Facts:: Ebarle v. Sucaldito

September 22, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Ebarle v. Sucaldito Facts:

(Respondent) Anti-Graft League of the Philippines, nc.  -

Commenced Commenced prosecu prosecution tion and fled criminal criminal cases cases agains againstt petitio petitioner ner or violation o (Sec. 3) the Anti-Grat and Corrupt Corrupt Practices Act (RA (RA 3!") and Articles !#!$ !%&$ !%3$ &!3$ and 3!% o the Revised Penal Code$ 'ith ollo'ing contentions *arle conducted a *idding 'ithout pu*lication or the suppl+ o gravel and sand or the Province o ,am*oanga del Sur$ did not open the *id o eoson rucing Service that 'as seasona*l+ su*mitted$ and it made appear that a*iliran rucing Compan+ 'on the *idding *ut the papers 'ere alsifed to avor said compan+ represented *+ the secretar+ o *arle.  a*iliran  a*iliran rucing Compan+ Compan+ attempted to collect collect advances under his trucing contract contract *ut it 'as not passed in in audit *+ the Pr Provincial ovincial Auditor in vie' o the then su*sisting contract 'ith eoson rucing Compan+ 'hich 'as a*out to e/pire. he amount 'as paid *ut 'as made to appear that it 'as collected *+ eoson rucing Compan+. •

A *idding 'as held or the construction o the right 'ing portion o the Capitol 0uilding o the Province o ,am*oanga del Sur. 1t 'as maliciousl+ manipulated manipulated so as to give un'arranted advantage and preerence in avor o the 'inning *idder$ Codeniera Construction$ allegedl+ o'ned *+ the *rother-in-la' o the 'ie o *arle. *arle testifed alsel+ under oath during the hearing and reception o evidence that he ac2uired a lot *+ purchase rom a certain 0rigido Sanche and that he is the o'ner$ 'hen in truth and in act$ the lot had *een previousl+ ac2uired and is o'ned *+ the Provincial Government o ,am*oanga del Sur. *arle appointed relatives *+ consanguinit+ 'ithin the third degree the ollo'ing in the Provincial Government o ,am*oanga del Sur o lia*eth *arle 4ontesclaros$ daughter o his *rother o    eresito eresito 4ontesclaros 4ontesclaros$$ hus*and o o his niece lia*eth lia*eth o 4ario *arle$ son o his *rother o ,acarias 5gsod$ 6r.$ son o his +ounger sister o    eresito eresito 4ontesclaros 4ontesclaros$$ hus*and o o his niece lia*eth lia*eth o 0oninda *arle$ 'ie o his *rother *arle unla'ull+ and eloniousl+ made untruthul statement in a narration narratio n o acts *+ accomplishing and issuing a certifcate$ to 'it 7c. hat the provisions o la' and rules on promotion$ seniorit+$ and nepotism have *een o*served.8

(Petitioner) !ienvenido Ebarle  -

hen Pr Provinc ovincial ial Governor Governor o ,am*oa ,am*oanga nga del Sur Sur and and a candidat candidate e or reelection in the local elections o !"#!



9ent to the the respo responden ndentt Court Court o :irst :irst 1nstan 1nstance ce on a specia speciall civil civil action action or prohi*ition and certiorari 'ith preliminar+ in;uction. Petitio Petitioner ner relies relies on the the ailur ailure e o the the respon respondent dents s to compl+ compl+ 'ith the provisions o < &=>$ 7
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