Faa and Usaf Damage Tolerance

December 8, 2016 | Author: ajroc1515 | Category: N/A
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001-Faa and Usaf Damage Tolerance...


ASIP 200 5


Robert G. Eastin*

Damage tolerance requirements were formally adopted by the United States Air Force (USAF) for the design of new airplanes and by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the certification of new large transport type designs in the 1970’s. The underlying reasons were different and it is therefore not surprising that the requirements adopted are different. The prescriptive nature of the USAF requirements is contrasted with the more objective nature of the FAA requirements. It is also noted that the outcome of each set of requirements is different. The USAF requirements result in structure with a specified level of tolerance to defects plus in-service inspections if necessary. The FAA requirements result in maintenance actions (i.e. “inspections or other procedures”) determined to be necessary to prevent catastrophic failure due to fatigue from all potential sources. The primary intent of this paper is to objectively identify similarities and differences between the two sets of requirements as they are written without passing judgment on them or getting into the nuances of how they have been implemented. This paper also examines “fail-safety” as included in the current USAF damage tolerance requirements and in the FAA fatigue requirements from 1956 to 1978.

INTRODUCTION Two well known and widely applied sets of damage tolerance requirements are those that must be adhered to for the design of USAF aircraft and those that must be used for the certification of civil aircraft type designs in the United States. Although each set is commonly referred to using the words “damage tolerance” significant differences exist in intent and application. This paper examines some of these differences. In conducting any comparison it is important to clearly define exactly what is being compared. The USAF damage tolerance requirements have been subject to revisions since they were first adopted and often custom tailored to specific aircraft systems. However the basic philosophy and intent has remained unchanged since the

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* Federal Aviation Administration, Los Angeles Certification Office 

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first requirements were published in 1974. Therefore for the purposes of this discussion the USAF requirements being compared are those in [1]. Extra care must be taken when identifying what FAA requirements will be compared. This is because somewhat different requirements have evolved over the years for small airplanes, transport airplanes, small rotorcraft and large rotorcraft. These requirements are contained in parts 23, 25, 27 and 29 respectively of [2] and the differences have been discussed by Eastin [3]. In the discussion that follows the FAA requirements that will be compared are a subset of those that were originally published for transport airplanes in [4]. This subset is included in paragraphs (a) and (b) of section 25.571 of [2] as amended by [4]. Other requirements are included in paragraphs (c), (d) and (e) of section 25.571. These are “Fatigue (safe-life) evaluation”, “Sonic fatigue strength” and “Damage-tolerance (discrete source) evaluation” respectively and are beyond the scope of this discussion since they have no similar counterparts in the requirements of [1]. CATEGORIES OF FATIGUE The author believes it can be useful to separate fatigue into three categories. This was first proposed in [5] and this convention will also be used here to facilitate the discussion. The categories are normal, anomalous and unexpected normal, and are described below. Normal Fatigue

Normal fatigue is the inevitable accumulation of damage with resultant cracking that can be expected to occur at some point in time in any structure that is subjected to cyclic loading of sufficient magnitude and frequency. It occurs in structure that is designed and fabricated without error, operated as planned, and serviced as expected. As defined, normal fatigue is predictable and the probability of it occurring is steadily increasing with time. Fatigue testing can be performed to characterize normal fatigue at the detail, component, and aircraft level. A normal fatigue event occurring in one aircraft can be expected to occur in others. In this sense the cracked aircraft is representative of the rest of the fleet. Normal fatigue can occur locally when there are isolated areas that are significantly more fatigue sensitive than surrounding areas due to higher stress level, unique geometry, etc. Normal fatigue can also occur over large areas when similar details are subjected to the same stress levels. When large areas are subject to normal fatigue the term “multiple site damage” and “multiple element damage” are often used. The traditional strategy used to deal with normal fatigue is safety-byretirement which is more commonly referred to as the “safe-life” approach. Safetyby-inspection may also be an effective strategy for normal fatigue provided inspection reliability is acceptable and eventual terminating action (e.g. modification, replacement) takes place based on inspection findings.

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Anomalous Fatigue

Anomalous fatigue is the result of an off nominal physical condition. It is unexpected and unpredictable. Classic sources include material defects, tool marks and poor quality holes. Other sources include service induced damage such as corrosion pits and dings and scratches. All the sources mentioned above are by their nature unpredictable. Considerable effort is made during design and manufacture to mitigate the risk of introducing anomalous fatigue sources. Likewise controls are typically put in place once an aircraft enters service to minimize the risk of service related anomalies. Anomalous fatigue occurring in an aircraft is not, by definition, representative of the fleet. Swift [6] refers to such an aircraft as a “Rogue Flawed Aircraft” and others commonly use the term “rogue” to describe anomalous sources of fatigue. Anomalies are, by their very nature, difficult to quantify before they occur. Tiffany has discussed this in [7] and questioned the validity of extrapolating equivalent initial flaw distributions although he also notes that this has been done. Anomalies tend to be singular events resulting in very localized fatigue cracking. This is reflected in the cracking scenarios that are specified for use by the USAF in [1]. The most effective strategy for anomalies is to design the structure to be tolerant of them. This is the essence of [1] as will be discussed in more detail below. Unexpected Normal Fatigue

There are many examples of unexpected and premature fatigue that can’t be blamed on an off nominal physical condition. Some typical root causes include incorrect external loads and/or internal loads/stress, overly severe usage (as compared to design assumptions) and other shortfalls in our ability to accurately model the structure and predict the future. In hindsight this category of fatigue has to be considered “normal” and we typically do well at “postdiction” once we correct our input data. In most cases unexpected normal fatigue is representative of the fleet and should be addressed accordingly. BACKGROUND A review of key events leading up to the adoption of the requirements is considered helpful in understanding the differences that exist. As noted below the USAF and the FAA had uniquely different experiences that resulted in somewhat different conclusions, objectives and requirements.

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Key events and experience that lead to the adoption of damage tolerance requirements by the USAF have been reviewed by Lincoln [8], [9], [10]. A summary illustration is provided by Figure 1 below.






1960 1958

1970 1969

Fatigue (8866/8867/Durability)

1980 1974


Damage Tolerance (83444)

Figure 1 USAF Key Events Up until 1958 the USAF had no formal fatigue requirements. According to Lincoln [8] aircraft were generally designed based on static strength considerations only and the factor of safety applied was expected to account for deterioration from usage and quality problems as well as uncertainties about loading and material strength. Based on this all three (normal, anomalous, and unexpected normal) of the author’s categories of fatigue should have been accounted for. Lincoln [9] attributes the success of this approach up through the mid-1940’s to conservative analysis methods, the inherent fatigue and fracture resistance of available and generally used airframe materials and the relatively low usage of USAF aircraft. These factors combined and resulted in aircraft designs that were inherently tolerant to fatigue and other kinds of damage in spite of the lack of any formal requirements. However there were factors coming into play that resulted in an erosion of the inherent robustness of USAF aircraft. The advent of new high strength alloys, the increased importance of aircraft performance and more refined design tools were some of them. This loss of robustness resulted in an ever increasing number of structural integrity related problems. Lincoln [9], [10] specifically cites the fatigue problems experienced on the B-47 as being one of the primary drivers that led to the USAF adopting formal fatigue requirements, to be used in the design of future USAF aircraft, in 1958. These requirements specifically required that deterioration due to repeated loading in service be considered and minimized. This was accomplished in part by requiring full scale fatigue testing to a multiple of the specified service life. Any significant fatigue cracking that occurred during this test

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had to be addressed such that it would not be expected in fielded aircraft during their service lives. Although the new USAF safe-life requirement forced the aircraft designers to consider fatigue, in addition to static overload, as a threat to structural integrity it was soon realized that it did not prevent the use of low ductility materials operating at high stress levels. The example of this most commonly cited is the F-111. The F111 experience painfully illustrated how such design decisions combined with an unexpected defect could be devastating. As part of the F-111 engineering development program a successful full scale fatigue test of the wing box was accomplished to 16,000 simulated flight hours. Accounting for test spectrum severity the USAF interpreted the results as demonstrating a safe-life of 6000 hours using a scatter factor of four. Nevertheless on December 22, 1969 an F-111 crashed as a result of a fatigue failure in the lower plate of the left wing pivot fitting. The total time in service at the time of the accident was 100 hours. This failure was attributed to a defect that was produced during manufacture of the forging that the plate was fabricated from. This and other service incidents convinced the USAF that the existing fatigue requirements needed to be augmented. It was reasoned that the requirement to fatigue test by itself could still result in designs that were not sufficiently tolerant to manufacturing and service induced defects. To achieve the desired tolerance something had to be done to positively affect the design relative to material choices, stress levels and design details. That something was determined to be prescriptive crack growth and residual strength requirements assuming that defects are present when the airplane first enters service. In summary what motivated the USAF to adopt their damage tolerance requirements was the conclusion that the safe-life approach by itself had not delivered the overall structural integrity desired. Specifically they were missing a level of robustness largely due to unfortunate choices of materials and stress levels that were not influenced by the fatigue requirements that were on the books at the time. The added requirements directly influence material selection and stress levels at the design stage. It should also be noted that the USAF damage tolerance requirements were supplemental to the fatigue requirements already embodied in [11] and [12]. That is, the USAF did not get rid of the existing requirements but simply added to them to achieve the overall desired result. FAA

A summary of key events that are important in the evolution of FAA damage tolerance requirements is provided by Figure 2 below. COMET





1954 1956 Fatigue (Safe-life)





Is DT Impractical?

Fail-safe Damage-tolerance (Amdt 45)

1980 1977 1978


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Figure 2 FAA Key Events Fatigue requirements of some kind have been part of the civil aviation requirements for some time. For example if we go back to 1945 and look in the Civil Air Regulations (CARs) at section 04.313 we find a requirement that states that; “The structure shall be designed in so far as practical, to avoid points of stress concentration where variable stresses above the fatigue limit are likely to occur in normal service.” History indicates that, similar to USAF experience, fatigue was not a major issue early on with civil aircraft. The lack of major fatigue issues may be attributed in part to the existence of a formal requirement to consider fatigue. This should have resulted in more attention to fatigue by the civil aircraft manufacturers. However in the author’s opinion it is also due to many of the same factors at work in the design of early USAF aircraft that were mentioned previously. As civil aircraft designs became more challenging (e.g. pressurized fuselages) fatigue events became more common place. Additionally it was recognized that even if normal fatigue is adequately addressed aircraft will always be vulnerable to anomalous and unexpected normal fatigue. It was reasoned that an alternative approach to dealing with fatigue might be to accept that fatigue cracking is inevitable and design the structure to crack gracefully. This concept was based on designing such that any cracking would be obvious during normal maintenance before it reduced the strength of the structure to an unacceptable level. This was generally referred to as the “fail-safe” approach. The key events that are considered the primary catalyst for the adoption of failsafe requirements by the FAA are the Comet I airplane failures that occurred in 1954. These failures have been discussed in some detail by Swift [13] and will only be briefly reviewed here. The Comet was designed and manufactured in the United Kingdom by De Havilland Aircraft Company. The Comet design was a major technological advance at the time. It was the first commercial jet and was designed for relatively high altitude operation. Shortly after entry into service a Comet flying at 30,000 feet

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disintegrated and crashed into the Mediterranean Sea. All airplanes were removed from service and were not returned until fleet modifications were made to correct what was thought to be the cause of the accident. However shortly thereafter a second Comet disintegrated at 35,000 feet and crashed into the Mediterranean. The accident investigation that followed included a full scale fatigue test of the fuselage and revealed fatigue critical locations at openings in the pressurized fuselage that had not been identified previously. It also was found that the critical crack size was relatively small and could not be expected to be detected during normal maintenance. The Comet experience reinforced the thought that the fail-safe approach might be an acceptable and even superior alternative to the safe-life approach. Consistent with this the FAA revised the CARs in March 1956 [14] and added fail-safety as an option to the safe-life approach. Fail-safe became the option of choice for the majority of large transport aircraft certified in the 1960’s and 1970’s. This included the Airbus A300; Boeing 707/720, 727, 737, 747; Douglas DC-8, DC-9/MD-80, DC-10; Fokker F-28; and Lockheed L-1011. The fail-safe approach was very attractive for several reasons. If a structure can be designed such that cracking will be readily detected before it becomes dangerous it can be reasoned that cracking in itself is not a safety issue. Additionally the knowledge of when cracking might be expected becomes an economic issue and is not necessary to insure safety. Consistent with this the failsafe rule did not include a requirement to perform full scale fatigue testing or identify any special directed inspections to supplement normal maintenance. Compared to what safe-life required of both the applicant and their customers the attraction of fail-safe is easily understood. Although the fail-safe option was widely applied there was an underlying concern by many relative to its effectiveness in the long term. Maxwell [15] discussed this and considered “…some of the potential dangers that have developed in the application of the fail-safe approach over the years”. One of the biggest concerns was the eventual loss of fail-safety as the airplane ages and normal fatigue cracking becomes more and more probable. This is because a structures’ fail-safe characteristics are dependent on successful redistribution of load from failed or partially failed elements to intact surrounding structure. In many cases success is dependent on the surrounding structure being in near pristine condition. At some point in the life of the structure normal fatigue wear out makes this an unrealistic expectation. It is at this point that the fail-safe concept can no longer be relied on for safety. The concern over long term reliance on fail-safety for continued airworthiness became more widespread within the aviation community as the jet transports that had been originally certified using the fail-safe option started to approach their design service goals. Ultimately this concern is what prompted the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), in the United Kingdom (UK), in the early 1970’s to limit the operational life of large transport aircraft that had been certified as fail-safe. For example all Boeing 707 airplanes in UK registry were limited to 60,000 flight hours.

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The British Authorities also announced that for these aircraft to be allowed to operate beyond the specified life limits something more would need to be done. In the midst of all the concern over the long term effectiveness of fail-safety an accident occurred that is considered by many to be the key event that served to solidify and accelerate changes in civil aviation requirements and policies dealing with the threat of metal fatigue in primary airframe structures. This was the crash of a Boeing 707-300C, operating under British registry, during final approach to Lusaka airport on May 17, 1977. The details of this accident and its impact on airworthiness requirements have been discussed by Eastin and Bristow [16]. An extremely thorough accident investigation concluded that the crash was a consequence of the loss of the horizontal stabilizer due to undetected fatigue and subsequent failure of the aft upper spar chord. This was in spite of the fact that the design had been certified in accordance with the fail-safe rules of CAR 4b.270 by both the FAA and CAA. This is a classic example of structure certified as fail-safe that did not, in service, fail in a safe manner. The failure of fail-safety in this case was due to insufficient attention given to detectability, a lack of understanding of the external loads and incorrect assumptions made about the fatigue and residual strength characteristics of the structure. As noted previously the Lusaka accident hastened major changes to civil aviation requirements that were already being considered. Consideration was already being given to requiring special directed inspections for fatigue cracking based on quantified crack growth and residual strength characteristics. This became know as the “damage tolerance” approach. Guidance for the use of this approach for protecting the safety of older aircraft was published by the FAA in [17]. Manufacturers of the fail-safe certified aircraft previously noted voluntarily followed the guidelines and produced Supplementary Inspection Documents (SIDs) that were mandated by Airworthiness Directives starting in the mid 1980’s. Consistent with the change of philosophy for continued airworthiness for older aircraft was a change to the certification requirements for new type designs. Amendment 45 to part 25 was issued in 1978 [4]. This revision removed the failsafe option completely and added damage tolerance as the approach that must be used unless shown to be impractical. In the past there has been some debate on whether or not fail-safety was actually removed and if so whether or not it was intentional. Some light is shed on these questions by the response to a comment on proposed deletion of the parenthetical expression “fail-safe” from the heading of section 25.571(b). The response is included in [18] and is as follows; “….Fail-safe and damage-tolerance are not synonymous terms. Fail-safe generally means a design such that the airplane can survive the failure of an element of a system or, in some instances one or more entire systems, without catastrophic consequences. Fail-safe, as applied to structures prior to Amendment 25-45, meant complete element failure or obvious partial failure of large panels. It was assumed that a complete element failure or partial failure would be obvious during a general area

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inspection and would be corrected within a very short time. The probability of detecting damage during routine inspections before it could progress to catastrophic limits was very high. Damage-tolerance, on the other hand, does not require consideration of complete element failures or obvious partial failures, although fail-safe features may be included in structure that is designed to damage-tolerance requirements. A part may be designed to meet the damage-tolerance requirements of Sec. 25.571(b) even though cracks may develop in that part. In order to ensure that such cracks are detected before they grow to critical lengths, damage-tolerance requires an inspection program tailored to the crack progression characteristics of the particular part when subjected to the loading spectrum expected in service. Damage-tolerance places a much higher emphasis on these inspections to detect cracks before they progress to unsafe limits, whereas fail-safe allows the cracks to grow to obvious and easily detected dimensions.” The author believes that this response underscores the fact that the “Fail-safe” option was removed and indicates that it was done intentionally. In summary what motivated the FAA to adopt their damage tolerance requirements was the conclusion that the fail-safe approach as applied had not resulted in the level of safety desired. Specifically there had been a lack of attention given to making sure the detectability assumed was consistent with the actual crack growth and residual strength attributes of the structure. This was addressed by replacing the fail-safe requirements with damage tolerance requirements and retaining safe-life as a contingency approach if damage tolerance is shown to be impractical. As previously noted there are watershed events that are commonly referenced as providing the major impetus for the adoption of damage tolerance requirements. For the USAF this was the F-111 accident and for the FAA it was the Lusaka accident. It is of interest to note how different these accidents were. Table 1 below summarizes some of the details for each. About the only thing they had in common was that metal fatigue was a factor and even then the categories were different. F-111


December 22, 1969

May 14, 1977




CAR 4.270 Fail-safe

Yes – 16,000 Hours


6,000 Hours

20,000 Flights/60,000 Hours

Left Wing Pivot Fitting Lower Plate

Right Horizontal Stabilizer Aft Spar Upper Chord

D6ac Steel (220-240 KSI)

7079-T6 Aluminum

Total Time in Service at Failure

100 Hours

16723 Flights/47621 Hours

Fraction of DL at Failure

.071 9 



Unexpected normal

Date Airplane Model Fatigue Design Basis Fatigue Test Design Life (DL) Component Involved Material Involved

Category of Fatigue

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Table 1. Comparison of Watershed Events In the case of the F-111 it was anomalous fatigue that resulted in the wing separation. As noted by Lincoln [9] the USAF could not reproduce the failure in the laboratory and did not see such a failure on another F-111 aircraft. In the case of Lusaka unexpected normal fatigue lead to separation of the horizontal stabilizer. As noted by Eastin and Bristow [16] the failure was reproduced in the laboratory and the fatigue nucleation site was retrospectively identified as a fatigue critical location representative of the basic design. This was further validated by post accident inspections that detected cracks in the same local area on 7% of the fleet. This again illustrates the fundamental differences between the USAF and FAA experience with fatigue and helps to explain some of the differences that exist in their approaches to fatigue that are reflected in their requirements. THE REQUIREMENTS At a high level there are some similarities between the USAF and FAA damage tolerance requirements. Both are applicable to new aircraft designs and compliance with them requires the quantification of crack growth and residual strength characteristics. Additionally, when this is done analytically, fracture mechanics based analysis tools are used. However, at the detail level, there are significant differences. Some of the details are discussed below and Table 2 provides a summary comparison .

USAF Primary motivation for:

Safe-life approach

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FAA Fail-safe approach

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New airplane design – safety of flight structure

New airplane design – safety of flight structure


Safety during service life

Safety indefinitely


Design attributes (& inservice inspections as required)

Maintenance actions (Inservice inspections expected)

Incorporation philosophy:

Replace safe-life

Replace fail-safe

Threats addressed: No (Addressed by durability requirements)


Anomalous fatigue



Unexpected normal fatigue



Provision for alternate approach if damage tolerance impractical?


Yes (Safe-life)

Design concept (i.e. single or multiple load path)



Initial crack sizes



In-service detectable crack sizes



Cracking scenarios



Minimum crack growth life



Inspection intervals



Residual strength



Normal fatigue

Prescribed requirements:

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 Table 2 Comparison of USAF and FAA Damage Tolerance Requirements

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A comprehensive description of the USAF damage tolerance requirements along with a discussion of the supporting rationale has been provided by Wood [19]. The following is limited to a brief overview. The scope paragraph of [1] states that, “This specification contains the damage tolerance design requirements applicable to airplane safety of flight structure. The objective is to protect the safety of flight structure from potentially deleterious effects of material, manufacturing and processing defects through proper material selection and control, control of stress levels, use of fracture resistant design concepts, manufacturing and process controls and the use of careful inspection procedures.” It is clear that the subject requirements are intended to directly impact the design of the structure. For example these requirements, with some modifications, were imposed on the C-17A airplane and the design was significantly impacted as discussed by Eastin and Pearson [20]. In a number of areas on the C-17A the requirements had a direct affect on material selection, allowable stress levels and in some cases structural arrangement. Levying such requirements serves to insure that a minimum level of inherent robustness or tolerance to damage is achieved. The manufacturer is given some latitude relative to design concept. Single or multiple load path designs are allowed however single load path structure without crack arrest features can only be qualified as “slow crack growth” while multiple load path structure can be qualified as either “slow crack growth” or “fail-safe”. Wood [19] offers some explanation for the allowance of this option when he notes that, “It should be emphasized that while the “Fail Safe” concept appears to offer a larger degree of safety, it is the intent of the new criteria that structure qualified to either category have equal safety”. Once the design concept is identified the detail requirements are very prescriptive and specify certain crack growth and residual strength attributes that the structure must possess. Proposed designs not possessing such attributes must be changed. In general the requirements specify that a structure must exhibit a minimum amount of crack growth life, assuming an initial prescribed crack array, before its strength falls below a prescribed level. Additionally assumptions to be used about the cracking scenario are also prescribed. The initial cracking array and subsequent cracking scenario has been characterized as representing an “escape” or “rogue” event. It is meant to approximate the occurrence of an unintentionally introduced defect or flaw in an otherwise nominal structure. Using the author’s fatigue categories this would be considered anomalous fatigue. It is something that is expected to be rare but possible. Swift [6] articulated this when he wrote “….the “Rogue Flawed Aircraft”

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needs to be accounted for. This is the one or two aircraft in the fleet having some kind of initial manufacturing damage not representative of the rest of the fleet”. In accordance with prescribed initial condition assumptions, the initial cracking array, if holes are present in the structure, would typically consist of a singular .05” crack located on one side of the most critical hole along with .005” cracks located in all other holes. The subsequent cracking scenario to be assumed is also specified and addresses the growth of the “rogue” .05” crack and also growth of the .005” cracks. Assumptions to be made relative to continuing growth patterns are also included in the requirements. The USAF requirements also allow the manufacturer some latitude relative to inservice inspection. Under certain circumstances it may be assumed that in-service inspections will occur. If this is done the requirements prescribe what size cracks should be assumed subsequent to inspection and how much crack growth life the structure must possess with those cracks present. In all cases the structure must always retain a minimum level of strength. Residual strength requirements are specified as a function of the level of inspection required to detect the postulated cracking. The USAF requirements leave little undefined or open to interpretation. They are intended to insure that the structure has a minimum amount of robustness relative to defects that might be unintentionally introduced. To achieve this the structure must possess specified crack growth and residual strength attributes. In this context they are design requirements. FAA

It has been and is the general policy of the FAA not to dictate design. This is the case with the damage tolerance requirements and this was clarified in a response to public comments to the requirements as originally proposed. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking [21] included text that could be interpreted to mean that the design had to have certain intrinsic properties. Several comments objected to the wording contending that it would impose an absolute requirement that would be impossible to comply with. In response to these comments in the Discussion of Specific Comments section of [4] the FAA noted that, “The purpose of the proposal was to establish an evaluation requirement rather than an absolute requirement for the strength, detail design, and fabrication of the structure”. Consistent with this the wording was changed for clarification. Like the USAF requirements the FAA requirements leave it up to the manufacturer to decide on the design concept to be used. Both single and multiple load path structural designs are allowed. This was made clear in the Preamble Information section of [21]. Here it states that: “… the applicant would be allowed to apply the damage-tolerance approach to both single load path and multiple load path structure. The

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FAA believes the applicant can, by sufficient analysis and testing, establish that a single load path structure has sufficiently slow crack growth properties so that, if a crack were to develop, it would be discovered during a properly designed inspection program.” It is worth noting that the preceding statement is consistent with the remarks by Wood [19] that were previously referenced. It appears that at the time the USAF and FAA damage tolerance requirements were adopted there was the same philosophy regarding the merits of single load path versus multiple load path structure. It was believed that either design concept could be made equally as safe and therefore the choice was left up to the manufacturer. The requirements state that fatigue from all potential sources must be considered. In terms of the author’s fatigue categories this would include both normal and anomalous fatigue. The requirements also state that crack growth and residual strength evaluations must be performed and based on the results inspections must be established unless shown to be impractical. The detail requirements are very objective for the most part. There are no specific requirements relative to such things as initial crack sizes, in-service detectable crack sizes, inspection intervals or minimum acceptable crack growth life. The exception is residual strength. Levels of strength that must be maintained are specified. In summary the FAA requirements leave many details undefined and open to interpretation. They are intended to result in the establishment of in-service inspections that will detect fatigue cracking from any potential source before the strength of the structure falls below prescribed levels. There is no design concept specified. There are no specific attributes that the structure must possess. There is only a requirement to perform an evaluation and establish inspections unless the applicant demonstrates that inspections are impractical. If it is determined that inspections are impractical the safe-life approach is allowed and safety is insured by retirement instead of inspection. FAIL-SAFETY As previously discussed fail-safe was completely removed from the 14 CFR part 25 requirements with amendment 45 in 1978 [4]. However it is still worth some discussion. This is because the subject of fail-safety has at times been a contentious issue and this has been due in part to differing views of what fail-safe “is”, “was” or “should be”. The intent of the discussion that follows is to clarify what the FAA requirements were and what that USAF requirements are. As is the case with the damage tolerance requirements previously discussed similarities exist between the two different flavors of fail-safety when viewed at a high level. In both cases fail-safety was/is included as an optional approach and was/is associated with multiple load path structure. Additionally both versions of

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* Stable load path failure or crack arrest.

Table 3. Comparison of USAF and FAA Fail-Safe Requirements

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fail-safety share a similar requirement that the structure must retain a relatively high level of strength with a relatively large amount of damage present. Beyond that there are significant differences. Some of these differences are discussed below and Table 3 provides a summary comparison.


FAA Pre-Amd 45





Design attributes (Plus inservice inspections as required)

Design Attributes



Only for “fail-safe crack arrest” structure


In-service detectable crack sizes



Cracking scenarios before and after primary failure*



Minimum crack



Included as Approach:


Associated with Multiple Load Path Structure: Outcome:

Prescribed requirements: Initial crack size for intact structure Damage size after primary failure*

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growth life before and after primary failure* Inspectability of primary failure*

Determined by manufacturer.

Obvious during normal maintenance.

Residual strength




Fail-safety is fully integrated into USAF damage tolerance requirements as an approach that can be used for qualification of certain types of structure. The other approach is referred to as “slow crack growth” and can be used for all types of structure. In the context of the USAF requirements fail-safe is a design concept that must be matched with a degree of inspectability to identify a damage tolerance category. Detail requirements are prescribed, as previously discussed in the section on “Requirements”, and depend on the category. If the fail-safe option is selected there are prescribed requirements for both the intact structure and the structure subsequent to a load path failure or crack arrest. This makes qualification of structure as fail-safe relatively onerous and since the selection of category is left up to the manufacturer it has been avoided in the past. It is noted in [22] that, at the time of publication of that document, there were no aircraft in the USAF inventory that had been originally designed and qualified to the USAF fail-safe requirements. The author believes that this still holds true today. FAA

Prior to amendment 45 the fail-safe approach was included as an option to the safelife approach. The requirements were include in 14 CFR, section 25.571, paragraph (c) Fail safe strength, where it stated the following: “It must be shown by analysis, test, or both, that catastrophic failure or excessive structural deformation, that could adversely affect the flight characteristics of the airplane, are not probable after fatigue failure or obvious partial failure of a single principal structural element. After these types of failure of a single principal structural element, the remaining structure must be able to withstand static loads corresponding to the following:………” The specified static loads were associated with design envelope type conditions. Swift [6] succinctly summarized the generally accepted approach used for compliance with the above requirements when he wrote the following: “Generally, manufacturers satisfying the requirements under the fail-safe concept merely substantiated the structures for failure of single principal elements under static loading conditions. Although it was recognized that

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inspections were necessary there were no specific requirements to determine safe inspection periods based on crack growth or remaining life of secondary structure in the event the primary member failure was not immediately obvious.” Swift [23] has also noted that “……reliance was placed completely on the correctness of the arbitrary selection of sites and the final size of damage chosen for residual strength substantiation”. Goranson [24] speaking to this same issue wrote that, “This would often lead to residual strength demonstration by analysis of defined obvious failures rather than showing that all the partial failures with insufficient residual strength were obvious”. What constituted a “fatigue failure or obvious partial failure of a single principal structural element” was a detail to be negotiated with the FAA and varied from manufacturer to manufacturer and even from airplane model to model for the same manufacturer. Table 4 below illustrates this. The information was taken from fail-safe reports that were submitted to the FAA to demonstrate compliance with the fail-safe requirement for basic fuselage shell structure. Airplane Model

“Fatigue failure or obvious partial failure of a single principal structural element”

Skin Crack Size

2 Frame bay skin crack with central crack stopper failed.



1 Frame bay skin crack.



1 Frame bay skin crack.



1 Frame bay skin crack.



12” skin crack.


1 Crack stopper bay skin crack with center frame failed.



L10112 1.

Crack stoppers located under frames.


Crack stoppers located between frames

Table 4. Examples of Certified Fail-Safe Capability for Fuselage Structure in Longitudinal Direction If the fail-safe option was chosen by the manufacturer it was only necessary to submit a fail-safe report to the FAA that demonstrated by analyses and supporting tests that the structure was sufficiently “fail-safe”. There was no requirement to perform any fatigue testing or analysis or submit any corresponding documentation. Fortunately the manufacturers typically performed their own fatigue analyses and tests but it was not subject to review or approval by the FAA.

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The past FAA fail-safe requirement can be best characterized as a design rule that resulted in multiple load path designs that could tolerate single element failures or relatively large but somewhat arbitrary partial failures. It has its origins in the belief that structure could be designed such that it would always annunciate its distress loudly and clearly before anything catastrophic occurred. Given this it was reasoned that fatigue cracking, in itself, was not a safety issue since it would always be detected and corrected in the normal course of operation, before a catastrophic event could occur. COMMENTS IN CONCLUSION The use of the same words for different things can lead to confusion and needless debate. This has been the case with the words “damage tolerance” and “fail-safe”. It is hoped that this paper provides some clarification relative to USAF and FAA part 25 requirements for new airplane designs. Some of the more significant differences are summarized below. For the USAF “damage tolerance” is a design philosophy that must be followed that results in a design that possesses prescribed crack growth life and residual strength attributes. It was adopted to address the threat of anomalous fatigue and is supplemental to other requirements that address normal fatigue. For the FAA “damage tolerance” is a fatigue management strategy that must be used unless shown to be impractical. It relies on inspections to detect fatigue cracking before it becomes dangerous. If shown to be impractical another strategy is allowed. For the USAF “fail-safe” is a design concept that may be selected for qualification of a design as damage tolerant. The level of inspection associated with it must be determined by the manufacturer and can range from obvious during flight to requiring a special directed depot level inspection. Structure qualified as fail-safe must also meet other fatigue requirements. For the FAA “fail-safe” was a fatigue management strategy option that relied on designing the structure to crack in a manner that would be obvious during the course of normal maintenance and therefore detected and repaired before it became dangerous. Structure qualified as fail-safe did not need any special directed inspections and there were no other fatigue requirements that had to be met. REFERENCE LIST (1) Mil-A-83444 (USAF), Airplane Damage Tolerance Requirements, July 1974. (2) Code of Federal Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 1 – Federal Aviation Administration Department of Transportation.

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(3) Eastin, R.G., A Critical Review of Strategies Used to Deal with Metal Fatigue, Proceedings of the 22nd Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue, Lucerne, Switzerland, pp 163-187, 2003. (4) FAR Final Rule, Federal Register: October 5, 1978 (Volume 43, Number 194), 14 CFR Part 25 (Docket No. 16280; Amendment No. 25-45). (5) Eastin, R.G., Strategies for Ensuring Rotorcraft Structural Integrity, North Atlantic Treaty Organization Research and Technology Organization Meeting Proceedings 24 (RTO-MP-24), Corfu, Greece, April 1999. (6) Swift, T., Verification of Methods for Damage Tolerance Evaluation of Aircraft Structures to FAA Requirements, Proceedings of the 12th Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue, Toulouse, France, 1983. (7) Tiffany, C.F., Durability and Damage Tolerance Assessments of United States Air Force Aircraft, Proceedings of the 9th Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue, Darmstadt, Germany, pp. 4.4/1-4.4/31, 1977. (8) Lincoln, J.W., Life Management Approach for USAF Aircraft, AGARD Conference Proceedings 506. (9) Lincoln, J.W., Significant Fatigue Cracking Experience in the USAF, Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Aeronautical Sciences, August 2000. (10) Lincoln, J.W., Damage Tolerance – USAF Experience, Proceedings of the 13th Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue, Pisa, Italy, 1985. (11) Military Specification, Mil-A-008866A(USAF), Airplane Strength and Rigidity Requirements, Repeated Loads and Fatigue, 31 March 1971. (12) Military Specification, Mil-A-008867A(USAF), Airplane Strength and Rigidity Ground Tests, 31 March 1971. (13) Swift, T., Damage Tolerance in Pressurized Fuselages, 11th Plantema Memorial Lecture, Proceedings of the 14th Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue, June 10-12, 1987. (14) Civil Aeronautics Board, Airplane Airworthiness Transport Categories, Part 4b3 paragraph 270, March 1956. (15) Maxwell, R.D.J., Fail-Safe Philosophy: An Introduction to the Symposium, Proceedings of the 7th International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue Symposium, London, England, July 1973. (16) Eastin R.G., Bristow, J.W., Looking at Lusaka’s Lessons, Proceedings of the 2003 USAF Aircraft Structural Integrity Program Conference, December 2-4, 2003.

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(17) FAA Advisory Circular No. 91-56, Supplemental Structural Inspection Program for Large Transport Category Airplanes, May 6, 1981. (18) FAR Final Rule, Federal Register: July 20, 1990 (Volume 55, Number 140), 14 CFR Part 25 (Docket No. 24344; Amendment No. 25-72). (19) Wood, H.W., Application of Fracture Mechanics to Aircraft Structural Safety, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 7, 1975, pp. 557-564, Pergamon Press. (20) Eastin, R.G., Pearson, R.M., C-17A Structural Development and Qualification, presented at 36th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, April 10-12, 1995, New Orleans. (21) FAR Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Federal Register: August 15, 1977 (Volume 42, Number 157), 14 CFR Part 25 (Docket No. 16280; Notice No. 7715). (22) Joint Service Specification Guide, JSSG-2006, Aircraft Structures, Department of Defense, 30 October 1998. (23) Swift, T., “Damage Tolerance Technology – Phase I”, FAA Class Notes, 1999. (24) Goranson, U.G., Damage Tolerance Facts and Fiction, 14th Plantema Memorial Lecture, 17th Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue, June 9, 1993.

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