Facts to Know for NDBE 2013

December 24, 2016 | Author: Mr. Orange | Category: N/A
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Facts to know for NDBE -

Sympathetic nervous system induces sweating for heat loss Distal portion of cochlea responsible for low frequency sounds Common hepatic: Gastroduodenal, R Gastric, Proper Hepatic Mantle portion of basal plate  motor neuron (alar  sensory) Nephrotic syndrome  protein in urine Muscle spindles are responsible for skeletal muscle tonus Growing viruses in complex media is not an identifier Rhomboid major is totally innervated by C5 Conversion of nitrogen to urea requires Lysine From the buccal, mand. 1st PM is pentagonal Blastocysts usually occur in upper portion of uterine cavity Parietal cells produce Gastric Intrinsic Factor Arterioles cause blood pressure changes due to resistance Adult periodontitis is predominantly IgG mediated in gingiva Teres major is a medial rotator of glenohumeral joint Hysterical hyperventilation tetany due to decrease in ionized serum Ca2++ Purines come from amino acids HIV targets CD4 Chronic granulomatous disease lacks anti-bacterial oxide radical formation Anterior to scalenus anterior muscle is subclavian vein Enolase is inhibited by fluoride during glycolysis Retromandibular vein is formed by superficial temporal and maxillary veins Fluorouracil inhibits adenosine deaminase In a molar root canals join pulp chamber in cervical third of crown IgA prevents pathogens from adhering to mucosal surfaces Chronic perio pt. T-Lymphocytes see plaque Ag they send lymphokines In advanced gingivitis plaque is G- and anaerobic Meningitis from mumps, coxsackie, echovirus rarely permanent damage Diabetic pt. with necrotic palatal lesion  mucormycosis Lecithin consists of glycerol, phosphate, fatty acids, and choline Max artery does not do skin of forehead Long Thoracic Nerve does protraction of scapula Most superior, anterior position of condyles is masseters and medial pterygoid Lingual cusps are 2/3 facial cusp height in mandibular 1st PM IVC goes thru diaphragm at T8 Leucine has hydrophobic side chain Prox view mandibular posteriors designed for min. chewing efficiency on coronal surface of tooth Splenic artery is found in the gastro-lienal ligament Ceramide is NOT a GAG Tetrodotoxin blocks sodium channels Rheumatic fever damage to heart valves is auto-immune rxn to strep Tetrology of Fallot: Dex. Aorta, vent. Septal defect, ventricular hypertrophy


C. Diptheriae produces exotoxin after lysogenic conversion Vertebral artery is branch of subclavian artery Generator potential of a receptor is graded according to stimulus Primary max molars have well developed marginal ridges Mandibular canine has longest cusp on the mouth Ulna articulates with the trochlea Hypoglossal canal has no SVE fibers Enkehpalins are natural opiates of CNS Transverse cervical nerve is within posterior triangle Speaking is major function of masticatory system Peripheral vasoconstriction is not a reaction to heat Max second PM has a short central groove Actinomycosis is an endogenous bacterial infection Core of microvilli consists of microfilaments Foramen cecum is where thyroid gland originates Right parietal interprets sensations of left face/teeth Sertoli cells form blood-testes barrier Auricuotemporal and Masseteric nerves supply TMJ capsule Meiosis occurs in seminiferous tubules in men TVP and LVP prevent food from entering nasopharynx when swallowing Angle of mouth lymphatics drain by submandibular LN Thoracic duct is posterior to esophagus in posterior mediastinum Middle meningeal artery enters skull through Foramen Spinosum Hamular process is medial pterygoid plate Dermis is dense irregular CT Right vagus nerve travels just posterior to arch of Azygous Vein PDL development pulls teeth into eruption TMJ articular surfaces have dense fibrous CT Hyoid bone attaches to mandible, tongue, styloid process Maxillary Vein tributaries form pterygoid plexus Biceps is primary supinator of radio-ulnar joint Diploic veins are located inside bones of calvarium Mesenchymal CT found primarily in fetus not adult Heart in in middle mediastinum C8-T1 form medial cord of Brachial Plexus Tongue has only minor salivary glands that are pure serous Median nerve runs along with Brachial Artery Sup. Cervical Ganglion innervate dilator pupillae Peritubular dentin in most highly mineralized CN IX enters between sup. and middle constrictors Large veins have more prominent tunica adventitia than arteries Internal capsule takes tracts from thalamus to cortex Pyramids contain UMN only Prochordal plate has roof of yolk sac and embryonic ectoderm Lingual nerve is associated with the submandibular ganglion Both cementum and bone have cells in canaliculi


G-Actin to F-Actin transformation requires ATP Normally we don’t clear any glucose ADH increases water permeability of distal tubules and collecting ducts Pro-insulin to insulin conversion requires removal of segment of PP Chain GABA increases chloride channel permeability Ca2+ / Na + counter-transport systems are common Citrate allosterically modulates enzyme controlling F.A. synthesis Carb deficiency can cause ketoacidosis over time Linoleic acid is found in animal cell membranes Vasodilation is not a method of raising body temperature Mucin is a glycoprotein Acetyl-CoA and Oxaloacetate combining is TCA Cycle initiation One glucose molecule nets 2 ATP and two lactic acid mol. Length of Loop of Henle controls ability to concentrate urine Niacin deficiency  3 D’s Streptomycin inhibits translation Emphysema increases FCR and Compliance Endogenous cholesterol in the liver is converted to Cholic acid Plasma volume expander can treat edema A phospholipid will form a micelle when added to water and agitated Decreased cardiac oxygen consumption will activate vagal nerve Phosphophoryn is protein component of dentin matrix Coenzyme A activates carboxyl groups Elastin and collagen are 1/3 Glycine Vasopressin decreases plasma osmolality FADH2 is involved in de novo cholesterol synthesis Right sided SC lesions  ipsi motor deficit, contra pain and temp A band of sarcomere does not change size When no insulin is present, Acetyl CoA forms Ketone Bodies Isotopes have same Atomic Number but different masses Sodium Fluoride inhibits Enolase during Glycolysis Hyperventilation decreases CO2 increases pH pH = pKA when acid is half neutralized per HH equation Chylomicrons are triglycerides absorbed into Lymphatics Block Hypophyseal-Hypothalamic portal system will increase Prolactin Transferrin transports ferrous Iron Saccharin is non-nutritive and non-cariogenic During isovolumetric contraction of ventricles all valves are closed Gamma efferent system controls excitability of muscle spindles No PT glands will have low blood calcium and high phosphate Proximal convoluted tubul re-absorbs the most filtrate Streptococcus salivarias is found on dorsum of tongue Allergic to penicillin give them erythromycin if bact. is pen. Susceptible Lung cancer mortality has shown increase over last 30 years Dry heat sterilizing is 60 mins at 340F Nucleus ambiguous is motor neuon for CN 9, 10, 11



Parafollicular cells (Thyroid) make calcitonin which lowers blood Ca2+ levels Superior mediastinum (Anterior): o reccurent laryngeal nerve o Thymus Middle Mediastinum (Anterior): o Heart, Phrenic N. Posterier Mediastinum: o Aorta o Esophagus o Symp. Trunk o Vagus N. o Thoracic Duct Herpangina is caused by Cosackie Virus Passive immunity you receive Ab Active immunity you make your own Ab Prostate Ca. mets causes elevated serum ACID Phophatase Paget’s/Osteitis Deformans causes elevated ALKALINE Phos. Bacterial flagella are made of protein Thalassemia is insufficient Hemoglobin Hemophilia B aka Christmas Disease is Factor 9 malfunction Von Willebrands aka Hemophilia A is factor 8 Lysozyme found in saliva and tears breaks Beta1-4 linkages Malignant epithelial cells have more laminin receptors Bruton’s agammaglobulinemia have no B cells Silicosis is massive fibrosis of lung Streptomycin can damage hearing Gram – bacteria produce endotoxins with LPS Gram + bacteria produce exotoxins Dorsal Scapular N. does Rhomboid Major Median in Pectoral N. does Pec. Minor LTN does Serratus Ant Subclavian nerve does Subclavius muscle Ascending colon/ MOST of transverse colon inn. by Vagus Descending colon inn. By Splachnic N. S2, S3, S4 Platelets are fragments of Megakaryocytes Parietal cells produce Intrinsic Factor for Vitamin B12 absorption No Vitamin B12 causes pernicious anemia leads to Megaloblastic Avidin (protein in egg whites) binds up biotin Ca2+ binds troponin Cholecsytikinin causes Gall Bladder to contract Pre-Gang. Sympathetic cell bodies are found T1-L4 Xanthine oxidase forms uric acid Thyroxine = T4 Beri Beri is a Thiamine deficiency leads to Koursakoff Parallel muscle is the most common type in body Osmotic diuresis is glucose in urine



Neutral fats: Fatty Acid + Glycerol Respiratory Quotient: CO2 Made/ O2 Consumed LH surge causes ovulation Pantothenic Acid is part of Coenzyme A Purines are excreted as Uric Acid Secretin induces Pancreatic juice which is used in protein breakdown Intrinsic laryngeal muscles produce tension for vocal folds Extrapyramidal neurons coordinate lower limb movement PQRST o P is atrial depolarization o QRS are ventricular depolarization o T is ventricular repolarization Smooth ER produces carbs and lipids TMJ is hinge diarthrosis Adenosine causes vascular SM to relax Isometric contraction is only a tension increase no change in length Vit. E is involved in Vitamin A and FA breakdown Trypsinogen  trypsin via enterokinase Acetyl CoA Carboxylase synthesizes fatty acids Insulin conserves cars, protein, fats Vagus nerve does digestion Fibrinogen is in plasma and NOT in serum Mammillary bodies control feeding/licking Zinc is needed for carbonic anhydrase Dynamic contraction is change in length and tension Frontal bones have Metopic suture Cranial Nerve 7 does orbicularis oculi Striated duct cells have mitochondria, ion transport NEVER LET MEN EAT BASOPHILS (order of most common cells in blood) Neutro, Lympho, Mono, Eosino, Baso 1st arch  Max and Mand. Process via Meckels cartilage 2nd Arch  Hyoid Bone, Stapes, Styloid Process 3rd Arch Hyoid Bone 4th/6th Arches  Laryngeal Cartilages Tomes Process secrete enamel matrix Cleft palate results from median nasal and max processes not fusing Melanocytes are neural crest in origin CN 7 (CT) takes pre-ganglionics to sunmandibular ganglion CN 9 takes pre-ganglionics to Otic Ganglion then Parotid gland Damage to CN 7 before Parotid Gland affects all facial muscles Bile is produced by hepatocytes Striated ducts are simple columnar Zymogen granules are made by serous cells Brachiocephalic artery  Axillary artery Brachial art.  Radial/Ulnar Cricoid, Thyroid, Epiglottis cartilage make up Larynx Cerebellar cortex has Purkinje cells





Axial skeleton and skull base are formed from cartilage Occulomotor nerve does direct & consensual light reflex Ectoderm derivatives o Salivary gands o Epidermis o Hair follicles o Nails o Gonads o Nervous system Mesoderm derivatives o Linings of body cavity o Cardiovascular system o Gonads o Kidney o Skeletal system o Muscles o Lymphatics o CT Endoderm derivatives o Digestive system o Liver/Pancreas o Resp. system o Repro/Urinary systems CN 6, Trochlear N. Occulomotor N. and V1 go thru superior orbital fissure Serous demilunes make mix of serous and mucus Tongue is from first 3 arches Myopithelial cells are found in secretory cell membrane in glands Geniculate ganglion is for taste Ant 2/3 of tongue Palatopharyngeus folds posterior wall of pharynx Intermaxillary segment if from frontonasal process Infrahyoids inn. By ansa cervicalis

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