Fallout Legends Survival Guide

October 11, 2017 | Author: Kni2 | Category: Eye Color, Color, Physical Exercise, Statistics, Leisure
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A Fallout inspired PNP *incomplete*...


Fallout: Legends Survivor's Guide

Introductions: Intro: As it is said in Fallout many times War... War never changes. That's Granted you've played the Fallout games, if not then you still have missed a great series of RPG's, however I'll try to fit this to those who have never picked up a RPG Pen and Paper of even Fallout. I took up this project as a challenge and as something I personal want to play, the perfect mixture of Fallout and D&D, And Although this has been done before I wish to have my own take on it while infusing some of Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Have Fun. An Introduction to Pen and Paper Role Playing Games. Pen and Paper Role Playing games has you create and take the place of a character in a world created by another person, using stats, Dice and a map. but not only that in order to get a clear idea it's like playing a RPG game however the world its inhabitants and locations are created in your imagination, the nearest thing I can think of is reading a book where you are the main character, YOU make the decisions, YOU talk to the people (though most likely it will be you friend or enemy in (real life) depending on the situation). It takes some thinking, as said before lots of imagination, and patience (depending on your Overseer). This is met with a Reward, The most interesting stories and NPC's created by my friends, and some very challenging battles. The stories had me addicted enough to come back every night. All in all it is an experience that though may not be for some is very much so for others. An Introduction to the Fallout Universe Now a quick introduction to the Fallout universe is in order. Fallout takes place in an alternate time line splitting from ours after WWII, in it the micro-processor was never invented thus technology focused instead on perfecting everything atomic. They were able to create fusion powered batteries, and fusion powered cars, while computers still take up entire rooms. This also caused the styles of the times to remain in the 1950's retro style. (An Advanced Time Line will be provided in the Overseer's Guide.) Though they nearly perfected atomic energy it was the downfall of humanity. After years of smaller conflicts, high tensions, and a deficiency of resources, the world was plunged into a second dark age in a mere 2 hours. This however did not end humanity like presumed due to some foresight by a company called Vault-Tec and the U.S. Government, small slivers of humanity survived in underground bunkers called Vaults. These Vaults though only housed 1,000 people and there are 122 known vaults, so how did the rest of humanity survive, through luck or a multimillionaire with an army of robots and anti-nuclear missile lasers. Humanity began to rebuild a few years after the nuclear Armageddon, creating settlements that grew into civilizations, then nations. The wasteland is a vast place with every vice, personality, and numerous undiscovered Pre-War mysteries.

GETTING STARTED Before getting started you may want to know how to play Fallout: Legends, well this section will describe in detail how to play every facet of this game. Materials: A Map- A map can be anything from a dry erase board or a complex 3d model, but in an essence it illustrates the world around you character, however is just the sights (the sounds and smells(if you insist) are up to you Overseer). All maps however must have a hexagonal grid, no hexes (due to how combat and many features work.) Figurines/tokens (optional): This is used to represent your character in the world the figurines are optional and can be replaced (due to their cost) with basically anything you can move on a game board. These are important though for puzzles or showing NPC on the map. Polyhedral dice: Polyhedral by the way is just another way of saying dice with a lot of sides like 20 sided or 10 sided. These are used for combat, skill checks and for the Overseer's own desires. From here on out if you hear the terms D10 or D20 for example it's referring to certain type of polyhedral die, were in the d mean die and the number is the sides on said die. Character Sheet: A piece of paper that has all of your character's information written on it. A character sheet should be provided by your Overseer, or brought by you, they usually have fields to fill out with your character's info. (But if you’re Overseer has custom sheets that's fine as long as they contain the proper fields.). Your Imagination: This you shouldn't forget even with the most detailed map in existence, this game takes at least some Imagination. An Overseer: The Overseer is the person in charge of creating and directing and adventure before you. They must read this and the Overseer's guide. They must possess some or all of the following traits: intelligence, creativity, the aforementioned imagination, and a degree of math logic and acting skills. It sounds like a lot, and it is but when you actually do it, (for some) it comes naturally.

Interacting with your World

In Fallout: Legends the world you occupy is represented by drawings or models on a map however do not under estimate these simply seeming lines for they could be walls or traps or PEOPLE. The board is also made up of hexagons that from here on out will be referred to as hexes. To move around the map (Non-combat mode) simply move your figurine to the space (each space is 1 meter) you wish to travel to (granted there are no objects on your path). Simple as that, however if you are on the edge of a map it and move a hex outside the map must be updated to the next map. This is why it is Imperative that your Party stays together. Combat movement will be covered in its own section in the Combat Chapter.

Checks & Interactions When you wish to perform an action on an object or person or nothing, simply state to the group or the Overseer “I'm Going to... on...” then the Overseer will either give you the result or instruct you to do roll a die to perform a check. For example, I say “I'm want to lock pick that door” in this case the overseer will tell me to do a Lock-pick check. Checks can also be prompted by the Overseer at any time.

Checks checks are the means of representing your character using one of their skills in the game world. there are two types of checks S.P.E.C.I.A.L checks and skill checks. Let's start with the easy one S.P.E.C.I.A.L Checks S.P.E.C.I.A.L are a way of using one of your basic stats in the game world. To execute a S.P.E.C.I.A.L check the overseer will have a predetermined value and S.P.E.C.I.A.L stat in his plan or made up (in case you’re Overseer needs to get his Campaign in shape.). The Overseer will ask “what is your...” and you will respond with the value of that S.P.E.C.I.A.L stat. Eventually your overseer should memorize the PC's S.P.E.C.I.A.L making these checks a breeze as you become more associated with your Overseer. For example, there is a bomb hidden inside if a teddy bear so I become suspicious and say “I look closely at the Teddy Bear” then the Overseer will ask “what's your Perception stat” I'll say “6” the overseer then may say “you hear a distinct beeping” “Etc. Etc.”

Skill Checks Skill checks are by comparison much more complex (which is true to their contextual meaning) because they representing you utilizing the skills you learn over time. To perform a skill check you first state or are prompted, then you roll a two d10’s (this is called a d100, you use the first digit on the first d10 you roll for the tens place so if you roll a 2 your result would be between 20-29, then the second die will be the ones place, so if you roll a 2 on the first roll and a 5 on the next your final result will be a 25 ). Success is determined if you roll within the range of your skill. For example, (using the one from above) in order to disarm a bomb with an Explosives skill of 20, Then when you roll 2 d10's it must land between 1-20 and 1 for every point over 5 in Luck. Within this range is considered a successful check above it will result in failure, if you roll and it lands on exactly the number that your skill level is that is a critical success (Meaning that you instantly pass the check.), while landing outside the range or in negative numbers results in a failure. Failure can mean many things including simply not completing the task at hand or completely destroy the object in question. This is referred to as Degrees of failure, and is covered in detail in the Overseer’s Guide. you can use your Skills on. Skills can be used on just about anything, this includes but not limited to, NPC's PC's Items, and some world objects. What you can use your skills on specifically is up to your Overseer. NPC Interaction Lucky for you you’re not alone, when interacting with NPC's you will talk with the Overseer as if he/or she was the NPC. You can be prompted for a Check while still talking to a NPC.

Trading Trading is the process of exchanging items or currency, if you want something a NPC owns you can either barter or refer to the combat section of this guide. To begin bartering with an NPC simply say to the overseer “I want to trade with (NPC name) (note that you can also trade with players this is done by talking directly to the player of interest.). After declaring that you want trade with NPC, the overseer will trade on the behalf of the NPC, when you trade you the player will make the first move and propose a trade that can be either you will give X item or Caps for X (which can be anything that can be traded) however it must be equal to to or greater than the item the NPC is trading To you (value is listed in the items sections of this book however they are also subject to the overseer's conditions) once you have rolled the overseer will tell you whether you were successful or not, from there if you were successful then the items will be exchanged accordingly and everyone can move on with their lives, however if you somehow fail then you can propose another trade with a 2% deduction on the barter roll or a 4% if the offer is identical to the offer that failed prior to the current one.



* Results may vary

Combat, is the primary method of conflict resolution in the Wasteland. Combat is done in turns which each combatant gets a turn to perform an actions, then at the end there will be rewards. Turns & Sequence When in Combat everyone involved gets a turn to something in order to avoid chaos, the order for which the combatants take their turn is decided by the sequence stat (see Derived Stats for how you determine Sequence.) The combatant who has the highest Goes first (except in a Surprise round) then the turns go to the player with the second highest, the third and so on so forth. Essentially it goes from highest to lowest order by sequence SURPRISE ROUND! This occurs Always as the first round of combat when attacking an NPC. The first to receive a turn is the Attacker or whoever initially attacks or becomes hostile with someone else. The Defender regardless of Sequence will then take a turn to react (unless killed) then it is greatest to least order excluding the Attacker and Defender. After the last person uses there turns and there are combatants left to fight Combat should resume as usual. COMBAT ACTIONS When in combat almost everything you do is measured in Action Points (AP). When you open a door that uses AP when you shoot yer Gun that takes up AP. When all your AP is used up your turn is done. Below is a list of some actions that use AP and how much AP they use. This is an ABRIDGED list. Action

AP Used

Open a door

2 AP


1 AP Per Hex Moved

Use an item on hand (Equipped)

2 AP

Equip an Item from Inventory

3 AP

Interacting with a large object (No Skill Check)

2 AP

Interacting with a large object (Skill check)

3 AP

Interacting with a Small Object (No Skill check)

1 AP

Interacting with a Small Object (skill check)

2 AP

Free Actions Some actions do not come with the cost of precious AP, for example talking to NPC during combat, or making an S.P.E.C.A.L. Check since those are inherent. Sometimes it could be up to the of the Overseer whether or not some things that are iffy like trying to climb a tree During combat which can be both an S.P.E.C.A.L. check and an interaction.

ATTACKING!! Attacking is the primary method of depleting your enemies HP (HIT POINTS) to zero thusly killing them. To attack you simply declare ‘I want to attack…” or something similar then depending on the weapon you have equipped you roll a d100 (actually 2d10’s the first for the tens place a second for the ones) then you add your skill in of respective weapon type and subtract 10 times the number of hexes you are away from your target rounded to the nearest whole number. TO HIT 1d20 + respective weapon skill-(5 * hexes in distance from opponent) vs. opponent’s AC

DAMAGE After you have hit your opponent(s) you will deal damage, there are of several types of damage depending on what kind of weapon you are using, The Damage type is import because some Armor is more resistant to certain types of damage, you can find out what kind of damage it is by looking at the items entry in the Items section of this book. Anyways the types of damage are: Normal: the most common type of damage this covers any damage dealt by any combustion gun (ex: pistols, rifles, mini-guns, assault rifles) Laser: this type covers any damage dealt by a weapon that shoots primarily lasers. Flame: this is damage dealt via any weapon that uses fire to damage an opponent Plasma: damage dealt by weapons that fire plasma as projectiles EMP: EMP meaning electromagnetic pulse, anything that uses this usually deals in area damage Overseer does this part FOR DAMAGE Respective damage dice + respective weapon skill x fire rate vs. Opponent’s Damage resistance

Overseer Does this too! MELEE DAMGE Melee damage Stat + Respective Skill + Strength Modifier - DR Explosives and Beyond... If one of the PC's are happening to be packing 14 ounces of death (a grenade) then you must use the following set of rules to determine if you hit something and how much damage you will deal. The explosion will spread like every time, it goes 5 hexes in every direction (this is the KILL ZONE, meaning it deals X2 damage (just stick it on the end of the parentheses there) to everything, the explosion spreads 10 additional hexes in every direction which deals damage according to this formula: Explosives hit die * (Explosives skill)/ (your Agility* Luck) The nature of the fragment grenade causes what else but fragments to fly all over the place therefore outside of the damaging 15 square radius characters within 5 hexes in any direction must pass a check of 6 Luck, OR 6 Agility OR 6 Endurance.

FLAME THROWERS: Flame throwers follow the same pattern when dealing with damage except the flame thrower shoots out a cone pattern with the kill zone being the three hexes directly in front of the business end (the muzzle) then increasing outward one square to the side for every square forward, there is also one more check a check to see if the player catches on fire which is decreased by one for every square the person is away from the flamethrower they must pass a Luck (8 at kill zone) Endurance (9 at kill zone) Agility (9 at kill zone). This is in addition to the check for damage


When declaring your target, you also have the opportunity to make a called shot or in other words you can aim for specific limbs of your opponent. Why you may ask because you can end combat if your opponent is unable to continue to fight. In order to make a called shot you declare (when attacking) that you want to target a specific part EX: Left leg. When you shoot a called shot you will incur a penalty to your “to hit” roll equivalent to your opponent’s strength mod + endurance mod + (AC\2) – Damage Resistance (%)

EXP and leveling When the combat is done all PC’s will be rewarded with experience points or EXP, to represent the experience gained through battle. If you gain enough EXP you will gain an experience level or simply a level. Levels allow you to increase your stats and take up perks. The amount of EXP needed to gain specific levels listed below for the first 10 levels. Level






















And Beyond… For leveling beyond 10 which is a given, the EXP required for the next level goes N = N*(N-1) *500. Where N is the desired level. (*to the Overseer’s* you can change the EXP Rate if You which this is just optimized for even pacing.) Experience REWARDS After the smoke clears and the rigor-mortis has set in the only thing left to do is reap your rewards, you monster.... Once all enemies are killed you may loot their corpses for anything they were holding on to (which is up to the overseer of course), however all party members will also earn Experience Points, this is determined by the following formula (base exp value* Enemy level / number of party members* individual Party Member Intelligence score OR average party Intelligence score)

Your Character


To even consider playing Fallout: Legends you first must design a character to play with so here it is in simple steps:

Step 1: Your Name Let's start simple, your name, and the thing for which you're called by. Try for something relevant to your character's personality or appearance, or just what you’re feeling, just remember a Name is permanent so what you write down now is what your character is called forever.

Step 2: Age This is how old your character is in years (and only years). With age comes its perks and downfalls. Namely there is a cap for how high which you S.P.E.C.I.A.L. And or skill can go. This table below will list the buffs and downfalls associated with age. All unspecified can be maxed out



Disadvantages and advantages

1 to 5 Yrs. old

Early Childhood

Str=>3 Agi=>4 End=>3 skills=>10

6 to 13 yrs. old

Late Childhood

Str=>4 End=>4 Skill=>15 Agi=>4

13-17 yrs. old



18-29 yrs. old

Young Adult


29-50 yrs. old

Mid Adult

See notes



See notes

Progressive Degradation: Starting when you leave you prime years your character experiences a degradation of his/her S.P.E.C.I.A.L. This is represented by this formula which is age specific. Mid-Adult -1 Agi/End/Str for every 10 years in this age group Elder -1 Int/Per/End/Str for every 5 years in this age group Implementing Age (or not): if you (the Overseer) does not want to use Age or the progressive degradation relating to age, then you may do so, in that case simply ignore this section.

Step 3: Race Race is a major part of your character's identity, it defines your appearance, your S.P.E.C.I.A.L, and your skills. There are three playable races, Human, Super Mutant, and Ghouls. So without further ado.


Description: Humans are the basic race. They can do just about everything, and make up most the social structures in the wasteland. Humans have no restrictions on their S.P.E.C.I.A.L progress (besides starting at all fives), or skill progress. They are a blank slate with no advantages or disadvantages. Starting S.P.E.C.I.A.L Strength: 5 Perception: 5 Endurance: 5 Charisma: 5 Intelligence: 5][ Agility: 5 Luck: 5

Racial Attributes: Humans have what's called derived attributes, meaning that Attributes depend on their S.P.E.C.I.A.L (See Derived Stats section for more details)

Racial Traits: Humans are allowed to choose their two traits, if you desire a more random approach then assign a range of numbers to each trait and roll a d100 twice whatever range you roll in you will take the corresponding trait.

Super Mutants

Super Mutants are the result of Pre-War experimentation with something d the FEV (Forced Evolutionary Virus). They were originally created by someone called just The Master, by dipping people tire vats of FEV. The Master formed an army and tried to assimilate the entire world, but was stopped by a mysterious ger. The Super Mutants are usually brutish, stupid, and very aggressive. There is however an acceptation with a few r Mutants who are very intelligent and even capable of civilizations. All Super However Mutants are sterile. There are types of Super Mutants, Generation 1's who are the direct result of The Master’s Army, and these have the most igent Mutants. Generation 2's who are the result of generation 1's making more Super Mutants, these are most monly less intelligent than Gen 1's. And East Coast mutants who come from Vault 87, there are only two known intelligent r Mutants in this type, and they always have an orange skin tint. Super Mutant skin is usually green colored. You may your type of mutant then roll to decide intelligence it's a D5 for Gen 2's and East coast plus the amount over 5 in the attribute. And a D10 for Gen 1's plus amount over 5 in Luck. Your Intelligence stat fixed after it is determined and zed. Starting S.P.E.C.I.A.L Strength: 7*F Perception: 5 Endurance: 7*F Charisma: 3*F Agility: 4*F Luck: 5 Racial Attributes: Super Mutants have 100% Rad Resistance regardless Of Endurance. Super Mutants also have a 25% Damage resistance On top of character's endurance score addition Super Mutants have a base Melee damage of 2. Rest are Derived

Racial Traits Fearsome Sight: Even the most intelligent Super Mutants can't help but Inspire fear in the hearts of human. -15 speech and -1 charisma when talking to humans Born to Kill: It's no secret that Super Mutants were first intended to be super Soldiers. You deal 1d4 extra damage when using a melee weapon Mutant Rage: This is the primal, viciousness that they sometimes can't control. For the cost of all your AC you can enter a temporary, state of complete RAGE. You gain +2 Str +1 End +2 Agi +20% damage resistance for 3 turns. This comes at the cost of all your AC for the next 3 turns.

Ghoul Ghouls are the zombie like mutants, and the result of high level background radiation exposure. The process of becoming a ghoul takes months to years and is very painful. Due to their lack of skin, the decaying tissue of a Ghoul are exposed making them slightly weaker than humans. Ghouls are also more perceptive than regular humans. There is a down side however eventually no matter how long every Ghoul becomes Feral; the time is decided by this formula Age Turned + 100 + (Int x End). When your character becomes feral you become hostile to every non-Ghoul NPC and players as well. Ghouls are cursed with The Charisma of a rotting tomato (fixed Charisma at 3) Starting S.P.E.C.I.A.L Strength: 5 Perception: 6 Endurance: 4

Charisma: 3 Intelligence: 5 Agility: 5 Luck: 4 (because you obviously were unlucky enough to be a ghoul in the first place)

Attributes: Permanent 10% Damage resistance 100% Rad resistance. Racial Trait: Unnatural Reaction: Because of how they were created Ghouls Gain 3 HP for every turn in combat when in a radioactive space. Outside of combat Ghouls gain 2 HP for every hour spent in a source of radiation in addition to their Healing Rate. Birds of a Feather- Ghouls and Super Mutants are not that far apart from each other +10 Barter when dealing with Super Mutants and +5% to all for Hit checks when teamed up with Super Mutant. All the Time in the World: Because Ghouls live so long they have plenty of time to pursue and perfect skills. Ghouls start with 10 extra skill points at Character Creation

Step 4: Little Details GENDER Not much can be said about gender except that Super Mutants do not have gender, because the FEV removes all gender

Eye color: This is the color of your characters eyes, only natural eye color’s(blue, green, brown, Grey,amber,hazel), unless you have a viable excuse for other eye colors

Skin Color: certain races can only have certain skin colors here they are HUMAN White Black Brown Light Brown Super Mutants Green Blue Yellowish Orange

Ghoul’s have no skin color because they have no skin

Hair Color this is the color of you Character’s Hair this can be almost any color. As above Ghouls have no hair unless there are wearing a wig, which is an item

Height This is the height of your character. The Height is dependent on your Character’s race. So I’ll list the range of heights per race. (NOTE: your character can go beyond these ranges but this is the average height for their races Human 4 ft. to 6 ft. Super Mutants 7 ft. to 10 ft. (usually 7 ft. with a hunched back) Ghouls 4 ft. to 6 ft.

Weight Unlike above weight is a little more work to figure out, a healthy weight (which is ideal if you are a Wastelander). If your character is above or below the ideal weight, they shall incur a penalty. To find your Ideal weight refer to this chart however if your height is beyond the range refer to a ideal height weight chart (there all over the internet). The following chart is for humans as ghouls have no weight difference and Super Mutants are naturally buff and thus weigh around 800 lbs. Lot HEIGHT


Weight (Women)


95-117 Lbs.

90-110 Lbs.


101-123 Lbs.

95-116 Lbs.


106-130 Lbs.

99-121 Lbs.


112-136 Lbs.

104-127 Lbs.


117-143 Lbs.

108-132 Lbs.


122-150 Lbs.

113-138 Lbs.


128-156 Lbs.

117-143 Lbs.


133-163 Lbs.

122-149 Lbs.


139-169 Lbs.

126-154 Lbs.


144-176 Lbs.

131-160 Lbs.


149-183 Lbs.

135-165 Lbs.


155-189 Lbs.

140-171 Lbs.


160-196 Lbs.

144-176 Lbs.

The Formula to figure out your Ideal height goes Men: 106 + 6 lbs. for every inch over 60 inches and Women: 100 + 5 lbs. for every inch over 60 in and on a side note: Add 10% if person has large frame, subtract 10% if a person has small frame. If frame size is unavailable, assume medium.

OVERWEIGHT/UNDERWEIGHT If you choose to and your character’s Weight falls above or below the ranges though there is grace range that goes from 10-20 lbs. above and below, after that the penalties start 20 to 30 lbs. Underweight and over weight for medium builds 20 lbs. (-1 Str -2 End -2 Agi} 30 lbs. (2 Str -3 End -3 Agi) 40 lbs. (-3 Str -4 End -4 Agi) (This continues until 100 lbs. where the PC must pass a 6 luck check to determine whether they live or not, then that check is increased by one for every 50 lbs.)

Weight Gain if you wish you may have PC's gain weight depending on how much food they eat and how often they exercise, the amount of weight gain is determined by the average fat content (given in the item section of this manual) of item consumed (on a timescale of your choice) divided by the number of hours exercised. It is also worth noting here that when you exercise it takes 1 AP per every hour while exercise for that day. But you gain 1 point in your endurance, strength, or agility (depending on the type of exercise) S.P.E.C.A.L stat for every hour of exercise beyond your limit , however you do have limits on how long you can exercise, this is determined by the value the S.P.E.C.A.L stat corresponding with the type of exercise. BUILD Build refers to the overall size of your character’s body both your muscle/fat weight and overall bone mass and size. There are three Builds: Small, Medium, and Large. This effects the ideal weight mentioned above. Build is also good way to flesh out your character as it can be used to further describe them. Other Physical Features Any other things about how your character looks (Scars, birthmarks, tattoos, piercings any kind of...deformity) can go here, this spot is optional.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. What is S.P.E.C.I.A.L.? S.P.E.C.I.A.L. is an acronym for the basic statistics for your character, these are by far the most important when building your character as they affect every other statistic, the acronym stands for: Strength: the measure of how physically apt your character is, this influences the melee damage basic statistic, the unarmed skill, the melee weapons skill, Carry weight, and Hit Points (HP) Perception: this stat is representative of how observant your character is with all five senses, this influences the Sequence on a Surprise round, the maximum firing range, your Guns skill, Your Explosives skill, the Medicine skill, the traps skill, and the Lock pick skill. Endurance: this stat represents how much your character can endure in other words their physical limitations, this influences the number of hit points (HP), resistances (i.e. poison resistance, damage resistance, etc etc) your Armor Class, and your Healing rate (HR) Charisma: this is how influential your character is using there looks, and some honeyed words, this influences your barter skill, and the speech skill, used to persuade NPC's. Intelligence: This is the measure of how smart your character is, this will Influence the amount of skill points you receive upon gaining a level as well as the amount of exp you receive after a battle, as well as the Science, Medicine, Repair Skill, and the number of languages you can learn Agility: this stat represents how reactive and flexible your character is, this influences your Armor Class, Guns skill, the Sneak and Pickpocket skills, and last but most importantly your Action Points. Luck: This is a very odd stat as it cannot be empirically measured in real life, Luck is the concept of a bias that exist in the random event of everyday life, that more events are beneficial to you then detrimental, so this stat is going to add a percent equal to the modifier (more about those later) to the to hit roll, and skill checks

S.P.E.C.A.L Points

It is now time to customize your S.P.E.C.A.L stats to do this you will invest points into the stat of your choice. To start all characters, have 5 points to invest in all of your S.P.E.C.A.L stats. Please note that if a S.P.E.C.A.L Stat on the RACE section has a *F next to it, it is fixed and cannot be changed. S.P.E.C.A.L Modifiers S.P.E.C.A.L Modifiers are something you should be familiar with if you have ever played D&D. Modifiers are used whenever you must use a S.P.E.C.A.L stat in a formula, you use the modifier, so what is the modifier equal to? the amount of points over or below 5 your S.P.E.C.A.L stat is. for example, if I had a strength of 6 my Strength modifier would be 1 (Because 6 is one point over five.) as mentioned above your modifier can also be negative, this will subtract from the equation the modifier is being used in rather than add to it as it is above. You get a negative modifier by having a S.P.E.C.A.L stat with a value below 5, an example is if I had a strength of 3 my Modifier would be -2 because 3 is 2 below 5.

Derived Statistics Derived Statistics are the more Stats, however unlike the ones above you cannot change these stats Directly they are determined by your S.P.E.C.A.L and only modified if the corresponding S.P.E.C.A.L stat is changed, or modified by some items (Ex. Armor) The Derived Statistics (in no particular order) are...

Hit Points: This is how much damage your character can take before they die, there are two numbers related to HP (and abbreviation of Hit Points) you need to know first is your maximum HP which is marked under the derived statistics section of the character sheet, this is as the name implies the maximum value that your HP can increase to, on the other hand is your Current HP which tracks the amount of HP your character has at that given moment. When your HP reaches 0 you are considered dead, no longer functioning on any biological level. But before you hit zero you go through several stages of injury starting when you hit 40% of your maximum HP with each growing in severity as your HP decreases here they are in a neat little chart for all you, sadists out there

(the degree of injury is an optional feature) HP Range

Name/And check if required


Wounded: pass 6 STR OR END to attack if failed take 1d10 normal damage


Severely Wounded: pass 7 STR OR END to walking any distance.


Critically Wounded: Pass 8 STR OR END to perform any action costing more than 3 AP


Mortally wounded: in addition to the Critically Wounded check you also must pass a 9 END to remain conscious for this turn

5% to 1 HP Almost Dead: the player is considered dead unless they pass a 7 LCK and 9 END 0 HP

Dead: You are dead, no more, you have shuffled of this mortal coil.

All these checks apply for every turn in which you your current HP is within the range make sure to work out the percentages when you are building your character and when you level up, speaking of which your HP increases every level, by the formula below. HP Formulas In order for any of this to matter to you must know the formula to figure out how much HP you have, when you start your HP is equal to this formula 15 + strength + (Endurance X 2) then when you progress a level you will gain some HP the amount of HP gained after a level up is determined by the formula (Endurance/2) + level

ARMOR CLASS Armor class is a measure of how difficult it is to inflict damage upon your character, armor class is a simple statistic as it equal to your Agility + Perception

Damage Resistance This is how well your character can endure injury, it is subtracted from any damage received, this stat represent resistance to Normal Damage, and serves as the starting percent for the resistance percent for all types of damage. damage resistance starts at a value of 0% Do not give up hope though, as Armor also modifies this statistic, when equipped (also show on the chart mentioned above)

Action Points Action points or AP is a unit used to gauge how much you can do in one turn, as mentioned in the COMBAT section of this book every action in combat uses AP, your AP is determined by this formula: 5 + Agility Modifier For info on how AP is used see the subsection in the COMBAT chapter of this book.

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