Fabled Lands 03 - Over the Blood-Dark Sea

November 6, 2018 | Author: JP Sanders | Category: Nature, Leisure
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Short Description

The 3rd in the series, Over the Blood-Dark Sea is a Role-Playing Gamebook (RPG) set in the Fabled Lands and was written ...


CODEWORDS ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

C acoga cogast Calcium Callid C ancel Catalyst Cenotaph Certain Cerumen C hance Chees heese Cheops Chill Church Cithara Citrus Civil

QUICK RULES ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

C lange nger Clutch Colour Coracle Cosy Covet Crag Crocus Cruel Cull Curdle C ushat Cutla utlass Cyclops Cynosure

 To  T o use an ability ility (COMBAT , THIEVERY , and so on), on), roll roll two dice dice and add your score in the abil bility. T o succeed you must roll higher than the Difficulty of  the the task. Example:  You want to t o calm down an ang angry ry i nnke nnk eeper. T his hi s requi require res s a  C  ffi culty ul ty of 10. 10 . Say Say you have have a  HARISMA H ARISMA  roll at a D i ffic HARISMA H ARISMA  sc C  score of 6. T his hi s means means that you you would would have to  roll rol l 5 or more on on two t wo dic di ce to succeed.

Fighting involves a series of COMBAT   rolls. rolls. The T he Difficulty of the roll is equal to the opponent’s Defence efence score. (Y (Y our De D efence score is is equa equal to your your R ank PLU PLU S your your armour rmour bonus bonus PLU S your your COMBAT  score.) T he amount you bea beat the Di Diffi fficulty culty by is is the number number of Stamina points points that your your opponent opponent lose loses.  That’spretty much all you need to know. If you have any detailed queries, consult the Adventuring in the Fabled bled La Lands 3 docum document.

Adve dventur nturer’s Journa ournal For the kee keeping ping of notes notes

Adve dventuri nturing ng in th the

Fable bled La Lands  is  is unlike unlike any any other gamebook series eries. T he reason is is Fabled L ands  that you can pla play the books in in any orde order, coming back back to to earli rlier books wheneve whenever you wi wish. Y ou need only only one book to start, but by coll collecting other book books s in the series eriesyou can explore xplore more of this thi s rich rich fanta fantas sy worl world. Ins I nstead of jus just one single storyli toryline, ne, there are virtuall virtually y unli unlimited adventures to be had had in in the the Fabled  Lands  . All you need need is is two dice dice, an eraser and a pencil. pencil. If you have already adventured ntured using other books books in the serie ries, you will will know know your entry entry point into into this book. T urn to that section ction now. now. If this is your your firs first Fabled L ands    book, book, read the rest of the ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Sea  Sea  rules rulesbefore before starting tarting at section ection 1 of O ver . You wil will keep the same adventuri dventuring persona throughou throughoutt the books books – starting tarting out as a 3rd R ank wa wanderer in in O ver , ver the BloodBlood- D ark Sea  Sea  but gradually gaining in power, wealth and experience througho throughout ut the series eries. ABILITIES  Yo  Y ou ha have six abilitie ilities. Y our init initia ial sc score in each ability ility ra ranges from 1 (low ability) to 7 (a high level of ability). Ability scores wil will change duri during ng your adventure, but you you can never never have an abil bility score lower lower than 1 or hi higher than 12. CHARISMA COMBAT M AGIC SANCTITY SCOUTING  T HIEVERY

the knack of befriending befriending people the skill kill of fig fighting the art of casting ting spells pells the gift of divine power and wisdom the techniques of tracking tracking and wil wilderness lore ore the talent for stea stealth and lockpi lockpicki cking ng

PROFESSIONS N ot all adventurers dventurers are good at everythi verything. Everyon Everyone e has some strengths trengths and some weaknes knesses. Y our choice choi ce of profes profession determines your ini i niti tia al scoresin the six abil bilities ties. Priest: CHARISMA 5, COMBAT  3, M AGIC 4, SANCTITY  7, SCOUTING 5, T HIEVERY  2 M age: C HARISMA 3, COMBAT  3, M AGIC 7, SANCTITY  1, SCOUTING 6, T HIEVERY  4 R ogue ogue: CHARISMA 6, COMBAT  5, M AGIC 5, SANCTITY  2, SCOUTING 3, T HIEVERY  7  Trou  Troubadour: CHARISMA 7, COMBAT  4,  4, M AGIC 5, SANCTITY  4, SCOUTING 3, T HIEVERY  5 Warrior: CHARISMA 4, COMBAT  7, M AGIC 2, SANCTITY  5, SCOUTING 4, T HIEVERY  5

Wayfarer: CHARISMA 3, COMBAT  6, M AGIC 3, SANCTITY  4, SCOUTING 7, T HIEVERY  5 Fill in the Adventure Sheet included in the Adventure Pack 3 with with your choice choice of profes profession and the abil bility scores give given for for that profession. STAMINA Stamina is lost lost when when you get hurt. hurt. Keep track of your your Stamina score core throughout throughout your your tra travels and adventures dventures. Y ou must guard against your Stamina mina score core dropping dropping to zero, because if it does you are dead. Lost Stamina mina can be recovered by va various ri ous means, but your Stamina cannot go above its initi nitia al score until until you advance in R ank.  Yo  Y ou start with ith 16 16 Stamina ina point ints. R ecord yo your St Stamina ina in pencil ncil on the Adve Adventure Sheet. RANK   Yo  Y ou st start at 3rd 3rd Ran Rank, so so not note th this on the the Adv Adventure Sheet now. now. By By completi completing ng quests and overcomin overcoming g enemies, you you have the chance to go up in in R ank.  Yo  Y ou will be told durin ring the course of your adventures when you are entitl ntitled ed to adva advance in R ank. C haracters of highe higher R ank are tougher, lucki l uckie er and generally better abl able e to deal with with trouble. Rank 


1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Out Outcas cast Comm C ommoner Guildmember Ma Master/ M istress Gentlem Gentleman/ Lady Baron/ Baroness Count/ Count/C Countess Earl/ Viscountess M arquis rquis/ M archiones rchioness Duke/ Duke/D Duchess

POSSESSIONS  Yo  Y ou can carry rry up to 12 possession ions on your person. All characters begin with with 40 Shards in cash and the foll following owi ng possessions, which whi ch you can record record on your Adventure dventure Sheet: sword, sword, chain mail (Defe (Defence +3), 3), map. Possessions are always marked rked in bol bold text, like this this: gold compass. Anything marked in this way is an item which can be picked picked up and added to your your li list of of pos possessions. R emember tha that you are limited li mited to carrying carrying a total of 12 items, so if if you get more than this thi s you'l you'll ha have to cross crosssomething omething off your Adventure A dventure Shee Sheet or find find somewhere to store tore extra items. Y ou can carry rry unli unlimited sumsof money.

 2 A dventuri ng i n the Fable Fabled d Lands  L ands 

DEFENCE  Yo  Y our Defence score is equal to to: your COMBAT  score core plus your R ank plus the bonus for the armour you'r you're e wearing ring (if (if any). Every suit of armour you find will have a Defence bonus listed for it. T he higher the bonus bonus, the be better tter the the armour. Y ou can can carry rry several suits suits of armour if you you wis wi sh – but because you can wear onl only one at a time time, you you only only get the Defence Defence bonus of the the best armour you you are carryi rrying. ng. Write rite your Defe Defence score on the Adventure Sheet now. T o start with wi th it it is is just your C OMBAT  score core plus plus 6 (because you are 3rd R ank and have +3 armour). rmour). R emember to to update update it if you get better armour or increase in R ank or COMBAT  ability. FIGHTING When fighting an enemy, roll two dice and add your C OMBAT score. Y ou need to roll roll highe hi gher than the enemy's Defence. The T he amount you rol roll above the enemy's Defence is is the number of  Stamina he loses loses. If the enemy is now down to zero Stamina then he is is defeated. Otherw O therwiise he wil will strike strike back at you, us using the same procedure. procedure. If I f you survi urvive, ve, you then then get a chance to attack again, and the battle ttle goeson until unti l one of you is i s victor victoriious. Example:  You are a 3rd R ank charac character with wi th a C OMBAT  sc  score of 4, 4 , and you  y ou  have to fi ght a gob gobll i n (C OMBAT  5,  5, D efenc fence 7, Stamina 6). T he fig fi ght  begi ns with wit h your attac att ack (you always al ways get firs fi rstt blow unl un l ess told othe oth erwis rwi se). Suppos Suppose you roll 8 on two t wo dice dice. A dding dding your your C OMBAT  gives a total total of  12. 12 . T his hi s i s 5 more than than the gobl obl i n's n' s D efenc fence e, so it l oses 5 Stamina. Stamin a. T he gobl i n sti sti l l has 1 Stam St amii na poi poi nt l eft, ft , so it gets to stri stri ke bac back. I t  rolls roll s 6 on the t he dic di ce whic whi ch, added to to its it s C omba ombatt of 5, gi ves ves a total attac att ack  score of of 11 1 1. Suppos Suppose e you have have a   chai  chain n mail mai l t abard abard (D efenc fence e + 3) . 3) . Your D efenc fence i s therefore refore 10 (= 4+ 3+ 3), so you you los l ose 1 Stamina and  can then then attac att ack again. again .

USING ABILITIES Fighti Fi ghting ng is is often often not the the easiest or safest way to tackle tackle a situation. tion. When you get get a chance to use one of your other abili bilities, you will will be told the Difficulty fficulty of the task. Y ou roll two dice dice and add your score core in the abil bility, and to succeed in in the task you must get higher than the Difficulty. Example:  You are at the t he bot bottom of of a cl i ff. ff . Y ou can use T HIEVERY   to cli mb i t, and  the cli mb i s D i ffic ffi culty ul ty 9. Suppos Suppose your T HIEVERY   sc  score i s 4. T his  hi s  means you mus must roll rol l at le l east 6 on the th e dic di ce to mak make the cl i mb.

CODEWORDS  There is a list of of co codewords inc includ luded in the Ad Adv venture Pack 3. 3. Sometimes you wi will be told you have acquired cquired a codeword. When this this happens, put a tick tick in in the box next to that codeword. codeword. If you la later los lose the codeword, codeword, erase the tick. tick.  The codewords are arranged alph lphabetica ically lly fo for each book in the series eries. In I n this this book, for example, all codewords begin wi with C. T his his makes it easy to check if if you picked pi cked up a codewor codeword d from a book you played previously. For instance, you might be asked if if you ha have picked picked up a codeword codeword in in a book you have alre lready adventured in. T he letter of that codeword will wi ll tell tell you

which book to check (i.e. if it begins with A, it is from Book 1: T he W ar-T orn K ingdo ingdom  ).

SOME QUESTIONS ANSWERED H ow long wil wi l l my advent adventures ures l ast? 

As long as you li like! There There are ma many plot plot strands to fol folllow in i n the Fabled L ands  . Explore wherever you want. Gain wealth, power and prestige tige. M ake friend fri ends s and foes. Jus J ust think think of it as real life in a fantasy worl world. When W hen you need to stop pla playing, ying, make a note note of  the entry you are at and la later you you can just just resume at tha that point. poi nt. W hat hat happe happens if I ' m kil led?  led? 

If you had the fore foresight to arra rrange a resurrec urrection tion deal (you'll (you'll learn about them later), r), death might might not be the end of your career. Otherw O therwiise, you can always start adventuri dventuring again with with a new persona. I f you do, you'll you'll first first have to erase all codewords, ticks and money recorded in the book. W hat do the t he maps maps show? 

 Two of the black and white ite maps show the whole extent of the known known Fabl Fabled Lands. T he colour colour map shows the Vi Violet olet Oce Ocean ver the Bl ood-D ark Sea  Sea  which which is is covered by by this this adventure – O ver .  The last black and white ite map should not be loo looked at unless you are ins instructed tructed to do so by a specifi pecific c reference number in i n the adventure itself. A re some regi regi ons of the the world worl d more dangerou dangerous s than others ot hers?  ? 

 Ye  Y es. Generally lly, the clo clos ser you are are to civ civiliz iliza ation ion (th (the area of  of  Sokara and Gol Golni nirr covere covered in in the first first two books books) the easier your adventures wil will be. Wa W ait until until you you have reached ched highe higher R ank before explori xploring the wilder wilder regi regions. W here here can I trave tr avel i n the t he Fabled Lands L ands? 

Anywhere. If If you journ journey ey to the edge of the ma map in in this this adventure, you wil wi ll be guide uided to another adventure in in the se series ri es. ingdom  m  it ies of G old and  (T he W ar-T orn K ingdo   deals with with Soka Sokara, C ities Glory  ver the Blood-D Blood-D ark Sea  Sea   deals  deals with Golnir, O ver  dea   deals with with the southern outhern seas and so on.) on.) For For example, if you are enslaved by the the F aces 321, U ttakin, kin, you will will be gui guided to T he C ourt of H i dden Fac which refers to entry 321 in Book 5. W hat if i f I don' don'tt have the nex t book?  book? 

 Jus  Just tur turn ba back. Whe When yo you do do ge get tha that boo book, you ca can alw alwa ays return return and venture venture onwards. W hat shoul should d I do when trave t ravel l i ng on on from one book book to to the nex nex t? 

It's very simple. Ma Make a note of the entry you'll you'll be turning turning to in the new adventure. Then T hen copy all the informa information tion from from your Adventure nture Sheet and Ship's Ma Manifes nifest into i nto the the new new adventure. nture. Lastly, tly, rub out out the Adventure Adventure Sheet and Ship's Ship's Ma Manifes nifest data in the old adventure so they wil will be bl blank when when you return th the ere. W hat about about codewords? 

Codewords report imp important events in your adve adventuri nturing life. life.  They 'remember' the places you've been and th the people you've met. Do Do NO N OT rub out codewords when you are passing from one book to another.

A dventuri ng i n the Fabled Fabled Lands 3 

A re there there any li mits mit s on abil abilii ti es? 

 Yo  Y our abilitie ilities (COMBAT , etc) can incr increa ease up to a maximum ximum of  12. T hey ca can never go lower lower than 1. 1. If I f you are told to los lose a point off an ability which is already at 1, it stays as it is. A re there there any li mits mit s on Stami Stami na? 

 There is no upper lim limit. it. St Stamina ina inc increases each tim time you go up up in Ra R ank. Wounds will will reduce reduce your your curren currentt Stamina, but not your potential potential (unwounded) (unwounded) score. I f Stamina Stamina ever goes goes to zero, you are killed. D oes it matter what t ype of of weapon weapon I have? 

When you buy a weapon in in a market, rket, you you can choose what type of weapon it it is is (i.e. (i.e. a sword, word, spear, etc). T he type of wea weapon is is up to you. Price ri ce is not affected by the weapon's type, but only only by whether whether it it has a COMBAT  bonus or not. not. Some i tems give abi abi l i ty bonuses. A re these cumulati umul ati ve? 

lockpicks cks (THIEVERY  +1) N o. I f you alrea already have a set of lockpi key (THIEVERY  +3), you don't and then acquire acquire a  skeleton key get a +4 bonus, only only +3. Count onl only y the bonus give given by your best item item for each abil bility. W hy do I keep goi going ng bac back to t o entri nt rie es I ' ve been to?  t o? 

M any entries entri es describe cri be locations locations such as a city city or castle, tle, so whenever you go back there, there, you you go to to the the paragraph that corres corresponds to that that place. H ow many ble bl essi ngs can I have?  have? 

As many as you can get, but never more more than one of the the same type. Y ou can't have several C OMBAT  blessings, for for ins i nstance, but you coul could have one COMBAT , one T HIEVERY   and one one CHARISMA bles  blessing.

Starting ting char characters  Yo  Y ou can create your own character, or pick ick one from the follo llowing ing – except for the last two listed.  Tr  T ransfer the detailsof the character you have chosen to the Ad Adv venture Sheet.


R ank: 3 Profession: Warrior Stamina: 16 Defence: 13 M oney: 40 Sha Shards CHARISMA: 4 COMBAT : 7 M AGIC: 2 SANCTITY : 5 SCOUTING: 4  T HIEVERY : 3 sword, chain mail (Defe (Defence +3), 3), map Possessions ons: sword,  Jalud luda is a rut ruthlessly clever fig figh hter wh who believes herself  more than a match for for any man. T hose who have sailed with with her her describe cri be this this fearsome amazon as fiery fiery and proud, not one to forget forget either a favour or a slight. She bears a mortal ortal grudge grudge against Amcha, the pirate pirate king.

DAMONTIR THE MAD R ank: 3rd Profes Profession: Ma Mage Stamina: 16 Defence: 9 M oney: 40 Sha Shards CHARISMA: 3 COMBAT : 3 M AGIC: 7 SANCTITY : 1 SCOUTING: 6  T HIEVERY : 4 sword, chain mail (Defe (Defence +3), 3), map Possessions ons: sword, H aunted by by memories ori es of a forme former li life in which which he wie wielded great power, power, Damontir ontir would would will williingl ngly pledge pledge his his lifeblood to the the demons of darkness if he stood to gain a snippet of magical lore. Power is his only goal, and so his his prima primary objec objective tive is to enrol enrol at one of the sorcerous orcerous academiesin Dweome D weomer.



R ank: 3rd Profes Profession: Pri Priest Stamina: 16 Defence: 9 M oney: 40 Sha Shards

R ank: 3rd Profes Profession: T roubadour Stamina: 16 Defence: 10 M oney: 40 Sha Shards



Possessions ons: sword, sword, chain mail (Defe (Defence +3), 3), map

Possessions ons: sword, sword, chain mail (Defe (Defence +3), 3), map

Arcadi rcadia a is a young woman whose purity puri ty of spiri spirit enables bles her to hear the the murmuri urmuring ng of the the gods in her her dreams. C ast out out by her family because they dis disapproved pproved of her unwor unworlldly dly ways, she has dedicated her life to the quest for spiritual enlightenment. She is curious curious about the gods gods of AnkonAnkon-K K onu, of which which she knows knows little, ttle, and so pla plans a vis visit to Smogmaw in in the near futur future. e.

After a short spell in the Y ellowport llowport mili militia tia (he mistakenly enlisted thinking he was joining a queue for alms), Sil Silas signed on aboard a mercha rchantman bound bound for for M etrici etriciens ens. H e found that that the fres fresh breeze and the open seainspired pired his his ballads, and resolved olved not to to return return to a landlubber’s lilife fe until until he has learned the song of  the mermaids mermaids.

 2 Starting Starti ng Chara C harac cters 


R ank: 3 Profes Profession: Rogue R ogue Stamina: 16 Defence: 11 M oney: 40 Sha Shards CHARISMA: 6 COMBAT : 5 M AGIC: 5 SANCTITY : 2 SCOUTING: 3  T HIEVERY : 7 Possessions ons: sword, sword, chain mail (Defe (Defence +3), 3), map A dashing hing scoundrel, Greymalkin kin li lives by his his wits wits and has no care for either either the future future or the past. M oney slips through through his hi s fingers fingers as fast as he can earn it, but of  of  late he has begun to to be tempted by a stor tory he overheard in in a docks dockside tavern – a story tory of grea great riches ri ches that li lie unguarded on an is island in in the the south outh seas.


R ank: 3 Profes rofession: Wayfarer yfarer Stamina: 16 Defence: 12 M oney: 40 Sha Shards CHARISMA: 3 COMBAT : 6 M AGIC: 3 SANCTITY : 4 SCOUTING: 7  T HIEVERY : 5 sword, chain mail (Defe (Defence +3), 3), map Possessions ons: sword, Varkung rkung has always been fascinated cinated by the dis distant places of the the world. world. As A s a chil child he would spend hours staring taring at hi his father’s ther’s maps and day-drea day-dreaming ming of the people and crea creatures tures who lived acros cross the sea. N ow, as a young man, he has the chance to go explori exploring. ng. Hi H is first first wis wish is is to vis vi sit Starspike rspike Is Island and see if, as legends cla claim, it it really does stretch tretch up beyond the sky.

DAVE MORRIS R ank: 12th Profession: Author Stamina: 40 Defence: 17 M oney: 3240 3240 Shards C HARISMA: 7 C OMBAT : 5 M AGIC: 11 SANCTITY : 1 SCOUTING: 7  T HIEVERY : 4 Possessions: Dalek gun, gun, Ta  T ai Chi C hi sword, three preColumbian gods Dave has written wri tten about eighty eighty books, but sti stilll publis publi shers insist on rous rousing him him from his his eerie ri e manse in W Wa andsworth to do more work fo forr them. H e is an alumnusof M agda gdalen Coll C olle ege, Oxford.

 JAM  JAMIE THOMS THOMSON R ank: 15th Profes rofession: Ga Gamer Stamina: 74 Defence: 26 M oney: 2 Shards C HARISMA: 7 C OMBAT : 11 M AGIC: 8 SANCTITY : 7 SCOUTING: 2  T HIEVERY : 10 computer, Dave’s collection of  Possessions: computer, Sandman comics comics,, many games (all missing their boxes and rulebooks)  Jamie has benefite ited conside iderably by a switc itch in profes profession since since his his last book book as he is is now engaged in in the one and only only activi ctivity ty at which whi ch he excels – playing games. H e sleeps by day, ris ri sing only only at night ni ght when when woken by the bleep of his computer.

O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea 1 

1  Yo  Y ou are alon lone in an open boat waitin iting g for death. H ow your your li life has changed since the day that you set out from from your home homeland across the Unbounded U nbounded Oce Ocean! Y ou had signed on aboard a ship hip in in the hope of vis vi siting ting a dozen ports ports, seeing a thous thousand wonders wonders. But But calamity overtoo overtook k your your voyag voyage in the first first week, when pirates pirates swooped wooped down upon tthe he vessel.  Yo  Y ou and a handful of of shipm ipmates managed to get the cutter down into the the water and were making ki ng off, off, but but some of the the pirates piratesleapt down from the rail right right in your midst. T he fighting fighting was hard.  Yo  Y ou re remember lit little of it no now, bu but wh when it was over th the boat was awash with with blood blood and and you were were the only only one left left alive. Of  O f  your own own ship and the pirate pirates’ there was no sign – the current current had carried you out of sight of any living thing. Best not to think think how you’ve you’ve survived urvi ved since then. At At the mercy of the wind wind and the currents currents, you ha have been swept steadil dily westwards into regi regions completely unknown unknown to you. Drinki rinking ng water has been your bigg biggest probl problem em – you’ve you’ve had to rely on rain and there has been none for days. Y our body is is weak, your spiri pirits ts low. T hen, jus just as death seems ready to dra draw his his boat alongside, you you see something omething that kindl kindles es new hope. White hite clouds. Birds Bi rds turning turning high above. T he grey hump of land on the horizon! Steering ri ng towards the shore, hore, you feel the cutter lurch lurch as it enters rough water. T he wind whi whips ps up plumes of spi spindrift ndrift and breakers pound the cliffs. cliffs. The T he till tiller is is yanked out of your hands.  The litt little boat is spun around, out of control, rol, and goes plun lunging ing towards towards the coast.  Yo  Y ou leap clear at the last second. There is the snap of timb imber, the roa roaring ri ng crescendo of the waves – and then silence sil ence as you go

 To Starspike ike Isla Island

turn to 192

4 A great whi white bell of canvas stretches tretches overhea overhead, gathering gathering in in the the wind wi nd asa fis fisherman’s herman’s net catches catchesa shoa hoal. ‘We’re e’re making ki ng good progres progress,’ obs observes the helmsman. ‘Let’s hope this this breeze doesn’t n’t fres freshen into into a gale, though. though.’’ R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-6 Storm turn to 491 Score 7- 12 A safe voyage turn to 24 5  Yo  Y ou re return to to th the ship and wa waste no tim time getting ing un under way. Lose the codeword word C osy  if  if you had it.  The he helmsman stifle ifles a ya yawn. ‘You kno know, skip kipper, I felt quite quite drowsy on the iis sland,’ nd,’ he he says. ‘T ‘T he sea breeze is waking waking me up. though.’ Steer north turn to 281 Steer south turn to 117 Steer east turn to 153 Steer west turn to 370 6 H elples elpless in the grip grip of the storm, torm, the vessel cra cracks apart. T he seawater rus rushes into the the broken shell of the hull hull, dragging you down. T he screams of your crewmen are drowned out by the howl of the storm. C rossoff your your ship and crew. They T hey are lost forever. forever. Y ou can think of nothing not but saving yourself. R oll two dice dice. If I f the score is greater ter than your your R ank, you

O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea 1 

1  Yo  Y ou are alon lone in an open boat waitin iting g for death. H ow your your li life has changed since the day that you set out from from your home homeland across the Unbounded U nbounded Oce Ocean! Y ou had signed on aboard a ship hip in in the hope of vis vi siting ting a dozen ports ports, seeing a thous thousand wonders wonders. But But calamity overtoo overtook k your your voyag voyage in the first first week, when pirates pirates swooped wooped down upon tthe he vessel.  Yo  Y ou and a handful of of shipm ipmates managed to get the cutter down into the the water and were making ki ng off, off, but but some of the the pirates piratesleapt down from the rail right right in your midst. T he fighting fighting was hard.  Yo  Y ou re remember lit little of it no now, bu but wh when it was over th the boat was awash with with blood blood and and you were were the only only one left left alive. Of  O f  your own own ship and the pirate pirates’ there was no sign – the current current had carried you out of sight of any living thing. Best not to think think how you’ve you’ve survived urvi ved since then. At At the mercy of the wind wind and the currents currents, you ha have been swept steadil dily westwards into regi regions completely unknown unknown to you. Drinki rinking ng water has been your bigg biggest probl problem em – you’ve you’ve had to rely on rain and there has been none for days. Y our body is is weak, your spiri pirits ts low. T hen, jus just as death seems ready to dra draw his his boat alongside, you you see something omething that kindl kindles es new hope. White hite clouds. Birds Bi rds turning turning high above. T he grey hump of land on the horizon! Steering ri ng towards the shore, hore, you feel the cutter lurch lurch as it enters rough water. T he wind whi whips ps up plumes of spi spindrift ndrift and breakers pound the cliffs. cliffs. The T he till tiller is is yanked out of your hands.  The litt little boat is spun around, out of control, rol, and goes plun lunging ing towards towards the coast.  Yo  Y ou leap clear at the last second. There is the snap of timb imber, the roa roaring ri ng crescendo of the waves – and then silence sil ence as you go under. Striking out wildly, you try to swim clear, then suddenly a wave catches you and fli flings you contemptuously contemptuously on on to the beach.  Yo  Y ou are ba battered and bedraggled, but alive live. Now your adventurescan begin. R oll oll two two dice. dice. Score 2-4 turn to 709 Score 5-6 turn to 505 Score 7 turn to 714 Score 8-9 turn to 313 Score 10- 12 turn to 151 2  Yo  Y ou find ind two important references to the Inn Innis Shoals. The firs irst, in a book book on navigation, tion, reads: ‘T ‘T hese islands islands form an effective effective barri rrier to the western sea, being being ringe ringed with with trea treacherous cherous reefs and racked racked by constant storms torms. Only nly a skil ki lled pi pilot can can bring bri ng a ship safely through.’  The other bo book de deals with ith matters of re religion ion: ‘A ‘A nu numino inous essence is thought to pervade the air of of this thi s region. For this this reason, the archipelag archipelago ha has long long been accounted as a holy holy pla place and many a hermi hermitt ha has made his his home here.’ here.’ All in all, ll, the Inni Innis s Shoals hardly sound the place place for a holida holi day. U nless you’re ou’re a religious religious mania niac, that is. T urn to 368. 3  Yo  Y ou are sailing iling a litt little way south-ea -east of Starspike ike Isla Island, on on the edge of the the Seaof H ydras. Go north turn to 172 T he Serpe Serpent K i ng’s Dom D omain  ain 300 Go south Go east turn to 136 Go west turn to 302

 To Starspike ike Isla Island

turn to 192

4 A great whi white bell of canvas stretches tretches overhea overhead, gathering gathering in in the the wind wi nd asa fis fisherman’s herman’s net catches catchesa shoa hoal. ‘We’re e’re making ki ng good progres progress,’ obs observes the helmsman. ‘Let’s hope this this breeze doesn’t n’t fres freshen into into a gale, though. though.’’ R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-6 Storm turn to 491 Score 7- 12 A safe voyage turn to 24 5  Yo  Y ou re return to to th the ship and wa waste no tim time getting ing un under way. Lose the codeword word C osy  if  if you had it.  The he helmsman stifle ifles a ya yawn. ‘You kno know, skip kipper, I felt quite quite drowsy on the iis sland,’ nd,’ he he says. ‘T ‘T he sea breeze is waking waking me up. though.’ Steer north turn to 281 Steer south turn to 117 Steer east turn to 153 Steer west turn to 370 6 H elples elpless in the grip grip of the storm, torm, the vessel cra cracks apart. T he seawater rus rushes into the the broken shell of the hull hull, dragging you down. T he screams of your crewmen are drowned out by the howl of the storm. C rossoff your your ship and crew. They T hey are lost forever. forever. Y ou can think of nothing not but saving yourself. R oll two dice dice. If I f the score is greater ter than your your R ank, you are drowned – turn to 123. IIff the score core is less than or equal to your R ank, you are swept miraculously to the shore. hore. Los Lose 2-12 Stamina points points and (if (if you you can survive urvi ve that) turn turn to2 to 26. 7  The stowaway is an assassin who bursts from hidin iding g and runs at you brandis ndishing hing a long curved knife. knife. ‘N ivram the Wiza Wi zard sends ends his his regards, scum!’ he rants. Assassin, COMBAT  8, Defence D efence 10, Stamina 8  There is no nowhere to to flee. If you beat him yo you can take his his dagger a dagger and the 10 Shards in his his purse. purse. Then T hen turn to to 78. 8  The sun is setting ing by the time you retrace the prie riest’s tracks to a dank cave. A figure figure in grey grey robes waits for you. T he jewelled jewelled rings on his long fingers only serve to make his flesh look still more like ivory. ‘I welcome all who la land upon my shore,’ he says in an eerie erie drone. ‘I ‘ It matters not to me what’s t’s port’s port’s your home, since now you’ll dwell here too for evermore, and feed my veins with blood I’ll call my own.’ Panic nic and anger send one of the crew crew mad. H e charges up the cave brandishi brandishing ng his knife. knife. He H e is only only a little ttle fat fellow, fellow, and you never thought thought to hear him him utter utter such screamsof ha hatred. tred. The T he vampire mpire disembowels him him at one stroke, la l aying ying him him open from from gorge gorge to groin. groin. Y ellow ll ow fat spills pills out with blood blood and bile bile and half-di f- dige gested brea breakfast. T he vampire mpire laps laps it all up. M ake a MAGIC roll at a Difficulty of 14. Successful MAGIC roll turn to 28 Failed M AGIC roll turn to 46

 2 O ver ver the BloodBlood- D ark Sea  Sea 

9  Yo  Y ou sail int into th the coastal waters of So Sorcerers’ Isle Isle. He H ere the sea foam takes on an odd pearly rly glow glow by moonli moonlight, and stra trange songs ongs can be heard across the the darkl rkling waters. Put into Dweomer harbour turn to 152 Sail around the island turn to 182 Steer out on to the open sea turn to 122 10 It is is getting tti ng harder to to breathe; lose lose 3 Stamina mina points points unles unless you have the codeword codeword Calcium  . If I f you survive urvive, you fli fling ope open the door to to find fi nd a large chest containing containi ng platinum coins coins to the value of 400 Shards. ‘W ‘We got the treasure, now let’s be be getting tting out of  here!’ urge urges one of your men.  Tak  Take a loo look alon long the passage turn to 29 R eturn to the ship turn to 308 11 U sing grapnels rapnels you climb cli mb with with several crewmen to the level of  the tunnel. tunnel. I t is jet black, black, drinki drinking ng in the sunlight. unlight. To To explore xplore candle or other light source. you you must have have alantern alantern,, candle or Continue into tunnel turn to 178 N o source of light turn to 196 12 ‘Lucky ‘L ucky it it turned out to be pretty old,’ old,’ rem remarks rks the bosun. ‘A ‘A younger one one would would have been tough to beat.’ t.’ Leaning ning against a tree to get your your breath back, you merely throw him a withering glare. A trail winds up the hillside towards the middle of the island. One of the the men sees you gla glance along it it and says, ‘Shouldn’ Shouldn’tt we be setting etting sail, captain?’ ptain?’ Explore further inland turn to 31 R eturn to the ship turn to 125 13  Yo  Y our vessel is more or less due south of Met Metric ricien iens. The loo lookout reports no sight of land in any direction. C ities it ies of G old and Glo Gl ory 210 Steer north Steer south turn to 504 Steer east turn to 402 Steer west turn to 200 14  The ghost resists your best ef efforts to dis dispel it. it. It is int intent on returni returning ng to its its home port port of Smogmaw, and its its curse means that you cannot put iin n at any other port port on the the way. Y ou must now sail directly directly for Smogmaw; when you get there, there, the ghost will leave your ship.  Turn  Turn to 78. 15 ‘What’s hat’s your your game?’ says the the pries priestess with wi th a handsome smil mile. ‘Pardon rdon me?’ ‘Y our game.’ She fans the ca cards. rds. ‘M aingauche, uche, Bla Bl ack Dea Death, Stake the Vampire ... ... How H ow about Cudge C udgel?’  The two of you play several fie fiercely contested rou rounds of th the game Cudgel, said to be popular among pit pit fighte fighters in Trefoi T refoillle. R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-5 Lose 2-12 Shards turn to 52 Score 6-7 Lose 1-6 Shards turn to 52

Score 8-9 Win 1-6 Shards Score 10-12 Win 2-12 Shards

turn to 72 turn to 72

16  Yo  Y ou can take their th three swords and the the 107 Shards they have in their their money pouches. One O ne of them also had a mariner’s ruttier tucked ruttier tucked into into his hi s breeches; he clea clearly rly won’ won’tt have any use for it now. When you have fini finis shed going oing over over the the bodies, delete the hurch  codeword C hurch   and  and turn to 44. 17 Sum  A few days out from from Smogmaw the the T idy Sum   is   is overhauled overhauled by your own own ship. hip. It I t is is with with enormous relief reli ef that you see the faces of your loyal oyal lads at the rai rail. ‘Ahoy, ‘A hoy, you you have our skippe ki pper!’ calls your fi first mate to the Sokaran captain. ‘H eave to, if you you plea please.’  The Sokarans don’t want a figh ight. You are paid 150 Shards in compensation and returned to your ship. ‘A tidy sum,’ you remark with with a smile mil e to the the captain as you lea leave his his vessel. N ote that you are no longer docked at Smogmaw, then turn to 282. 18  The te temple of of Badogor is jus just a hu hut set in a cle clearin ring so some dis distance from town. town. Y ou enter to be instantly ntly assailed by a horde of culti cultis sts whose teeth are as sharp as knifekni fe-poi points. nts. M ake a C OMBAT  roll at a Difficulty of 17 to fight your way to safety. fety. Successful ful C OMBAT roll turn to 37 Failed COMBAT  ro  roll turn to 123 19  The crew amuse themselve lves by throwing ing apple cores at a shoal of glide gli der cra crabs. ‘Look ‘L ook li lively, you swabs!’ you say to the them. ‘I ’ll ’ll soon find you chores if you’re idle.’  They return to their duties with ith alacrity ity. ‘Wha ‘What heading ing shall I steer, cap’n?’ p’n?’ asks the helms helmsman. Go west turn to 630 Go north turn to 81 Go east turn to 4 Go south turn to 227 20 Did you sell anything nything at the market rket that you ha had previous previouslly obtained there for free free? I f so, turn to 372. If I f not, not, turn to3 to 335. 21 ‘Let’s steer clea clear of of Uttaku, U ttaku,’’ suggests the first first mate with with a fearful rful glance westwards. ‘T he Utta Uttakin ki n are rank fiends fi ends who merely wear the the outer guis guise of men.'’ men.'’ R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-5 H ags in sieves turn to 236 Score 6-7 A fe fearsome waterspout turn to 109 Score 8-12 -12 An uneventful jou journe rney turn to 39 22 ‘A Shard for for your your thoughts thoughts,’ you sa say to the first first mate when you find find him him gazing zing dourly dourly out acros cross the waves. ‘Far to the south, outh, men say, there’s there’s a pit pit tha that goes right ri ght through through the worl world. In I n its its bla black depths you can see the stars.’

O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea 3 

Y ou laugh to make light li ght of his mood. ‘We ‘Well, ll, what of it? Why so glum?’ ‘Don’ ‘D on’tt you know the the old old saying? ying? Battle Battle not with wi th monsters lest ye become a monster; and if if you you gaze into into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you. you.’’ He H e turns turns away from from the rail rail. ‘W ‘What cours course, captain?’ Go north turn to 170 Go south turn to 79 Go east turn to 468 Go west turn to 40

29 U nles nless you have the codeword codeword Calcium  , lose 4 Stamina points points because of the diffi difficul culty ty of breathing. thing.  Yo  Y ou step int into a large dark hold. ld. Your Your eyes have no tim time to adjus djust to the the gloom gloom before fore a tra translucent crea creature ture with with many fra frail tentacles cles comes drifti dri fting ng forwards forwards to exude a gobbet of grey grey vapour in your face. ‘Don’t breathe it in, captain!’ yells one of your men. Inhale turn to 47 Exhale turn to 67

23 One of the the crew goes mad and hurls hurl s hims himself from from the rigg rigging crying, crying, ‘H ‘H ydras ydras! Hydra Hydras! Cut Cut off off a head and two more shall take its place!’  Yo  Y ou have his broken body wrapped in a sail and commended to the the gods of the the sea. Death aboard ship ship is is always a bad omen. R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-5 Storm turn to 83 Score 6-7 Brooding quiet turn to 41 Score 8-10 H aunted turn to 574 Score 11-12 -12 A mysterious island turn to 105

30  The clos loser you ge get to the un uncharted island, the gr greater your amazement. ‘I ‘I s it a natural is island or a man-ma n- made thing? thing?’ wonders wonders the the mate.  Yo  Y ou can understand why he’s baffled: what lies ahead of you is a dis disk of of jet jet black marble rble almost half a kil kilometer across across. It ri rises to a height of a good hundred hundred metres tres above the water. F Fro rom m high high in the the smooth black cliffs, cli ffs, sunli unlight picks picks out the edge edges of a tunnel. Ascend to the tunnel turn to 11 Sail away turn to 48

24 If you have the title titl e Saviour viour of VervayensIsle, turn to 169. If not, you pore over your charts unti untill late into the night trying trying to decide where to set your course. Steer west turn to 42 Steer east turn to 303 Steer south turn to 263 Steer north turn to 119 25 candle in If you used a candle i n the mines, cros cross it off your Adventure A dventure Sheet as it can be used only only once. T hen turn turn to 317. 26  Yo  Y ou are swept ashore at th the mouth of of a wide ide riv river. St Staggering ing towa towards trail trails of smoke that are ris ri sing from from beyond a copse of  oli olive-gree ve-green tropi tropica cal palms, you arri arrive at a settlem ettlement of many thatched-roo tched-rooff shacks raised on stil tilts at the river’s ri ver’s edge. It is i s the depot town of Smogmaw, on the great southern continent.  Turn  Turn to 44. 27  The causeway ends in a massive ive iro iron door set int into the cliff liff fa face. It is is studded tudded with with huge irreg rregula ular moonstones that that look look li like chunks of froze frozen n milk. milk. Y ou could not possible open this this door on your own. If you have the codeword word C osy , turn to 84. If I f not, you must go back, turn to 5. 28  The vampire ire speaks in rhy rhyming ing co couplets. Kno Knowing ing th that verse has magic of its i ts own, you know know that that you might might be able ble to confound it i t by rep replying ying in in the same fashion. hion. Vampires are sly and vici vicious ous, but easily baffle ffled. Attempt to speak in verse turn to 65  Try something ing else turn to 46

31  Yo  Y ou climb up the path, wh which ich is gentle at fir firs st but gets steadily steeper. I t is is afternoon fternoon befor before e you have reached the peak in i n the centre of the is island. N one of your your men has had the stamina to keep up, so you you are alone one as you gaze out over over the the garden of  foli foliage to where where a toy ship ship crewed by ants bobs gently ntly in in a pond.  Thre  Three ancient trees stand behind ind you. With With a rus rustling ling of lon long leaves, they seem to speak to to you: you: ‘I f you you taste death, it’s t’s here you’ll you’ll be reborn. But But heed our warning: warning: three times only only can we give you fresh life.’ C ros ross off off any previous previous arra rrangements and wri write Is Island of  R ebirth (O ver in the R esurrection box ver the BloodBlood- D ark Sea  Sea 351) in on your Adve Adventure She Sheet et.. IIff you are are kill kille ed, turn turn to 351 in this book. Y ou can only only have one resurre urrection ction arrange arranged at a time time.  The trees fall silent.  Yo  Y ou go back to your ship. ip. Turn Turn to 125. 32  Yo  Y ou po pore over th the charts rts, reckon koning ing your po positio ition n to to lie dead south of K nucklebones Point. Poi nt. H ead for Sorcerers’ Isle turn to 504 Steer a cour course for the U nnumbered Isles turn to 205 H ead north to C ities it ies of G old and Glo Gl ory 175 the mainl inland Go eastwards turn to 77 33  The cre crew falls lls ill. ill. If you have a blessing ing of Imm Immunity ity to Disease/P e/ Pois oison, crossit off and turn to 116. Otherwis therwise, the ship hip drifts drifts untended until until you are well enough to handle it – by which time you are in unknown waters. R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-4 turn to 58 Score 5- 6 turn to 170 T he I sl and of of a Thous T housand and Spires 84 Score 7

 4 O ver ver the BloodBlood- D ark Sea  Sea 

turn to 370 turn to 40

Score 8-9 Score 10-12

34 ‘What shall we pla play?’ wonders wonders the pries priestess, pressing the pack of  of  cards against her low lower er li lip. ‘Ah, yes, how about a sedate game of  Paying the Devil?’ She deals the cards. rds. R oll oll two dice di ce. Score 2-6 Lose 1-6 Shards turn to 52 Score 7 Rol Roll again Score 8-12 Win 1-6 Shards turn to 111 35  They loo look up at you with ith eyes made bleary by drin rink. ‘It’s ‘I t’s our old ski skippe pper,’ r,’ says M ister ter H aywood, your erstwhile twhile midshipma midshipman. ‘Stri ‘Strike me me blind!’ says Frye Fryer, once your trus trusted first first mate. ‘I ‘I never thought thought to see you this this side of hell.’ hell.’  Thre  Threaten them turn to 53 Greet them amicably turn to 130 Preach at them turn to 166 36  Yo  Y ou rise ra rapidly idly fr from be being ing an ord ordina inary sailor ilor to th the ra rank of  trus trusty midshipma midshipman. Eventuall Eventually, y, after many months, the captain agrees to give give you your free freedom. ‘Y ‘Y ou deserve it, it,’ h he e says. ‘Whe ‘W here shall I put you ashore? H ow about about Ol Old Sokar?’ Y ou notice notice he dis disdains to use its new name, M arlock rlock Ci C ity. Dis Disembark at Cop Copper Island turn to 99 Disembark at Dweomer turn to 100 T he W ar-T orn K ingdo ingdom  m 100 Dis Di sembark at at Old Old Sokar 37  That was one of the hardest figh ights of your life life. Los Lose 1-6 Stamina ina. If you survive, urvi ve, you have the chance to increa increase your COMBAT   score by 1 if you you can roll roll highe hi gher than your current current score on two dice. After noting any alterations on your Adventure Sheet, turn to 44. 38 Perhaps you expected a rugge rugged fellow fell ow wi with arms like anchor nchor cables bles, but but the the mine mine forem foreman is is just a dapper busines businessmen in in an ermine rmine robe. H e quotesprice prices for the the various rious goods that interes i nterest him him. T hese price rices are for entire entire Cargo Uni Units ts. Y ou cannot carry this this large a quantity ntity in in person, but what ever you buy wil will be loa loaded on to your your ship ship if if you have one docked here. C argo

Grain M etals Spices  Tex  Textiles  Timb  Timber

T o buy

200 Shards 575 Shards 950 Shards 250 Shards 350 Shards

T o sell


180 Shards 550 Shards 900 Shards 220 Shards 300 Shards

When you have completed your business with with mine mine forem foreman, turn to 317. 39  Yo  Y ou are ha halfw lfway between the In I nnis Sh Shoals and Bra Braelak, the Sorcerer’ Sorcerer’s s Isle.

Go west H ead for the the mainland Go east Steer south for open ocean

turn to 58 T he C ourt of H i dden Fac F aces 95

turn to 129 turn to 170

40  The wind ind freshens and veers to blo blow w fro from m the north-ea -east. Y ou must be careful, reful, or or your ship hip could could be blown blown onto onto the reefs reefs fring fringing the the Innis Innis archipela rchipelag go. R oll two dice dice. T he I sl e of a  Score 2-4 Blow Blown off off cou cours rse T housand housand Spire Spir es 84 Score 5-8 A peaceful voyage turn to 59 Score 9-12 A vi vision in the sunset turn to 551 41  Yo  Y ou are sailing iling some way off th the coast of of Ank Ankon Kon Konu. Exo Exotic Akatsurai li l ies far to to the northnorth-ea east; strange strange Dangor , the forbi forbidde dden city, city, is to the the south-ea outh- east across Gashmuru Gul Gulf. f. Follow the coast west turn to 337 Follow the coast east turn to 60 Put Put in towards rds shore T he Serpe Serpent K i ng’s ng’ s D omain  omain 400 Steer due north turn to 136 Strike out for Akatsurai turn to 98 42  Yo  Y ou are in the very midd iddle of the great ocean. R oll two dice ice. Score 2-8 N othing of note turn to 61 Score 9-12 A storm brewing turn to 193 43  Yo  Y ou have not gone far alon long the avenue before you begin to be overcome overcome by tirednes ti redness. T he stone tone slabs beside the avenue suddenly look l ook as inviti nviting ng as feather beds. T o stay awake you must either either have the codeword Chill   or  or succeed in in a MAGIC roll of Di Difficult ffi culty y 13; otherwis otherwise you have to take a nap. Stay awake turn to 62 Fall asleep turn to 582 44 Smogmaw is is a ramshackle hackle town town popul popula ated by a human stew of  tra traders, thi thieves, adventurers, pirate pi rates, and fierce fierce natives tives from from upriver. upriver. Al All are drawn here by one common motive motive – greed.  They hope that by trade or cri crim me they will will be become ric rich at th the expenseof others. others.  Yo  Y ou can buy a shack here for 20 Shards. If you do, cro cros ss off  the money money and put a tick tick in i n the box next next to the the shack option. opti on. Visit the market turn to 86 Buy or sell cargo turn to 54 Go to the quayside turn to 71 Enter a tavern turn to 314 R eturn to your sha shack ! (if  (if box tick icked) turn to 74 Explore the town turn to 258 Look for a temple turn to 128 Leave Smogmaw turn to 134 45  The men rise and stagger ba back to th the be beach like like na narcoleptics ics.  They move as if lead weigh ights were tied to their feet. It is all they can do to keep their eyes open. Onl O nly y when they emerge from from the tree trees on to to the the balmy stretch tretch of shore hore and behold behold the open seas do they they start to recover from from their their drow drows siness.

O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea 5 

 Turn  Turn to 5. 46  The vampire ire stands crou rouched over th the body of yo your po poor de dead crewman. As the sunli unlight dra drains away, it it gives gives an exultant exultant peal of la laughter and and cries cries: ‘T ‘T he cooli cooling balm of night night anoints noints the world!’ Attack the fiend turn to 85 Drive it off with holy words turn to 141 47 Get the codeword Calcium if you don’t already have it.  The vapour constric ricts yo your lun lungs and thro throa at so that your voice voice goes up half an octave octave. Lose 1 CHARISMA point if you are male.  Turn  Turn to 67. 48  Yo  Y ou sail away fro from m the strange artific ificia ial island. ‘Mark it on on th the charts, mister,’ r,’ you tell the naviga vigator. If you ha have the codeword codeword Callid  , lose it and turn to 717. Otherwis therwise, choose your next hea heading. ding. Go south T he Serpe Serpent K i ng’s Dom D omain  ain 100 Go east turn to 227 Go north turn to 630 Go west turn to 153 49 ! If the box above is empty, put a tick tick in in it it and turn to 340. If the box wasalready ticked, ticked, turn turn to 7. 50 ‘T he unknown unknown la lands,’ replies replies your fi first mate when when you ask him him what lie li es south of here. ‘Ankon‘Ankon-K K onu.’ H ead south turn to 630 H ead north turn to 301 Head west turn to 9 H ead east turn to 205 51  The cabin boy has been found lyin lying g in the bilge of the ship with ith his his head bas bashed in. in. A belaying ying pin pin was found nearby. Possible ble suspects for the crime cri me include nclude the second mate, who who reg regula ularly rly lost money to the the la lad at dice, dice, and the sailmaster, who was known to dislike him. H ow will will you deal with the incident? incident? Accuse the second mate turn to 536 Accuse the sailmaster turn to 707  Try loo looking ing for clue lues turn to 499 Do nothing turn to 554 52  The prie riestess waits its to collect her winn inning ings. (R (R emember to to cross the sum off your your Adventure A dventure Sheet if you do pay.) pay.) Pay her what you owe turn to 72 Can’t or won’t pay turn to 91 53 If you ha have a ship hip docked docked here at Smogmaw, turn turn to 92. If not, turn to 73.

54 U nli nlike the ramshackle ckle buil uildings dings that that make up much of the the town, town, the warehouses are stoutl toutly y constructed constructed from from heavy logs logs. N ot even a spider pider could could squeeze betwee tween thos those mighty timbe timbers – much les less even the the stealthies thiest and slipperies pperiest of of thi thieve eves. ‘Spice ‘Spices are the princi principl ple e commodity of the Feathered Lands,’ a merchant tells you. (Y (Y ou must look look as if you’re you’re just off the the boat.) t.) Get the codeword Catalyst   a  and then decide decide what you you are going going to buy or sell sell C argo

Furs Grain M etals M inerals Spices  Tex  Textiles  Timb  Timber

T o buy

300 Shards 250 Shards 850 Shards 750 Shards 400 Shards 250 Shards 180 Shards

T o sell


220 Shards 200 Shards 800 Shards 700 Shards 320 Shards 200 Shards 160 Shards

 These price ices are for entire ire Cargo Units Units, wh which ich are too much to carry rry in in person and wil will re require quire a ship hip for tra transport. When you have fini finis shed your busines business here, turn turn to 44. 55  The we weather turns rns co colde lder. At night the there is ho hoarfro rfros st on the the shrouds hrouds. ‘What lies li esin thes these grey waters?’ you ask the the naviga vigator. tor. H e frowns. ‘M ‘M er-folk r- folk with tai tails of hard horn. Cre C rea atures like li ke great scorpions orpi ons or lobs lobsters, bigg bigger than tar barrels rrels. Spiri Spirits of  death and cold moonlight.’  Yo  Y ou hold up your hand. ‘I get the pict icture, thank you.’ R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-8 N o encounter turn to 283 Score 9-12 A mysterious island turn to 699 56 ! If the box above is empty, put a tick in i n it it and turn to 75. If it wasalready ticked, ticked, turn turn to 94. 57 !  Yo  Y ou put in at an uncharted island. The beach loo looks a good place to spend a few days resting ting under the the palm trees whil while your crew get get in supplies supplies of frui fruitt and fresh water. water. R estore tore 1-6 1-6 Stamina (the score of one die) if injured. I f the box above is empty, put a tick tick in in it it and turn to 133. If  the box was already ticked, turn to 171. 58 A harsh wind ri rips down out of of the north, scattering ttering ice crystals like dust on the decks. ‘Y on wind wi nd comes off the far mountains,’ says the ship’s hip’s carpenter, rpenter, a wide widely travelled man. ‘T his his snow may be from the boughs of the Ici Icicl cle e Woods Woods, or perhaps from from the shores of the the R imewater itse itself.’ H e shivers hivers and stamps off off below below deck to fetch a tot of warm mulled wine. R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-4 2-4 A ghost in the rigg rigging turn to 299 Score 5-6 5-6 Lords of U ttaku turn to 336 Score 7-8 7-8 N othing othing of note turn to 78 Score 9-12 9-12 An uninvi uninvited ted passenger turn to 348

 6 O ver ver the BloodBlood- D ark Sea  Sea 

59 At the southern outhern tip tip of the Inni Innis s Shoals lilie e the the Strai traits of Alvi Alvir, r, by which whi ch you you can gain passage to the the great wes western tern ocea ocean. Go west T he I sl e of a Thous T housand and Spires 84 through through the Shoals Steer along along the Straits of Alvir lvi r turn to 399 Go east turn turn to 79 Go north turn to 96 60  Yo  Y ou reckon kon your positio ition n to be at the southern edge of the Sea of Hydra H ydras. T o the south east li lies Gashmuru Gul Gulff – and beyond, beyond, Dangor and and the Forbidde Forbi dden R ealm. T he C ity it y in the t he C louds  louds 77 Go south-ea outh- east Go north-wes north- west turn to 23 Go east L ords of the R i si ng Sun 102 Go north turn to 98 Go south-wes south-west T he Serpe Serpent K i ng’s Dom D omain  ain 500 61 An is island appears as a dun-col dun-colour oured ed smudge hoveri hovering ng mira miragelike on the rim of the sea. ‘Coppe ‘C opperr Is I sland,’ says the helmsman. ‘Shall I take her her into i nto dock, dock, captain?’ Put in at Copper I sland turn to 553 Sail on turn to 19 62 If you have the codeword word C osy , turn to 82. If I f not, you can either either pres press on along along the avenue (turn (turn to 102) or return to the beach (turn to 5). 63 Several books books agree that mermaids can be indi indivi vidua dually charming, charming, but when when encountered iin n la large numbers should hould be regarded as a grave threat. ‘T he coll collective tive noun is is a T hrenody of Merm M ermaids,’ asserts one source, ource, ‘a ‘and few who who hear thei theirr song can resist its its dread allure. ure. According to popular belief, a troubadour who learned the song used it to cause all the the inhabita bitants of Gutrei Gutrein, n, a town in i n Ol Old H arkuna rkuna, to aba abandon their home homes and foll follow him. him. The The town remains empty to this this day.’ y.’  The book goes on to say that mermaids ids are most fre frequently encountered to the south of the the R uby Ri R iver estuary. tuary. ynosure  Get the codeword C ynosure   and then turn to 368. 64  Yo  Y ou cannot sail th the ship alon lone, no nor wo would it be wise to venture further inlan inland d without without your crew to back you up. Y ou go back to the the beach, where at least there there are provi provis sions enough nough to sustain you for a few wee weeks. A storm hits hits the is island only only a few days days later. Y ou shelter under under palm trees until until morning, morning, when you dis di scover that your fine fine ship hip has been wrecked. wrecked. Al All you are able ble to salvage is a broken plank or two. Y ou have have rarely bee been in in lower lower spiri pirits. (Cros (C ross s the ship hip off your Ship’s Ship’s Ma Manifes nifest.) As luck woul would d have it, a mercantile rcantile barque puts in at the the island before before your suppli uppliesare quite quite exhausted. ‘We ‘W e are bound for R inghorn, nghorn,’’ the ca captain tells lls you. ‘Y ou’re ou’re welcome to come along.’

 Travel with ith them to R ingho inghorn rn Stay on the island

C i tie ti es of G old and G lory 2

turn to 177

65  The vampire ire furrow rows its its bald white ite brow, perplexed to hear you speaking ki ng in verse. It I t look looks s like a cat that has caught sight of of itse itself  in a mirror mirror.. Ea Each time time it speaks, you reply with wi th a line that rhymes – and all the time time you are slowly owly retreating ting down the the beach to the rowbo rowboa at. R oll two dice. If I f you are a T roubadour, add add your R ank to the result. ult. Score 2-9 2-9 T he vampire attacks ttacks turn to 85 Score Score 10+ It watchesyou depart turn turn to 41 66  The sea heaps up. Whit White e foam from breaking ing waves begins ins to be blown blown in streaks. ‘T ‘T his his is near a gale!’ says the mate. R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-5 2-5 A storm torm hits hits turn to 213 Score 6-8 6-8 T he gale blows blows over turn to 155 Score Score 9-12 9-12 Suddenly becalmed turn turn to 429 67 Splutteri Spluttering, ng, you strike trike out at the crea creature but it drifts drifts off into into the bowels of the ship. hip. Y our two crewm crewmen are so spooke pooked by now that they they refuse to stay, and you realize it would would be unwis unwise to linger on your own. Feeling li ng as if hundred hundreds of eyes are watchi watching ng you through through hidde hidden peephole pholes, you hurry hurry back back to to the deck. deck. Lose 4 Stamina mina points points unles unless you have the codeword codeword C alcium  and (if still alive) turn to 308. 68 !  The man stride ides righ ight up to the side ide of your vessel and hails you as casually ually asif he were standing tanding on the the quayside at Wi W ishport. hport. I f the box above is empty, put a tick tick in in it it and turn to 617. If  the box was already ticked, turn to 635. 69 (If (I f you just just ticke ticked d the third third box, this this is your third third and fina final rebi rebirth. Delete the the entry in in the Re R esurrection box on on your Adventure Sheet.)  Yo  Y ou step out from rom the int interio rior of of on one of th the trees as though emerging erging from from an egg. Y our Stamina mina is back to its norma normal score, core, but you you have lost lost any cash and possessions ons tha that you you were were carryi rrying ng at the the time timeof your death.  Yo  Y our problem now is how to get off the island.  Turn  Turn to 177. 70  The mate’sknife ife flashes – a splash of stick icky bloo lood, and the witc itch falls croaking croaking into into the seato sink like a stone. Something fl flops ops to the deck. H er hand. hand. It res resembles an old old white white crab. witch’s hand  nd  on your list of possessions if you N ote the witch’s decide to keep it, then turn to 39. 71 If your own ship is is docked here, you can set sail- either on to the open open ocean or up the wide wide Noza Nozamariver. river. Otherwi therwise you wil will have to buy a ship hip or pay for passage. Put to sea turn to 320

O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea 7 

Sail upriver R emain in Smogmaw Don’t on’t have a ship hip here

T he Serpe Serpent K i ng’s Dom D omain  ain 375

turn to 44 turn to 110

72  The prie riestess stretches lik like e a ca cat, making ing no no effort to stifle ifle a yawn. ‘If ‘I f you’l you’ll excuse me, it it is is time time for my siesta.’ She lies liesback on the divan and clos closesher eyes eyes. Y ou quietly quietly withdraw wi thdraw from from the temple. Turn T urn to 44. 73 Luckil uckily they are drunk to the point point of staggering, ering, and you can fight fight one after the the other ins instead of all at once. Firs First Mutinee Mutineer, C OMBAT  6, Defence Defence 9, Stamina 9 Second Muti Mutine nee er, COMBAT  5, Defence Defence 7, Stamina 5  Thir  Third Mut Mutine ineer, COMBAT  5, Defence D efence 7, Stamina 6 If you try to run off you you will will be struck with a final flurry of  blows blows infli nflicting cting 2-12 Stamina points points (the score of two dice). dice). Beat a retrea retreat turn turn to 44 Stay and win win turn to 16 74  The shack consists of a bamboo hut raised above the grou round on stout poles poles to protect it it from from floodi flooding. ng. The T he roof roof is is palm thatch. It is is simple but comforta fortable ble. Each time you return, roll two dice. Score 2-6 2-6 Eve Everything rythi ng is safe Score 7-8 7-8 A thief thief has taken any money left here Score 9-10 9-10 Fire has destroyed troyed the shack and its contents contents Score 11+ Squatters, turn turn to 113  Yo  Y ou can rest here if inju injure red (re (restore yo your Stamina ina to to its its norma normal unwoun unwounded ded score). core). Y ou can also lea leave money and possessions here to save having ving to carry rry them them around round with with you. M ake a note in in the box below below of anything nything you are leaving ving at the shack. ck. When you’ve fini finis shed at your shack, turn to 44. R emember to erase the tick next to the shack opti option on there there if your home was destroyed by fire. I tems i n shack 

75 Bazalek , which  The bottle contains ins a map of Bazalek  which is a small is isle in the waters near Di Disaster Bay. Ma M ake of it it what you wil will – it is is the fourth map include included d in in the Ma Map Pack. N ote the map of  Bazalek  on  on your Adventure Sheet.  Turn  Turn to 352. 76 rt-shaped locket locket a  The girl irl ta takes the heart and turns turns, dis disappearing ri ng into the undergrowth. Y ou quickly quickly scramble up the rock and search around, round, but she has gone lea leaving ving no tra trace.  Yo  Y our firs irst mate calls lls to tell you they have loa loaded the rowboat with with fres fresh water and coconuts. I t is is time timeto be off. R emember to to record the 450 Shards on your Adventure Sheet, the then turn turn to 171. 77  The crewmen seem ne nervous. T he King Kingdom of of the the Rea Reavers is not many lea leagues to the the south outh--west, and as a consequence pirate pirates abound in in these waters. R oll oll two dice di ce. Score Score 2-6 2-6 Piratesas feared turn turn to 268 Score 7-8 7-8 Luck is with with you turn to 322 Score 9-12 9-12 Something wors worse turn to 437 78  Yo  Y ou are at sea clos lose to the great port city ity of Aku Aku. Westwards lie the first first bleak rocky rocky is i slands of the the Inni Innis s Shoals. T he C ourt of H i dden Fac F aces 200 H ead for Aku Aku T he I sl e of a Thous T housand and Spires 100 Go west Go east turn turn to 21 Strike Strike out south turn to 96 79 A southerly outherly breeze breeze stirs tirs the sails. Standing nding at the the rai rail with with head til tilted back, you bask iin n the warm sunshine. hine. Is I s it your imagination, gination, or can you re really detect the scent scent of exotic exoti c spice pices and swaying waying palm treescarri rried on the wind? wi nd? R oll oll two two dice; add 1 to the roll roll if i f you are an ini initi tia ate of the  Thre  Three For Fortunes. Score Score 2-4 2-4 Catamarans turn turn to 186 Score 5-6 5-6 An electric ctric storm turn to 168 Score 7-9 7-9 A quiet quiet voyage voyage turn to 352 Score 10+ A bottle bottle drifts drifts by turn to 56 80 Dead men whose whose bones are cruste crusted with wi th barnacle rnacle creep over the the rail at ni nigh ghtt and and carry off half your crewmen. Y ou only only dis discover cover the cause of the dis disappearances when you question tion a sailor who had been locked locked up in in the brig brig for some minor offence offence. H e saw the barna rnacle cle men carryi rrying ng out thei theirr ghastly tly business through through a knothole knothole in the bri brig g door. Y ou have no doubt doubt he’s he’s telli lling the truth; truth; his his hair hasturned turned pure white. white. R educe your Cre C rew w Qua Q uality li ty to poor. poor.  Turn  Turn to 321. 81 A strong trong breeze flutters flutters the sails. T he crewmen go about their their chores merri rrily, scram scrambling bli ng through the rigg rigging like like carefree monkeys. ‘Five bells,’ intones the mate. R ecover 1 Stamina point if i f injur injure ed, then roll roll two dice dice.

 8 O ver ver the BloodBlood- D ark Sea  Sea 

Score 2-5 2-5 Score 6-12 6-12

Pirates An uneventful ventful journey

turn to 354 turn to 101

O ther i tems

82  The men start to to ya yawn. ‘Gre ‘Great go gods, I feel sleepy!’ an announces the bosun, rubbi rubbing ng his his eyes. ‘M e, too,’ too,’ agreesthe quartermaster. ‘L ‘Like I’d I’d been been polea poleaxed.’ Despite pite your stern stern orders, orders, they go to li lie down on the stone slabs slabs. ‘Ah, thi this s is a comfy couch, couch,’’ murmurs murmurs the bosun as he shuts his his eyes. ‘Pe ‘Permit rmit us to take take jus just a quick nap, skippe kipper.’ r.’ If you have the codeword word C erumen  , turn to 323. If not, turn to 305. 83  The sky is the colou lour of of burnin rning g sulph lphur. Thun Thunder ru rumbles the heavens, making king your crewm crewmen quail. ‘T he wrath of the the gods is upon us!’ shrieks shrieks the bosun. ‘Sa ‘Say your fina final prayers, la lads!’ If you have the blessing of Alvi Alvirr and and Va Valmir, lmir, which which confers Safety from from Storms, you can ignore ignore the storm. C ross off your bles blessing and turn turn to 41. Otherwis therwise the storm torm hits hits with with terrible terri ble fury. Grea Great grey waves break across across the deck. R oll oll one die if if your ship hip is is a barque, two two dice if it is is a briga brigantine ntine, three dice if if a galleon. Add A dd 1 to the roll roll if you have an excellent excellent crew; subtra subtract 1 if if you ha have a poor crew. Score 0-4 0-4 Y our ship hip sinks turn to 103 Score 5-6 5-6 T he mast spli plits turn to 581 Score 7-19 7-19 Y ou weather the storm torm turn to 60

Lose the codeword word Certain . A small boat comes sailing out of a clear hori horizon. zon. I ts single passenger is i s a bare-ches e-chested man in in black black bree breeches who lea leaps aboard with with the li lithe grace of a big big cat. C halle llenge the fellow fellow turn to 235 Order rder him him seized turn to 197 Offer hospita pitality li ty turn to 217 88  There is ample fru fruit it and even a litt little ga game, in the for form of  fli flightless weasel-bi el- birds rds.. The T he trick tri ck li lies in knowing knowi ng what is is safe to eat and wha what is is toxi toxic. M ake a SCOUTING roll at a Difficulty of 12. Successful ful SCOUTING roll turn to 144 Failed SCOUTING roll turn to 162

85  The vampire ire screeches like like an angry owl and lashes out with ith its its long white talons. ‘Go on, skipper, we’re right behind you,’ says the first mate nervously. Vampire, COMBAT  15, Defe D efence 18, Stamina 18 If you retreat to the boat, the vampire wil will get a fina final attack ttack as you run off, infl infliicting cting 1-6 1-6 Stamina points injury. njury. R etreat turn to 41 Kill the vampire turn to 195

89  The witc itch pro prom mises to me mend he her ways. ‘No mo more vile hocus pocus for me,’ she vows. But But the the next day she is is gone like li ke a ghost, and the the helmsman reports reports that he does not recognize recognize these waters. You Y ou have been pl pla ayed for a sucker. ucker. T urn urn to 190.

86 Smogmaw market rket compris comprises a row row of of fl flimsy grass-roof roofed ed huts where goods are la laid out out on on straw mats.

W eapons (sword, ax e, etc)

Without COMBAT  bo  bonus C OMBAT  bo  bonus +1 C OMBAT  bo  bonus +2 C OMBAT  bo  bonus +3

T o buy

T o sell

40 Shards rds 35 Shards rds 150 Sha Shards 100 Sha Shards – 150 Shards T o buy

40 Shards 200 Shards 450 Shards –

T o sel l  

35 Shards 175 Shards 375 Shards 750 Shards

T o sell  

320 Sha Shards 640 Sha Shards 1000 Shards 180 Sha Shards 200 Shards 350 Shards 100 Sha Shards 25 Shards rds 100 Sha Shards 1000 Shards rds 25 Shards rds 120 Sha Shards 75 Shards


Lose the codeword C osy . If the box above is empty, tick ti ck it it and turn to 104. If I f it was was already ticked, turn to 433.

Leather (Defence (Defence +1) Ring mail (Defe (Defence +2) Chain mail (Defe (D efence +3)

400 Sha Shards 800 Sha Shards 1200 Shards 250 Sha Shards – – 200 Sha Shards 40 Shards rds 140 Sha Shards – 75 Shards rds 150 Sha Shards –

Items with with no purcha purchase price pri ce are not available ble in Smogmaw’s w’s market. rket. When When you have completed you tra transactions ctions, turn to 167.

84 !

A rmour

T o buy

Compass (SCOUTING +1  +1) Cross-staff (SCOUTING +2  +2) Sextant (SCOUTING +3  +3) Lockpicks (T HIEVERY  +1  +1) Mariner’s ruttier Selenium ore ore Holy symbol (SANCTITY  +1  +1) Rope Lantern Fretwork key Parrot Parrot Parrot fungus Pirate Pirate captain’s n’s head


90 ‘I hope you’re wellwell-vers verse ed in in outdoor survi surviva val,’ l,’ mutters utters an old old man, dis displaying the stump of the leg leg that he los lost to a crocodi rocodille. T he Serpe Serpent K i ng’s ng’ s D omain  omain 450 Foll ollow the the coast east Fol Follow the coast west T he Serpe Serpent K i ng’s ng’ s D omain  omain 350 South-wes South- west into the jungle T he Serpe Serpent K i ng’s ng’ s D omain  omain 550 SouthSouth- east nto the jungle T he Serpe Serpent K i ng’s ng’ s D omain  omain 175 T he Serpe Serpent K i ng’s ng’ s D omain  omain 275 Follow the riverbank R emain in Smogmaw turn to 44 91  The gleam that co comes suddenly in into he her ey eyes, com combine ined wit with h the sweat glis gli stening tening on her thro throa at, makes her loo look k feve feveris ri sh and wil wild. ‘T he godde goddes sses will wil l ensure your account is settled,’ she says before sinking wearily back on the divan.  Yo  Y ou leave the temple under a curse. Fro From m now on on you can use only one di die when ma making king any abili bility roll. roll. T his his curse will will

O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea 9 

last until until you vis vi sit the temple ple of the Three T hree Fortu Fortunes nes in M etricien triciens s, whereupon reupon it will will be lifte li fted. d. Note N ote above the Abili bilities box on your Adventure Sheet: ‘U se one die for abili bility rolls rolls until T hree Fortune Fortunes s temple visited in Metrici Metricie ens.’ N ow turn to to 44.

cousin Zol Z olteg, teg, who in in many ways resembles bles a wart-hog, wart- hog,’’ she explains. I n return for letting her joi join your crew, she teaches you some lovely songs. R oll oll two two dice dice and if if you score score highe higher tha than your current CHARISMA, increase it by 1.  Turn  Turn to 78.

92  The three mutine ineers are terrif rrifie ied that you will call yo your cu current crewmen to back you you up. ‘I ’ve got a few barna rnacles cles need scraping craping of my my new ship’s hip’s keel, Mi M ister Burkitt,’ Burki tt,’ you tell your one-ti one-tim me cabin bin boy with with a crooked crooked smile. mile. H e and his his shipm hipmates get up quickl quickly. y. ‘G ‘Good to see you’re you’re well, well, skippe skipper. N o hard hard feelings feelings, eh?’ they mutter, pre pressing a purse with with 40 Shards into into you you hand.  Yo  Y ou watch the three men hurry off. You doubt if you’ll ’ll see hurch  them again. Lose the codeword codeword C hurch   and  and turn to 314.

98  Yo  Y ou have re reached a to torrid rid clim clime wh where th the sun beats d do own mercil rci lessly by day, wa warping rpi ng the dry timbe timbers of the ship hip and turning turni ng the ocean into into a dark, rk, heaving, ving, fa fathomless cauldron. uldron. R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-5 2-5 A vessel adrift drift turn to 183 Score 6-8 6-8 All’s ll’s quiet turn to 118 Score 9-12 9-12 M onsters onsters of the deep turn to 647

93 ‘H ear tha that melody, captain?’ asks the mate, his hi s expres xpression a mixture mixture of fear and longing. longing. ‘I ‘I t is is the song of the the mermaids.’ It is is an unearthly rthly sound, beautiful utiful but somehow terri terrible. ble. M en must fe feel thi this s way when, when, having drawn their their last brea breath, they ga gaze on the lovely lovely fa face of a Valkyri Valkyrie. e. If you have the codeword word C ynosure  , turn to 131. If not, turn to 149.

99 Copper Is Island is is a blea bleak rocky rocky wil wi lderness. I n the lee lee of the great mountains mountains lies the town town of Braze Brazen, a community unity of dusty slateroof roofed ed houses whos whose only only decoration decoration takes the form form of  orna ornamental copper dra drainpipes npipes. Visit the market turn to 297 Go up to the mines turn to 317 Find Fi nd a tavern turn to 334 Look for a tem temple turn to 347 Leave town turn to 495

94 treasure ure map. ‘A bloomin’ funny thing  The bottle contains ins a treas to fi find in in a bottl bottle,’ is all the bosun has to say when he sees it.  The helmsman is more helpf lpful. ‘Se ‘See this stretch of co coastline line? It might indi indica cate the Sea of Hydra H ydras s.’ ‘N o,’ o,’ says the first first mate with with a dour shake of his hi s head. ‘I ‘It’s t’s the straits near T eleos, I ’m sure of it. it.’’ treasure ure map among your N ote the treas your pos possessions ons and tur turn n to 352. 95  The girl irl stamps her foot petulantly and disappears in a thick ick blast of roiling black smoke. rt- shaped locket locket   on your list of possessions N ote the heart-s and remember to to record record the 450 Shards if if you you didn’ didn’tt alrea already. Also note the codeword Citrus  .  Yo  Y ou op open th the loc locket and im immediately there is an un unearth rthly howl and something thing indis indistinct tinct fli flies up past you into into the sky. A musty scent scent hangs in the air. I nside the locket is i s a picture picture of a bald man with wi th pierci piercing ng green eyes. If you have the codeword word D ang , turn to 115. If not, it is angle  now time ti me to lea leave the island; turn turn to 171.

100  Yo  Y ou are on a broad platform of polished basalt that extends int into the sea. T he city of Dweomer li lies some way inl inla and, along a paved avenue with with stone sentinels entinels on either either side. side. Put Put to sea (if you have a ship here) turn to 122 Acquire a ship turn to 406 Arr Arrange passage to the mainla inland turn to 564 Go alon long the avenue to Dwe Dweomer turn to 175 101 ‘See thos those myria yri ad iis slands?’ says the naviga vigator, tor, pointi pointing ng to numerous rocky rocky shores scattered in in the the east beyond a pall of  haze.  Yo  Y ou nod. ‘The ‘The Unnu Unnumbered Isles. We’re ’re due south of Old Sokar - or Ma M arlock rlock City, City, as it is is now calle lled.’ Go west turn to 205 Go east turn turn to 119 Go north turn to 77 Go south turn to 42

96  The charts rts show th that yo you are east of of th the Innis Innis Shoals, rou roughly halfwa fway betwee tween Uttaku U ttaku and the great southern outhern conti continent nent of  AnkonAnkon- K onu. onu. R oll two dice. Score 2-5 2-5 Sickn Sicknes ess among the crew turn turn to 33 Score 6-9 6-9 An uneventful voyage turn to 116 Score 10- 12 A man walking king on the water turn to 68

102 With each step your eyelids elids are getting tting hea heavier. vier. Y ou yawn and stretch, fee feeling utterly weary. T hose hose stone couches look so comfortable.  To stay awake you must eith ither ha have the codeword Chill   or  or succeed in in a MAGIC  roll of Difficulty 18, otherwise you will have to take a nap. Stay awake turn turn to 27 Fall asleep turn to 582

97  The stowaway is a beautifu iful girl irl wit with h blue lue eyes and lon long golde lden hair. She tells tells you her na name is Athana Athanasia and she is is the daughter of a prince. prince. ‘I ‘I ran away to sea rather than be marri rried off to to my

103 H elples elpless in the grip grip of the storm, torm, the vessel cra cracks apart. T he seawater rus rushes into the the broken shell of the hull hull, dragging you down. T he screams of your crewmen are drowned out by the

 10 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

howl of the storm. Cross C ross off your your shi ship p and crew from the Ship’s Ship’s M anifes nifest; they are lost. Y ou can think think of nothing nothing now but saving ving yourself. R oll two dice dice. I f the score is greater ter than than your R ank, you are drowned – turn to 123. IIff the score core is less than or equal to your R ank, you are swept mira miraculous culously towa towards a rocky rocky shore. Lose 2-12 Stamina points points and (if (if you can survive urvive that) turn turn to to 222 in T he Serpent K i ng’ ng’ s D omain  omain . 104  The combine ined strength of of all yo your me men is jus just enough to to pu push the iron doors open. Within lies a hidden valley entirely surrounded by high cliffs – a paradise of bubbling brooks, emerald lawns, fru fruiit tree trees and scented flow flowers ers. Strewn Strewn all around around are gold, gold, silver and gems as plenti plentiful ful as pebbles in a merchant’s erchant’s garden. rden. With wild wild crie cries of delight, delight, your men men stuff their pockets with all they can carry.  Yo  Y ou yourself pick ick up jewels worth rth 5000 Shards. The air here is so clea clean and fres fresh that, if if wounded, wounded, you you can res restore tore your Stamina to its its normal score. I f you were not wounde wounded d you can permanently nently incr increa ease your Stamina by 1-6 1-6 Stamina mina points points (the roll of one die). A cold cold breeze shakes the boughs of the tree trees. Leaves fall, fall, curli curling on the grass. ‘We’ve ‘W e’ve let Ti Time into Pa Paradise,’ radise,’ rec reckons the mate. ‘Let’s ‘L et’s not linger here.’  Turn  Turn to 5. 105 ! If the box box above is not ticke ticked, d, tick tick it it now and and turn to 338. If it is already ticked, ticked, turn turn to 159. 106  The helmsman goes mad in the midd iddle of the nigh ight, possibly ibly as a result ult of smoking moking tobacco mixed with with mauve lotus lotus. By By the time time anyone notice noti ces, he has had plenty plenty of time timeto work work mischief. chief. R oll a die. die. Score 1-2 1-2 Lost at sea turn turn to 24 Score 3-4 3-4 Out of drinki drinking ng water turn to 124 Score 5-6 5-6 R un aground turn to 212 107 ‘La ‘L and ahoy!’ crie cries the lookout. It is is Fiddler’s Fi ddler’s Green, the island island gifted gifted to you by the the herald of of the the seagods. Put Put in at the island turn to 143 Sail on turn to 125 108  Yo  Y ou tie bundles of sapling lings together us using ing rop rope made of pla plaite ited palm leaves H oll ollow gourds help to provi provide de buoya buoyancy. ncy. Commendi ending your soul soul to the gods, you you push the littl little e raft out out from from shore and and climb cli mb aboard. It is is not so much much li like sailing as swim wimming with with the aid of a float. R oll two dice. dice. Add A dd 2 to the roll roll if you are an initi initia ate of  M olhern, olhern, god of craftsm craftsmen. Score ore 2-5 T heraft sinks turn turn to1 to 123 Score 6-8 6-8 Picked up at sea turn to 158 Score 9+ Y ou reach land turn to 180

109 An unexpla unexplained waterspout erupts erupts from from the surfa urface of the sea, carryi rrying ng your vessel high high up into the sky. T he sailors cri cringe nge in dis dismay and cli cling to the rigg rigging for safety. ‘Gods above!’ bove!’ cri cries the the cook cook as he sees the the clou clouds ds go past. ‘We’re airborne!’  The mate clut lutches his throa roat. ‘It’s ‘It’s getting ing hard to br breathe...’ ...’ he says before fore slumping slumping to the deck. I f you have the codeword word Calcium   you are not affected: turn  you to 127. Othe O therwi rwis se turn to 123. 110 Several skippers skippers have loaded loaded their their cargoes cargoes and are ready to depart for for por ports ts in the north. north. Y ou can get passage to Dweome D weomer,  Ye  Y ellow llowport or or Met Metric riciens, for for 35 35 Shards in each ca case. Th T here is also a merchant who intends i ntends to go upri upriver to trad trade e with with the the natives tives of the interi interior; or; he will will ta take you along for 5 Shards. rds. Alternatively, you could buy a ship of your own. Pay the fare to Y ellowport llowport turn to 224 Pay the fare to Dweomer turn to 242 Pay the fare to M etrici etricie ens turn to 260 Accompany the T he Serpe Serpent K i ng’ ng’ s D omain  omain 475 merchant upriver Buy a ship hip turn to 712 Stay in Smogmaw turn turn to 44 111  The prie riestess asks you if if yo you wis wish to to be become an init initia iate of th the  Thre  Three Fort Fortu unes. You You must refuse if you are alre lready an init initia iate of  another te temple. If I f you acce accept, wri write The The Three Three Fortune Fortunes s in the God box on your Adventure Sheet. Become an initi nitia ate turn to 256  Turn  Turn down her offer and leave turn to 44 112  Yo  Y our former crewmen soon back down when they see two two burly burly natives tives in feather cloa cloaks and full full warpai rpaint getting up to to stand beside you. ‘T his his is the frien friend d of Moon M oon of Eve Eveni ning,’ ng,’ says one of the natives tives, shaking ki ng his his spear at the frightened fri ghtened mutinee mutineers. ‘Y ‘Y ou cause trouble trouble and you wil wi ll sleep with with the piranha piranhas!’  The three hurry off. ‘The ‘They wo won’t come in he here again,’ in,’ says the other native. hurch  Lose the codeword word C hurch   a  and turn turn to 314. 113  The squatters cannot see why they shouldn ldn’t use your pr property whil while you’re you’re away at sea. A vigorous vigorous two-fi two- fis sted arguement soon sets them stra traight, but you you get a bloody bloody nose nose and a black eye in in the proces process of evicti evicting ng them. Y ou throw throw the them in the the mud at the side of the the river ri ver before fore stridi tri ding ng back to your shack. Lose 1-6 Stamina and (if (if you you can can survive survive that) turn turn to 74. 114  Yo  Y ou are taken before the R eaver King King in his grim fortress which ich stands at the the back of of the the secluded ecluded cove cove where the the pirates pirates have their base. Ma M any a captain in in the worl world’s d’s navies vies would would pay dearly rly to know know the the locati location on of of this thi s place, the secret ecret harbour harbour from from which which the dread Rea R eavers swoop woop out to to prey prey on passing ships. hips.

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 11 

utl ass  If you have the codeword word C utlas , turn to 473. If not, turn to 233.

115  The portrait is of your old foe Kas Kaschuv the Deathless. He’ll ’ll ha have to choos choose another soubrique soubriquet now now you’ve you’ve found and re released his hi s soul from from the magic locket locket in in which which he kept kept it it secure.  The firs first mate calls lls to tell you the supplies ar are stowed aboard. It is is time timeto se set sail. T urn to 171. 116  The mate join joins s you at the rail and the two of you watch the sun sink beyond the rocky rocky peaks of the the Inni Innis s archipe rchipelago. ‘Wha ‘W hat li liesthere in the west?’ wonde wonders the mate. ‘A ‘Are you for for findi finding ng out, skippe skipper? Say the word and I’l I’lll set a course for the Sea of Stilts.’  Travel west T he I sle of a Thous T housand and Spires 84 Go south turn to 40 Go north turn to 58 H ead east turn turn to 370 117  The grey bulk of an island can be seen to the north rth. ‘Why ‘Why is it called the Sleeping Sleeping I sle?’ you you hear the the cabin bin boy ask the the first first mate. ‘Why, lad, it’s t’s because a curs curse puts anyone who who goes ashore hore off off to sleep for for a hundred hundred years,’ is the mate’s reply. R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-5 2-5 A flyi flying ng horseman turn to 496 Score 6-9 6-9 An uneventful voyage turn to 135 Score 10- 12 T he K raken wakes turn to 465 118  The loo lookout spots an island of off th the starboard bo bow. N othing ing is recorded on the charts for this region, but perhaps that isn’t surpri urprising. Few Few ships hips return from from the dread Seaof Hydras ydras. Explore Explore the island turn to 413 Sail on turn to 278 119  Yo  Y ou have a go good day’s sailing iling, but at dusk a he heavy gloo loom swathes the sunset in in a welter of of bloody bloody reds, golds golds, charcoal grey and livi li vid d purple. purple. It It looks looks like like abruis bruise in the western sky. ‘Let’s hope that’s no harbinge harbinger of a storm,’ torm,’ says the mate. R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-4 2-4 Worsening ning weather turn to 213 Score 5-7 5-7 A quiet night night turn to 137 Score 9-12 9-12 A ship’s hip’s lanterns turn to 533 120 ! If the box above is empty, put a tick tick in in it it and turn to 97. If the box wasalready ticked, ticked, turn turn to 350. 121  Yo  Y ou loo look up up int into two pairs irs of eyes that glitt litter lik like e onyx. The There is a rustling rustling sound, a snake-l ke-like his hiss, and then you dim dimly hear these words: ‘T ‘T his his one is stricken tri cken like li ke the others, others, my sister... ter...’ A terrible terrible spell preve prevents you from from moving oving a muscle. T here is a sense of days and ni nights fli flitti tting past in in les less than a heartbea rtbeat.  Yo  Y ou must summon yo your fading ing concentration ion to to shrug of off th the spell before it is too late.

M ake a MAGIC roll at a Difficulty of 14. Successful MAGIC roll Failed M AGIC roll

turn to 713 turn to 522

122  Yo  Y ou are sailing iling away from rom Bra Braelak, the Sorcerers’ Isle Go north turn to 200 Go south turn to 244 Go east turn turn to 504 Go west turn to 129 123  Yo  Y ou aredead. If you have a resurre rrection ion deal, turn to the section ion noted on your Adventure nture Sheet after fi first eras erasing your current current possessions, money, and any details on your your Ship’ Ship’s s M anifes nifest. I f you don’t don’t have a resurrection urrection arra rranged, this this is the end and you can only only start afres fresh with with a new character. First make sure to erase all ticks, ticks, codewords codewords, and Adventure dventure Sheet details in all your Fabled L ands   books  books. Y ou can begin at 1 in any of the books of the series ri es. 124 With no water in the barrels, you have little hope of surviving to reach dry la land. Y ou ask your your offi officers to propos propose a course of  action. ction. T he first first mate recommends you set cours course for Dweomer and trust to stringe tri ngent rati rationi oning. ng. The T he naviga vigator thi thinks nks you should hould circle in these waters looking for an island. H ead for Dweomer turn to 142 Search for an island turn to 160 125  The sea, wh which ich for many days now has been a ric rich mauve-blu -blue e, now begins to take on a rusty colour. colour. ‘I t is is silt from from the N ozama estuary,’ ry,’ says the naviga vigator. tor. ‘T he same stuff that that gives givesLake Fi Firewater its its blood-ti blood- tinge nged hue.’ Steer south outh to Smogmaw turn turn to 266 Steer north north turn to 4 Steer west turn turn to 227 Steer east turn turn to 302 126  Yo  Y ou kne kneel in th the sand for for days, eating ing and dr drink inking ing no nothing ing, until unti l starvation tion makes stra trange vis visions dance before before your eyes. Every moment is is spent in in pra prayer. T he demands of the fles fl esh are firs first ignore ignored, the then n forgotte forgotten, as you pin pin all your hopes on divi divine ne intervention. I f you are are an ini initi tia ate of Alvi Alvirr and and V Va almir, lmir, make a SANCTITY roll at a Difficulty of 17. I f you are not an ini initi tia ate of Alvi Alvirr and and Valmir, your praye prayers are compl complete etely in in vain, and fina finally you give give up the attempt: los lose 3 Stamina points owing to deprivation. Successful ful SANCTITY roll turn to 198 Failed SANCTITY roll turn to 123 N ot an initia nitiate of Alvir lvir and Valmir turn to1 to 177 127  The entire ire ship’s ip’s company sink inks int into a coma. Unlik Unlike e you, th they cannot brea breathe the thin thin air up here. here. Y ou must do something thing before they they are all dead. U se sorcery orcery to save them turn turn to 145 Dive into the sea turn to 199

 12 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

Climb li mb down the side of the ship hip

turn to2 to 219

128  Yo  Y ou see an old old man wa wading ing ankle kle-de -deep in mu mud as he cro cros sses from from one tavern to another. H Hiis reason for for not using the boardwalks boardwalks is that dogs use them too – ‘T he mud is is more sanitary!’ nitary!’ he expla xplains. R egarding rdi ng your enquiry enquiry about Smogmaw’s w’s temples, he mentions ntions four: ‘T ‘T here is the shrine hrine to Alvi Alvirr and and Va Valmir, the temple of the Three T hree Fortune Fortunes s, a shrine hrine to Gli Glimbinki binki the Plum Plumed One, and somewhere where there’s a fane sacred to Badogor. dogor.’ ‘Who?’ He puts puts his his finge finger to his his lips li ps. ‘Sssh. T he Uns Unspoken poken One O ne.’ .’ Visit the tem temple of the T hree Fortune Fortunes s turn to 146 Visit the shrine of Alvir lvir and Valmir turn to5 to 503 Visit Gli Glimbinki’s binki’s shrine hrine turn to2 to 259 Look for Badogor’s Badogor’s fane turn to 333 Consider your other other options options turn to 44 129 Gree Green seafla flashesunder trai trails of frot frothy hy white; white; looki looking ng north, you have the coast in i n sight. sight.  The mate’s gaze is fix fixe ed, not on land, but on the de deep swell welling waves. ‘H ow many skull skulls gaze up from from the ocean bed?’ he wonders. wonders. ‘H ‘H ow many sunken hulks, hulks, weedweed-choked choked and silent, lie rotting rotting on the wet sands? Ah, it’s t’s always when we’re nearly rly home that that my fancies turn morbid.’ morbid.’ R oll two dice dice Score 2-6 2-6 T he H igh K ing’s ng’s banner turn to 381 Score 7-11 7-11 Pla Plain sailing li ng turn to 475 Score 12 An uncanny awakening kening turn to 273 130  Yo  Y ou sit down and start drin rinking ing with ith th them. Yo Y our aim is to lu lull their suspici picions ons until until they are soundly oundly drunk and then make a reckoning for their crime.  To succeed, yo you must make a CHARISMA roll at a Difficulty of 11; fail failure ure means they take offence. offence. Successful ful C HARISMA roll turn to 148 Failed CHARISMA roll turn to 73 131  Yo  Y ou order your men below low and tell th them to secure the hatches, knowing knowi ng that the mermaid’s singing wil wi ll otherwis otherwi se draw them to their doom. ‘But what about the the wheel, skipper?’ skipper?’ asks the helmsman. ‘I f I leave it untended who knows knows where we’ll we’ll end up?’ rope you coul H e has a point. point. If you have a length of rope you could la lash yourself to the wheel. Otherwi therwis se you’ll have to go go below wi with the others others or stay on on deck and take your chances.  Tie yourself to the wheel turn to 353 Go below with with the crew turn to 439 R emain on deck turn to 149 132 It is is with with mounting mounting excitem xcitement that you rec recognize ognize this island as the one one marked rked on the the map. Digging at the spot spot marked rked, you find fi nd a chest conta containing ning a handsome haul. haul. R oll one di die to see what it it is is.  +3) Score Score 1 100 Shards and asword (COMBAT  +3

compass (SCOUTING +1  +1) Score Score 2 400 Shards and acompass rmour (Defe (Defence +5) Score Score 3 200 Shards and plate armour  +2) Score Score 4 300 Shards and an ebony wand (MAGIC +2 Score Score 5 1000 Shards and a candle pirate captain’s n’s head Score Score 6 200 Shards and apirate When you have recorded the deta details of your treasure on your easure ure map and turn to 150. Adventure Sheet, crossoff thetr the treas 133  Yo  Y ou find ind a half-b lf-bu uried chest under a stand of trees at the back of  a beach of of ash-grey h- grey sand. Inside is is treasure ure worth worth 450 Shards and rt-shaped locket locket.. a heart Jus  Just as you are about to to op open th the loc locket, yo you he hear a voice ice calling you and look look up to see a beautiful utiful girl girl wearing ring ga garla rlands of fl flowers. owers. She reaches down from from the rock on which whi ch she’s standing nding and asks you to return return the the locket locket to her. her. Give Gi ve it to her turn to 76 R efuse turn to 95 134 If you you have a ship hip docked docked at Smogmaw you you can either either put to sea or sail upriver. upriver. Alternatively tively you may be able to hire hire passage aboard a merchant ship. In either either case you wil will need to go to the the quayside. It I t is is also possible ble to travel on from from here on foot, foot, of  course, but you are warned warned that the hinterl hinterla and consi consists of wil wild  jun  jungle and dangerou rous marshes. Go to the quayside turn to 71  Travel overla rland turn to 90 R emain in Smogmaw turn to 44 135  Yo  Y our cu current positio ition n is south of th the Sleeping ing Isle. The The bottom edges of your charts rts show a fanciful fancifullly dra drawn mora morass of  swampland and rank jungle jungle – the unexpl unexplored ored continent continent of  Ankon-Konu. Go west turn to 79 Go east turn turn to 153 Go north turn to 468 T he L one and Le L evel vel Sands 200 Go south 136  The ocean stretches as far as the eye can see. It is tranquil, bu but there is something thing ominous about the silence. R oll oll two two dice. dice. Score 2-4 2-4 A hurrica hurricane turn to 139 Score 5-8 5-8 A quiet quiet voyage voyage turn to 154 Score 9-12 9-12 T reachery chery aboard! turn to 292 137  Yo  Y ou are at sea south of of Sokara, at a point int ro roughly on th the same longitude longitude as T refoill refoille e. Y ou consider your next course. South turn to 4 N orth turn to 66 East turn to 246 West turn to 81 138 Drifting in light fog, you are startled by the sound of ripping canvas and spli plintered wood. wood. T he ship hip lur lurches ches to a dead halt, then begins to tur turn n about. bout. T he cause is almost unbeli unbelievable: ble: an anchor, nchor, da dangling ngli ng from from above the fog fog bank, has lodged against

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 13 

the forecastle! As you watch, a spindly fellow with violet skin comes scrambli bling down and tries tri esto wor work k the the anchor free free. Order the viol violet et man seized turn to 251 Let him him do his his work work and depart turn to 228 139  The sky turns sulph lphur-gr -grey. Thun Thunderheads pile up on the horizon like vengeful gods. Lightning flickers like burning pitch on the world’s world’s rim. rim. ‘It’ ‘I t’s s the end!’ shri shrieks eks the bosun. ‘Say your your pra prayers, la lads!’ If you have the blessing of Alvi Alvirr and and Va Valmir, lmir, which which confers Safety from from Storms, you can ignore ignore the storm. C ross off your bles blessing and turn turn to 154. Without a bles blessing to save you, the hurri hurricane strikes tri kes. R oll oll one die if your ship is a barque, two dice if it is a brigantine, or three dice dice if a galleon. Add Add 1 to the roll roll if you have an excellent crew; subtract 1 if you you have a poor poor crew. crew. Score 0-5 0-5 Y our ship hip sinks turn to 157 Score 6-7 6-7 T he mast spli plits turn to 581 Score 8-19 8-19 Y ou weather the storm torm turn to 98 140 Whether you beg for mercy or vow venge vengeance, it it is is all the same to these mercil erciless R eavers. Y ou are thrown into the the sea. M ake a SCOUTING roll at a Difficulty of 15. Successful ful SCOUTING roll turn to 158 Failed SCOUTING roll turn to 123 141  Yo  Y ou ho hold ou out yo your hand and be begin to ch chant pra prayers of of gre great power. ‘T hat’s t’s it, skippe skipper,’ r,’ says the first first mate encouragi ncouragingly, ‘give ‘give the wight a bit of holy hellfire!’ M ake a SANCTITY  roll at a Difficulty of 15. Successful ful SANCTITY roll turn to 195 Failed SANCTITY roll turn to 85 142  This  This will be a test of you ing ingenuity ity, leadership and surviv rviva al skills ills. R oll oll one die (two dice dice if you are a Wayfarer) yfarer) and add your R ank. Score 2-7 Ove Overcome by thirst turn to 123 Score 8+ You You reach Dwe Dweomer turn to 152 143 ! If the box above is empty, put a tick in it it now and turn to 179. If it it was already ticked, ticked, turn to 161. 144 A new dawn brings bringsanother chance chance of re rescue. Rol R olll two two dice dice. Score 2-9 2-9 An empty horizon horizon turn to 177 Score 10 A mercha rchantman turn turn to 198 Score 11- 12 Pirates turn to 218 145 Should you try to slow your crew’s breathing so that they can survive longer, or go for broke and try cancelling out the waterspout al altogether? together? You Y ou must rely rely on your experience rience in such matters to guide guide you. M ake a MAGIC roll at a Difficulty of 14. Successful ful M AGIC roll turn to 163

Failed M AGIC roll

turn to 181

146  The temple of the Thre Three For Fortunes is an oval ho house with ith a triple iplepeaked thatched roof roof.. T he pries priestess is a young young woman who who is is lounging on a jewelled divan, being fanned by two slave boys. I f an initia nitiate turn to 256 I f not an initi nitia ate turn to 274 147  Yo  Y ou swim out to the shrin rine of the sea gods. R oll one die. Score 1 A crocodi crocodille snaps at you, los lose 1-6 1-6 Stamina Score 2 Y ou lose lose your purse, crossoff all your cash Score 3-6 3-6 Y ou reach the shrine hrine without without incident incident Assuming you survive, survive, you touch touch the obelis obeli sk and receive a bles blessing of Safety from from Storms Storms, as long as you didn’ didn’tt have one already. N ote this this in the Bles Blessingsbox on your Adventure nture Sheet.  To swim ba back you you mu must ma make another SCOUTING  roll at Difficulty 11. Successful ful SCOUTING roll turn to 44 Failed SCOUTING roll turn to 165 148 Eventually ventually they are sleeping ping like li ke babes – like babes who have put away three three bottles bottles of the the local firewa firewater, that is is. Y ou carr carry y them to the quayside and sell them to a slaver out out of of Por Portt Kunrir. unrir. T he total profit profit for the eveni vening ng comes to a thoroughly satis tisfying fyi ng 407 Shards. hurch  Lose the codeword word C hurch   a  and turn turn to 44. 149 All who hear the the mermaids’ song are drawn to their doom.  Yo  Y our only only ho hope lie lies in th the po possibilit ibility y th that yo you are tone de deaf.  There is no ch chance of of this this if you you ar are a Tro Troubadour, for any other profes profession, roll roll two dice di ce and on a score of 2 you are tone deaf. I f you turn out out to be tone deaf, turn to 300. IIff not, get the codeword C erumen   before  before turning to 333 in I nto the U nderworld . 150  There is not much food to be had on the island, bu but your cre crew gather some shellfi hellfis sh and someone succeeds in bri bringing nging down down a seagull with with a slingshot. T hat night night you dine on your first first fresh stew in weeks. Re R ecover 1-6 1-6 Stamina points points if inj injured ured and then then turn to 278. 151  Yo  Y ou have be been washed up in a small harbour. M any fishing ing boats painted in gay colour colours s lie on the tide tide-streaked mud. mud. A pretty tow town n of whitewhi te-was washed cottages stretches tretches steeply ply up from from the quayside towards high cliffs.  Yo  Y ou clim climb th the ha harbour st steps and ex explore lore the streets. Y ou soon dis discover that that the place is under a curse, as all the vil villagers stand frozen frozen li like statues.  Tak  Take a boat to sea turn to 411 Ascend the cliffs cli ffs turn to 540 Pray for guidance turn to 467 R est in one of the house houses turn to 524 Leave the town turn to 449

 14 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

152 N ote on your Ship’s Ship’s M anifes nifest that your ship is i s docked at Dweomer harbour.  Turn  Turn to 100. 153 By day you sail on la lavender waves under a vault ult of of azure and gold. By night the sails gleam dazzlingly white in the rays of the moon, and each star finds finds its twin twin in in the dark ocean depths. R ecover 1 Stamina point if inj injured ured,, and then then roll roll two dice dice. Score 2-5 2-5 A flock flock of birds birds turn to 239 Score 6 An uneventful ventful journey turn to1 to 171 Score 7-12 7-12 Landfall turn to 57 154  Yo  Y ou are crossing ing th the Sea of Hydr Hydras, a stretch of of water with with a baleful reputation. tion. T he crewmen crewmen go about their tasks in in uneasy silence, hardly hardly daring ri ng to draw breath les lest they attra ttract calamitous mitous misfortune. Go south turn to 23 Go northnorth-e east L ords of the R i si ng Sun  Sun 202 L ords of the R i si ng Sun  Sun 309 Go north Go south-ea outh- east turn to 98 Go west turn to 337 155 Despite pite the overcast sky, you you think thi nk you you have a good estima timate of  your position. ‘We ‘W e are due south of Y ellowport, ll owport,’’ you tell tell the naviga vigator, who looks back at you dubiously. ‘Set your bearing accordingly.’ T he W ar-T orn K ingdo ingdom 29 Go north Go south turn to 246 Go east turn turn to 55 Go west turn to 77 156  Yo  Y ou approa roach the Island of Fir Fire e. It compris rises a broad mountain of volca volcanic nic origin origin ri rimmed by fertil fertile pla plains. Is I slanders wave to you from from the wa water’s ter’s edge. Put Put in at the island turn to 461 Continue ontinue on to open ocean turn to 479 157 H elpless in the hurri hurricane’s grip, grip, your your ves vessel is torn torn apart. Water rushes into the broken shell hell of the hull, hull, dragging you down. T he screams of your crewmen are lost lost in in the roa roar of of the the storm. torm. Cro C ros ss off your ship hip and cre crew; they are los lost. So are your money and possessions. ons. Y ou can think think of nothing nothing now but saving ving yourself. R oll two dice dice. I f the score is greater ter than than your R ank, you are drowned – turn to 123. IIff the score core is less than or equal to your R ank, you manage to stay alive by clingin clinging g to a broken broken spar. On the point of death, with with your vis vi sion blurri blurring ng,, you see a ship. hip. Seawater fil fills your mouth as you try try to cry out; out; all you manage is a feeble ble groan. T he ship hip seems to jump j ump close closer in i n ra rapid pid fli flickering ckering movem movements as you dri drift in i n and out of conscious ciousnes ness. At la last you feel yourself being hauled uled aboard.  Yo  Y ou wa wake on a palle llet be below low de deck. Y ou start to to sit up up, bu but you are are stil till too weak after your ordeal. ‘Save your strength,’ th,’ says a voice voice out of the the gloom. gloom. ‘Y ou’l ou’ll need it. it. T he life life of a slave is harsh indeed.’ indeed.’

 Yo  Y ou dis discover th that yo you ha have been pic pick ked up up by by an Utta Uttakin slave ship. hip. T he slavers wil will only only agree to relea release you if if you you can pay a ransom of of 300 Shards. Shards. Pay the the ransom C ities it ies of G old and Glo Gl ory 229 T he C ourt of H i dden Fac F aces 321 C an’t or won’t pay 158 Somehow you manage to keep your head above water. Y ou swim wim unti until your your li limbs feel as though though they are caught in in a net.  Yo  Y ou strug ruggle on, mortally lly weak but determine ined not to give ive up. A ship hip heaves into view. view. Y ou ra raise your arm and give give a feeble cry. By some miracle you are spotted, potted, and the ship hip steers towa towards you. Y ou are hauled uled aboard, wrappe wrapped in in bl bla ankets nkets, and given a bowl of hot hot soup.  To your immense relief, you have been rescued by merchantsfrom from Metri M etrici ciens ens. ‘We are bound for for Dweome D weomer and then home,’ they they say. ‘We’ll drop you off wherever you like.’ Get off at Dweomer turn to 100 C iti it i es of G old and G lory 48 C ontinue on on to Me M etriciens triciens 159  The island is a trop ropica ical pa paradise. Yo Y ou decide ide to tre treat yo your cr crew to a week of of res rest and relaxation. tion.  To see ho how it affects th them, roll roll two dice ice an and add your R ank. Score 3-6 3-6 T he crew maroons you. T urn to 177. Score 7-9 7-9 Indisci ndiscipline pli ne: reduce reduce C rew Quality li ty by one one step. Score 10-11 Invigoration: upgrade Crew Quality by one one step. Score 12+ Inspira piration: tion: upgrade Crew Quality li ty two two steps.  The four categories of Crew Qua Quality lity are poor, average, good and excell xcellen ent. t. Crew Qua Q uality li ty cannot go bel below poor or above above excellent. When ready to set sail again (a (assuming uming you you aren’t marooned! rooned!) turn turn to 41. 160 Get the codeword Callid  . All you ca can do is trust to luck. R oll two dice. dice. Score 2-6 2-6 Overcomeby thirst thirst turn to 123 Score 7-12 7-12 An island liesahead turn to 30 161 Fiddler’ ddler’s s Green is an iis sle of perfect peace and contentme contentment, where brooks gurgl gurgle e through delightful delightful woodla woodland and there are wide wide lawns where you can bask all day in in the the sun. If you are injured, injured, res restore your Stamina to its its normal (unwounded) score. Also, if your crew is of poor quality then the stay here here upgradesthem them to average quality. When you are ready to be on your way, turn to 125. 162  Yo  Y ou begin to suffer fro from m stomach cramps follo llowed by bouts of  nausea. Perhaps it was thos those berri rries you picked? picked? If If you you have a blessing of Imm Immunity unity to Di Disease/P e/ Pois oison, you wake the next morning morni ng feeling fine fine (and remember to cross cross off off the bles blessing). Otherwis therwise you los lose 1-6 Stamina points points. If still alive, turn to 144.

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 15 

163  There’sno way you can cancel th the waterspout with ith a spell – no not in time time to save the crew, crew, anyway. nyway. Y ou put them them into a deep slumber umber to buy time time, then consider your your next course. Dive into the sea turn to 199 Climb li mb down the side of the ship hip turn to2 to 219 164 Sailing away from from the U nnumbered Is Islesafter fter divers divers adventures dventures. Steer westwards turn turn to 504 Steer north towards the mainla nland turn to 402 Steer south for Ankon-K nkon-K onu turn to 42 Steer east turn turn to 81 165  Yo  Y ou are swept away by the curre rrent and eventually carrie rried back to the the bank. By this this time time you are bruis bruised and weary and you have got several mouthfu mouthfulls of foul foul muddy water. Lose 2 Stamina mina points. points. Al Also, unles unless you ha have a bles blessing of  Immunity unity to Di Disease/P e/ Pois oison, you you become sick with wi th malaria ri a and must permanently nently los lose 1 from from all your attri ttributes except SANCTITY . (R emember to cros cross of the blessing if if you had one.)  Turn  Turn to 44. 166  Yo  Y ou seek to to shame them by point inting ing out th their shortc rtcoming ings in comparis ri son with wi th the the great and noble noble deeds of the the gods. T his his requires requires you to make a SANCTITY   roll at a Difficulty of 15; failure failure means that you you onl only y manage t arouse them to ire. Successful ful SANCTITY roll turn to 184 Failed SANCTITY roll turn to 73 167 pirate captain’s n’s head, turn to 185. If not, If you jus just sold old a pirate turn to 44. 168 Lightning ghtning unfol unfolds like vast snapping pping banners acros cross a sky fi filled with with windwi nd-toss tossed cl clouds. If you have a blessing of Safety from from Storms, cross it off and turn to 352. Otherwis therwise splinters pli nters of li lightning ghtning fall from from the sky and leap along the spars. R oll oll two dice dice; add 1to the the roll roll if you possess a lump of copper ore. Score 2-4 2-4 T he mainmast topples topples turn to 212 Score 5-10 5-10 Several sailors lost; reduce C rew rew Quality li ty to poor turn to 135 Score 11+ Struck by lightning ghtning turn to 123 169  Yo  Y ou put in at the island where you are regarded as a great hero. Seeing your return, fis fishermen turn turn their their boats back to to the quay quay and call their their wives wives and chil children to prepa prepare a feast in in your honour. Go to the market rket turn to 318  Talk  Talk to the wise woman turn to 390 R est at home turn to 335 U pgrade your crew turn to 349 Set sail turn to 298

170 ‘Ah, ‘A h, this this is the life!’ fe!’ you hea hear the cabin boy telli telling himself. ‘O ‘O ne day I’l I’lll be as rich ri ch as the captain, and then I’l I ’lll buy my my own ship.’ ship.’  Yo  Y ou pu put a ha hand on his his shoulde lder, st startlin rtling g him him ou out of his reverie. ri e. ‘I n the meantime ntime, la lad, you’d you’d better see to your chores,’ you growl at him. ‘Else we’ll hear the ship’s cat purring before the day is is done.’ done.’  Yo  Y ou sail on. R oll two dice ice. Score 2-5 2-5 A magical wind wind turn to 237 Score 6-8 6-8 An uneventful ventful journey turn to1 to 188 Score 9-12 9-12 M urder urder most foul turn to 659 171  Yo  Y ou estimate you your positio ition n to be a litt little way north of the estuary of the Grea Great R iver that cle cleaves across Ankonnkon-K Konu, separating rating the western des desert and mountains mountains from from the thick thick foeti foetid d jungl jungles esof the the east. ‘What cour cours se, captain?’ asks the mate. N orth turn to 244 T he L one and Le L evel vel Sands 300 South East turn to 189 West turn to 468 172  Thre  Three thing ings take no notice ice of men’slive lives: Fate, the weather and the tides tides. Against Fate and storms, man may contend; contend; but the sea’s ferocity ferocity onl only y He H eaven can forf forfend. end. R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-6 2-6 Lost cargo turn to 629 Score Score 7-9 7-9 An uneventful uneventful passage turn turn to 190 Score10-12 Y ellow plague turn turn to 611 173 A windy day with white clouds flying, flung spray and blown spume and the the seagull gulls wheeling wheeli ng overhea overhead – what more coul could a ship’ hip’s s captain ask for for? ? R ecover 1 Stamina point if i f injur injure ed, then roll roll two dice dice. Score 2-8 2-8 A quiet quiet voyage voyage turn to 191 Score 9-12 9-12 T rouble rouble aboard turn to 325 174 H uge guns boom boom in the bla black battlefi battlefield eld tha that the sky has become. T he sailors go white whi te with with fear. ‘I t’s t’s no mere storm,’ torm,’ screeches the bosun. ‘I t’s t’s the fina final battle ttle of the the gods! It’ It’s s Armageddon!’ I f you have the bles blessing of Alvi Al virr and and V Va almir, lmir, which which confers confers Safety from from Storms, you can ignore ignore the storm. torm. Cross C ross off your bles blessing and turn turn to 209. Otherwis rwise the storm hits with tita ti tanic nic fury, ripping ripping huge huge wavesout of of the the seaand fli flinging them acrossthe deck. deck. R oll oll one die if if your ship is is a barque, rque, two dice dice if it i t is is a briga brigantine ntine, or thre three dice dice if a galleon. Add Add 1 to the roll roll if i f you have an excellent crew; subtra ubtract 1 if if you you have apoor crew. Score 0-4 0-4 Y our ship hip sinks turn to 212 Score 5-6 5-6 T he mast splits pli ts turn to 670 Score 7-19 7-19 Y ou weather the storm torm turn to 227 175  The avenue be between Dwe Dweomer an and th the ha harbour is a metalle lled road lined with fanciful statues. Looking inland, you can see the gleam of blue blue light li ght emanating nating from from a dense wood.

 16 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

H ead towards the wood Go into the city Go to the harbour

turn to 697 turn to 571 turn to 100

176  Yo  Y ou emerge from your ca cabin to fin find d all ha hands on deck and the ship hip speeding ding ahead under a full full press of sail. It I t is is with with some astoni tonis shment that that you see anoth nother er vessel far astern. tern. ‘T hey’re y’re pira pirates, skippe kipper,’ r,’ says the mate. ‘B ‘Been on our tail since the end of the last watch, but I think think we we can outrun outrun them.’ ‘I should hould have been woken up at once!’ you tell him him severely. Continue ontinue to run from the pira pirates turn to1 to 194 Drop sail and turn to face them turn to 214 177  The island appears to have sufficie icien nt foo food and fre fresh water to sustain you, but it will not be like living in the lap of luxury.  Try to surviv rvive e off the land turn to 88 Set to work building building a raft raft turn to 108 Pray for deliverance turn to 126 178  The tunnel wind inds in in a spira iral towards th the ce centre of of the bla black island. ‘It must be afort fort,,’ says one of your your crewmen. ‘N ot buil built by human hand,’ says another, pointi pointing ng to strang strange e lines etched into into the walls walls. T hey seem to show squat cra crab-me b-men with with many stalk-l k- like eyes stridi tri ding ng belligerently rently across the decks of ships, but it is hard to be sure in the dim light. A black stone door with an opal panel in the middle blocks a-green lens. the way ahead. T o open it it you wi will need ase asea-green Open the door turn to 216 R eturn the way you came turn to 196 179 With your own eyes you have seen Fiddler’ Fiddler’s s Gree Green – a myth spoken poken of by every every seaman. If you are are Ma Mage, T roubadour or Wayfarer, this thi s unique experie rience gives you the chance to go up in in R ank. R oll two dice dice. Y ou gain a R ank if if the score on the dice iis s above your current R ank. T his his means you gain 1-6 1-6 Stamina points points permanently: nently: incr increa ease your norma normal (unw (unwounded) ounded) Stamina score core by the roll roll of of one die. die. Rem R emember that going up a R ank also increasesyour Defence. Pri Priests, Warri rriors and R ogues ogues get no chance to increa increase in R ank; the beauty of Fiddler’ Fi ddler’s s Green Green lea leavesthem unmoved. Once you have made the necessary adjustme adjustments to you yourr Adventure Sheet, turn to 161. 180  The raft fina inally lly breaks apart, bu but not before it has carrie rried you to a stretch of shoreli horeline. ne. Y ou have no ide i dea where you might be, but at lea least you you have reached the mainla nland. Or have you? R oll one die. die. Score 1-2 1-2 turn to 26 Score 3 turn to 505 Score 4-5 4-5 turn to 238 Score 6 turn to 313

181  Yo  Y ou waste pr preciou ious minu inutes fu fumbling ling wit with h a spell that is fa far beyond your abili bility. Me M eanwhil nwhile, the crew crew choke silently to death in in the rarefi rarefie ed atmosphere. R ealizing zing there there is is nothing nothing you can do here, you lower lower yours yourself from from the side and drop down down into the sea. T urn to 199. 182 On the south south of the is island you fi find a sheltered bay surrounded urrounded by high high mist-cl t- cloake oaked crags. ‘T his his woul would d make a good anchorage nchorage, skipper, skipper,’’ says the first first mate. Drop anchor here turn to 220 C ontinue ontinue around the island to Dweomer turn to1 to 151 Sail away from from the island turn to 122 183 !  The vessel is listing ing badly and not worth rth salva lvaging ing, bu but you send a party party across acrossto see if if she has any cargo. cargo. I f the box above is empty, put a tick tick in in it it and turn to 202. If  the box was already ticked, turn to 221. 184  They begin to we weep bitt itterly and repent their cri crim me. You are so moved by their renewed pledges of loya loyalty that you forgive forgive them for stranding you on the is island. I f you ha have a ship hip docked docked at Smogmaw, the three three mutinee mutineers  join  join th the crew. T hey are seasoned seamen, so th this inc increases the crew quality quali ty by one one step (from (from poor to average, average to good, or good to excellent). Lose the codeword word C hurch   a  and turn turn to 314. hurch  185 H alf the inhabi inhabita tants of Smogmaw are pirates pirates or the the friends fri ends of  pirate pirates. N o doubt the the trophy you jus j ust sold old was recognized by someone, beca because as you are walking ki ng past a row row of of shanties shanties you you are struck truck in i n the neck by a pois poisoned dart. rt. I f you have a blessing of Imm I mmunity unity to Di Disease/ Pois oison, cross it off and turn to 44. Otherwi O therwis se you can do nothing nothi ng to save yourself; turn to 123. 186  The catamarans are packed with ith raide iders from rom the coast of  Ankon-K nkon- K onu. T hey hey cannot hope to take your ship, hip, but they wil will try to le leap aboard and carry rry off off a few pris prisoners. R oll two dice dice (three if you are are a Warrior) rri or) and add your R ank to the the num number rol rolled. led. Score 2-3 2-3 An arrow rrow impales your eye turn to 123 Score 4-12 4-12 T he raiders retreat at last turn to 206 Score 13+ Y ou drive drive them off with with ease turn to 352 187 If you have the codeword word C acogast , turn to 225. Otherwis therwise the irascible cible colleg college cook bars your way. ‘I don’t don’t want any schola cholars in my kitchen!’ ki tchen!’ he he thunders. moulder fis fish (if you have  To pa pacify ify him you could offer asmoulder one) or else rely rely on your natural natural charm, in in the form form of a CHARISMA roll at Difficulty 12. moulder fis fish Offer as a smoulder turn to 243 Successful ful C HARISMA roll turn to 261 Failed CHARISMA roll turn to 279

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 17 

188  Yo  Y ou study your ch charts, re reckoning ing your positio ition n to lie due south of the estuary of the the R uby Ri R iver. Fa Far to the the east on this thi s latitude titude lie li es the Is Island of Fire. Fi re. Steer south turn to 370 Go west turn to 96 H ead north turn to 21  Travel east turn to 208 189 A strong trong tropica tropical wind wind strains the sails. ‘Best we we strike tri ke the topsail,’ says the mate. ‘I ‘I f a storm torm hits hits we’re we’re in danger of capsizing.’ zing.’ R oll two dice dice Score 2-4 2-4 Storm turn to 174 Score 5-8 5-8 N othing othing of note turn to 209 Score 9-12 9-12 M adness turn turn to 106 190 R inged about with with desola olate shores hores, the sea keeps up its its eternal whis whisperings rings. It puts the mate, who is normally an iras irascibl cible e redredfaced drunka drunkard, in in wis wistful mood. ‘Often ‘O ften when at home,’ home,’ he says, ‘tiri tiring ng of laughter and song, I take myself to a deserted bay and li listen for the sea- nymphs’ fl flutes that herald the the tide.’ tide.’ ‘Y ou’re ou’re a poet!’ says the naviga vigator admiringly. ri ngly.  The mate glares at him him, jerke rked back to to his his usual fo foul mo mood. ‘T here’s no call for ins i nsults ults, mis mister!’ Look Look alive alive – we need a new cours course, you swab.’ b.’ L ords of the Ri si ng Son  Son 90 Go east Go west turn to 156 Go north turn to 173 Go south turn to 337 191 Out of a grey dawn, the tall peaks of an island show like a bloodblood-ri rimm mmed saw against the sky. It is is Dragon Is I sland. L ords of the R i si ng Sun 90 Go east to the is island Go west turn to 210 Go north turn to 55 Strike Stri ke south outh for for open seas turn turn to 172 192 Starspike rspike Is Island is is a breath-taki th- taking ng sight: fro from m its its centre a slender mountain ris ri ses straight up into i nto the sky. Its pinna pinnacle is is lost fa far beyond the cl clouds. ‘I ‘I t’s t’s said to be highe higher than Sky Mountain M ountain in in Sokara,’ says one of your crewmen. Put Put in at the island turn to 704 Sail off turn to 230 193  The daylight is suddenly blot lotted ou out by by va vast clo clou uds that spread like pools pools of ink i nk across the sky. Lighting ghting forms an inces incessant web from horizon to horizon, and the thunder is like being inside a great bronze bell. Y ou bel bellow orde orders but they are only only los lost on the wind. wind. The T he crew crew stare all around, li limp with with fear. O nly luck luck can save you now. now. If you have the blessing of Alvi Alvirr and and Va Valmir, lmir, which which confers Safety from from Storms, you can ignore ignore the storm. C ross off your bles blessing and turn turn to 61. If you have no no blessing, ng, the storm hits with full force. R ain rattles rattles against the judderi juddering ng canvas; wa waves lash the deck. R oll oll

one die if your ship is a barque, two dice if it is a brigantine, or three dice dice if a galleon. Add Add 1 to the roll roll if you have an excellent crew; subtract 1 if if you have apoor crew. Score 0-4 0-4 Y our ship hip sinks turn to 249 Score 5-6 5-6 T he mast splits pli ts turn to 670 Score 7-19 7-19 Y ou weather the storm torm turn to 81 194 R oll two dice and add your your R ank. Add A dd 1 to the total if i f you have an average crew, 2 if if you you have a good crew, crew, or 3 if if you you have an excellent excell ent crew. Score 1-5 1-5 T he pirate pirates overtake you turn to 214 Score 6+ Y ou outrun outrun them turn to 61 195  The cr creature th throw rows up up its its b blo loo odless h ha ands, utters a te terrib rible howl, howl, and vanis nishes like smoke on the wind. wind. T he echoes of its i ts final cry are a long time in dying away. ‘Whew!’ ‘W hew!’ says the bosun in a trembl trembliing voice voice. ‘Good job job we got it before moonrise, or its strength would’ve doubled.’ Explore Explore its lair turn to 215 Sail away right ri ght now turn to 41 196  Yo  Y ou return to to th the ship and sail away. Cros Cross off acandle acandle if  if you used one. T hen, if if you have the codewor codeword d Callid  , lose it and turn to 717. O Othe therwis rwise, turn to 48. 197  Yo  Y our master at arms leaps at the stranger, only to end up flat on his his back across the deck. T he carpenter, a burl burly tavern bra brawler, wler, fares no better. better. ‘Do ‘D o you send send your your mini minions ons to fi fight me then?’ roa roars the stra tranger. ‘I ‘I expected better of of a ship’ hip’s s captain!’ Figh Fi ghtt him him yourself turn to 235  Tell  Tell him to calm down turn to 217 198  Yo  Y ou are pick icked up up by by merchants from rom Yello Yellow wport wh who co come ashore to replenis replenish their their supplies uppli es. T hey are ama amazed to fi find a human being living here. ‘We ‘W e are bound for I mperia erial C hambara, then hope to do some trading in in the south,’ outh,’ they say. ‘W ‘Would ould you li like to be dropped off anywhere, anywhere, or or wi will you stay aboard til ti ll we get home?’ Disembark at C hambara L ords ords of the Ri si ng Sun 79 Ask to be dropped off  at Smogmaw turn turn to 44 ar-T orn K ingdo ingdom 140 C ontinue on to Y ellowport llowport T he W ar-T 199  Yo  Y ou strik rike the water wit with h enough force to kn knock th the wind ind out of you. you. Lose 1-3 Stamina points points (the score of one die die halved, rounding roundi ng fra fractions ctions up). If I f you survive, urvi ve, the current current steadil dily carri rries you away from from the waterspout atop atop which whi ch your ol old ship hip wil will floa float foreve forever in in the clouds. Delete Delete the ship hip and crew from from your Adventure dventure Sheet; also cro cros ss off your money and possessions.  Yo  Y ou drift ift for ho hours until pic pick ked up by a warship out of Po Port Kunrir. unrir. ‘We ‘W e’ll ’ll drop you off at the Face Faceless K ing’s court,’ says the captain. ‘Good. I can arrange passage home from from there.’ there.’

 18 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

H e laughs laughs. ‘I doubt it! it! Slaves aren’t allowed quite quite that degree degree of freedom.’ F aces   Turn  Turn to 321 in T he C ourt of H i dden Fac 200 ‘We’re ‘W e’re making king better headway now, now,’’ announces the mate. ‘L ‘Let’s  jus  just hope that we don’t run afoul of of the weather.’ r.’ R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-3 2-3 Pirates turn to 654 Score 4-5 4-5 Storm turn to 544 Score 6-8 6-8 An uneventful voyage turn to 311 Score 9-12 9-12 Lightsunder the waves turn to 711 201 By dawn you you have managed to overhaul overhaul two two of of the the pirate pirate ships hips, but the first first presses on relentl relentles essly, steadil dily gaining ning on your your les less manoeuvra noeuvrable ble vessel. Pull ulling alongside, they cast grappli ppling hooks hooks and come come swarming ming aboard. R oll three three dice if you are a Warrior, rrior, or two dice if you belong long to any other other profe profession. Add A dd your R ank to this thi s roll. roll.  Then, if yo your cre crew is poor qu quality lity, subtract 2 from the total. If  the crew crew is is good quality, add 2. If I f the crew is is excellent quality, add 3. Score 0-3 0-3 C alamity; you are kil killed turn to 123 Score 4-8 4-8 C rushing defeat; lose 2-12 2-12 Stamina turn to 435 Score 9-12 9-12 Force Forced to give in; lose 1-6 1-6 Stamina turn to 416 Score 13-16 -16 The The pira irates with ithdraw turn to 101 Score 17+ Outright utright victory victory turn to 307 202  The ca captain’s in’s log log contains ins so some int interesting ing accounts of his tra travels acros cross the Grea Great Steppes. Y ou are parti rticula cularly rly interes interested in a detailed descripti cription on of a tomb he found. ‘I t is is only only possible to gain entrance when the gods are not look lookiing,’ the captain ha has written wri tten in his hi s log. ‘W ‘We were were unable ble to penetrate to the hea heart of  of  the tomb, but returned returned to the ship hip with with much booty fro from m the outer outer cha chambers.’ heops  Get the codeword C heops   and turn to 221. 203  The three mutine ineers leave after a while, each clut lutching ing a bottle of strong strong spiri pirit. Y ou follo follow w them through the maze of  boardwalks boardwalks and lowl ow-ea eaved shacks. M ake a SCOUTING roll at a Difficulty of 14; failure means that you lose lose them. Successful ful SCOUTING roll turn to 222 Failed SCOUTING roll turn to 44 204 By nigh nightt you dream of a frightful frightful fie fi end with with fle flesh the colour of  cold cold clay, only only to wake with with a shiver hiver and find find it it was no dre dream.  The fiend ho holds lds aside ide the curtain of of yo your bu bunk in on one talon loned hand, leaning ning forwa forward wi with bla black mouth agape. Y ou can smell its seaweed breath; its eyes are li like dull dull pearls rls in the candleli ndlelight. ght. If you have the codeword word Cull  , turn to 223. Otherwise, turn to 241.

205  Yo  Y ou have en entered the waters arou round the Un U nnumbered Isles. Somewhere in in this this reef-s f- strewn archipe archipelago is is the stronghold tronghold of  the R eavers. T hey rule rule like barbaria rbarian lords lords over the poor croft crofters ers of the the isles. I f you have the codeword word C hance  , turn to 545. If I f not, not, turn to 563. 206 As the raiders raiders leap back to their their catamarans and veer away, it is is left to you to count the cost of victory. vi ctory. Y ou have lost 2-12 2-12 Stamina points (the roll roll of two dice) in in the fighting fighting.. I f you can survive that, roll one die. Score 1-2 1-2 T he raiders left empty-ha pty-handed turn to 352 Score 3-4 3-4 T hey took all your fresh water turn to 124 Score 5-6 5-6 T he crew bla blames your poor leadership turn to 599 207  The Mas Master’s r’s lod lodging ings are in a fine ine, old old,, stone house at the back of a lawn jus just ins inside the colleg college gates. H is lugubrious ugubrious butler butler M antel admits you into into a study that smells of old old books books, pipe pipe smoke and armcha rmchair lea leather. ther. ‘Who’ ‘W ho’s s this this?’ dema demands the Ma Master, looki looking ng up from his his chair. ‘One ‘O ne of the students, I ’m afraid, sir,’ r,’ says M antel. M ake a CHARISMA roll at a Difficulty of 14. Successful ful C HARISMA roll turn to 560 Failed CHARISMA roll turn to 578 208 ‘See that that blue gl glow along the horizon?’ hori zon?’ says the naviga vigator. tor. ‘It’ ‘I t’s s the witchlight witchli ght that fli flickers ckers over Bra Brae elak Is I sle.’ R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-5 2-5 A tempest turn to 422 Score 6-12 6-12 N othing othing of note turn to 226 209 ‘La ‘L and ahoy!’ shouts the lookout lookout from from the crow’ crow’s s nest. ‘T hat’s t’s stra trange,’ says the naviga vigator, tor, consulti consulting ng his his charts rts. ‘T here’s no is island marked rked.’ I nvestiga tigate the island turn to 30 Sail on turn to 48 210  The de deep and dark blue lue oce ocean rolls rolls on on arou round your bows, churned churned by afresheni hening ng wind. R oll two dice dice. Score 2-4 2-4 A flying flying ship hip turn to 138 Score 5-8 5-8 N othing othing turn to 228 Score 9-12 9-12 An exotic exotic vessel turn to 619 211  The serpent raises its its he heavy he head an and giv give es ve vent to a sibila ibilant snarl. rl. Acid cid drips dri ps from from its its fangsas it snapsat you. you. Serpent, COMBAT  7, Defence D efence 8, Stamina 10 Lying ying in the shade has left it quite qui te torpid, torpid, so you could easily run off rather than fight it. R un back to the ship hip turn to 125 K ill the creature turn to 12

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 19 

212  The  The ship cracks open and seawater ru rushes int into th the brok roken shell of the the hull. hull. T he screams of your crewmen are drowned drowned out by the surge of the the waves. Cro C ros ss off off your your ship ship and crew; crew; they they are lost. Y ou can think think of nothing nothing now but saving ving yourself. lf. R oll two dice dice. I f the score is greater ter than than your R ank, you are drowned – turn to 123. IIff the score core is less than or equal to your R ank, nk, you you are swept mysteriously teriously to a beach of white whi te sand fringe fri nged with with fea feathery palms. Lose 2- 12 Stamina points points and (if  (if  Serpent K i ng’ ng’ s D omain  omain  you can survive urvi ve that) turn turn to 559 in T he Serpe . 213  The sky turns black and spits its lightning ing. Your Your crew grow fearful. ‘La ‘L ay her a-hold!’ hold!’ cries cries the bosun in in panic. nic. ‘Bes ‘Bestir tir yours yourselves, lads, or we’re done for!’ If you have the blessing of Alvi Alvirr and and Va Valmir, lmir, which which confers Safety from from Storms, you can ignore ignore the storm. C ross off your bles blessing and turn turn to 155. Otherwis rwise the storm hits hits with with tita titanic nic fury, throwing throwing vast fis fi sts of water up from from the sea to batter your ship’s hip’s frai frail timbe timbers. R oll oll one die if your ship is a barque, two dice if it is a brigantine, or three dice dice if a galleon. Add Add 1 to the roll roll if you have an excellent crew; subtract 1 if you you have a poor poor crew. crew. Score 0-4 0-4 Y our ship hip sinks turn to 249 Score 5-6 5-6 T he mast spli plits turn to 231 Score 7-19 7-19 Y ou weather the storm torm turn to 246 214  Yo  Y ou clo clos se with ith th the pira irate vessel. At clo clos se quarters you see the attackers ttackers waiting ting with with drawn swor swords ds at the rail. rail. T hey are an odd odd mix of tall U ttakin, kin, velvet-coa velvet-coated ted Golni Golnira rans ns, Sokarans with with broad broad pale faces and savage natives natives of the the Feathered thered La Lands. Al All are alike in in one respect, however: however: the the naked hate that shines hines from from their their eyes. As A s the ships hips come together, they lea leap aboard with with a wild wild battle-cry. ttle-cry. R oll two dice dice (three dice if you’re you’re a Warrior) rri or) and and add your your R ank. T hen, iiff your crew is poor poor quality, li ty, subtra subtract 2 from the total total. If I f the crew is good, add 2. If I f the crew is excellent, xcellent, add 3. Score 0-3 0-3 C alamity; you are kil killed turn to 123 Score 4-8 4-8 C rushing defeat; lose 2-12 2-12 Stamina turn to 140 Score 9-12 9-12 Force Forced to give in; lose 1-6 1-6 Stamina turn to 250 Score 13- 16 T he pirate pirates withdraw withdraw turn to 245 Score 17+ Outright utright victory victory turn to 232 215 Inside the cave is is a stone tone sarcopha rcophagus that smells ells of bri brimstone tone and ammonia onia. Strewn Strewn around round it, it, spotted potted with with bat droppings droppi ngs and gobbets of ra rancid ncid gris gristle, tle, are pil piles of gold gold pla plate, coin coin and  jewelle llery. R ubies sparkle rkle like like drops of black bloo lood in the rays of  the ris rising moon. Emeralds gleam like like myria myriad cats’ eyes. Sapphires pphires are strewn trewn about li like crystalline petals.  The total va value lue of th the haul is 6000 Shards. Add Add this to your petty cash and turn turn to 41. 216 !  Yo  Y ou present the sea-gre -green lens to the door panel and it slide lides up. Beyond is is a circul circula ar courtyard open to the sky wi with a marble rble fountain in the middle.

‘Bl ‘Blow me if we aren’t sm smack in in the bloomin’ middle of the place!’ place!’ says the the master at arms arms. I f the box above is empty, put a tick tick in in it it and turn to 270. If  it was was already ticked, ticked, turn turn to 252. 217 ‘Y our talk of of peace insults insults me!’ ra rages the bare-ches re-chested stra tranger. H is fis fist la lashes out, giving givi ng you such a strong trong buffet in in the face that your knee knees buckl buckle and bla blackness drops drops over you you li like a great wave. By By the time time your crew can can bri bring you round, round, the stranger has sailed off in i n his his boat. Lose 1 Stamina mina point point permanently nently (tha (that is is, reduce reduce your unwounded unwounded Stamina mina score core by 1) and then turn turn to 125. 218 Pirates find find you when they they come ashore hore to bury bury some treasure. ure.  Their captain fondles your hair and smirk irks. ‘Y oung and healthy enough, enough,’’ he says. ‘Y ‘Y ou’re ou’re bound for the slave pens, my fri friend, end, unl unles ess you you can muster a ransom of 150 Shards.’ Agree to the ra ransom C ities it ies of G old and Glo Gl ory 229 C an’t or won’t pay turn to 472 219 Dangling ngling on a long rope usually used for keelhauling, keelhauling, you manage to get down to the the top of the the waterspout. From rom there you swim swim down to the the sea bed, where where you dis discover a rusty wheel beside a wide wide vent. Could ould this this be the source ource of the waterspout? With the las last breath in in your lungs l ungs, you turn the whee wheel until the vent clos closesand the torrent torrent of water is i s cut off. off. T hen you bob back to the surface to fi find your ship hip drifti dri fting ng safely on on the the waves once more. Y our crew crew gratefull fully hauls uls you aboard with wi th loud loud cheers. ‘A stra trange experience,’ ri ence,’ you say to the the first first mate. H e waves his his hand to make light li ght of the the matter. ‘Oh, ‘O h, a seafarer sees many strange things things. Let L et me tell tell you about bout the the time...’ And so you sail on. T urn to 39. 220 N ote that your ship ship is is docked in the southern bay bay on Sorce Sorcerer’s rer’s Isle. The T hen turn to 407. 221  There is 1 Car Cargo of spice ices in the ship’s ip’shold, ld, which ich you can take if you have room for it. it. (Y ou can, of course, je jettis ttison exi exis sting ting cargo to make room for it if you wish.)  The firs irst mate reports rts find inding ing no sign ign of life life aboard the ship. ip. ‘Looks ooks like she was abandoned all of a sudden, captain,’ n,’ he says. ‘We found a couple of things you might want.’ ruttier   and a smoulder moulder fis fish. H e hands you a mariner’s ruttier N ote these items down if i f you want to keep them, then turn to 118. 222  The three of th them live live in a house that stands on short wo wooden posts above a tract of mud on the southern fri fringe nge of town. town. Y ou watch them slump lump in the doorway, where the jutting jutti ng porch of  interleaved pandanus shields hields them from from the sun. T he air is fil filled with gnats and the stench of rotting river weeds.

 20 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

If you have the codeword word A id    or have a ship hip docked docked at Smogmaw then then you can round up some friends friends to help help you you exact your revenge revenge. Otherwis therwise you must deal with with the the mutineers yourself. M uster some friends fri ends(if (if you have any) turn to 240 Attack ttack the three on your own turn to 73 Wait till till they’re asleep turn to 148 Forget Forget about them turn to 44 223 ‘Y ou have have not done as I asked,’ whis whispers the fiend fiend in a voice voice of  dreadful intimacy.  Yo  Y ou tr try to to cry cry out, to ca call th the men on on wa watch to to yo your aid. id. But the fiend touc touche hes s your li lips with with an icy icy fing finge er. ‘Hus ‘H ush,’ it says. ‘N o need need to bother bother them with with our business.’ With the othe other hand it it re reaches out and exti extinguishe nguishes the nightlight.  Turn  Turn to 123. 224 R emember to cross crossoff off the 35 Shards to pay for for your your berth. berth.  The ship is the I chabod  , a barque with fading paintwork and weathered timbe timbers. T hree hree days out from from Smogmaw she runs into hea heavy weather. R oll one die. die. Score 1-4 1-4 Arrive rri ve at Y ellowport as planne planned; turn to T he W ar-T orn K ingdo ingdom  m 10 Score 5-6 5-6 T he I chabod    is is force forced to la lay up at Copper C opper 9 9 I sland for repairs; turn to 225 Woe betide tide any schola cholar to to whom whom the cook has taken a dis dislike.  Yo  Y ou are fed a bowl of of hot stew which ich you consume with ith gusto, but la later tha that evening evening you suffer suffer stomach pains pains and are up until unti l dawn retching into a bucket. Lose 1-6 Stamina points points (the role rol e of one die) die) and then turn to 607. 226  Yo  Y ou are rou roughly twenty leagues due north of of th the Sleeping ing Isle Isle.  The helmsman awaits its your orders. Go east turn turn to 9 Go west turn to 170 Go north turn to 129 Go south turn to 281 227 Closing your your eyes, you lea lean back against the mask and enjoy enjoy the ris ri se and plunge plunge of the ship as she steers on through through wa warm tropi tropical cal seas. R ecover 1 Stamina point if if injur injure ed. The T hen roll two dice. Score 2-4 2-4 Storm turn to 248 Score 5-7 5-7 N othing othing of note turn to 245 Score 8-9 8-9 A castaway turn turn to 515 Score 10- 12 Pirates turn to 176 228  Yo  Y ou are rou roughly midw idway be between th the Isle of Fire Fire and Dra Dragon Island. Wha W hat course wil will you you tell your men men to steer? N orth turn to 55 South turn to 172

East West

turn to 173 turn to 246

229  Yo  Y ou give ive a falte ltering ing tongue-tie -tied apolog logy th that softens the men’s wra wrath but lea leaves them openly nly contem contemptuous. ptuous. The T he first first mate, Fryer, ryer, takes command and you you are set ashore hore on a deserted erted island to fend for your yours self. C ross off your ship ship and her cargo. T hey are los lost foreve forever.  Yo  Y our main prob roblem now is jus just staying ing alive live. hurch  Get the codeword codeword C hurch   and  and turn to 177. 230  Yo  Y ou set a new course, and eventually lly even the lof lofty pinn innacle of  Starspike Is Island drops below the horizon. hori zon. Go north turn to 156 Go south turn to 337 Go east turn turn to 172 Go west turn to 302 231  The ship is swept far out out to sea. Men Men and go goods are wa washed overboa overboard by huge waves that snap your your hawsers like like twi twine. Lose 1 Cargo U nit nit (if (i f you have any cargo) and reduce your crew quality quality by one step – i. i.e. an excellent crew becomes good, a good ood crew crew become becomes average, and an average crew becomes poor. (A poor crew can’t get any wors worse!) At last the storm blows itself out. Y ou are left drifti drifting ng in unknown waters.  Turn  Turn to 321. 232  Yo  Y ou help yourself to the pira irates’ tre treasure, wh which ich amounts to 250 Shards. rds. R ecord it it on your Adventure Adventure Sheet.  Their sh ship’s ip’s hold co contains ins 2 Cargo Un U nits its of sp spice ices, which ich you can add to your own cargo if if your ship hip has enough room room for them. Once you have made the necessary adjustments djustments to your your Adventure Sheet, turn to 245. 233  Yo  Y ou are face to fa face with ith Am Amcha One One-Eye -Eye, th the bane of ho honest merchants throughout throughout the northern northern la lands. I f you imagined that he would would wear an eye-patch you were were mis mistaken. Hi H is sightles ghtless eye is kept openly nly dis displa played, an unblinki unblinking ng white white orb that that strikes tri kes terror into the hearts of all who must confront him. rate captain’s captain’s head, turn to 493. If not, If you possess api a pirate turn to 400. 234 A figure composed of glittering green light appears in the air in front front of you. Y our crewm crewmen fall on on their faces faces in abje bject fear.  Yo  Y ou ar are no not so so ea easily co cowed, but none th the less yo you ma make a respectful bow, ‘I recognize you as a wors worshippe hipper of the Lord Lord and and La Lady of the Sea,’ says the spectral pectral fi figure. ‘O ‘One boon shall I grant you. you. Choose whether whether it i t is is life, strength or ease that is is your heart’s rt’s desire.’ C hoose life li fe turn to 289 C hoosestrength turn to 309 C hoose ease turn turn to 327

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 21 

235 ‘Good!’ ‘Good!’ he bellows lows. ‘Go ‘Good! od! Ye Y es, by the two gods who rule rule below – I ’ll ’ll grapp grapple le with you.’ H e stamps the deck with wi th such exuberant feroci ferocity ty tha that even the bravest of your men go scurrying for cover. M ake a COMBAT  roll at a Difficulty of 13. Successful ful C OMBAT roll turn to 271 Failed COMBAT roll turn to 253 236 Witches come bouncing bouncing out across cross the waves, demonstrating onstrating their contempt of nature’s laws by ridi riding ng in wormworm-ea eaten coracles coracles that that are asleaky as sieves. ‘Bl ‘Blow winds wi nds and crack crack your cheeks cheeks!’ they they cry, adding an obscene laugh that causesdis disgust and horr horror in equal dos doses. ‘T hey’ll hey’ll curse curse us to the the ocean deeps,’ moans the bosun in in abjec bject fea fear. ‘Do ‘D o something, captain!’ M ake a MAGIC roll at a Difficulty of 15. Successful ful M AGIC roll turn to 254 Failed M AGIC roll turn to 272 237 A wind wi nd of frigh frighten teniing intens ntensity blo blows ws up out of nowhere. ‘Thi ‘T his s weather cannot be natura tural!’ says the bosun with wi th a shiver. hiver.  Yo  Y ou ro round on on him him. ‘Y ou alwa lways say th that, mis mister. Whe Where’s your evidence evidence?’ H e points points all around. round. ‘T ‘T he sheets of green green lightni li ghtning ng beyond the cl clouds. T he thick thick sulphurou ulphurous s dust in in the air. T he presence of  frogs frogsand other other unexplained debri debris s in the water water all around us.’  Yo  Y ou give ive a snort. rt. ‘Fa ‘Fair enough.’  To cancel the superna rnatural wind ind yo you must ma make a MAGIC roll at a Difficulty of 15. Successful ful M AGIC roll turn to 188 Failed M AGIC roll turn to 255 238  Yo  Y ou ar are wa washed up up on on a na narro rrow beach at the the ba back of a ba bay surrounded urrounded by high high mist-s t- shrouded pea peaks. After After res resting ting to recover your your strength, you pick pi ck your your way up a series eries of steep paths until until you can can get a clear view vi ew of the the island. island. T o the north north lies an expanse of glitteri gli ttering ng blue blue fores forest, so there there can be no question tion where you are – Bra Braelak, the Sorcerers’ Sorcerers’ Is I sle. Nea N earer at hand is a tower built of obsidian blocks. Enter Enter the fores forest turn to 697 Go to the tower turn to 426 239 A flock of migrating birds alights to cover every inch of deck, masts and spars. Thei T heirr pluma plumage is a stri triking ki ng mixtur mixture e of ebony, scarlet, rlet, and metalli tallic green. ‘Quee ‘Q ueer sort of birds birds,’ ,’ rema remarks rks the mate. ‘G ‘Got almost a wis wise look to them, wouldn’t you say?’ R oll two dice dice.. Score 2 turn to 257 Score 3-12 3-12 turn to 275 240 With the help of a few strong trong men you have no trouble trouble settli settling ng your score score with with the three mutineers. It I t is is up to your own own

conscience conscience what you do with wi th them them, but you you can rest assured that you wi will never see them again. hurch  Lose the codeword word C hurch   a  and turn turn to 44. 241 ‘Pa ‘Pay heed to what I say,’ whis whispers the fiend fiend in gravid gravid tones. ‘G ‘Go north north to a certain fane that is is upon the the steppes, and there tell tell the four winds winds that that T ayang Kha K han was foull foully slain at sea.’  Yo  Y ou tr try tw twice ice to fin find d yo your vo voice ice, fina finally lly managing ing to to ga gasp out: ‘W ‘What if if they already know that?’ But the the fiend fiend seems not to to understand. It speaks like like a sleepwalker, repeating ting its its words words until until they fade into incoherence. ncoherence.  Yo  Y ou watch it go as the candle burns rns down, and your rig rigid terror ror gradually gives way to fatigue. In I n the morning morning you are hardly rdly sure it it happened at all. all. Get the codeword Cull   and  and turn to 22. 242 ‘Wi ‘W ill we have any trouble trouble reaching ching Dweom Dweomer?’ you you ask the the aradiddle  skipper of the T aradiddle  . ‘N ot in in this this beauty,’ uty,’ he says proudly. proudly. ‘H ‘H er ma mast’s of prime prime bluewood, bluewood, and she alwaysfinds finds her way home.’ H e is right; ri ght; the voyage voyage is blis bli ssfull fully uneventful. ntful. R emember to cross cross off off the the 35 Shards rds you had to pay for your your passage, then then turn to 100. 243  The cook is delighted. The fish is rated a great de delica licacy by by th the dons of Dweom D weomer. Y ou are rewarded with with 200 Sha Shards. Cross C ross moulder fis fish off the smoulder  off your list of possessions and then turn turn to 607. 244 ‘Can you ta taste it it on the the breeze, shipma hipmates?’ you ask the the crew. ‘T aste what, captain? ptain? The The scent of brine? bri ne?’ asks the mate. ‘N o, not brine brine; it’s i t’s the smell of sorcery. Bra Braelak is is just over the horizon.’ R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-4 2-4 A shooting hooti ng star turn to 460 Score 5-7 5-7 A quiet quiet day’s sailing turn to 262 Score 8-12 8-12 Attacked ttacked by night night turn to 441 245 With the naviga vigator’s tor’s spyglass you survey the tree-fringe fri nged cli cliffs and blazi blazing ng coral beaches ches of AnkonAnkon-K K onu. T o the north across leagues of open ocean is is Old Sokar, now rena renamed Ma Marlock rlock C ity since a coup in in Sokara Sokara brought Gene General Gri Grie eve Ma Marlock rlock to power. Go north turn to 42 T he Serpe Serpent K i ng’s ng’ s D omain  omain 200 Go south Go east turn turn to 263 Go west turn to 189 246  The days are fair and sunny, th the nigh ights star-br -brimmed. Your Your ship skips kips like a cloud cloud across acrosswavesthe colour colour of ink. R ecover 1 Stamina point if i f injur injure ed, then roll roll two dice dice. Score 2-5 2-5 A vis vision in moonlight moonlight turn to 665 Score 6-8 6-8 A quiet quiet day’s sailing turn to 264 Score 9-12 9-12 T rade raders from M ithdrak turn to 569

 22 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

247  Yo  Y ou find ind a book that contains ins so many terrify ifying ing stories that you doubt if if you’l you’lll ever sleep soundly oundly again. It lea leaves you so sca scared that you have to wait for the librarian to come looking for you. ‘Grea ‘Great tomes of fear!’ he declares. ‘Y our hair has turned white.’ Lose 1 from from CHARISMA and get the codeword codeword Chill  . The T hen turn to 368. 248  The sky tu turns black an and spits its lightning ing. Y our crewmen gr grow fearful. ‘La ‘L ay her a-hold!’ hold!’ cries cries the bos bosun in in panic. nic. ‘Bes ‘Bestir tir yours yourselves, lads, or we’re done for!’ If you have the blessing of Alvi Alvirr and and Va Valmir, lmir, which which confers Safety from from Storms, you can ignore ignore the storm. C ross off your bles blessing and turn turn to 245. Otherwis rwise the storm hits hits with with tita titanic nic fury, throwing throwing vast fis fi sts of water up from from the sea to batter your ship’s hip’s frai frail timbe timbers. R oll oll one die if your ship is a barque, two dice if it is a brigantine, or three dice dice if a galleon. Add Add 1 to the roll roll if you have an excellent crew; subtract 1 if you you have a poor poor crew. crew. Score 0-4 0-4 Y our ship hip sinks turn to 212 Score 5-6 5-6 T he mast spli plits turn to 670 Score 7-19 7-19 Y ou weather the storm torm turn to 263 249  The hull breaks int into splint linters and seawater gushes int into the hold. ld. Shuddering ri ng like like a wounded beast, the ship hip begins to sink. T he terrifi terrified ed crie cries of your crewmen are lost in the cras crash of the waves clos closing over over your your head. Cross C ross off you shi ship p and crew; they they are lost. Y ou can think think of nothing nothing now but saving ving yourself. lf. R oll two dice dice. I f the score is greater ter than than your R ank, you are drowned – turn to 123. IIff the score core is less than or equal to your R ank, you are swept mi miraculously towa towards a grim grim surflashed shore hore ringed ri nged with with ja jagged reefs. Lose L ose 2-12 2-12 Stamina mina points points and (if you can survive that) turn to 313. 250  The pira irates take your ca cargo, all yo your po possession ions and your ca cash.  They also seize ize your ship for themselve lves. Cro Cross all these off your Adventure Sheet. At At lea least they decide to spa spare your life – probabl probably y in in the hope that you’l you’ll earn enough enough to buy another another ship hip so they they can rob rob you you again.  Yo  Y ou are put off in Smogmaw. Turn Turn to 44. 251 Several sailors grab grab the stranger and bring bring him him over to you. you. Y ou ply ply him him with with questions, tions, but he has gone limp li mp and begun to to gasp for breath. H e dies as quickl quickly y as a man might might drown drown at six fathoms. ‘What now, now, skipper?’ skipper?’ says the first first mate in in an awestruck truck voice. ‘Shall we cut the cable and let their ship go drifting off?’ Cut the flying flying ship’s hip’s cable turn to 228  Tak  Take a party of seamen alof loft turn to 269 252  Yo  Y our cre crewmen ta take the opportunity ity to to co colle llect some barrels of  fresh water from from the fountain. Lose the codeword word Callid   if   if you had it.

 There is nothing ing else of int interest he here, so yo you re return to th the ship. T urn to 196. 253  The stranger grabs hold of you, he hefts you int into the air, ir, and fling lings you down. Y ou hit hit the deck deck with wi th such force force that that it it makes your teeth rattle. rattle. Lose Lose 1-6 1-6 Stamina mina points points (the (the score core of one die) die) and decide whether you feel like fighting on. Gra Grapple your foe turn to 235  Tell  Tell him there’sno need to figh ight turn to 217 254  Yo  Y ou con confound the the wit witc ches b by y ca cancellin lling g th the spell that keeps their coracles afloa float. Y our crewm crewmen laugh in in relief reli ef as they watch the flotilla of vile women sink below the surging grey swell.  The leader of the the co coven ma manages to ho hold he her head above water long enough to plead for you to haul her out. Drop her a line li ne turn to 291 Let her her drown turn to 39 255  The wind ind does not abate for several ho hours. So Somehow yo you ha have the uneasy feeling feeling that it it has blow blow you you a quite quite unconscionable unconscionable dis distance in that that time time. After fter consulti consulting ng the stars and his his charts rts, the the naviga vigator makes a guess at your your current current positi position. on. R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-3 2-3 turn to 228 Score 4 turn to 320 Score 5-6 5-6 turn to 118 Score 7 turn to 648 Score 8-9 8-9 turn to 322 Score 10 turn to 283 Score 11-12 11-12 turn to 352 256  The priestess gets to her feet. ‘Th ‘T he goddesses have lo looked on on you with wi th favour,’ favour,’ she says. ‘T heir breath has fil filled your sa sails, their hands sheltered your back, guiding guidi ng you safely here here.’ Seek a bles blessing from from the the goddesses turn turn to 293 R enounce their worshi worship p turn to 330 Leave the temple ple turn turn to 44 257  There are so many bird irds that, wh when they ris rise again int into th the air, ir, their wings all but blot out the sun. At the same time you feel a strange enchantment cree creeping ping over you. But is it harmful harmful,, or benefici ficia al? T o resist the enchantment (assuming uming you want to try) try) you must succeed on a MAGIC roll at a Difficulty of 15. R esist the enchantment turn to 171 Fail to resist (or don’t try) turn to 294 258 If you have the codeword word A id  , turn to 276. If not, turn to 295. 259 It is is easy to pick pick out Gl Glimbinki’s nki’s shrine, hri ne, a tall tee teepee of  interla nterlaced feathers supported upported by a central totem totem of ha hard red wood wood surmounted urmounted by a gi gia ant carved rved beak. I f you have the codeword word C ushat  , turn to 277. If I f not, not, turn to ushat  296.

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 23 

260 If you haven’t n’t already done so, cros cross off off the the 35 Shards that the the captain wants to take you to Me Metrici tri cie ens. T hen roll roll one one die. die. Score 1-2 1-2 T he captain is a vil villain. H e takesall your money and maroons roons you; turn turn to 177 Score 3-6 3-6 Y ou reach M etricie etriciens without without incident; 4 8 turn to  in C ities it ies of G old and Glor Gl ory  y  261  The cook relents and lets you sit in a corner of of the kitc itchen. The The other other schol scholars are impres impressed that you you managed to charm even the bad-tem d-tempered cook, and your rep reputati utation on soars. R oll oll one die. If the number rol rolled is highe higher than your CHARISMA  score, core, increa ncrease it by 1. Now N ow turn to 607. 262  To the north lies Bra Braelak, island of sorcerers. Far to the south are the marsh-encl rsh-enclos osed rui ruins of ol old Ta T arshesh. Wes W estwards there are the pries priests of Inni I nnis s; pirate pirates lurk in the east. Where now? Head north turn to 9 H ead south turn to 153 H ead east turn turn to 630 H ead west turn to 281 263 An offshore offshore wind wind bri brings the scent of stra trange blos blossoms, dead vegetation tion and the the stink tink of malaria ri al swamps. ‘T he Weeping Jungle Jungle,’ ,’ declares clares the mate gloomi oomily. ‘M ‘M y brother los lost his his life in that pest-i t- infested wilderne wilderness.’  The quartermaster ex expresses a sceptica ical view: ‘I heard yo your brother brother die died in a tavern vern brawl brawl in i n R inghorn. nghorn.’’ ‘Ba ‘Bah!’ The T he mate stamps off to his his cabin. bin. Y ou begin to worr worry y about the crew’s crew’s moral orale. R oll two dice dice. Score 2-4 2-4 M utiny! utiny! turn to 612 Score 5-8 5-8 A quiet quiet voyage voyage turn to 282 Score 9-10 9-10 Pirates turn to 176 Score 11-12 Divine vine intervention? turn to 483 264 Daybrea ybreak casts a net of mist acros cross the water, blurr blurriing the horizon. hori zon. It seems as though you are suspended pended in an infi infini nite te white void. Steer north turn to 66 Go south turn to 156  Travel east turn to 210 H ead west turn to 119 265  Yo  Y ou ca can ta take the crewmen explor loring ing wit with h yo you or or lea leave them here to gather supplies suppli es. If I f you decide decide to take the men, get the codeword C osy .  Yo  Y ou stroll roll thr through ligh light woo woodland and em emerge on on a le level pla plain. T he grass is as neatly tly mown as a lawn. Bees hum drowsil drowsily y between tween the flowers flowers. A paved avenue, lined on either either si side by stone tone slabs, stretches off off across the pla plain towards towards grey cliff cli ffs s in the distance. Go on turn to 43  Turn  Turn back turn to 5

266 N ote that that your ship hip is is now docked at Smogma Smogmaw and then turn to 44. 267  Yo  Y ou help yourself to the pira irates’ tre treasure, wh which ich amounts to 400 Shards. T heir shi ship’s hold hold contains 1 Ca Cargo Uni U nitt of spices, which which you can add to your own own cargo cargo if if your ship hip has room room for it. i t. pirate captain’s captain’s head  as a gory  Yo  Y our ma mate is for taking ing th the pirate gory trophy of your victory. Add it to your list of possessions if you agree.  Yo  Y ou also get a chance to inc increase in R ank after your stirr irring ing leadership in in battle. ttle. Rol R olll two two dice dice, and if the result ult is is greater than your current current Ra R ank then you gain a R ank. Y ou also gain 16 Stamina mina points points permanently: ntly: incr i ncrea ease your norma normal (unwounde (unwounded) d) Stamina score by the roll roll of one one die. R emember that going oing up aR ank increas i ncreasesyour Defence. Once you have made the necessary adjustments djustments to your your Adventure Sheet, turn to 101. 268  The firs irst mate comes running ing to your cabin in the small hours of  the morning. orni ng. ‘P ‘Pirates, cap’n!’ he gasps. ‘T hree ships hips coming in in windward of us.’  Yo  Y ou cannot battle three ships ips at once. Y ou give ive the orders to put out full full sail. Y ou must hope to outrun them. R oll two dice dice and add your your R ank. Add A dd 1 to the total if i f you have an average crew, 2 if if you you have a good crew, crew, or 3 if if you you have an excellent crew. crew. Also, if your ship hip is is carryi rrying ng any Ca Cargo U nits nits, subtract 1 from the total. Score 1-6 1-6 T he pirate pirates overtake you turn to 201 Score 7+ Y ou shake them off turn to 322 269 M ost are reluctant to go, but you find fi nd a pair of doughty doughty fel fellows from from Ha Haggart’s rt’s C orner who are too simple to understand fear.  They follo llow you up int into the rig rigging ing, fr from where you climb up the flying ship’s anchor chain.  The deck is is empty except for swirls irls of pearly mist. Gla Glancing ing down, down, you can jus just make out the shadow of you own own ves vessel under under the the blanket blanket of fog. One of the seamen with wi th you coughs and says, ‘T he air’s r’s peril rilous thin, skippe ki pper. Best shake a leg.’ Lose 1 Stamina mina point point unl unless you ha have the codeword codeword C alci um. Go back down and be on your way turn to 228 Explore xplore below decks decks turn to 288 270 A sacred cred aura ura hangs about thi this s pla place. If I f you are an ini initi tia ate of the the twin gods of the sea, Alvir and Valmir, then you will be particularly attuned to it. I f you are an initi initia ate of Al Alvir vir and Valmir, turn to 234. Otherwis rwise, turn to 252. 271  Yo  Y ou send him slamming ing to th the deck, bu but he he bounces up again none the worse worse for for wea wear. Immediately he cla clasps his his hands behind hind your neck and you are wres wrestli tling again. M ake a COMBAT  roll a Difficulty of 14. Successful ful C OMBAT roll turn to 290 Failed COMBAT roll turn to 253

 24 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

272  The  The witc itches curse your cr crew wit with h a dreary malaise that re renders them useless for all but the simples simplest chor chores es. R educe your crew’s quality to poor. (If (I f your crew is already of poor poor quality it it can’t get any worse worse and so the the curse has no effect.)  Titt  Titterin ring evilly illy, th the witc itches skim off acros ross the choppy sea. 3 9  Turn  Turn to . 273  Yo  Y ou wake up. Something ing is amiss, It takes you a while to realize lize that you are no llonger onger at sea. In fa fact, you are not not even aboard a ship. hip. Instead you are lying lying in in a bed in in one of the rooms at Chard’s I nn. How did did you get here? I t is is a complete mystery. When W hen you ask someone the the date, you dis discover that six months months are mis missing out of your life! Cross off your your ship and crew – they are los lost. Also los lose the first first 1-6 possessions written wri tten on your Adventure Sheet. Y our money is gone too. H owever, you have have an additional point on your SCOUTING  score core that you picked pi cked up from from somewhere, and if if you were were injured injured then your Stamina is now back to to its i ts normal score. Get the codeword Clutch   and   and turn to 120 in C ities it ies of G old  and Glory  G lory  . 274  The priestess holds lds up he her ha hand be before you ca can speak. ‘Peace! Whatever your your bus business, all must her adapt to to a slower ower pace of  life. Ah, A h, this this accursed heat.’ She indica indicates her brow, brow, and a slave boy runs forward to lick away the film of sweat.  Yo  Y ou are faint intly re repelled by by such de decadence, bu but yo you try try to hide hide it. ‘I ‘I have come come...’ ...’ you begin.  The priestess frowns. ‘Have I not said th that th thing ings are done differently differently here in in Smogm Smogmaw? Approa Approach, sit; tell me your busines business over a game of cards.’ Agree to play play with with her turn to 343 Leave the temple ple turn turn to 44 275 M ysterious teriously, when the flock flock has departed you dis di scover a stowa towaway sitting tti ng on the bowsprit. pri t. H e peers at everyone ryone suspici piciously ously and utters cawing wing nois noi ses when approached, but after a few dayshe has recovered his hi s wits wits enough to speak. ‘I dreamt I was flying,’ flying,’ he says. ‘N ‘N or can can I tell how I got here.’ He has some money saved up at home, home, and rewards rewards you with 50 Shards for dropping him off at your next port of call.  Turn  Turn to 171. 276  The merch rchant kno known as as Moo Moon of Eve Evening ing will will never forget how you you saved her li life. She takes you into into her her household hold and oak of feathers if you embelli bellishes you wi with body paint paint and acl acloak did did not already have one. Y ou can also stay here with with her family mily as long as you like – if injured, restore your Stamina to its norma normal unwo unwounded unded score. core. ‘Are ‘A re you staying ying in in Smogm Smogmaw?’ asks Moon Moon of Evening’s Evening’s brother, a handsome fellow fellow known known as Dances with with Boa Boas. ‘I know a merchant who’ll take you upriver if you like.’ T he Serpe Serpent K i ng’s Dom D omain  ain 475 Go with with the merchant Stay in town for now turn to 295

277 ‘Y ou have performe rformed d a great service ervice for Gli Gl imbinki,’ nki,’ avers the prie priest. ‘In ‘I n return I will will bestow the two ble blessings ngs tha that are are withi within n my power.’ M ark SCOUTING and MAGIC in  in the Ble Blessings box on your Adventure nture Sheet if if they were not already written wri tten there. T hese blessings entitle entitl e you to rerol rerolll a failed attempt at using the abi abillity in question. tion. Each bles blessing can be used only once. once.  Thankin king the priest, you return to town. Turn Turn to 44. 278  The island is soon left far astern. L ords of the R i si ng Sun 202 Go north Go south turn to 60 L ords of the R i si ng Sun 102 Go east Go west turn to 136 279  The cook is issues a stream of in insults lts that th threatens to tu turn th the air blue. Y ou retreat cowed and shaken. Los Lose 1 point point of CHARISMA and acquire cquire the codeword C acogast , then turn to 607. 280  The ghost disappears with ith a doleful sigh igh. A wis wisp of fa fabric drift ifts veil. Note down to the the deck. It is is a spectral veil N ote it on your your lis list of  possessions if you decide decide to keep keep it, it, then turn to 78. 281  The firs irst mate breaks open a keg of of be beer an and ha has all the the crew raise their cups to the north. north. H e excuses this this by saying: ying: ‘W ‘We’re toasting ting the H igh K ing. ng. It’s I t’s a tim time-honoured ritua ritual, Cap’n’  Yo  Y ou smile ind indulgently. ly. It ha has been th three centurie ries sinc ince the U ttakin kin swept wept away the once-glorious glori ous realm of the the Hi High Ki King, ng, but old traditions diti ons die hard. R oll two dice. Score Score 2-5 2-5 Songs acros cross the waves turn turn to 93 Score 6-8 6-8 N othing othing untoward turn to 300 Score 9-12 9-12 U ttaki ttakin n slavers turn to 450 282  Yo  Y ou are sailing iling in warm tropica ical wa waters the colou lour of ink ink. I f you have the codeword word C oracl e  , turn to 341. If I f you have the codeword Certain  , turn to 87. If I f you have have the codeword C ovet , turn to 107. I f you have none of thos those, turn to to 125. 283  Yo  Y ou are sailing iling off the south-ea -eastern promentary of Sokara, known known for obscure obscure reasons as Scorpion Scorpion Bight. Bi ght. To T o the north li lies the Druids ruids’ Is I sle. T he W ar-T orn K ingdo ingdom 136 Steer north Steer south turn to 173 L ords of the R i si ng Sun 406 Steer east Steer west turn turn to 66 284 Whil hile some of your your crew crew see to repa repairs aboard ship, hip, you you lea lead a shore hore party rty in in gathering theri ng food food and fres fresh water. R oll one die. die. Score 1-2 1-2 Y ou fall from from a coconut palm; lose 1-6 1-6 Stamina Score Score 3 Stung by a scorpi corpion; on; lose 2-12 2-12 Stamina mina

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 25 

unles unless you have ables blessing of Imm I mmunity unity to Disease/ Pois oison Score 4-6 4-6 Y ou get a good rest; recover recover 1 Stamina if  injured When you are ready to leave the island, turn to 304. 285 A sharp tang is on the air. T he sky, thick thick with with ironiron-colour coloure ed clouds clouds, begi begins to spi spin n slowly owly like li ke a great inexora inexorable ble wheel. T he heavens are shot though though wi with bri brimstone tone fla flares. T he crew stands slack-face ck- faced with with dis dismay. ‘It ‘I t is is the fist fist of Elni Elnir. r... ..’’ whim whi mpers the bos bosun. ‘H ‘H e means to punish us for our sins.’ If you have the blessing of Alvi Alvirr and and Va Valmir, lmir, which which confers Safety from from Storms, you can ignore ignore the storm. C ross off your bles blessing and turn turn to 320. If you ha have no such bles blessing, the the hurri hurricane sweeps down down with with mercil rciless force. R oll oll one di die if your shi ship p is is a barque, rque, two dice if it is a brigantine, or three dice if a galleon. Add 1 to the roll roll if you have an excellent crew; subtract subtract 1 if you have a poor crew. Score 0-4 0-4 Y our ship hip sinks turn to 6 Score 5-6 5-6 T he mast spli plits turn to 231 Score 7+ Y ou weather the storm torm turn to 337 286  The prow of of th the oncoming ing ship lo looms clos lose. Y our me men stand ready, brace braced for impact. I t comes comes, the ship hip lurches lurches, there is is an instant’s hesitation tation as though though the Fates held thei theirr brea breath – then the pirates piratesare aboard. Ba Battle ttle is joined. oined. R oll three three dice if you are a Warrior, rrior, or two dice if you belong to any other possession. Add your R ank to thi this rol roll.  Then, if yo your cre crew is poor qu quality lity, subtract 2 from the total. If  the crew crew is is good quality, add 2. If I f the crew is is excellent quality, add 3. Score 0-4 0-4 C alamity; you are kil killed turn to 123 Score 5-9 5-9 C rushing defeat; lose 2-12 2-12 Stamina turn to 435 Score 10- 13 Forced Forced to give in; lose 1-6 1-6 Stamina turn to 416 Score 14- 17 T he pirate pirates withdraw withdraw turn to 101 Score 18+ Outright utright victory victory turn to 267 287 H ardly rdly able to contain your your mirth mirth at the thought of the great R eavers being being robbed themselves, you you help help yours yourself to a few fis fistful tfuls of trea treasure ure (wor (worth th 500 Shards in all) all) before before sneaking king back out of their stronghold. If you have the codeword word C rocus  , turn to 549. Otherwise turn to 436. 288 Lose 2 more Sta Stamina points points in the rarefie fied air if i f you don’t have the codeword Calcium  .  Yo  Y ou descend a narro rrow gangway to a passage with ith a door to to either side. Y ou suspect that the two Gol Golni nirr men with with you are beginning nning to understand the the difference difference between courage courage and recklessness.  Try the left-ha -hand door turn to 326  Try the righ ight-ha -hand door turn to 10 Advance down down the passage turn turn to 29

R eturn to your ship hip

turn to 308

289 ’Journey ’J ourney towa towards the ris ri sing sun,’ says the herald of the twin twin gods. ‘B ‘Before efore you reach the stars, you you wil wi ll come come upon a bay that is guarded by a great serpent. Fi Fight it it alone - no man may help you. At the highest point of the island you’ll get your boon.’  The figu igure dissolve lves int into a cascade of fading ing green sparks. Get the codeword C oracle   and then turn to 252. 290 Again you batter the strange trange fighte fighter down. down. N ow there there is a thin thin smear of of blood blood at the corner o off his hi s mouth and he sounds ounds slightly ghtly out of breath as he throws throws open his hi s arms and says: ‘C ome, my dear foe, foe, let’s let’s embrace. I ’ll ’ll crush your bones to powde powder!’ M ake a COMBAT  roll at a Difficulty of 15. Successful ful C OMBAT roll turn to 310 Failed COMBAT roll turn to 253 291 She cli climbs up the lifeline feli ne like a fat black spide pider. A claw of a hand reaches up, grey and li liver-s ver- spotted. potted. ‘H elp an old la lady, then, my dears,’ she wheezes. ‘H elp her be damned!’ snarls rls the mate, bra brandis ndishing hing his his flensing knife. ‘Let me cut her loose. Drowning’s a fair fate for such as her.’ her.’ Agree to the mate’s suggestion tion turn turn to 70 Pulll her up on deck Pul turn to8 to 89 292 Someone must have slipped a sleeping ping powder in in your drink, dri nk, because you wa wake late with with an aching ching head. Fee Feeling slightly ghtly sick, you go straight to your your tra travelli velling chest. Y our worst worst fears are confi confirmed – all your cash and possessions are gone. M ake a THIEVERY  roll at a Difficulty of 15. Successful T HIEVERY roll turn to 312 Failed T HIEVERY roll turn to 329 293 It wil will cost you 30 Shards to buy a ble blessing. Cross C ross off this this sum and write Luck in the Blessings box on your Adventure Sheet.  The ble blessing ing allow llows yo you to reroll roll any one dic dice res result. lt. This needn’t nece necessaril rily be an abil bility roll roll; you could could use it to reroll reroll an encounter result ult that you don’t don’t wa want.  Yo  Y ou ca can ha have only one Luc Luck ble blessing ing at a time ime, and it will work only once. When you use it, cross it off your Adventure Sheet. Now Now turn to 44. 294  Yo  Y ou are transformed int into a bird ird and have no cares other th than to soar off off with wi th the rest of the flock. flock. After many months, months, you chance to alight on the deck of a ship hip and when the other birds bi rds fly fly off you you are left behind – human once more. more. T he captain of  the vessel li listens to your your tale with with astoni tonishment, but seems to accept it it as true. true. ‘I ‘I have heard tha that the the natives tives of the Wee Weeping ping  Jun  Jungle believe that all mankin kind were bird irds once.’  Yo  Y ou ha have not los lost yo your mo money or or po possession ions, whic which h we were transformed with you, but your ship is gone; cross it off your Ship’s Ship’s Ma Manifes nifest. T he captain agrees to drop drop you off in Smogmaw, unles unless you woul would d rather pay him him 30 Shards to ta take you back to Dweomer.

 26 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

turn turn to 44 turn to 100

Disembark at Smogmaw Pay 30 Shards to go to Dweomer weomer

299 A shri hrieking eking phantom becomes lodged at the top of the mainmast, where where it rantsand fli flickers like aball of of li lightning. ghtning. The T he mate comes to you you with wi th his hi s hair on end and pleads for you to exorcize exorcize it before before the ship hip is is doomed. M ake a SANCTITY  roll at a Difficulty of 15. Successful ful SANCTITY roll turn to 280 Failed SANCTITY roll turn to 14

295  The streets of Sm Smogmaw are narrow row bo boardwalks lks, some of th them floa floating ting on pontoons out over the sluggish luggish yell yellow ow ri river. T he air is hot and sticky ticky li like watery watery treacle. At dusk a sparkl rkling haze crawl crawls s out from from the jungle, givi giving ng this this place its name: the Mi M isty Estua Estuary. R oll two dice. dice. Score 2-4 2-4 Press-ganged! turn turn to 315 Score 5-9 5-9 A pleasant stroll trol l turn to 44 Score 10-12 A mysterious terious hut turn to 332

300 Far out out at seawith with onl only y the stars to guide guide you, you taste the salty wind and ponder your next course. Steer west turn to 370 Steer east turn to 153 Steer north turn to 208 Steer south turn to 468

296 ‘H ow can I offer offer blessing and the like? li ke?’ laments the prie priest, a stooped tooped little ttle man with with a bald pate and, appropri ppropria ately enough, a hooked hooked beak of of a nose. ‘What’s the problem?’ ‘T he idol of the the god was stolen tolen by unscrupulous crupulous people people of  the M acaw Tri T ribe be. Unti U ntill it i t is is returned, there is no divine divi ne power power here.’ idol, turn to 316. If If you ha have awinged awinged idol, I f not, not, turn to 44.

301 ‘Ah!’ ‘A h!’ crie cri es the cook, emerging rging from the galley to sniff niff the fresh salt breeze. ‘A life on the open waves – what king in his palace could could hope for better contentment?’ R ecover 1 Stamina point if i f injur injure ed, then roll roll two dice dice. Score 2-3 Pirates turn to 398 Score 4-5 Storm turn to 562 Score 6-12 -12 An uneventful voyage turn to 11

297  The marke rket is held in a warre rren of bo booths set up up in a ro roofed arcade at the eastern edge of town. town. I tems with with no no purcha purchase price price are not available ble loca locally. A rmour

Leather (Defence (Defence +1) Ring mail (Defe (Defence +2) Chain mail (Defe (D efence +3) W eapons (sword, ax e, etc)

No C OMBAT  bo  bonus C OMBAT  bo  bonus +1 C OMBAT  bo  bonus +2 M agi cal E qui pment

Amber wand (MAGIC +1  +1) O ther i tems

Compass (SCOUTING +1  +1) Cross-staff (SCOUTING +2  +2) Sextant (SCOUTING +3  +3) Lantern Selenium ore

T o buy

60 Shards rds 120 Shards rds 240 Sha Shards T o buy

50 Shards 250 Shards – T o buy

– T o buy

T o sell


45 Shards rds 90 Shards rds 180 Sha Shards T o sel l  

40 Shards 200 Shards 400 Shards T o sell  

300 Shards T o sell  

500 Sha Shards 400 Sha Shards 900 Sha Shards 700 Sha Shards 1300 Shards 1100 Shards 80 Shards rds 40 Shards rds – 700 Shards

If you ha have a ship hip and want to load load a cargo of of copper or ore, you should hould visit the the mines. When W hen you’re you’re through here, here, turn turn to9 to 99. 298 ‘Where to now now,, skipper?’ skipper?’ asks the helms helmsman as he takes the ship ship out of Vervayens harbour. Steer north turn to 119 Steer south turn to 263 Steer west turn turn to 42 Steer east turn turn to 303

302 R ecover 1 Stamina point if if injured injured.. Balmy nights fil filled with a million stars are foll followed by da days of tranquil tranquil beauty. Wi With a good followi following ng wind, the ship hip ploughs ploughs on through through waves the colour colour of amethyst. Wha W hat could could disturb your mood mood of perfect conte contentm ntmen ent? t? R oll two dice dice to find out. Score 2-4 Pirates turn to 176 Score 5- 6 Flying fish turn to 501 Score 7-9 N othing turn to 320 Score 10-12 A hurricane turn to 285 303  The sun’s rim rim dips ips, th the stars rush ou out – at on one strife ife comes the dark. dark. By By the stern tern lla amp you can see the helms helmsman’s n’s face gleaming ming pale and gaunt. Like all the crew, crew, he senses something omething uncanny on the air. ‘I don’t don’t mind admitti admitting ng it,’ it,’ mutters the mate, ‘fea ‘fear sips at the blood blood of of my heart as from from a froste frosted cup.’ cup.’ ‘H old old steady, mis mister,’ you tell him. him. ‘W ‘We must set a stout example for the crew.’ R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-5 Barnacle men turn to 80 Score 6-7 A dreadful doom turn to 683 Score 8-9 A skeletal ship turn to 428 Score 10-12 The The Furies descend turn to 693 304 ‘Ah, ‘A h, this this is the life,’ li fe,’ declares the bosun as he stretches contentedly dly in in the shade under a palm tree. T he exertion xertion in i n the heat of the afternoo fternoon n has made you all drowsy. drowsy. To T o stay awake you must either either have the codeword codeword Chill   or  or succeed in a MAGIC roll of Difficulty 12, otherwise you have to take a nap. Stay awake turn to 5 Fall asleep turn to 582

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 27 

305 Lose the codeword C osy .  They doze off. You shake each man and yell in his ears, bu but this this is an enchanted slumber. umber. Y ou can only only wake them if you succeed in in a MAGIC roll at a Difficulty of 17. Successful ful M AGIC roll turn to 45 Failed M AGIC roll turn to 64 306  The pira irates pull alon longside ide and cast grappling ling hooks to seize ize your vessel. Within thin moments they they are swarming rming aboard. Y ou offer offer them you goods, but plea plead for the freedom freedom of your crew. M ake a C HARISMA roll at a Difficulty of 15. Successful ful C HARISMA ro  roll turn to 416 Failed CHARISMA ro  roll turn to 435 307  Yo  Y ou help yourself to the pira irates’ treasure, wh which ich amounts to 150 Shards. R ecord it it on your Adventure Shee Sheet. T heir shi ship’s hold contains 1 Ca Cargo Uni U nitt of furs, furs, which which you can add to your own cargo if if your ship hip has room room for it. i t. Y ou can can also take thepirate the pirate captain’s captain’s head  – such a trophy trophy can fetch a good rewa reward in in civilized ports. Once you have made the necessary adjustme adjustments to you yourr Adventure Sheet, turn to 101.

312 It takes a thief thief to catch catch a thief. thief. Duri During ng a thorough thorough search of of the ship, hip, you you dis discover a secret compartme rtment behind behind the cook’ cook’s bunk where there there is is a large stash of of stolen stolen property. property. ‘My ‘M y old tobacco tobacco pipe!’ crie cri es the bos bosun. He H e rolls rolls up his his sleeves and advances menacingly nacingly on on the cook. cook. ‘Y ou scurvy swab!’ Another sailor is appointed as cook, to general approval. For his his many crime cri mes both in i n and out of the galley, the cook is sent to feed the the sharks harks.  Turn  Turn to 154. 313  Yo  Y ou drag yo yourself up a be beach of large pe pebbles, strewn with ith fronds fronds of seaweed. Lying ying for a few hours hours in the weak sunshine hine goes some way to restori toring your strength, trength, and you you manage to stagger inl inla and to look look for signs of habitation. habitation. T he lands landscape is desola olate and wi windswept, but you you ca can see afew sheep grazing razing on the hillsides.  Turn  Turn to 436.

308 U nles nless you have the codeword codeword C alcium , los lose 1-6 Stamina points points (the score of one die) die) as you vainly vainly struggle for breath in i n the thin air. If you survive, urvi ve, you can climb cli mb back down to your ship hip and cut the cable ble loose before continui continuing ng on your wa way: turn turn to2 to 228.

314  The tavern is jus just a wooden hut with ith curtains ins of woven pandanus leaves serving erving as parti rtitions. tions. Custome C ustomers sit or or squat on on mats on the floor floor.. T he place reeks reeks of sharp li liquor and pipe smoke. hurch  I f you have the codeword word C hurch  , turn to 331. I f not, not, you can get a bed here for 1 Shard a day. Each day you spend spend res resting ting at the tavern, roll roll one die. die. Score ore 1 Dysente ntery; ry; los lose 1 Staminapoint oint Score 2 No ga gain or lo loss of Stamina ina Score core 3-6 A good res rest; recove cover 1 Sta Stamina if injure injured When you are ready to le l eave, turn turn to 44.

309 ‘Sail ‘Sail away from from dusk and death,’ th,’ says the glowi glowing ng ima image. ‘L ‘Long before you rea reach the pla place of many-hea ny- headed ones you wi will encounter encounter a grim grim stra tranger. U narmed you must struggle truggle with with him, him, and three time times cast him him to the the deck; then you you can demand your boon.’  The figu igure vanishes in a spray of wis wispy green lights. Get th the codeword Certain   and  and turn to 252.

315  Yo  Y ou los lose your wa way and end up in a quiet spot behind ind a row row of  of  huts, where a half dozen dozen assailants lea leap at you. Seconds later you are face face down down in i n the rank rank mud and struggling truggli ng for your liberty.  To break free and escape you must make a COMBAT  roll at a Difficulty of 13. Successful ful C OMBAT roll turn to 44 Failed COMBAT  ro  roll turn to 345

310 For the third third time time in a row, row, you li lift the stranger clear off off hi his s feet and smash him hi m hard against the the deck. T his his time time he raises his hand in in submis ubmission. ‘Enough ‘Enough.. Y ou win,’ win,’ he says, staggering ring to his his feet. ‘Y ou’re ou’re the stronges trongest there there is is.’ So saying, ying, he he jumps back down down to to his hi s boat and sails off. off. Increase your unwounded unwounded Stamina score by 5 points points. Also add 1 to COMBAT . T hen turn to 125.

316 ‘T his his is the very very idol idol of which which I spoke!’ cri cries the pri prie est delightedly. idol from H e takes the winged idol fr om you and ins installs it ins inside the teepee. C ros ross it off off your your li list of possessions and get the codeword C ushat  ushat .  Yo  Y ou also have the chance to in increase your SCOUTING score core by 1 if you can roll higher than your current SCOUTING score core on two dice. After fter making ki ng all nece necessary adjustments to your your Adventur Adventure e Sheet, turn to 277.

311  Yo  Y ou are on on th the open oc ocean somewhere no north of Br Braelak, th the Sorcerers’ Sorcerers’ Is I sle. Steer southwards turn to 9 Go west turn to 129 Go east turn to 301 C ities it ies of G old and Glo Gl ory 187 Go north

317  The hills ills of Copp Copper Island are honeycombed with ith mine ine worki workings ngs. Bes Beside a tunnel tunnel mouth you you see a hut where where the mine for foreman conduct conducts s busines business. Go to see the foreman turn to 38

 28 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

turn to 394 turn to 99

Enter the mines R eturn to Brazen

N orth East

318 On a small island li like this this there is is not much on sale, but at lea least the vil villagers fall over them themselves to off offer er you a bargain. ‘N othing othing is too good for our saviour!’ viour!’ declares one old la lady with with grateful tears in her eyes. A rmour

Leather (Defence (Defence +1) Ring mail (Defe (Defence +2) Chain mail (Defe (D efence +3) Splint Splint armour (Defe (D efence +4) Plate Plate armour (Defe (Defence +5) Heavy plate (Defence (Defence +6) W eapons (sword, ax e, etc)

Without COMBAT  bo  bonus C OMBAT  bo  bonus +1 C OMBAT  bo  bonus +2 OMBAT C  bo  bonus +3 O ther i tems

Candle Rope Lantern

T o buy

T o sell


free! 40 Shards 80 Shards rds 80 Shards rds 150 Sha Shards 150 Sha Shards – 300 Shards – 700 Shards – 1000 Shards rds T o buy

free! 180 Shards – –

T o sel l  

40 Shards 180 Shards 280 Shards 400 Shards

T o buy

free! free! 75 Shards rds

T o sell  

1 Shard 30 Shards 75 Shards rds

When you have fini finis shed your busi business here, here, turn to2 to 20. 319  The nobles are so impressed by your wit wit and good manners that courtier’s er’s mask . they make you a gift gift of acourti ‘If ‘I f you should ever vis visit our la land, this this will will admit you to the highest social circles,’ they tell you.  Turn  Turn to 78. 320  Yo  Y ou are sailing iling off th the coast of of Ank Ankon-Konu -Konu jus just a few leagues north north of of Smogmaw, the famous trading trading town tha that is is home to a thousa thousand ne’er-done’er- do-well wells s from all points points of the compass. South to Smogmaw turn to 266 Nor North-east to Starspike Island turn to 192 Due north turn to 303 West turn to 263 East to the Sea of H ydras turn to 337 321  Yo  Y our ord ordeal is over. Y ou re resolve lve to le leave these bane-dr -drenched waters with with all speed. Go north turn to 119 Go south turn to 302 Go east turn to 156 Go west turn to 4 322  Yo  Y ou are south of Marl Marlo ock City City – or or Old Sokar, to to give ive the port its original ori ginal name, which which stil till appears on mos most charts. charts. The T he helms helmsman asks for for a new bearing. ri ng. Steer west turn to 402 South turn to 81

T he W ar-T orn K ingdo ingdom 222

turn to 66

323 Obvious bviouslly a powerful sleep spell permeates this this island. Y ou know you can can only only overcome it by usi using stronge tronger magic of of your own. own. T he song of the mermaids burs bursts to your your lips as a result ult of  of  sudden udden ins inspiration piration.. It has the desired eff effe ect – the men ris rise from the stone couches and fol follow you li like sleepwalkers along the causeway.  Turn  Turn to 102. 324 R oll two dice and add your your R ank. Add A dd 1 to the total if i f you have an average crew, 2 if if you you have a good crew, crew, or 3 if if you you have an excellent excell ent crew. Score 1-6 The The pira irates overtake you turn to 286 Score 7+ You You outrun them turn to 24 325  The discovery of of a rat’s skeleton at th the bottom of a used be beer barrel rrel provok provokes es dis discontent content among the crew. M atters are wors worsened by the first first mate’s jocula ocular rem remark that the rat wil will ha have given given the beer some flavour. flavour. T he men become surly. urly. At seven bells bells in the forenoon forenoon watch, you come come on deck to dis discover the the men on duty have broken broken a keg of bla black Ba Barony rony wine wine out of ship’s hip’s stores toresand are blind bli nd drunk. drunk. T he ship hip has has been drifting untended for hours! R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-4 turn to 55 Score 5-6 turn to 210 Score 7 turn to 172 Score 8-9 turn to 246 Score 10-11 turn to 303 L ords of the R i si ng Sun 309 Score 12 326 It is is getting tting harder to brea breathe; los lose 3 Stamina points points if you don’t don’t have the codeword codeword C alcium . If I f stil till alive, you see three men of  violet hue come dashing at you wielding thin rapiers of  unearthly rthly metal. Y our stout seamen of Gol Golnir nir are at your side, leaving ving you to deal with with the the leader of thes these alien skyfa kyfarers. Violet Man, COMBAT  9, Defence Defence 12, Stamina 9 If you turn turn and flee flee, they they will will get a strike tri ke at your retreating ting back, causing the loss lossof 1-6 1-6 Stamina mina. Give up and flee turn to 308 Fight on and win turn to 339 327  The spectre’s face is formed of of faint int pa patches of sh shadow in th the green glare. ‘Fr ‘From om the N ozama to the Gri Grimm mm, from from Hypnos H ypnos’ isle to his his black-wi black-winge nged mother’s other’s spire pire – at the hea heart of of this thi s cross you’ll you’ll fi find the contentment you seek.’ k.’  The light flic flick kers, fla flares brie riefly, ly, and goes out. Yo Y ou fe feel as if  you have awakened fr from a dream. Get the codeword C ovet  a  and turn to 252. 328  The serpent is big big,, but old old and slow low. The sailor ilors slaughter it easily, one ma man holdi holding ng down its i ts head with with the the end of an oar, whilst the others slice it up with their swords.

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 29 

 The island appears deserte rted. You return to the ship and give ive the order order to be under way. Turn T urn to 125. 329  Yo  Y ou search hig high h and lo low, bu but th the stolen ite items are nowhere to be found. found. Cros ross all cash and possessions of your your Adventur A dventure e Sheet, then turn to 154. 330  Yo  Y ou te tell th the prie riestess you no no lon longer wis wish to to be be an in initia itiate. Sh She utters utters a long weary sigh sigh and thro throws ws her hea head back in i n the the slumbrous heat. ‘Go then.’ ‘Do ‘D o I not have to pay compensation? tion? Tha T hat is is customary.’ ry.’ ‘N ot here in the tropi tropics cs. Every Every exertion xertion only only makes a pool for fli fliesto paddle paddle in. in. I cannot be bothered bothered to ris ri se from my diva divan to open the strongbox. trongbox. Now, N ow, begone.’ gone.’  Turn  Turn to 44. 331 In one corner you you see three of your treacherous forme former crewmen crewmen enjoyi njoying ng a drink. drink. T hey don’t seem to have notice noti ced you. T he memory of their mutiny makes your blood blood seethe. Attack them turn to 344 Speak to them turn to 35 Wait and watch turn to 203

334  The Moth Motherlo rlode Inn Inn of offers a pallet and on one square meal for 2 Shards a day. Ea Each day you spend here you you can recover recover 1 Stamina point if injured. When you are ready to lea leave, turn turn to 99. 335  Yo  Y ou pu put your feet up at the the ho house pro prov vide ided for for you by by the the grateful islanders. Y ou can rest here as long as you want, so if  if  injured njured you can now restore tore your Stamina Stamina to its its normal unwounded unwounded score. Y ou can also lea leave money and pos possessions here to save carryi rrying ng them them around. round. R ecord in in the box anything you are leaving. Each time you return, roll two dice. Score 2-9 Everyth rything ing just as you you left it Score 10-12 A fire fire des destroyed your possessions When you are fini finis shed here, choos choose where where to go now. now. Visit the market turn to 318 C onsult the wise woman turn to 390 U pgrade your crew turn to 349 Put to sea turn to 298 I tems kept at hous house  e 

332  There is a shaman’s hu hut made of sheaves of straw halfw lfway between the shanties nti es at the the edge of the the town and the the wall of  dark foli foliage that marks rks the start of the the jungle. jungle. T he shaman wil wi ll tra trade magica gical itemsif you you are interes interested. M agi cal E qui pment

Amber wand (MAGIC +1  +1) Ebony wand (MAGIC  +2  +2) Cobalt wand (MAGIC +3  +3) Selenium wand (MAGIC +4  +4) Celestium tium wand (MAGIC +5  +5) O ther i tems

Faery mea mead Silv Silver er hors horseshoe Hydra’s tooth Four-lea Four- leaf clover Witch’s Witch’s hand Scroll of Ebron Sea-green lens Spectral ctral veil Selenium ore

T o buy

500 Sha Shards 1000 Sha Shards 2000 Shards 4000 Shards – T o buy

– – 1250 Sha Shards – 300 Sha Shards – – 500 Sha Shards –

T o sell  

300 Sha Shards 700 Shards 1500 Shards 3000 Shards 4500 Shards rds T o sell  

400 Shards 200 Shards 750 Shards 100 Shards 150 Sha Shards 350 Shards 100 Shards 200 Sha Shards 600 Shards

Where there is no purchase price price, the item item is not in i n stock. When you have concluded concluded you busines business with with the the shaman, turn turn to 44. 333 If you have have the titl title e Uns Unspeakable Culti C ultis st, turn to 346. If not, turn to 18.

336 A gilde gilded plea pleasure barge sails by, bearing ri ng noblem noblemen from from Aku Aku to M etriciens triciens. T hey pull alongside to converse rse with you for a short while before proceeding on their way. M ake a CHARISMA roll at a Difficulty of 13. Successful ful C HARISMA ro  roll turn to 319 Failed CHARISMA roll turn to 78 337 ‘T he Sea of Hydras H ydras,’ the naviga vigator says, pointi pointing ng to the the east. ‘Why ‘W hy is is it so cal called?’ asks the cabin bin boy in in a tone of wonder. wonder.  The naviga igator giv give es a derisive ive snort of of laughter. ‘Ne ‘Nee ed yo you ask?’ R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-6 A ship from distant lands turn to 538 Score ore 7-9 An une uneventfu ntfull day’s sailing turn turn to3 to 3 Score 10-12 -12 An emergency arises turn to 556 338  Yo  Y ou put ashore to take on fresh water. The crewmen are happy to cavor cavortt along the wide wide golde olden beach and and explore explore the orchid orchid scented jungl jungle e – unti untill the ship’ hip’s s pries pri est comes staggering ri ng back with with his hi s throat throat slashed, gurgl gurgles es ‘I ambic pentameter’ and dies dies at your feet. ‘Pentameter – that’s a sort of ship, like a quinquireme,’ says the first first mate. ‘I ‘I ambic, though? though? O ut of a port called Ia Iambus? Where’s that?’  The rest of the shore party rty are spooked. They want to leave. Set sail at once turn to 41 Explore the island turn to 8

 30 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

339 Gasping ping for breath, your men make a hasty search of the cabin, words (COMBAT  +1  +1) and afretwork key. finding three swords a fretwork key. One of the two men is is reel reeling by now. ‘I can’t stand it it much longer, skipper...’ he says. Exp Explore lore furt furth her alon long the passage turn to 29 R eturn to your ship turn to 308 340 A search is i s orga organized nized and the stowawa towaway is is soon found. found. H e is a littl li ttle e black dwarf dwarf with with narr narrow ow eyes eyes who ducks ducks between your legs, runs runs up on deck and dives dives into the the sea. As A s you wa watch him hi m swim wim away with with surpris surprisingly powerful powerful strokes trokes, the first first mate brings bringsbad news news: ‘H ‘H e broke ahole hole in the hull. hull. We’re ’re sinking! nking!’  Yo  Y ou have no choice ice but to abandon ship. ip. Cros Cross off your ship and crew; you wi will never see them again. Clinging to an empty barrel, rrel, you are swept away by the the current current and eventually eventually wa washed up on an is island.  Turn  Turn to 313. 341 oracle  Lose the codeword C orac .  Yo  Y ou put int into a bay on a small uncharted island. Goin Going g ashore to repleni replenis sh your suppli upplies, you come come acros cross a huge serpent with with skin kin li like tree-bark lying ying in the the shade of the trees. I t watches you with cold intensity. ‘Shall we kill it, skipper?’ asks the master of arms. H ave the men attack it turn to 328 Kill it yourself turn to 211 Leave without disturbing it turn to 125 342  Yo  Y ou climb back up the sin sink khole an and hurry aw away from the Gorgons’ lair. What now? Put Put to sea in one of th the fishing ing boats turn to 411 Cros Cross to the other side ide of the island turn to 449 Pray to your god for deliverance turn to 467 343 A cla clap of her hands brings bri ngs two more slave boys scurryi currying ng over with a card table. A second divan is placed for you to recline. Goblets of chilled fruit juice are set beside you. If you ha have adeck a deck of marked cards you have the option to use them in the ga game. O therwis therwise you wil will have to pla play with with the pri priestess’s deck. marked cards U se deck of marked turn to 15 Agree to play with ith her deck turn to 34 344  Yo  Y ou plant yourself beside ide the mat where they’re ’re sitt itting ing. ‘Ge ‘Get up, you dogs, so I can whip whip you off to hell.’ ll.’  They ge get uns unsteadily to to the their feet, all the wo worse fo for drin rink. ‘Aye, ‘A ye, aye, skippe skipper,’ r,’ says your former former mate, Mi M ister Frye Fryer. ‘And ‘A nd we’ll be happy to take you with us.’ If you have the codeword word A id   turn  turn to 112. Otherwise turn to 73. 345  Yo  Y ou are coshed and dra dragged aboard a Sokaran me merchant ship, ip, Sum  the T idy Sum  . By By the time time you come come round round the the ship hip has already

put to sea. Y ou also discover that that the press-gang took all your cash (cros (cross it off your Adventure Sheet), though at least they left left your your possessions ons. If you had a ship hip at Smogmaw, turn turn to 17. If not, turn to 36. 346 T he other culti cultis sts nod as as you enter. ‘M ay Hi H is name never be spoken,’ they intone in ritual greeting. ‘Whos ‘W hose name? Shush!’ you reply in i n the words words of the time ti mehonour honoured ed catechis techism. ate captain’s It is is almost time ti me for supper. I f you have apir a pirate head  head  or a witch’s witch’s hand  nd  to add to the the simmering ering stew, the other cultists present you with a prize medallion worth 200 Shards. After havi having ng your loa loathsome meal, you you slip furti furtively vely back to town. town. T urn to 44. 347  The only temple in Bra Brazen is consecrated to Molh Molhern. It is a low low stone buildi building, ng, artful rtfullly fashioned hioned to reflect the style tyle of ancient ncient menhirs.  The pri prie est cannot ind induct you into into the inn inner mysteries of  of  M olhern’s worship. hip. ‘I ‘I am not not sen seniior enough enough for that, but I can grant bles blessings.’ If you ha have the titl title e Illum lluminate of Mol M olhe hern, turn turn to 517. If  not, turn to 498. 348  To keep th the cre crew busy yo you se set the them to to making ing a th thorou rough inspection ction of of the the ship. hip. I t is is soon dis discovered covered that some someone has been breaking king into into the the food supplie supplies. Y ou have a stowa towaway on board. I f you have the codeword word Baluster , turn to 49. If I f not, turn turn to 120. 349 H alf the young men of Verva V ervayens are eager to to ship hip with with you, you, so you have no trouble trouble getting tting a good stock of vol voluntee unteers. If I f your crew quality is is poor, upgrade it to average. Y ou cannot get better crew crew than this this on such a small island. ‘Wha ‘W hat now, skippe kipper?’ asks your new cabin bin boy. Visit the market turn to 318 Consult the wise woman turn to 390 Go to your house turn to 335 Put to sea turn to 298 350  The stowaway is a run runaway slave who has spent his whole life life at sea. H e has no money, money, but in in return for you letti letting ng him sta stay aboard til ti ll you rea reach port port he helps tea teach your crew wha what he knows knows of seafaring. ring. Increa I ncrease your crew quality by one one step (i.e. (i.e. from from poor to to average, average to good, or good good to excellent). excellent). N ow turn turn to 78. 351 !!!  Yo  Y ou are limite ited to three new live lives from the grove on the Island of R ebirth. birth. If at least one of the the three boxes above is blank, blank, put a tick in it and then turn to 69. When W hen the three three boxes are all ticked, you cannot count on another rebirth.

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 31 

352 Looki ooking south, you can see the shoreli horeline ne of Anko Ankonn-K Konu as as a faint faint mauve line li ne beneath a sky of of coba cobalt bl blue. ue. Go south T he L one and Le L evel vel Sands 100 Go north turn to 370 Go east turn to 117 Go west turn to 40 353  Yo  Y ou tie tie yourself to to th the wh wheel an and stand steadfast as the sweet singing nging of the mermaids wafts fts acros cross the water. It sounds so lovely, so ethereally unattainable, ble, that you have a wild wild im impuls pulse to hurl yourself into into the sea and drift drift down down to meet with with the maidens on the sea sea bed. Y ou even find find yours yourself untying untying the knots, knots, and you have to punch punch your fingers fingers against the wheel to make them them sore ore and numb numb so that that you cannot cannot get free free.  The ordeal is ind indescriba ibable. It is is like like hearing ing the dying ing song of your true true love, love, like li ke climb climbing to the verge of paradise radise only only to slip away at the la last ins instant, like the last day of chil childhood’s dhood’s innocence... It ends at la last. T he crewmen come back on on deck with wi th ashen faces. T he bosun tells tells you that you are we weeping eping – you hadn’t notice noticed. H e unties the knots and you sta stagger below, for a whil while rumen  inconsolable. Get the codeword C erumen   and  and turn to 300. 354  The approa roaching ing vessel announces her ho hostile int intent by hoisting ing the baleful red pennant nnant of the Rea R eavers. H er oars give her a good burst of speed over over short dis distances, and she is soon bearing ri ng down down on you. M ake a run for it turn to 324 Parley turn to 306 Fight it out turn to 286 355  The sky is the colou lour of thunder. Fro From behind ind the clou louds comes the muttering uttering of a great storm. T he sailors chatter in in fear. ‘It ‘I t is is the voice of Elnir,’ says the cook. ‘And he ain’t inviting us to dance no bles blessed ji jig!’ If you have the blessing of Safety from from Storms, you you can ignore the storm; torm; cross off off the bles blessing and turn turn to 648. Otherwis therwise the storm torm hits hits with with tita titanic nic fury, tos tossing huge wavesacrossthe deck. R oll oll one die if if your ship hip is is a barque, two two dice if it is a brigantine, or three dice if a galleon. Add 1 to the roll roll if you have an excellent crew; subtract subtract 1 if you have a poor crew. Score 0- 4 Y our ship sinks turn to 486 Score 5-6 T he mast splits turn to 718 Score 7-19 -19 You You weather the storm turn to 262 356  The  The strange women come clos loser and one of th them touches your face with with her long long dry finge fi ngers. Imm Immediately her crowi crowing ng laughte laughterr turns to a strangled cry of alarm: ‘W ‘Warm livi li ving ng flesh! Our Our powe powers did not work, my sister–!’  Yo  Y ou take advantage of her surpris rise to deal he her a vicio iciou us blow low that laysher senseless. N ow you you have only only one of them them to fi fight. Gorgon, COMBAT  4, Defence D efence 5, Stamina 8 If you win, turn to 393.

357 Originall riginally y there were three gods, thos those e who created the worl world.  These are are ha hardly mention ioned in the leg legends. They are dim, shadowy figures figures of a primordi pri mordia al age. Even their their names bespeak dream-like li ke obs obscurity: Ha H arkun, H e Who I s Like Ha Harkun, and  The Thir Third God God.  These three having ing died, th their pla place was taken by by po powerfu rful demiurge miurges, each with with his his or her own delinea deli neated juris uri sdicti diction. on.  Thus  Thus there is Tyrn Tyrna ai, overseer of war; Eln Elnir, ir, lor lord of th the sky; irascibl cible e Ma Maka, who who bri brings dis disease and fa famine mine if if not appeased with with sacrifi crifice ces; La Lacuna, la lady of the hunt; N Na agil, gil, ki king of the dead; wis wise Mol Molhern, hern, deity deity of craftsmen; Sig, Sig, who guide guides the soft footste footsteps of thi thieve eves; the the Thr Three ee Fortunes ortunes, goddesses of destiny; tiny; and the twin gods Alvir and Valmir, who rule the land under the waves.  Thos  Those, at least, are the gods of the northern contine inent; ot other countri countries have their own beliefs beliefs. Onl O nly y a simpleton clings clings to the concept of one absolute truth.  Turn  Turn to 368. 358 On the far side of the cavern you find find three copper doors. doors. To To s key. open them them you wil wi ll need averdigri averdigris Open a door turn to 395  Turn  Turn back turn to 633 359 ‘H ow about about that money I put into into your business venture?’ you you ask him. hi m. ‘Oh ‘O h yes,’ he says, ‘tha ‘that.’ R oll oll two two dice, and and add 1 to the dice dice roll roll if you are are an ini initi tia ate of the Three Three Fortu Fortunes nes. Score 2-4 Loss of 20% Score 5-6 Loss of 10% Score 7-8 Profit of 10% Score 9- 11 Profit of 20% Score 12-13 Profit of 25% N ow turn turn to 652 and withdraw withdraw the sum noted in the box there after adj adjus usting ting it according ccording to the result ult roll rolled. 360 By the time time the ship hip hasreversed course course, the poor poor surgeon is is no longer in in sight. ‘H e’s been swept away to the sea gods’ hall,’ says the bosun in in a voice voi ce of great la lament. ‘What wil wi ll we do witho wi thout ut a surgeon?’ says the second mate. ‘N ow I’l I ’lll have have to wait till till we get to Dwe Dweome omer to get get my ha hair cut.’  Yo  Y our confide idence in your sailing iling skills ills has been badly shaken. Lose 1 from your SCOUTING score core and turn turn to 22. 361  The ship lur lurches wit with h the the imp impact. Timb Timbers groa roan an and cra crack. Pirates pour over over the rai rail with with a lusty yell, eager on seasoning oning your decks with blood. R oll three three dice if you are a Warrior, rrior, or two dice if you belong to any any other other profes profession. Add A dd your R ank to this thi s roll. roll.  Then, if your cre crew is is poor qu quality lity, subtract 2 from rom the total. If  the crew is is good, add 2. 2. I f the crew is is excellent, xcellent, add add 3. Score 0-4 Calamity ity; you are kill illed turn to 123 Score ore 5-9 Crushing defeat; lose 2-12 Stamina turn to 435

 32 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

Score 10- 13 Forced to to given in: lose 1- 6 Stamina Score 14-17 -17 The The pira irates with ithdraw Score 18+ Outright victory

turn to 416 turn to 311 turn to 379

362  The moon is a dim patch be behind ind the clou louds, as if seen throu rough smoked glass. Sentries ntri es patrol trol the fortres fortress walls. Y ou wi will need to make a T HIEVERY   roll at a difficulty of 13 to sneak into the pirate pirate base undetected. Successful ful T HIEVERY  ro  roll turn to 690 Failed T HIEVERY  ro  roll turn to 114 363  The R eavers notice ice the medallio llion n th that ha hangs from your ne neck. One of them steps forwa forward. H is bow to the Ki King is clumsy because his his stance is skewed by an old old back inj injury ury,, but he he speaks with with grea great eloquence: eloquence: ‘O ‘O nce a great service ervice was done to me by this this seafarer. When soreore-pres pressed by Sokaran warships rships, the god Sig Sig saw fit fi t to send me a saviour. viour. T hat saviour, viour, O K ing, was the one who stands before you now – one to whom whom I pledged to give give aid whenever it it was needed.’  The King King wo would probably ra rather to tortu rture you to to de death, bu but Verin erin Croo Crookbac kback k is is highly highly respected pected among the Re R eavers. Y ou are granted your free freedom. Turn T urn to 656. 364  Yo  Y ou slam open the door and go marching ing straigh ight up to Lauria’s table ble. Ignori I gnoring ng her companion, nion, you la launch straight into into a rant which which eloquently expressesyour fee feelings towards her. Y ou don’t don’t troubl trouble e with with niceti ni ceties es; your your oa oaths and curs curses are such tha that even the shameless Lauria auria starts to bl blush. H er elderly derly companion nion rem removes his his monocle monocle and peers at you in i n amazement. ‘Look, this just won’t do,’ he says.  Yo  Y ou turn to give ive him a piece of your mind ind too, but you find ind yours yourself staring taring at a tree treetrunk trunk covered in in blue blue moss–  Yo  Y ou loo look all around. Wha What happened to the tavern? rn? All of of a sudden you’re you’re in in the middle middle of a dense forest!  Turn  Turn to 697. 365  The matter is jud judged a draw. Neit Neith her you you no nor Tala Talanexor are satis tisfied fied, but you you must abide bide by the local duelling code. Y ou stomp off without without speaking king a word word to each other.  Turn  Turn to 571 366 R ocks rain down li like cannon shells, but you are safely cle clear of  of  the is island and they only onl y throw throw up plume plumes of spray far astern.  Yo  Y ou hold off th the shore until th the erup ruption ion is spent. Aft After a nigh ight turned to hellish twilight by the flaming torrents of lava, the volca volcano la lapsesback into i nto peaceful slumber. ‘Jiaros rosh is is content,’ content,’ says the shaman. ‘We can return return and rebuild our homes.’ Fil Fi lled with with gratitude titude for your help, the shaman rewards rewards you with a blessing of Safety from Storms if you don’t have one already. N ote this this on your Adventure nture Sheet and then turn to to 479.

367 H e is happy to have have a companion nion on his his quest. Y ou tell tell your men to take the ship hip to Ye Y ellowport, llowport, where where you will will join oin them them later. T hen hen you clim cli mb up behind hind him and fly off. off.  The sea whips ips past fa far be below low, the then yo you are ov over the the co coast and speeding north. north. Glimpsed through through wis wispy cloud, cloud, the farms and villages look like toys.  The ho horse re rears – you don’t kno know why. R ealizin lizing g he he is losing control control of of his his mount, the hero urge urges it clos closer to the ground.  Yo  Y ou ca can see the treetops when suddenly you slip from rom the saddle ddle and fall. fall. Y ou cra crash through through bra branches; lea leaves whip whi p acros cross your face face. T hen hen you hit hit the ground. ground. Lose 2-12 2-12 Stamina points points (the roll of two dice di ce). I f still till alive, you look up but there is no sign of the horse or its its ride rider. N ote on your Ship’s Ship’s M anifes nifest that that the ship hip is at Yell Y ellowpor owportt and then turn to 596 in T he W ar-T orn K ingdo . ingdom  m  368  The college libr library co contains ins thousands of du dusty to tomes. Few Few of  of  them have been properl properly y catalogued. ‘T here’s something thing written written about jus just about anything you could could mention, ntion,’’ says the libra li braria ri an, sweeping ping his his hand along the stacks.  Yo  Y ou peer towards the end of the roo room – except that it hasn’t got one. ‘Er ‘E r ... ... the stacks look as if they go on for ever.’ r.’ you say.  The libra librarian nods. ‘The ‘They do. It’s It’s a simple inf infinit inity y spell.’ ll.’ Pay your library fee fees of 50 Shards and then then make a MAGIC roll at a Difficulty of 15 to see if you can find the book you’re after. Successful MAGIC ro  roll turn to 386 Failed M AGIC roll or or un unable to pay fees turn to 607 369  The fo forest is inh inhabite ited by a ma malevolent unseen spirit irit that is slowly lowly lee leeching your li life-e fe-energy. Los Lose 1 point from all you abilities (CHARISMA, COMBAT , M AGIC, etc). etc). N o abili bility can go lowe lower than 1. 1. In addition, ddition, you lose 1-6 1-6 Stamina points (the roll of one die).  Yo  Y ou realize lize you must muster a burst of effort to break out of  the wood before before you are los lost forever. forever. M ake a SCOUTING roll at a Difficulty of 17. Successful ful SCOUTING roll turn to 705 Failed SCOUTING ro  roll turn to 388 370  The ship dri driffts alon long in in a gentle wind ind. T he slow low cre creak of th the ship’ hip’s s timbe timbers and the the flutt flutteri ering ng of the sails makes a sound ound that lulls lulls you off to sleep at night. night. R ecover 1 Stamina point if  injured, then roll two dice. Score 2-5 Nigh Nightmares become real turn to 204 Score 6-8 An uneventful jou journey turn to 22 Score 9-12 M an overboard! turn to 478 371 ore. I n its Cross off the the selenium ore its place you now have a selenium elenium wand (MAGIC +4  +4). Turn T urn to 262. 372  The villa illagers are furiou iously angry at yo you fo for ta takin king advantage of  their goodwi goodwillll.. Y ou are pelted first first with with rotten rotten fruit, fruit, then with with

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 33 

cobbles cobblestones tones pris pri sed up from from the stree treets. Lose Lose 1-6 1-6 Stamina mina points points (the score of one die). IIff you survi survive ve that, you rejoin rejoin your ship.  The plank is hauled up up and yo you ha hastily ca cast of off. Lose th the tit title le Saviour viour of Ve V ervayens I sle and turn to 298. 373  The pira irates pull alon longside ide and cast grappling ling hooks to seize ize your vessel. Within thin moments they they are swarming rming aboard. Y ou offer offer them your goods, goods, but plea plead for the freedom of your crew. M ake a C HARISMA roll at a Difficulty of 15. Successful ful C HARISMA ro  roll turn to 431 Failed CHARISMA ro  roll turn to 435 374  Yo  Y ou fo forgot yo you we were standing ing at th the end of th the headland. Yo Y ou take a step back, lose your footi footing, ng, and fall to your death on on the sharp rocks rocks below. low. T urn to 123. 375  The Man Mannekyn People are a race of of small wing winged fo folk. lk. T heir home is in the high high caves of Sky Sky Mountain, M ountain, but some have taken up res residence among humanki nkind. One such is i s the famous  Teks  Tekshin, in, whose ta tavern is a fa favourite ite ha halt fo for tra travelle llers on th the road road from Whe Wheatfie tfields to Ha H aggart’s rt’s C orner. T urn to 368. 376  There is nothing ing of of int interest of of the the tr trau’s body bu but a pickaxe (COMBAT  +2  +2). Turn T urn to 358. 377  There is a sparkle of green lig ligh ht in the gloo loom. Bending ing down, you find a sea-green lens. Who W ho could could have dropped dropped that? One One a-green lens into your pocket; of the mi miners? Y ou drop the the sea-green note it it on your list of possessions and then turn to 396. 378  The crewmen are too drunk to take any notice ice of your orders. ‘Shtop bleatin’ an’ have yourself a lil’l drink!’ declares the cabin boy boldly, brandishing a bottle of wine in your face.  Yo  Y ou give ive him a sound buffet fo for his his impertin rtine ence and th then try to think think what to do. Y ou can’t sail the the ship hip single-ha ngle-handed. But what if the the R eavers turn up while whil e your your crew are in in this this hopel hopeles ess state? Wait till till they they sober up turn to 397 Leave and travel on foot turn to 417 379  The pir pira ates’ treasure co compris rises 900 Shards, which ich you can record on your Adventure Adventure Sheet. Their T heir ship’s ship’s hold hold contains 1 Cargo Uni U nitt of textile textil es, which which you can add to your own cargo if  if  you have room room for it. i t. Y our mate suggests taking ki ng the pirate captain’s captain’s head i ad in n case it carri rriesa bounty. bounty.  Yo  Y ou also get a chance to inc increase in R ank after your stirri irrin ng leadership in in battle. ttle. Rol R olll two two dice dice, and if the result ult is is greater than your current Ra R ank then you gain a Ra R ank. Y ou also ga gain 1-6 1-6 Stamina mina points points permanently: nently: incr increa ease your norma normal (unwounde (unwounded) d) Stamina score by the roll roll of one die. die. R emember that going going up in in R ank increa i ncreasesyour Defence. Once you you have made the necessary adjustme adjustments on you yourr Adventure Sheet, turn to 311.

380  Yo  Y ou stow away in in th the hold of on one of th the pira irate ships ips and wa wait for her to be put to sea. Attempt A ttempt a THIEVERY  roll at Difficulty 16 to see if you can avoid voi d being dis discovered. Successful T HIEVERY roll turn to 419 Failed T HIEVERY roll turn to 114 381 A ship hip comes comesalongside showing howi ng the banner of the Hi H igh Ki King: a golden starburs rburst on on a field field of azure blue. blue. ‘Long ‘L ong live live the King!’ crie cries your helmsman, a gruff gruff old H arkuna rkunan who at heart is i s a wil wild romantic. ntic. iamond  I f you have the codeword word D iamond  , turn to 676. If not, turn to 490. 382 ‘Ah,’ ‘A h,’ says Lauria uri a as you approach pproach her table. ‘I ‘I don’t think think I had the chance to intr introduce oduce my father father the la last time ti me you were were here...’ re...’  Yo  Y ou bow to him. ‘Sir ‘Sir.’ .’ ‘Fa ‘Father is is the Warden Warden of Al All Hellions elli ons C olleg ollege,’ says Lauria uria.  Yo  Y ou’ll ’ll get further playing ing in cool th this time. ‘Ar ‘Are e you aware,’ you ask La Lauri uria, ‘that ‘that because of you I was whipped whi pped half to death? Look, Look, I stil till bear the the scars.’ ‘Please,’ says her father, ‘I do not not care to have you expose yourself to me over dinner. dinner. And in in any case, thos those can hardly be called scars.’ H e traces his his finge finger over your inj injuri urie es, whi which ch hea heal completely. Add 1 to your CHARISMA. ‘T here,’ says Lauria uri a. ‘N ‘N ow perhaps you’l you’ll stop being such a pest.’ t.’ But she says it wi with a smile. mil e. Lose the codeword word A nger  and  and turn to 571. 383  Tala  Talanexor concedes d de efeat rather tha than su suffer the fu full effect of  your conjura conjurations tions. A tribuna tribunal finds finds him him guilty guilty of bes besmirching rching your good name and orders orders him to pay you you 500 Shards by wa way of compe compensation. tion. As he counts counts out the the money he gives you a glowering look look and says under his hi s breath: ‘Y ‘Y ou’ll ou’ll lie li e in your grave before before you can spend the la last of of thes these coins coins. See if you you can deflect deflect that curs curse!’ H e turns turns and stri trides away. Get Get the codeword word C heese and turn to 571. 384  The te terrif rified islanders swarm about your ship. ip. Wom Women and chil children are put in in the hold, hold, and any cargo you had is is jettisoned ettisoned (crossit off the the Ship’s Ship’s M anifes nifest). Others must cli cling to the rigg rigging or perch on the rai rail. T he extra loa load makes the ship hip floa float alarmingly low in the water. As you put out out from from the shore, the volca volcano is is already starting rti ng to spit pit out long long fie fiery torr torrents ents of la lava. But But the danger is i sn’t over yet. R oll oll one di die. Subtra Subtract ct 1 if if your ship is is a barque; rque; add add 1 if it is is a galleon. Score 0-2 0-2 T he ship hip capsizes turn to 486 Score 3-7 3-7 Luck is with with you turn to 366 385  Yo  Y ou manage to co convinc ince the hero th that it wo would be unwise to confro confront nt the gods. ‘M ‘M en have been stri tricken with with madness for for such prideful folly,’ you remind him.

 34 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

H e agrees at la last. ‘I n that case I must return return to to the the enchantres ntress who lent me this this marvell rvellous ous steed, back in in A Atti ttica cala. Do you wish to join me?’ ‘What of my ship?’ ‘Y ou go ahead and enjoy yourself, skippe ki pper,’ r,’ says the first first mate. ‘We’ll meet up with you in Port Skios.’ L egi ons of the Lab L abyri yrinth  nth 66 Go with with the hors horseman Decline cline his his offer turn to 135 386 What are you interested in finding out about?  TheBlu Blue ewood  The key of stars Estragon  The Feathered Lands Akatsurai  The gods Ghos Ghosts  Trau M annekyn People  The Utta Uttakin Old H arkuna  The Inn Innis Shoals  The city ity of Dangor  The Shadar  The For Forest of Larun run M ermaids

turn to 573 turn to 591 turn to 609 turn to 627 turn to 645 turn to 357 turn to 247 turn to 663 turn to 375 turn to 681 turn to 698 turn to 2 turn to 650 turn to 668 turn to 542 turn to 63

387  Yo  Y ou climb back do down the cliff liff to to th the beach. If yo you ha have a ship docked at the southern bay on Sorcerers’ Isle, turn turn to 122. If  not, you have have no option option but to climb cli mb back up and and try try to make your way through the Bluewood to Dweomer: turn to 407. 388  Yo  Y ou loo look back. The The path you came alon long is not there anymore.  Yo  Y ou arelos lost in the Blu Bluewood.  To find ind your way out again you will need to make a SCOUTING roll at a Difficulty of 15. Successful ful SCOUTING roll turn to 705 Failed SCOUTING roll turn to 369 389 It is is possible to forge forge a powerful wand with with this this substance, but if  if  the alloy is is not prep prepared using exactly ctly the right ri ght mi mixture xture then then the ore could could deca decay explosively. explosively. T o make the attempt you req require uire a M AGIC roll at Difficulty 16 – though you may prefer to leave well enough enough alone. Successful ful M AGIC roll turn to 371 Failed M AGIC roll turn to 708 Don’t attem ttempt it turn to 262 390  The wise woman live lives a reclus lusive ive existence. Her Her ho home is a cave in the cliffs cli ffs high above the vill village. T he isl islanders turn to her for for medici dicine, ne, soothsa oothsaying ying and the favour of of the the gods. She greets you with with a sticky ticky yellow yellow smile and waits for you you to fill her hand with silver. For 5 Shards she will give you a blessing of Safety from from Storms. N ote this this in the Bl Blessingsbox on your Adventure Adventure Sheet if you decide to buy it. Y ou can have

only only one Safety from from Storms torms ble blessing at a time, and and it it wil wi ll work work only once. When you have fini finis shed your business with the wis wise woman, turn to 335. 391 Sailors believe that at time times like this this it is is possible to whi whis stle tle up a wind. wind. Ma M ake a MAGIC roll at a Difficulty of 14 (Difficulty 12 if  you are an initiate of Alvir and Valmir) to see if you have the knack. Successful MAGIC roll turn to 155 Failed M AGIC roll turn to 624 392  The pira irates smash th their cra craft ag agains inst yo yours and co come scuttling ling acros cross the boarding rdi ng ladders like li ke big big black spiders piders. R oll three three dice if you are a Warrior, rrior, or two dice if you belong to any any other other profes profession. Add A dd your R ank to this thi s roll. roll.  Then, if if your crew is poor quality lity, subtract 2 from the total. If the crew crew is is good quality, add 2. If I f the crew is excellent xcellent quality, add 3. Score 0-4 Calamity ity; you are kill illed turn to 123 Score ore 5-9 Crushing defeat; lose 2-12 Stamina turn to 435 Score 10-13 Forced to to given iven in: lose 1-6 Stamina turn to 416 Score 14-17 -17 The The pira irates with ithdraw turn to 648 Score 18+ Outright victory turn to 412 393 With the Gorgons Gorgons dead, the curse curse is lifted li fted and the vil villagers come back to life. li fe. When they realize you have rescued them, they swear to honour you for ever.  Yo  Y ou are fe feasted fo for days on en end and ca can recover any los lost Stamina mina points. points. Then T hen the vill vil lagers come to you you and say they have another nother gift gift – a ship, hip, crewed crewed by the young men of the the island. T hey are eager to to sail with with you you and seek adventure. dventure. N ote on your Ship’s Ship’s Ma Manifes nifest that you have have a briga brigantine ntine (cargo capacity: city: 2 Ca C argo Uni U nits ts) wi with an average quality crew. crew. Also note the title title Saviour viour of of Ve V ervayens Isle on your Adventure Sheet.  Turn  Turn to 298. 394 A tunnel tunnel winds wi nds down down steeply ply from from the mine entra ntrance and then forks forks in two. R ough steps have been hacked into the floor floor.. T he rock rock is is so hard that there there is no need for timbe timbers to shore hore up the roof. Go to the surface turn to 25  Tak  Take the left-ha -hand tunnel turn to 414  Tak  Take the rig right-ha -hand tunnel turn to 434 395 If you are using a candle ndle to light light your way, cros cross it off as it cannot be used again. N ow choose which which door you wil will open. open. Each is a magical portal le leading ding to a dis distant pla place. N ote that if if you do not have T he W ar-T orn K ingdo ingdom  Pl ains of Howli H owling ng D arknes arkness   or  or T he Plains , which are other books books in this thi s series eries, you you had better open the rightrighthand door. T he W ar-T orn K ingdo ingdom 670  The left hand door

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 35 

 Themidd iddle door  The righ ight-ha -hand door

T he Plains Pl ains of Howli H owling ng D arknes arkness 85

turn to 415

396  Yo  Y ou ca can ta take a pickaxe and a lump of copper ore. The T here is nothi nothing ng else to interes interest you here, here, so when when you are ready to lea leave turn to 394. 397 Sure enough, jus j ust a few hours hours later, the door of of the the tavern fli flies open and a pack of of cutthroats cutthroats come storming torming in. in. M ost of of your your crewmen crewmen are in in no fit fit state to fi fight, but you manage to ra rally a few of them them. R oll two dice dice (three if you’re you’re a Warrior) rri or) and and add your R ank. Add 2 to the total if your cre crew is is excell xcelle ent quality. li ty. Score 3-7 3-7 Y ou are kil killed turn to 123 Score 8-12 8-12 Y ou are captured turn to 454 Score 13+ 13+ Y ou win win turn to 455 398  Yo  Y ou are clos lose-ha -hauled and makin king slow low prog rogress agains inst a contra contrary wind wi nd when another nother vessel appears off the the port bow. bow. She is bearing ri ng hard in, in, and the the crew gasp in in dis dismay as they sight the flutteri fluttering ng red penna pennants of the the Rea R eavers. M ake a run for it turn to 418 Parley turn to 456 Fig Fight it out turn to 474 399  The narrow row Straits its of Alv Alvir ir permit safe passage between the Sea of Stil Sti lts and the Vi Violet olet Oce Ocean, assuming you are a skil ki lled enough mariner ri ner to steer your your ves vessel thro through. ugh. M ake a SCOUTING roll at Difficulty 14. If you succeed, turn to paragraph 220 in T he I sl e of a  . O therwis rwise, you are forced ba back – turn to 40. T housand housand Spires  400  The R eaver King regards you wit with h a baleful half-s lf-smile. ‘How proudl proudly y you stand there before before me. Are A re you not not aware that I hold hold your fate in my hands?’ H e steps forw forwa ard as though though to embrace you, then suddenly nly brings brings his his fis fist up in in a viciou vicious s punch to the gut. You Y ou double up, gasping ping for breath. Lose 1 Stamina point. point. If still still alive, you hear him him say: ‘T ‘T he only ques question tion is is whether to kill kill you at once or have a little fun first.’ medallion, turn to 363. If If you ha have asilver a silver medallion, I f not, not, turn to 638. 401 Lauri uria goes through through a doorw doorwa ay. A few moments later an upstairs tairs light comes on and you see her outl outlined against the window window pane. You Y ou glance around round to fi find out the name of the street, but you can hardly hardly see ten pacesbecause of the the dense fog. fog.  The light go goes out. Y ou wa wait ou outside ide until Lau Lauria must be be asleep, then then you let let yours yourself into i nto the the house and tiptoe tiptoe upstairs tairs. M ake a T HIEVERY  roll at Difficulty 13. Successful ful T HIEVERY roll turn to 421 Failed T HIEVERY roll turn to 514 402 ‘I don’t don’t li like it skippe skipper,’ r,’ says the pi pilot, gazing zing at the charts. ‘We’re ‘W e’re steering ring betwixt twixt Dea D eath and the winewine-da dark sea.’

Arrant rrant superstition. titi on. Y ou will will have none of it. it. R oll two dice. dice. Score ore 2- 4 Pirates turn turn to 511 Score 5 Storm turn to 580 Score 6-8 6-8 An uneventful voyage turn to 32 Score 9-12 9-12 A ghost ship hip turn to 530 403  The ship plu plun nges on as though ha hauled by by sea demons. Indeed, some of your crew even cla claim to have caught gli glimpses of such creatures tures, whi which ch they say resemble ble giant horse horses with with manes of  green frot froth h plungi plunging ng neck-de neck-deep through the the sea. R oll oll two two dice. Subtract 1 from the result ult if if your shi ship is is a barque; rque; add 1 if if she is a galleon. Score 1-6 1-6 Abandon ship! hip! turn to 486 Score Score 7-13 7-13 The T he tempest passes turn turn to 468 404  Yo  Y ou raise yo your arms to to the the vo volca lcano an and ple plead with with the go god  Jiaros rosh to stay his wrath. Mak Make a SANCTITY  roll at a Difficulty of  14. Successful ful SANCTITY roll turn to 425 ANCTITY Failed S roll turn to 444 405  Tar  Targdaz’shorse flies you back to your castle in a matter of hours. ‘I didn’t didn’t want to wa waste the spell,’ he says as it fli flies off. off. ‘Ea ‘Each time time I summon tha that steed it costs a year of of my li life.’  Yo  Y ou are more concerned about your ship and crew. Make a CHARISMA rol  roll at a Diffi Di fficul culty ty of 13. Success means that that the the crew foll followed your orders and you can note that the the ship hip is is now docked at the the port of of your your choice choice. Failure Failure means that they they sailed off off and you must cross the vessel’s el’s details off off your your Ship’ Shi p’s s M anifes nifest. N ow turn turn to 20 in T he C ourt of the t he H i dden Fac Faces. 406 hip’s s deeds, turn to 710. O If you you pos possesa ship’ Otherwi therwis se read on.  There is one ship fo for sale. Sh She is a barque with ith a carrying ing capacity city of 1 Ca C argo Uni U nit; t; she wil will cost you 320 Shards. ‘What about the the crew?’ you ask the the man who is i s selli elling her. ‘M en from Ma Marmorek,’ rmorek,’ he says. ‘La ‘L andlubbe ndlubbers everyone of  them, but they’re willing to learn.’ I f you decide to buy the ship, hip, remember to to cros cross off the money and record the details on the Ship’s Ship’s M anifes nifest. T he Crew Crew Quality is is poor. poor. R emember to change the entry in i n the docked docked column column each time time you arr arriive at a new port; it i t is is curre currently ntly docked at Dweome D weomer, of course. N ow turn turn to 100. 407  Yo  Y ou are at the top of high igh cliff liffs swathed in mist. Nea Nearby stands a gloomy tower. Looking north, you are faced by the impenetrable mass of the the Bluewood Bluewood,, tha that tra trackles ckless fores forest fro from m whos whose bourne bourne few travellers return return except as mindl mindles ess shrieki hri eking ng zombies with with a ravenous thirst thirst for human blood blood ... ... N o, no; that’s that’s just just an an old old wive wives’ tale. Or O r so you tell tell yourself. Venture into the Blue Bluewood turn to 697 Go to the tower turn to 426 Descend the cliffs cli ffs turn to 387

 36 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

408 witch’s hand, nd, turn to 555. Othe If you ha have a witch’s O therwis rwise, turn to 388. 409 ore  is A chunk of selenium ore is dis discovered embedded in in a coral reef. I t is is stil till hot from from its its fall, causing the sea to his hi ss each time time a wave laps over it. i t. ‘H eaven must be hotter than hell,’ is the bosun’s un’s eminently minently scientif cientifiic conjec conj ecture based on the the evide vidence. nce. ore  on your Adve N ote the selenium ore A dventure She Sheet et.. I f you are an ini initi tia ate of Molhern, M olhern, turn turn to 389. Othe O therwis rwi se turn to 262. 410  The captain rewards you with ith the contents of his hold: ld: 2 Cargo U nits nits of meta metals. N ote these on your Ship’s Shi p’s Ma Manifes nifest, assuming you have the space to load load them aboard. (Y (Y ou can jetti jettis son your your current cargo to make room, if if you wis wi sh.) ‘What will you do now?’ you ask the captain. H e gives gives a quick quick bra bray of exhausted laughter. ‘G ‘Get my ship hip into port, port, sell her, and use the money to buy a tavern. I’l I ’lll never put to to sea again, that’s for sure.’ ure.’  Turn  Turn to 137. 411  The boats are badly weathered, ha having ing been left untended for a long long time. Y ou chose the most seaworthy worthy and wait until unti l the tide tide is in to floa float her out of the the harbour, rbour, prefe preferri rring to cast yourself on the mercy of the sea than than ris risk a night on thi this s eerie rie island. R oll oll one die. Score 1-2 1-2 Wrecked on a beach turn to 505 Score 3-4 3-4 Picked up by pirate pirates turn to 472 Score 5-6 5-6 R each the mainla nland turn to 430 412  The pira irates’ treasure amounts to 12 1200 Sh Shards and the their ship’s ip’s hold hold contains 1 Ca Cargo Uni U nitt of spices, whi which ch you can add to your own cargo cargo if if you have have room for it. Y our mate also thinks thinks pirate captain’s n’s head asa trophy. you should should take the pirate trophy.  Yo  Y ou also ge get a chance to inc increase in Ran Rank. R oll tw two dic dice e, and if if the result ult is is greater than your curr current ent Ra R ank then then you gain a R ank. Y ou also also gain 1-6 1-6 Stamina points points permanently: increase your norma normal (unwou (unwounde nded) Stamina score by the roll roll of one one die. R emember that goi going ng up in R ank wil wi ll also increa increase your Defence by 1. Once you have made the necessary adjustme adjustments to you yourr Adventure Sheet, turn to 648. 413 easure map, turn to 132. If If you ha have atr atrea I f not, not, turn to 150. 414 N o dayli ylight penetrates this this far below ground. ground. In I n order to candle, lantern, lantern, or other source of  proceed proceed you you must have a candle, light. li ght. Otherwi O therwis se you have no choice choice but to turn back. back. Procee Proceed along the tunnel turn to 452  Turn  Turn back turn to 317

415  Yo  Y ou emerge from rom a doorwa rway set in the side ide of a tree. You now seem to be standing tanding in in a fores forest. T he foli foliage overhea overhead is is so thick thi ck that you can hardly tell if it is day or night.  Turn  Turn to 697 416  The pira irates take your ca cargo, all yo your po possession ions and your ca cash.  They also seize ize your ship for themselve lves. Cro Cross all these off your Adventure nture Sheet and Ship’s Ship’s M anifes nifest. T hey are convinced convinced it is is worth leaving you alive, at least. ‘Y es, that wa way we can can prey on you again in in the future,’ future,’ says their le l eader with wi th a feral grin. grin. ‘Ev ‘Every ery good good fis fi sherma herman knows knows to throw throw some of his hi s catch back!’  Yo  Y ou are put off in Dwe Dweomer. As the pira irates sail of off, you vow revenge. T urn to 100. 417 Get the codeword C olour   and  and then turn to 436. 418 R oll two dice and add your your R ank. Add A dd 1 to the total if i f you have an average crew, 2 if if you you have a good crew, crew, or 3 if if you you have an excellent excell ent crew. Score 1-6 1-6 T he pirate pirates overtake you turn to 474 Score 7+ Y ou outrun outrun them turn to 13 419 After fter several weeks at sea, the ship hip puts in in at Smogmaw. Y ou wait until unti l the pira piratesare carous rousing in in town town before slipping pping away, taking ki ng with with you you 50 Shards from their their coffers coffers for good measure! Lose the codeword word Colour   if you have it and turn to 44.  if 420 Amcha sleeps in a chamber at the rear of of his hi s throne throne room. room. He He has no pers persona onal guards – tha that wou woulld suggest wea weaknes kness, and he is is a proud proud man – but there there are regula regular patrol patrols of sentries entri es around round the citadel. M ake a T HIEVERY  roll at a Difficulty of 14 to sneak in and do the deed witho without ut being being apprehended. Successful T HIEVERY  ro  roll turn to 585 Failed T HIEVERY  ro  roll turn to 493 421  Yo  Y ou could never normally lly sneak in on a master thief like like Lauria, but after fter a heavy meal of venis venison and roas roast parsnips parsnips washed down with with cider ci der she is is sleeping ping as soundl oundly y as a gorged vampire mpire at noonda noonday. R ob her turn to 440 K idnap her turn to 459 422 Black clouds boil up suddenly across a clear sky. Within minutes the ship is bucking wildly in an icy gale as sheets of lightning crackl crackle e overhead. ‘‘N N o natural natural storm could come up so quick, quick,’’ says the bosun. ‘thi ‘this s is sorcery. orcery.’’ Assuming he’s right, right, you can try try to cancel the the storm torm by making ki ng a MAGIC roll at a Difficulty of 14. Successful MAGIC roll turn to 226 Failed M AGIC roll turn to 403

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 37 

423 With a heart ful fulll of sadness, you watch your shi ship p drop out out of  sight beyond beyond the horizon. horizon. C ross her details off your your Ship’s Ship’s M anifes nifest. R owing owing on with with dogge dogged perseverance, you wait for the  Thre  Three For Fortunes to deal you another hand. R oll one die. Score 1-2 1-2 Wrecked on a beach turn to 505 Score 3-4 3-4 Picked up by pirate pirates turn to 472 Score 5-6 5-6 R each the mainla nland turn to 430 424  The rid rider is an adventurer fr from Att Attica icala, th the lands that lie acros ross the Sea of Sti Stilts. ‘I am flying flying to the top of Sky Mounta M ountain,’ he de declares clares, ‘whe ‘where re I expect to confro confront nt the the gods themselves!’ Ask to go with with him him turn to 367 Advise him him not to go turn to 385 Bid Bi d him him farewell turn to 135 425  Jiarosh hears and heeds yo your prayers. The gro grou undshocks die down. T he smoke blows away on the wind. wind. Al All is quiet.  The villa illagers are jub jubilant. ‘You are a migh ighty shaman,’ th they say. ‘H onour onour us by staying taying here as our guest.’ t.’ Stay on the island turn to 706 Set to sea turn turn to 479

faces are lee leering ring in in through through the casement window. window. It is is a skeleton keleton crew indee indeed! Cras Crashing hing through through the glass, the the bony sailors ors leap among you chitteri chittering ng in in ghastly tly glee. Figh Fi ghtt them them turn to 539 Drive rive them them off with with prayer turn to 575 Cast yourself at their mercy turn to 447 429  The wind ind dies away, leaving ing the sails sagging ing. At fir firs st th the crew  jok  jokes about getting ing a break fro from m duties, bu but days turn to to we weeks and the wind wind does not pick pick up. up. A Alll around round the the sea liesas fla flat asa mirror. rror. T he mood of the crew crew is is grim; many wonder if i f they will wil l die here, out of sight of land.  Yo  Y ou take a drink ink of of wa water fro from m the barrel on on deck. It is is the last cupful. cupful. Wi W ithout a wind you are surely doome doomed. Y ou and your office offi cers could stri strike ke out for the mainland in the the cutte cutter, r, but that woul would mean abandoning ndoni ng the rest of the the men. Whis histle tle a tune turn to 391 Abandon ship hip in the cutter cutter turn to5 to 520 Stay with with your crewmen turn to 590 430 By the time timeyou arrive arrive in a port you you are anklenkle-de deep in water and exhausted from your orde ordeal. Y ou stumble stumble out of the boat, which which goes listing ting off with wi th the current, and wearil rily make your wa way towards the town. Turn T urn to 44.

426  Yo  Y ou pe peer int into th the transluc lucent wa walls lls of th the tower, bu but it is like like looki looking ng into a deep green pond. Y ou can make out nothing nothi ng of  what lies within. Entering, you find a winding staircase which you climb up to a landing. All the way way you are beset by tiny tiny stinging stinging creatures; lose 1-6 1-6 Stamina points points (the score of one die). die). Leave the tower turn to 407 Press on up the stairca taircase turn turn to 680

431  The pira irates take your ca cargo, yo your pe personal be belon longing ings and any cash you ha have on board. T o your surpri urprise, they agree to lea leave you with your ship. ‘In ‘I n truth, it’s i t’s not worth the effort ffort of hauli hauling ng ba back home,’ remarks rks the pirate pirate captain acerbica cerbically as he goes back aboard his hi s own own vessel.  Yo  Y ou wa watch th them sail away. Amend yo your Ad Adv venture Sh Sheet and your Ship’s Ship’s Ma Manifes nifest, then then turn to 648.

427  The men raise three cheersas you get hold of the surgeon under one arm and swim wim back tow towa ard the ship. hip. When he has somewhat recover recovered, ed, the the surgeon urgeon admini dminis sters ters hims himself a measure of brandy ‘for medicinal purposes’.  Yo  Y ou are the hero of the hour. R oll two dice ice, and if the total is higher than your CHARISMA score core you can incr increa ease it it by 1. After fter making ki ng any necessary adjus adjustments to your your Adventur A dventure e Sheet, turn to 22.

432  The Gor Gorgons go to their beds only once the moon has set. You peer down at them in the faint la lamplight. mplight. Whi Whille they doze, their their ophidi ophidia an tresses sway drows drowsily on the pil pillows. Ma M ake a SCOUTING roll at a Difficulty of 10. Successful ful SCOUTING roll turn to 451 Failed SCOUTING roll turn to 469

428  The fir firs st mate ru rushes int into your cabin one one da day toward du dusk. Deep in in calculation culation over your charts, you barely glance glance up when he blurts out: ‘C ‘C aptain, an ancient ncient hulk has drifted drifted alongside.’ ‘She’s adrift, you say? A derelict?’ ‘N o dereli derelict,’ ct,’ he repl repliies in an agita gitated voice, ‘She ‘She has a skeleton keleton crew!’ ‘Hm ‘H mm.’ Y ou si sit back, foldi folding ng your arms behind hind you head. ‘Perhaps her skipper ki pper wants to fles flesh out his hi s crew with wi th some of  our men...’ ‘I think think you’re you’re right!’ right!’ cries cries the mate, staring ri ng past you with with wil wild eyes. Something thing is is tapping pping on the window wi ndow pane – something thing that that has terrifi terri fied ed the mate. You Y ou turn to see what it is is. A host host of ivor ivory y

433 Instea tead of the idyll idylliic garden you found on your firs fi rst vis visit, the pla place is now a rank wi willderness. T he lawns have become a waterlogg terlogged ed marsh dotted with with fungi fungi.. I nsects skirl ki rl above stagnant ponds ponds and dense weeds have choked choked the the life li fe from from the tree trees. A creeping creeping miasmacloa cloaks out the sunli unlight. A single breath of this foul air is enough to slay your men.  Yo  Y ou’ll ’ll die yourself un unless you ha have a blessing ing of of Imm Immunity ity to to Disease/P e/ Pois oison. (If (I f you did did have such a bl blessing, rem remember now to cros cross if off off now now it’ it’s s used up). I f, thanks to a the blessing, you survived survived,, turn turn to 64. Otherwis rwise turn to 123. 434  Yo  Y ou pa pass a grou roup of of min mine ers on th their wa way ba back to to th the surfa rface.  They are bony sallo llow-faced wretches clad in rags. The The well-to ll-to-

 38 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

do lords lords who own this this mine pay their workers workers ba barely more more than they need to stay alive. alive. hurch  If you have the codeword word C hurch  , turn to 453. If not, turn to 471.

is, he gets first blow and   you must fight fight him without without the benefit nefit of weapon or armour. R esentful Sai Sailor, COMBAT  5, Defence D efence 6, Stamina 3 If you manage to overcome overcomehim, him, turn turn to 262.

435  The pira irates seize ize you and clap you in iro iron fetters, th then put your own vessel in in tow tow and start the long long haul ba back to to the the base. Cross off any Ca Cargo Uni U nits ts aboard your vessel. H owever, do not cros cross the ship hip and crew off off your Ship’s Ship’s Ma Manifes nifest jus just yet.  Yo  Y ou may still be able to escape from your captors... ...  Turn  Turn to 454.

442 ‘I t is is the god Jia Ji arosh, who dwells dwell s inside the mountain!’ shriek shriek the is islanders as plume plumes of thi thick ck bla black smoke oke start to boi boil out of  of  the volca volcano’s no’s cone. ‘J ‘Jiaros rosh, spare us!’ Evacuate the island turn turn to 384 I ntercede with with the god turn to 404 Set sail at once turn turn to 479

436  Yo  Y ou must fe fend fo for yo yourself, lf, su survivin iving g on lit litttle more than wild wild berries and cold spring water while you scour the bleak hills. M ake a SCOUTING roll at a Difficulty of 14. Successful ful SCOUTING roll turn to 546 Failed SCOUTING roll turn to 601

443 It is is T argdaz, your your persona personall sorcerer. ‘Stil ‘Sti ll gallivanting nting about on the high high seas?’ he says. ‘T here are much much more interes interesting ting things things afoot back home home. I ’m on my way there now. Want a ride?’ ‘Wha ‘W hat about the ship? hip?’ ‘I’m ‘I ’m sure these fellows are capable of sailing it it to port without you to tell them what to do.’ Fly Fly off on T argdaz’s horse turn to 405 Decline cline his his offer turn to 135

437 A pack of helli hellions erupt out of of the sea by night night and pel pelt your vessel with wi th burni burning ng pitch. pitch. T o rep repuls ulse them you must use a combi combination tion of sorcery and holy holy force force. M ake MAGIC and SANCTITY rolls, both at Difficulty 17. Both Both roll rolls successful T he helli hellions retreat; turn to 322 One roll roll successful T he ship’s hip’s afla flame; turn to 249 Both rolls roll s failed Carrie rried off to hell; ll; turn to 66 in

444  Jiaros rosh, the vulca lcanian god of the island, regards your entreaties as grossimperti rtinence. He H e sends fort forth h a spurt purt of of la lava and deadly dly hot gas that inci incinerate nerates you where where you stand. Turn T urn to to 123.

I nto the U nderwo nderworl rld  d 

438  Yo  Y ou arriv rive at the coast to see your ow own ship rid riding ing at anchor. A gang of pirate pirates armed with wi th whi whips ps are forci forcing ng your own sailors to equip quip her as a war vessel. Y our blood blood boil boils at the thought of of the R eavers using your shi ship p for their own ends. Charge in to rescue your men turn to 603 R econnoitre connoitre the island firs firstt turn to 655 439 Along long with your crew, you cower cower below decks with with your hands hands over your ears. The T he ship hip drifts drifts on untended with with no on but Fa Fate at the til tiller, and slowly owly that deathly thly singing nging fades into the the distance. R oll oll two dice dice. Score 2-6 2-6 T he ship hip hits hits a reef turn to 486 Score 7+ Adrift drift in unknown waters ters turn to 244 440  Yo  Y ou take 250 Shards from her money pouch. It is is litt little enough compens compensation tion for for all she’s put you thro through ugh in in the past. H earing ring her moan and turn turn over in in her sleep, you you give give her the the empty money pouch to cuddle. cuddle. Wha What a grand joke, joke, when when the swashbuckl hbuckling burgla burglar wakesto fi find she’s been robbed!  Yo  Y ou quiet ietly let yourself out, pleased to have settled the score after so long. long. Los L ose the codeword word A nger   and  and turn to 675. 441 Earli Earlier in in the day you had had to order order a lashing hing for one of the crew because of ins insubordina ubordi nation. tion. H aving ving es escaped from the brig, brig, the wretch comes stealing li ng in on on you in in the night. I f not for for a crea creaky floor floorboa board he would would have cut your throa throat whil while you slept. A As s it

445  These tunnels connect places from all corne rners of the world. ld. You You soon get your bearings ri ngs. Fro From m here you can travel w where here you wis wish, emerging erging by magic gic through through a vent in in empty space.  To Aku Aku T he C ourt of H i dden Fac F aces  444 99  To Bra Brazen turn to L ords of the R i si ng Sun  Sun  79  To Cha Chambara 3  To Dangor T he C ity it y in the t he C louds  louds  T he Serpent rpent K i ng’ ng’ s D omain  omain  42  To Dun Dunpala  To Dwe Dweomer turn to 571  To Mithd Mithdrak T he I sle of a Thous T housand and Spires  50 T he L one and Le L evel vel Sands  20  To Pethumar 2 C ities it ies of G old and G lory   To R ing inghorn 44  To Smogmaw turn to L egi ons of the Lab L abyri yrinth  nth  88  To Tele Teleos T he Plains Plai ns of Howli H owling ng D arknes arkness  10  To Y arimura T he W ar-T orn K ingdo ingdom  10  To Y ello llowport 446  The men are horrif rified at yo your ca callou llousness. ‘I thank th the gods it wasn’t me who fell overboard,’ growls the first mate in a surly fashion. ‘Y ou should say: “it “it was not I”, I”,’’ you point point out. C orre orrecting cting his his grammar only onl y puts him him into into a darker rker mood. mood. For the next couple of days, neither he nor anyone else will so much asackno cknowl wledge edge your your prese presence.  Turn  Turn to 677. 447 If you have the titl title e C hosen One of Na N agil, gil, turn turn to 466. If not, turn to 484.

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 39 

448 One of the the sailors ors comes over drenched drenched in bl bloo ood d and hands you a trophy trophy tha that he hacked from from one of the the creatures tures’ maws. It I t is is a hydra’s tooth. tooth. Note N ote it on your li l ist of possessions before turning turning to 118. 449  Yo  Y ou realize lize that it is too risky to ling linger here. You scale the cliff liffs under cover cover of darknes rkness and fi find a beach on on the far side side of the the island, where where you can make your your camp at a safe dis distance from from the cursed vil village.  Turn  Turn to 177. 450 A low prow prow emerges from from a bank of mist clos close off your starboard bow. As the vessel ta takes shape, you you recogni recognize ze the bronze bronze shields hields along the sides that identi identify fy it i t as a slave ship hip from from U ttaku. It heavesponderously clos closer – powered, not by sails, but by huge paddles ddles turned turned by oxen chained in the bowels bowels of the the ship. ‘N ormally we could could hope to outrun outrun them,’ announces the helmsman. ‘B ‘But they’ve they’ve come on us right right close close, and there’s hardly rdly a brea breath of wind wind for the sails. We’ll e’ll have to stand and fight.’  The crew awaits its your orders. Go alongside and prepare to board turn turn to 523 R am the U ttakin kin ship hip turn to 541 451  Yo  Y ou kno know tha that the the snakes will de detect yo your approa roach ev even in darknes rkness, because they can sense your body heat. T o counteract counteract this you take a long dip in the ocean until you are shivering with cold. T hen hen you return to slay the Gorgons in thei their sleep... p... M ake a THIEVERY  roll at a Difficulty of 10. Successful ful T HIEVERY roll turn to 487 Failed T HIEVERY roll turn to 506 452  To on one side ide of th the tunnel is a shaft th that ha has been bo boarded up up. On it it is is stuck a label which which reads: ‘D ‘Danger. T his his section of of the mines clos closed on account of spectres. By order order of the Mi Mine Supervisor.’ Bre Break down the boards turn to 470 Venture deeper turn to 651 H ead for the surfa urface turn to 25 453 Among the shambling mi miners you noti notice ce one face – your forme former helmsman, Gaspar Savaloy. H is cheeks, once once ruddy and well welllarded as any yeoma yeoman of Gol Golni nir, r, are now holl hollow; his his forme formerly rly ample belly belly hasbeen lost lost along wi with memori oriesof good meals. ‘M ister Savaloy,’ oy,’ you you say. ‘H ‘H ere’s a pretty pass, eh?’ It takes a few seconds for rec recogniti ognition on to stri strike. ke. ‘Ski ‘Skippe pper! If I f it it ain’t me old old skippe kipper what I unjus unjustly tly abandoned on that isle.’ H e starts to sway his his head, eyes too parched rched for tears. ‘H ‘H elp yer ol old helmsman, skipper. skipper.’’  Yo  Y ou dis discover fro from m the mine ine supervisor th that it will will co cost 30 30 Shards to pay off Savaloy’s valoy’s indenture. ndenture. Pay to have him him free free turn to 489 Ignore him him and walk on turn to 471

454 Get the codeword C olour   and  and turn to 472. 455  The tavern is a shambles. Se Several of yo your me men lie dead in th the wrecka wreckage. T he first first mate staggers over and you are horri horrified fied to see that one of his his eyes hasbeen gouged out in the the fighti fighting. ng. ‘Y eah, but you should see the other bloke,’ bloke,’ he quips ga gamely.  Yo  Y ou have the chance to gain a R ank no now. You need to roll high highe er than than your current R ank on one die to do so. so. If I f you do go up a R ank, permanently increa i ncrease your Stamina by 1-6 1-6 points points (the score of one one die) die) and rem remember that your Defence score core will increase by 1.  Yo  Y our me men are in no no shape to ta tackle kle the R eavers now. ‘He who fights and runs away, skipper...’ urges the bosun.  Yo  Y ou nod in agreement. ‘Ge ‘Get back aboard, yo you swabs. We’re ’re setting etting sail!’  Turn  Turn to 164. 456  The pira irates pull alon longside ide and cast grappling ling hooks to seize ize your vessel. Within thin moments they they are swarming rming aboard. Y ou offer offer them your goods, but pl plea ead for the freedom of your crew. M ake a CHARISMA roll at a Difficulty of 15. Successful ful C HARISMA roll turn to 416 Failed CHARISMA roll turn to 435 457 Lose 1-6 1-6 Stamina points. If I f you survive, survive, you le lead your men men in in a charge that routs routs the remaining ning pirates pirates. Searching ching the bodies bodies of  those you killed, you can help yourself to a sword (COMBAT +2) and a suit (Defence +3). 3). uit of of chain mail (Defe ‘We ‘W e ought to get get under way,’ says the first first mate. ‘T ‘T hey’ll hey’ll be back with reinforcements soon.’  Yo  Y ou agree. Los Lose the codeword Colour   and  and turn to 164. 458  The R eavers have no int intention ion of releasing ing your ship and crew; slave labour is i s too valuable. ble. medallion, turn to 567. If I f you have a silver medallion, I f not, not, you must decide decide whether to sneak off off and res rescue your men (turn (turn to 438) or forge forget about them them and see to your own future future (turn to 476). 459 Lauria uri a is sleeping ping li like an innocent innocent babe. She barely murmurs in her sleep as you toss her over over your your shoulder shoulder and carry rry her down down to the docks. There T here you find fi nd an Utta U ttakin ki n slaver who is is delighted to buy her off off you for for 150 Shards. ‘She has very white white skin,’ kin,’ he says appreci pprecia ativel tively. y.  Yo  Y ou nod. ‘An ‘And d a black heart.’ Lose the codeword word A nger  a   and get the codeword codeword Civil   in   in its place place. T hen hen turn to 100. 460  The loo lookout reports rts seeing ing a meteor plun lunge out of the sky a few leagues to southward. T he first first ma mate thinks thinks it might be worth worth investiga tigating, ting, but it it is is not as easy as he thinks thinks. Y ou wil wi ll have to calcula culate how far the ship has gone since the meteor fell fell and

 40 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

then plot a course back. T his his require requires a SCOUTING  roll at a Difficulty of 16. Successful ful SCOUTING roll turn to 409 Failed SCOUTING roll turn to 262 461  The fertile rtile slop lopes of the volca lcano are covered with ith lus lush vegetation. tion. T he is islanders are plea pleased to gather round round and offer offer you a feast of fri fried yams, shellfi hellfis sh stew, barbecued fowl fowl and beer made from from pinea pineapple pple juice. uice. R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-6 2-6 T he volca volcano starts to rumble turn to 442 Score 7-12 7-12 T he volca volcano rema remains dormant turn to 706 462 It is is the wiza wizard Ta T argdaz, whom whom you freed freed from from impris imprisonment inside a giant ruby. ‘I have come to tell you of a vacant cas castle tle in in Old Ha H arkuna rkuna,’ he says. ‘If ‘I f you’d you’d care to take up residence there there I’d be happy to serve as your court court sorcerer. orcerer.’’ ‘Fine, but where is it exactly?’ H e throws throws up his his hands. ‘I ‘I didn’t didn’t bri bring a map! It It can’t n’t be that hard to find.’ So saying, he fli flies off. T urn to 135. 463  Yo  Y ou believe th that everything ing po point ints to to the bo bosun as as th the ma man responsible ble for thi this s heinous heinous crime crime. Y ou order him him clapped in in irons rons, but but the crew crew protes protest that he is is a man of unblem unblemished character who would would never ki kill anyone except except in in an hones honest brawl. Press the matter turn turn to 677 Let it drop turn to 554 464  Yo  Y ou walk down int into pitc itch darkne kness. The The scent is of damp loa loam and ozone. Sorcery is is in the very air here, strong enough to make your ski skin n tingle. tingle. To T o master the windi winding ng paths below below the worl world you must make a MAGIC or   S  SCOUTING roll (your choice) at a Difficulty of 17. Successful rol roll turn to 445 I nto the U nderworld  nderworld 25 Failed roll 465  Yo  Y ou are gazing ing over the side ide when you see a dark shadow ris rising ing from from the depths. I t is is huge. huge. Before efore you have a chance to shout any wa warning, rni ng, coloss colossal tentacles clesrear up fro from m the water and grapple the the ship. hip. R oll one di die if your ship hip is is a barque, rque, two two dice dice if she she’s ’s a briga brigantine, ntine, and thre three dice if if she’s a galleon. Y ou can add your R ank to thi this roll. roll. Score 2-9 2-9 T he ship hip is lost turn to 592 Score 10-15 10-15 Y ou escape in the cutter turn to 610 Score 16+ T he K raken departs turn to 135 466 !  The ske skeletons have sailed from rom the Nigh Night Cou Country to pay homage to you. Y our men are astoni tonished to see them kneel down in in your cabin bin and bow their their bald white white heads, as docil docile as page-boy e-boys s. If the box above is empty, put a tick tick in in it it and turn to to 502. If  the box was ticked already, turn to 521.

467  Yo  Y ou kneel at th the end of th the headland and co concentrate on yo your prayers. T owards owards dusk, with with the sun a puls pulsing globe of orange fire fire on the horizon, horizon, you hear a foots footstep on the rocks rocks behind hind you. M ake a SANCTITY  roll at a Difficulty of 12. Successful ful SANCTITY roll turn to 485 Failed SANCTITY roll turn to 121 468  Yo  Y ou reach the coastal watersof the Sleeping ing Isle. ‘We’re e’re going going to have to find find anchora nchorage here,’ says the first first mate when you ask for for his his report. ‘We ‘W e’re ’re in need of fresh supplies and the ship could do with light repairs.’  Yo  Y ou drop anchor in a bay fring inged by coconut pa palms and go ashore in in the rowboat. rowboat. Whi W hille the men gather suppl supplies, you have the opportunity to explore a little way inland if you wish. Explore Explore the island turn to 265 H elp gather supplies uppli es turn to 284 469  Yo  Y ou low lower yourself to the floo loor and pad softly over to where the two Gor G orgons gons lie sleeping. ping. In I n that sleep of drea dreams what death may come ... ... if only onl y you are stealthy enough. M ake a THIEVERY roll at a Difficulty of 15. Successful T HIEVERY roll turn to 487 Failed T HIEVERY roll turn to 506 470 ! If the box above is empty, put a tick tick in in it it and turn to to 488. If it wasalready ticked, ticked, turn turn to 507. 471 N o daylight yli ght penetrates this this far below below ground. T o proceed proceed you lantern or other source of ligh must have have acandle a candle,, lantern or light. t. Othe O therwis rwise you have have no choice choice but but to turn back. Proceed roceed downwards turn to 509 H ead for the surfa urface turn to 317 472  Yo  Y ou are chaine ined by the pira irates and ta taken inla inland on on on one of th the U nnumbered Is I sles. T he landscape consists of winds wi ndswept bluffs bluffs under under a sky of perpetual racing clouds clouds. A thin thin cold cold drizzl drizzle e comes down in i n gusts. Get the codeword codeword C hance   if  if you you can succeed in a SCOUTING check at Difficulty 12. Whether you make the roll or not, turn to 114. 473  The new R eaver King King, Isthmus Jack, is a strut rutting ing rog rogue with ith a broa broad bald brow and a beard li like shavings vings of red red gold. old. H e has none of Amcha’s cold intensity, but behind that cavalier grin you get a feeling of simmering ering menace. ‘Ah,’ ‘A h,’ he says, ‘you ‘you slew my predecessor, I believe?’ Admit to kill killiing Amcha turn to5 to 512 Deny it turn to 400 474  The pira irates ram you, th then pour acros ross the rail br brandishing ing their swords words. T his his promis promisesto be ahard fi fight.

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 41 

R oll three three dice if you are a Warrior, rrior, or two dice if you belong long to any other other profe profession. Add A dd you R ank to this this roll. roll.  Then, if yo your cre crew is poor qu quality lity, subtract 2 from the total. If  the crew crew is is good quality, add 2. If I f the crew is is excellent quality, add 3. Score ore 0-4 Calamity; ity; you are killed killed turn turn to1 to 123 Score ore 5-9 C rus rushing defeat; lose 2-12 2-12 Stamina turn to 435 Score 10- 13 Forced Forced to give in; lose 1-6 1-6 Stamina turn to 416 Score 14- 17 T he pirate pirates withdraw withdraw turn to 13 Score 18+ Outright utright victory victory turn to 492 475  Yo  Y ou are off th the coast of of Old Har Harkun kuna with ith th the Sorcerers’ Is I sle not many lea leaguesto the the southouth-ea east. Steer north T he C ourt of H i dden Fac F aces 60 Steer south turn to 208 Steer east turn turn to 200 Steer west turn turn to 21 M ake for Ri R inghorn T he C ourt of H i dden Fac F aces 26 Head for Dweomer turn to 9

colour coloured ed tents on each pontoon. pontoon. T hey are the sea gypsies, who live on these large clumps clumpsof floati floating ng weeds. As soon oon as they they draw alongs ongside, the the gypsies cla clamber aboard without waiting for permission and start shoving a curious assortment ortment of goods goods towa towards you. you. ‘Best pri priceson the the high high seas!’ says one with with a cavalier valier grin. grin. I tems

Rope Lantern Candle Water flas flask  Coral-red oral- red tresses Golden katana Smoulder fis fish Cross-staff (SCOUTING +2  +2) Violin Parrot Fishing hook  Boar’ Bo ar’s s tusk  Green gem

T o buy

T o sell

30 Shards rds 20 Shards rds 75 Shards rds 60 Shards rds 10 Shards 5 Shards 25 Shards rds 20 Shards rds 1000 Sha Shards 500 Sha Shards 10000 Shards 3000 Sha Shards 110 Shards rds 90 Shards rds 700 Sha Shards 500 Sha Shards 90 Shards rds 50 Shards rds 200 Shards rds 90 Shards rds 5 Shards 2 Shards 150 Shards rds 75 Shards rds 575 Sha Shards 100 Sha Shards

When you have finished your buying and selling, turn to 50. 476  Yo  Y ou’re ’re obliged to fa fall in with ith th the R eavers, at le least fo for a while.  Yo  Y ou are giv give en a mid mids shipm ipman’s po positio ition n aboard one of their vessels and told told that that promoti promotion on wi will depend on how how you acquit cquit yourself in this job. M ake a THIEVERY   roll and a SCOUTING  roll, both at Difficulty 14. Both Both roll rolls successful turn to 494 One roll roll successful turn to 513 Fail both rolls rolls turn to 531 477 ! If the box is empty, put a tick tick in in it it and turn to 622. If it was already ticked, turn to 675. 478 A gust of wind wi nd swings wings the boom around, knocki knocking the ship’s hip’s surgeon into into the the sea. Like most sailors, who who prefe prefer the thought of a quick quick death if if their their ships should hould go down, he cannot swim  The men crowd alon long the rail, watching ing helple lplessly as he founders in the water. water.  Jum  Jump in to save the surgeon turn to 558 Leave him him to drown drown turn to 446 Order the helmsman to put about turn to3 to 360 479  Yo  Y ou sa sail away fro from th the Island of Fire Fire. The fir firs st ma mate co comes toyour toyour cabin cabin to dis di scussthe cours course you wis wish to steer. Go north turn to 246 Go south turn to 192 Go east turn turn to 210 Go west turn to 303 480 A floti flotillla of mossy pontoons pontoons comes drifti drifting ng across the water water towards you. T hey look like floa floating ting gardens. As A s they get get closer you can see people people and anima nimals moving moving between bri brightly ghtly

481  Yo  Y ou give ive each man a biscuit from rom the cabin boy's loc locker and tell him him to swallow low it. it. One of the ordinary ordinary seamen, en, a hulki hulking fel fellow low calle ll ed Ti T imung, is is unable to do so. Gui Guilt lt has left his his mouth too dry. Later, a gold chain that that belonged to the victim victi m is found under under Ti T imung’s pillow, showing howi ng that that his his motive motive was simple theft. Y ou have no compunction compunction about casting ting the vil villain over board to try his luck in battle with the sharks. R oll two dice dice, and if you get hi highe gher than your current  T HIEVERY  score, increa i ncrease it by 1. T hen turn to 188. 482 ‘Few ‘Few reach this this far,’ r,’ booms a voice voice. Startled Startled, you whi whirl rl around and peer peer in in all directi directions ons, but there is is nothing nothi ng to be seen except except the pall of lea leavesand tree trees like silent sentinels. entinels.  The br branches of of the pla plane tre tree mo move - slug luggish serpents stirr tirred ed to drows drowsy li life, unfol unfoldi ding ng to revea reveal a fis fissure in in the earth. ‘Where does it lea lead?’ you you ask the uns unseen pres presence. ‘Anywhere you wish, if you have the science to find your way. But But to the unskil killed it is is only only a gateway to hell.’ hell.’ Enter the hole turn to 464  Turn  Turn back turn to 388 483 At dawn you find fi nd you are in the the Mi Misty Es Estuary. tuary. T he helmsman is at a loss to explain it. ‘I could could have sworn worn we were a hundred leaguesnorth north of here,’ he says.  Yo  Y ou are not one one to to ign ignore the suggestion ions of of pro provide idence. Since Since some force force has seen fit fit to bri bring you here, it i t may be worth worth staying a whil while. N ote that your ship ship is is now docked docked at Smogmaw and then turn to 44.


 42 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

484 Clutched in bony finge fi ngers, you and your men are haul hauled ed acrossto the other ship. hip. Shrouds Shrouds catch a foetid wind wi nd and slowly owly she picks picks up speed, leaving ving your own ship hip to drift drift abandoned.  Yo  Y ou are pressed int into servic rvice e below low decks - a harsh servitu itude from from which which not even death can bring bring deliverance. Ea Each day day you watch with with horr horror or as your fles flesh dries dri es up and sloughs away, leaving ving you a macabre li living ving skeleton. keleton. N othi othing can save you from from undeath - not even any resurrecti urrection on you you may have arra rranged. Cro Cros ss off off all codewords codewords and ticks in all your Fabled L ands   books  books and start again wi with a new character. 485  Yo  Y ou ar are da dazzled fro from starin ring so long long in the the dir dire ection ion of the the setting etting sun, so that all you can see when you turn turn is is the silhouettes of the two tall women who have come to confr confront ont you. T heir hair seems to move — not li lightly, as though whipped whipped by the sea breeze, but with wi th the the oil oily sluggis uggishness of  snakes. Attack ttack them turn to 685 Free Freeze turn to 356 R etreat turn to 374 486  The ship keels over; tim timbers warp and sp split; lit; mere anarchy is loos loosed upon you. Seawater rushes into the broken broken shell of the hull hull drowni drowning ng out the cri cries es of your crewmen. Cross C ross them and the ship hip off your Ship’s Ship’s M anifes nifest. Y ou can think of nothing nothing now but saving ving yourself. R oll two dice dice. I f the score is greater ter than than your R ank, you are drowned – turn to 123. IIff the score core is less than or equal to your R ank, you are are swept miraculously towa towards ashore of white white coral sand. Lose 2- 12 Stamina points points and (if (i f you you can can survive survive that) turn to 505. 487 dagger which N ear their their bedside is adagger whi ch you can add to your li list of  possessions if you wis wi sh. Whether you kee keep it it or not, it is is a handy tool with with which which to do your nigh night’s t’s busines ness. T he Gorgons Gorgons’’ necks are tough and fibrous fibrous with with almost no blood, blood, and once the heads are hacked hacked off the serpentine ntine coiff coiffure ure wil wi lts like like a tom-up tom-up weed.  Turn  Turn to 393. 488  The weigh ight of the the air ab above be becomes almost pa palpa lpable as yo you descend dee deep into into the ground. A trickl tri ckle e of swea sweat runs runs down your spine. pine. Ea Each brea breath you take tastes hot and stale.  Turn  Turning ing a bend in th the pa passage, you se see a sigh ight to ha harrow your soul. oul. W Wrea reathed thed in in silver li light, a group of fri frightful-vi ghtful- vis saged spectres are turni turning ng slowly owly in in the air, dancing ncing a slow minuet minuet to the mournful tune of an invisible harpsichord. ctral veil veil (if U se as aspectral (if you have one) turn to 525 Banish them with with holy holy words words turn to 543 Leave before before they see you turn turn to 561 489  Yo  Y ou go ba back to to th the mine ine office ice and sign ign th the necessary papers. Cros ross off off 30 Shards.

Gaspar Sava Savaloy falls falls on his his knees knees to thank you. Y ou look look down in i n a mixtur mixture e of contem contempt and pity pity as he kis kissesyour boots boots. ‘A tidy tidy rewa reward for mutiny, utiny, wouldn’t wouldn’t you say, M ister Savaloy?’ H e cannot look look you you in in the eye. ‘I’m ‘I ’m shamed, skippe skipper; you’ve you’ve shamed me. But I’l I ’lll make up all I owe you an’ more, you see if if I don’t. I’m I ’m bound bound for Dwe Dweome omer, where where I’l I’lll make good. T hen hen I can pay you back.’ back.’ H e scurri curriesoff. off. Get Get the codewor codeword d C ancel  and turn to 317. 490  Yo  Y ou hail the other ship, ip, asking ing its its cre crew why they serve rve a monarch who is i s long dead. ‘N ot dead but sleeping,’ ping,’ counters the captain. ‘We ‘W e are the keepers of the fla fl ame until until that time ti me when the R imewater thaws and our li liege-lord lord sha shall ris rise up to sweep the Utta Uttakin kin into into the sea.’  Yo  Y our firs irst mate leans over and whispers in your ear. ‘Fanatics, by the sound of it, captain.’  Yo  Y ou shrug. ‘Who ‘Who kno knows?’  The roy royalist ship sailsoff. Turn Turn to 475. 491 It is is as though night night has fallen suddenly nly in in the middle middle of the day.  Thun  Thunderhe rheads hunch on on th the horizo izon lik like vast br brooding ing crows. Lightning streaks yellow fire across the tortured sky. ‘Doomsday!’ shrieks shrieks the bosun. ‘R epent or be damned!’ I f you have the bles blessing of Alvi Al virr and and V Va almir, lmir, which which confers confers Safety from from Storms, you can ignore ignore the storm. torm. Cross C ross off your bles blessing and turn turn to 24. I f you have no blessing, ng, the the storm hits with with full full force. R ain rattles rattles against the judderi juddering ng canvas; wa waves lash the the deck. R oll oll one die if your ship is a barque, two dice if it is a brigantine, or three dice dice if it it is is a galleon. Add Add 1 to the roll roll if i f you have have an excellent quality crew; subtract 1 if you have a poor quality crew. Score 0-4 0-4 Y our ship hip sinks turn to 157 Score 5-6 5-6 T he mast splits pli ts turn to 670 Score 7-19 7-19 Y ou weather the storm torm turn to 42 492  The pira irates’ tre treasure amounts to 600 Shards. Re R ecord it on your Adventure She Sheet. et. The T heiir shi ship’s p’s hold hold contai contains 1 Ca Cargo Uni U nitt of  metals, which which you can add to your own cargo if if you have room pirate captain’s n’s head, for it. T he mate advis dvises you take the pirate which may bring a reward. I t was your lea leadership that that won the day. R oll oll two two dice dice, and if the result ult is is greater than your current current Ra R ank then then you gain a R ank. Y ou also gain 1-6 1-6 Stamina points permanently: increase your norma normal (unwou (unwounde nded) Stamina score by the roll roll of one one die. R emember that going going up in in R ank increases your Defence. Once you have made the necessary adjustme adjustments to you yourr Adventure Sheet, turn to 13. 493  The pira irates do no not stand on on ce ceremony. Yo Y ou are hauled ou out on on to the high high terr terra ace of the cita citadel and imp impaled on an iron iron spike. pike.  Yo  Y our bo body will will ha hang th there, st staring ing sigh ightlessly ou out to to sea, unt until the carrion birds have eaten their fill. Lose the codewords codewords Colour   and  and C rocus   if  if you had them, then turn to 123.

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 43 

494 ! If the box above is empty, put a tick tick in in it it and turn to 621. If the box wasalready ticked, ticked, turn turn to 639. 495 If your ship is is docked here you can put to sea. If I f not, you could could pay for passage to either either Dweome Dweomer or or Metri M etrici ciens ens, at a cost of 35 Shards in each case. or or to to Smogmaw for for 15 Shards rds. Put to sea turn to 19 Pay for for passage to Smogmaw turn turn to 535 Pay for for passage to Dweomer turn turn to 242 Pay for passage to M etrici etriciens ens turn to 260 496  The horse, a magnific ifice ent whit white e stallio llion n with with a mane of of silv silve er threads, drops rapidly out of the sky to alight gently on the deck. If you have the codeword word D ragon  , turn to 462. If not but ragon  you have the codeword codeword Edifice  , turn to 443. I f you have have neither ther codeword, turn to 424. 497  The mountain tu turns rns out to to be be a hollow llow roc rocky shell wit with h steps windi winding ng down ins inside it. Y ou stand at the top and gaze down the deep shaft. A faint faint sulphur ulphurous ous tang ris ri ses on the the wind wind from from far below. I nto the U nderworld  nderworld 5 Descend the the steps R eturn down the mountainside turn to6 to 606 498 A bles blessing costs 20 Shards if you are an ini initi tia ate, 40 Shards otherwis otherwise. You Y ou cannot buy a ble blessing from from M olhem olhem if you already have one. M olhem olhem’s bles blessing allows ows you a second attempt at any one failed M AGIC  roll roll. After After the second roll roll (whether succes uccessful or not) the bles blessing is is used up. If you buy a bles blessing, write wri te:: M AGIC reroll (one use) in the Bles Blessingsbox on on your Adventure nture Sheet. N ow turn to to 99. 499  There is an old old adage: set a thief to to ca catch a thief ief. Pre Presumably, ly, with with a little ttle leeway, the same princi pri ncipl ple e shoul hould mean that any crafty rogue can spot the loopholes in a villain’s alibi. M ake a THIEVERY  roll at a Difficulty of 14. Successful ful T HIEVERY roll turn to 481 Failed T HIEVERY roll turn to 463 500 witch’s hand  nd  casts a spell,  The  The witch’s pell , anima animating ting the the head so that that it it fli flies from from your belt and tri tries es to snap your throat betwee between n its its teeth.  Yo  Y ou must figh ight the grisly thing ing. H ead, C OMBAT  7, Defence Defence 14, Stamina 5 pirate captain’s n’s head  Yo  Y ou ca cannot fle flee. If yo you win win,, cro cros ss the pirate 4 8 2 off your list of possessions and turn to . 501  Yo  Y ou don’t even bother to loo look rou round when you hear the lookout call, ‘Flying fish!’

A moment la later you are hit in the back by a shark that has soared out of the sea on wi wide fins fins. O ther flyi flying ng sharks rks are attacking your crew, who are joining up to deal with them. But you are alone on the the poopdeck, poopdeck, and must fight fight your shark unaided. Flying shark, COMBAT  9, Defence 10, Stamina 27 If you manage to kill kill it, turn to 320. 502  The jaw of of th the skeletal ca captain drop rops open and a chillin illing g voice ice issues forth: ‘Go ‘Go to Chom C hompo po in Aka Akatsurai urai. The T here re you will will fi find a clue clue that wil wi ll lead you to to the tomb of the necroma necromancer Da Dawatsu M orituri orituri,, whom whom you you must set free. free. T his his is our dread lord’s lord’s command.’  They return to to th their ve vessel and sail off. Get Get th the codeword C enotaph and then turn to 321. 503  The shrine ine consists of no nothing ing more than an ob obelisk of of smooth green stone rais raised on a sandbank out in the the estuary. T he pries pri est tells tells you tha that to gain a bles blessing you must swim swim out to the the COUTING obelis obeli sk. T o succeed in this this you must make a S  roll at a Difficulty of 11. Successful ful SCOUTING roll turn to 147 Failed SCOUTING roll turn to 165 Don’t on’t make the attempt turn to 44 504  Yo  Y ou sail int into th the stretch of of oc ocean kn known as the Sea of Re R eeds, which which li liesbetween Bra Braelak and the Unnumbe U nnumbered Is I sles. R oll two dice dice.. Score 2-3 Storm turn to 598 Score Score 4-6 4-6 A gypsy caravan? turn turn to 480 Score 7-8 7-8 An uneventful voyage turn to 50 Score 9-12 9-12 A bank of reeds turn to 516 505  Yo  Y ou are on a stretch of shore. Surf pounds on white ite sand. At the back of the beach is is a wall of craggy grey rocks rocks covered with with hanging nging ferns. It I t is is the cla classic desert is island.  Turn  Turn to 177. 506  Yo  Y ou step softly across the cavern floo loor. A his hiss and spit makes you  jum  jump and loo look ove over yo your sh shoulde lder, but it is on only a damp log log gleaming ming sull ullenly in i n the embers of the the hearth. rth.  Yo  Y ou loo look ba back at th the beds. With With a thrill of of alarm yo you see they are now empty.  Turn  Turn to 121. 507  Yo  Y ou descend int into a small chamber where so some boxes are stacked up. Four Four men who are pla playing ying cards by the light light of an oil oil la lamp turn to to you with wi th startle rtled looks. looks. Before Before you can say a word, word, they have drawn cudgel cudgels from from ins inside their jerkins erkins and are advancing ncing to do business. M ake a COMBAT  roll at a Difficulty of 13. Successful ful C OMBAT roll turn to 579 Failed COMBAT roll turn to 597

 44 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

508  Yo  Y ou are wandering ing th throu rough th the pict icturesque cobbled streets of  old old Dweom Dweomer. er. T he place place lies lies under a perpetual shroud of  drizzle, except when thick fog billows in off the sea each morning. morning. Na N arrow rrow la latticed tticed windows windows give glimp glimpses of warm drawingwing-roo room ms inside the colleg colleges. If you have the codeword word C ancel , turn to 526. If I f not, not, turn to 687.

514 Lauri uria wakes up and launches launches herself across the darkened darkened bedroom with with a bloodblood-curdl curdliing yell. IIn n the faint stray beam of a stree treet la lamp you see aglint gli nt of of metal in her hand. M ake a COMBAT  roll at a Difficulty of 13. Successful ful C OMBAT roll turn to 532 Failed COMBAT roll turn to 550

509 !  Yo  Y ou continu inue do down the the shaft until you rea reach the roc rock face, where there are several wheelbarrows wheelbarrows stacked with with copper copper ore. ore. N o one is worki working ng here at the moment, but the next next shi shift ft wil wi ll arrive soon. If the box above is empty, put a tick tick in in it it and turn to 377. If  it wasalready ticked, ticked, turn turn to 396.

515 !  Yo  Y ou come across a man crouching ing miserably on a desolate reef. ‘If ‘I f you had not come come along I would would have been dead before the end of the the week,’ k,’ he says tearful rfullly as you help help him hi m aboard. I f the box above is empty, put a tick tick in in it it and turn to 608. If  the box was already ticked, turn to 572.

510 Get the codeword Colour  . People come flocking down from the citadel to watch you sail into the bay. T here are hundreds of them them - not jus j ust the crews of the the pi pirate vessels, but their their wives wivesand chil children too. T his his is a complete community, unity, jus j ust li like any number of of other other towns around the the world world except that thei their li livelihood velihood res rests on barebare-face faced villainy.  To impress on them that you are not to to be be trif rifled with ith you must make a CHARISMA roll  roll at Difficulty fficulty 15. 15. (Y ou can add 2 to the dice roll roll if your ship hip is is a galleon, and and 1 if if you have an excellent crew.) Successful ful C HARISMA roll turn to 656 Failed CHARISMA roll turn to 114 511 ‘A pira pirate galley!’ cries the lookout. lookout. Y ou foll follow the dire direction he’s pointi pointing ng to see a ship hip flyi flying ng the red pennant of the Ki Kingdom of  the Rea R eavers. Her Her oars give give her a good burs burst of speed over short short dis distances, and she is soon bearing ri ng down down on you. M ake a run for it turn to 529 Parley turn to 547 Fig Fight it out turn to 565 512  Yo  Y our an answer se seems to pu put Ist Isthmus Jack in a good mood. He bellows with with vici vi cious ous laughter and tel tells several stori toriesthat portray portray the old ki king, ng, Am A mcha One- Eye, in in a bad ligh light. t. Suddenly he stops la laughing ughing and gives gives you a long long hard stare. It is is at this thi s moment tha that you rea realize he’s quite quite ins insane. pirate captain’s n’s head, turn to 638. If you have a pirate Otherwise, turn to 656. 513  Yo  Y ou ris rise to the rank of second mate, but a couple of clos lose shaves with with the Sokara Sokaran navy convince convince you to get out whil while the going’s good.  Yo  Y ou jum jump ship in Smogmaw after fir firs st he helpin lping g yourself to a sword word (COMBAT  +1  +1) fro  from m the ship's ship's magazine. zine.  Turn  Turn to 44.

516 ‘Curse ‘C urse the luck!’ luck!’ snarls rls the helmsman. ‘We ‘W e’re ’re caught in in these reeds.’  Yo  Y ou lo look ov over th the side ide. Thick Thick fr fronds of dri driffting ing weed snag your rudder rudder and and choke the water in in all dire directions ctions. R oll one di die. Score ore 1-2 Drift with with the the curre rrent turn turn to5 to 534 Score Score 3-4 3-4 Seagypsiesarri rrive turn turn to 552 Score Score 5 Becalmed turn turn to 570 Score 6 Y ou break free free turn to 50 517  Yo  Y ou while while away se several hours chatting ing to to the pr priest. He is a simple man of of peasant stock, tock, rather superstiti titious ous but easy to to get on with. wi th. H e tells you al all sorts of fa fables he has heard - some of  them containing a grain of truth, no doubt. Among the stori tories he tells tells you are accounts ccounts of Sta Starspike rspike Island, which whi ch he claims claims has a mountain mountain so high high that no one can breathe at its its summit, of the the Is Island of Fire, Fi re, whi which ch he believes to be an active ctive volca volcano, and the Slee Sleeping ping Is Isle, where a spell puts all who arrive there into deep slumber. I t is is time time you were on your way. ‘D ‘Do you ne need a blessing?’ asks the pries priest. T urn to to 498. 518 Days pass and the suppli upplies are runni running ng low low when fi finally you see another nother vessel sailing towards towards you. She is is an A Akats katsurese slave ship hip bound for the Bla Black Pa Pagoda. H er master is is reluctant to approa pproach because of the pla plague, but at la last you prevail on hi him to put aboard a few of his his slaves who are too frai fraill or intra ntractable to be worth transporting further. As the Akats Akatsurese ship hip sails off, off, your motley handful handful of new crewmen raise three three cheers. ‘Y ‘Y ou’ve ou’ve saved us from from a pretty dire di re fate, ski skippe pper,’ r,’ says a fellow who appoints ppoints himself your first first ma mate. ‘We’ll do our best to serve you faithfully.’ N ote that your Crew C rew Qua Quality li ty is now poor and turn to3 to 337. 519  The Aka Akatsurese ca captain is gra grateful for everything ing yo you’ve ’ve to told him. him. ‘N ‘N ow I can get agood deal on my cargo,’ rgo,’ he he says. golden gol den kata na (C H e presents you wi with a OMBAT +1) and tells tells you that you will will be welcome in the city of Chambara. R eturning to your your own shi ship, you sail on. Turn T urn to2 to 228.

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 45 

520  The men say nothing ing, on only loo look at you reproachfully lly as you get into the the cutter and row away from from the becalmed ship. hip. ‘If ‘I f looks looks were curses,’ the first first mate says in your ear, ‘we’d ‘we’d fry in hell tonight.’ Cross the vessel’s el’s details off your Ship’s Ship’s Ma Manifes nifest. After days at sea the others others have succumbed to thi thirst and feve fever. Y ou are left left to bend dogge doggedly over the oars, determined rmined to struggle for for li life until the gods see fit to snuff out your wretched life. At la last you see a stretch tretch of shoreli shoreline. ne. Y ou shake the mate’s arm, tryi trying ng to rouse him, but he is stiff tiff and col cold. d. T he others others too - all are dead. Y ou alone alone survi urvive to stagger ashore. hore.  Turn  Turn to 313. 521  The skeletons present yo you wit with h tr tribu ibute in th the fo form of antiqu ique coins coins and jewe jewellery from from the lockers lockers of sunken wrecks. T he total value of this this haul is i s 750 Shards. ‘T ill death do us join,’ oin,’ calls out the skeletal captain as he sails away. Turn T urn to 321. 522  Yo  Y ou cannot break fr free of th the Gor Gorgons’ cu curse. Yo Y ou are doomed to remain stock-s tock- still till,, a livi living ng statue, tue, until until worn down by time and wind wind and rain. Erase all codewords, ticks ticks and notes on your Fabled L ands  Adventure dventure Sheet and start again (a (at 1 in any Fabled  book) with with a new character. 523  Yo  Y ou cast grappling ling hooks to to hold your vessel alon longside ide the the slavers’ ship hip whil while ladde ladders are flung flung out to allow your your crew to go board. T he U ttaki ttakin n warri rriors stand ready to recieve you; their their smiles milesgive give asensation tion of of grim gri m foreboding. forebodi ng. R oll three three dice if you are a Warrior, rrior, or two dice if you belong long to any other other profe profession. Add A dd you R ank to this this roll. roll.  Then, if your crew is poor quality lity, subtract 2 from the total. If the crew crew is is good quality, add 2. If I f the crew is excellent xcellent quality, add 3. Score 0-4 Y ou are killed turn to1 to 123 Score ore 5-15 Enslaved; lose 2-12 2-12 Stamina turn to 613 Score 16-17 -17 The The Utta Uttakin with ithdraw turn to 300 Score 18+ Outright utright victory victory turn to 559 524  Yo  Y ou are woken by a sound in the nigh ight. Your Your heart is pounding ing and you you are soaked in in sweat. Y ou must have been having having a nigh nightm tma are. Ei Either that that or you know what is is to come. T urn to 121. 525  The spectres mistake yo you for one of their own kind ind. They converse with with you you on such subjects ubjects as the vapours of the the moon, oon, the quality of the afterli fterlife, and and the true nature of eternity. eternity. T hese are secrets that no morta mortal ever hea heard, and you wi will never be the same again. Gain one one Ra R ank. Y ou can permanently increa increase your unwounded Sta Stamina score by 11- 6 points points (the roll roll of one one die). Also, going up in R ank will wi ll increase your your De Defence fence by 1.  Turn  Turn to 633.

526  Yo  Y ou run run int into old Gaspar Savaloy loy, who was once your helmsman. He H e has fil filled out to his his forme former rotund rotund figure fi gure since the time time you res rescued him from from virtual virtual slavery slavery in in the mines mines on Copper opper I sland. H is clothes clothes are quite quite fine fine too – as befits a man who is now one of the wealthies thiest merchants in in these parts rts. ‘Ca ‘C are to specul pecula ate, skippe skipper?’ he asks you. ‘I ‘I’ve ’ve got a hot tip tip that’s sure to show a profit.’ M ake an investment turn to 652 C heck heck on an earli rlier investment turn to 359 Bid Bi d him him goodgood-day turn to 687 527 ‘Er, ‘Er, something thing for your cella cellar. M aster,’ you say lamely, handing wine. (C ross over the bottle of wine. ross it off your Adventure She Sheet.) et.) ‘Splend ‘Splendiid,’ says the Ma Master, somewha somewhat molli mollified fied. ‘And ‘A nd rest assured that I’ I’ve been keeping ping abreast of your your work work .. ... er, whateve whatever your name is ... ... and I think think you you can expect good marks rks at the end of term. Ma M antel wil wi ll show you out.’ out.’  Turn  Turn to 607. 528  Yo  Y ou wait unt until midn idnigh ight before setting ing of off on foot. Y ou are alone. Y our men didn’t didn’t sign up to fight fight as marines ri nesin a nocturna nocturnal raid, and in in any case it wil will be easier to sneak into i nto the the pira pirate camp on your own. Get the codeword C rocus   a  and turn to 362. 529 R oll two dice and add your your R ank. Add A dd 1 to the total if i f you have an average crew, 2 if if you you have a good crew, crew, or 3 if if you you have an excellent excell ent crew. Score 1-6 1-6 T he pirate pirates overtake you turn to 565 Score 7+ Y ou outrun outrun them turn to 32 530  Yo  Y ou fin find d a ship dr drift ifting ing on on th the op open sea. H er sa sails are furled, fluttering gently in the breeze. ‘I can’t n’t see anyone aboard, captain,’ holl hollers the looko lookout. ut. Go alongside turn to 548 Sail past turn to 32 531  Yo  Y our short and ing inglor loriou ious career as as a pira irate is cut short wh when you are left behind behind after fter a dis disastrous trous attack on an Uttaki U ttakin n merchantman. Y ou are hung from from the yardarm with with mini minima mal fuss and the sailors do not even even bother to watch you ‘ki ‘kicki cking ng N agil’s gil’s jig’ jig’ as the expression goes. T urn to 123. 532  Yo  Y ou lay Lauria ria out with ith a righ ight cros ross. Sh She’ll ’ll wa wake up with ith a bad headache, but that that was on the the cards anywa nyway after the the amount mount of  of  cide cider she drank. Y ou take the opport opportuni unity ty to steal 250 Shards (COMBAT  +1  +1) before sneaking off into the night. and a dagger (C Lose the codeword word A nger   and  and turn to 675. 533 Wavering ring like like willwill-o’o’-the the--wis wisps above a light haze, a ship’s hip’s lights lights gradually appear out out of the night. night. A pallid mariner riner in in a ragged, ancientncient-llooki ooking coat calls to you from from the rail, rail, saying ying that the ship hip is is under a curse. Behind ehind him him stands a throng throng of of sad-face d-faced seamen.

 46 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

‘We ‘W e cannot put in in to any any port,’ port,’ the captain explains in a holl hollow voi voice, ‘but are doomed to sail the high high seas for evermore.’ If you want to lift lift the curse you wil wi ll need to make a MAGIC roll at a Difficulty of 15. Lift the curse turn to 410 Fail (or don't try) turn to 137 534 It takesseveral days to clea clean off off all the reedsthat were cloggi clogging ng the rudder. R oll oll one die die to see where the current hastaken you. Score 1 turn to 301 Score 2 turn to 205 Score 3 turn to 42 Score 4 turn to 281 Score 5 turn to 402 Score 6 turn to 189 535 Fair winds winds and calm seas bring bring you swiftl swiftly y to the southern continent. Y ou sail up the Noza Nozama R iver, which which is is so wide wide at this this point point that the far bank is is barely vis vi sible as a thin thin li line of  muddy green under a sunun-washed sky. ky.  The ca captain point ints to to a sh shanty town on the near bank. Behind ehind it, it, the jungl jungle e broods broods under a haze of steam. ‘Smogm ‘Smogmaw,’ w,’ he says. Cross off the 15 Shards for your voyage if you haven't paid already, then turn to 44. 536  The accused prot rotests his inn innocence, bu but you are convinc inced he is guil guilty. As he is is tossed overboard he shri hrieks a curs curse on everyone ryone aboard. Only nly la later do you find find out he was the seventh son of a seventh son, born born in in Dweom Dweomer during during an eclips eclipse of the the moon.  To deflect the curse you must make a MAGIC  roll at Difficulty 14. Successful ful M AGIC roll turn to 188 Failed M AGIC roll turn to 641 537  Yo  Y ou reach a cle clearin ring wh where a vast blu blue pla plane tre tree stands, its its branches twi twisted chaotica oti cally, some stretchi tretching ng towa towards the sky, others resting ting like like tired tired serpents on the ground. T here is a feeling of being watched by hundreds of invisible eyes. rate captain’s n’s head, turn to 500. If not, If you you possess api a pirate turn to 482. 538  Yo  Y ou encounter a ship bound from Danger, wh where the harbour is set in in cli cliffs ffs a thous thousand feet feet above bove the sea and vessels must be winched winched up. T he captain hail hails you and says he has a Cargo U nit nit of minerals in his hold that he would be willing to exchange for one Cargo Uni Unitt of any other other commodity. Alter the details on your Ship’s Ship’s Ma Manifes nifest if if you tra trade cargoes with him, then turn to 3.

539  The skeletons are all arou round yo you. T hey make a noise lik like e th the rattling rattli ng of holl hol low sticks sticks as they clasp your limbs and try try to bear you to the cabin floor.  To driv rive the them off off you must make a COMBAT   roll at a Difficulty of 15. Successful ful C OMBAT roll turn to 557 Failed COMBAT roll turn to 484 540 On the the way up the cli cliffpa ffpath you you pass a few seagull gulls that stand dead stil till, no no doubt under under the same spell that affl fflicts the vil villagers. Ahead li lies a great bronze bronze door set in in the rocks rocks. Y ou have a feeling that is where you’ll find the source of the trouble. K nock boldly boldly on the door turn to 631 Look for a way to sneak in turn to 649 541 R oll two dice and add your your R ank. Add A dd 1 to the total if i f you have an average crew, 2 if if you you have a good crew, crew, or 3 if if you you have an excellent excell ent crew. Score ore 1-6 Boarding rding action tion turn turn to5 to 523 Score core 7-10 Enemy ship cripple crippled turn turn to5 to 577 Score core 11+ Enemy ship sinks turn turn to5 to 595 542 Fores st of L arun   Yo  Y ou discover that W alks in the Fore , by Bosqua Bosquay d’Arborealle, is missing from the shelves. When you point this out to the librari libraria an he looks looks in his hi s fil files and says, 'Ah 'Ah yes, that book is is out on loa loan to the Ma Master ter of the Coll C olle ege. I t’s overdue, rdue, actually.’ ‘Y ou should tell him to return return it.’ it.’ H e givesyou an extraordi xtraordina nary look. look. ‘Y ou tell tell him him!’  Turn  Turn to 368. 543  Yo  Y ou step for forward int into the the gh ghost-light. The spectres fa fall sile silent and turn like drifting wisps of smoke to face you. ‘What’s this?’ you cry in in outra outrage. ‘I ‘If tombs and charnelrnel-houses cannot hold hold the dead, buri burials should hould be made in in ra ravens’ guts inste instead!’ ‘Will you mock us, mortal?’ creaks a dusty voice.  The spectres reach ou out wit with wh white ite hands, thin think king ing to to take your soul, oul, but you you confo confound und them them by speaking ki ng one of the the names of Ha H arkun rkun the Crea Creatortor-God. T he spectres dis disband into into tatters of  fading fading ectopla ectoplasm.  They de departed so suddenly th that th they left something ing on on th the floor floor of the the cavern: a pattern of sparkl rkling lines li nes made up of tiny ti ny ice crystals. Y ou stoop, dis discovering covering on clos closer ins inspecti pection on that the lines mark out out the steps of their their dance dance.. IIntr ntriiguing. Y ou practise it yours yourself – a stately minuet minuet which which can be easily executed with with both dignity and grace. ruel  a Get the codeword C ruel   and then turn to to 633. 544  The sky tu turns the colou lour of of bu burning ing sulph lphur and be begins ins to spit lightning like gobbets of hot demons’ blood. I f you have the bles blessing of Alvi Al virr and and V Va almir, lmir, which which confers confers Safety from from Storms, you can ignore ignore the storm. torm. Cross C ross off your bles blessing and turn turn to 311. Otherwis therwise you are at the mercy of the storm. torm. Rol R olll one one die die if  your ship is is a barque, two dice dice if it it is is a briga brigantine, ntine, or three three dice dice

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 47 

if a galleon. Add Add 1 to the roll roll if you have an excellent crew; subtra ubtract 1 if if you ha have apoor poor crew. crew. Score ore 0-4 Y our our ship sinks inks turn turn to6 to 634 Score 5-6 5-6 T he mast splits pli ts turn to 616 Score 7-19 7-19 Y ou weather the storm torm turn to 13 545  Yo  Y ou giv give e th the or order to tr trim sail, sc scullin lling g silently clo clos ser to th the R eavers’ stronghold stronghold under under cover of darkness. T he lookout lookout points to lights li ghts twinkl twinkliing at the back of a wide bay. ‘T ‘T here, cap’n!’ cap’n!’ he says. ‘H ow do you want to pla play it?’ it?’ asks the first first mate. ‘A ‘A frontal frontal assault, ult, or go in in sneaky-l ky- like?’ Sail straight into the bay turn to 510 Drop anchor out beyond beyond the headland turn to 528 M ake for open ocean turn to 164 546  Yo  Y ou ma manage to to live live qu quite ite we well off the land, even catching ing a rabbit rabbit which whi ch makes quite quite a fine fine stew with wi th some mushrooms hrooms and berrie rri es. R ecover 2 Stamina poi points nts if injur i njure ed. If you have the codeword word C olour  , turn to 438. If I f not the then you could could either try to make yourself a boat (turn (turn to 637) or or search for for a settlem ettlement on the the is island (turn (turn to 655). 547  The pira irates pull alon longside ide and cast grappling ling hooks to seize ize your vessel. Within thin moments they they are swarming rming aboard. Y ou offer offer them your goods, goods, but plea plead for the freedom of your crew. M ake a C HARISMA roll at a Difficulty of 15. Successful ful C HARISMA ro  roll turn to 416 Failed CHARISMA roll turn to 435 548  Yo  Y ou lead a small bo boarding ing pa party rty ov over to th the deserte rted ship. ip. As you go aboard, a bla black cat strol trollls out fro from m behind hind a hatch and watches you warily. Suddenly your your bos bosun pounces pounces forw forwa ard and seizes eizes the anima nimal. ‘Qui ‘Q uick, ck, we’ve we’ve got to throw it it overboard!’ he says. Let him him jettison the cat turn to 566  Tell  Tell him to leave it alon lone turn to 584 549  Yo  Y ou return to the ship an and set sail with ithout delay. Los Lose the the codeword C rocus   if you had it, then turn to 164.  if 550  The knif knife e sink inks d de eep into into your shoulde lder. Los Lose 2-1 2-12 2 St Stamina ina points (the roll roll of two dice dice). Y ou realize li ze at once that the knife knife was coated with with pois poison, and even even a scratch cratch wil wi ll kil ki ll you unles unless you have a bles blessing of Imm Immunity unity to Di Disease/P e/ Pois oison. (If (I f you use such a bles blessing, rem remember to cross crossit off off your your Adventur Adventure e Sheet.) t.) If you are killed, killed, whether by the knife-w knife-wound ound itself or the poison, turn to 123. If I f you survive urvive, rum to 532. 551 A trick tri ck of of the the light light throws throws red red shadows against the the western clouds. Squinting into the blaze of dying sunlight, you imagine a scene of battle. An owl flies above phalanxes of troops, guiding them to victor vi ctory y against demons with with round round shields shields who seem to emerge out of of a great blood blood--washed la lake.

‘Daydreaming, ming, skipper?’ skipper?’ asks the first first mate. Startled rtled out of your reverie, reverie, the spell is i s broken. broken. Now N ow you see see only a line of pink clouds under the gathering curtain of night. Get the codeword C ycl  and turn to 59. ycl ops  ops  552 A floa floating ting mat of interwoven reeds reeds bearing ring coloured coloured tents can be seen on the hori horizon: It is i s one of the caravans of the sea gypsies.  They cross to you in coracles. ‘Y ou’ll ou’ll never ver get get those reeds off your hull,’ hull,’ they they tell tell you. ‘Grow like wildfire, they do. We’ll get you free of them for a hundred hundred Shards; how about iit?’ t?’ ‘T hey might be our best bet,’ t,’ says the bosun. Pay them 100 Shards turn turn to 50  Try bartering ing turn to 715  Tell  Tell them to go away turn to 570 553 N ote that your ship hip is is now docked docked at Coppe C opperr Is I sland and then turn to 99. 554  The crew despise you for taking ing no action ion. The They start to mutter about appointi appointing ng a new captain and putting putting you ashore hore on a deserted is island. Lose 1 from from your C HARISMA  and, using your new score, core, make a CHARISMA roll at Difficulty 13. Successful ful C HARISMA roll turn to 188 Failed CHARISMA roll turn to 599 555  The hand suddenly goes rig rigid, id, its its fing ingers point inting ing out a narrow row toads toadstooltool-lined pa path you had not noti notice ced before. fore. Follo Follow w the path turn to 537  Turn  Turn back turn to 388 556 One of the the crew is is revealed as a woman who dis di sguis guised herself in in order to sign aboard. H er dece deception ption onl only comes to li light beca because she is about to give give bi birth. ‘I thought he – er, she – was getting tting rather tubby, tubby,’’ says the ship’ hip’s s surge urgeon. ‘Ca ‘C an you delive deliver the child? child?’ you ask him hi m. ‘Y ou’re ou’re joking oking.. I can barely set a splint.’ pli nt.’  There is nothing ing for it. it. You must set a course for th the Island of Fi Fire, a volcanic is i sle which which is is the nearest pla place where you might ght find fi nd a com compe petent tent midwife. midwife. Tha T hankfully nkfully you reach it it before the woman goes into la labour. T he islande islanders give you a fri friendl endly welcome and their their chief’s chi ef’s wives wivestake the woman to their hut.  Turn  Turn to 461. 557  The skeletons retreat in disorder to their seaweed-festooned hulk and hois hoi st a ragged web of canvas. Y our men watch in in silence as they sail away.  Yo  Y ou notice ice that your hands are trembling ling now that shock has had time time to set in. in. Y ou steady them on the ra rail and bark orders for the crew to stop gawping wping and get back to work. work. T hey speedil dily comply, only only too happy to forget their encounter with wi th the skeletal pirates pirates.  Turn  Turn to 321.

 48 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

558  These are choppy seas and the strong current makes swimming ing diffi difficult. cult. Y ou also have the problem of keeping tra track of the surge urgeon over over the the heavy swell. swell.  To rescue him you must make a SCOUTING  roll at a Diffi Di fficulty culty of 14. If I f you fail you will will be forced to return return to the ship without him. Successful ful SCOUTING roll turn to 427 Failed SCOUTING roll turn to 22 559  The enemy ship’s ip’s ho hold is full full of slaves, many of whom are are wealthy men. Y ou are rewarded with with 950 Shards for free freeing them. ‘Wha ‘W hat shall we we do with with the survivi urvi ving ng U ttakin, ttakin, cap’n?’ cap’n?’ as asks the the master at arms. ‘Le ‘L eave them to the mercy of their their forme former captives,’ you tell him. ‘We’ve bigger fish to fry elsewhere.’ After survivi surviving ng such a tough scrape crape you might go up in in R ank. R oll two dice dice, and if the result is greater ter than your current current R ank then you ga gain a R ank. Y ou also gain 1-6 1-6 Stamina points points permanently: increase your normal (unwounded) (unwounded) Stamina score by the roll roll of one one die. R emember that going up a R ank increasesyour Defence by 1. Once you have made the necessary adjustme djustments to your your Adventure Sheet, turn to 300. 560  The Mas Master waves you to a chair and thrusts a glass of sherry int into your hand. He H e then drones on at great length length about all manner of subjects ubjects.  Yo  Y ou wake up suddenly to he hear him him describ ribing ing the Fore Forest of  of  Larun: ‘... ‘...whi which ch may have been the wiza wizard’s rd’s tomb found by Silvanus Ent. Doctor Ent's studies suggested the demonic door of the tomb would would respond to the password word “R ebirth”. rth”. Who Who can say why? Le Let me tell you my own theory... theory...’’  Yo  Y ou doze off again. in. Whe When you wake the next time, yo you are being carried back to your room by two college servants. ‘Y ou’re ou’re lucky, sir,’ sir,’ says one chirpil chirpily. y. ‘H ow's that?’ you ask, yawning. wning. ‘He ‘H e literally kil killed the last one with with boredom. boredom. Stone dead, like!’ Get the codeword Crag   and turn to 607. 561  Yo  Y ou sneak back up the tu tunnel. Make a THIEVERY   roll at a Difficulty of 12. Successful ful T HIEVERY roll turn to 633 Failed T HIEVERY  ro  roll turn to 669 562  The sky is th the co colou lour of burning ing su sulph lphur. Fro From be behind ind the clouds conies the growl of thunder. T he sailors lors mutter in in fear. ‘It ‘I t is the wrath of El E lnir, nir,’’ says the mate. ‘H ‘H e summons us to our our doom!’ If you have the blessing of Alvi Alvirr and and Va Valmir, lmir, which which confers Safety from from Storms, you can ignore ignore the storm. C ross off your bles blessing and turn turn to 13. Otherwis rwise the storm hi hits with with undilute undiluted fury. R oll one die if  your shi ship p is a barque, two dice dice if it it is is a briga brigantine, ntine, or three three dice dice

if a galleon. Add Add 1 to the roll roll if i f you have an subtra ubtract 1 if if you you have apoor crew. Score ore 0-4 Y our our ship sinks inks Score5-6 T he mast splits Score 7-19 7-19 Y ou weather the storm torm

excellent crew; turn turn to6 to 634 turn turn to6 to 616 turn to 311

563 Choppy seas throw throw up fountains fountains of white white spume from the the trea treacherous cherous offshore offshore rocks. rocks. Somewhere amid the hundreds hundreds of  islands is the place where the Re R eavers keep their their spoils spoils - but it it would would take a master ma mariner riner to find fi nd it. it. T ry a SCOUTING roll at a Difficulty of l5. Successful ful SCOUTING roll turn to 653 Failed SCOUTING roll turn to 671 564  There are fo four vessels docked he here at Bra Braelak. T he silk-ro ilk-rob bed captain of of an Akats Akatsurese galley is is prepared to take you to to Chambara for 20 Shards. A mercha rchant whose whose vessel is i s bound for R inghorn nghorn will wi ll take you along for 10 Sha Shards. T here is is an explorer explorer who who wants 15 Shards to take you to Smogmaw. Or you you can arra rrange passage to Aku aboard an U ttakin ttakin wa warship rship for for 15 Shards. Pay for passage to Chambara turn turn to 600 Pay for passage to R inghorn turn to 618 Pay for passage to Aku turn turn to 636 Pay for for passage to Smogmaw turn turn to 535  Tak  Take the road to Dwe Dweomer turn to 175 565  The ship slams int into yo you and th the pira irates come swarming ing across the rail like army ants. Your Y our crewmen crewmen stand ready to sell their lives dearly. R oll three three dice if you are a Warrior, rrior, or two dice if you belong to any any other other profes profession. Add A dd your R ank to this thi s roll. roll.  Then, if your cre crew is is poor qu quality lity, subtract 2 from rom the total. If  the crew is is good, add 2. 2. I f the crew is is excellent, xcellent, add add 3. Score0-4 C alamity; ity; you you are killed killed turn turn to1 to 123 Score 5-9 5-9 Crushing defeat; lose 2-12 2-12 Stamina turn to 435 Score 10-13 10-13 Forced to give in; lose 1-6 1-6 Stamina turn to 416 Score 14-17 T he pira pirateswithdraw withdraw turn to 32 Score 18+ 18+ Outright utright victory victory turn to 583 566  The ca cat was th the ve vessel’s l’s sole livin living g crewmember. Now that you’ve you’ve got rid rid of it, it, you can can le legally hel help yourself to the the cargo.  This  This comprises 2 Cargo Unit Units. R oll one one die to to de determine ine th the commodity. Score 1 M in inerals Score 2 Spices Score 3 M etals Score 4 T extiles xtiles Score 5 Furs Score 6 T imber  Yo  Y ou can add this to your own cargo if you have roo room on board. T hen turn to 620.

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 49 

567  Yo  Y our old old frie riend Veri Verin n Croo Crookback agrees to he help you. He takes you to where where your ship is i s lying ying at anchor. nchor. Y our men have been pressed into service ervice in the fields fields to gather produce produce for the R eavers’ table, but with with Veri Verin’s n’s help you round up most of  them and set sail under cover of darknes rkness. Lose the codeword word C olour   a  and turn to 164. 568  Tala  Talanexor re recoils in alarm. He had expected his his reputation ion as a swift wift dis dispenser of fiery fi ery death to lea leave you cowed. He H e flicks fli cks his finge fingers and a globe globe of col cold blue blue fla flames erupts from from the ground ground at his his feet.  Yo  Y ou tu turn aside ide, dazzled, and wh when yo you loo look ag again he he ha has gone. Get the codeword C heese   and turn to 675. 569 A narrowrrow-hull hulle ed ship hip with with tria tri angular ngular sails pulls alongside. At the rail are turbanned men from from Mi Mithdrak, a port of of fabulous renown renown to the the far wes west.  The merch rchants offer to to tra trade cargo wit with h yo you. Th T hey ha have 2 Cargo Uni U nits ts of textiles textiles, which which they are will williing to excha exchange on a one- for-one for- one ba basis for U nits nits of furs furs, tim ti mber or grain. When you have complete completed your business, turn to 264. 570  Yo  Y ou cannot make any headway. Your Your ship is trapped in the Sea of R eeds; each day your suppli upplies of food food and water get lower lower and lower. R oll one die. die. Score 1-2 Y ou die of thirst turn to1 to 123 Score 3-4 3-4 H elp arrive rri ves turn to 552 Score 5-6 5-6 T he current current carri rriesyou clear turn to 205 571 Dweomer is i s the famous City of Wi W izards. Lining ning its narrow, rrow, perpetually dri drizzlezzle-s soaked stree treets are the sorcerous sorcerous colleg colleges: great gothic gothic edifi edifices with with port porta als that are as big big as those of any castle. tle. Gargoyles stare down the rooftops rooftops,, crouching crouching below the the overcast sky. It is is said that some of those those gargoyles rgoyles are fa failed students. Apply to join oin a colle college turn to 625 Explore Explore the town turn to 508  Traverse the avenue to the docks turn to 175 Visit your college ! (i  (if box ticked) turn to 607  Trade magica ical ite items turn to 589 572  The castaway is a merchant from rom Met Metricie iciens whose crew mutini mutinied ed and set him him ashore hore on the reef to die. die. ‘M ay the gods harry rry them until unti l the end of thei theirr days!’ he he says with strong feeling. He gives you some advice dvice on the the best inves investments. Get Get the codeword Catalyst    if you didn’t have it already, then turn to 245. 573  The Blu Bluewood is the fo forest th that lies south of Dwe Dweomer. Th T he magica gical soil soil of the the island has imbued the vegetation tion there there with with a strange actinic glow.

I t’s t’s said that a ship hip whos whose mast is is cut fro from m a Bluewood tree tree wil will always find find its its way back to Brae Braelak Is I sle. But the book goes goes on to warn of the the many dangers lurki urking ng in in the fores forest’s t’s depths, not the the least of which which is is the Wi Wind Spiri Spiritt that can steal a man’s soul.  Turn  Turn to 368. 574  The dead man’sghost can be seen pacing ing the deck at nigh ight. The crew go go about about wide wide-eyed with with fri fright. I f you cannot cannot exorcize the ghost there will will be no no option option but to abandon ship. hip. For For an exorci exorcis sm to succeed you must make a SANCTITY  roll at a Difficulty of 15. Successful ful SANCTITY roll turn to 41 Failed SANCTITY roll turn to 628 575  This  This is no time to to minc ince wo words. Y ou utt utter one of of the tr true names of the Crea C reator – a name of such sacred for force ce that it it remorselessly divi divide des death from from li life and al allows no middle middle ground.  To see if you get it righ ight, make a SANCTITY   roll at a Difficulty of 19. Successful ful SANCTITY roll turn to 593 Failed SANCTITY roll turn to 484 576 ! If the box above is empty, put a tick tick in in it it and turn to to 229. If the box wasalready ticked, ticked, turn turn to 599. 577  Yo  Y our pro prow w dri driv ves int into the the Utt Uttakin ship on on its its port side ide. The impact smashes its paddles ddles, leaving ving the the slavers unable unable to pur pursue as you sail away.  Turn  Turn to 300. 578  Yo  Y ou start to stammer ou out yo your reasons for co coming ing to to see him.  To your dismay, the Ma M aster has ris risen from rom his his ch chair and is staring ri ng at you very oddl oddly. Y ou ha have never seen anyone’s nyone’s eyes literally glow with rage before. What wil will you you give as your rea reason for dis disturbing turbi ng him? Ask about the Fores Forest of Larun turn to 632 Ask about desert islands turn turn to 596 Ask about pirate pirates turn to 614 wine (iff you have one) Offer abottle a bottle of wine(i turn to 527 579  Yo  Y ou manage to best them in a short strug ruggle, taking ing full advantage of the the cramped space that prevents prevents them from from surroundi urrounding ng you. Soon only only one of the men is is stil till cons conscious cious.. Fight Fi ght him in in the usual way. M an, COMBAT  4, Defence D efence 5, Stamina 5 Flee Flee back to the surfa urface turn to 25 Fight Fi ght on and win win turn to 615 580 I f you have the blessing of Alvi Alvirr and and V Va almir, which which confers Safety from from Storms, you can ignore ignore the storm. torm. Cross C ross off your bles blessing and turn turn to 32.

 50 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

Otherwis therwise it hits hits with with unaba unabated fury, rippi ripping ng huge wavesout of the seaand fli flinging nging them acrossthe deck. R oll oll one die if if your ship is a barque, two dice if it is a brigantine, or three dice if it is a galleon. Add Add 1 to the roll roll if you have an excellent crew; subtra ubtract 1 if if you ha have apoor poor crew. crew. Score ore 0-4 Y our our ship sinks inks turn turn to6 to 634 Score 5-6 5-6 T he mast splits pli ts turn to 616 Score 7+ Y ou weather the storm torm turn to 13

585 Lose the codeword word A mcha    and get C utlas   in in its plac place e. Y ou utl ass  know tha that the guildm guil dmaster wil will wa want proof proof that the Rea R eaver Ki King mcha's head to is dead. Y ou sl slice through his his neck and add Amcha's your li list of possessions. T hen you slip li p out of of the cita citadel and hurry hurry through through the stree treets to the the edge of tow town. n. I f you have the codeword word C rocus  , turn to 549. Otherwise, 4 3 6 turn to .

581  The ship is swept far out out to sea. Men Men an and go goods are wa washed overboa overboard by by huge waves that snap your your hawsers like li ke twi twine. Lose 1 C argo Uni U nitt (if (i f you have any cargo) and reduce your crew quality by one step — i.e. an excellent quality crew becomes good, good, a good good quality quali ty crew crew becomes avera verage, and an average quality crew crew becomes poor. poor. (A (A poor crew can’t get any worse!) At last the storm blows itse itself out. Y ou are left drifti drifting ng in unknown waters.  Turn  Turn to 118.

586  The duel is arranged for for the ne next day, to be he held in Erebus M eadow. Q uite uite a crowd gathers in the hope of seeing some spectacula cular sorcery. I n the event, however, however, T alanexor does not commence with with one one of his hi s fabled fireba fireballs. Ins I nstead, as the challenged party, rty, he poses a conundr conundrum. um. You Y ou must solve olve it it or forfeit the duel! ‘T here are thirty thirty coll colleges in Dweom Dweomer,’ er,’ he says. ‘T ‘T he other day I attended a sherry herry party where where there were were six others others besides myself. elf. What wa was the chance that at lea least two two of us belonged to the same coll college?’ What will you answer?  Twenty per cent turn to 658  Twenty-five -five per cent turn to 694 Fifty Fi fty per cent turn to 703

582  Yo  Y ou lie down and clos lose your eyes. Wha What’s the harm in having ing a short snooze until unti l the tide tide turns and you can set sail? You Y ou deserve a rest.. t... But you and your cr crew ew are destined tined never to awaken. Even resurre urrection ction is is no use use - you are not dead, only only sleeping. ping. Cross C ross off all codewords, ticks and notes from your Fabled L ands   books and begin again wi with a new character. 583  Yo  Y ou help yourself to the pira irates’ treasure, wh which ich amounts to 600 Shards. R ecord it it on your Adventure Shee Sheet. T heir shi ship’s hold contains 1 Ca Cargo Uni U nitt of metals, which which you can add to your own cargo if you have room for it. pirate captain’s n’s head. ‘A  Yo  Y our mate advises ta taking ing the the pirate gris grisly trophy, trophy, perhaps perhaps, but often often there’s a rewa reward if i f you you have proof you’ve slain such a devil.’  Yo  Y our co courage migh ight also earn yo you another pr prize ize. R oll tw two dice dice. and if the result ult is is greater than than your current current Ra R ank the then you gain a R ank. Y ou al also gain 1-6 1-6 Stamina points points permanently: increase your norma normal (unwounded) (unwounded) Stamina score by the rol rolll of  one die. die. Re R emember that going going up in Ra R ank wil wi ll increa i ncrease your Defence by 1. Once you have made the necessary adjustme adjustments to you yourr Adventure Sheet, turn to 32. 584 cat. T he sailors  Yo  Y ou pick ick up up the black cat. lors all slope off with wi th sulle ull en looks. ‘I suppose they think think I’ve I ’ve ruine ruined their fun?’ fun?’ you remark to the bosun. ‘H ‘H ow coul could d you be so cruel cruel as to even even think think of  hurting this poor animal?’ ‘It ‘I t was wasn’t for for the sake of cruelty,’ he protests. ‘Any ‘A ny livi li ving ng thing thi ng aboard means that the the ship hip doesn’t count count as abandoned, and we can’t help help ourse ourselves to her her cargo.’ rgo.’ If you are a M age turn to 602 If any other profes profession turn to 620

587  The Fur Furies seem to bear you a grud rudge. Your Your crewmen are in no hurry to get involved. While they cower below decks, you are left to fight fight the Furies uries on your own. T he crea creatures attack ttack you one after fter the other, cackli ckling as they swing wing their their bra brass-studded flails. First Fury, COMBAT  12, Defence D efence 19, Stamina 25 Second Fury, COMBAT  12, Defence D efence 19, Stamina 25  Third  Third Fur Fury, COMBAT  12, Stamina Stamina 19, Stam Stamina 25  There is no escape from this battle. If you defeat them all, ll, turn to 321. 588  Yo  Y our men are pleased to see you reach the ground in one piece.  Yo  Y ou can be sure they’ll ’ll sing ing of your heroic roic climb in every tavern from from Krateros to Dangor. As the ship's hip's captain who who bra braved Starspike rspike Is Island, you are sure to pass into leg l egend. Ga Gain 1 CHARISMA (up to a maximum ximum score core of 12).  Turn  Turn to 230. 589 After searching rchi ng up and down the narrow rrow grey streets streets, you fi find a small shop with with green bottlebottle-gla glass windows. windows. A peeling eling gilt sign above the narrow door proudly proclaims: ‘Vortense Pogue, purveyor of magical materials.’ Pogue turns out to to be a thin thin man bound inside a tight tight velvet coat. H e helpfull pfully shows you his his stock which, which, as he admits him himself, lf, is small but intri intriguing. guing. (H e is not inte interested ted in in anything you might have to sell.)

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 51 

I tem

Amber wand (MAGIC +1  +1) Ebony wand (MAGIC  +2  +2) Cobalt wand (MAGIC +3  +3) Golden olden katana Wizard’ Wizard’s s cape (Defe (Defence +1) Parrot fungus Black cat Parchment Candle Steal an item Fini Fi nis sh your business and go

T o buy

500 Shards 1000 Shards 2000 Shards 9000 Shards 150 Shards 250 Shards 20 Shards 1 Shard 2 Shards turn turn to 643 turn to 571

590  The men applaud your no nobility ility in staying ing with ith them no matter what fate has in store tore. Gain Gain 1 point point of CHARISMA, up to the maxim ximum lim li mit of 12. 12. T hen hen roll roll one die. Score ore 1-2 T he othe others all die of thirs thirst turn turn to7 to 700 Score ore 3-4 Feve Fever breaks out out turn turn to6 to 611 Score ore 5-6 T he wind wind picks icks up turn turn to1 to 155 591  The key of starsopens the sealed gates of the Towe Tower of of Despair, ir, which which the book you are reading ding locates in the Fores Forest of the Forsaken – not, as popular myth would have it, on the banks of  the R ese Ri R iver.  The key appears to ha have passed th through many ha hands acros ross the centuri nturies, but is now believe believed to be in in the possession of the  Trau King King of the Whis Whistling ling Hea Heath.  Turn  Turn to 368. 592  The Kraken returns to to the de depths, ine inexorably dra dragging ing you your vessel down with wi th it. it. Cross C ross the ship hip and crew off your your Ship’s Ship’s M anifes nifest. T hey are lost; you will wi ll be lucky if if you can save yourself. R oll two dice dice. I f the score is greater ter than than your R ank, you are drowned – turn to 123. IIff the score core is less than or equal to your R ank, you are swept mira miraculous culouslly towa towards a beach of soft white white sand. Lose 2-12 2-12 Stamina points points and (if (i f you you can can survive survive L evel vel Sands  that) turn to 111 in T he L one and Le . 593 U pon hearing ring the name of the first first of the the gods, the skeletons burst burst asunder and fal fall clattering clattering to the deck. Y our men fla flatly tly refuse to cross to the other vessel, which which is is now slowl slowly slipping pping below below the the waves in any case, but but among ong the heap of bones bones you find a sword (COMBAT +6)  and a suit uit of of splint armour (Defence (Defence +4). 4). After noti noting your new possessions, ons, turn to 321. 594  Yo  Y ou giv give e a stirr irring ing speech th that tu turns rns them arou round co completely. ly. Soon they are vowing vowing to foll follow your orders to the ends of the the earth. ‘Aye ‘A ye, and beyond!’ beyond!’ declares the bosun. ‘As ‘A s far as hell’s harbour rbour gates, if i f you ask us, skipper!’ skipper!’ R oll two dice dice, and if you get get more than your CHARISMA score core then incr increa ease it it by 1. Acquire the codeword Curdle   and turn to 282.


595  Yo  Y our pro prow w dri driv ves int into the the side ide of of the the Utt Uttakin ship, ip, which ich is unable to turn fast enough to avoid void the coll collision. Wa W ater pours in through through the broken broken timbers. Wi With the weight of its its metal fla flanks, the vessel is pulled down into the depths. A few survivors urvi vors come swimm wimming across calling for mercy.  Yo  Y our crew club lub the Utta Uttakin kin unconsciou ious and loo loot their belongi belongings ngs. T here are also a few slaves who managed to slip out out of their their bonds as the ship hip went down. T hey are wealthy merchants from from Metri Metrici ciens ens who reward you handsomely for for bringing about their rescue. All in all, you gain 450 Shards from the encounter. Add this this to the sum on your Adventure Sheet, then turn to 300. 596 ‘Why ‘W hy not see for yours yourself? There There is no substitute titute for practi practica cal experie ri ence!’ cri cries the Ma Master, hurl hurling a spell at you. T here is a moment of nauseating ting weightl weightles essness, your surroundi urroundings ngs drop drop away, and then you are fl floun ounderi dering ng about in the the sea close close to a palm-fri lm-fringe nged beach. Turn T urn to 505. 597 One of the men gets behind hind you and and gives you a ‘R inghom love tap’ on on the back of of the the head with with his his cudgel. Y ou sigh and swoon.  Yo  Y ou wa wake up in th the bilges of a ship. ip. Y our po possession ions and money are gone. Also cross off your ship if you had one; you wil will not see your faithful faithful crew again. Y ou have been enslaved by smugglers from from U ttaku. Leap overboard turn to 158 Stay on the the ship hip T he C ourt of H i dden Fac F aces 321 598  The sky is th the co colou lour of burnin rning g su sulph lphur. Fro From be behind ind the clouds clouds comes the growl rowl of thunder. thunder. T he sailors mutter in in fear. ‘I t is is the wrath of El Elnir, nir,’’ says the mate. ‘H ‘H e summons us to our doom!’ I f you have the bles blessing of Alvi Al virr and and V Va almir, lmir, which which confers confers Safety from from Storms, you can ignore ignore the storm. torm. Cross C ross off your bles blessing and turn turn to 50. Otherwi therwis se the storm hits with tita ti tanic nic fury, fli fling ngiing mighty ghty wavesacross the deck. R oll oll one die if if your ship hip is is a barque, two two dice if it is a brigantine, or three dice if a galleon. Add 1 to the roll roll if you have an excellent crew; subtract 1 if you have a poor crew. Score 0-4 Y our ship hip sinks turn to 634 Score 5-6 5-6 T he mast spli plits turn to 670 Score 7-19 7-19 Y ou weather the storm torm turn turn to 9 599 Sneering ri ng at your your feeble excuses, the men set you you ashore hore on a deserted is island. ‘H ow do you expect expect me to survive? urvi ve?’ you ask them them. ‘What business is it of ours if you live or die?’ is their callous reply.  Turn  Turn to 177. 600  The ship steers out of ha harbour an and sets her pr prow to th the east. Crossoff the 20 Shards if you haven’t already, then then roll roll one die.

 52 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

Score 1 Shipwre Shipwreck; ck; you you alone rea reach land. nd. Turn T urn to to 505 Score 22-6 Y ou reach Cha C hambara safely. T urn to parag paragraph raph 79 in L ords of the R i si ng Sun  601 An icy downpour forces you to shelter in a lonely barn where you are reduced to eating ting some of the fodder left left for for the the anima nimals. By daybreak you ha have a fever, and are in in no conditi condition on to put up a fight fi ght when you are dis discovered by the owner owner of the the barn. ‘T he R eavers will will give me a reward for capturing pturing you,’ he says.  Turn  Turn to 472.

Score core 2-10 Score Score 11-12 11-12

Y our our pos possessions and mone oney are safe C oll ollege feesmean that 10%of money left here here has been deducted  Yo  Y ou can also reside ide in college for for as lon long as yo you wish, making king use of the infi infirma rmary if if need be. (If (I f inj injured, ured, re restore tore your Stamina mina to its its norma normal unwo unwounded unded score.) core.) C all on the M aster turn to 207 Visit the kitche kitchens turn to 187 Study Study turn to 696 R esearch turn to 368 Leave turn to 571 I tems at col college 

602  Yo  Y ou may not be able to take the ghost ship’s ip’s cargo, bu but you get another nother kind ki nd of reward for saving ving the cat’s life. life. R oll two dice dice. If  I f  the tota total exceeds your MAGIC score, you gain 1 point of M AGIC.  Then turn to 32. 603  Yo  Y ou have th the advantage of su surprise. The pir pira ates stand sla slack jawed as they see you bo bounding ing down th the hill, ill, an and yo your me men take advantage of the the diversio diversion n to to arm themselves with with pla planks, chains, bela belaying ying pins pins - whatever comes to hand. But But the pirates pirates have swor words and armour armour. M ake a C OMBAT  roll  roll at Difficulty fficulty 16. 16. (Y ou can add 2 to the dice roll if you have an excellent crew.) Successful ful C OMBAT roll turn to 457 Failed COMBAT roll turn to 123 604 H e tossesa globe globe of magica gical fire fire at your your back. Lose L ose 3-18 3-18 Stamina mina points. It I t would would have been worse if not for the mist, which which helped stifl tifle e the fla flames. If still still alive, you manage to escape from Ta T alanexor down down a narrow rrow alley alley, but now you have lost sight of La Lauria uri a.  Turn  Turn to 571. 602  The Fur Furies raise their brass-studded whips ips and give ive you a lashing ing  jus  just to to ins instil moral rectitu itude. T hen, as as the sun em emerges again, in, they fly fly off cackling ckli ng with with la laughter. Where thei their feet touche touched the deck the there are bloody bloody prints pri nts that no amount of of scrubbing wi will clea clean away. Lose 2-12 2-12 Stamina poi points nts for the whippi whipping ng and, if if you survive, turn to 321. 606 Anyone nyone who has cli climbed a mountain mountain knows knows that it it is is easier to go up than to come down. Y our heart is in your mouth as you make the the peril ri lous descent. M ake a SCOUTING roll at a Difficulty of 15 to climb down safely. Y ou can can add 1 to the dice dice roll roll if you have arope arope;; add 2 if  gear. you ha have climbing gear. Successful ful SCOUTING roll turn to 588 Failed SCOUTING roll turn to 123 607 If you li like, your coll college will will hol hold possessions and money here for safe-kee fe-keeping. ping. Record R ecord in the box anything nything that you wis wish to leave here. Each time you return, roll two dice.

608 ‘Were ‘W ere you you set ashore by your fellow fellow crewmen?’ you ask the poor wretch, wretch, for for this this is a common punis punishment at sea. ‘N o,’ o,’ he says. ‘We ‘W e had the misfortune to encounter encounter a shoal of mermaids. H earing ri ng their sad sweet song, all the others flung flung themselves into the the sea and were were drowned. drowned. La Later the the ship hip hit hit that ree reef and sank, and there I waited till till you found found me.’ ‘Why ‘W hy didn’t didn’t the mermaids’ song affect affect you?’ H e givesa wry smile. ‘I’m ‘I ’m tone deaf.’ f.’ Get the codeword C ynosure turn to 245. ynosure and turn 609 Estragon is is the court wiza wi zard of Ba Baroness R avayne of Gol Golni nir. r. H e was formerly rly the Wa Warden rden of Choronzon C olle ollege here in in Dweome weomer, but left left under under something of a cloud. ‘T hat woul would have been his his experime ri ment in in storm magic,’ gic,’ elucida elucidates the libraria brarian. ‘I ‘I reme remember it it rained for thirteen thirteen months months and a day.’ y.’ ‘H eavy rain, pres presumably?’ bly?’ H e nods. ‘T he Hi High Street was acces ccessible ble only by punt, and the Warden of Croml C romle ech Col Colllege drowned drowned after falli falling asleep in in his wine cellar.’ ‘And what what does Estra tragon do these days?’ you you ask. ‘C ontinues ontinues his his experime ri ments, I hear. Adventurers who help him out with various quests are richly rewarded.’  Turn  Turn to 368. 610 Along with with some of your offi officers, you manage to lower lower the cutter and row off. off. T he Kraken raken sinks down into into the depths carrying the shattered remnants of your ship with it. It is is with with bitter bitter heart tha that you abandon the men crying cryi ng for help in in the water, but there there is not enough room iin n the cutter for all of them. (R emember to cross off the details on your Ship’s Ship’s M anifes nifest.)

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 53 

After several days you drift dri ft in i n to the shelter of a quiet quiet bay.  Yo  Y our office icersrest in the shade of a row of coconut palms, bu but to your dis di smay it it is is impossible to wake them later. later. O nly nly then do you rea realize you must have landed on the fateful Slee Sleeping ping Is Isle.  The cutter is too much for you to handle alon lone. Y ou break it up for fi firewood and to buil build yourself a shelter. Y ou may be on this this island for for some time time. 1 7 7  Turn  Turn to . 611 One of the me men fal falls ill. Hi H is skin kin turns yellow yellow and he begins to vomit, and death fol follows quickly. quickly. T he plague spreads, the narrow rrow confi confines nes of the ship hip allowing owing no escape for any of you.  Yo  Y ou watch the crew die in fron ront of your eyes. U nles nless you have have a blessing of Imm I mmunity unity to Disease/Po e/ Poiison you soon soon succumb yourself: turn to 123. If you have such a blessing, cross it off and turn to 700. 612 Over the the past few days you have had cause to reduce reduce ration rations s and enforce nforce some stern dis discipli cipline. ne. Now N ow the men are getting tting unruly. unruly.  Yo  Y ou must address them and ho hope to sway th them with ith th the force of your personality. M ake a CHARISMA roll at a Difficulty of 13. Successful ful C HARISMA roll turn to 594 Failed CHARISMA roll turn to 576 613  Yo  Y ou are stripp ipped of your money and possession ions. Cro Cross them off  your Adve Adventure Sheet. Also cross off your shi ship p – the Utta Uttakin kin scupper it. Along with the surviving members of your crew, you are lock locked ed in shackles hackles.  The Utta Uttakin captain loo looks down on you with ith an ins inscrutable stare. ‘Forge ‘Forget your forme former li life,’ he advises you. ‘N ‘N ow and and for evermore evermore you are a slave.’ ve.’ F aces   Turn  Turn to 321 in T he C ourt of H i dden Fac . 614 ‘A good question!’ tion!’ T he Ma Master titters titters with with rather rather unbalanced unbalanced laughter. ughter. ‘Go ‘Go and and take a look. ook. Y ou might might ga gain some useful materia terial for a thesis.’ H e throws throws a spell and a bolt bolt of bla blackness surro urrounds unds you. Slowl Slowly it it fades fades, reve revealing that you are wal wallowing owing in the surf clos close to a barren rren stretch of shor shore eline. Turn T urn to 313. 615 Checki hecking ng the crate crates, you dis discover bottles bottles of H arkuna rkunan brandy wine. wine. Obvi O bviously ously the men were smugglers, and the note about spectral ha hauntings unti ngs was just a ploy ploy to to scare the the miners miners away from from where they kept their contraband. marked cards,  Yo  Y ou can take a bottle of wine, adeck a deck of marked four cudgels  and the the 117 Shards rds the smugglers mugglers had on on tthem. hem.  Then you return to the surfa rface; turn to 25. 616  The ship is swept far out out to sea. Men Men an and go goods are wa washed overboa overboard by by huge waves that snap your your hawsers like li ke twi twine. Lose 1 C argo Uni U nitt (if (i f you have any cargo) and reduce your crew quality by one step - i.e. an excel excellent crew becomes good,

a good ood crew crew become becomes average, and an average crew becomes poor. At last the storm blows itself out. Y ou are left drifti drifting ng in unknown wate waters rs. T urn to 50. 617 H e is Alkeide keides, a warri rrior from from the dista distant citycity-s state of Krate Krateros, curs cursed by the gods to die die by his his brother’ brother’s s hand. ‘N aturally, turally, when when my ship hip sank I wasunable to drown. drown. I have been tryi trying ng to get to my homeland so that I might entrea entreat the gods to li lift the the curse, or or els else put an honou honourable rable end to my days. But each storm torm raises the seaand fl flings me to and fro fro..’  Yo  Y ou help out by drop ropping ing him at the next port, where he may be able ble to find fi nd a ship hip to ca carry rry him him home. Get the codeword Cithara   and cum to 116. 618 R emember to to pay the the 10 Shards tha that is is the cost of passage to R inghom nghom.. The T he ship hip is soon under way. way. R oll a die. Score 1 Storm torms forc force e you you south outh to Brazen; turn turn to9 to 99 Score Score 2-6 Y ou rea reach R inghorn nghorn without difficulty; diffi culty; ti es of C old and and Glory  G lory  turn to 2 in C i tie 619 It is is a highhigh-prow prowed ed merchant ship hip from from Akatsurai, dis distingui tinguis shable by its its tria triangula ngular sails and the golden golden sun symbol dis displa played on the aft deck. deck.  The ship comes alon longside ide and the captain inv invite ites you aboard. H e chats to you for for a whil while about tra trade between his his country country and Golnir. If you are aWarrior, rri or, turn turn to 519. O Otherwi therwis se you can sail on, turn to 228. 620  Yo  Y ou sail away from the deserted ship. ip. ‘I ‘I won wonder wh what happened to her crew?’ you wonder.  The mate giv give es a shudder. ‘Ee ‘Eerie rie th thing ings abound in these waters, captain,’ he replies.  Turn  Turn to 32. 621 After a year of pirac piracy y you have ris risen to the the rank of of captain. Y ou put it it to your men that that with with the spoils poils you’ve collec collected it would would be better to turn to honest work. ‘Why live like robbers until our luck luck runs runs out? We We can be prince princes s in Me M etrici tri ciens ens!’  They agree and the booty is divid ivide ed up. Y our share comes to (COMBAT +4). Decide where you 8500 Shards Shards and a sword (C want to make your your home home. In Wishport C ities it ies of G old and Glo Gl ory 217 In Dweomer turn to 571 In Smogmaw turn to 44 T he W ar-T orn K ingdo ingdom  m 10 In Y ellowport llowport 622  Yo  Y ou bu bump int into somebody in th the mist – a tall ge gentleman in a velvet cape. ‘Excus ‘Excuse e me.’ Y ou go to move past him; him; you don’t don’t want La Lauri uria to get away. H e plants a thin thin hand on your chest. ‘A moment of your time time. I think think we are old old acquaintances?’  Yo  Y ou shake your head. ‘I do don’t believe so.’

 54 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

‘N o? In In that case,’ he asks with a twitch twitch of his hi s thin thin li lips, ‘why did did you make yourself at home in in my hous house?’  Yo  Y ou give ive him a clos loser loo look. ‘Who ‘Who?’ ‘I am T alanexor the Firewea Fi reweaver, you scoundrel. scoundrel. And your name, I believe, is is Lauria uri a.’  Yo  Y ou start to to pro protest. ‘I’m not Lau Lauria! Sh She’s jus just go gone th that way. If I f we hurry hurry we can catch her.’ H e givesa hollow holl ow la laugh. ugh. ‘Y ou must think think me a fool. fool. Pre Prepare to take your punishment.’ Fig Fight him turn to 568 Challenge him him to a duel turn to 586 R un off turn to 604

can grow in great swathes overnight, overnight, suffocating th the e unwary. In leafy groves groves asdark as caverns verns I met wi with men whose whose eyes were were like great jewels jewels atop their their heads. T here are ins insects as hard and bright bri ght asglass, large as aman’s n’s fis fist, and monkeys monkeys with with the morals of a Metri Metrici ciens ens street-thug. treet-thug. But stranges trangest of all are the crea creatures that give AnkonAnkon-K K onu the name by which which ma mariners ri ners commonly only know it. T hese creatures are the plumed flyi flying ng fis fish of the jungle jungle, and the name by which which the continent conti nent is is thus called is the Feathered La L ands.’ ‘N ot all authoriti authori ties es agree,’ says the libraria ri an, looki looking ng over your shoul shoulde der. ‘I have heard other, quite quite di different, accounts of  that land.’ land.’ T urn to 368.

623 After fter adrunk drunken en argument in in the mess, one one of the the sailors ors is found found with with his his brains brains battered out. T here seems no doubt doubt about the man responsible ble – a bloody ra rag is is found hidde hidden under his hi s bunk and he is is known known for for his his explosi explosive temp temper. Order rder him him thrown overboard turn to 536 Let the incide ncident pass turn to 554

628 It is is with with heavy heart that that you scuppe scupper the the ship, hip, putting putting to sea in the rowbo rowboa ats. A After fter several weeks at sea you are reduced to eating ting wormworm-ri ridde dden biscuits and drinki drinking ng rainwater. rainwater. At last, Smogmaw comes in sight. Y ou put in at the quayside and stagger ashore, hore, too weary to noti notice that the current current is is carryi rrying ng your rowboats rowboats back out out to to sea. C ross ross your shi ship p and cargo off the Shi Ship’s p’s Ma Manifes nifest. Y ou will will have to la lay off off the the crew as well well because there there are no vessels for for purchase here in in Smogmaw. T urn to 44.

624  The men lie around th the de deck waitin iting g to to die die. Y our ton tongue is sticking to the roof of your mouth now, and your vision is blurred with hunger. ‘Sweet heaven, skipper, skipper,’’ croaks croaks the bosun, ‘must we die die too?’  Tak  Take the office icers and escape in the rowboat turn to 520 Stay with with your ship hip to the bitter bitter end turn to5 to 590 625  There are many co colle lleges, each dis disting inguished in its its ow own field. ld. Fortui Fortuity ty Col C olllege has a high high reputa reputati tion on in in the study of charms and bened benediictions ctions. C arminry rminry Col C olllege is for the study of magic as a means of curi curing ill illness. Ful Fulgur gur Col C olllege speci pecializes in the conjuring of storms. And so on... Whichever college you decide to apply for, the procedure is the same. Fi First you are subjecte ubjected to an examination nation whi which ch decide cides how holy holy you are. Y ou have to try try to drive drive off a vexatious tious sprite prite using only a display of self-ri f- righte ghteous ous indigna indignation, tion, wax pompously on the topic of other people's ethics, curdle milk wi with a beatifi tific c smile, mile, specul pecula ate uselessly for for hours on wha what the gods really intended intended when they made Ma Man, and so for forth. M ake a SANCTITY  roll at a Difficulty of 14. Successful ful SANCTITY roll turn to 661 Failed SANCTITY roll turn to 679 626  There is is a ghostly ho howl that makes yo your hair stand on en end. U nable ble to rema remain another moment in in this thi s uncanny pla place, you hurry back back downsta downstairs into the open ai air. T urn to 407. 627 ndrous A nnals nnals of of N i c O ’ C arno arnolop, lop,  Yo  Y ou fin find d an extract in th the W ondrous M aster Marine M ariner  r  . ‘In ‘I n the grea great fores forests of the southern la l and known known as AnkonKonu abide abide creatures tures whos whose like like is is not found found elsewhere at any part of the the world. world. In the highe higher branchesthere are fungi that can float float on the the warm bree breezes and ensnare monkeys onkeys and birds. birds. Wi W ith my own eyes I beheld a man slain by the the crims crimson moss which whi ch

629 Some of the item items stored tored on deck were not not properl properly y la lashed down, and got swept overboard during duri ng the night. Lose one Cargo Uni U nitt if if you are carrying rrying any cargo – if you have more than one Uni Unit, t, you you can choose which is i s lost. If I f you had no cargo, lose 1-6 1-6 of your possessions ins instead. N ow turn turn to 190. 630 At sunset the water develops a deep shadowy dowy tinge ti nge. It is is this thi s that gives the Viol Viole et O Oce cean its its name. O n the horizon, clouds lie lie in long lines li nes against the bloodblood-drenche drenched sky li like the ranks ranks of a distant army. Rol R olll two two dice. Score 2-4 Pirates turn to 666 Score 5-6 Storm turn to 355 Score 7-12 -12 An uneventful voyage turn to 648 631  Yo  Y ou st step up up to th the gre great bro bron nze do door. Perched on a ne nearby rock, rock, ri rigid as a sculpture, culpture, you noti notice a lizard glaring glaring with wi wide, sightles ghtless eyes. M ake a MAGIC roll at a Difficulty of 10. Successful MAGIC ro  roll turn to 667 Failed M AGIC ro  roll turn to 121 632 ‘I knew it!’ he shrie hrieks. ‘T ‘T he libra li braria rian sent you, didn’t didn’t he? Well,  jus  just you you tell him th that I’l I ’lll keep it as lo long as I want. I’m th the M aster! Me! Me!’ H e fli flicks a spell of summary dis di spatch. T he room dis disappears, there is a whirl whirliing kaleidoscope eidoscope around round you, then you fi find nd yourself plumm plummeting out of a clear sky to la land with with a thud at the ingdom  m  base of a tall oak. T urn to 596 in T he W ar-T orn K ingdo .

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 55 

633  Yo  Y ou retrace yo your st steps until you you are standing ing be beside ide th the shaft that the the mine supervis rvi sor had boarded boarded up. T he tunnel you are in stretches tretches back to the the surface. urface. Go deeper into the mine turn to 651 H ead for the surface turn to 394 634 H elpless in the grip grip of the storm, torm, the vessel cra cracks apart. T he seawater rushes into the broken broken shell of the hull hull, dragging you down. T he screams of your crewmen are drowned out by the howl of the storm. torm. Cross Cross the ship hip and crew off your Ship’s Ship’s M anifes nifest. Y ou can think think of nothing nothing now but saving ving yourse yourself. lf. R oll two dice dice. I f the score is greater ter than than your R ank, you are drowned – turn to 123. IIff the score core is less than or equal to your R ank, you are swept mira miraculous culously towa towards a rocky rocky shore. Lose 2-12 Stamina points points and (if (if you can survive urvive that) turn turn to to 559 in C i tie ti es of Gold and and Glory  G lory  . 635 It is a prie priest of Elni El nir, r, who is is gaining ning religious religious merit rit by walki lking between the many shrines hri nes and temples of hi his deity. deity. ‘Faith kee keeps my feet dry, dry,’’ he says. ‘A ‘And devotion devotion kee keeps my head pointed pointed to the sky.’ H e delivers a stirr tirriing sermon that inspires inspires your crew. crew. If I f the crew were of poor poor quality, upgrade them to average. Also, if if you are are an ini initi tia ate of Elni El nir, r, the pri prie est gives you a healing ling salve lve (restores 1-6 Stamina) mina)  which you can list among your possessions. It I t can be used once when when you are injured to give back one die roll of Stamina points.  The prie riest bids ids you good day and goes stroll rollin ing g off across the sea. Turn T urn to 116. 636  The ship manoeuvres out on to open ocean and is soon heading ing north under a full full press of sail. Pay the 15 Sha Shards for your berth if you haven’t already, then roll one die. Score 1 Cap Captured by by slavers; tu turn to 321 in T he  C ourt of Hi H i dden dden Face Faces 

Score ore 2 Score ore 3-6

T he ship goes down own in a storm torm, bu but you you cling to a raft; turn to 180 Y ou reach Aku withou withoutt incide incident; nt; tur turn n to to 444 in T he C ourt of H i dden Fac F aces 

637 It is isn’t much of a boat – just bundles bundlesof twigs twigs and bracken bracken la lashed together to make a kind kind of crude crude pontoo pontoon. n. Wi W ith fair weather and the the kindnes kindness of the gods you might might jus just stay afloa afloat long long enough to reach civilization. R oll oll one one di die; you can add 1 to the roll roll if i f you are are a Wayfarer. yfarer. Score 1-2 T he boat sinks turn to 123 Score 3-4 Picked up by pirates turn to 472 Score 5 Swept ashore on an island turn to 505 Score 6-7 R each a port turn to 673 638  Yo  Y ou are chaine ined to the wall of of th the R eaver King King’s throne room and flogge flogged whenever he is is in a bad temper – which whi ch is is often. often. Days turn into weeks and gradually your health declines. Lose 318 Stamina points points. I f you you survive, survive, there eventual ntually comes comes a time when you are too wea weak and battered to give give the R eavers any

sport. T hey sell you to slavers from from Ya Yarimura ri mura, w who ho strip tri p you of  any poss possessions ons and money money you you may have managed to to hol hold d on on to. Lose the codewords codewords C rocus   or  or Colour  if  if you have them, them, then Pl ains of Howli H owling ng D arknes arkness  turn to 357 in T he Plains . 639  Yo  Y ou push your luc luck to too fa far. Yo Y ou ha have many enemies – am among them a wealthy silk silk merchant who who lost lost several of of his hi s shipme hipments duri during your la last outi outing as a pirate. pirate. He H e sets a price pri ce on your head that brings bri ngsbounty hunters hunters from from all acrossthe known known worl world, d, and withi within n a month you have bee been taken at sea. Y our execution cution comes soon after. T urn to 123. 640  The scholars demand ha half of of any ca cash yo you’re ’re carrying ing. (If yo you have no cash they wil wi ll take the first fi rst two possessions lis li sted on your Adventure A dventure Sheet.) T hey euphemistica tically describe cribe this this as moonlight moonlight tax, even though mis mist or drizzl drizzle e mean that that it it is is rarel rarely possible ble to see the moon in i n Dweome Dweomer. N ow turn turn to 571. 641  The curse is not lon long in taking ing effect. ‘Y ‘Y uck!’ says the firs irst mate, spitti pitting ng out the water he had taken from from the ba barrel rrel on deck. ‘I t’s gone gone scummy!’  Turn  Turn to 124. 642  Yo  Y ou clim climb so hig high h th that th the atmosphere its itself jus just dr drops away.  Yo  Y ou are surro rrounded by thousands of stars shinin ining g like like diamonds in a midnight blue firmament. At the summit of the mountain is i s a gateway of wrought wrought iron iron fastened with with a padlock. dlock. Y ou wil will need a fretwork key or a  T HIEVERY  roll at Difficulty 20 to unlock it. U nlock the gate turn to 497 C an’t unlock it turn to 606 643 N ot wis wise. Do D o you think think no one ever ver trie tri ed that before? before? T he panel of of a la large grandfather clock clock snaps open, a long long scaly arm shoots out and grabs your neck, and you are pull pulled through through into into a dank indi i ndis stinct tinct pla place where you are are rapidly rapidly strippe tri pped of your possessions (cross them off off your your Adventur A dventure e Sheet). T hat done, the arm fli flingsyou down on a cold stone floor floor before before vanis nishing. hing.  Turn  Turn to 415. 644  The casket breaksto under your enchanted touch. You take the celestium tium wand (MAGIC +5) and then hurry hurry excitedly back outsi outside, eager to te test the the power of your new acquis cquisition. tion. tium wand (MAGIC +5) to R emember to add the celestium your list of possessions, then turn to 407. 645 If half of what you re read about Akats Akatsurai is i s true, it i t must be one of the the stranges trangest countri countrie es of the worl world.  The knig knigh hts of of Aka Akatsurai (who are kn known as as samurai ) are utterl utterly y without without fear, strivi triving ng gladly ladly for death if if only only they can win win honour with with thei their la last breath. In I n fact, fact, honour is so highly highly prized pri zed that a samurai threa threatened with with dis di sgrace usually opts opts to take his his own li life by slitting tting open his his belly with with a dagger.

 56 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

 The samurai are the rule rulers of Aka Akatsurai, and any samurai ca can slay any peasant with with no better rea reason than to test the the edge of his his sword! word! The The chief of all the samurai is called the Shogun, whos whose e court is i s in Cha Chambara. There T here is also an Emp Emperor, but according ccording to most accounts accounts he wields wields littl li ttle e true power. Also worth noting is a small and secretive sect of wizardly assassins which which is i s active ctive in in the the remote rur rura al areas. T hey are known known as ninj ninja a, a word whi which ch li literally means M asters of  Invisibility.  Turn  Turn to 368. 646  The island turns out to be the back of a sea-go -going ing behemoth that has basked in in the the sun for for so lon long g that vegetation tion has started to to grow on it. it. Woken W oken by the tread of your boots, boots, the the crea creature issues fort forth h an angry ngry wa waterspout terspout and dives dives beneath the the waves. Several of your men are lost lost in in the the mad scramble back aboard the ship. hip. R educe your ship’s ship’s Crew Qua Quality to poor and turn to 283. 647 H undredundred-hea headed hydras aris ri se from from the sea on all sides. H issing venomously, they they las lash out to seize men from the decks decks. R oll oll 2 dice; add 2 if your crew quality is excellent, add 1 if it is good, and subtract 2 if it is poor. Score ore 0-3 Eve Everyon ryone e is killed; turn turn to to 123 Score ore 4-6 Y ou alone lone survive rvive; tur turn n to to 700 Score ore 7-9 M any losses; red reduce uce Crew Quality li ty to poor and turn to 118 Score 10+ T he hydra hydras are driven driven off; turn to4 to 448 648  Yo  Y ou are far out at sea with ith no land in sigh ight. ‘T he Feathered La Lands lie south outh of here,’ here,’ the the helmsman mutters, ‘but ‘but wil will we ever see them? Not N ot thi this s side of the grave, grave, I’ll ’ll wager!’ You Y ou dis distract him him from from such gloomy thoughts by orderi ordering ng anew cours course. Steer north towards Golnir turn to 504 Steer south to Ankon-K onu turn to 189 Steer east turn to 42 Steer west turn to 244 649 On the clifftop clifftop above above the door you dis di scover a sinkhole nkhole with with a faint glow of lamplight shining up from below. Lowering yourself down, down, you soon rea reach a cavern where two tall women women with with serpentine rpenti ne tressesare pacing cing to and fro fro li like hungry hungry cats. ‘Sis ‘Sister, there is a fresh mortal in our land,’ says one.  The other nods, causing ing the snakes of her head to hiss softly. ly. ‘Y es, I fee feel it two. T omorrow omorrow we shall hunt.’ hunt.’ Leave while you can turn to 342 Creep in when they’re asleep turn to 432 650 Dangor is is a city city east of the Gashmuru Gul Gulf. f. I t stands atop cli cliffs hundreds of metres high, high, and you are particularl rti cularly y intri intrigue gued by the account of one H orbel Hum H umbing, Ma M aster Ma Marine riner, r, of the HMS Sokar . ‘We ‘W e arri rrived at the base of the cli cliffs and there laid at anchor three three days, whi whille a mountainee mountaineer carried carri ed our documents to the port authori uthorities ties above. T hese documents being found to be in order, order, grapples were lower lowered ed and secured and the whol whole

vessel wa was winch wi nched ed up to the the dock docks s a thou thous sand fee feet above.’ above.’  Turn  Turn to 368. 651 ! If the box above is empty, put a tick tick in in it it and turn to 686. If it wasalready ticked, ticked, turn turn to 358. 652 Gaspar wil wi ll inves i nvest money for you you in in various ri ous enterpri rprises. T he investment must be in multi multipl ples es of 100 Shards. Wri Write te the sum you are are inves investing ting in in the box here (or withdraw withdraw a sum inves invested previously) and then turn to 687. M oney i nvested 

653  Yo  Y ou manage to avoid smashing ing your ship open on the reefs, bu but you are no close closer to locating ocating the secret bay where the R eavers store their booty. Y ou deci decide to put in in at a fis fishing hing vill village and see if you you can get anythi nything out of of the the loca locals.  To ga gain th their co confide idence you will will ne need to to eit eith her succeed in a CHARISMA  roll at Difficulty 12 or show them a silver medallion. medallion. Gain their confidence turn to 688 Fail Failed attempt at C HARISMA turn to 701 654 A pirate pirate galley comes bucki bucking acros cross the waves, gaining ning steadil dily in the mild breeze. ‘If ‘I f the wind wind does doesn’t pick up, we’re done for!” shouts the helmsman. M ake a run for it turn to 672 Parley turn to 689 Fight it out turn to 361 655 At the ba back of a wide wide bay you find find a town town which which ris rises with with steep streets to a grim grim cita citadel. T he blood-col blood- coloured oured fla flag of the R eavers fli flies from from the battlem ttlements. In the the harbour, rbour, a dozen pirate pirate ships hips ride ri de at anchor. nchor. Walk openly into the town turn to 114 Sneak in at night turn to 362 M ake a getaway turn to 380 656  The R eavers hold a banquet in the great hall of their stronghold. ld.  The fin fine est wine ines are serve rved – wine ines of of southern So Sokara that were intended intended for the cellars of the merchant princes princes of 

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 57 

M etrici tri ciens ens. T he meat is is fla flavoured voured with with the exotic xoti c spice pices of  dis distant la lands, and there there are sweetmeats from from Chr Chrysoprai ysoprais s and nuts from AnkonAnkon-K Konu. T hese Re R eavers vers dine like like kings! If you have the codeword word A mcha  , turn to 674. If not, turn to 691. 657 Passing the latticed tti ced window windows s of a tavern, you happen to gla glance inside where you see atall young young woman having having dinner dinner with wi th an olde older man who has a schola cholarly rly look look about him. him. You Y ou walk on a few steps and then stop as if struck by a thunderbol thunderbolt. t. T he woma woman is is Lauria uria, the thie thief who twice twi ce playe played you for a fool. fool. Y ou swore wore you’d you’d get even with with her one one day! Go inside and confront her turn to 692 Wait for her to leave turn to 702 Swallow your pride and forget it turn to 571 658 It is is rather dis disheartening rtening the way all the onlook onlookers ers sigh and shake their their heads the moment you give give your answer. ‘T alanexor always alwaysgets them with with tha that one! one!’ you you overhea overhear an old old profes professor saying. ying. H aving ving been judge judged los loser in in the dis dispute you have brought brought shame on your coll college if you belong to one, one, and are forthwi forthwith th expelled. Turn Turn to 571 – and remember to erase the tick tick in i n the colle coll ege box if i f there is is one there. 659 ! If the box above is empty, put a tick in it it and turn to to 51. If it wasalready ticked, ticked, turn turn to to 623. 660  Yo  Y ou are in trou rouble. R oll one die. Score 1-2 Y ou slip and fall Score 3-4 You are forced to give ive up Score 5-6 You You make a final effort

turn to 123 turn to 230 turn to 695

661  The examine inersare thirt irteen astounding ingly old men in dusty black robes. T hey sit at a long table ble studying tudying the results ults of your first first exam. Mi M inutestick tick by, then you hear a low snoring nori ng sound.  The senior ior mage raps his knuckles on the table, gathers some papers, and peers down down at you. ‘We ‘W e ca can’t admit you to the colle college,’ he wheezes. ‘Y ou’re ou’re  jus  just to too ins insufferably sanctimoniou ious. Yo Y ou ne need to to ha have an op open mind to study wizardry, you know.’  Yo  Y ou st start to to leave, but then another of the wiz wiza ards says: ‘Wa ‘W ait. We W e can’t have you going straight off off to bother bother another college.’ H e casts a spell of tra transportation nsportation and you are fl flung ung magica gically acros cross a thous thousand lea leagues in the bli blink of of an eye, la landing nding in in a dungheap outside the town of Smogmaw. T urn to 44. 662 A ghost ha has gathered substance from from the magica gical residue in in the the air here. here. It I t pounces pounces to attack you with with cla claws as sharp as the north wind during a thaw. Ghost, COMBAT 8, Defence D efence 17, Stamina 7 If you flee it will will flay flay the flesh off your back, infli i nflicting cting 11-6 Stamina mina points. points. Flee from the tower turn to 407

Fight on and win

turn to 626

663  The trau are a subterra rranean race, th the remnants of th the gods’ fir firs st aborti bortive ve attempts to crea create man. T hey have a reputation reputation for for surli urliness, dis disliking king to mix mix with wi th mankind nkind because they are je jealous of man’s n’s more perfect rfect vis visage and well well-fashioned hioned form. form. H owever, the trau are skil killed at metal-worki working ng and wil will sometimes sell trinkets of exquisite workmanship for nothing more more than a sip of faery mead.  Turn  Turn to 368. 664 Fresh roas roasted sea-fowl fowl makes a welcome welcome supplem upplement to your customary diet diet of gruel, ruel, ship’s ship’s bis biscuit cuit and weevil vils. R ecover 1-6 1-6 Stamina points if injured njured (the score of one one die) die) and then turn to 283. 665 A thick thick white white fog billo billows ws across the sea during during the night. night. The T he first first mate rouse rouses you fro from m sleep to show you an eerie eerie scene that is unfolding unfoldi ng by moonli oonlight. The T he rays rays of the moon, moon, ill i llum uminating ting the drifti drifting ng tendril tendrils of fog, fog, crea create the appearance of a vast la lake from from which which warrior warri ors s are slowl owly aris ri sing as if after fter a deep sleep. ‘I t puts me in mind of a lege legend I heard,’ rd,’ breathes the ma mate in in a low voice voice. ‘I ‘I t’s said that the Hi High Ki King and his his paladins lie lie beneath the R imewater, awaiting ting the one whose whose destiny tiny it it is is to awaken them.’ them.’ As he speaks a gust of wind wind stirs stirs the fog, breaking ki ng up the frag fragile illus illusion. Turn Turn to2 to 264. 666 A pirate galley bears down on you with the swift ferocity of a panther scenting a kill. M ake a run for it turn to 684 Parley turn to 373 Fight it out turn to 392 667 N ot having been been born born yesterday, you have the forethought to tear a strip tri p of cloth cloth off off your tunic tunic and wind wind it it across your eyes before fore knocking. knocking. As As the echoes of your knock die die away, there there is a creak of of vast time ti me- worn worn hinges hinges and a gust of of stale air tha that tell tells you the doors have opened in front front of you. you. ‘Another one,’ says a cold hissing voice, not much like a woman’s. ‘When will they learn not to beard the Gorgons in their lair?’ crows crows her sister. C harge to attack them turn to 685 Stand motionless turn to 356 668  The Shadar we were the race that ru ruled Har Harkuna in ancient tim time es.  The time of of the their reign ign is thought of as a golde lden age, where peace and harmony enco encour ura aged a flower floweriing of of arts rts and science sciences.  They were overthrow rown by the coming ing of the Utta Uttakin, in, bu but some culture still survives in the form of hoary tradition.  Turn  Turn to 368.

 58 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

669  The spectres abandon their macabre frolic rolics s to fall upon you with ith terrible whispering cries. Fingers of icy mist seep into your flesh. In a tri trice your soul has been severed from from your body.  Turn  Turn to 123. 670  The ship is swept far out out to sea. Men Men and go goods are wa washed overboa overboard by huge waves that snap your your ha hawsers li like twi twine. Lose 1 C argo Uni U nitt (if (if you have any cargo) and reduce reduce your crew quality by one one step – i.e. an excellent excellent crew becomes good, a good ood crew crew become becomes average, and an average crew becomes poor. (A poor crew can’t get any wors worse!) At last the storm blows itself out. Y ou are left drifti drifting ng in unknown waters.  Turn  Turn to 648. 671 ‘M erciful rciful gods!’ you cry cry in in exasperation ration as you shuffle shuffle your sea charts rts. ‘H ow many of of thes these cursed is islands are there?’ ‘T hey are numberles numberless, cap’n, p’n,’’ says the first first mate gravely. vely. ‘T hat is is why the navies vies of Soka Sokara and Gol Golni nirr ha have had no succes uccess in dealing with with thes these pira pirates. It is is impossible to find find their their base of operations.’ operations.’ R oll two dice dice.. Score 2 Y ou find it by luck turn to 545 Score 3-6 The The Rea Reavers find you turn to 354 Score 7-8 Y ou hit a reef turn to 249 Score 9-12 -12 You You reach open ocean turn to 164 672 R oll oll two dice dice and add your your R ank. Add A dd 1 to the total if i f you have an average crew, add 2 if if you you have agood crew, crew, or add 3 if  if  you have an excellent excellent crew. Score 1-6 The The pira irates overtake you turn to 361 Score 7+ Y ou outrun them turn to 311 673  The boat is so waterlo rlogged th that you you have to to ab abandon it an and swim to the quayside. An old man carrying a lobster pot helps you up up and you you ask hi him where you are. H e points oints along an avenue lined lined with with strange bla black statues. At the far end is a city city of many high high turrets turrets, the the stone tone gleaming ming like gold under an indigo sky. ‘T his his is Bra Braelak Is Isle. Yon Y on city is is Dweomer.’ r.’  Turn  Turn to 100. 674  The Gu Guildm ildmaster in Ma M arlo rlock City City pro promised a reward if you brought him him the head of Amcha AmchaOne-E ne-Eye. Go throu rough with with the plan to to kill kill Amc Amcha turn to4 to420 Let him live for now turn to 691 675  Yo  Y ou are jus just passing ing the steps of Sinis inistrum Coll Colle ege when you are set upon by thr three ee schola cholars. T hey have turned turned to robbery robbery as a way of supplem supplementing enting their meagre grants but, being being of good good families, your your assailants are sporti porting ng enough nough to fight fi ght you one one at a time. First Scholar, COMBAT  3, Defence Defence 4, Stamina 3 Second Scholar, COMBAT  4, Defence Defence 5, Stamina 4

 Third  Third Scholar, COMBAT  3, Defence Defence 4, Stamina 4 Surrender turn to 640 Fight on and win turn to 571 676 ‘Ah, ‘A h, this thi s is a stroke troke of luck, luck,’’ calls calls the captain of the the royalis royalist vessel. ‘W ‘We were sent to find find you. T he H igh Ki King charges you s elenium ore or e to bri bring him him a fragme fragment of .’  Yo  Y ou bow polite litely. ly. ‘Ple ‘Please assure our lor lord that I go go at once to do his bidding.’  The other ship sailsoff. Turn Turn to 475. 677  The cr crew is on on the ve verge of mu mutiny iny. Y ou must assert yo your authori uthority if if you hope to avoi avoid d a dis disaster. M ake a CHARISMA roll at a Difficulty of 15. Successful ful C HARISMA ro  roll turn to 188 Failed CHARISMA ro  roll turn to 599 678 Wisps of cloud cloud swirl wirl around round you. When When you gaze down, the tiny tiny figures figures of your your men are li like midges beside the great basin of  the sea. T he altitude titude is making ki ng you dizzy. dizzy. I f you have the codeword word Calcium  , turn to 642. If not, the increasingly thin air forces you to turn back – turn to 606. 679  The Mas Master of of the Colle College has you in for a sherry rry. Waving ing you to a deep leather armchair that makes a serious erious bid bid at engorging engorging you, you, he scans your exam papers and says: ‘Y ‘Y ou seem unsure unsure about anything at all. all. M ost of of the metaphysical questions tions you’ve  jus  just answered with ith a Don Don’t Kno Know. The sprite ite like liked you so much that it’ it’s s taken up residence in your your coat pocket – and your smile mile, instead of curdling the milk, almost froze it.’  Yo  Y ou loo look at him uncerta rtainly inly.. ‘Do ‘Does that mean–?’ H e grins ri ns and se seizes your hand. ‘Y ou’l ou’ll be a model student! Welcome to the college.’  Turn  Turn to 571 and put a tick tick in in the box by the college college option option there. 680 !  Yo  Y ou reach the chamber at the top of the tower. If the the box above was already ticked, ticked, imm i mmedia diately turn turn to 662. I f the the box is is empty there there is is a wand sealed here ins inside a crystalline casket. Y ou can attempt to open it it by making king a M AGIC roll at Difficulty 16. I f you succeed ucceed, put a tick in the box and then turn to 644. If  you fail, fail , leave the box empty and turn to 626. O Orr you can jus just leave the tower, turn to 407. 681  The Utta Uttakin ori orig gina inally lly ca came across the seas from th the south, a warri rrior race race that subjuga ubjugated the land land of Old H Ha arkuna rkuna and put the Hi High Ki King to the sword word for daring daring to oppose them. But But that was almost three three centuri centuries ago. Fa Factional ctional infi infighti ghting ng wasted the strength of the Utta Uttakin. kin. Ci C ivili viliza zation tion sapped the conque conquering ring spiri pirit of the the once-proud people, ople, and their their ancient ncient ritua rituals became decadent and devoi devoid d of meaning. ning. N ow they they rule rule only the land of Uttaku, U ttaku, their their energies rgies devoted solely olely to elaborate elaborate courtl courtly intrigue ntri gues and internec interneciine pl plotting. otti ng. The T he court courtiiers are said to wear

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 59 

masks that symbolica ymboli cally dis displa play the the wearer’s er’s prestige tige and power power whil while concealing his true feelings elings. T he king king is that one man in in every generation tion who who is i s actually born without without a face…  Yo  Y ou clos lose your bookswith ith a shudder. Turn Turn to 368. 682  The en entire ire island is ca carpeted in a mo mossy grey-gre -green sward. Fres Freshwater ha has coll ollected in in holl hollows in in the ground and there are tame bir birds tha that you you can easily catch to eat. R oll one die. die. Score 1 turn to 646 Score 2-6 turn to 664 683  Yo  Y ou wake up up to to find find th that ev every man on bo board lie lies dead and cold, cold, wi with the sole ole exception of of yours yourself. Y ou are at a loss to explain explain how thi this s ghastly tly tragedy could could have come about – or why you should hould have been spared. T urn to 700. 684 R oll oll two dice dice and add your R ank. Add A dd 1 to the total if i f you have an average crew, 2 if if you you have a good crew, crew, or or 3 if if you you have an excellent excellent crew. crew. Score 1-6 The The pira irates overtake you turn to 392 Score 7+ Y ou outrun them turn to 648 685  This  This promises to be a desperate strug ruggle, bu but at least yo you ha have a fighting fighting chance chance – if you coul could d clea clearly rly see the Gorgons Gorgons’ eyes, on the other hand, it would all be over in an instant. Fight them one after fter the other. First Gorgon, COMBAT  4, Defence D efence 5, Stamina 8 Second Gorgon, COMBAT 5, Defence Defence 6, Stamina 11  The  There is nowhere to flee. If you win, in, turn to 393. 686 ‘A copper thi thief, eh?’ snarls rls a tra trau who has been employed ployed to work work the the seam here. H e launches hims himself at you, a burly urly bl blot ot against the the darknes rkness, hands like like shovels, hovels, eyes glos glossy bl bla ack like a huge moth’s moth’s.  Trau Mine Miner, COMBAT 8, Defence D efence 10, Stamina 10 If you win, turn to 376. 687 M ist swirl wirls s down the narrow rrow alley alleys and loi loiters in darke rkened doorways doorways. T he stree treetla tlampsgive give off a haloed gleam because of it. If you have the codeword word A nger , turn to 657. Otherwise turn to 675. 688  The fisherman take you to the villa illage alehouse, wh where drin rink and good company soon oon loose loosen their their wa wary tongues tongues. ‘We are a privileged community,’ boasts one old man, ‘for we are situated close close to the the Rea R eavers’ citade citadel and are often often called on to provide food and drink for their table.’ Before Before long you have have a good ide idea how to fi find the R eavers’ secret bay. Bidding the villagers goodnight, you return to your ship. Get the codeword C hance   and  and turn to 545.

689  The ship pu pulls lls alon longside ide. T he pira irates cast ou out gra grappling ling ho hooks and withi within n moments moments are swa swarming rming aboard. Y ou offer offer them your your goods in exchange for for your your freedom. freedom. M ake a CHARISMA roll at a Difficulty of 15. Successful ful C HARISMA ro  roll turn to 416 Failed CHARISMA ro  roll turn to 435 690 If you have the codeword word A mcha  , turn to 420. If I f not, not, turn to 287. 691  The feast goes on late int into the nigh ight, and dawn find ind most of the pirates pirates slumped across the tables. A few hardy souls ouls are stil still stuffing titbits into their mouths, swilling them down with U ttakin kin brandy. ‘So, is it your inte intention ntion to take up the pi piratica tical life yours yourself?’ elf?’ asks one man. I f you have the codeword word C rocus  , turn to 549. If I f not but but you have the codeword codeword C olour  , turn to 458. Othe O therwis rwi se turn to 476. 692 ! If the box above is empty, put a tick tick in in it it and turn to to 364. If the box wasalready ticked, ticked, turn turn to 382. 693 Duri uring an eclips ecli pse, when when the sun iis s hidden hidden and day becomes night, night, hide hideous straggle-ha gle-haired crones with with lea leathery wings wings suddenly drop out of the sky uttering shrill cries. I f you have the codeword word Judas  , turn to 587. If not, turn to 605. 694  Tala  Talanexor laughs trium iumphantly. ly. The spectators grum rumble dis disappointedl ppointedly y and start to wander off off.. ‘I s that it?’ it?’ you ask anyone anyone who’l who’ll li listen. ‘T alanexor always does that,’ repli replies an aged coll college servant. ‘H e’s too stingy stingy to buy the expensive ingredi ingredients ents he needs for for fire magic, you see.’ As loser of the the dis dispute you you are judge judged guil uilty of burgli burgling ng  Tala  Talanexor’s home and must pay him all your cash. The Then turn to 571. 695  The low lower slop lopes are slipp lippery wit with h moss, bu but after a while you find find the goi going ng easier. T he rock is hard, with with deep gouges that provide provi de you with with secure handholds ndholds. M ake a SCOUTING  roll roll at Difficulty fficulty 13. Y ou can add 1 to the dice dice roll roll if you you possess a rope, or add 2 if you have climbing gear. gear. Successful ful SCOUTING ro  roll turn to 678 Failed SCOUTING roll turn to 660 696 ‘It’ ‘I t’s s good to see you re remember to turn up at at lectures lectures once in in a whil while,’ remarks rks the senior enior mage dril dri ly as you sidl sidle e in at the back of the hall.  Yo  Y ou must pay 200 Shards in tutoria rial fe fees, th then roll roll two dice ice. If you get highe higher than your current MAGIC score, core, incr increa ease it by 1. Howeve H owever, r, if you rol roll a 2 then you have got things things so badly wrong that you lose 1 point of M AGIC.

 60 O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea  Sea 

 That done, turn to 607. 697  The bark of of th the trees has a deep ind indigo igo co colou lour, and th the leaves sparkl rkle with with azure light. li ght. T hings hings slither amid the shadows, el elusive as memori oriesof old old drea dreams. Search for a way out turn to 388 Press on deeper into the wood turn to 408 698 H ere is the entry you find find in an old book that is ye yellow ll ow with wi th age. ‘Once ‘O nce the pinnacl pinnacle of civili civi liza zation tion in the northla northlands, Old O ld H arkuna rkuna is now but a wrec wrecked shell of an empire, li like the carapace of a crab dis discarded on a beach by gull gulls. T he Uttaki Uttakin n conquered Ha H arkuna rkuna in ages past, but the la lands of Golni olnirr and Sokara that were were once its i ts vassal states stil till maintain the vestige tiges of anci ancient ent traditi dition. on. H arkuna rkuna rema remains the model of of kings ki ngship hip even though the H Hiigh Ki King’s Sea Seat has been empty for for three hundred years. Inde I ndeed, many superstiti titious ous folk stil till claim that the H igh Ki King was never slain by the Utta Uttaki kin, n, but sleeps under the frozen frozen R imewater and wil will aris arise when the Worl World Snake spits pits fire fire and the end of the the world world looms looms.’  Thos  Those, at least, are the words of one lon long-de -dead author.  Turn  Turn to 368. 699 ‘I believe I’ve ’ve encountered this this isle before,’ fore,’ says the naviga vigator, ‘but it it never shows hows up at exactly ctly the pla place I last marked rked it on on my charts.’ Put in at the island turn to 682 Sail on turn to 283 700  The crewmen are all dead, le leaving ing you alon lone on your ship. ip. You You cannot sail her without wi thout help. I n the rowboat it is is possible you might be able ble to rea reach the the mainla nland, but tha that woul would d mean abandoning ndoni ng your cargo and supplies suppli es. Put to sea in the rowboat turn to 423 R emain aboard the ship turn to 518 701  The fis fishermen entertain you and your men in their villa illage tavern, but you you suspect they they may have spik piked the ale because it it is not long long before fore the others are lol lolling drunkenly runkenly and singing riba ri bald songs.  Yo  Y ou ha have sensibly ibly avoide ided dri drin nking ing anything ing yo yourself, lf, but now you must assert your your authori authority to get the the men back on on board so you can set sail before before the Rea R eavers show up. M ake a CHARISMA roll at a difficulty of 14. Successful ful C HARISMA ro  roll turn to 549 Failed CHARISMA ro  roll turn to 378 702 Lauria uria fina finally leaves the tavern, apparently rently well lubrica ubricated with with Bluewood Bluewood cider by now, and goes stridi tri ding ng off into into the fog singing to herself. T o tra track her to to her digs digs you must make a SCOUTING roll at Difficulty 14. Successful ful SCOUTING ro  roll turn to 401 Failed SCOUTING ro  roll turn to 477

703 ‘Corr ‘C orrec ect,’ t,’ says T alanexor, arching rching his his eyebrows brows. ‘Good ‘Good guess.’ N o wimp wi mpy maths ques questions tions for you. T his his is meant to be a magical duel, is isn’t n’t it? it? You You toss the Curse Curse of the Cree Creeping ping Entrails at him, swiftly following it with a puissant hex you learned off an old vi villlage witch witch when you were atoddler. toddler. M ake a M AGIC  roll roll at Difficulty fficulty 13 if you’re a M age, Difficulty 17 if you’re any other profession. Successful MAGIC ro  roll turn to 383 Failed M AGIC ro  roll turn to 365 704  Yo  Y ou go ashore on St Starspike ike Island. It is a barre rren wild wilde erness of  broke broken rocks rocks covered in in scarlet rlet mos moss. T he central pinna pinnacle ri rises almost vertica vertically li like a pil pillar support supportiing the heavens. Y our men fla flatly tly refuse to try try to scale it. it. As A s one man says, ‘I ‘I went to sea to becomea sailor, or, not not a mounta ountaineer.’ r.’  Try to climb the mountain turn to 695 Set sail turn to 230 705  Yo  Y ou follo llow a convolut luted path that eventually lly brin rings you to th the edge of the the Bluewood. Bluewood. Increase your SCOUTING score core by 1. Go into Dweomer turn to 571 Go to the harbour turn to 100 706  Yo  Y ou spend a pleasant few days on the Isla Island of Fire Fire. ‘Ah ‘Ah,, ’t ’tis an earthly rthly parad paradiise,’ declares the first first mate, sucking sucking milk milk from from a coconut whi whille he is fanned by two lovely lovely is i sland maidens.  Yo  Y ou suck yo your te teeth, th think inking ing that perha rhaps you’d better get your men back back to to sea before their dis discipli cipline ne atrophie trophi es altogether. together. R ecover 2-12 2-12 Stamina if wounded and then turn to 479. 707  The sailmaster is not popular with ith anyone on board. His protests of innocence i nnocence fall on deaf ears. Y ou orde order him hi m truss trussed up and bundled overboard overboard li like a sack of of food that that had gone off. Some days later, ter, passing the the mess, you overhear overhear a conversation tion that you realize confirms confirms the sailmaster’s alibi. bi. H e could could not possibly have committed the murder. Y ou are are fil filled with remorse. Gain the codeword C langer   and  and turn to 188. 708 ore of  The mixt ixture explod lodes in your fa face. Cro Cross the selenium ore  off  your li list of possessions, then roll roll one die. Score 1 Y ou are kille illed; tu turn to 123 Score 2-3 T he hull hull is is breached; turn turn to to 486 Score 4 Los Lose 1 from your M AGIC score; turn to 262 Score5-6 Lose 1-6 Stamina; turn turn to 262 if still alive 709  Yo  Y ou are swept as ashore at the the mouth of a wid wide e riv rive er. Ne N earby, impaled on the jagged end of a brok broken branch, a skeleton keleton in in rusting rusting armour dangles ngles at the water’s water’s edge. Appa Apparently rently not all shipwr hipwrecked ecked mariners ri ners are aslucky as you. (COMBAT +1); add Searching rching the body, you ffiind as a sword (C this this to your your li list of pos possessions. Staggering ri ng towards tra trails of smoke that are ris ri sing from from beyond a copse of ol olive-gree ve-green tropi tropica cal palms, you arrive arrive at a settlem ettlement of many tha thatched-ro tched- roof ofed ed shacks rais raised on stil stilts at the the

O ver ver the Bl ood-D ood-D ark Se Sea 61 

river’s river’s edge. It is is the depot town town of of Smogmaw, on the the great southern continent.  Turn  Turn to 44. 710  The harbourmaster studies your do documents, wh which ich confirm irm you haumaturge  e  as owner owner of of a small barque called called the T haumaturg . She has has a carrying rryi ng capacity of 1 Ca Cargo Uni U nitt and her Crew C rew Qua Quality li ty is is average. R emember to change the entry in in the Dock Docked ed column column haumaturge  e  each time ti me you arri arrive at a new port; port; the T haumaturg  is currently docked at Dweomer, of course. ship’s deeds and turn to 100. Crossoff the the ship’s 711 One night, hearing ring a commotion otion on deck, you come up from from your cabin bin to find fi nd the sailors crowded around the the rail. rail. T hey are pointing pointi ng into the water ter wi with crie cries of awe. Pushing your wa way through to to the front, front, you are are astonis tonished to see the glitteri glittering ng lightsof an underseacity city shini hining ng up from from below. ‘I’ve heard tales of such a pla place,’ says the first first mate. ‘I ‘It is is the sunken unken city city of of Y s, curs cursed because its inha inhabita bitants blasphemed against the the gods of the the sea.’ I nto the U nderworld nderworld 404 Dive ive down to the city ity Set a course away from here turn to 311 712  There are only a few ships ips for sa sale and th there is not mu much to choos choose between them. Choo C hoos se from from the typeslisted here. Shi p T ype

Barque Brigantine

C ost

240 Shards 500 Shards

C apaci ty  

1 C argo U nit 2 Cargo U nits

 Yo  Y ou get to give ive your ship a name. Rec Record this and other details on your Shi Ship’s p’s M anifes nifest. The T he C rew Qua Quality li ty is poor. Each time timeyou arrive arrive at a destina tination, tion, change the entry in the Docked column on the Ship’s Ship’s Ma Manifes nifest to the the ship’s hip’s new location. tion. Currently urrently your ship hip is is docked at Smogmaw, of cours course. N ow turn to to 71. 713 At la last you you manage to break free free of the magic gic that has held you frozen. frozen. Y ou cannot cannot tell tell how much time ti me has passed, but there is is no sign of the Gorgons now.  Turn  Turn to 449. 714  Yo  Y ou are washed up on a narrow row stretch of beach at the back of a bay surrounded urrounded by high hi gh mist-s mist-shrouded hrouded peaks. A bottl bottle has been swept up on to the the shingle hingle beside you.  Thou  Though yo your fing fingers are tre trembling ling wit with h co cold, ld, you ma manage to to p’s deeds, which unscrew it. it. Inside you find find ash a ship’s which you can add to your your li list of possessions. After resting ting to recover your strength, you pick pick your wa way up a series eries of steep paths until unti l you you can get a clea clear view vi ew of the the island. T o the north lies an expanse of glitteri glittering ng blue fores forest, so there can be no question tion where where you are – Braelak, the Sorcerers Sorcerers’ Isle. Nea N earer at hand is is a tower buil built of obsidia dian blocks blocks. Enter the forest turn to 697 Go to the tower turn to 426

715  The gypsies offer you cash for any of the follo llowing ing ite items, if if you have them and are wil willing to tra trade. I tems

Rope Lantern Candle Water flas flask  Coral-red oral- red tresses Golden olden katana Smoulder fis fish Cross-staff (SCOUTING +2  +2) Violin Parrot Fishing hook  Boar’s Bo ar’s tusk  Green gem

T o sell

20 Shards 60 Shards 5 Shards 20 Shards 500 Shards 3000 Shards 90 Shards 500 Shards 50 Shards 90 Shards 2 Shards 75 Shards 100 Shards

When you have fini finis shed your selli elling, if if you ha have enough money to pay the gypsies the 100 Shards they want for for cutting cutti ng out of of the the seaweed, turn turn to 50. If I f not, turn turn to 570. 716  Yo  Y ou push up, dis dislod lodging ing the iro iron cover wh which ich falls aside ide with ith a clang. Emerging, rging, you find find yours yourself on a mi mist-s t- swaddled street where high-towered high- towered edifi difices ces loom on all sides like phantom titans. At the end of the alley you come acros cross a man in in a thick thick fur fur cape who is is locking ocki ng up his shop for the night. night. When W hen you say you are lost, he points points along the stree treet to where a large latticed latticed window window gleams with with mistmist-blurr blurre ed la lamplight. plight. ‘T his his is Dweomer.  Yo  Y onder is the west wind indow of Mau Maudlin Colle College.’  Turn  Turn to 508. 717  The ship’s ip’s water barrels are all empty. Some of the crew turn to drinki drinking ng seawater in in desperation, ration, but thi this s is no use – it only only hastensthe inevitable inevitable end. end. T urn to to 123. 718  The ship is swept far out out to sea. Men Men and go goods are wa washed overboa overboard by cra crashing, hing, inkink-da dark waves that snap your hawsers like twine. Lose 1 Cargo U nit nit (if (i f you have any cargo) and reduce your crew quality by one one step – i.e. an excel excellent crew becomes good, a good ood crew crew become becomes average, and an average crew becomes poor. At last the storm blows itself out. Y ou are left drifti drifting ng in unknown waters.  Turn  Turn to 245.


 Ove O verr the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea Sea errata 1 

Erra rrata Sheet for O ver t he B l ood od-- D ark Sea  Adventuring in the Fabled Lands Added “of O ver ” after “If this is ver the Blood-D Blood-D ark Sea  Sea  your first Fabled L ands    book, book, read the rest of the rules rulesbefore before starting tarting at section ction 1”.

 The starting ing T HIEVERY  ability for a Warrior should be 3, not 5, as indica ndicated in the the printed printed book version. I have altered tered it it to 3 in in this this document. Added “included in the Adventure Pack 3” to “Fill in the Adventure Sheet with your choice of  profession and the abil bility scores given for for that that profession.”. Changed “T here is a list of codewor codewords ds at the front front of the book. book.” ” to “T “ T here here is a lis li st of codewords included in the Adventure Pack 3.” Changed “T here are many plot strands to fol folllow in in the Fabl Fabled Lands Lands.” to “T “ T here are many plot plot strands to follow in the Fabled L ands  .” Changed “T he bl black and and white white map which whi ch precedes the rules rul es shows hows the whol whole e extent of of the the known Fa Fabled Lands Lands. T he fold-out fold-out colour colour map shows the Viol Vi olet et O cea cean which which is is covered by this this book.” book.” to “T “T wo of the bl black and white white maps show the whole extent extent of the the known known Fabled Lands. T he colour map shows the Viole olet Oce O cea an which which is is covered by this adventure – O ver ver the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark  Sea  . T he last bla black and white white map should hould not be looked ooked at unles unless you are ins instructed tructed to do do so by a specific reference number in the adventure itself.” I n the sentence “I f you jour journey ney to the edge of the the map in this adventure, you will be guided to another nother adventure nture in the series eries.” have used the word ‘adventure’ instead of ‘book’. I n the sentences“M ake a note of the the entry you'l you'lll be turning turning to in in the new new adve adventure. nture. The T hen n copy all the information from your Adventure Sheet and Ship's M anifes nifest into into the new adventure. La Lastly, tly, rub rub out the Adventur Adventure e Sheet and Ship's Ship's M anifes nifest data in the old old adventur dventure e so they wil will be bl blank when when you return return there.” there.” ha have used the word word ‘adventure’ instead of ‘book’. Colour Violet Ocean map Added the name Bluewood to the blank spot on on the fores forest on the detailed colour colour map of Brae Braelak, the Sorcerers’ Sorcerers’ Is I sle.  The city ity of Met Metric ricien iens in Goln Golnir ir is wrongly spelle lled on this thi s map as as M etrici tri cia ans. I have not correcte corrected d this this.

abll ed L Lands  ands  Black Black and White F ab  maps Origina riginallly printe pri nted d reve revers rse ely in i n the wrong order. ver   This  This has been co corrected in in th the Ma Map p Pa Pack fo for O ver  . the Blood –D ark Sea 

Starting rting Characters Damontir montir the Ma M ad also features tures as the main vil villain in Dave M orri orris’ Gol Golden den Dragon Fa Fantasy Gamebook ebook . Greymalkin ki n Smith Smith has a cameo T emple of Flame  Fl ame  perform rformance in Dave Dave M orris orri s’ Vi Virtual R eality li ty Adventure Book D own . Silas own A mong mong T he D ead M en  Cumberbatch does not appear in in either either of of those those books books but his his portr portra ait bears a stri triking ki ng resembla blance to Mi M ichael Jackson. Quick Rules (In (I n the Adventure Pack 3 document). H ave changed “rules rul es section ection on pages 5-7.” 5-7.” to “Adventuring dventuring in the Fabled Lands 3 document”.  references  references O ver t he Bl ood-D ood-D ark Sea  6 I nclude ncluded d “ – turn to 123.” after “If “I f the score is greater than your R ank, you are drowned”. drowned”. 75 Added “– it is is the fourth map include included d in in the Ma Map Pack.” ck.”. R emoved “and, because you may wis wi sh to refer back to the illustration later, make a note of  this this page number in in brackets next to it” it”.. 101 Changed “pointi “poi nting ng to numerous numerous rocky rocky shores hores scattered in the east” to “poi “pointi nting ng to numerous rocky rocky shores shoresscattered in in the the west”. t”. 103 I nclude ncluded d “ – turn to 123.” after “If “I f the score is greater than your R ank, you are drowned”. drowned”. 123 Put Fabled Lands in italics   font 157 I ncluded “ – turn to 123.” after “If “I f the score is greater than your R ank, you are drowned”. drowned”. 205 I ncluded “ – turn to 123.” after “If “I f the score is greater than your R ank, you are drowned”. drowned”. 241 Should be “I t speaks like li ke a sleepwalke lker,” r,” N O T “I t speaks li like an sleepwalker,” ker,”

 2 O ver ver the t he Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea Sea errata 

249 Included “ – turn to 123.” after “If “I f the score is grea greater than your R ank, you are drowned drowned” ”.

486 Included “ – turn to 123.” after “If “I f the score is greater than your R ank, you are drowned”. drowned”.

260 N o full full-stop after the semi-colon in i n “H e takes all your money and maroons you; turn to 177”.

499 Changed “the loophole’s in a villain’s alibi.” to “the loopholes in a villain’s alibi.”

284 Should be “you lea lead a shore hore party in i n gathering thering food and fresh water” N OT “you lea leave a shore hore party in in gathering thering food food and fres fresh water”. water”.

522 Put Fabled Lands in italics   font

286 Changed “Score 0-4 Ca C alamity; you are kill kille ed” to “Score 00-4 Ca Calamity; you are kill kille ed turn to 123”

565 Change nged “Score 0-4 0-4 Ca Calamity; you are are kill kille ed” to “Score 00-4 Ca Calamity; you are kill kille ed turn to 123” 582

Put Fabled Lands in italics   font 311 it ies of G old and  Added the option “Go north – C ities Glory 187”. 348 Changed “If “I f you have have codeword Baluster ,” ,” to “If  you have the codeword codeword Baluster ,”. ,”. 361 Changed “Score 0-4 Ca C alamity; you are kill kille ed” to “Score 00-4 Ca Calamity; you are kill kille ed turn to 123” 392 Changed “Score 0-4 Ca C alamity; you are kill kille ed” to “Score 00-4 Ca Calamity; you are kill kille ed turn to 123” 399

Changed “M akes a SCOUTING  roll at Difficulty 14.” to “M “M ake aSCOUTING roll at Difficulty 14.” 416 Changed “Cross “C ross all thes these off your your Ship’s Ship’s Ma Manifes nifest.” t.” to “C “Cross all these off your your Adventure A dventure Sheet and Ship’s Ma M anifes nifest.” 431 Changed “a “acerbicly” rbicly” to “a “acerbi cerbica cally”. ll y”.

592 Included “ – turn to 123.” after “If “I f the score is greater than your R ank, you are drowned”. drowned”. 628 States wrongl wrongly y that no ships are availa vailable ble for sail in Smogmaw whi which is is contradi contradicted cted by the contents contents of  ref 712, where you can buy barque or brigantine cla class ships hips in Smogmaw. I have not corrected corrected this this! 634 Included “ – turn to 123.” after “If “I f the score is greater than your R ank, you are drowned”. drowned”. 643 M ajor continui conti nuity ty error rror between this this reference and the one you mus must turn turn to (480). [pain_ma n_mage: I guess it is 508 ins  instead of 480.] [Ed. – the original origin al sai sai d 480  which which is i s defini fi nitely tely wrong. wrong. A lthoug lt hough the t he correct li nk i s the  subje subject of some debat debate e, this hi s ground roun d has bee been we wel l covered, overed, and so I am se settl tt l i ng on on the the li nk 415   as annotated by  C hanged reference reference link D ave M orris in my copy. opy. ] Cha

from 480 to  to 415.

435 Changed “C ros ross off off your your money, possessions and any Ca Cargo Uni U nits ts aboard your ve vessel.” el.” to “C “C ross off  any Ca C argo U nits nits aboard your vessel.” el.”

644 “T he casket brea breaks to shards [Ed. – which cannot, i nci nci dent dentall all y, be used as money money :D] :D] R emember ber to add tium wand (MAGIC +5) to your list of  the celestium y ou’ d forge forget… were were D ave and  poss possession sions s [E d. – as i f you’ ], then Jamie wast wasted when they t hey wrote wrot e this thi s paragraph? paragraph???  ??  turn to 407.”

474 Changed “Score 0-4 Ca C alamity; you are kill kille ed” to “Score 00-4 Ca Calamity; you are kill kille ed turn to 123”

645 “T hey hey are known as as ninja, ninja, a word whi which ch lite li tera ralllly y means M asters of I nvisibili nvisibility.” ty.” [Ed. – i n Japanes Japanese this  hi s 

484 Put Fabled Lands in italics   font

i s not the the case, i t j ust ust means means “ hidi hi ding ng person” rson”,, but in  i n  …] A kats kat surese urese the root root may be di di ffe fferent …]

 Ove O verr the Bloo Bl ood-D d-D ark Sea Sea errata 3 

650 “Dangor is is a city city east of the the Gashmuru Gul Gulf. f. I t stands atop cli cliffs ffs hundreds hundreds of metres tres high, high, and you are particularly intrigued by the account of one H orbel Hum H umbing, Ma Master ter Ma M arine riner, r, of the H M S Sokar  . ‘We ‘W e arri rrived at the base of the the cliffs cliffs and there laid at anchor nchor thr three ee days, whil whi le a mountainee mountaineer carri rried our documentsto the port authori uthorities tiesabove.  These documents being ing found to be in order, grapples were low lowered ered and secured cured and the the whole whole vessel wa was winch wi nched ed up to the the docks docks a thou thous sand fee feet above.’” [Ed. – appa appare rentl ntl y M r H umbi umbi ng has has Book Book 11  ! ] 670 “T he ship hip is is swept far far out out to sea. M en and goods are wa washed overbo overboa ard by huge huge wavesthat snap your your hawse wsers like li ke twine. Los L ose 1 Cargo Uni U nitt (if (if you have have any cargo) and reduce your cr crew ew quality by one one

step – i.e. an excellent crew becomes good, a good crew crew becomes becomes average, and an average crew [Ed. –  the ori original ginal print pri nt had an an int i ntrusive rusive ” here here whic whi ch has be been  removed  ]

708 “Lose 1-6 1-6 Stamina; turn to 262 if still alive” [Ed. –  the space afte after the the semimi-colon in i n the the l ast l i ne is missi missi ng in  in  the printe print ed edit editii ons  ]

714 “Go to the tower turn to 426” [Ed. – thi s originally  originall y  read 425  , whic whi ch is i s veri verififiab abll y inc i ncorre orrecct ] 715 “When you have finished your buying [Ed. – sic, but what buyi buy i ng???  ng???  ] and selling,”. li ng,”. R emoved oved “buying “buying and” reference.

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