Download Facility Safety Checklist: Personal Protective Equipment Emergency/Osha Related Items...
FACILITY SAFETY CHECKLIST Date inspection conducted:__________________ Location: Name(s) of those participating in this inspection;____________________________________
= Acceptable/Yes; ✗ = Unacceptable/No;
N/A = Not Applicable
Safety glasses and/or goggles available
Emergency phone #’s and evacuation map posted?
+ us used?
Protective eye wear use specified in writing?
Emergency eyewash and/or shower units accessible?
Noise protection provided for loud loud work?
First aid kit + B BBP BP kit available at work site?
Hand protection used/worn as required?
First aid trained competent person available?
Foot protection worn as required?
Fire extinguishers readily available (not blocked)?
Weld We ldin ing g he helm lmet et,, gl glov oves es,, ap apro ron, n, aand nd ccur urta tain in aava vail ilab able le??
Fi Fire re ext extin ingu guis ishe hers rs ins inspe pect cted ed m mon onth thly ly/y /yea earl rly y as n nee eede ded? d?
Respirator or proper ventilation available? Supplies on on ha hand fo for inc inciidenta ntal ch chemical ssp pills?
DOSH poster mounted in prominent location? Safe fetty bu bulletin bo board con conttains up up to to da date iin nformation? on?
We Welding leads free of nicks and cuts?
Light bulbs for illumination protected from breakage?
Extension cords free of nicks and cuts?
Grounding and or bonding integrity maintained for chemical dispensing?
C Cer erttifi fied ed or listed sted equi quipm pmen entt use used per per man anuf ufac acttur urer er??
Elec Electtrica ricall cor cords ds inspe nspect cted ed & have all prongs in tact?
Electrical panels labeled appropriately?
Strain relief in tact for all flexible cords & plug fittings?
El E lectrical panel knockouts in place? El Elec ecttri rica call pane panell ac acce cess ss re req qui uire rem men entts maint aintai aine ned? d?
Pressure washer grounded per NEC requirements? Doubl oublee in insu sula late ted d or grou ground nded ed elec electtric ric powe powerr to tool olss used?
General housekeeping is neat and orderly?
MSDS openly available tto o all employees?
Lockout/Tagout used for appropriate tasks? Do all areas have adequate illumination?
MSDS inventory contains all items in the garage/shop? All hazardous containers labeled appropriately?
New employees trained on safety procedures?
Flammable liquids are iin n FM/UL metal safety cans cans??
Jo Job b ssafe afety ty anal analys ysis is or safe safe wo work rk pr proce ocedu dure ress iin nw wri riti ting ng??
Fl Flam amma mabl blee liq liqui uids ds stor storag agee con conta tain iners ers labe labele led dp pro rope perl rly? y?
At a minim nimum um,, m mo onth nthly sa safety inspections do done?
Oily ra rags pl placed in in co covered red m meetal conta ntainers? rs?
Near-miss/close call reporting system is is in place?
Hazardous liquids stored below ey eyee level?
✗" for unacceptable or no; list the th e appropriate corrective action on the next page
If marked "
Compressed gas cylinders stored secured upright w/caps?
Wall openings + floor holes are covered or guarded?
Ho Hott w wor ork k per perm mit itss use used d ffor or gr grin indi ding ng,, ccut utti ting ng,, w wel eldi ding ng??
10 100% 0% fall fall prot protec ecti tion on in plac placee aabo bove ve 6 fee feett in in hei heigh ghtt?
Oxyg Oxygen en/a /acet cetyl ylene ene torch torch un unit itss hav havee ffla lash sh back back arr arrest estor ors? s?
Em Empl ploy oyee eess tra train ined ed on oper operat atin ing g aeri aerial al wo work rk plat platfo form rms? s?
Gr Griind nder erss ((po port rtab able le & ssta tati tion onar ary) y) ha have ve gu guar ards ds in plac place? e?
La Ladd dder erss aare re safe safe an and d iins nspe pect cted ed as appr approp opri riat ate? e?
St Stat atio iona nary ry grin grindi ding ng whee wheell too tooll rres estt iiss 1/ 1/8 iinc nch h or or lles ess? s?
Ex Exte tens nsio ion n + stra straig ight ht ladd ladder erss ext exten end d3 3'' b bey eyon ond d lan landi ding ng??
Stationary grinding wheel tongue guard is 1/4 inch or less?
Stepladder or commercial step stool used for high access?
Gri rin nder ders ins nsp pected, ring tested + fr freee of defe feccts?
Guard rails exist for platfo form rmss and scaffol ffold ding ng??
Port Portabl ablee ja jack ckss in insp spec ecte ted d accor accordi ding ng tto o mfg. mfg. re requi quirem rement ents? s?
Port Portab able le ccir ircu cula larr sa saws ws eequ quip ippe ped d wi with th p prot rotec ecti tive ve g gua uards rds??
Unsafe hand tools rohibited?
acks used while workin under vehicles?
Ladders are safe and inspected as appropriate?
Impact tools, hammers kept free of splinters/mushrooms?
Exte Extens nsio ion n + st stra raig ight ht ladd ladder erss eext xten end d 3’ 3’ b bey eyon ond d llan andi ding ng??
Hois Hoists ts insp inspec ecte ted dm mon onth thly ly and and d doc ocum umen ente ted? d?
St Step epla ladd dder er or com comme merci rcial al sste teps psto tool ol use used d for for hi high gh acce access? ss?
Ho Hois ists ts insp inspec ecte ted d ann annua uall lly yb by y out outsi side de servi service ce??
Step ladders used only in open position?
Impact air tools have safety clips or retainers on them?
Portable power tools provided with guarding?
Compressed air used for cleaning limited to 30 psi?
Status column should be marked as “open”, “ open”, “in process”, or “closed” Signature of inspector:___________________________________________
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