Fabrication - Assembly & Erection

May 10, 2019 | Author: Rengga Andryastama | Category: Welding, Heat Treating, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Industrial Processes, Metalworking
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Fabrication - Assembly & Erection...



Pressure Vessels

FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY, AND ERECTION Fabrication is the preparation of piping assy ,including cutting, threading , grooving, forming, bending, and joining of components into subassemblies. Fabricating maybe performed in the shop or in the field.

FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY, AND ERECTION Assembly : is the joining together of two or more piping components by bolting, welding, bonding, screwing, brazing, soldering, cementing, or use of packing devices as specified by the engineering design.

FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY, AND ERECTION Erection : is the complete installation of piping system in the location, and on the support designated by the engineering design, including, any field assembly fabrication, eamination, inspection, and testing, of the system are re!uired by the "ode.

328 WELDING #elding shall conform to para. $%&.' through $%&.( in accordance with applicable re!uirements of para. $''.%.

328. W!"#in$ R!%&on%ibi"it' Eac( !)&"o'!r i% r!%&on%ib"! *or t(! +!"#in$ #on! b' t(! &!r%onn!" o* (i% or$aniation an#, !-c!&t a% &roi#!# in &ara. 328.2.2 an# 328.2.3, %(a"" con#/ct t(! t!%t% r!0/ir!# to 0/a"i*' +!"#in$ &roc!#/r!%, an# to 0/a"i*' an# a% n!c!%%ar' r! 0/a"i*' +!"#!r% an# +!"#in$ o&!rator%.


Para; 328, 330, 331, 332 and 333 apply for fabrication, assembly & erection of metallic piping & component 328 ---- WELDING 330 ---- !E"E#$ 33% ---- "$ 333 ---- !#'ING ( )*LDE!ING

Requirements for assembly or  erection are the same as fabrication

WEL!NG RE"#$N"!%!L!&' Employer responsible for the welding done by his employee and shall conduct of;

Qualification of Welding Procedures WPS  

Qualification/Re-qualification of Welder and Welding Operator   Exception provided in Para 32822 and 32823

!WPS "

WE#$ER %ES% &' O%(ERS )

W!"#!r t!%t



(uali)cation Requirements  (uali)cation

of W#" * Welder+Welding $perator refer A",E !-. e/cept as modi)ed herein  When base metal not withstand 012deg guided bend test as A",E !-.a qualifying welded specimen is required to undergo the same degree of bending as the base metal. within 3 deg4  #reheating refer to #ara 552  6eat &reatment refer to #ara 550  When impact testing is required. then the abo7e requirements shall be meet in W#"4  When consumables inserts. integrally machines equi7alent. bac8ing ring are used. it shall demonstrated in quali)cation  ,aterials are grouping to assigned #9number+   "9number to reduce number of #(Rs

FABRICATION, ASSEMBLY, AND ERECTION 33 1REEATING 33. G!n!ra" )reheating is used, along with heat treatment, to minimize the detrimental effects of high temperature and severe thermal gradients inherent in welding. *he necessity for preheating and the temperature to be used shall be specified in the engineering design and demonstrated by procedure !ualification. *he re!uirements and recommendations herein apply to all types of welding including tack welds, repair welds, and seal welds of threaded joints.


$$+.'.' e!uirements and ecommendations. e!uired and recommended minimum preheat temperatures for materials of various )-umbers are given in *able $$+.'.'. /f the ambient temperature is below +0" 1$%2F3, the recommendations in *able $$+.'.' become re!uirements. *he thickness intended in *able $$+.'.' is that of the thicker component measured at the joint.


(uali)cation by $thers #ara 5144 "ubect to speci)c appro7al of the !nspector. W#" quali)ed by others may be used pro7ided that:  !nspector shall be satis)ed that proposed W#" prepared. quali)ed * e/ecuted by e/pert in welding and no change made in WPS.  ,aterials are #90. #95. #9< Gr4 No40 =0 > ?r ma/@. #91 and impact test not required  Base metal to be joined = same P-number . e/cept #90. #95 and #9< Gp90 may be welded each other  If thickness ≤ 19mm. #W6& shall not be required


pressre #).E %/1 N 10 class 300 rating for material te material at +esign temperatre Design temperatre  -24 to 344 +eg 5elsis inclsi6e Wel+ing process  ).#W or G$#W or combination Electro+e for ).#W see table 32822 7g y signatre, employer accept responsibility for bot W) & 9!  #t least % :el+er(operator acti6e as passe+ ;alification test sing te proce+re an+ -nmber so:n in W) "e sall be ;alifie+ sing ben+ test as #).E I

employer may accept a 9$ ma+e for anoter employer  #cceptance

is limite+ to ;alification on piping sing same or e;i6alent W) :ere te essential 6ariables are :itin te limit as #).E I<


copy of 9$ recor+ sall be obtaine+ by employer 

Biller ,etal ?iller


metal sall conform to #).E I< re;irements

metal not *et incorporated  in #).E, may be se+ sb=ect to *:ner@s appro6al an+ ;alification test sccessflly ma+e

Weld %ac8ing ,aterial Wen bacAing are se+, tey sall conform to> ?erros metal bacAing rings sall be of +elda,le qualit* +it sulfur . 01 If t:o abtting srface :el+e+ to tir+ member & % or 2 of tree are ferritic an+ te oter astenitic, it sall be +emonstrate+ by W9! as ara 3282 acAing rings may be continuous acined or split ,and   onferrous " onetallic ,ac4ing ring  may be se+ sb=ect Designer@s appro6al an+ +emonstrate+ by W9! as ara 3282

?onsumables !nsert 5onsmable insert may be se+ pro6i+e+>  oinal  ot

coposition are sae as te filler etal 

cause detriental allo*ing of te +eld etal 

 Welding

procedure using te are qualified as Para 3282

?leaning Internal an+ eBternal srfaces to be termally ct or :el+e+ sall be clean an+ free from> aint *il !st )cale *ter

material :ol+ be +etrimental to te base metal or :el+

EN #RE#ARA&!$N General End

preparation is acceptable only if the surface is reasonably smooth  true! and slag is clean

"iscoloration remaining

on thermally cutting is not considered detrimental o/idation


preparation for groo7e welds as A",E %0C43. or any other which meet W#" is acceptable

End preparation is acceptable only if the surface is reasonably smooth & true, and slag is clean

?ircumferential welds $r $rimming imming

to correct internal isalignent  sall  sall not re+ce min :all ticAness, tm


en+ may be bore to allo: for a completely recesse+ bacAing ring, pro ring, provided vided not reduce reduce in5+all tic4ness


impro6e alignment, pipe alignment, pipe end a* ,e si6ed end if +all tic4ness are a re aintained 


etal a* ,e deposited to perit alignent  or  or  pro6i+e for macining to ensre satisfactory seating rings or inserts


a girt(mit girt(miter er groo6e :el+ =oints component of ne;al ticAness an+ one C%1 ticAness of te oter, en+  preparation an+ geometry geometry sall be in accor+ance :it acceptable +esign in #).E %/21

Alignment ?ircumferent ial Welds ?ircumferential Alignment of inside surface of com#onent  shall  shall be within imensional limit in W#" * Engineering design !f

e/ternal surface not aligned. it shall be ta#ered

Longitudinal Welds Alignment of Longitudinal welds shall be conform to the requirements of #ara 514
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