Fairyland 3 Teacher Book.pdf

May 6, 2017 | Author: AndreeaStanciu | Category: N/A
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JennyDootey- VirginiaEvans

Teeeher's ResourcePaek

Publishing Express

To the Teocher


Foirylond3 Teocher'sResource Pockincludesphotocopiobleoctivities,templotes ond testsfor you to usewilh Foirylond3,ltsoim isto: o give teochersodditionolmoteriolthot revisesond extendsthe work in the Pupil'sBook. . give pupilsthe opportunityfor extrolonguogeproctice! Pupilsof thislevelneed o lot of longuogeinput.Controlledskills workisimportont to develop their reoding,writing,listeningond speoking,At the some time, it is olso essentiolthot they ore given opportunitiesto get octively involved in longuogeleorningond usetheirEnglish in meoningfulond personolised contexts. Foirylond3 Teocher'sResourcePockisdivided into the followingsections: I Reinforcemenfond ErtensionActivities;Theseoctivitiesore in the form of projectswhichpupilscon do on theirown or in groups.Thepupilscon then file theirprojectsin theirJuniorLonguogePortfolios, 2 Holidoy Activities;Theseoctivitiesore designed for Christmos,Eosterond Cornivolholidoysond the teocherscon usesome or oll of them beforethe corresponding celebrotions, 3 Templotes for the croftworkoctivitiesin the Pupils'Book. 4 PictureWord Cordsfor the proctice of the Englisholphobet in FoirytondA Booklet. 5 Progress lesfs;Thereisone testfor eoch unit, 5 Modulelesfs;Thereore sixtestsin two versions, one for eoch moduleos well os on end-of-yeorExitTest.TheExifIesfcon olsobe usedos o plocementtestfor the nextlevel,


CONTENTS I Reinforcementond ExtensionActivities 2 lkclidoy AetMfies 3 Ternplotes I PicfureWord Cords 5 ProgressTests I ModuleTests I ProgresTests& ModuleTestsKey

p.4 p. 32 p. 42 p, 55 p. 6l p. 85 p. 130

Reinforcement & ExtensionAclivities Module I : FeiqrlenilPossport

Nome: Age: Fqvoufifecoloul:

My friendis: My teocheris:


Pupils drow or sticko pictureof themselves ond fillin theirpersonolinformotcExploin to themthot thisistheirpossport to Foirylond!


Reinforcement Acfivities & Extension Module l: eoloursAll AroundMe!


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f ErpressPublishing ITHoTocoPTABLEI

]..rpilsmoke o booklet obout colours,Theycon devote eoch poge to o different 33iour,e.g, red: o tomoto, o rose,o fire engine,etc, Pupilsdrow itemsond colour -€m ond, if you wish,writethe wordsunderneoth,Helpthem with ony new words. 3e sureto collect theirbookletsond disploythem somewherein the clossroom, 5

Activities Reinforcement & Extension Module l, Db Mn$iofhee! Thisis o teocher-guidedlisteningexercise.The pupilsfollow your instructitcrx moketheirown mogic tree,Explointo pupilsthot they shoulddrow the othe"rer of the tree,then beginyourinstructions: o colourthe trunkbrown r drow ond coloursomethingyou wouldliketo growon the tree o colourthe tree green or modelzurtcrre Askpupilsto toke turnspresentingtheirtree to the closs.'Elicit e.g.: sentences, Ih,s,smy tree, lt'sgreen, Thereore (opples)on the tree, The(opples)are r& g= Whenthe pupilshove presentedtheirtrees,they con cut them out ond stickhF togetheron o lorgepiece of cord withthe title 'OurMogic Forest'.Mokesure..3disploythissomewhereprominentin the clossroom,


Activities & Extension Reinforcement

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Reinforcement & Extension Activities Module 2rlbnog




Pupilsdesigntheirown personolflog usingpictures,coloursond words.Theycon includeonythingobout themselves, e,g. neme,fovouritecolour,fomilymembers hobbies,fovourifefood, etc. Askpupilsto presenttheirflog to the closs. e.g, Thisismy flog. lt's yellow. Look!My mum, my dog, etc. 8

Activities Reinforcement & Extension Module2:PeopleAll AroundMe!

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-;;*;"-;;,il-ffi fupils moke o booklet obout the people in their lives.Eoch poge should be Cevoted to o different person, e.g, o fomily member, o friend, o teocher, o wticemon, a firemon,o postmon, etc, Ask pupilsto drow or stick picturesond ,wite shortsentencesobout eoch persone,g, Thisis our posfmon,Hisnome is Mr =-Cwords. Helpthe pupilswith ony new wordsor spellingof nomes, 9

Reinforcement Activities & Extension htule

2: My FavouriteTqr

This is my fovouritetoy!




3-cls 3'3,v or sticko picture of their fovouritetoy, ond write o shortdescription, a.ja' I i^ whot colour lf ls,etc, Provideyour own picture ond write o short = 55 i J4 ,, tJ, , 3:l.E3oa on the boord for them to useos o model,


Reinforcemenf & ExlensionAcfivities fbdje

3: HomeSweetHome

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trr,is -cke o booklet obout their house,Tellthem to devote o poge to eoch :,:r -hey con drow or stick pictures,write o list of things in the room - or ::f-c'^e both opproocheson one poge, lf they wish,they con sticko pictureof *P---
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