False Ceiling

June 23, 2016 | Author: sumedha | Category: N/A
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types of false ceiling...


ADVANTAGES OF FALSE CEILING IN COMMERCIAL SPACES It improves aesthetical appearance ( form, color, treatment etc.) & proportions bymanaging room – heights basically and remaining are as follows: 

Hides ducting & reduces the volume of room Ugly structural members like beams, etc that usually spoil the ‘look’ of the room are concealed.  Provides insulation from heat.  Acoustical improvement.  As a design element to create various shapesand curves.  Fire safety is always a factor in several industrial buildings, ceiling tiles made from mineral fibres or fire-rated wood panels can be used within the construction to meet acceptable standards and ratings. Differing levels of fire protection are obtained from the various types of ceiling available.  Anti-microbial performance. The control of bio-contamination is essential in health care settings such as hospitals and large commercial kitchens  Light reflectance. A ceiling with that reflects more light can reduce lighting and electricity costs.  To accommodate lighting systems. to provide lighting effects such as hidden lighting etc  Soil resistance and cleanability. Environments that are subject to a lot of dirt such as certain manufacturing buildings may need ceilings that can resist dirt and are easy to clean.  At some places to hide ugly trusses(commonly known as attic)  Sound proof rooms such as meeting rooms, conference rooms, etc, which require aquit environment.  Echoe reduction in cinema and concert halls  Sound absorbtion reduces noises and reduces reverberation with in the areacovered by the ceiling  Reduces overall volume of the space which reduces air conditioning cost. 2.4 ELEMENTS OF A FALSE CEILING A suspended ceiling system consists of 3 parts: • Primary Members• Secondary Members and• Main Ceiling Material or Tiles (e.g. acoustic boards, cloth etc.) These primary and secondary members are called the structural members and form theframework on which the boards, lighting fixtures, A.C ducts etc. are fixed. The diagrambelow depicts all the important parts of a false ceiling (suspended ceiling) system:1) Main Runners2)Secondary members3)Perimeter section4)hanging member5)Tile

3.1 TYPES OF FALSE CEILING SYSTEMS Suspended ceilings are created using metal grid systems, which are suspended below theceiling or roof deck using a series of wires. The grid is then filled in with ceiling tiles, whichare primarily made from mineral fiber blends. Depending up on the appearance andvisibility of the members false ceilings are classified in to two types. They are :1. Exposed Grid2. Concealed grid 3.2 EXPOSED GRID SYTEMS A system where the grid is visible and into which panels are laid. The grid is finished incolours to harmonise or contrast with the panels is known as exposed grid type ceiling.

Exposed grid varieties are the most common type of suspended ceiling.They consist of long metal strips, called "mains," which are interconnected with shortermetal pieces known as "teesTogether, the mains and tees form a grid system ,which are then filled with acousticalceiling tiles.Exposed grid suspended ceiling systems can contribute to passive fire protection.The system is rapid to install and can provide a high degree of access to the ceiling void. 3.3 CONCEALED GRID SYSTEMS Concealed grid systems use the acoustical tiles to hide the grid system from view.This creates a smooth, clean which is aesthetically pleasing.The tile used has a small groove built into it's perimeter, which slides over the mains andtees to cover them.Various metal and a few kinds of pop ceilings come under this categeoryThis type is more expensive than an exposed system.This kind of false ceiling system is difficult for maintenance to access areas above theceiling. Figures showingsections of theconcealed grid ceilings

4.1 MATERIALS USED FOR FALSE CEILING IN COMMERCIAL SPACE S: Depending on the place of usage, ambience needed and economy available. The mostcommoly used false ceiling materials are  Gypsum boards  Plaster of paris (POP)Other materials used are  Metal ( alumunium, Asbestos)  Mineral wool board

 Poly vinyl chloride (PVC)  UPVC  Wood  Polystyrene  Glass  Acrylic 4.2 GYPSUM BOARD (Gypboard): Lightweight, flexible and fire and moisture resistant, gypsum is most commonly used forfalse ceiling. Gypsum board panels are tough, versatile and economical, and are fastreplacing other ceiling materials such as POP. Gypsum board can be used whileconstructing false ceiling. as well as to renovate old ceilings. The material is fire-resistant,waterproof, as well as soundproof, which is why it is the most preferred material for falseceiling.A gypsum panel could have tapered or square edges. Panels with tapered adage are usedfor ceiling since the gap between each edge can be filled, to give a smooth surface. Square-edges board can be used. Where visibility of the joints is a requirement. A suspendedGypsum board ceiling can be constructed by nailing Gypsum board panels to each other, orby fixing the panels in a metal grid (usually steel). Generally, gypsum panels of 600mm×600mm are used.Gypsum ceiling are popular because:  The ‘dry construction’ eliminates the use of extra water while making the ceiling. This also keeps the building clean.  Gypsum board is quite flexible. It allows for various shapes and designsuch as plain,curved, stepped, coffered, pelmet, drop design, etc Generally available in the tiles of 600mm X 600mm.Rates of some of the available Gypsum board false ceilings based on the survey andbrouchers available are as follows:  Plain gypsum board ceiling panel: 40/- per sft. 

Gypsum board poly Ceiling panel: 47/- per sft.  Gypsum board PVC laminated Ceiling panel: 70/- per sft.  Gypsum board Semi Perforated Ceiling panel: 48/- per sft.  Gypsum board Fully Perforated Ceiling panel: 60/- per sft. without glasswood.  Gypsum board Fully Fissured Ceiling panel: 60/- per sft.  Gypsum board Silt Ceiling panel: 64/- per sft. without glass-wood. 4.3 METAL CEILING PANELS: Metals ceilings are suitable for a large Range of applications. The false ceiling is constructedwith metal panels. Which are coupled with insulating materials to make them soundproof?They are ideal for concealing ducts and wiring, since they can be easily installed andmaintained.Aluminum or steel panels, 600mm×600mm in size, are generally used. The panels can belaid on a visible steel grid with T-sections or cross-sections that are suspended from theceiling by rods. This result is strong, long-lasting surface, which is easy to access. Thepanels can also be clipped to each other or clipping into a suspension system havingsprings. That method prevents the panel edges from being seen.The third method is to stretch the metal sheets to form various shapes, which can besuspended from the ceiling. This treatment is ideal for obtaining a variety of shapes in themetal, without changing its soundproofing ability. Advantages of metal ceiling:  They reduce overall cost, since they are easy to install and access.  Hidden services can be easily accessed since the panels are removable.  They are ideal for workspaces which require clean environments and services thatrequire maintenance such as the machinery rooms, the AHU, etc.  They have a monolithic look. 

They give the space a very modern look and blend well with glass. Figs. showing metal ceilings in an airport on the left and a hotel corridor on the right 4.4 PLASTER OF PARIS (POP): Plaster of Paris (POP) is commonly used for constructing false ceilings. Gypsum, whichgives out water when heated, makes POP. Post-heating, gypsum softens and is then crushedto form a powder. POP hardens instantly when water is added to it. It is applied tofibreboard or a wood base, which is then suspended to form the false ceiling. Advantages of POP:  A smooth, uniform finish.  The surface can be recorded or painted.  POP false ceiling are easy to construct and maintain.  The ceilings are really light.Thickness- 10-15 mmRate: 30/- per sft. to soon depend upon the design & Pattern.

Labor cost for the pop ceiling is high. 4.5 PLYWOOD : Plywood ceiling are widely used for their visual appeal. These ceilings are created withstrips of ply glued or nailed together. The strips are held together and strengthened withply supports at equal distances. Ply ceiling are generally used in place with cold climates.Advantage of ply ceilings:

 They are strong and look appealing.  They can be given various finishes, or painted to get the right look.  They can be treated to increase their lifespan.But ply ceiling are difficult to maintain, since these are prone to termite attacks. The roomhas to be thermally controlled to reduce the humidity in the air. Also, the wood is prone towarping and other physical changes, with time. 4.6 PVC FALSE CEILING: PVC ceiling system is light in weight, moisture resistant and reduces condensation andsubsequent dripping from ceiling onto work surfaces. The cleanable, non-absorbent surfaceis UV stable and will not discolour.PVC ceiling systems solves the problem of dirty, unhygienic ceilings that are difficult,and expensive to clean by providing a bright, durable and hygienic surface, which is easilymaintained. This extremely practical ceiling system is suitable for any area requiring afixed, nonporous, non-fibrous and non-absorbent ceiling. they are waterproof, termiteproof, fire retardant, economical, maintenance free, being nonporous and non-absorbent,can incorporate flush fitting, lighting, access hatches, air vents and sprinklers easy to install& available in various colours shades & no hassles of painting & polishing.

4.7 4.7 FIBERBOARD AND FIBER/MINERAL REINFORCED TILES :False ceiling can be made with fiber or mineral reinforcedtiles and fiberboard. Fiber reinforced tiles arestrengthened with wood vegetable fiber, wood waste,reed paper and agricultural wastes. Mineral tiles areceramics reinforced with natural stone, wood, vegetablefiber, bitumen and tars. This process increases theinsulation capacity of the product. Advantages  They have high insulation against sound and fire.  The fiber increases the hardness and the toughness of the material.  The material can be decorated with paint or other finishes improving the aestheticsof the room.  Water repellents and preservatives can be added to increase the life of the product.  If fire safety is a factor, ceiling tiles made from mineral fibers, or firerated woodpanels can be used within the construction to meet acceptable standards/ratings 4.8 FABRIC AND CLOTH: Fabric is an inexpensive material, may be drapedacross ceilings, collect dust, these are used fortemporary purposes in big churches and functionhalls.

In some places, the light is diffused through the fabric providing a comfortable intensityThis kind of false ceiling is not functional but greatly adds to the aesthetics of the place. 4.9 COMPANIES /MATERIAL SUPPLIERS:  Gypsum boards- India Gypsum PVT. Limited  Aluminium metal panels- LUXALON, Vista, LEVOLOR  Fibreboard and mineral board panels- Armstrong,INARCO limited, ARKinternational, Modern Plasta Corporation  POP- Eternit Everest limited  PVC and UPVC- Beasal Polytech India Pvt. Ltd, ModelInteriors , Poly Extrusions (India) Private Limited 5.1 DISADVANTAGES OF FALSE CEILINGS:  The most worrying aspect of having a false ceiling would be pests. They can getthrough into the space between and can start their own breeding which might leadto a lot of trouble.  Also be careful while putting up decorations or hangings while you have a falseceiling in place. Make sure you know the strength and durability, do's and don'tswith regard to your ceiling.  Lastly, the false ceiling would reduce the height of the ceiling considerably andhence do not install false ceiling unless you have a decent ceiling height. 5.2 CONCLUSIONS / RECOMMEDATIONS : Exposed grid systems are a simple, quick and cost-effective way of installing a ceiling toyour office, factory or shop. These systems allow easy access to the ceiling space forassociated trade work such as electrical and air conditioning which will ensure you get thebest price for your overall fit out.Fire safety is always a factor, ceiling tiles made from mineral fibers or fire-rated woodpanels can be used within the construction to meet acceptable standards and ratings. Thesesame tiles can provide the needed additional resistance to meet the "time

rating" requiredfor various fire code, city ordinance, commercial, or other similar building constructionregulations.

Wiring and piping installed behind traditional plaster or wallboard ceilings is extremelydifficult to modify once the finished ceiling is in place. Wires must either be fished throughhollow spaces in the walls behind, or the ceiling must be demolished in order for wiring orpiping changes to be made.In business, the suspended ceiling is often used with hollow steel studs to construct smalloffice spaces out of a much larger space. Wiring and other services are run through theopen ceiling, down through the hollow stud walls, and to outlets in the work areas. Ifbusiness needs change, the office spaces are easily dismantled and the overall space isreconfigured with a different floor plan.

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