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May 11, 2011-May 2011-May 24, 2011


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If this word means something to you,  talk to your doctor about

May 11, 201 2011 1 fab  _


Published since 1994





Drew Rowsome & Matt Thomas COPY EDITOR


Paul Bellini, Drasko Bogdanovic, Rolyn Chambers, Scott Dagostino, Heroine Marks, Max MacDonald, Eduardo Sabate, Jonathan Valelly & Phil Villeneuve PHOTOGRAPHERS

Drasko Bogdanovic, Tony Fong, David Hawe & Heroine Marks EDITORIAL INTERNS

John Crouch, Ryan English, Michael Lyons, Reham Saeed, Eduardo Sabate & Jonathan Valelly














Darryl Mabey, Andrew Tran & Bryce Stuart PRODUCTION DESIGNER



Ted Hawkins SUBSCRIPTIONS (26 issues): In Canada C$55.95; United States US$63; all other countries: US$115. Distribution & subscription inquiries 416-644-5204.

fab 491 Church St, Ste 200, Toronto, ON, Canada M4Y 2C6 Tel: 416-925-6665 Fax: 416-925-6674 FABMAGAZINE.COM

The appearance of anyone in this magazine is no guarantee that they are gay (just fab). Distributed free in Toronto, Ottawa, Hamilton and London and sold for $4.50 on selected newsstands across Canada. Submissions and letters to the editor are welcome, but we are not responsible for unsolicited material and cannot acknowledge receipt. We do not consider anonymous submissions. Printed and published in Canada. ©2011 Pink Triangle Press fab  is published every two weeks by Pink Triangle Press ISSN:1704-3166 PINK TRIANGLE PRESS FOUNDED 1971

Directors: Jim Bartley, Gerald Hannon, Peter Kingstone, Jennifer O’Connor, Maureen Phillips, Ken Popert, Gillian Rodgerson & Tori Smith Honorary Director: Colin Brownlee President & Executive Director: Ken Popert Publisher & Editor-at-Larg Editor-at-Large: e: David Walberg Chief Operating Officer: Andrew Chang Pink Triangle Triangle Press is a not-for-profit corporation, with offices in Toro Toronto nto and Vancouver publishing fab  and  Xtra  and operating guidemag.com & squirt.org. No unauthorized reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written consent of the publisher publisher..

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Photography: David Hawe, davidhawe.com Models: Scott McGillivray & Ambrose Price, hgtv.ca Hair & makeup: Kevin Smith using TRE Semmé 24-Hour Body Spray Gel, judyinc.com fab May 11, 201 2011 1

LETTERS @fabmagazine.com Sex survey bad for the heart?

Get out

I read the last fab issue [“ fab’s Gay Sex Survey 2011 Results,” fab #423, April 27] yesterday, and I just wanted to say that it was really great. I laughed my heart out. Great job! — Raoul Flaminzeanu, codycummings.com

How tweet (from @fabmagazine on Twitter)

@Graemeit, Graeme Blyth Reading @fabmagazine’s Gay Sex Survey with my girl roommates. Is hilarious for me and informative/traumatic for them. I think they love it. @CynTremblay CJ Tremblay  @Graemeit @fabmagazine loved it as much as I was shocked by it! Some laughing till we cried happened for sure.

YOUR OPINIONS MATTER TO US! Send your raves, rants and comments to: [email protected]

Waxing poetic

As a director on the board of OutSport Toronto, I’d like to thank fab for promoting LGBT sport. Most of the organizations listed in your article “Playing for the Other Teams” [ fab  fab #422, April 13]   by Scott Dagostino are members of OutSport Toronto; however, some member organizations were missed (Out & Out, Rainbow Hoops and Toronto Sand Sharks Beach Volleyball, to fab s name a few). OutSport Toronto invites your readers to get out and play. Visit Visit outsporttoronto. outsportt oronto. org to discover your options. Check out the calendar while you’re there for upcoming sports socials and important registration dates, like Out & Out’s new-members’ night on May 17. — David Langan, OutSport Toronto

(from fabmagazine .com)

re: Tunes, “Season of the Witch”



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May 11, 11, 2011 2011 fab 

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e should have seen it coming. While tabulating the  fab Gay Sex Survey 2011 results we were somewhat surprised (astounded, actually) to find Stephen Harper listed — not once, but three times — as someone who inspired respondents to masturbate. Could it be the aggressiveness of the attack ads (Harper as a humiliation top)? The piercing chill of his stare (gays are occasionally, and usually tragically, attracted to the blank and unattainable)? The strained smile (some of us like the challenge of turning frigid to fierce — locked lips often disguise gaping jaws of repressed desire)? The Teflon quality of his alabaster skin (nothing sticks to this man — not offensive requests that supporters dress in “ethnic” outfits, not G20 revelations, not contempt of Parliament charges, etc, etc), which bodes well for bukkake or splashing cleanup? Or could it just be the hunky bodyguards that surround him, preventing questions or interaction? Maybe it’s just the power. And with his majority Harper has even more of it. Let’s hope he remembers Spider-Man’s mantra: “With great power there must also come great responsibility responsibility.” .” That is, if Harper read rea d comic books in his youth — Yann Martel’s What Is Stephen Harper Reading? campaign was inconclusive about our leader’s literacy. Every two weeks Martel sent the PM a book to read but never received a thank-you, or even a response. Are all those ideas now landfill? We’ll probably never know — since Harper likes to circumvent that pesky Access to Information Act. It’s a shame that being an intellectual is no longer considered sexy or good in a leader. Hot professor daddy Ignatieff was attacked for being internationally seasoned and for teaching at Harvard and Oxford — in a better world that would be an asset. However, when the ruling party’s science and tech minister is a creationist; the minister of international cooperation can’t remember (or won’t reveal until caught) whether she altered an official document; the government House leader won’t even peek out of the closet (maybe he’s one of the three who jerks off to images of Stephen Harper — try to flush that image out of your  brain, gentle readers); and the long-promised tome on hockey (even Don Cherry managed to scribble out an actual book) has yet to materialize, one has to conclude that brain power is not the aphrodisiac responsible for the Conservatives’ allure. It is odd that Jack Layton, having been a  fab cover model and a  fab guy, didn’t get votes in our sex survey. Perhaps if the survey had come out while Layton was making his powerful surge from behind, the dapper man with the clone mustache would have factored in our sexual consciousness. consci ousness. But in the world beyond the survey, Canadians got past their fears and their twisted Conservative carnal cravings and gave the NDP a solid chunk of the vote. With luck, the power that Layton now wields will trump his nice-guy appeal and he will be able to tap into Canadians’ tendency to fetishize power and autocracy. And just maybe, our  fab Gay Sex Survey 2015 will see Layton gleefully topping Harper.


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fab May 11, 201 2011 1



Cover boys “What a perfect thesis: take album titles and reimagine them,” says photographer and artist R Kelly Clipperton of his new photography show, Top 30 . “No influence from the original album artwork, the band or the music: just let the title feed me ideas.” Duran Duran’s Rio  Rio ,, under Clipperton’s lens, becomes a concoction of sun, sand, sweat and sex. Version 2.0  by Garbage mutates into a woman, post-plastic surgery, soaking in her fancy new visage. Katy Perry’s One of the Boys is Boys is a more ballsy take on Perry’s notion; Hotel California  by the Eagles is a filthy ode to LA’s casting couch environment; and AC/DC’s Highway to Hell  (right) becomes a twisted, naked ride to remember remember.. Albums have never been so sexy. — Matt Thomas 

R Kelly Clipperton’s  Top 30 runs until Sun, May 22 at Pentimento Fine Art  Gallery, 1164 Queen St E. kellyclipperton.com 

Externals Metcalf St has been dubbed “the most beautiful street in Toronto,” says John White. “It’s one continuous garden all along the street.” When White and his partner, Gilles Huot, bought and renovated their Victorian Cabbagetown home, they were so caught up in the gutting, reconstruction and moving in that “summer started and we hadn’t factored in the outside.” They made up for it by buying flowerpots for the whole street and creating a spectacular backyard garden — so spectacular that they are proudly opening it to the public as part of the Cabbagetown Hidden Gardens and Private Spaces Tour. Huot, who was primarily responsible, underplays the hard work involved and says the only glitch in the undertaking was that “the previous owner had buried a dog back there. The important thing is that we both have busy jobs and it’s great to come back to our little oasis. Some drive to their cottage; we just open the bac k door.” — Drew Rowsome 

The  Hidden Gardens and Pri vate Spaces Tour is Sun, June 5 from 10am–3pm. cabbagetownpa.ca 

Late for Easter (but always good to go) The fab  fab Gay Gay Sex Survey 2011 found that Fleshlights are the sex toy most respondents wish they had in their homes. Recently, the helpful folks at Come As You Are supplied fab  fab with with a carton of Tenga Eggs, which are kind of like disposable Fleshlights. Testing volunteers lined up; I got the Tenga Clicker. I half expect to be greeted by a delicious chocolate shell upon cracking the egg. After getting past the new-rubber-glove smell and the sensation of my manhood being engulfed by a jellyfish, it begins to feel very pleasant. The more the egg is stretched, rotated and rubbed up and down, the warmer it feels. The effect of the bumps inside the Clicker is not that obvious with an upand-down motion, but with a twisting motion — oh, baby. Even the not-so-discreet squelching sound can’t distract from the enjoyment. It becomes almost as natural as bare-palming. How wonderfully Japanese to now have a well-contained, easyto-clean orgasm. Can’t wait to try the other designs. — Eduardo Sabate  Tenga Eggs are available for $10 each or $40 for a  carton of six at Come As You Are, 701 Queen St W. comeasyouare.com 

May 11, 201 2011 1 fab 

“When he takes his shirt off there’s obviously a wow factor that cannot be denied.” Director Kenneth Branagh on why he cast actor Chris Hemsworth as Thor. “It’s not really necessary to see a shirtless, studly Victor swing chains around and later wrestle with the naked creature for about a minute.” Hidefdigest.com reviews a previous Branagh adaptation of a canonical work: Frankenstein , in which Branagh played Victor. Victor. “I just think if same-sex kisses are what he is prioritizing and concentrating on changing, our country’s in trouble.”  Actress Brooke Vincent, who plays a teenaged lesbian on Coronation  Street , in reference to a proposed ban on gay kissing on British television before 9pm. Reverse-strip-poker nights, Reverse-strip-poker Nudepalooza and Nudestock  Events planned by the Young Nudists and Naturists of America to recruit new members. “Disease-ridden and short“Disease-ridden legged. A blind imitation of the vulgar culture of the West.” Iranian lawmakers explain why owning a dog is about to become illegal. “Donald Trump is Pompous A**hole! Donald Trump ( mr chapter11) is Only a Mean Spirited BAD ACTOR who couldn’t find his a** with both hands & a map!” Cher tweets about the potential Republican candidate for US president.


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VERSATILE Top Chef Canada hunk


Patrick Wiese

W OUTATHOME he original Arthur  was sold with the Arthur was lyrics “between the moon and New York City.” The new Chaz condominium project at 45 Charles St E is being sold as between Tiffany’s and Woody’s, two places equally appealing to gay men. Marketing consultant Michael Hochman explains that in designing the Chaz, “social life was a big factor. We want it to be a social building.” Shrugging, as if it needs no explanation, he adds that gay men are very social. Every condominium has space set aside for socializing, but the Chaz has sacrificed prime real estate to create a welcoming lobby with lounge, wet bar and dining room and an outdoor lounge with barbecues, double-sided fireplaces and waterfall. There is also a post-walk pet spa by the side entrance, making it, as the literature suggests, “quick and easy to get Fido back to a state where he won’t be wreaking havoc on those priceless Persian rugs.” The second floor has a gym, 3D theatre, theatre with kitchenette, and computer gamers’ arena. The model suite combines


extreme functionality with lots of open space; a giant floor-to-ce floor-to-ceiling iling medicine chest has room for every product imaginable, and sliding doors open up to create one large living space. The dishwasher is larger than the oven, but the open kitchen is ready for the most determined Bobby Flay wannabe. The real jewel is what’s been done with the 35th and 36th floors. “It’s a party room,” says Hochman, “but more sophisticated. It is the hub of the residence.” With the two floors turned into one, the room takes up some of the primest real estate in the project. It faces south, with 18 feet of soaring glass offering a panoramic view of the city, and resembles an upscale nightclub more than a party room. A five-star kitchen for dinner parties and a long wet-bar contrast with casual conversation areas and comfy seating for soaking up the vista. Residents can go out for the evening without ever leaving the building. Many condos in the Village are known for being home to gays, but it’s heartening to see a developer doing actual outreach. As much as the luxurious environs of nearby Yorkville are touted, there is also a big banner with a Church Wellesley Village street sign — rainbows and all — and an acknowledgment that Pusateri’s on Church is the best nearby spot for grocery shopping. The bar in the sky will never replace Woody’s as a social hub, but on those nasty winter days the residents of Chaz will be forgiven for cocooning a few floors up. chazoncharles.com Drew Rowsome is an associate editor at fab at  fab who wishes his position could afford him such a condominium condominium..


May 11, 2011 fab 

ith more than 15 years of culinary experience, chef  Patrick Wiese is the perfect match for the first season of  Top Chef Canada. After moving to Toronto from Chicago in 2006, Wiese was executive chef at Toronto hotspot Fuzion; he currently works as a private chef. He has done various guest-chef gigs, including a stint in Mexico City alongside celebrity chefs Lynn Crawford and Corbin Tomaszeski, and recently led a food and wine tour of South Africa. It also doesn’t hurt that Wiese worked for Oprah Winfrey for two years, is a super-hot daddy with an expansive palate and has a very quick wit. Matt Thomas made reservations with Wiese and then grilled the only gay in the kitchen on this season’s Top Chef Canada.

Matt Thomas:

What meal do you make when you’re trying to seduce a guy through his stomach?


I try to create something that appeals to all the senses and brings comfort to his stomach. I like it to be a participatory event between the both of  us. It’s important that the food and passion combine well. It also helps to open a great bottle of wine, have soothing sensual music going, have the candles burning and make sure there’s lots of tasting off each other’s “spoons.” Yes, I’m a hopeless romantic.


Patrick Wiese:


Is the stereotype that gay men are inherently good cooks true?

I believe that gay men have many creative juices, but I have found only two men in my life who actually knew and understood food and weren’t afraid to cook for me. All the other gay men I have encountered would rather order in. PW:

How many “top”-related jokes have your friends subjected you to since hearing you’d be on Top Chef Canada ?

haven’t heard any “top” jokes as of  yet, but any are welcomed… if they are funny. How was the experience on the show for you as a gay man? Do any other queers step up to the grill on the show with you? MT:

My sexuality was irrelevant. I didn’t keep it a secret, but it was about my talents as a chef on the sh ow and getting recognized as chef Patrick Wiese, not as the gay man that I am. As far as other gays on the show, in the words of Daffyd from Little Britain, Britain, “I was the only gay in the village.” PW:


Do you believe in mixing in a bit of cuisine with the bedroom? If so, what would you whip up?

I believe that food and sex go hand in hand. If you have the right imagination and want to explore with each other, then why not bring in food to play with — something salty, sticky but oh, so sweet!


Who would be your perfect dining partner?

I have always thought that in a perfect world I’d be able to sit and have dinner with Oprah Winfrey instead of  serving her dinner. This would be a dream come true. She has always influenced my life with the way she has encouraged me to be who I need to be, go after my dreams and understand that I am the only person holding me back. I have learned so much from her and have carried it with me all th ese years. I would like to sit down and thank her for indirectly being the most influential person in my life. PW:

Top Chef Canada airs on Food Network  Canada on Mondays at 9pm. chefwiese.com,foodnetwork.ca


Matt Thomas is a fab associate editor who would gladly eat anything that chef Wiese served to him, in or out of a bedroom setting.

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fab May 11, 2011



DECORATING Scott Dagostino gets the inside scoop on interior decor from debonair designer  Ambrose Price

to IKEA because it’s cheap, and when you go to their store, you see these little vignettes and it ’s basically done for you. I’m not coming down on them; I think it’s great what they do,” but a mix of styles, he says, “adds so much more interest to a room than just all modern.” One can have splendour on a budget, Price insists. “One of my favourite stores that I recently discovered is Frontier, on the Danforth at Victoria Park. Th ey buy up estates and  bring them into their showroom and sell it all off at a really good price.” He then really surprises by saying, “HomeSense, I absolutely love. I shop there a lot for my TV show. It’s the perfect spot for accessories and fillin g in the gaps. You can get great stuff, even antiques sometimes, for a low price.” Hunting for beautiful bargains is both Price’s job and pleasure. “I love walking along Queen East, the Carlaw area, with this big stretch of antique stores.” Even with something old and beaten up, he says, “you can always refinish it and


ost design gurus are quick to lecture the masses of downtown condos. from on high about how to redesign their living But Price insists even a spaces, but Ambrose Price surprises and disarms t i n y h o m e c a n b e  by admitting that he’s still figuring it out himself.  beautiful. Now in its second season on HGTV Canada, The “When it comes to Decorating Adventures of Ambrose Price follows small spaces, scale is very the 27-year-old designer on his mission to add to important,” he says. “You his portfolio and build a studio, one risky renovation at a time. walk into a condo and you “I pride myself on really listening,” says the Gemini Award– see a big chunky sofa, and winning host, who says his show “has more appeal to the average it just doesn’t fit with the person who wants to decorate their home.” In taking on each new setting.” The problem, he client, he says, “I look at their personality, what they’re wearing, says, comes when a room is their home, trying to get a handle on what they would like. For stuffed with well-loved but all of the makeovers I did on S eason 2 of the show, not one person incongruous pieces. “I think a came back with a complaint.” In essence, he says, “I don’t go lot of gay men end up with so much stuff because they see the beauty in everything. Even though people don’t against what they want; I add to it.” Price almost became a math teacher, but when his mother got have the space for, say, a beautiful vase they find, they’ll buy it sick with cancer, he left St John’s University and returned to his anyway anyway,” ,” he explains, noting the resulting visual chaos. “The eye small hometown of Fortune, Newfoundland, to take care of her. goes everywhere; the room isn’t cohesive.” Feeling lost after her death, he says, “I decided to go work partThe solution, Price says, is two-fold and begins with balance. time at a design firm and quickly realized I had a passion for it. “If you have a traditional table, balance it out with a traditional I always had but never thought I could have a career, especially lamp on your modern side table,” says Price. It’s not just about in Newfoundland.” furniture, either. “It’s all about hard and soft as well. You have all your Price soon became one of the hard surfaces, but then you can really designers at the firm, but his career do a lot with drapery treatments, rugs, truly took off after a night of flipping sofa cushions and textiles, textiles, channels. He saw an ad on HGTV textiles. They really add that extra Canada asking, “Could you be element to a room that gives it a cozy, Canada’s next design superstar?” and A quick paint welcoming feel, and you can cater it says that at that moment, “I knew this  job is a cheap design solution, to whatever style you like.” was my ticket.” He applied and was says Price. In his own home, Price says, “I flown to Toronto in 2006 to compete on Designer Superstar Challenge. like things to be neutral, but I play Challenge . “I was only 22 at the time,” he says, “but with colour. My apartment itself is I got fifth place with little to no expecondo-white with some accent walls rience in design. People were in charcoal grey. But I have a blue eliminated before me who’d gone to design schools in New York.” couch that really pops, and I coordinate that blue again in the In January 2007, HGTV Canada told him they were putting his  bedroom with some cushions. And I’ve added in some reds and very own show into development. “It happens all the time in some blacks. I like to accessorize with colour because it’s so easy shows like American Idol ,” ,” he laughs. “You don’t necessarily to change it out. If I get sick of t he red, I replace it with whatever colour tickles my fancy.” have to be the winner.” That’s the second solution to visual clutter, says Price: “If you As he turns people’s homes from drab to fab, Price describes his own style as “eclectic,” mixing furniture and accessories have storage, you can continuously change up the look. The from different styles and time periods. “I have all of that going leftover pieces can go into storage and you can rotate them out on in my apartment,” he says. “I h ave a traditional dining room, every so often.” Many gay men avoid this issue altogether by sticking with a  but my bedroom is more modern. You can have a different look in each room.” While that approach can be stunning in a large very modern, streamlined look. “I think it’s all relevant,” Price home, a great many gay men are living in the cramped quarters says, but it must be done with equal care. “A lot of people resort


May 11, 2011 fab 


D                  A                  V                   I D                          H                  A                  W                 E                

essentially turn it into a new piece. Reduce, reuse, recycle!” Many of us stick with a look we’re not excited about because a major renovation seems daunting and costly, but “you don’t need to go crazy and change the entire place,” Price says. “Take it one step at a time. Paint or wallpaper an accent wall. Buy a new rug. Gradually work in new elements. Even throw cushions and little things like that can really change the look of  the space without you having to go and rip up the floor or tear out the kitchen.” Price’s growing success is based on developing his clients’ design skills as much as his own. “I always tell people to do their own research. Watch TV shows, read magazines and go online to find out what it is they like and then try to create their dream room. Some people can easily visualize it in their head, but most people can’t, so doing the research is important.” “The secret to a successful redesign is to really know what you ultimately want,” he says. All the stuff in between is the adventure. The Decorating Adventures of Ambrose Price airs on HGTV  Canada. hgtv.ca Scott Dagostino is a fab writer who believes that any home decor   project is both an adventure and inherently kind of gay. Not that  there’s anything wrong with that. fab May 11, 2011


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May 11, 201 2011 1 fab 


INSIDE INSID INSIDE E OUT OUT  A peek at some of the offerings at this year’s festival

Every year Inside Out, the Toronto Toronto LGBT Film and Video Festival, drops a hot steaming load of films into the laps of local movie-lovers. The fab  team grabbed a handful of titles and sat down for some old-fashioned homo popcorn entertainment.

 MA N  T H A  B  T A I French New Wave at its most banal In the age o internet and pretentious were combined with a blogger dating and smartphone sensibility,, the result might be something like Man at Bath . grinding, it was only sensibility Will someone please tell uture lmmakers that lms about lms, a matter o time beore a and especially lms about lmmakers talking about lms and gay lmmaker imagined themselves, are rarely interesting? Fortunately, into the midst o  the rom-com possibilidirector Christophe Honoré’s endless blather and Blair Witch ties in the burgeoning Project production style, is dropped arty pornstar François Sagat. technology around us. JC Calciano’s ECupid  While obviously hired to keep the audience awake by faunting tells the story o Marshall, a handsome man who nds himsel  his antastic physique, Sagat has deeply expressive eyes and in a unk as he approaches his 30 th birthday and turns to a new manages to smoulder with the little he is given to work with. matchmaking app to nd love. Beore he knows it, the city’s best Snoozing through all the scenes that don’t eature Sagat is a  boys are knocking down the door and bending over to please practical way to solve some o the lm’s problems, but then it him. The lm is charming but not without its cheese, and although would be just as artistically satisying to rent one o Sagat’s porn not much is said about how real-lie technology has changed gay ficks. An older john lambastes Sagat’s Sag at’s naked body and sex appeal romance orever, its playul approach to the topic makes its clichés as bad art, saying he is beautiul to look at but there is nothing easy to orgive. I nothing else, the lm’s clunkier moments are in the memory when one turns away. Alas, all one remembers o  punctuated by plenty o eye candy. — Jonathan Valelly  Man at Bath is how tantalizing Sagat looked. — Drew Rowsome Screens Mon, May 23 at 2:30pm at the TIFF Bell Lightbox, Screens Fri, May 20 20 at 10pm at the TIFF Bell Lightbox, Lightbox, Cinema 1. Cinema 1.

e C  CU     P  U PI  D

fab May 11, 2011 2011


 T H E  CA T E A D V O  D O M A G  F  R  F O

 E R E  W E W  E  H E R

This moving documentary asks ve people to share their stories as witnesses to the early days o the AIDS crisis in San Francisco. Among the subjects are a sympathetic nurse turned champion researcher, a fower salesman whose business model changed as obituaries grew in number, a social outcast who ound a cause in responding to the epidemic, an activist and organizer, and an AIDS survivor. The intersection o their stories reveals how the avalanche o sorrow and death was matched by the inspirational response o a courageous community. The gruesome ootage and tragic episodes are hard to watch, but the deeply personal stories are intensely gripping rom start to nish. The lm is a must-see or every gay man living in the atermath o the epidemic. — Jonathan Valelly  Screens Mon, May 23 at 7pm at the TIFF Bell Lightbox, Cinema 1.


May 11, 2011 f ab 

W H  HO     T O  O OO     K  O K  T H  H E  E B O  O M  MP    ?  P    ? L E  E T I  I G  G R  RE     E O N  N T O  OU     R  U R 

The last time we heard rom electro icons Le Tigre was when they worked on the track “Girls” rom Christina Aguilera’s bomb, Bionic Bionic.. Well, they’re back rom the past with Who Took the Bomp, Bomp , a very private look into Le Tigre’s queer world during their year-long 2004 tour. The documentary was lmed by band insiders, so the viewer gets access to crazy tour stories — like when JD and Jo get egged one night ater being hit on by a straight girl who thought JD was a dude. The doc’s most interesting bits come when the girls talk honestly about the constant sexism they encounter on tour, as well as the interesting dynamic contributed by the “Justin Timberlake o the band,” genderqueer JD Samson, who went on to orm the dance group MEN. Bomp is a sort o goodbye love letter rom the band to an alltoo-short musical era o brash electrodance foor jams. I’m just conused about why it wasn’t released ve years ago, but better late than never. — Phil Villeneuve

Local rebel pornographer/lmmaker Bruce LaBruce’s canon o work makes a great subject or a provocative documentary. Directed by Angélique Bosio, The Advocate for Fagdom is packed with classic clips rom well-known LaBruce lms like Super 8 ½, No Skin Off  My Ass and Hustler White. White. These are put in context with snippets rom some o his more rarely seen shorts and commentary rom collaborators and contemporaries, including Gus Van Sant, Harmony Korine, John Waters, Bruce Benderson and Vaginal Davis. Highlights include candid behind-the-scenes ootage o BLAB’s LA Zombie, Zombie, eaturing pornstars François Sagat and Matthew Rush; hearing Van Sant talk about being duped into thinking homocore culture was a big scene in Toro Toronto, nto, rather than just an idealistic invention o LaBruce and GB Jones; and vintage video clips o  LaBruce in drag, hunting or poppers in NYC, or poking un at politicians at Queen’s Park. Plus: hot boys with bad attitudes, horny hustlers, zombie sex, stump-ucking and skinheads licking boots and each other. — Matt Thomas

Screens Fri, May 27 at 5pm at the TIFF Bell Lightbox, Cinema 2.

Screens Sat, May 21 at 5pm at the TIFF Bell Lightbox, Cinema 2.

C H  HR     R

IS  I    T  S   O  T   P  O   H  The big draw in this ilm is P   E  H   R  E    R Matt Smith, the newest Dr Who, AN D  D  playing gay author Christopher H I  IS     K I  S I   ND  N     D Isherwood. Although Smith acquits himsel well (and is actually quite sexy in a non-nerdy way) the character is an observer and the moments o emotion, lust and opposition to the Nazis come out o nowhere. The real attractions are the sumptuous BBC produ ction values and the loving, lingering pans o 1930s Berlin hustlers in their wie-beaters and  bathing trunks. Anyone who isn’t amiliar with the plot o  Cabaret  will be engrossed; the rest o us will enjoy but will keep waiting or Liza to arrive and liven things up. — Drew Rowsome Screens Sat, May 21 at 9:30pm at the TIFF Bell Lightbox, Cinema 1, and Sun, May 29 at 5:15pm at the TIFF Bell Lightbox, Cinema 2. For more information visit insideout.ca.

fab May 11, 2011




HOT he sexy landlord was, for too long, an underrepresented gay fantasy. Not anymore, thanks to the hunky host of HGTV Canada’s Income Property , Scott McGillivray. He’s a fulltime homeowner and renovator, but for three years he has been bringing his real estate expertise and remarkable good looks to the small screen to help GTA homeowners get the  best out of their rental properties. Now shooting its fifth and sixth seasons, the show has a legion of fans across North America, a few of whom are just as interested in McGillivray’s muscles as they are his design tips. When asked if handsomeness helps him find tenants, McGillivray says, “It’s more of a hassle than an advantage. Looks don’t get you anywhere in this business; it’s all brains.” After buying his first property during his last year of university, he quickly realized the profit potential of house rentals. “I was a business student, so I repeated the process the next year and had two rental properties,” he says. “Every year I picked up a half dozen more. And that’s what got me into real estate investing.” After doing side work for the network, creators caught wind of  his investment projects and proposed the series.    E


May 11, 2011 f ab 

   W    A    H    D    I    V    A    D



Scott drills to thrill on

 Income Property 

If sex appeal has no return in real estate, that’s certainly not the case for McGillivray’s TV career. His newfound fame is thanks in part to a considerable gay fan base and, although he is happily married to a woman, internet discussion boards are rife with gay men and straight women scuffling over which camp can claim him. McGillivray doesn’t mind the attention. “A fan is a fan, and our gay following is extremely large and probably some of the best supporters of the show,” he says. “They’ve been the most vocal and supportive fans that we’ve had and have been there since day one, which means a lot to us.” McGillivray’s McGillivray ’s not shy about turning up the naughty once the cameras are off. “We’re a pretty rambunctious group,” he notes. “The jokes get dirty and then get dirtier, and they’re straight, they’re sideways, they’re everything.” In fact, McGillivray admits that they have to warn the show’s homeowners off the bat, “We don’t just do construction; we do cock-struction.” Of course, we’d all love for McGillivray to come personally put his drill in our sockets or compare Fubar sizes. But since he’s a man on the move, he’s conveniently left us with a few essential tips for homeowners, homo or otherwise, to hold on to.

Do it legally Get all your permits and your inspections. Don’t try to cut corners and go around the  building permits; if you do, it’s guaranteed to come back and bite you in the butt. If  you cheap out, you’re not going to have legal retrofit status when you try to sell the house, and if anything happens to your tenants, your insurance might not cover the claims. It’s a huge mistake to think that you’re in better shape if you save a thousand or two off the top, because it translates into thousands and thousands of dollars more over time.

A good space means a good tenant Don’t think that because it’s a rental, it doesn’t have to be in good shape and have all the things that you would like in a home. There are great tenants out there, and better tenants are attracted to better spaces. Good tenants who live in a nice house will never miss a rent payment,  because they don’t want to lose one of the   best rentals around. Always aim for the highest-calibre tenant possible.

Avoid over-investing Some people get very attached to the properties, thinking, “Oh, this is a heritage home!” or “It’s a Victorian — I want to restore its natural beauty. I want granite countertops and travertine floors.” You need to invest in a profitable design rather than invest emotionally. Durable floors? Yes. Marble floors? I don’t think so.


P  H   O  T    O   S  B  Y    S  T   E   P  H  E   N 

Too much taste

B   U  T   L   A  N  D 

You want to appeal to 90 percent of the population 90 percent of the time. I always pick one element to highlight that will stick in people’s minds. For instance, one feature wall with specialty wallpaper or an island that’s particularly extravagant will stand out. If you’re showing it to tenants, give them one thing to latch on to, like, “Oh, remember that cool house with the textured wallpaper in the dining room?” or “It’s that house with the red vanity in the bathroom.” But don’t overdo it or people won’t think it’s their taste. Everybody who walks in should say, “Wow, this is my style.” Keep it neutral.

Smart investments Make sure you’re getting a return on your renovations. Renovating kitchens, bathrooms, doing painting, updating floors: these things immediately add value.

THREE EASY VALUEADD VALUEADDED ED RENOVATIONS Walls and floors Paint has the highest return on investment. A paint job is great bang for your buck and makes a place look way better. Nice floors are also important. People love solid surfaces and hardwood these days.

Kitchens and bathrooms The kitchen is the most expensive room in your house, so when you upgrade your kitchen, you upgrade the entire home. A crappy updated bathroom adds nothing. People want nice, new bathrooms and kitchens, if nothing else.

Door hardware Anyone with a screwdriver can change door hardware in 10 minutes, and it makes a world of difference. Think about how it looks to tenants. Any time you’re going to someone’s home, the only things you’re forced to touch are the doorknobs. If they’re nasty, you’ll automatically have a nasty association associatio n with the home.

What’s behind the walls is just as, if not more, important than what you actually see. That’s the drywall, the insulation, the vapour barrier, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, heating and ventilation — all of the struc- Catch new episodes of  Income Property on ture. A lot of designers discount the Mondays at 9pm on HGTV Canada. Follow  Twitter:@smcgillivray. vray. severity of those elements. A place might Scott on Twitter:@smcgilli look great but be freezing cold. It might appear nice on the surface, but then the hgtv.ca, Facebook/Income Property  drywall starts cracking, or there’s a leak and a weird smell or an electrical issue.  Jonathan Valelly is a fab writer who appreciWalls should be just as nice on the inside ates a man who knows how to use his Fubar   for the greater good. as the outside. fab May 11, 2011


Deep Dish Rln Camer


hat’s renowned and shows no sign o slowing down? El Convento Rico. The night o its 19th Anniversary Party, huge rotating spotlights shine into the night sky beckoning supergays to its danceoor. On the sidewalk a ree barbecue lures the hungry — though many o those gobbling up the goods are just people wandering by; most o the guests are already inside where the show is about to begin. Hosted by Miss El Convento Rico, Farra N Hyte, and Mr Rico, Trent Ruben, the acts are well choreographed rom start to inish by Scott Fordham and his team o show-stealing   backup dancers, including Sheldon Macintosh Perorming or the ull house are Loretta, Kera Keys, Luna Mercedes and Ivory Towers, whose dance skills have improved immensely since the beginning o her skinny drag career. But as the huge birthday cake is devoured, it becomes apparent that a large percentage o those in attendance tonight are straight. We pray to that nun in the sky that the  balance will soon be restored. .

What’s going stronger than an Energizer  bunny, honey? Flawless! The lineup to get into Flawless inside Sopra is impressive. Host Woodrow Monteiro welcomes while wearing white spandex leggings that leave little to the imagination as DJ Jamal greets with  beats. Joining the promotional team is Daniel McBride, who seems to be maturing into his role as promoter. Tulsi’s sultry show, which involves a shirtless Trent Ruben exploding a load o glitter rom a martini shaker over her bare bejewelled  breasts, goes o without a hitch. Though it would  be great i the short beauty were somehow raised up a bit — say, on a stage. DJ Shawn Riker takes over, blending in classic beats with newer songs like “Hello” by Dragonette as Chico Pacheco plays two  bougarabou drums right on the danceloor. The crowd is a great mix o  young and not so young, gay and not so gay, including photographer Myles Sexton in his almost seven-oot androgynous gorgeousness. “I have some black in my amily,” he explains o his high, round, perect behind.


May 11, 2011 f ab 

photos by Tony Fong Ivr is a purple peple eater @ El Cvet Ric

Chic just wats t ba his drum all da @ Flawless

Blair ad Sea are bad t the ba @ El Cvet Ric

Devie, Jerem, Ze ad Mathew are read t dle ut the birthda spakis @ El Cvet Ric

Tulsi sparkles ad shies @ Flawless Matthew ad Jud are simpl reus @ Flawless

This huk sprts sex Miller Mre desi @ FAT 2011

Lea Lve lks lvel with a pearl ecklace @ FAT 2011

Tret is etti dw t his birthda suit @ El Cvet Ric

Matt rus t et i lie r tickets w @ Iside out 2011 Lauch

Mles is a beautiul adrus mster @ Flawless

garth ad Zrica keep it weird @ FAT 2011 Malclm ad David watch as Ra ets sme up-skirt acti rm Fa Slit @ Iside out 2011 Lauch

Dave, Vit, J, Dec ad Breda celebrate i stle @ El Cvet Ric

gere-gere acti @ Flawless Sctt ets the evil ee rm Darama @ Iside out 2011 Lauch

Je is ht  the heels  a stlish ctrvers @ FAT 2011

What keeps on rolling along, ever strong? The 21st Annual Inside Out Film Festival , which runs Thursday, May 19 to Sunday, May 29. The Launch Party at the National Ballet School is a relaxed aair. As clips o upcoming flms are shown on the large screen, attendees bid on silent-auction items, such as a stay in one o the wonderul rooms at The Drake Hotel. The illustrious Scott o Kids in the Hall  ame, Thompson, o Kids makes a brie appearance. “I tried to get his autograph once,” local  boy-about-town Aeryn Pfaff remem  bers, “but I was too drunk.” Tonight is not an open bar event, so Pa is sober enough to pay attention to the speeches. Musician and pigment-deprived hottie Gentlemen Reg is all smiles as devilish photographer David Hawe snaps pictures, which he will then Photoshop into ridiculously scandalous scenarios. “I’m really excited about this year. All the flms will be shown in one central location [TIFF Bell Lightbox],” executive director Scott Ferguson says proudly. “And we’ll have popcorn!” What is not a myth but rather a orce to be reckoned with? The Toronto Alternative Art and Fashion Week (FAT). The smorgasbord o activity taking place at 99 Sudbury is enough to fll any glutton’s plate. While some o FAT’s collections are un experimental pieces, there are a ew designers who catch the eye o keen ashion lovers like 1 Girl 5 Gays cast member Jonathan Nathaniel. Kallvis Chen’s wonderul Human Nature collection contains hints o religious reerences, but it’s his sexy, clingy, patterned T-shirts that will be bigger than  Jesus. Candy Coated Killahz cute nerds Eight Bit Tiger and others perorm in the music space, while art (even in the orm o repetitive coat hangers) exists everywhere. “The crowd is very dierent this year. More 905ers,” Sonja Marie laments. What’s worse than unashionable suburbanites? Nothing. ,

[email protected] Jamie ad Ra keep it ashiable @ FAT 2011

Bradle, Jim ad Sam et excited abut flm @ Iside out 2011 Lauch fab May 11, 2011


EmploymEnt ptp pt p

Kno w more.  What is the Lambda study? Lambda

was a survey o 2,438 gay and bisexual men

in Toronto and Ottawa. The purpose o the study was to collect inormation rom men in these cities about their sexual and other behaviours, including condom use and HIV status. This community report presents some o the key study fndings. The community report and ull technical report o the Lambda fndings are available at:


What if you, or someone close to you, is told ‘You’re HIV postive’?

income income support support  treatment programs treatment programs   foodprograms programs food healthpromotion promotion health engagement  PHA PHA engagement  Help us continue to support people liing with HIV/AIDS  by volunteering or making a secure online donation at  to People With AIDS Foundation www.pwatoronto.org  rrard Street East, 2nd foor o, Ontario M5A 2E6 416-506- 1400

Toronto People With AIDS Foundation Toronto People With AIDS Foundation 200 Gerrard Street East, 2nd foor  Toronto, Ontario Ontario M5A 2E6 416-506-1400


May 11, 201 2011 1 fab 



Web Developer/ Programmer Pink Triangle Press, Canada’s leading lesbian and gay media organization, organiza tion, which publishes the Xtra communitypapers and fa fab b and operates Squirt, is looking for a few experienced PHP programmers to work in our Toronto oce. You will be responsible for developing and maintaining our web-based applications, tuning and maintaining databases, supporting our websites and their producers, and performing on-call duties. As a PHP programmer, you enjoy working with the latest opensource technologies in a fast-paced LAMP environment. You have experience working with object-oriented PHP code. MVC experience is a bonus. You are uent with web technologies (AJAX, HTML, CSS and XML). You have experience in MySQL database design, a PHP framework such as ZEND or cakePHP, and version-control systems (eg Subversion). Experience with Flash, Flex and Actionscript is an asset, but not essential. You are an ideal candidate if you have a minimum of three years’ experience; a computer programming degree is an asset. Your excellent written and verbal communication skills are as strong as your interpersonal and leadership skills. You have strong administrative skills (control and follow-up; decision-making; organization and planning). Experienced with software testing and quality assurance, you are excellent at troubleshooting and a creative problem-solver. You’re a strong team player equally capable of working independently to complete the task at hand. Familiarity with Pink Triangle Press’s web products or dating websites and their features is a tremendous asset. is is a full-time salaried position. Pink Triangle angle Press provides a generous benets package, three weeks’ annual vacation, vac ation, professional development development oppo rtunities and an energetic, progressive work environment. If you have the qualications outlined above and know you are the right t for this job, send us a cover letter telling us about yourself and a resumé immediately. immediately. We will ll this position as soon as we meet the right candidate. (Please note that only qualied applicants will be contacted.) No phone calls, please! Pink Triangle Press is an equal opportunity employer. We encourage applications from women and members of minority groups. email : [email protected] drop of Dan Falkenham or mail : Web Development Project Manager Pink Triangle Press 491 Church St, Ste 200 Toronto ON M4Y 2C6


Paul Bellin Bellin i Lena Over

0  6 9  9 !  !  -   -  

Gloria Hole


hen I was a kid, bingo was something that took place in stuffy church basements, in particular the Ukrainian Catholic church up the street. My best buddy Robert worked there, passing out cards for a nickel each. He also served piping-hot cabbage rolls, which is why I went. Decades have passed, and I haven’t thought much about bingo until recently, when I discovered the afternoon games at George’s Play. Honestly, I always thought only retired people play bingo, but my boyfriend Georges and I wandered in one day for a beer and ended up spending the whole afternoon playing. The attraction isn’t really winning, although there are prizes of up to $300. The attraction is the bingo caller, a 49-year-old named Robert McCutcheon, who is probably much more famous as his drag persona, Madame. “Even my family calls me Madame,” he jokes. “Under the B 11, boys. Spread ’em for B-11,” Madame calls out, illustrating the difference between the church basement


In 1995 and again in 1996, Madame was Empress of the Imperial Court of Toronto, the only person to hold the title back-to back. She calls bingo at George’s every weekday afternoon from 2 to 5pm and never gets tired of doing it. “A lot of people say I just have that voice for a microphone,” she explains when I praise her patter. But she is more concerned with outreach. outreac h. “We are wheelchair accessible,” she reminds me. “And $300 is, for some people, grocery money for the whole month.” Over at Zelda’s, they do bingo a different way.. And I do mean different. Every Monday way night at 8:30pm, Zelda’s hosts something called Dirty Bingo. The upstairs lounge is packed with mostly young people, but how anyone can concentrate on playing bingo with all the bare-chested boys running around is anybody’s guess. For some reason, there are a lot of familiar faces from Remington’s and Goodhandy’s in the crowd. Porn dudes are into bingo? Who knew. Callers Lena Over and Gloria Hole intersperse the game with all sorts of challenges, like offering shots to anyone who takes off  his shirt. At one point, the bartender barte nder strips down and puts Dream Whip blobs on his nipples and two boys from Boston have to lick them off and each do a shot. The prizes are sex toys, the music blasts away, lights flash, people scream, whipping cream and sparkling wine drench the crowd. It’s great fun, all part of that Zelda’s trailer trash aesthetic that goes so well with heavy heav y drinking. I can hardly wait to go back for more. Really, the only thing that could make  bingo at either George’s Ge orge’s Play or Zelda’s any  better would be cabbage rolls. Think about it, guys.

and a gay bar. “Gay  bingo is a lot more fun, she says.” And who could disagree. Truth be told, I could listen to Madame call bingo all day long. There is a certain musicality to her voice, and I find myself digging her hilarious little catchphrases. Whenever she calls G-50, she does this little “Book ’em, Dano” and a few notes of the Hawaii Five-0 theme song. When she calls I-30, she yells out “Dirty Gertie” for some reason, and the whole bar responds with a hearty round of “Hallelujah.” You can just imagine what happens when she calls out O-69. “You can forget what’s going on in your personal life and you can win cash, which is awesome,” says Madame. But more important to her is the fundraising aspect. Thanks to a 50-50 draw draw,, Madame has been able to raise thousands for the Central YMCA’s daycare and preschool program. Indeed, every day, the kids from the Y daycare walk by George’s Play, and every day, the teacher stops so the kids can pop their little heads in the door and shout “Bingo!” It’s impossibly cute, and there is no denying the pleasure it gives Madame.  [email protected]

fab May 11, 201 2011 1


STYLE Max MacDonald

10 pounds pounds by Pride t’s May and you’ve discovered that Grab your gym bag, treat yourself to a inhaling low-fat Baked Lays all winter  bottle of Smart Water and get moving to didn’t grow you a six-pack, dancing to avoid looking like a “before” picture come Glee isn’t cardio, and your elastic waist- Pride Sunday. Here’s a weekly workout  band shorts are snugger than you remember. schedule that detours the gym and gets you Don’t fret. It’s not too late to shed 10 trying something new so you can go from pounds by Pride weekend. puff to buff. Finding ways to stay fit or lose


weight is like fashion: keeping things fresh is essential. Remember: shedding weight is 50 percent exercise and 50 percent diet, so eat sensible meals, get sweaty, rest and avoid booze.





CYKL CYK L Toronto Toronto

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Founded by Kim Donnelly, this next-generation spinning studio is unique. Aside from playing cool trance, house and club music, the instructors are also open to playing requests. They genuinely care about your fitness goals and cater workouts to your ability and needs. And they have RealRyder bikes, which move just like real bicycles. You don’t need specialized cycling gear — just a willingness to try; regular gym clothes work just fine. Various packages are available. Your first class is complimentary and the towel service is free. CYKL, 68 Bathurst St. cykl.ca

[email protected]


May 11, 201 2011 1 fab 

Get outside! Trainer Benjamin Unleash your inner Spider-Man Paley returns to Allan Gardens while giving yourself a total with his Hot Damn Boot Camp  body workout. Indoor climbing from May to September. Every will test your ability to tackle class is different, but count on heights, listen to instructions running, dropping and jumping and lift your own body weight in the gardens while laughing at the same time. The instrucin the outdoor sun — and getting tors are friendly, certified and a tan for Pride. Bring gym clothes will work with everyone, from that you won’t mind getting virgin climbers right up to dirty, running shoes, a towel and advanced cliffhangers. Bring a water. Healthy eating tips and towel and gym clothes. cl othes. You can recipes are part of the package. rent specialty shoes there, and Your first trial session is free; t h e y a l s o h a v e s h o w e r s . from there, the fee is $159 a Beginners’ lessons are $35. month.  Joe Rockhead’s, 29 Fraser  benjaminpaley.com Ave. joerockheads.com

After a week of building muscle, you’ll need a good stretch. Instructors run through 26 postures over 90 minutes in a 90°F room. Yes, the heat is intense,  but if you stick with it, your posture will improve, your stress levels will drop and you will lose weight. The instructors lovingly coach you to try all 26 poses but stress that the key thing is to stay in the room for the 90 minutes without running away. Rental yoga mats, bottled water, towels and showers are available. A two-week trial pass is $20. Bikram Yoga, 208 Bloor St E  and 1911 Queen St E. bikramyogatoronto.com


Phil Villeneuve

House musi music c W

hen I’m at home, there’s always a situation that requires music. I resist turning on my PVRs of  The View  and instead crank jams to go with whatever I’m doing. When I get up in the morning, I can’t just throw on the radio; I usually play Buffy Sainte-Marie’s Sainte-Marie’s Pathfinder: Buried Treasures album. The collection covers some key points in the native diva’s career, including horn— with a Buffy Sainte-Marie m e l o d i c filled rockers like “Sweet, Fast Hooker Blues” and mystic, elecMontreal twist. I always put on an tro-folk classics like “Starwalker.” It’s great stuff to wake up to because it has enough album when I’m cookthrowing your ing. I try to cook in as energy to get you moving but not so much hands in the air, but little clothing as possible so flash that it’ll offend your morning routine. that’s what it makes W h e n I g e t as not to create extra laundry — and also you want to do. home after work, or to make it easier to dance when needed. At a very close in the afternoon on Lately my go-to cheffing album is Yael second — and this is a weekend, I’ve been Naim’s She Was a Boy . You might rememwhat I put on minutes iTunes ad a few years obsessively playing  ber this chick from an iTunes  before I’m out the door the new Armistice  back set to the song “New Soul.” She’s an with a vodka-Redbull in E P . A r m i s t i c e Israeli singer (born in France) and sings hand — is French electroi s m a d e u p o f   mostly in English. This record is adorable vixen Yelle’s second Montreal’s Coeur de pop music with super interesting worldalbum, Safari Disco Club: Pirate (if you don’t  beat influences — it’s like a dark carnival high energy, synth-heavy know her, she’s like soundtrack. Imagine if Tom Waits was a dance-pop at its very best. Armistice a bilingual, tattooed woman with a honey-smooth voice who I recently asked Yelle a few Feist but her vocals made a pop album. Perfect background questions about her new album are sweetened with music to fill rooms and ignore the smell of  and what exactly happens in a a little more sugar) and Bedouin Soundclash’s  burnt food. Safari Disco Club. Check it out One of the most imporlead singer/babe Jay Malinowski. at fabmagazine.com. tant music slots is the Rumour has it these two used to date pre-drink or getting ready and that’s how the record came to to go out album.  be. (I’ve now heard that they broke Australia’s Architecture up and, sadly, it wasn’t pretty.) It’s in Helsinki’s latest — only a five-song effort, but the results Finally, giving some tangible credit Moment Bends — is the are as refreshing as a drive in a sunny to the Martha and the Muffins classic, perfect choice. It’s 100 per- Toronto’s hottest new outdoor concert desert: dreamy Mexican border cent pure pop goodness. venue is called Echo Beach. What used to music — they recorded with LA Bouncy Ace of Base num-   be a beach volleyball hangout is tucked punk band The Bronx, which proYael Naim   bers grind up with giant away east of the Molson Amphitheatre, vided the mariachi-style backdrops synth-dance anthems — it close to an inlet called Brigantine Cove. puts me in an automatic Our favourite Swedish fembot Robyn will good mood. “Contact High”  be back Friday, June 3 (along with Natalia is a new-new-wave disco Kills and Toronto’s Diamond Rings) to track that tastes of Pop officially break in the 4,000-person zone. R o c k s a n d P i x y S t i x . Beach? Robyn? Inlet? Smells like a new Lyrically, this weird-pop cruising hotspot to me. quintet is a breath of fresh air — it’s not all about [email protected]

Out of the house music

Architecture in Helsinki fab May 11, 11, 2011 2011


Crouch, Ryan English, Michael Lyons, Drew Rowsome , gay ga y agenda agen da John Rahem Saeed, Eduardo Eduar do Sabate & Jonathan Valelly Valelly

Wed, We d, May 11 11

Thurs, Thu rs, May 12

Fri, May 13 13

Games Night with Bears o Toronto. Things get hairy at this night o un and games. 8–10:30pm. Pegasus, 489B Church St. No cover. pegasusonchurch.com

LEGIT Toronto. Canadian immigration advice or same-sex couples. 7pm. 519 Community Centre, 519 Church St. No cover. the519.org

Red Party. Bathe in red or violence, passion, seduction and lust. 9pm. Spa Excess, 105 Carlton St. Regular rates. spaexcess.com

TNTmen’s Book Club meets monthly or a comortable au naturel discussion o literature. Watch or unusual paper cuts. Contact TNTmen or location and details. 7:30pm. $4 members, $6 non-members. tntmen.org

Queer Idol. It’s the Steve’s Music DJ Todd Klinck  Elimination Round. DJ spins. Hosted by Cajo. 9pm. Goodhandy’s , 120 Church St. $9. queeridol.ca

DJ Nyte Hawk spins at 9pm, then Elektra-Fied, a perormance competition hosted by Jade Elektra, electries at 10:30pm. George’s Play, 504 Church St. No cover. playonchurch.com

Micky Friedmann @ fy on Sat, May 21

Smirno Best Chest Contest. It’s the Long Hard Weekend kicko and Prism pre-event, with ticket giveaways. DJ Mark Falco spins. Hosted by Miss Conception and Portia Demonte. Midnight. Woody’s, 465 Church St. No cover. woodystoronto.com

Hunter Valentine perorms with Sick o Sarah and Lucas Silveira. 9pm. The Horseshoe Tavern, 370 Queen St W. $12.50. unionevents.com Downtown Soccer Toronto hosts its Drat Party or boys who like balls. Followed by Cruiseline’s Best Men’s Ass Contest at midnight. Miss Conception and Demanda Tension host while DJ Chris Steinbach spins. Woody’s, 467 Church St. No cover. woodystoronto.com

Stand up or the Anthem. DJ Craig Dominic spins all the best tracks under one roo. 10pm. WAYLA Bar, 996 Queen St E. No cover. Daddy Next Door is a new monthly Leslieville party or daddies and daddy chasers. DJ Dwayne Minard spins. 10pm. Joy Bistro, 884 Queen St E. No cover. Shake & Pop. Superstar DJs Blackcat and Sumation team up to drive the dancefoor crazy with top 40, dance, house, electro and more. 10pm. Zipperz-Cellblock , 72 Carlton St. No cover cover.. zipperzcellblock.com

Cub Camp, with DJ Scooter and yummy boys with beards and tats. 11pm. The Beaver, 1192 Queen St W. No cover. beavertoronto.ca Cigar Party. Suck on a big one while DJ Pashtun spins backroom beats. Plus a heavy bondage demo by Master Tony. 11pm. Black Eagle, 457 Church St. No cover.. blackeagletoronto.com cover

saT, May 14 Bears, Baths and Beyond. See what all the uzz is about. DJ Danny White spins. 1–6pm. Steamworks, 540 Church St. Regular rates. steamworksonline.com

 Activist Roland Drake presents his multimedia presentation promoting Adopt a Village in Laos , a humanitarian organization beneting the hill tribes o rural Laos. 8pm. Java Jive, 585 Church St. No cover. adoptavillageinlaos. blogspot.com Euphoria. Happy vibes and energetic beats rom DJ Sumation. 10pm. WAYLA, 996 Queen St E. No cover. whatareyoulookingatbar.com

Sodom @ Goodhandy’s on Sat, May 21

Graperuit: Summer Ahoy, with DJs Shane Percy and Aural, eaturing a special Gaga-mix perormance by Flo. 10pm. y, 8 Gloucester St. $5 beore 11pm with webpass, $10 ater ater.. graperuit4u.com All-Request Friday, with DJ K-Tel. From Radio Gaga to Lady Gaga to Ladytron. 10:30pm. Buddies, 12 Alexander St. No cover beore 11pm, $5 ater. buddiesinbadtimes.com

Mile High Tuesdays @ Boutique Bar


May 11, 11, 2011 2011 fab 

Mon, May M ay 16 16 Proud o Toronto meets on the eve o the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia to celebrate community achievements and raise awareness about the importance o queer-ocused programs and services. 5–7:30pm. Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen St W. homophobiaday.org Dirty Bingo, hosted by Gloria Hole and Lena Over. Drink yoursel dirty and win some outrageous prizes. 8:30pm. Zelda’s, 692 Yonge St. No cover. zeldas.ca

Pitbull @ Fuzion on Sat, May 14 Pitbull. Get your ass slapped at the sluttiest place on earth. DJ Shane Percy spins as the bears and butch boys grab the bulls by the horns. 10pm. Fuzion, 580 Church St. $5. uzionexperience.com Manzone & Strong. DJs Shawn Riker and Kevin Bailey spin. Hosted by Charles Pavia. 10pm. y, 8 Gloucester St. No cover beore 11pm or the rst 100 people, $10 ater. fynightclub.com Jock . Sport-kit night or jocks and their admirers. DJ Geo Kelleway spins pop, mashups and classic house. Hosted by Charles Pavia. 10:30pm. Goodhandy’s , 120 Church St. No cover beore 11pm, $5 ater or team members, $10 or sports ans. goodhandys.com Goth Drag Party, hosted by Murderess Miss Margot, with DJs Demonic David Lush and The Sinul Schramm spinning goth, death rock, new wave, industrial, post punk and minimal wave. 11pm. The Beaver, 1192 Queen St W. $5. beavertoronto.ca The Men Who Made Men Making Love with Men Look Like Gods Making Love with God. A Reg Hartt lecture illustrated by the lms o porn pi oneers Wakefeld Poole and Peter Berlin. 11pm. The Cineorum, 463 Bathurst St. $20, $10 or those under 30.

All-Star Karaoke, with Danny Reddey. 10pm. George’s Play, 504 Church St. No cover. playonchurch.com

TNTmen’s Book Club on Thurs, May 12; details at tntmen.org TNTmen’s Naked Night @ the Black Eagle on Fri, May 19

sun, May M ay 15 15 Donny’s BBQ. Soakin’ up the sun with beers, queers, retro tunes and porn. 3–9pm. Black Eagle, 457 Church St. No cover. blackeagletoronto.com Caribbean Queen, with Devine, Kera Keys and DJ Jay, kicks o at 8:30pm; the New York sounds o DJ Relentless spill at Milk at 10pm; Amanda, Charo and DJ Martin are the Lady & The Tramps at 11:30pm, while DJ Viviana inects all with Latin Fever. Crews & Tangos, 508 Church St. No cover. crewandtangos.com Release Sunday. DJs Cajjmere Wray and Luiz Clarck spin or dancing and a live onstage sex show. Hosted by Lior, Matt Barker and Mojo. 10pm. Flash Nightclub , 463 Church St. $5 beore 11:30pm, $10 ater ater.. prismtoronto.com

FML Mondays Industry Night. Hot Monday-night dance party with rotating DJs. Fuzion, 580 Church St. 10pm. No cover cover.. uzionexperience.com Kicking and Screaming . DJs George Burt and Pat Ghostwol spin. Featuring every good song ever done by anybody. 11pm. The Beaver, 1192 Queen St W. No cover. beavertoronto.ca

Tues, Tu es, May 17 Out and Out New Members’ Night lets the new and curious learn the ropes with OutSport Toronto, a club or gay amateur athletes. Wear a jock just in case. 7–8pm. 519 Community Centre, 519 Church St. No cover. outsporttoronto.org Urban Tantra Workshop, hosted by Barbara Carrellas, ocuses on creating and sharing sacred sexual energy between partners. Couples only; all orientations welcome. 7:30–10pm. Come As You Are, 701 Queen St W. $35. comeasyouare.com.

Farra N Hyte @ Buddies on Fri, May 20

Wed, We d, May 18 18 Black Queer Youth. Fun, chill drop-in group or queer youth o colour. 6–8:30pm. Sherbourne Health Centre, 333 Sherbourne St. soytoronto.org Muchos Machos. Muscles, meat and men, mmm. A night to benet the Centre or Spanish-Speaking People. 8pm–midnight. Steamworks, 540 Church St. Regular rates apply. steamworksonline.com Snakepit. DJ Secret Agent spins at this weekly queer dance party. 10pm. Henhouse, 1532 Dundas St W. No cover. henhousetoronto.com Pale Trash. DJs Ess Tee, Simone TB and Ell V spin big at tunes rom A–Z. 11pm. The Beaver, 1192 Queen St W. No cover. beavertoronto.ca

DJ daVinci spins or the fight attendants, pilots and non-grounded sex anatics at Mile High Tuesdays. Bargain drinks and martinis are served, but not rom a cart. 10pm. Boutique Bar, 506 Church St. No cover. boutiquebar.ca

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fab May 11, 11, 2011 2011


Rainbow Ballroom Toronto & Latin Dance Club: 10 weeks o spring dance classes, which will end in a pre-Pride social. 7–8pm, salsa; 8–9pm, merengue; 9–10pm, Argentine tango. 519 Community Centre, 519 Church St. rainbowballroomtoronto.com

Baby, you were born this way, so celebrate at Battle Pop: Lady Gaga Ofcial Release Party. DJ Craig Dominic gives everyone a dose o Gaga, with a perormance by Scarlett. 10pm. The Barn, 418 Church St. $5. thebarnnightclub.com Diskotek . Awesome party, great martinis, killer beats. DJ Je Kirkwood spins, with a special perormance by the Diskotek Go-go Dancer. 10pm. Byzantium, 499 Church St. No cover. byz.ca

Downtown Soccer Toronto @ Woody’s on Fri, May 13

Thurs, Thu rs, May 19 Lawn Bowling is the perect way to meet old and new chums and get some light exercise. 7pm. Cosburn Park Lawn Bowling Club, 525 Cosburn Ave. No cover.. cosburnparklawnbowlingclub.ca cover Thurst has rotating DJs and saucy drag queens every week. 10pm. Alto Lounge, 582 Church St. 10pm. No cover. TNTmen’s Naked Night, with DJ The Robotic Kid. Clothes check at the door, which is also a good place to leave your inhibitions. 10pm. The Black Eagle, 457 Church St. No cover. blackeagletoronto.com

Fri, May M ay 20 20 Limelight Photo Club Workshop . Club members meet to share and compare photo skills. 6:30pm. Limelight Books & Photographs, 892 Pape Ave. $5. 416-389-2275.

Hazed, hosted by Joseph Patrick and Soonda, with DJ Sexy Pants. Partygoers get hazed at Delta Sigma Phi. 10pm. Goodhandy’s , 120 Church St. $10. goodhandys.com Rocket: Long Weekend Special Event , with DJ Sumation playing the hottest top-40 jams and dance videos. 10pm. fy, 8 Gloucester St. No cover beore 11pm, $5 till midnight, $10 ater. fynightclub.com Sky Gilbert takes the stage as his drag alter ego, Jane, in a sneak peek o The Mommiad , a night o structured poetry and perormance. A ull-scale production will premiere in New York  York  City in 2013. 8pm. Buddies in Bad Times Theatre, 12 Alexander St. PWYC. buddiesinbadtimes.com Foxxxy Fridays, with Farra N Hyte and Heaven Lee Hytes, is X-rated or a reason. This inamous drag duo trades insults and throws shade between numbers all night long. No one is sae. 10:30pm. Buddies, 12 Alexander St. $7. buddiesinbadtimes.com

Hunter Valentine @ the Horse shoe Tavern on Fri, May 13 Purplelectricity Prince Party, 7th Anniversary Edition. DJ Doctor Baggie spins hi-NRG Prince. Featuring music and videos by Prince, rom 1978 to the present. 11pm. Drake Hotel, 1150 Queen St W. $10. purplelectricity.com

saT, May 21 Canadian Gay Open 2011 is a three-day tennis event with more than 175 participants across three venues. All are welcome to play and cheer. Runs Runs till Mon, May 23. 8am. cgopen.ca Cherry Bomb. Summer explodes when DJs Cozmic Cat and Denise Benson heat up the dancefoor at this party or queer women and their riends. 9pm. Andy Poolhall, 489 College St. No cover beore 10pm, $7 ater ater.. cherrybombtoronto.com Sodom: Hollywood Zombie, hosted by Myles Sexton and Aeryn Pa with DJ Sumation, has the ocial Inside Out screening o The Advocate for Fagdom , a documentary on reluctant pornographer Bruce LaBruce. Perormances by Ivory Towers, Adam Norrad and David Light. 10pm. Goodhandy’s , 120 Church St. $7 beore 11pm, $10 ater, no cover or students, no cover beore midnight or Fagdom  ticket-holders. sodom.ca Micky’s Birthday Bash, hosted by the erce and ancy Gairy Brown, with DJs Micky Friedmann, Jeremy Khamkeo and Mike Vieira. 10pm. y, 8 Gloucester St. No cover beore 11pm or the rst 100 people, $10 till midnight, $15 ater. fynightclub.com Fit, with DJs Phil V and Kris Steeves, celebrates one year o making all the west-end boys sweat and salivate. 11pm. The Beaver, 1192 Queen St W. $5. beavertoronto.ca

@ Remington’s


May 11, 11, 2011 2011 fab 

Fit @ The Beaver on Sat, May 21

sun, May 22 Miss Conception’s Stage-to-Screen One-Woman Show at 6pm; The Ladies o SAS ollow at 9pm; Georgie Girl and Donnarama welcome Soonda, Ivory Towers, Michelle Ross and Amanda Roberts at 11pm. Woody’s, 465 Church St. No cover. woodystoronto.com Entertainer o the Year Canadian Preliminary. 9pm. George’s Play, 463 Church St. playonchurch.com

Mon, May 23 Monday Night Drop-In. SOY’s mentoring program brings youth and mentors together or un and community building. 5:30–8pm. Sherbourne Health Centre, 333 Sherbourne St. No cover. soytoronto.org Village Pool League. Play with balls at this gay and lesbian community pool league. 7pm. Pegasus, 489B Church St. No cover cover.. pegasusonchurch.com

Tues, May 24 Alphabet Soup. SOY’s hangout spot or queer youth who are any colour o the rainbow. 4–6pm. Sherbourne Health Centre, 333 Sherbourne St. soytoronto.org Student Discount Night . Time or some real education. 4–11pm. Steamworks, 540 Church St. Regular rates, $5 discounts with university ID. steamworksonline.com Torontogaysingles.com presents a Casual Mixer and Speed Dating event or single gay men over 30. 7:30– 9:30pm. Royal York Hotel, 100 Front St W. $39. torontogaysingles.com So You Think You Can Strip? A weekly amateur night. 9pm. Remington’s , 379 Yonge St. $5, students no cover. remingtons.com

Send your event to listi listings@abmag ngs@abmagazine.com azine.com



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fab May 11 2011



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business directory


EmploymEnt amma Isabella Hotel & Suites 416.922.2203 556 Sherbourne Street Toronto IsabellaHotel.com

mp v Around The Clock I. T. Solutions Ltd. Business, Home, PC’s, Mac’s, Servers, Networking Toronto 416-657-4395 Mississauga 905-301-4541 Durham 905-706-7030

m malg Dr. Daniel Schachter & Dr. Anne Curis Cosmetic Dermatology 208 Bloor St. W., 4th Floor 416.922.6869 unlockyourbeauty.com

llg Phillip Coupal Phillip Coupal Counselling + Coaching Relationship Skills and Practices Individuals • Couples • Groups 416.557.7312 phillipcoupal.ca

 Dr. Elon Griffith 25 Charles St. W, Toronto, ON 416.923.3386 Dr. Kevin Russelo & Associates 117 Maitland St. 416.966.0117 Dr. Martin Sterling & Associates 2 Bloor St. W. Suite 1904 416.923.8042 Dr. Varshney and Dr. Ioannidis 741 Broadview Ave, Suite 308 416.466.6400 www.broadviewdentalclinic.com

halh & wll Christine Morrell Personal Wellness Coach 416-816-2938 [email protected]

lgal v Immigration is for lovers Ferreira-Wells Immigration Services 1377 Bathurst St. 416.651.8889 immigrationservices.ca Robert I. Blanshay, Immigration Lawyer 228 Gerrard Street East 416.413.4955 [email protected]

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TOGETHER Heroine Marks We are open in our acceptance and support; PFLAG supports all families. famil ies. ‘


ur mission is support and education,” says Irene, president of  PFLAG Toronto (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). “PFLAG is all about families. We are made up of a diverse mix of families, and we can be ‘family’ to those people whose families are at a distance, either geographically or emotionally.” Irene and her husband, Gary, who is the organization’s treasurer, say they were inspired by their son Raymond (right, posing with the couple), who came out of the closet during his final year of high school. “When he came out it was a non-issue for us. We accepted, loved and “

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supported him, and so did our family and friends,” says Irene. These proud parents joined PFLAG after seeing a friend of  Raymond’s get a different reaction from his parents when he came out. “He came to live with us ‘for a couple of weeks’ at a low point in his life, and that’s when we learned how hard it was for some people.” Irene and Gary say they have had many ma ny memorable moments since joining PFLAG. Gary recalls the second year they marched in the Pride parade, when a female police officer spotted them. “With a tear in her eye, she came up to me for a hug and said she wished she had that family support when she was coming out.” Irene will always remember marching in the parade with Raymond while he wore wore a shirt that said “My Parents Rock.” “Whether in Toronto, Victoria, BC or New Jersey,” says Irene, “there is always a PFLAG branch close by.”

Gary, Irene & PFLAG Toronto — five years

xtra.ca  is your sourc so urce e for Canada’s  gay and lesbian news  Want breaking breaki ng news?  Go to xtra.ca  and sign up  for our newsletter 

Get social!  Follow us on Twitter at  twitter.com/xtra_canada  or join us on Facebook at  facebook.com/xtra.ca 

fab May 11, 201 2011



Drasko Bogdanovic

Name: Jon Age: 24 Sign: Virgo


was born and raised in Guelph and moved to Toronto to pursue my career as a master stylist and makeup artist,” says the energetic young Jon. “I love the diversity of the city.”  Jon’s perfect date meal includes “seafood, wine and, of course, an amazing dessert.” When it comes to dancefloor jams, he loves “dirty house and retro tracks, because I love a good beat and love the oldies.” Jon is proud of his sexy underwear collection and insists that he’s “nicer than I appear, and I’m always up for a good conversation.” When Jon isn’t dancing and drinking with his friends he dreams of international travel and white-water rafting. Want to get something fancy courtesy of Jon’s talented hands? “I work in the Village at Salon One if anyone is interested in an amazing cut or colour,” he says with a grin. More photos by Drasko Bogdanovic at draskobogdanovic.ca.

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