Moscow5 also tell me where ; can bu" them= oabulary: tomorrow, later, tonight, this afternoon, soon, next week, %ear, $i, $ow are "ou, Thanks for "our email, write soon, see "ou soon, b"e for now, take care, best wishes, ride a bike, help "ou r mum, read a book, watch television, pla" football, go to the pa rk, visit famil", listen to music, write an email, do homework, pla" with friends, have a music lesson, seafood, octopus Grammar: proper structure of a letterO header, footer, clear paragraphing, punctuation review
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