Factors to Be Considered in Capital Budgeting Decisions

November 25, 2018 | Author: nina grace joy | Category: N/A
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Capital budgeting is budgeting  is the process of planning and controlling investments for longterm projects and programs. The costs that are considered in capital budgeting analysis include: 1.

 Avoidable  Avoidable cost  cost  – cost that may be eliminated by ceasing an activity or by  improving efficiency. 2. Common cost – cost  – cost that is shared by all options and is not clearly allocable to any one of them. 3.  Weighted-average  Weighted-average cost of capital – capital – is the weighted average of the interest cost of debt (net of tax tax)) and the implicit cost of e!ity capital to be invested in longterm assets. "t represents a re!ired minim!m ret!rn of a new investment investment to  to prevent dil!tion of owners# interest. $. Deferrable or Postponable Postponable cost – cost  – cost that may be shifted to the f!t!re with little or not effect on c!rrent operation. %. Fixed cost – cost – cost that does not vary with the level of activity within the relevant range. &. mputed mputed cost – cost cost that that does does not entail entail a speci specifie fied d peso peso o!tla o!tlay y formal formally  ly  recogni'ed by the acco!nting acco!nting system b!t its nevertheless relevant to establishing the economic reality analy'ed in the decision-maing process. *. ncremental ncremental cost – cost – is the difference in cost res!lting from selecting one option instead of another. +. !ppor !pportun tunit ity y cost cost – is the benefit forgone by not selecting the  best alternative !se alternative  !se of scarce reso!rces. ,. "elevant cost – cost – f!t!re differential cost that vary with the action. 1. #un$ cost – cost – cost that cannot be avoided beca!se expendit!re or an irrevocable decision to inc!r the cost has been made. 11. Taxes – Taxes – tax conse!ences conse!ences of an investment investment.. FACTORS AFFECTING CAPITAL BUDGETING:

 Availability of Funds

Working Capital

Structure of Capital

Capital Return

Management decisions

Need of the project

 Accounting methods

overnment policy

!a"ation policy


$ending terms of financial institutions

#conomic value of the project

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