FaisalRecruitment and Selection in Air India
Short Description
Master of Social Work Submitted By
Ibadur Rehman 13-MSW-37
Department Supervisor Supervised by
Dr. Naseem Ahmad Khan Preeti Jain Dr. Mohd. Tahir
Ms. For General
(Personal) Department of Social Work Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh (India)
TABLE OF CONTENTS Certificate Declaration Acknowledgement Preface
CHAPTER-1 Introduction Elements of good recruitment policy Factors affecting recruitment
CHAPTER-2 Organizational Profile
Growth Story of Air India Products Profile of Air India Vision and Mission History of Air India
CHAPTER-3 Recruitment and Selection Process in Air India
Recruitment Process of recruitment Sources of recruitment Understanding selection process
CHAPTER-4 Recruitment and Selection of Advisor in Max Life
Types of Test Interviews Medical Examination Final decision by the line manager Job offer Employment
CHAPTER-5 Industrial Profile Market Size of Insurance Government Initiatives Road Ahead
CHAPTER-6 Research Methodology Objectives of Study Scope of Study
CHAPTER-7 Data Analysis and Interpretation Findings
CHAPTER-8 Conclusion and Suggestions Limitations of Study
Bibliography Annexure (Questionnaire
Chapter-1 Introduction Recruitment and Selection Process The recruitment and selection (also recruitment and staffing) belongs to value added HR Processes. The recruitment is about the ability of the organization to source new employees, keeps the organization operating and improving the quality of the human capital employed in the company. The quality of the recruitment process is the main driver for the satisfaction of managers with the services provided by Human Resources. The main goal of the recruitment and selection is about finding the best recruitment sources, hiring the best talents from the job market and keeping the organization competitive on the job market. The recruitment and selection process is about managing high volumes of job resumes and the ability to choose the right candidates and pushing them quickly through the organization. The recruitment process usually needs a strong support by the dedicated recruitment software solution. It can be provided externally, or the software can be run internally. Many vendors
provide the recruitment software solution, but the organization has to choose carefully the right solution to meet its needs.
Choose carefully the right solution to meet its needs The recruitment process needs a complete process description. It is not possible to solve the job candidates individually. HR Recruiters have to follow the process, and they have to keep the candidates flowing to right managers to achieve the consensus, and decision about the hire quickly. The described process helps to set and achieve the right limits. The performance of the recruitment process has to be measured, analyzed, and new, innovative recruitment solutions have to be implemented. The recruitment is the expensive HR Process, and it eats a large proportion of the HR budget. The recruitment is about time to hire and the cost of hiring in most organizations. The HR is responsible for the proper management of the process to improve the performance of the recruitment process to keep the managers satisfied. The competitive HR management always starts with the competitive recruitment process. The organization builds the competitive advantage with its employees. The recruitment process has to determine the best sources on the job market. The HR Recruiters have to utilize the
recruitment sources and managers have to make the right and quick hiring decisions. This is the basic set-up of the competitive recruitment process.
Main Recruitment and Staffing Areas Recruitment
Recruitment Process Description
Internal Recruitment
External Recruitment
Recruitment Sources Management
Recruitment Agencies Management
Recruitment Outsourcing
Recruitment Software
General Staffing Rules and Principles
Job Design and Job Descriptions
Organizational Design and Organizational Planning
Headcount Planning and Headcount Management
Job Vacancies Management
Talent Gap Analysis
The Recruitment Process Starts With a Vacancy Arising. Job Analysis and Description Once a vacancy arises the human resource manager will first identify and record the responsibilities and tasks which are related to the job. After analyzing the responsibilities and tasks they are noted down which becomes the Job description for the job. It includes:
A job title Department of the business in which the new employee would work Details of the tasks to be performed Responsibilities involved Place in the hierarchical structure Methods of assessing the performance
Job Specification On the basis of Job description, a job specification is made. It is a document which outlines the requirements, qualifications and qualities, skills and knowledge required for the job. It is also known as person specification. Job Advertisement After completing the person specification (job specification) the vacancy is advertised. It can be advertised internally (on the company notice board or newsletter) or may be advertised externally in a newspaper or magazine. The advertisement will usually contain the elements of a person specification with additional information like the name and profile of the company, date and time of interview, address of the company and the contact person etc.
Applications Received and Shortlisted Once a job is advertised, there might be hundreds of application received. All of the applications received might not be suitable for the job. Thus a short listing of the applications will be done. The applications most near to the job specification will be called for interview and those who do not qualify the criteria will be rejected. Interview The shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview to verify their qualifications, personal qualities and aptitude for the job. It may involve a face to face discussion between the interviewer and interviewee. The firm may also conduct skill test, aptitude tests or personality test if it deems fit so. Selecting the Suitable Candidate The candidate who scores the maximum in the interview will be selected for the job and given an appointment letter. Effective Recruitment and Selection The key to successful recruitment is to ensure that the criteria of suitability are overt and relevant to the job itself. Once these criteria are agreed and shared it is possible to make more rational decisions about someone's suitability for a job, based on evidence rather than ‘gut feeling’ or instinct. Effective recruitment and selection should not be about the luck of the draw. Systematic planning and preparation will increase the likelihood of taking on the right person. The key to effective recruitment is preparation: knowing the job and what is required of someone to perform it well. The costs of recruiting the wrong person can be significant. The cost of employing someone may be at least twice their salary when factors such as training, expenses and employer's contributions to their pension are added.
Incorrect assumptions about class, gender, ethnic group or physical ability, or any other type of discrimination, can cloud your objectivity in recruitment and selection. At worst this may contravene legislation that exists to protect individuals from discrimination. Other prejudices may be generated by particular organizational traditions regarding the ‘type of person’ considered suitable. However, it is important to ensure that the qualities of the successful applicant match what the organization requires, perhaps in terms of being forward looking, customer focused or market orientated. It is easy to discriminate in the recruitment and selection process through personal responses and reactions to certain types of people. The recruiter's perception is often influenced by striking characteristics or similarities to themselves. This is called the ‘halo’ effect and can work in either a positive or negative direction (the latter is sometimes called the ‘horns’ effect). The halo effect acts as a filter to any information that contradicts first impressions. For example, someone who attended the same college or university as the recruiter would be at an advantage, while a person not wearing a suit would not be management material. It is often the case that people judge more favorably those individuals with whom they have something in common. Ultimately, you are seeking the best person for the job and any discrimination, intentional or not, may prevent you from achieving that. Before we look more closely at the recruitment process, spend about ten minutes on the following activity.
Preliminary Interview or Screening
The initial screening is usually conducted by a special interviewer a high caliber receptionist in the employment office. These interviews are short and are known as stand-up interviews. The main objective of such interviews is to screen out undesirable/unqualified candidates at very outset. Such interviews conducted by someone who inspires confidence, who genuinely interested in people, and whose judgment in the “sizing up” of the applicant is fairly reliable. Basic criteria that must be met for an application to be eligible for consideration. If these criteria are not met, there is no obligation on the employer to consider such applications. The screening process therefore seeks to identify those applications that meet the basic entry-level requirements applications that are therefore incomplete or do not meet the basic appointment criteria are considered unsuccessful applications. In order to be fair and objective in the screening of candidates, it is essential that a fixed set of valid criteria be applied in terms of each and every candidate that applies for a position. Certain conditions should be met in relation to the format and content of a)Application forms b)Curricula Vitae (CV’s) and c)All other relevant documentation. What is the purpose of short-listing?
After having completed the screening process and eliminated those applicants that do not meet the basic requirements, the next objective should be to identify a manageable size (pool) of applicants (a short-list) who are best suited to fill the position successfully and from whose ranks the most suitable candidate(s) is/are to be selected. It is about identifying a manageable pool of best suited candidates for a specific position, in the interest of the State, taking into account Affirmative Action and Employment Equity objectives. May short-listing be used to reduce a vast number of applications to a manageable size? As stated, the primary objective of the short-listing process is to reduce the Number of qualifying applicants to a manageable size for purposes of selecting the most suitable candidate. A further objective with short-listing is to rank candidates, and to determine a cut-off point below which candidates will not be interviewed. The criteria utilized for short-listing purposes should therefore be in sufficient detail to allow for this and should be applied consistently. Application Form Application form is also known as application blank. The technique of application blank is traditional and widely accepted for securing information from the prospective candidates. It can also be used as a device to screen the candidate at the preliminary level. Many companies formulate their own style of application forms depending upon the requirement of information based on
the size of the company, nature of business activities, type and level of job etc. they also formulate different application forms for different jobs, at different levels, so as to solicit the required information for each job. But few companies in our companies in our country do not have prescribed application forms. Psychological Testing Test is defied as a systematic procedure for sampling human behavior TESTS ARE USED IN BUSINESS FOR THREE PRIMARY PURPOSES. 1) for the selection and placement of new employees 2) for appraising employees for promotion potentials and 3) For counseling employees if properly used psychological tests can be of paramount importance for each of these purposes. Classification of Tests on the Basis Of Human Behavior
A. Aptitude or potential ability test Such tests are widely used to measure the latent ability of a candidate to learn new jobs or skills. They will enable us to know whether a candidate if selected, would be suitable for a job, which may be clerical or mechanical. These tests may take one of the following forms. a) Mental or Intelligence Test - measures and enables to know whether he or she has mental capacity to deal with new problems.
b) Mechanical Aptitude Test - measures the capacity of a person to learn a particular type of mechanical wok. This could help in knowing a person’s capability for spatial visualization, perceptual speed manual dexterity, visual motor coordination or integration, visual insights etc. c) Psychometric tests – these tests measures a persons ability to do a specific job B. Achievement test Also known as proficiency tests they measure the skill, knowledge which is acquired as a result of a training program and on the job experience they determine the admission feasibility of a candidate and measure what he/she is capable of doing. a) Tests for measuring job knowledge – this type of test may be oral or written. These tests are administered to determine proficiency in shorthand and in operating calculators adding machines dictating and transcribing machines and simple mechanical equipment. b) Work sample tests – demand the administration of the actual job as a test. A typing test provides the material to be typed and notes the time taken and mistakes committed. C. Personality tests These tests aim at measuring those basic make up or characteristics of an individual which are non-intellectual in their nature. In other words they probe deeply to discover clues to an individual’s value system, his emotional reactions and maturity and motivation interest his ability to
adjust himself to the illness of the everyday life and his capacity for interpersonal relations and self image. a) Objective tests – it measures neurotic tendencies self-sufficiency dominance
objectively. They are paper and pencil tests or personality inventors. b) Projective tests – it is a test in which a candidate is asked to project his own interpretation into certain standard stimulus situation. The way in which he/she responds to these stimuli depends on his own values, motives and personality. c) Situation tests – these tests measures an applicant’s reaction when he is placed in a peculiar situation his ability to undergo stress and his demonstration of ingenuinity under pressure. Such tests usually relate to leaderless group situations, in which some problem is posed to a group and its members are asked to reach some conclusion without the help of a leader. d) Interest tests – these tests aim at finding out the types of work in which a candidate is interested. They are inventories of the likes and dislikes of the people of some occupation hobbies and recreational activities. They are useful in vocational guidance and are assessed in the form of answers to a well prepared questionnaire. Interviews Interviews are a crucial part of the recruitment process for most organizations. Their purpose is to give the selector a chance to assess the candidate and to
demonstrate their abilities and personality. It’s also an opportunity for an employer to assess them and to make sure the organization and position are right for the candidate. An interview is an attempt to secure maximum amount of information from candidate concerning his suitability for the job under consideration. The recruitment process for most organizations follows a common theme: Applications/CVs are received, either online or by post; and candidates are short-listed and invited for interview. The interview format can vary considerably and may include an assessment centre and/or tests. The number of interviews also varies. Some companies are satisfied after one interview, whereas others will want to recall a further shortlist of candidates for more. If successful at the final interview stage, an official job offer is sent to the candidate. Interview format is determined by the nature of the organization, but there are various standard formats. Chronological Interviews -These work chronologically through the candidate’s life to date and are usually based on the CV or a completed application form. Competency-Based Interviews -These are structured to reflect the competencies that an employer is seeking for a particular job (often detailed in the recruitment information). This is the most common type of interview for graduate positions today.
Technical Interviews - If a candidate has applied for a job or course that requires technical knowledge (e.g. positions in engineering or IT) it is likely, at some stage in the selection process, that the candidate will be asked technical questions or have a separate technical interview to test his/her knowledge. Questions may focus on the final year project and his/her choice of approach to it or on real/hypothetical technical problems. It seen that the candidate proves himself/herself but also they admit to what they don’t know. Kinds of Interviews: 1. One to one interview: in this type of interview one selector interviews one candidate alone. 2. Informal interview: in this type there are discussions between the candidate and two or more interviewers. 3. Panel of interviews: in these pre planned standard questions ranging overall aspects of the job are asked. They focus directly on elements of person specification. 4. Direct planned interview: this interview is straight forward, face to face, question and answer situation intended to measure the candidate’s knowledge and background. 5. Indirect and direct interview: in this type of interview the interviewer refrains from asking direct and specific questions but creates an atmosphere in which the interviewee feels free to talk and go into any subject he considers important. The object of the interview is to determine what individual himself considers of immediate concern,
what he thinks about these problems, and how he conceives of his job and his organization. 6. Patterned interview: in this interview a series of questions which illuminates validated against the record of employees who have succeeded or failed on the job. 7. Stress interview: in this interview the interviewer deliberately creates stress to see how an applicant operates in stress situation. To induce stress, the interviewer responds to the applicant’s answers with anger, silence and criticism. This interview aims attesting the candidate’s job behavior and level of withstanding during the period of stress and strain. 8. Depth interview: in this type of interview, the candidate would be examined extensively in core areas of knowledge and skills of the job. Background Checks and Enquiries Offers of appointment are subject to references and security checks. The references given in the candidate’s application will be taken up and a security check will be conducted. Security checks can take a while if the candidate has lived abroad for any period of time. Final Selection Decision Those individuals who perform successfully on the employment tests and the interviews, and are not eliminated by development of negative information on either the background investigation or physical examination are now considered to be eligible to receive an offer of employment. Who makes that
employment offer? For administrative purposes the personnel department should make the offer. But their role should be only administrative. The actual hiring decision should be made by the manager in the department that had the position open. YIELD RATIO A yield ratio for many recruiting step reflects the number of candidates avail at a step and the step. For example, a series of newspaper ads may result in thousand applications for employment of these thousand applicants 100 are judged to meet some minimum qualifications, thus the yield ratio at this initial stages is 10% of a group of 100 candidates 50 accepted invitations to be interviewed (yield ratio is 50% at this stage) of the 50, 10 were given job offers 20% yield ratio. Assuming the labor market has not changed dramatically from when the yield ratio was derived and similar methods of the recruiting are to be used (eg. Advertising in the same papers, employment screening resource.com, using a website or head hunters). This ratio then can be used as the basis for planning future recruitment efforts by going backwards from the yield ratio; the recruiter can estimate how many applicants will be necessary In order to fill a certain number of position. The recruiter then can adjust the recruiting efforts according with more / less advertising more or fewer trips to college campuses and so forth.
The use of yield ratio is another area where there is a wide gap between what academic texts are scholarly research recommends and the extent to which such data are collected in organization to drive future recruitment planning, while almost every scholar on the subject recommends a recruitment evaluation process to assist decision makers in efficient recruitment planning very few companies actually collect these data as a part of recruitment evaluation. It specifies the objective of recruitment and provides a framework for the implementation of the recruitment programme. A recruitment policy may involve commitment to broad principles such as filling vacancies with the bestqualified individuals. It may also involve the organizational system to be developed for implementing recruitment programme and procedure to be employed. ELEMENTS OF GOOD RECRUITMENT POLICY: A good recruitment policy must contain the following elements: 1) Organizational objectives: Both short term and long term organizational objectives must be taken into consideration. Identification of recruitment needs: The recruiters should prepare profiles for each category of workers and accordingly work out the main specifications, decide the sections, departments or branches where they should be placed.
2) Preferred sources of recruitment: The sources of recruitment should be identified properly. 3) Criteria of selection and preferences: Selection and preferences should be based on conscious thought and serious deliberation. 4) Monetary aspects: The cost of recruitment and financial implications of the same have to be kept in mind also. A. BACKGROUND a. Company profile of Bharti Axa life insurance co. ltd. b. Awards and Accolades c. Board Members
FACTORS AFFECTING RECRUITMENT: a. Every organization, big or small has to engage in recruitment of persons, recruitment has two aspectsb. To find out the number of vacancies to be notified and the type of applicants needed to fill them. c. To approach the potential applicants to apply for such vacancies. d. No organization can recruit successfully consideration the following factors – 1) The Economic Factors –
without taking into
The economic conditions of a country influence the recruitment process in all organization. The globalization and liberalization of Indian economies since 1991 onwards has resulted in a boom in financial services in India. As a result of the new economic policy, the demands of well 2) The Social Factors – These also affect the recruitment policy of an organization. Social changes in the past two decades in India, have forced organization to place increased emphasis on recruitment. The mentality of modern employees has changed from just any job to a satisfying career. 3) The Technological Factors – New technologies have created new jobs and existing jobs have undergone rapid changes. Several old jobs have disappeared from the scene. 4) The Legal Factors – The different legislative policies governing child labour, night shifts, bonded labour etc. have brought legal environment to a major factor. Recruitment is the process of attracting prospective candidates who are likely to get selected. Recruitment process starts with the drafting of advertisement for the required post mentioning the name of the post, qualifications required, place of posting etc. the advertisement is released in all major and national newspaper across the country. Not only print media, but other media like
internet is also used for posting the advertisement. Placement agencies and educational institutions are considered if the requirements are for fresh graduates. Employee references by are also encouraged. After receiving the applications, it is initially screened by HR division based on minimum requirements and qualifications prescribed for the post. Screened applications from HR division are sent to respective divisional heads for their screening in case of applications for higher posts. Selection is the process of selecting right candidates from the list of prospective candidates. Selection process involves tests, interviews, group discussions, psychometric tests or a combination of these depending on the nature or sensitivity of the level and the post. For technical posts, tests are used as elimination means while for some other posts like management trainee, tests are not used as elimination means. The short listed candidates are called for the final interview. Regret letters are sent to those who are not short listed. Background checking of the short listed candidates is done to ensure that they will fit with the culture of the organization. Job offers are made to the selected candidates and they are asked to give their confirmation that they accept the job offer. On receiving their confirmation, appointment letter is prepared by personnel and administration division and given to the candidate at the time of joining. Salary offer is a part of Human resource division while personnel and administration division handles salary administration.
CHAPTER-2 Organizational Profile COMPANY PROFILE
Air India is the flag carrier airline of India owned by Air India Limited (AIL), a Government of India enterprise. It is the third largest airline in India (after IndiGo and Jet Airways) in domestic market share, and operates a fleet of Airbus and Boeingaircraft serving various domestic and international airports. It is headquartered at the Indian Airlines House in New Delhi. Air India has two major domestic hubs at Indira Gandhi International Airport and Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, and secondary hubs at Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport, Kolkata and Chennai International Airport. The airline formerly operated a hub at Frankfurt Airport which was terminated on account of high costs. However, another international hub is being planned at the Dubai International Airport. Air India was once the largest operator in the Indian subcontinent with a market share of over 60%. Indifferent financial performance and service, labor trouble pushed
like IndiGo, SpiceJet, and its full service rival Jet Airways. Between September 2007 and May 2011, Air India's domestic market share declined from 19.2% to 14%,
carriers. However, after financial restructuring and enforcement of strict rules and regulations, the airlines showed signs of turning around. In March 2013, the airlines posted its first positive EBITDA after almost 6 years. The airlines bolstered its financial and physical performance with a 44 per cent slash in its operating losses in 2013-14 and an almost 20 per cent growth in its operating revenue since the previous financial year. As of January 2014, Air India is the
third largest carrier in India, after IndiGo and Jet Airways with a market share of just above 19%. The airline was invited to be a part of the Star Alliance in 2007.[13] Air India completed the merger with Indian Airlines and some part of the agreed upgrades in its service and membership systems by 2011. In August 2011, Air India's invitation to join Star Alliance was suspended as a result of its failure to meet the minimum standards for the membership. However, in October 2011, talks between the airline and Star Alliance resumed. On 13 December 2013, Star Alliance announced that Air India and the alliance have resumed the integration process and the airline became the 27th member of Star Allianceon 11 July 2014. Corporate affairs and identity
July 1930 as Tata Airlines
Commenced operations
15 October 1932
Secondary hubs
Indira Gandhi International Airport
Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport
Focus cities
Chennai International Airport
Kempegowda International Airport
Rajiv Gandhi International Airport
Frequent-flyer program
Flying Returns
Airport lounge
Maharaja Lounge
Star Alliance
Air India Express
Air India Regional
Air India Cargo
Aryan Cargo Express
Pawan Hans
Fleet size
106 excluding subsidiaries
Company slogan
Your Palace in the Sky
Parent company
Air India Limited
Indian Airlines House Parliament Street, New Delhi Delhi, India.
Key people
J. R. D. Tata, Founder
Rohit Nandan, CEO
₹143 billion (US$2.2 billion) (FY 2013/14)
Operating income
₹192 billion (US$3.0 billion) (FY 2013/14)
Net income
₹21 billion (US$330 million) (FY 2013/14)
23,044 (July 2014)
The Air India Building, Nariman Point, Mumbai
An Air India Boeing 747-400 aircraft, used during the president's trip toMadrid as Air India One
Organisation The Air India registered office and headquarters is in the Indian Airlines House in New Delhi. Air India has three subsidiaries. Together Air India, Air India Cargo, Air India Express, and Air India Regional form the Air India Limited.
Air India Building The Air India Building is a 23-storey commercial tower on Marine Drive in Nariman Point, Mumbai, India. The building served as the corporate headquarters for the airline till 2013. The Air India Building was completed in 1974, and is owned by the airline. It occupies one of Mumbai's choicest real estate locations in Nariman Point. Located on Marine Drive, facing the Arabian Sea, the building is a landmark on Mumbai's skyline with the airline's trademark centaur icon on its top. The centrally air-conditioned building was the first in India to have an escalator, carrying customers from the street-level to the airline's main booking office. It initially had 30 companies as tenants, now it has only 2. The building was one of the targets of the 1993 Bombay bombings. A car bomb exploded in the afternoon on 12 March 1993 in the basement garage of the building. Almost 20 people were killed in the attack and the offices of the Bank of Oman just above the garage were destroyed. Security has since been significantly tightened at the building. In February 2013, Air India officially vacated the building as part of its asset-monetisation plan, and shifted
its corporate office to New Delhi. The Indian Airlines House was chosen as the airline's new headquarters. However, the airline still retains three floors in the building.
Air India One Air India One (also referred to as AI-1 or AIC001) is the call sign of any Air India aircraft carrying the Prime Minister of India, President of India or the Vice President of India. The aircraft are operated as VIP flights by Air India Pilots. Air India One mainly operates on one of the five Boeing 747-400s that Air India currently owns, to fly the VIPs overseas. Apart from that, the Embraer 135 and customized Boeing Business Jets (BBJ) are also used.
Subsidiaries Air India Cargo
Cargo Airbus A310-300F In 1954, Air India Cargo started its freighter operations with a Douglas DC-3 Dakota aircraft, giving Air India the distinction of being the first Asian airline
to operate freighters. The airline operates cargo flights to many destinations. The airline also has ground truck-transportation arrangements on select destinations. A member of IATA, Air India carries all types of cargo including dangerous goods (hazardous materials) and live animals, provided such shipments are tendered according to IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations and IATA Live Animals Regulations. At the warehouse in Mumbai, Air India has developed a system of inventory management for cargo handling of import/export functions. This takes care of the entire management of cargo, supports Electronic Data Interface (EDI) messages with Indian Customs and replaces to a great extent existing paper correspondence between Customs, airlines, and the custodians. This also replaces manual handling and binning of cargo at the warehouse in Mumbai by Air India. In 2012, as a part of the restructuring plan, the airline wound up its loss-making cargo business and sold its entire fleet of six Boeing 737-200 freighters.
Air India Regional
Air India Regional was started as a low-cost arm of Indian as Alliance Air As part of Indian's merger with Air India, it was renamed Air India Regional. It operates 357 weekly flights to 25 domestic destinations as a subsidiary of Air India. Its main hub is Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport. As Alliance Air, the airline operated a fleet of 12 Boeing 737-200 aircraft.[60] All these aircraft were phased out post the merger. Air India Regional now operates a mixed fleet of ATR 42-300,ATR 72-600 and Bombardier CRJ700aircraft.[61] Air India Express Air India Express is the airline's low-cost subsidiary headquartered in Mumbai, operating mainly from Indian state of Kerala. It operates services mainly to the Middle East and Southeast Asia. The airline belongs to Air India Charters Limited, a whole owned subsidiary of Air India Limited. Today Air India Express operates nearly 100 flights per week, mainly from southern states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala in India. Air India Express operates flights from airports
in Kerala, Punjab and Mangalore to Kuwait, Dubai, Abu
Dhabi, Al
Ain, Muscat and Salalah in the Middle East and Singapore in the east. The airline was established in May 2004, after a long demand from Malayalee expatriate communities living in Middle East. Air India Charters Limited Air India Charters Limited (AICL) is another Public Sector Undertaking of the Government of India. Headquartered in Mumbai, India, this subsidiary of Air
India operates low cost carrier Air India Express from India to the Gulf and Southeast Asia. AICL operates flights from airports in Kerala, Punjab and Mangalore to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, Muscatand Salalah in the Middle East and Singapore in the east. AICL has charters flying throughout India. It works with other charter companies including Vibha Lifesavers for air ambulance and Hi Flying aviation for its general charters in India.
Air India Air Transport Services Air India Air Transport Services Limited (AIATSL) is a Public Sector Undertaking of the Government of India. AIATSL is a subsidiary of Air India and is headquartered in Mumbai, India. The company provides ground handling services (cargo, passenger, baggage) at various airports in India. The Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the company was Captain Gustav Baldauf. Captain Gustav Baldauf resigned as COO of AIATSL during February 2011 citing his remarks against the government of India. The Company has authorised Share Capital of Rs. 5 billion divided into 425,636,820 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- and 7,436,318 Redeemable Prefrerence Shares of Rs. 100/each and present paid-up capital comprises 153,836,427 fully paid equity shares of Rs. 10/- each amounting to Rs. 1538.4 million.
Aircraft operated by Air India (2000–present)
Total Operate d
Introduce d
Airbus A319-100
Airbus A321-200
Airbus A330-200
Boeing 737-200
Boeing 757-200
Boeing 767-300
Boeing 777-200
Boeing 777-200ER
Boeing 777-200LR
3 (5 sold)
Boeing 777-300ER
Boeing 787-8
New aircraft orders On 11 January 2006, Air India announced an order for 68 jets – 8 Boeing 777200LR Worldliners, 15 Boeing 777-300ER,18 Boeing 737-800 and 27 Boeing
787-8 Dreamliners. The 18 737s ordered were later transferred to Air India Express. Air India has taken the delivery of 20 Boeing 787-8 Dreamliners so far. All remaining dreamliners are expected to be delivered by 2016.
Fleet restructuring As a part of the financial restructuring, Air India sold five of its eight Boeing 777-200LR to Etihad Airways in December 2013. According to the airline, plans
to Seattle, San
Francisco and Los Angeles were canceled due to factors like high fuel prices and weak demand. In April 2014, the airline decided to sell its remaining three Boeing 777-200LR as well, citing higher operating costs. On 24 April 2014, Air India issued a tender for leasing 14 Airbus A320 aircraft for up to six years, to strengthen its domestic network.
Chapter-3 Recruitment and Selection Process in Air India RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION IN AIR INDIA MARKETING DETAILS Marketing generally refers as the task of creating, promoting and delivering goods and services to consumers and business. Marketing managers seeks to influence the Level of timing and composition of demand to meet the organization’s objectives .Marketing people are involved in 10types of entities: goods, services, experiences, Events, persons, places, properties, organization, information and ideas. The Marketing concept rests on four pillars: target market, customer needs, integrated Marketing and profitability. “Marketing is defined as a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering and freely exchanging products and services of value with others. The basic four P’s of marketing are PRODUCT, PRICE, PLACE and PROMOTION.
The last few years have seen an increased attention to mutual funds across all genres of investors’ big or small, individuals or corporate FINANCIAL DETAILS IMPORTANCE OF FINANCE Finance is regarded as the life blood of a business enterprise. This is because in the Modern money oriented economy. Finance is the one of the basic foundation of all Kind of electronic activity. It is the master key which provides access to the entire Source for being employed in manufacturing and merchandizing activities. It has rightly been said the business needs money to make more money. However it is also true that money begets more money, only when it is properly managed. Hence, efficient management of every business enterprise is closely linked with efficient Management of its finance. MEANING OF BUSINESS FINANCE In general finance may be defined as the provision of money at the time it is wanted. However, as a management function it has a special meaning. Finance function may Be defined as the procurement of funds and their effective utilization. Some of the Authoritative definitions are as follows: “Business finance is that business activity which is concerned with the acquisition and Conservation of capital funds in meeting financial needs and overall objectives of far Business enterprise.”
“Business finance can broadly be defined as the activity concerned with planning rising, controlling and administrating of the funds used in the business.” RECRUITMENT: Recruitment is concerned with developing suitable techniques for attracting more and more candidates. The aim of personnel planning is to determine the needs for persons both in terms of number and type. For deciding about the number both present and future requirements should be taken into account. If there are expansion plans in near future then these requirements should also be considered. Besides number, the type of persons needed is also important. The educational and technical requirements to manage various jobs should e properly analyzed so that right type of persons is employed. Recruitment is sometimes confused with employment. The two are not one and the same. Recruitment is just one step in the process of employment. Recruitment is a linkage activity bringing together those with jobs and those seeking jobs. When more persons apply for jobs then there will be scope for recruiting better persons. DEFINITION: “Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization.” PROCESS OF RECRUITMENT –
It passes through the following stages: 1) Recruitment process begins when personnel department receives requisition for recruitment from any department of the company. 2) Locating and developing the sources of required number and type of employees. 3) Identifying the prospective employees with required characteristics. 4) Developing the techniques to attract the desired candidates. 5) The next stage in the process is to stimulate as many candidates as possible. 6) Evaluating the effectiveness of recruitment process.
SOURCES OF RECRUITMENT – Before an organization actively begins to recruit applicants it should consider the mostly likely source of the type of employee it needs. Some companies try
to develop new sources while most try to tackle the existing sources they have. These sources accordingly may be termed as internal and external. Internal Sources – This is one of the important sources of recruitment. The employees already working in the organization may be more suitable for higher jobs than those recruited outside. Internal sources consist of the following: 1) Present Employees: Promotions and transfers among the present employees can be a good source of internal recruitment. 2) Employee Referrals: In an organization with a large number of employees referrals can provide quite a large pool of potential organizational members. 3) Former Employee: These are another internal source of recruitment. Some retired employees may be willing to come back to work.
4) Previous Employees: Those who have previously applied for jobs can be contacted by mail. External Sources: These are as follows –
1. Advertisement 2. Professional Organization 3. Data Bank 4. Walk in 5. Recruiting Agencies 6. Competitors 7. Displaced Persons 8. E-recruitment 9. Cold calling RECRUITMENT PROCESS COMPANY ADOPTS– 1) Internal sources 2) Advertisement 3) Consultants 4) Data bank
SELECTION IN AIR INDIA UNDERSTANDING SELECTION PROCESS Recruitment function helps the organization to develop a pool of prospective human resources. It is difficult for the HR manager to employ the suitable people out of the pool. Infact, many organizations face critical problems in choosing the people. Selection techniques and methods reduce the complexities in choosing the right candidates for the job. After identifying the sources of
human resources, searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in an organization, the management has to perform the function of selecting the right employees at the right time. The obvious guiding policy in selection is the intention to choose the best people who have good social contact. The objective of the selection decision is to choose the individual who can most successfully perform the job from the pool of qualified candidates. The selection procedure is the system of functions and devices adopted in a given company to ascertain whether the candidate specifications are matched with the job specifications and requirements or not. The selection process can be successful if the following requirements are satisfied: Someone should have the authority to select. This authority comes from the employment requisition, as developed by an analysis to the workload and work force. There must be some standard of personnel with which a prospective employee may be compared, i.e. a comprehensive job description and job specification should be available before hand. There must be a sufficient number of applicants from whom the required number of employees may be selected. The ability of an organization to attain its goal effectively and to develop in a dynamic environment largely depends upon the effectiveness of its selection
programme. If the right person is selected, he is valuable asset to the organization
SELECTION PROCEDURE: Selection procedure employs several methods of collecting information about the candidates qualifications, experience, physical and mental ability, nature and behavior, knowledge and aptitude for judging whether a given applicant is suitable or not for the job. Therefore the selection procedure is not a single act but is essentially a series of methods or stages by which different types of information can be secured through various selection techniques. At each step facts may come to light, which are useful for comparison with the job requirement and employee specifications.
Steps in Scientific Selection Procedure: Job analysis Recruitment Application form Written examination Preliminary interview Tests Medical examination
Reference checks Line manager s decision IN DETAIL EXPLANATION: (A) JOB ANALYSIS: Job analysis is the basis for selecting the right candidates. Every organization should finalize the job analysis, job description, job specification and employee specifications before proceeding to the next step of selection. (B) HUMAN RESOURCE PLAN: Every company plans for the required number of and kind of employees for a future date. This is the basis for recruitment function.
(c) RECRUITMENT Recruitment refers to the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in an organization. It is the basis for the remaining technologies of the screening the candidates in order to select the appropriate candidates for the jobs (D) DEVELOPMENT OF BASES FOR SELECTION: The company has to select the appropriate candidates from the pool of applicants. The company develops or borrows the appropriate bases/techniques
for screening the candidates in order to select the appropriate candidates for the jobs. (E) APPLICATION FORM: Application form is also known as application blank. The techniques of application blank are traditional and widely accepted for securing information from the prospective candidates. It can also be used as a device to screen the candidates at the preliminary level. Many companies formulate their own style of application forms depending upon the requirement of information based on the size of the company, nature of business activities, type and level of the job etc. Information is generally required on the following items in the application forms: Personal background information Educational qualifications Work experience Salary (drawing and expecting) Personal attainments including likes and dislikes References (F) WRITTEN EXAMINATION: Organizations have to conduct written examination for the qualified candidates after they are screened on the basis of the application blanks so as to measure the candidate s ability in arithmetical calculations, to know the candidate s
attitude towards the job, to measure the candidate s aptitude, reasoning, knowledge in various disciplines, general knowledge and English language. (G) PRELIMINARY INTERVIEW: The preliminary interview is to solicit necessary information from the prospective applications and to assess the applicant s suitability to the job. An assistant in the personnel department may conduct this preliminary interview. The information thus provided by the candidate may be related to the job or personal specifications regarding education, experience, salary expectations, attitude towards job, age, physical appearance and other requirements etc. Thus, preliminary interview is useful as a process of eliminating the undesirable and unsuitable candidates. If a candidate satisfies the job requirements regarding most of the areas, he may be selected for further process. Preliminary interviews are short and known as stand up interviews or sizing up of the applicants or screening interviews. However, certain required amount of care is to be taken to ensure that the desirable workers are not eliminated. This interview is also useful to provide the basic information about the company to the candidate. (H) BUSINESS GAMES: Business games are widely used as a selection technique for selecting management trainees, executive trainees and managerial personnel at junior, middle and top management positions. Business games help to evaluate the applicants in the areas of decision-making, identifying the potentialities,
handling the situations, problem- solving skills, human relations skills etc. participants are placed in a hypothetical work situation and are required to play the role situations in the game. The hypothesis is that the most successful candidate in the game will be most successful one on the job. GROUP DISCUSSION is used in order to secure further information regarding the suitability of the candidate for the job. Group discussion is a method where groups of the successful applicants are brought around a conference table and are asked to discuss either a case study or subject matter. The candidates in the group are required to analyze, discuss, find alternative solutions and select the sound solution. A selection panel then observes the candidates in the areas of initiating the discussion, explaining the problem, soliciting unrevealing information based on the given information and using common sense, keenly observing the discussion of others, clarifying controversial issues, influencing others, speaking effectively, concealing and mediating arguments among the participants and summarizing or concluding aptly. The selection panel, based on its observation, judges the candidate s skill and ability and ranks them according to their merit. In some cases, the selection panel may also ask the candidates to write the summary of the group discussion in order to know the candidate s writing ability as well.
Chapter-4 Recruitment and Selection of Air IndiaRecruitment and Selection Types of Test: Tests are classified into six classes; each class is again divided into different types of tests. They are: APTITUDE TESTS: These tests measure whether an individual has the capacity or latent ability to learn a given job if given adequate training. Aptitudes can be divided into general and mental ability or intelligence and specific aptitudes such as mechanical, clerical, manipulative capacity etc. General aptitude test is of two types namely intelligence quotient (IQ) and emotional quotient (EQ). (1) Skill tests:
These tests measure the candidate s ability to do a job perfectly and intelligently. These tests are useful to select the candidates to perform artistic jobs, product design, design of tools, machinery etc. The candidates can be selected for assembly work, testing and inspection also. (2) Mechanical aptitude tests: These tests measure the capabilities of spatial visualization, perceptual speed and knowledge of mechanical matter. These tests are useful for selecting apprentices, skilled, mechanical employees, technicians etc. (3) Psychomotor tests: These tests measure abilities like manual dexterity, motor ability and eye hand coordination of candidates. These tests are useful to select semi-skilled workers and workers for repetitive operations like packing and watch assembly. (4) Clerical aptitude tests: These types of tests measure specific capacities involved in office work. Items of these tests include spelling, computation, comprehension, copying, word measuring etc. ACHIEVEMENT TESTS: These tests are conducted when applicants claim to know something as these tests are concerned with what one has accomplished. These tests are more useful to measure the value of a specific achievement when an organization wishes to employ experienced candidates. These tests are classified into (a) job
knowledge test and (b) work sample test. Thus, the candidate s achievement in his career is tested regarding his knowledge about the job and actual work experience. SITUATIONAL TESTS: This test evaluates a candidates in a similar real life situation. In this test the candidate is asked either to cope with the situation or solve critical situations of the job.
(1) Group discussion: This test is administered through the group discussion approach to solve a problem under which candidates are observed in the areas of initiating, leading, proposing valuable ideas, conciliating skills, oral communicating skills, coordinating and concluding skills. (2) In basket: Situational test is administered through in basket method. The candidate in this test is supplied with actual letters, telephone and telegraphic message, reports and requirements by various officers of the organization, adequate information about the job and organization. The candidate is asked to take decisions on various items based on the in basket information regarding requirements in the memoranda. INTEREST TESTS:
These tests are inventories of the likes and dislikes of candidates in relation to work, job, occupations, hobbies and recreational activities. The purpose of this test is to find out whether a candidate is interested or disinterested in the job for which he is a candidate and to find out in which area of the job range/occupation the candidate is interested. The assumption of this test is that there is a high correlation between the interest of a candidate in a job and job success. Interest inventories are less faked and they may not fluctuate after the age of 30. PERSONALITY TESTS: These tests prove deeply to discover clues to an individual s value system, his emotional reactions and maturity and characteristic mood. They are expressed in such traits like self-confidence, tact, distrust, initiative, emotional control, optimism, decisiveness, sociability, conformity, objectivity, patience, fear, judgment dominance or submission, impulsiveness, sympathy, integrity, stability and self-confidence. (1) Objective tests: Most personality tests are objective tests as they are suitable for group testing and can be scored objectively. (2) Projective tests: Candidates are asked to project their own interpretation of certain standard stimulus basing on ambiguous pictures, figures etc. under these tests.
Personality tests have disadvantages in the sense that sophisticated candidates can fake them and most candidates give socially acceptable answers. Further, personality inventories may not successfully predict job success. A number of corrective measures tried as personality inventories are widely subject to faking. They are: Forced choice of Edward s personnel preference schedule. Gordon personal profile. The Minnesota Multi-phasic Inventory offers different methods for identifying faking. The faking can be countered by repeating the same question in different parts to measure consistency. MULTI-DIMENSIONAL TESTING: However, the need for multi-skills is being felt be most of the companies consequent upon globalization, competitiveness and the consequent customercentered strategies. Organization have to develop multidimensional testing in order to find out whether the candidates possess a variety of skills or not, candidate s ability to integrate the multi-skills and potentiality to apply them based on situational and functional requirement.
(J) INTERVIEW: Final interview follows after tests. This is the most essential step in the process of selection. In this step the interviewer matches the information obtained about the candidate through various means to the job requirements and to the information obtained through his own observation during the interview. The different types of interviews are: PRELIMINARY INTERVIEW: (1) Informal interview: This is the interview, which can be conducted at any place by the person to secure the basic and non-job related information. The interaction between the candidate and the personnel manager when the former meets the latter to
enquire about the vacancies or additional particulars in connection with the employment advertisement is an example of the informal interview. (2) Unstructured interview: In this interview, the candidate is given the freedom to tell about himself by revealing his knowledge on various items/areas, his background, expectations, interest etc. Similarly, the interviewer also provides information on various items required by the candidate. CORE INTERVIEW: It is normally the interaction between the candidates and the line executive or experts on various areas of job knowledge, skill, talent etc. This interview may take various forms like:
(1) Back ground information interview: This interview is intended to collect the information which is not available in the application blank and to check that information provided in the application blank regarding education, place of domicile, family, health, interest, hobbies, likes, dislikes and extra curricular activities of the applicant. (2) Job and probing interview:
This interview aims at testing the candidate s job knowledge about duties, activities, methods of doing the job, critical/problematic areas, methods of handling those areas etc. (3) Stress interview: This interview aims at testing the candidate s job behavior and level of understanding during the period of stress and strain. The interviewer tests candidate by putting him under stress andstrain by interrupting the applicant from answering, criticizing his opinions, asking questions pertaining to unrelated areas, keeping silent for unduly long periods after he has finished speaking etc. Stress during the middle portion of the interview gives effective results. Stress interview must be handled with utmost care and skills. This type of interview is often invalid, as the interviewer s need for a job and his previous experience in such type of interviews may inhibit his actual behavior under such situations.
(4) Group discussion interview: There are 2 methods of conducting group discussion interviews, viz. group interview method and discussion interview method. All the candidates are brought into one room and are interviewed one by one under group interview. This method helps a busy executive to save valuable time and gives a fair account of the objectivity of the interview to the candidates. Under the
discussion interview method, one topic is given for discussion to the candidates who assemble in one room and they are asked to discuss the topic in detail. This type of interview helps the interviewer in appraising certain skills of the candidates like initiative, inter-personal skills, dynamism, presentation, leading, comprehension, collaboration etc. Interviewers are at ease in this category of interview because of its informality and flexibility. (5) Formal and structured interview: In this type of interview, all the formalities, procedures like fixing the value, time, panel of interviewers, opening and closing, intimating the candidates officially etc. are strictly followed in arranging and conducting interview. The course of the interview is preplanned and structured, in advance, depending on job requirements. (6) Panel interview: A panel of experts interviews each candidate, judges his performance individually and prepares consolidated judgements. This type of interview is known as panel interview. Interviewers for middle level and senior level mangers are normally conducted are the panel of experts. (7) Depth interview: In this interview, the candidate would be examined extensively in core areas of job skills and knowledge. Experts test the candidate s knowledge in depth. Depth interviews are conducted for specialist jobs.
DECISION-MAKING INTERVIEW: After the experts including the line managers of the organization in the core areas of the job examine the candidates, the head of the department/section concerned interviews the candidates once again, mostly through informal discussion. The interviewer examines the interest of the candidate in the job, organization, reaction/adaptability to the working conditions, career planning, promotional opportunities, work adjustment and allotment etc. The personnel manger also interviews the candidates with a view to find out his reaction/acceptance regarding salary, allowances, benefits, promotions, opportunities etc. The head of the department and the personnel manager exchange the view and then they jointly inform their decision to the chairman of the interview board, which finally makes the decision about the candidate s performance and their ranks in the interview. Most of the organizations have realized that employee s positive attitude matters much rather than employee s skill and knowledge. Employees with positive attitude contribute much to the organization. Hence, interviewers look for the candidates with the right attitude while making final decision . (K) MEDICAL EXAMINATION: Certain jobs require certain physical qualities like clear vision, perfect hearing unusual stamina, tolerance of hardworking conditions, clear tone etc. Medical examination reveals whether or not a candidate possesses these qualities. Medical examination can give the following information:
Whether the applicant is medically suited for the specific job Whether the applicant has health problems or psychological attitudes likely to interfere with work efficiency or future attendance. The offer. Whether the applicant suffers from bad health which should be corrected before he can work satisfactorily It reveals the applicant s physical measurements and It is used to check the special senses of the candidates. (L) REFERENCE CHECKS: After completion of the final interview and medical examination, the personnel department will engage in checking references. Candidates are required to give the names of references in their application forms. These references may be from the individuals who are familiar with the candidate’s academic achievement or form the applicant s previous employer, who is well versed with the applicant s job performance, and sometimes from coworkers. Incase the reference check is from the previous employer; information for the following areas may be obtained. They are job title, job description, and period of employment, pay and allowances, gross emoluments, benefits provided, rate of absence, willingness of the previous employer to employ the candidate again and soon. Further, information regarding candidate s regularity at work, character, progress etc. can be obtained.
Often a telephone call is much quicker. The method of mail provides detailed information about the candidate s performance, character and behavior. However, a personal visit is superior to the mail and telephone methods and is used where it is highly essential to get the detailed, actual information, which can also be secured by observation. Reference checks are taken as a matter of routine and treated casually or omitted entirely in many organizations. But a good reference check used sincerely will fetch useful and reliable information to the organization. (M) FINAL DECISION BY THE LINE MANAGER: The line manager concerned has to make the final decision whether to select or reject a candidate after soliciting the required information through techniques discussed earlier. The line manager has to take much care in taking the final decision not only because of economic implications but also because of behavioral and social implications. A careless decision of rejecting would impair the morale of the people and they would suspect the selection procedure and the basis of selection of this organization. A true understanding between line managers and personnel managers should be established to take proper decisions. (N) JOB OFFER: Thus, after taking the final decision, the organization has to intimate this decision to the successful as well as unsuccessful candidates. The organization offers the job to the successful candidates either immediately or after some
time depending upon its time schedule. The candidate after receiving job offer communicates his acceptance to the offer or requests the company to modify the terms and conditions of employment or rejects the offer. (O) EMPLOYMENT: The company may modify the terms and conditions of employment as requested by the candidate. The company employs those candidates who accept the job offer with or with out modification of terms and conditions of employment and place them on the job. With the employment of the candidate the recruitment and selection process is completed.
CHAPTER-5 Research Methodology
METHODOLOGY Generally two types are data are used for any research, which is very important for the research; these can be discussed as – 1. Primary Data 2. Secondary Data Primary Data – Primary data are the data which are original in character, obtained for the first time, being collected from the respondents, either through questionnaire or through personal interviews. This can be collected by various methods like •
Personal interview
Telephonic interview
But my chosen way of collecting data was through Personal Interview and Questionnaires. Secondary data – Secondary data is the data, which has been collected by someone else for some other purpose and is used by the researcher in his research for study various sources of secondary data are Catalogues, Brochures, Magazines and Websites, Television etc. In this project I made use secondary data for gaining more and more about the company, its products and various benefits an advisor will be getting. For acquiring this knowledge I have studied secondary sources like company websites, brochures, paper presentations etc. Analysis of data / Statistical data After the data is collected the researcher has to analyze the collected data, the researcher has to classify the data into purposeful and usable category. The analysis can be done by means of various statistical measures. For representation of the data use of bar charts, Pie Chart is made. Interpretation of data After data analysis is done, the obtained information is interpreted and various inferences are made and also conclusions are drawn related to the objectives, which have been listed, in the beginning of project.
Sample Size: 100 Sample Area
New Delhi
Sampling Method
Random Sampling
Sample Unit
Employees of Air India
Research Problems: “ Recruitment and Selection process in Air India
OBJECITIVES OF STUDY To study the recruitment and selection procedure followed in Air India To study the various sources of recruitment followed in Air India To learn what is the process of recruitment and selection that should be followed. To analyze the influencing factors which are affecting the recruitment and selection process
Chapter-6 Data analysis and interpretationDATA ANLAYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Q1. Since how many years have you been working with this organization? a. 0-5 Years b. 5-10 Years c. 10 to 15 Years d. More than 15 Years
0-5 years
5-10 years
10 to 15 years
More than 15 years
15% 30% 20%
In above graph shows that 30% respondents work with this organization from 5 years, 35% respondents working in this organization is 5-10 years, 20% respondents working with this organization from 10-15 years and remaining 15% respondents working with this organization from more than 15 years. Q2. Does the organization clearly define the position objectives, requirements and candidate specifications in the recruitment process? a. Yes b. No
40% 60%
Interpretation: In above graph shows that 60% respondents assume it and remaining 40% respondents denied it.
Q3. How well are the organization’s affirmative action needs clarified and supported in the selection process? a. Poor b. Adequate c. Excellent
Interpretation: In above graph shows that 20% respondents are poor, 50% respondents are adequate and remaining 30% respondents are excellent with the organization’s affirmative action needs clarified and supported in the selection process.
Q4. Is the organization doing timeliness recruitment and Selection process? a. Yes b. No
Interpretation: In above graph shows that 70% respondents think that organization doing timeliness recruitment and selection process and remaining 30% not think about it.
Q5. Does HR provide an adequate pool of quality applicants? a. Yes b. No
Interpretation: In above graph shows that 65% respondents say that HR provide an adequate pool of quality applicants and remaining 35% respondents denied it.
Q6. Rate the effectiveness of the interviewing process and other selection instruments, such as testing? a. Poor b. Adequate c. Excellent
Interpretation: In above graph shows that 30% respondents think it is poor, 45% respondents think it is adequate and remaining 25% respondents think excellent.
Q7. Does the HR team act as a consultant to enhance the quality of the applicant pre-screening process? a. Yes b. No
Interpretation: In above graph shows that 80% respondents agree with this and remaining 20% respondents not agree with this.
Q8. Does HR train hiring employees to make the best hiring decisions? a. Yes b. No
Interpretation: In above graph shows that 70% respondents think HR train hiring employees to make the best hiring decisions and remaining 30% respondents not accept it.
Q9. Rate how well HR finds good candidates from non-traditional sources when Necessary? a. Poor b. Adequate c. Excellent
Interpretation: In above graph shows that 25% respondents think that is poor, 55% respondents think it adequate and remaining 20% think excellent.
Q10. How would you rate the HR department’s performance in recruitment and selection? a. Poor b. Adequate c. Excellent
Interpretation: In above graph shows that 15% respondents think that is poor, 65% respondents think it adequate and remaining 20% think excellent that HR department’s performance in recruitment and selection.
Q11. Does the HR Department is efficient in Selection Policy of the employees? a. Yes b. No
Interpretation: In above graph shows that 70% respondents think that is HR department is efficient in Selection Policy of the employees and remaining 30% respondents denied with this.
Q12. Does the HR maintain an adequate pool of quality “protected class” applicants? a. Yes b. No
Interpretation: In above graph shows that 80% respondents think that HR maintains an adequate pool of quality ’protected class’ applicants and remaining 20% respondent not agree with this.
FINDINGS Mostly respondents
says that the positive position require for the
recruitment for the candidate in company About 50% respondents agree with adequate
action need for the
recruitment and selection process of employees Near about 70% respondents says yes the company adopt timeliness recruitment and Selection process Mostly respondents agree that HR provide an adequate pool of quality applicants
Mostly respondents are agree with effectiveness of the interviewing process and other selection instruments, such as testing Large number of employees are says that HR team act as a consultant to enhance the quality of the applicant pre-screening process Approximately 70% respondents are says that HR train hiring employees to make the best hiring decisions Mostly respondents are says that HR finds good candidates from nontraditional sources Adequate performance HR department’s e in recruitment and selection Maximum respondents says that yes HR Department is efficient in Selection Policy of the employees
Conclusion and Suggestions SUGGESTIONS 1. There should be some rewards for the performance of employees. 2. Computer training should be provided to employees. 3. The opportunities for developing the carrier should be provided to the employees.
4. Manpower requirement for each department in the company is identified well in advance. 5. If the manpower requirement is high and the recruitment team of the HR department alone cannot satisfy it, then help from the placement agencies is needed. 6. Time management is very essential and it should not be ignored at any level of the process. 7. The recruitment and selection through placement agencies as the last resort and is utilized only when need. 8. The recruitment and selection procedure should not to lengthy and time consuming. 9. The candidates called for interview should be allotted timings and it should not overlap with each other.
Air India is using the portal of his own for looking the perspectives employees. References are also taken into consideration. A search is made for the required candidate on the parameter like, what is the qualification he possess and for a sales persons his certificates are not that important as compared to the experience. As the person with good work experience can do marketing in a much- much better way than the person who possess number of certificate in the same field.
So for the profile of marketing work experience counts more than certificates in the recruitment process of Air India. For the other profile like Office-Assistance, Coordinator, HR Executive, and for Admin Deptt. qualification certificate as well as personality and communication skill plays a vital role in the selection of an applicants. Data of perspectives employees from naukri.com and timesjob.com are taken and the criteria for the selection of candidate from the website is not only their educational background but their work experience and cost to company is also given equal weightage. In selecting the candidate and these selected candidates are given calls and are called for interview rounds by giving them the complete detail of their profile so that no confusion remain in their mind regarding, the company profile as the company is on the growing stage and people are not very much aware of the company. So they need to know about the company profile and then the job profile. After getting satisfactory answers and by getting convinced by the answers, the applicants sometimes start negotiating for Salary Package and the probable answer for the question is that they will get a hike of around 30% in their present package. If still not convinced then they are called for interview and asked to negotiate for salary with the HR head after the interview round. LIMITATIONS In spite of honest and sincere effort there are some bounds to be certain discrepancies and inconsistence in the treatment of the matter. Again there are
several limitations, both statistical and non statistical within the project some of them are. Lack of references Time constraint Weather Busy schedule of the city
Bibliography BOOKS CONSULTED: Kothari, C.R. “Research Methodology”, (2006), Wishwa Publication Robins -Organizational Behaviour by Prentices Hall of India. C.B.Gupta -Human Resources Management by Sultan & Sans. Mirza and saiyadain – Personnel Management By Prentice Hall of India Personnel Management -Mirza and Saiyadain Monappa -Industrial Relations C. R. Kothari Research Technology By Wishwa Prakaction Human Resource Management, S.S. Sasikala
Article and Journals Young, Kathryn M. (2014-06-25). "Air India to join Star Alliance July 11 | Finance & Data content from". ATWOnline. Retrieved 2014-08-06. "Fleet Details". Airindia.com. 2014-04-17. Retrieved2014-06-04. Anindya Upadhyay; ET Bureau (15 February 2013). "Air India vacates Nariman Point; moves headquarters to Delhi". The Economic Times. Retrieved 16 February 2013. "Significant
parameters". india.com. 3 April 2014. Retrieved 4 April 2014.
Websites: www.wikipedia.com www.airindia.com www.irda.com
ANNEXUREQUESTIONNAIRE Dear Sir/Madam, I would appreciate if you can take some time off to complete the following questionnaire. Please be assured that your privacy is fully respected all the information is used for academic H.R. Practices only. Name……………………………………………………… Status in the company……………………………………… Q1. Since how many years have you been working with this organization? a. 0-5 Years b. 5-10 Years c. 10 to 15 Years d. More than 15 Years Q2. Does the organization clearly define the position objectives, requirements and candidate specifications in the recruitment process ? a. Yes b. No Q3. How well are the organization’s affirmative action needs clarified and supported in the selection process? a. Poor b. Adequate c. Excellent Q4. Is the organization doing timeliness recruitment and Selection process? a. Yes b. No
Q5. Does HR provides an adequate pool of quality applicants? a. Yes b. No Q6. Rate the effectiveness of the interviewing process and other selection instruments, such as testing? a. Poor b. Adequate c. Excellent Q7. Does the HR team act as a consultant to enhance the quality of the applicant prescreening process? a. Yes b. No Q8. Does HR train hiring employees to make the best hiring decisions? a. Yes b. No Q9. Rate how well HR finds good candidates from non-traditional sources when Necessary? a. Poor b. Adequate c. Excellent Q10. How would you rate the HR department’s performance in recruitment and selection? a. Poor b. Adequate c. Excellent Q11. Does the HR Department is efficient in Selection Policy of the employees ? a. Yes b. No
Q12. Does the HR maintains an adequate pool of quality “protected class” applicants? a. Yes b. No
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