Falsafah Solat 2.0

February 20, 2019 | Author: Faridh Omar | Category: Kafir, Islamic Theology, Religious Belief And Doctrine, Abrahamic Religions, Monotheistic Religions
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This presentation explained on philosophical outlook on Solat for Muslim. It is to believe that by having a substantial ...


PHILOSOPH PHIL OSOPHY Y OF SOLA SOLAT T 2.0 Mohd Faridh Hafez Mhd Omar Ibadah Camp 5, 6 & 7 Mac 2016

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 .*4Muddathir+ 24

 What hath brouht  !ou to thi"  bur#i#$ %2' (he! )i** a#")er+ We )ere #ot of tho"e )ho -./ %'

%3ete*ah me*ihat ora#4ora#  !a# ber"a*ah itu, merea  berata'+ .paah !a# me#!ebaba# amu ma"u e da*am %#eraa' 3..-$ %2' Ora#4ora# ber"a*ah itu me#8a)ab+ 9ami tida terma"u da*am umpu*a# ora#4ora# !a# me#er8aa# 3O:.(;o) do)#, the! bo) #ot do)#= %?' Woe u#to the repudiator" o# that da!= %@' I# )hat "tateme#t, after thi", )i** the! be*ieAe$ %50'

 Maa#*ah da# ber"e#a#4"e#a#*ah amu %)ahai ora#  !a# i#ar derhaa' "eme#tara hidup, %emudia# amu aa# hadapi baha!a' era#a "e"u#uh#!a amu ada*ah ora#4ora# !a# berdo"aut the!  )i** meet deceptio#< %5@'

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The covenant that stands between us and them is prayer; whoever gives up prayer is a kafir (disbeliever).” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi !"!#$ al-Nasai %&#$ 'bn aah #*+, .lassed as saheeh (authentic) by al-Albani in Saheeh alTirmidhi !##&  And there are other /erses and ahadeeth (narrations) 0hich spea1 of gi/ing up the prayer and the Prophet (peace and  blessings of Allah be upon him) described it as 1ufr (disbelief)

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   !"#  >erata Babi Muhammad %"a)'+ 23arangsiapa yang meninggal1an SOLAT dengan sengaa ma1a terlucutlah dirinya dari perlindungan 4 rahmat Allah5 6i0ayat 'bn aah (no %*&%) dan 'mam 3u1hari dalam Adab alufrad (no #7)

 .*i4Imra#+ 15 3a!+ 3ha** I te** !ou of better thi#" tha# tho"e Dearth*! 8o!"E$ For the od4co#"ciou" there are, )ith their 3u"tai#er, gardens through  0hich running 0aters flo0 therein to abide and spouses pure and 8od9s goodly acceptance! .**ah, !ou haAe a*"o i#crea"ed i# beaut! a#d *oAe*i#e"" after u"<


9omiti Fat)a .rab 3audi me#etapa# bah)a 8ia bermamum pada imam !a# me*aua# u#ut da*am "a*at 3ubuh maa haru" iut u#ut+

"  #$   % &  '  6  7  8 

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3ecara *oba*, me#e#tua# "a*at 3ubuh de#a# u#ut ada*ah terma"u ma"a*ah hi*afi!ah !a# ber"ifat i8tihad< >ara#"iapa "a*at bermamum epada imam !a# membaca u#ut da*am 3ubuh "ecara hu"u" "ebe*um atau "e"udah ruu, maa ia haru" me#iuti#!a; %Fata)a a*4:a8#ah ad4aimah *i a*4>uhut" a*4 I*mi!ah )a a*4IftaK @51'

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