The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The covenant that stands between us and them is prayer; whoever gives up prayer is a kafir (disbeliever).” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi !"!#$ al-Nasai %$ 'bn aah #*+, .lassed as saheeh (authentic) by al-Albani in Saheeh alTirmidhi !##& And there are other /erses and ahadeeth (narrations) 0hich spea1 of gi/ing up the prayer and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) described it as 1ufr (disbelief)
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!"# >erata Babi Muhammad %"a)'+ 23arangsiapa yang meninggal1an SOLAT dengan sengaa ma1a terlucutlah dirinya dari perlindungan 4 rahmat Allah5 6i0ayat 'bn aah (no %*&%) dan 'mam 3u1hari dalam Adab alufrad (no #7)
.*i4Imra#+ 15 3a!+ 3ha** I te** !ou of better thi#" tha# tho"e Dearth*! 8o!"E$ For the od4co#"ciou" there are, )ith their 3u"tai#er, gardens through 0hich running 0aters flo0 therein to abide and spouses pure and 8od9s goodly acceptance! .**ah, !ou haAe a*"o i#crea"ed i# beaut! a#d *oAe*i#e"" after u"<
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