Face in China(1)

April 15, 2017 | Author: Edwin Okoampa Boadu | Category: N/A
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“FACE” in China

Contents Facial Beauty Criteria of Beauty in Your Culture Face Theory/Mianzi Face Reading/Personology

Questions VWhich of the following faces looks the most beautiful?

Western vs. Chinese Standards

• Beauty standards are hard to define, even within a certain society, and any survey in this matter is not comprehensive enough. • Yet it is clear that beauty standards for Chinese women in the west and in China are often unparallel. • A little time in China will give you the correct impression that what’s beautiful to the western eye isn’t necessarily so to the Chinese, and vice versa. • After all, western men and women can’t agree on who’s beautiful. There are those female icons whom only women are attracted to, like Julia Roberts, and objects of male fantasy, like Pam Anderson, who never fail to draw the criticism of any woman with an ounce of respect for her gender. 2-1

Western vs. Chinese Standards

• In Chinese mass media, the idealism of female beauty includes fair skin and large, round dark eyes. • In Western mass media, nearly all actresses and female celebs of Chinese descent look very far from the Chinese ideal. • The “slanted eyes” and/or epicanthic fold (内双 nèi shuāng) stereotypically associated with Chinese faces make up the mass majority of Chinese in Western Media. • Very often, a Chinese girl will complain that "These girls are ugly! Actresses/models in China are so much prettier than this!" • Here's where the problem lies: the latter people are the SAME people who then say things like "The East Asian ideal of beauty is heavily Westernized, and girls in China are getting eye surgery in order to look more Caucasian.“ • What Westerners are saying is that they do not prefer the Chinese standard of East Asian beauty, because it is too Westernized and close to the Western standard of Caucasian beauty. 2-2

• The two all-time famous ‘Zhang Yimou girls’ (谋女郎 móu nǚ láng), Gǒng Lì (巩俐) and Zhāng Zǐyí (章子怡) seem completely different looking in western eyes. • The first is dark skin, not-so-thin woman, while the second is a much gentler, extremely skinny, snow-white skin girl. • It seems that most westerners see more differences than similarities between the two, while many Chinese actually feel Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi resemble each other (and it is also quite known that director Zhang Yimou picked up Zhang Ziyi because of her similarity to Gong Li), how come? • It would be more likely that Chinese would be pickier and acknowledge differences than westerners, but that isn't the case. • In fact, it seems that Chinese, both men and women, focus on certain facial features more than others, and that they consider feminine similarities according to such features.

Shuò Rén 硕人 the 57th poem in The Book of Odes 《诗经 shī jīng》 Her fingers were like the blades of the young white-grass; 手如柔荑 shǒu rú róu tí • Her skin was like congealed ointment; 肤如凝脂 fū rú níng zhī •

• • • • • •

Her neck was like the tree-grub; 领如蝤蛴 lǐng rú qiú qí Her teeth were like melon seeds; 齿如瓠犀chǐ rú hù xī Her forehead cicada-like; 螓首 qín shǒu Her eyebrows like silkworm antennae; 蛾眉 é méi What dimples , as she artfully smiled! 巧笑倩兮 qiǎo xiào qiàn xī How lovely her eyes, with the black and white so well defined! 美目盼兮 měi mù pàn xī Notes: 蝤蛴 (qiú qí) a kind of young worm 瓠 (hù) a herbal plant 犀 (xī) seeds 螓 (qín) a kind of worm

Enduring Beauty Standards • Feminine beauty has been celebrated over the centuries in China and the perception is ever-evolving, but an enduring beauty standard is as follows,  A rosy plump oval face,  New-moon-shaped eyebrows,  Delicate and soft limbs and fingers,  Fine porcelain skin. • More than skin deep, a Chinese beauty should also have good manners, temperament, tastes, and style of conversation. &秀外慧中 xiù wài huì zhōng


• It is long held in Chinese ancient painting theory that an oval face makes for the best proportioned features. • According to this theory, the face can be transversely divided into trisections, or “three stops” – from the hairline to the eyebrow, from the eyebrow to the bottom of the nose, and from the bottom of the nose to the bottom of the chin. • Vertically, the face can be divided into quintisections or “five eyes” – the distance between two eyes shall be the length of one eye, and the vertical distance between the outer canthus and the external opening of the ear shall be also the length of one eye. • In addition, sweet dimples in the cheeks, or jiǔwō (酒窝), literally “a pit of wine” in Chinese, are definitely a plus for female charm.

• Eyebrows (眉 méi) – Chinese people believe that the eyes and eyebrows of a woman can speak her mind. Thin, long and slightly curved eyebrows (柳叶眉 lǐu yè méi) have been the major trend since the mid-14th century. • Eyes (眼 yǎn) – Chinese poets often compare beautiful women to peach blossoms in Spring. The eyes are long and slightly upcurved at the corners (丹 凤眼 dān fèng yǎn). Under the eyelashes is a pair of misty black pupils. • Lips (唇 chún) – Chinese people adore a small, rosy, glossy, and gently up-curved mouth, the so-called “cherry-like-little mouth” (樱桃小嘴 yīng táo xiǎo zuǐ).

1眉清目秀 méi 1眉目传情 méi 1眉开眼笑 méi 1眉飞色舞 méi

qīng mù xiù mù chuán qíng kāi yǎn xiào fēi sè wǔ

• Fàn Bīngbing (范冰冰), a Chinese star, seems to step higher in terms of suiting the taste of Chinese viewers. • It is too early to determine how Fan Bingbing is accepted in the west in terms of beauty standards, but in China she is esteemed (besides for her acting and personality, of course) for her white skin, big eyes, pointed chin and her notable nose. • Most of these features are actually beauty standards which are becoming more popular in China only in recent decades. • It seems that in some aspects Chinese have preserved certain beauty standards throughout the years, while in others they are acknowledging more and more Chinese women which have some western features, though not to an extreme degree (wide Scandinavian shoulders or big Latin breasts are still considered not feminine enough by most Chinese).

Face Reading ☯General Introduction ☯Face Shape ☯Forehead Shape ☯Nose Shape ☯Moles

• In Chinese, Miàn (面) is face while Xiàng (相) is appearance. Together it is known as “Chinese Face Reading”. • Mian Xiang has a history that goes back to the time of Huáng Dì (黄帝) or the Yellow Emperor (2700 – 2150 B.C.). It was used together with other techniques such as pulse analysis etc. as a diagnostic tool in Chinese medicine. • Besides medicine, it was also developed as a tool to interpret a person’s character and traits, his destiny, fortune and luck throughout his life. • The shape, structure and features on the face can reveal a lot of information about that person and this is documented in many ancient texts on Mian Xiang (面相). For example someone with a high, broad and unblemished forehead is likely to go far in his career. At a more advanced level it includes moles, speech, gestures, facial expressions, etc. • Other cultures such as the ancient Greek and Indians have also developed face reading. It is however mostly limited to reading character and traits. 3-1

• Chinese face reading was used in ancient times for selecting suitable candidates for Imperial positions. • It was not uncommon in those days for people to not have accurate birth records. • Trying to determine the candidate’s ability and destiny using astrology is not possible without accurate birth records. • Also while birth data can be faked to exaggerate the candidate’s ability and destiny, the face cannot! • Nowadays some large Chinese owned corporations still make use of face reading when selecting top executives. • For example, someone with a good nose and cheeks will have the good luck between the ages of 41 to 50. • And the selected candidate’s good luck will translate to gains for the corporation. 3-2

• In the old days of arranged marriages the task of selecting a suitable wife for the son falls in the hands of the parents. • Mother-in-laws are known to use face reading to select suitable wife/wives who can bring good fortune to their sons. Daughters with “Prosper Husband Benefit Children (旺夫益 子 wàng fū yì zǐ)” facial features are highly sought after! • It is very common for potential Chinese business partners to ask each others for their date and time of birth to assess compatibility and business luck. • However if you are not familiar with person or he comes from a different culture it can be awkward to do so. • Mian Xiang can be a very effective non-intrusive analysis tool. 3-3

• Take a good look at the faces of the people around you. Do you see that they come in different shapes? • Some are rounded like a ball. Others may be square or oval and yet some may look like an inverted triangle, broader at the forehead and pointed at the chin. • Not every face will fit into the categories. Some may look like a mixture of round and square and so on. • Chinese face reading text has a 5 faces classification. • There is a pervasive principle in Chinese metaphysics called the Five Elements. • Each of these elements has a set of characteristics. For example Metal is oval and stands for righteousness and decision making, while Wood is rectangular and is associated with kindness, growth and learning and so on.

金 jīn

木 mù

水 shuǐ

火 huǒ

土 tǔ

• In Chinese Medicine, the heart is Fire while the liver is Wood. As you might have already guess Wood produces Fire, if the heart is weak you can strengthen it by strengthening the liver! • The Five Elements are also associated with many other things such as emotion, climate, favor etc. • The Five Elements interact with each other in a few ways. The first sequence of interaction is called the promotive or productive cycle where the elements produce one another. • The second sequence is the controlling or more commonly referred to as the destructive cycle. In this sequence the elements control one another. Finally there is the exhaustive cycle. In this sequence the elements reduces the energy of the others hence exhaustive.

Metal face • The Metal Face is sort of oval. • Metal face people tend to have a whiter complexion. • They have a sense of righteousness and justice and are very good in decision making. • They are also elegant and courteous. • People with metal faces are suited for positions that involve justice and decision making such as judges, management professionals, diplomats etc. 5-1

Wood Face

• This face has a strong and broad forehead that tapers all the way to the chin like an inverted triangle. • A tall and broad forehead indicates intelligence while a tapered and small chin indicates lower physical motive. • People with such a face shape tend to be deep thinkers, philosophical, have strong good analytical skills and a strong desire to acquire knowledge. • Generally they do not like outdoor jobs. • People with Wood faces are highly suited for ‘thinking’ jobs like scientists, researchers, corporate strategists, advisers, etc. • One weakness of wood face people is that they do not often spend enough time thinking about money and have the tendency to face financial problems in old age. • Take a look at yourself in the mirror. If you have a wood face, you might want to put some money in property or other investments! 5-2

Water Face • The water face is rounded, wider in the middle and rounded at both the top and bottom. • Water is associated with intelligence, diplomacy, adaptability and relationship. • Water face people are most suited to jobs that require interaction such as public relations officers, sales professionals etc. Or they can be good businessmen. • They also have strong business acumen and can take advantage of opportunities that come along. • One weakness of water face people is the tendency to take too long to make decisions and others may view them to be slow. • Another weakness of water face people is food and we know what too much good food can do to us! 5-3

Fire Face

• This shape implies the face is pointed at the top but with a dominant flared out chin. • Fire face people are usually extroverted and have an aggressive style. • They tend to be gregarious with a fun personality and are people oriented. • They are suitable for jobs that require an audience where they can utilize their best qualities. • They made good speakers, network marketers, presenters etc. • Fire represents beauty and elegance and fire face people are also suited for show business. • One weakness of fire face people is their temper. 5-4They need to keep them in check.

Earth Face • The Square or Earth shape face represents someone who is stable, reliable and trustworthy. • They are down to earth and are unlikely to take unnecessary risk, instead preferring to tread the beaten and proven path. • They are also doers with strong will power. • Earth face people are suitable for jobs that require trust such as finance and insurance. • One weakness of Earth face people is the tendency to be too conservative and others may view them as not forward minded enough or worst label them a ‘Square’! 5-5

Forehead Reading

• The forehead is a yáng (阳) aspect of the face. It represents the person’s strength of character and also indicates intelligence, creativity and educational attainments. • Foreheads - their shape and contour - are also an indication of one’s relationship with parents. • According to many texts on ancient Chinese face reading, the forehead indicates fire element. So the natural colour of the forehead should be various shades of red. • Foreheads that are tinged red to pink and which show a radiant glow suggest positive characteristics, while yellow and sallow (菜色 cài sè) looking foreheads suggest some imbalance and are thus negative indicators. • Wrinkles and lines on the forehead indicate experience. Positive and good experiences are indicated when wrinkles are straight and unbroken. Negative indications are when wrinkles look crooked or broken as if the wrinkles were forged from uncertainty and troubled experiences. Having said this, a clear forehead is to be desired as this is one of the best indicators of a clear mind with a capacity for good judgment.

Contours of Foreheads Domed foreheads appear rounded and full from the side. This forehead indicates a strong person who can adapt to circumstances. This is their great strength. In a woman, the domed or rounded forehead indicates someone who can find success in the performing field. They tend to be passionate and romantic and are capable of being sexually vulnerable. So they are advised to beware strangers bearing gifts or flattery. Sloping foreheads indicate a restless and foolhardy person who would benefit from discipline and the presence of a strong guiding hand. In a woman this forehead is not a good indication especially if it is dry and lacking in moisture. Better to use bangs in the hair or wear a fringe.


Contours of Foreheads Straight Forehead: high, straight and flat when observed from the side, and extends straight down from the hairline to the brow bone indicates someone with strong character and impressive intellectual power. But there is a tendency to be dogmatic and even stubborn. From a young age this person has very fixed views on a variety of issues. They dislike change unless initiated by them, and they are paranoiac about stability and security. When the forehead is straight and flat but low, it suggests someone who has to work hard during the younger years. For such a person, nothing comes easy. Bulging foreheads that stick out from the hairline suggest someone with excessive energy and drive. In some people, this comes across as restlessness and being out of touch with reality, but in others, this can spell success and great achievement. This forehead type brings much better luck for women than for men.


Nose Reading

• The shape of the different types of noses are very important trait in face reading techniques. Straight nose: Such a nose has basically no curvature or any form of depression in the center and usually has a pointed tip. Straight noses are also known as the Greek nose. Straight noses generally have narrow nostrils and are considered to be very appealing! People with straight noses are considered to be very clever and helpful in nature. Small nose: Small noses as the name suggests are smaller in length and are generally with an upturned tip. Small noses with upturned tips are also called snub noses. The tip in this case is neither flat nor round. The blunt, upturned tip gives an impression of a snobbish behavior. A person with a small nose is considered to be mischievous and shrewd. Hooked nose (鹰钩鼻yīng gōu bí ): A hooked nose is easy to spot. It is also called as a hawk nose. This is because such noses are thin with sharp contours and a bend in the middle. The profile view of such a nose resembles a hawk’s beak. A person with a hooked nose is 2-1considered to be clever and good-natured.

Nose Reading Aquiline nose: An aquiline nose refers to noses that have a prominent bridge. The bridge is either curved or bent. This nose is also known as the Roman nose and appears like a hook because of the bridge of the nose. People with an aquiline nose are said to be very headstrong and ambitious in nature. Wavy nose: A wavy nose can be noticed because it has a typical bump at the tip of the nose. These noses therefore appear larger at the tip. People with wavy noses are considered to be very fun-loving in nature. Big nose: Big noses can have short or long bridge for the nose. These noses have wider tips with larger nostrils. People with big noses are generally dominating. They love to lead rather than follow. Flat nose: A flat nose has wide and flared nostrils. These noses may have a short bridge. A flat nose does not have sharp contours. People with flat noses are said to be helpful in nature and sometimes, a little hot-tempered. 2-2

• According to the ancient Chinese facial mole studies, not all moles are bad. Most of the moles serve as a warning or reminder so you can be more vigilant to protect yourself from harms, this is especially true for those moles that can be seen easily. • The good moles symbolizing good luck and fortune are usually hidden or not easily seen. The color of mole is darker than skin. Moles have dark black, black, light black, gray, brown, purple and red colors. The pure color of black or red are good moles. Moles mixing with red, white or yellow colors are unlucky signs in people relationship. A shining and smooth mole with good brightness is considered as good mole. A mole with hair indicates the mole is alive, which is a sign of good mole. A male should keep the hair. A female can trim it. • If you consider getting rid of the mole on your face, check the reading before you do. You may come to appreciate it more. Also removing the mole will not change your fate, but knowing what challenges that may come will help you handle it better.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Find the location of the mole from the picture, and check the reading below. Cannot get along with parents, boss, or the elderly. Try to keep a respectful distance with them. Same to 1. No respect to parents, boss, or the elderly. Try to keep a respectful distance with them. Same to 1. Try to keep a respectful distance with them. Lack of planning, and have unstable life. (above the eyebrow) May encounter misfortune brought on by family or friends, or may have bad luck with money. (in the eyebrow) Very smart, creative or artistic. Will have wealth and fame, and have good luck with money. (on the eyelid) Tend to have conflicts with family, and have problem keeping money. Have financial hardship. Need to prevent unwanted sexual advances. Need to prevent unwanted sexual advances, and prevent accidents. Unlikely to have or to be with children or grandchildren. Tend to be troubled by long term or severe illness. Tend to have problems related to diet or food. Always worry and work hard for children, but may not be able to enjoy a good relationship with them. Have high risk of food poisoning or allergy. Do not reside at one place for long, move around a lot or have unstable environment. Need to prevent unwanted sexual advances, and prevent food poisoning or diet problems. Be cautious with your actions to prevent loosing good reputation. Be mindful of your well being when traveling abroad. Need to prevent unwanted sexual advances. Life may be short, so live it to the fullest. Avoid any criminal acts. Tend to have foot problems. Need to prevent water-related accidents. Need to prevent accidents while traveling. Prominent and rich.

Mianzi/Face Saving Theory • Face (脸liǎn/面miàn), idiomatically meaning dignity/prestige, is a fundamental concept in the fields of sociology, sociolinguistics, semantics, politeness theory, psychology, political science, communication, and Face Negotiation Theory. • It is not a face that can be washed or shaved, but a face that can be "granted" and "lost" and "fought for" and "presented as a gift." • Miànzi (面子, literally “face value”) has long been observed by most Chinese. • As a famous saying goes, “Men live for polished face as trees grow for bark. ”(人活一张脸,树活一张皮rén huó yì zhāng liǎn, shù huó yì zhāng pí) 。 • Taking care of mianzi is not hypocritical. • It is an integral part of the Chinese culture that demands accountability to collectivity. • It is also a means to create and maintain harmonious relationships among people. In a way, it is an enabler of good guānxì (关系). 4-1

• 留面子 liú miàn zi

• 失面子 shī miàn zi • 争面子 zhēnɡ miàn zi • 给面子 ɡěi miàn zi

grant face; give (someone) a chance to regain lost honor lose face fight for face give face; show respect (for someone‘s feelings)

Mianzi/Face Saving Theory • In a recent survey conducted by China Youth Daily, over 93 percent of the 1,150 polled said they pay much attention to their mianzi, which concerns people's decency, personality, and dignity. • When asked what the most humiliating thing is, a heavy number accounting for 74.9 percent of the total chose public gaffes (丢脸 diū liǎn), with the failed fulfillment of one’s promise (失信于人 shī xìn yú rén) coming in as second. • More than a half of the respondents feel ashamed of being shown as ignorant before others (当众出丑 dāng zhòng chū chŏu). • A total 47.5 percent of the polled considered it a loss of face to have not enough money on them when treating friends out to a dinner (囊中羞涩 náng zhōng xiū sè). 4-2

Mianzi/Face Saving Theory • What would enhance one's face value then? In a ranking on this question, the survey revealed that doing what others cannot do topped the list, taking up a high proportion of 83.7 percent. • Following at the second, with 53.9 percent, was being praised in public. • Being outstandingly knowledgeable was third on the list for sharpening one's mianzi, accounting for 51.7 percent. • According to the survey, face value usually comes at a price. To pay or not to pay, it's a problem. 4-3

Mianzi/Face Saving Theory • Deeply obsessed with the face value concept, many “fight” each other for the chance to foot the bill despite an infertile pocket (打肿脸充胖子 dá zhŏng liǎn chōng pàngzi). • Some 80.7% of those taking the poll thought it a tough life to always cling to the face value concept (死要面子活受罪 sǐ yào màinzi huó shòuzuì). • Clad even into teeth with (武装到牙齿 wǔzhuāng dào yáchǐ) the luxury name brand apparels, a limited 7.7% among all the respondents tend to resort to pricey clothes in a bid to gain more face value. • Taking the social status into consideration, 82.9% of the polled nod at the opinion that those holding a superior position care far more than the general public about face. • In another comparison, the manual labors pay less attention to the face value than brainworkers. • The survey also revealed that men focus more on face value than women and the senior more than the young. 4-4

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