Fabrication of Manifold

November 25, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Kic Kick k Off meetin meeting-g---wi -with th Hyu Hyunda ndaii ,Aram ,Aramco co & Da Daeah eah E&I E&I Discuss all issues related to Manufacture of Mainfold. At every sta stage ge of Manufac Manufacture/ ture/Inspe Inspection ction the Ara Aramco mco as well as Hyund Hyundai ai shall be invited invited to witn witness ess Insp Inspecti ection on activity. Daea Daeah h E&C for th the e manufactu manufacture re of Mainfo Mainfold ld sha shall ll imp impleme lement nt Qual Quality ity Managem Management ent Sy System stem in acc accordanc ordance e with the latest version of ISO 9001 Sch Q 2.0 Daea Daeah h E&C to appro approve ve Design Design calcu calculatio lation n & drawing be before fore start start of Fabri Fabricati cation on from Hyun Hyundai/ dai/Aramc Aramco o Hyundai/Aramco Approved Design Calculation sheet. Daea Daeah h E&C to use use Aramco Aramco appr approved oved w weldi elding ng proc procedure edure speci specifica fication. tion. Submi Submitt & get it it app approved roved deta detail il In Inspec spection tion & Tes Testt Plans Plans a. b.

7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12)

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Daea Daeah h E&C sh shall all execut execute e work in in-acc -accordanc ordance e with Inspec Inspection tion & te test st Pl Plan. an. Sch Q 3.1 Contractor shall plan organize, control and execute at WORK in accordance with CONTRACTOR’s Quality Plan(s), Inspection and Test Plans (ITPs) and documented procedures. The Quality Plan(s) shall ensure that quality personnel and processes, including those of subcontractors are effective and that the WORK is completed in strict compliance with all provisions of Schedule B of this Contract and the Scope of Work in the individual Release P.O. where applicable. c. Sch Q 3.3 d. Sch Q 3.5 e. Sch Q 3.7 Submi Submitt & get it approv approved ed Proc Procedure edure & M Method ethod Stat Statemen ements. ts. Get tthe he Fab Fabrica rication tion shop/ shop/ llocati ocation on appr approved oved by by Hyu Hyundai ndai & Aramco. Aramco. Main Mainfold fold drawing drawing s shall hall be a approve pproved d by Hyundai Hyundai /A /Aramc ramco. o. Prov Provide ide Stag Stage e wise Inspecti Inspection on activ activity ity for Man Manifol ifold. d. Material suc such h as pipes, fittings & other component shall be proc procured ured from Suppl Supplier/Vendors/Ma ier/Vendors/Manufacturer nufacturer approved by approved Aramco only. Material test c certificate ertificate shall contain the fol following:lowing:a. De Deta tail ils s of of spe speci cifi fica cati tion on b. Ph Phys ysic ical al pro prope pert rtie ies s c. Chem Chemic ical al Pr Prop oper erti ties es d. Manu Manufa fact ctur urer er’’ s Lo Logo go e. Quantity. Mate Material rial te test st cert certific ificate ate shall shall be legible. legible. Certi Certifica ficate te which are no nott reada readable ble will be re reject jected. ed. Welding C Consumable onsumable s specifications pecifications shall be identical to WP WPS S prepare prepared d and approved by Aramco. Zerox copies of all certificate shall shall be stamped & si signed gned by the respective s supplier upplier mentioning the the Quantity supplied to Daeah E&C in original. The Hard Punc Punch h marking (Heat (Heat Numbers) on the raw mate materials rials shall appear on the concern Materi Material al Test certificates submitted. Invoice & de delivery livery Chall Challan an for all the material material supplied shal shalll have date and serial No. The Invo Invoice ice & Challan Challan should should be signed an and d stampe stamped d by the suppli supplier. er. Prov Provide ide Insp Inspecti ection on & Test P Plan lan app approved roved by Aramc Aramco. o. Welder’s Job Clearance ca card rd (JCC) should be available be before fore start of welding. Carry out V Visual isual Inspection Inspection of all component (fittin (fittings, gs, Pipes & Valves) before assembly. Carry out Di Dimension mension check of all com component ponent (fittings, Pipes & Valves)before as assembly sembly Inspe Inspection ction of ffit-u it-up p bef before ore w weldi elding ng Alig Alignment nment check check dur during ing assembly assembly.. Stage wise inspe inspection ction durin during g wel welding. ding. Final visu visual al inspecti inspection on after after welding welding 100% RT tto o be carried carried out and and report tto o be submi submitted. tted. Separate De Detailed tailed Inspection Inspection Report to be s submitted ubmitted to Aramco for approval. Weld J Joint oint s summa ummary ry & NDT to to be sub submitt mitted. ed. All NDT activities shall be controlled iin n accordance with SAE SAEP-1160. P-1160. Press Pressure ure Test Test Dia Diagram gram to be submit submitted. ted. Punch Punchlist list / Outstand Outstanding ing work worklist list to be submitt submitted. ed. Pro Provid vide e test-pa test-pack ck dossie dossierr NDT:a. DPT b. RT NCR a. Sch Q 7.5 7.5.3 .3 Daeah Daeah E&C to restric restrictt further further proce processing ssing or iinstal nstallatio lation n of nonco nonconform nforming ing or def defecti ective ve items ,pending decisions on dispositions shall be established and maintained. b. Sch Q 7.5 7.5.3 .3 Daeah Daeah E&C shall shall forw forward ard to COMPAN COMPANY Y records records of al alll recorded recorded non-conform non-conformitie ities s withi within n forty eight hours of issue.



Sch Q 7.5 7.5.4 .4 Daeah Daeah E&C shall shall inv investi estigate gate the ro root ot cau cause se of nonnon-confor conformiti mities es and ini initiat tiate e Corre Corrective ctive actions to prevent recurrence of nonconformities maxi maximum mum seven days of the issue date. d. Sch Q 7.5 7.5.5 .5 Daeah Daeah E&C shall shall mai maintain ntain a summar summary y of the open open non-co non-conform nformitie ities s (NCRs, (NCRs, Discrepan Discrepancy cy Reports, Company logbook enteries etc) and submit it at the regular project progress meetings. 37) SAIC to to be used dur during ing fabrica fabrication tion of manifol manifold. d. a. SAIC SAIC-W-2 -W-2005 005 Pre-we Pre-welding lding Inspe Inspection ction (shop & fie field) ld) of of pla plant nt Pi Piping. ping. b. SAT SATR-W R-W-20 -2006 06 Daily Daily weld weld fit-up fit-up Inspec Inspectio tion n Report. Report. c. SAT SATR-W R-W-20 -2007 07 Daily Daily w weld eld Prod Product uction ion R Repo eport. rt. d. SAT SATR-A R-A-20 -2014 14 W Wate aterr C Chem hemist istry ry R Repo eport. rt. e. SATRSATR-A-20 A-2006 06 Cal Calibrat ibration ion test test rep report-p ort-pressu ressure re tes testt rel relief ief v valve. alve. f. SAT SATR-A R-A-20 -2002 02 P Pres ressur sure e Ga Gauge uge Cal Calibr ibrati ation on repor report. t. g. SAI SAIC-W C-W-2 -2007 007 P Post ost we weldi lding ng visual visual In Inspe specti ction on h. SAIC SAIC-A-2 -A-2009 009 V Verif erify y test test e equipm quipment ent (Safety (Safety a asses ssessment sment)) i. SAI SAIC-A C-A-2 -2015 015 V Veri erify fy Insp Inspect ection ion a att test test P Pres ressur sure e  j. SATR-A-2001 Pressure Pressure Test Report. 38) 38) Re Refe fere renc nce e St Std d :a. SCH Q pa para 3.1 3.1,3. ,3.3 b. Sch Q –(Pro –(Procure curement ment p phase hase Project Project Speci Specific fic Qual Quality ity R Requi equireme rement) nt) para para 1.4 1.4 c. Sch Q- (Con (Construc struction tion and pre pre-comi -comissio ssioning ning phase phase Proje Project ct specific specific Qual Quality ity Requirem Requirements) ents) pa para ra 2.2 , 2.3,2.4,2.5,2.6,2.8,2.9, d. Sch Q Contr Control ol of Non-conform Non-conformance ance-para -para 7.5.5, 7.5.5, 7. 7.7.3 7.3 a & b e. Sch Q Verificat Verification ion o off Purchas Purchase e mat material erial/equi /equipment pment para 3.0 in in entirety entirety f. Sch Q ot other her P Proj roject ect Spec Specifi ific c Req Requir uireme ement nt Para Para 5.0 iin n ent entire irety ty g. Sch Q Pro Procur cureme ement nt infor informat mation ion Pa Para ra 2.0 h. Sch Q para 4. 4.2 i. Ara Aramc mco o stds— tds—S SAES AES SAES-L-350.m SAES-W-011  j. Aramco Stds -- SAEP-1151 SAEP-1151 para 5.2.(Inspection 5.2.(Inspection and test test plan). k. Aramc Aramco o Stds Stds ---- S SAEPAEP-1151 1151 para 5.3. 5.3.(( sp specia eciall fo form rm 1 175) 75) l. m.

n. o.

p. q. r. s. t.

Aramc Aramco o Stds -- SAEP-1 SAEP-1151 151 para para 5.4.2( 5.4.2(mini minimum mum In Inspec spection tion llevels evels-Level -Level 1,2, 1,2,3,&4 3,&4)) Aramc Aramco o Stds -- SAEP-1151 SAEP-1151 para 5.6.2( 5.6.2(Contra Contractor ctor is respo responsib nsible le to propose the prop proper er level of inspection in accordance with this procedure and/ or other contractual documents.) SAEP-1151 Appendix A & B violated. SAEP-324 Welder JCC Card Aram Aramco co stds stds—S —SAT ATIP IP Ara Aramc mco o stds stds— —SAIC AIC SAIC-W-2005 SAIC-W-2007 SAIC-A-2009 SAIC-A-2015 SATR-W-2001 SATR-A-2007 Aram Aramco co stds stds—S —SAM AMSS SS ASME S Secti ection on –II A all the ma materi terial al suppl supplied ied for fab fabrica rication tion shall shall meet AS ASME ME Sec Section tion IIA ASME S Secti ection on –II C the c consum onsumable able su supplie pplied d for fabri fabricati cation on shall m meet eet AS ASME ME Section Section II IIC C AS ASME ME Sec Secti tion on V VII IIII Divi Divisi sion on IIII ASME Section I X

39) Prov Provide ide WP WPS S&P PQR QR app approved roved by Ara Aramco. mco. 40) Prov Provide ide we welding lding History History ffor or manifol manifold. d. 41) Prov Provide ide Wel Welding ding QC deta details ils for mani manifold. fold.

42) Provide Piping QC details for manifold.

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