
March 29, 2019 | Author: Drew Rowsome | Category: Gender, Ethnicity, Race & Gender, Leisure
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fab issue #422 - Gay Sports...



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April 13, 2011 — April 26, 2011


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4   April 13, 201 2011 1


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#422 April 13–26 13–26,, 20 20111 PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF



Drew Rowsome & Matt Thomas COPY EDITOR


Paul Bellini, Drasko Bogdanovic, Rolyn Chambers, Scott Dagostino, Shawn Hitchins, Heroine Marks, Max MacDonald, Eduardo Sabate & Phil Villeneuve PHOTOGRAPHERS


Drasko Bogdanovic, Tony Fong, David Hawe, Heroine Marks, David Pike & G Elliott Simpson EDITORIAL INTERNS

John Crouch, Ryan English, Michael Lyons, Reham Saeed, Eduardo Sabate & Jonathan Valelly




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fabmagazine.com The appearance of anyone in this magazine is no guarantee that they are gay (just fab). Distributed free in Toronto, Ottawa, Hamilton and London and sold for $4.50 on selected newsstands across Canada. Submissions and letters to the editor are welcome, but we are not responsible for unsolicited material and cannot acknowledge receipt. We do not consider anonymous submissions.

Printed and Published in Canada. ©201 ©2011 1 Pink Triangle Press fab is published every two weeks by Pink Triangle Press ISSN:1704-3166 PINK TRIANGLE PRESS  founded 1971

Directors: Jim Bartley, Gerald Hannon, Peter Kingstone, Jennifer O’Connor, Maureen Phillips, Ken Popert, Gillian Rodgerson & Tori Smith Honorary Director: Colin Brownlee President & Executive Director: Ken Popert Publisher & Editor-at-Large: David Walberg Chief Operating Officer: Andrew Chang

 Pink Triangle Press is a not-for-profit corporation, with offices in Toronto and  Vancouver publishing fab and Xtra and operating guidemag.com & squirt.org. No unauthorized reproduction, in whole or in part, without t he written consent of the publisher.

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Cover Credits Photography: G Elliott Simpson, gelliottsimpson.com Models: Jon and Jeff fab April 13, 201 2011



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March 30,2011 — April 12,2011


Cunning Conservatives Some of us have long memories and remember when the rights to party and play were questionable, if not illegal. The Toronto bathhouse raids were a glowing example of intolerance. And the so-called rights we have now can be reversed. Today, Today, political gay clout speaks loudly, so hopefully the Toronto gay community will use theirs to show a condescending, rightwing Conservative Party we recognize them when we see them. The Conservatives were joined by the anti-gay Reform R eform Party, which which tried to repeal equal rights, including gay marriage. Do you really  believe this stance doesn’t still exist exi st among Harper’s cronies? Julian Fantino, no surprise, is one of those responsible for London’ London’ss infamous gay witch hunt, Project Guardian, Guar dian, in the ’90s. This hunt was purportedly to expose a child-porn ring, but b ut it uncovered only hustlers and their adult clients. Dozens of men were unjustly charged, leading to ruined lives and suicides. Wonder why Fantino’s a Conservative? This party has long been accused of hidden agendas. This is a PM who refuses to cooperate with other parties, used the G20 as a prop for his ego, uses the Mounties to oust you from his rallies if you are not Conservative and repeatedly hides his business  behind closed doors. Toronto is a major political riding in this race, so let’s make the gay vote more than count. We don’t want a Conservative majority in power in what is supposed to be a liberal and free-thinking Canada. Hard-won rights need to be protected. prote cted. Party, play and vote. Remember, not all dictators are in foreign countries. — Gary Malott 

 April 13, 201 2011 1 fab 

Hirsute hot, Gilletted not Re: the Montreal photo in “Last-Minute Gaycations,”  fab #421, March 30. How gross. How could anyone find the complete shaving of the chest attractive? Their big nipples and the showing of their trendy underwear — Marky Mark did that in the ’80s — only he had a body to look at. — Daniel Daring 

Palm   Springs   the gay oasis 

Don’t hold it against her Re: “Britney’s Femme Fatale #FAIL?” on fabmagazine.com. If you are not a fan of Britney B ritney,, you are on no solid ground to be judging her music. Britney is not who she used to be, but she is trying. We credit her effort and her music. We enjoy some of it; if  you don’t, you don’t. No need to be sour toward her work. Nobody can please everybody everybody.. — Thien

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Blood spor sports ts he world moves so quickly. It’s already spring and time or an issue o  fab  fab that celebrates sports and the arrival o the shirtless season. It eels like just yesterday that we were trapped in the shrieking bowels o a never-ending winter. winter. It seems like only moments ago that Charlie Sheen was a reasonably respected actor — and somewhat hot. It can’t be that long ago that Britney released another mediocre album in a desperate bid or a comeback. And didn’t we just have a ederal election? Watching Charlie Sheen’s world implode is tragic but riveting. As captivating as watching traditional gay sporting events like gure skating or Dieux du Stade? Possibly: ater all, one o the activities that we gay men excel at is celebrity blood sports, where gossip and innuendo is wielded with the dexterity o a Roman gladiator. Peggy Orenstein, author o  Cinderella Ate My Daughter , nds Britney Spears’ infuence on preteen sexuality troubling. Orenstein’s thesis is that Spears’ original schoolgirl persona sexualized innocence while etishizing it, a dichotomy that earned her many gay ans. Now that Spears has become a woman (externally,, at least), while clinging to her childlike (or is she just (externally stoned?) mannerisms, she portrays “sexiness as something to do or the pleasure and entertainment o others rather than as something empowering.” That is indeed a disheartening message or preteen girls — and or Spears’ twink ans. A lip-synching Auto-Tuned automaton is a tragic role model or gay men, but what great sport can be ound in building someone up and then knocking them down when they ail us. In contrast, remember how empowering it was when Madonna urged us to “Express Yoursel” (instead o expressing the antasies o whoever is pulling Spears’ puppet strings). strings) . Gaga’s been slagged or her rewrite o  “Express Yoursel,” but at least there’s an injection o real human personality and the empowerment message seems genuine. I-want-a-majority Harper, who can also come across as something o an automaton, was treated to a rendition o “Born This Way” by internet prodigy Maria Aragon. What was surely intended as a pu piece photo op becomes a curiosity piece as Harper struggles to nod his head in a semblance o rhythm, trying not to finch at “Don’t be a drag, be a queen.” (By this point Laureen Harper has been moved careully out o camera range — no doubt because she understands the lyrics and is happily daydreaming o dancing to a Gaga remix while out aghagging with JB and the boys.) Harper’s continued attempts to cast himsel as a blandly   benevolent gure is as utile a strategy as Spears’ desexualized sexuality. But elections are sporting events where no quarter is given until the opponents are bloodied and beaten, and Harper is playing to win. Can we not slide our rapier gay wit between the chinks in his armoured persona and expose the emptiness within? Seeing Spears tumble is an empty-calorie thrill, but getting Harper to shave his head or fash his va-jay-jay would be a game-winning score.


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Drew Rowsome [email protected] fab April 13, 2011 2011


F ULL FRO F RON N TAL Boys of a feather Stop asking international DJ Hector Fonseca to show you his Peacock, people. He’s given it up for Lent. But when he spins at fly on Easter weekend, all gloves and T-shirts T-shirts will be off. He just finished showing it in Miami f or Carnival and the resident DJ of Matinée NYC a t Pacha club has put lots of mileage on his passport recently, hitting Brazil, Mexico, Italy and Vancouver. Vancouver. Known for starting the electribal trend, Fonseca gives the crowd circuit-thumping sounds with bitch-loads of vocal attitude. His sultry Puerto Rican good looks are yet another reason to see Fonseca do his thing. With current remixes like Haldamaxx & Danny Verde’s “Pushin’ to the Top” and Katy Perry’s hornithological song asking for cock, cock, cock, the boys will be flocking each other on the dancefloor. – Eduardo Sabate 


Hector Fonseca spins on Sat, April 23 at fly nightclub, 8 Gloucester St. flynightclub.com 

The birds and the spelling spell ing bees bees Everyone wins at Strip Spelling Bee. When a contestant cocks up, there’s no booing, hissing or “better luck next time” because lexical difficulty results in aggrandized entertainment. “I try to pick words that are hard for even me. Hard as my cock, which is pretty hard,” says organizer Sherwin Tjia. “The beauty of this event is that it’s pretty sexy when someone gets it right but sexier when they get it wrong. In both cases, people cheer like crazy.” Tjia has a reputation for fun and out-of-the-ordinary parties. His Queer Slowdance Night attracts plenty of followers and Strip Spelling Bee has lots of fans wanting to partake in the cheering or get onstage and impress (with either their orthographical talents or their personal assets). “Some of our contestants are definitely exhibitionists,” says Tjia. “I think what happens, though, is that if they get the word wrong, they realize they’re probably not going to win best speller of the night, so they shift gears and try to win best stripper.” – Eduardo Sabate  Strip Spelling Bee takes place Fri, April 22 at Buddies, 12 Alexander St. stripspellingbee.blogspot.com 

Lascivious lit Summer beach-reading season is almost upon us, and two works of literature that are also delicious reads are heading our way. Greg Kearney’s Pretty  is a collection of darkly hilarious short stories; Michael V Smith’s Progress  is an epic Canadian novel with several gay twists. Their launch parties are back to back, but which is fiercer?






The Black Eagle: leather bar turns literary

The Gladstone: Queer West meets Canadian gothic

Who will cater at the Eagle? Wet or Elbow Grease?


DJ Robotic Kid plus literary heavyweights Zoe Whittall and Lisa Foad — women at the Eagle?

DJs Miss Brown and Maggie MacDonald plus Zoe Whittall (again), Marcus McCann and GentleLady Regina

 Alas, Smith’s alter ego, Miss Cookie, is not expected, but Smith will wear his infamous red suit


Kearney says, “It’s my local. Things will doubtlessly devolve into a backroom group scene.”

Smith is notorious for crazy stunts during readings, and the Gladstone loves crazy

Neither reading has the faintest chance of being dull

Both books are can’t-put-it-down reads and both authors are compelling presences exercising their imaginations in the service of promotion. Let’s count ourselves lucky to have two fierce nights of belles-lettres in a row. – Drew Rowsome  Greg Kearney’s  Pretty launches Tues, April 26, 8pm, at the Black Eagle, 457 Church St. blackeagletoronto.com. Michael  V Smith’s Progress launches as part of Granny Boots, Wed, April 27, 7:30pm, at The Gladstone Hotel, 1214 Queen St W. gladstonehotel.com 

8   April 13, 201 2011


 Archie  comic book issue in which gay character Kevin Keller first appeared — it became only the second issue ever to need reprinting and has earned Keller a spinoff comic.

US$3.99 Suggested list price for upcoming biographical comic books Female  Force: Rosie O’Donnell and Female  Force: Kathy Griffin . GIRLIE The supervillains (Gangsters, Imposters, Racketeers, Liars and Irredeemable Ex-cons) who will battle  Arnold Schwarzenegger’s new comic book character, The Governator. “I feel like I need to go home and buy a Barbie’s magical dream house and play with myself.” myself.”  Actress Blake Lively is inspired by the prototype Barbie based on her Green  Lantern character. 12 Percentage of Vanity Fair poll respondents that believes Justin Bieber will be “fat and bald” by the age of 30. “One part of my heart soared. The other part broke for the thousands of hungry souls being fed something that didn’t nourish their spirit, but fed their flesh.”  A Katy Perry concert is reviewed by the singer’s mother. “Ron de Jeremy tastes perfect naked with nothing added and works equally great as a mixer mixer.” .”  Actor/author/porn legend extols his new “adult” rum. 5,000  Age in years of a male skeleton found buried in a traditionally female manner, leaving scientists to posit that he was a gay or transgendered caveman.

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fab April 13, 2011 2011


Matt Thomas talks to director Gregg Araki about his latest gonzo pansexual thriller, Kaboom  Not-so-gay but still-hot sex scene.


n the early ’90s, Gregg Araki became Matt Thomas: What was the inspiration for queer cinema’s resident bad boy director  Kaboom?  Kaboom? with the release of The of The Living End , a film Gregg Araki: I really just wanted to make a about two gay men with HIV on the run movie that came from a completely creatively from the law after killing a homophobic free space that had a n aive creative sensibility cop. He followed that up with his teenage to it. I knew I wanted to make a movie about apocalypse trilogy (Totally ( Totally Fucked Up , The these characters that were at that phase in life Doom Generation and Nowhere ), which where everything is a question mark. You defined an angst-ridden sexually charged don’t know who you’re going to be or what generation with the help of soon-to-be-stars your sexuality is; you’re just sort of being like Margaret Cho, Traci Lords, Parker Posey, formed. I’ve also always wanted to make a Scott Caan and Ryan Philippe. With the sprawling, apocalyptic Twin Peaks-y Peaks-y mystery. release of his newest film, Kaboom Kaboom,, (which I didn’t in any way censor myself in terms of  won the first ever Queer Palm Award at the things getting too weird or using too many difCannes Film Festival), Araki is again out to ferent genres, or thinking things like, ‘Wait, create the ultimate queer mind-fuck flick, this sex scene is getting too intense.’ They don’t really make movies like that anymore.  but this time for a new generation.

Araki directs Thomas Dekker and Juno Temple.

10   April

13, 2011 fab 

MT: Is it easier now to find young actors willing to take on explicitly gay roles? GA: It’s interesting seeing it from the standpoint of the beginning of my career, especially with, say, The Living End in End  in the early ’90s. There’s definitely a lot more openness and willingness now than there was back then. Even doing The Doom Generation,, those parts were provocative Generation and challenging to cast. I find in general there’s this generation of actors, particularly in Kaboom and Mysterious Skin, Skin , that are very smart, very savvy and they’ve seen a million movies and they are artists. They get much more excited by something like Kaboom than they do about Gossip Girl or Girl or whatever is being made available to them as a 20-year-old actor in Hollywood. There’s a limited amount of stuff for them, and a lot of it is the same old shit, so they are excited to take on the challenge.

Sexy surfer Chris Zylka.

MT: Do you have any directorial tricks people who are more educated and more when it comes to helping actors (like hunky sophisticated, you can bring up those grey Chris Zylka and Thomas Dekker in Kaboom in Kaboom)) areas and those questions about what is gay and what is straight and why we need to get through sex scenes? GA: Sex scenes are never fun to shoot, but the have these labels. Younger people who are key for me is to make the actors as comfortable kind of the age of the cast of  Kaboom feel as you can. The set is always closed, and it’s very much that way about sexuality, that it’s really about them and their needs. I always not really about declaring yourself one thing tell actors when we are doing scenes like that or another, but it’s about relationships, that they can always take me aside if any red desire and experiences. I think that’s great; flags come out. And they know I’m looking it’s an important part of growing up and after them, not just throwing them to the figuring out who you are without having to wolves. My films are very structured and fit yourself into any specific category. planned, so the actors always know exactly MT: In terms of being a filmmaker, what to what’s coming at them. you is sexy and erotic? MT: Smith, the lead character in Kaboom in Kaboom,, GA: There’s a lot in Kaboom for all audiences, doesn’t really identify as strictly gay and  but there’s definitely a lot of eye candy and a leans toward a label-free view of his sexuality. lot of provocative stuff going on that would Do you think that is a reflection of how appeal to a gay audience. As a filmmaker I’m very interested in sex and sexuality. Almost a newer generation of gay guys see sex? GA: My answer to that question has gotten all of my films have that theme and explore a little more sophisticated over the years. that idea. My interest in sex is not really so I’ve learned how to talk about this stuff. I much about eroticism and titillation. What feel that sexuality is a grey area. There are I’m interested in is that moment between characters where, through that magic of  people who are 100 percent gay or 100 percent straight and that’s great, but I feel cinema, you’re allowed into these people’s like a lot of people aren’t. There’s room for most private, intimate moments. It’s not like people who do not necessarily fit in any I’m trying to be sexy with the venetian specific kind of category. My feeling about  blinds, lighting and the fake sweat. It’s really it is, though, it depends on who you are those human moments that are fascinating talking to. If you are dealing with some kind and sexy to me. of Sarah Palin Republican-type, I understand MT: In the early days of queer cinema, the huge importance of coming out and the films only really existed on the festival   being confrontational about it by saying, circuit, but now you can get The Living on Netflix. What’s it been like for you “I’m gay,” and making people aware of that.  End   End on I think that identity politics are super impor- to see the evolution of distribution for tant in that context, but if you’re talking to queer cinema?

GA: I think it’s really exciting. It’s a doubleedged sword, though. Like Smith in Kaboom Kaboom,, I’m a student of pure cinema and I lament the fact that a lot of the people who see Kaboom will end up seeing it on DVD or streaming (hopefully not on an iPhone) and not in a theatre. The flip side is that some kid in freaking Alaska can read about Kaboom on the internet and watch it on VOD. I think it’s great in terms of accessibility, but I miss the idea of everybody watching it in a theatre. Kaboom is in theatres now. eonefilms.com Matt Thomas is a fab associate editor who loves

the many raw men in Araki’s films, regardless of where they fit on the Kinsey scale. fab April 13, 2011


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Scott Dagostino proves that no matter who you are, there’s there’s a local gay sports team for you Spring! We thought you'd never get here. We've had some winter sports to keep us busy, but now there are more opportunities to get outside, get active and do it in groups of gays. But how to choose? Whether it's bone-crunching rugby or genteel badminton, representatives from every gay and lesbian sporting group in Toronto stress that everybody is welcome — regardless of age, gender, orientation, ability, etc. With a bit of prodding, some part-time athletes share a few war stories to help you determine which sport is the right fit for you.


 April 13, 201 2011 fab 

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Toronto Gay Football League  For those who are rugged yet surprisingly surprisi ngly sensitive. “It’s not really any rougher then playing soccer,” says TGFL commissioner Ken Scott. “I’d say about 80 percent of the people we had last year had never played football at all before, so it’s definitely a great sport for  beginners to come out and try.” But if you do have a football build, no one will complain. When his team won the championship last year, Scott says, “it didn't

hurt that one of the straight guys on our team had a great body. He did a victory lap around the field in his Superman underwear. underwea r. It was funny seeing all the guys standing on the sidelines watching him.” torontogayfootball.com, [email protected]

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Toronto Rainbow Reef Rangers  For rubber lovers lover s and those tho se who like to go down.. dow n.... about 130 130 feet. To scuba dive, says TRRR founding member David Bress, “you don’t have to be a great swimmer — and you won’t be eaten  by a shark.” No, the most dangerous thing he's seen is “a few idiots who don’t know what they are doing or forgetting a piece of gear or forgetting to turn on one’s air.”

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“But I did see photos of underwater bondage once,” he says. “It was very intense.” Encasing one’s body in neoprene would seem irresistible to anyone into rubber wear, and yes, Bress says, “there are divers out there with a variety of fetishes.” trrr.org, trrr. org, rainbowreefrangers@y [email protected] ahoo.ca

Cabbagetown Group Softball League  For those out to prove Karen Walker was wrong wron g when  she said, sa id, “Oh, honey hon ey,, the gays don't don't catch.”  “Our league is over 350 strong, with the friendliest people I’ve ever met,” raves commissioner John Hunking. He’s seen lifelong friendships bloom on the diamond, and, in his case, he met his partner of 15 years on the field. It might be fair to say that softball players can't keep their pants on. “We’ve had a few instances where a player was running from

BADinTO  For those who can say “shuttlecock “shuttlecock”” without snickering. “All of our members are welcoming  badminton is a high-speed, seriously and socially minded individuals who fast game. With the shuttlecock leavhave a real zeal for life at any age,” ing a racquet at over 200 miles per enthuses president Vincent Chan. “We hour, reflexes must be sharp to return have become more than just indi- it before it hits the ground — or your vidual members in our club; we are face.” Every family has its competia family.” tive drama. But that said, Chan warns, “this isn’t the backyard game you played badinto.com, [email protected] at family picnics — competitive

home plate to first, and when they arrived at the base, they felt a chill. Why? When they were running, they had tear-away pants on and the buttons had unfastened as they ran down the baseline, so there they were — standing at first in their underwear.” cgslsoftball.com, [email protected]

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fab April 13, 201 2011 1


Toronto Gay Golf Group  For silver foxes and those who don d on't't want  to stray too far from a martini.

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“Drinking a beer or a cocktail while playing is perfectly acceptable,” says TGGG secretary  Jim Freihofer. “It’s not intensely athletic, like tennis or racquetball or most of  the team sports. You’re outside working on your tan, playing on a beautifully landscaped and maintained property property.” .” But that’s not to say that golf is an elitist sport: Freihofer says the handicapping system makes it uniquely welcoming to new players. And golf  isn’t without its butch dangers: “My friend was hitting a tee shot,” recalls reca lls Freihofer, “and it ricocheted off a tree trunk and came right back at him and hit him squarely in his junk. He had bruised gonads for a month, and the rest of us laughed our collective asses off!” gaygolf.ca, [email protected]

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Downtown Swim Club  For a porpoise or an otter or any creature  at home in the water. “We look for people who are open to trying new things, who are fitness-minded and comfortable in a Speedo,” laughs co-chair Phillip Coupal. “And, of course, we love watersports!” No locker room fantasies here either: “Showering with over 50 gay men each week sort of takes away any mystery,” Coupal says. “If you date a swimmer, you know what you’re getting in advance.” He does note, however, fashions in body hair. “Some weeks everyone is covered in body hair, then a month later, everyone is waxed.” But there are no “body fascists,” Coupal insists. “We have men and women of every body type, ages 20 to 79-plus.” dsctoronto.ca, [email protected]


 April 13, 201 2011 fab 

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Breathless Synchro Toronto  For fabulous girlymen who can endure and triumph. It sounds like team member Nathan Doidge is writing a personal ad: “Open-minded,, willing to go against “Open-minded the flow, not afraid of commitment,” until he finishes with, “interest in underwater fun.” “When synchronized swimming is done well, it looks effortless,” Doidge explains, “but the reality is it’s an extremely intense and exhausting sport.” Synchro is like ballet: exhausting and demanding, hard on the body

and best performed by strong, tiny girls. “We frequently perform at local meets and water shows and we always stand out,” he laughs. “A typical show might have a team of 10-year-old girls, 12-year-old girls, etc. Then there's our team of fabulous men. We've always had a warm welcome from the fans wherever we've gone.” breathlesssynchro.com, [email protected]

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Toronto Triggerfish Water Polo Club  For party part y boys with w ith just ju st enough enou gh body fat to float. “The Triggerfish have a pretty crazy party reputation in Toronto,” says team member Daniel Bushe, “and, especially, among the other gay water polo teams around the world. We’ve shocked and entertained with our dancefloor antics.” The Triggerfish boys are relentlessly social, Bushe says, probably because the game

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itself has a way of breaking down inhibitions. “It’s water polo,” he shrugs. “There’s a lot of  reaching, grabbing and pulling going on under the water. I’ve seen many ma ny a Speedo get ripped in the heat of battle.” triggerfishwaterpolo.ca, info@triggerfishwaterpolo.ca

Muddy York  For Gods of the Stadium and those who love them. “Rugby is a daunting game,” says Lino DiNallo, Muddy York’s marketing director, “but many of our players weren't athletic in high school, and many of our first-time players are over 30.” DiNallo says that even the burliest straight opponents are welcoming: “If we're ever short players at a game, somebody from the opposition is always ready to (no pun intended) switch teams for the day day..” DiNallo calls last year’s Bingham Cup (named for gay rugger and 9/11 hero Mark

Downtown Soccer League  For those with chicken ch icken legs who are craving the ultimate u ltimate workout. workout. Watching soccer on TV might make it look   boring, says DSL communications chair Avery Miller, “but once you step onto the field and the whistle blows, your heart races and your mind spins trying to figure out where you should be, who you should cover or where you need to pass the ball.” And that's before all the sprinting. But the results make up for it. “We took

over one of the ‘Best Legs’ contests at Woody’s,” Avery says, “and turned it into ‘Best Soccer Legs.’ A dozen or so of us dropped our pants in front of the crowd.” This year, he teases, “Stay tuned: we might try it again.” downtownsoccertoronto.org, [email protected] 

Bingham) in Minnesota, “one of the most gruelling physical, mental and emotional challenges of my life. Oh, and while there, several Muddy Yorkers almost got arrested for public indecency. We were trying to help a girl win her stagette scavenger hunt. She needed a photo of somebody mooning the camera, so several guys dropped their trousers right on a major intersection... just as a cop came around the corner!”

 S   O   C   C  E  R 

muddyyork.ca, info@muddyyork. [email protected] ca

fab April 13, 201 2011 1


   G    &    N    I    G    D    R    N    I    I   A    O    K    B    S    W    O    N    S

Toronto Gay Ski and Snowboarding Club  For fashionistas as cool as the air on the ski lift. “There are a lot of fashionable options to help stay warm,” says Yanick Landry, TGSC trip coordinator, but he insists that hitting the slopes doesn’t have to mean breaking the  bank. “With rentals or a modest investment in good basic or second-hand equipment, starting out doesn’t have to be the equivalent of a month’ss rent,” he says. “Lots of our members month’ don’t have cars, and we help each other out  by arranging rides to events.” Most importantly, Landry notes, “we sponsor a yearly ski

day for the youth from SOY, many of whom have never skied or snowboarded before.” Such generosity of spirit does not go unrewarded, however. however. “Have you heard of  après-ski?” he asks. “It can get very wild when you throw an outdoor hot tub into the mix. Everyone has a Whistler WinterPride story about some hot guy from Utah they met there.” tgsc.ca, [email protected]

Riverdale and Rotator Curling C urling Leagues Leagues  For strong-armed Scots who've got serious stones. The Rotator curling team plays on Wednesdays, while curler Rodney MacDonald plays on Sundays with Riverdale, which he describes as “a really fun cult, with many bonspiels [tournaments] at home and elsewhere where you get to meet lots of people.” As with any gay sport, he laughs, “some

   Y    E    K    C    O    H


 April 13, 201 2011 fab 

low-grade sexual harassment harassment is to be expected.” But overall, curling is a gentlemanly sport of  tradition and ritual, but many of these traditions and rituals involve drinking.” gaycurl.ca, [email protected] [email protected],, [email protected]

 C   U  R  L  I   N   G 


Toronto Gay Hockey Association  For those who can handle a stick and a thick piece  of black rubber. It seems almost unpatriotic for TGHA PR coordinator Stephen Reid to dash the fantasies of so many Canadians. “People think we all have orgies in the locker rooms after games,” he jokes. “We may be totally sweaty afterwards, but we are pretty much exhausted.” It's really about “the love of the

sport,” he says, and that love can be a demanding one. “Every year, we have a drag show to raise funds for the league,” Reid explains, “by putting hockey players in drag. It is pretty hideous and always a great laugh.” gayhockey.com, [email protected]

   S    I    N    N    E    T

Toronto Lesbian & Gay Tennis Association  For young, gay, gay, super-cute super-c ute Asians.. Asian s.... and everybody everyb ody else. Comedian and self-described young, gay, super-  been slowed down.” At this point, we’re lost; cute Asian Vong Sundara also happens to be Vong’s amazing, but can we get a Williams the TLGTA social committee chair. “At the sister to translate? TLGTA, the love of tennis means everything,” The TGLTA sponsors the Canadian Gay he says, positively geeking out. “Fun social Open (CGO) in May, one of Canada’s largest events are sprinkled through the calendar amateur tournaments. Now in its 18th year, year, including the Bette Davis Cup, where the CGO has been designated a “Master players dress up in costumes and play tennis Series” event by the international Gay & — quite a sight to behold.” Lesbian Tennis Alliance. With more than “As a member me mber of the t he larger, large r, internation international al 175 participants competing in five divisions, GLTA GLT A World Tour, many TLGTA members member s take it should easily out-strip the GLTA’s other “Master.” the opportunity to live out their professional 60 events and prove it’s the “Master.” tennis fantasies,” Sundara raves. “You can overhear many hearty arguments over Rafa vs tlgta.ca, [email protected] Roger and whether the grass at Wimbledon has

Even more sporty gay options: VOLLEYBALL




Toronto Spartan Volleyball League tsvl.org 

Gay West Bicycle Club queerwest.org/bikeclub.php  [email protected] 

TO ’Mo Climbers climbmo.com 

Toronto Frontrunners frontrunners.org  [email protected] 

Scott Dagostino is a writer who has a very sporty way with words.

Dr. Elon Griffith & Associates

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DENTAL CARE 416-923-3386 [email protected]

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fab April 13, 2011 2011


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he worldwide popularity of  Most  Extreme Elimination Challenge , America’s Funniest Home Videos and competitive figure skating proves audiences love to watch people fall, slip and trip to a running commentary. Thanks to TVTropolis and the new installment of the Wipeout  franchise, Canadian audiences can bust a gut with the best in homegrown humiliation. Ryan Duchak is one of many Toronto homosexuals who bounced off the big red  balls and rolled with the sucker punches to compete for a $50,000 grand prize. But Duchak’s passion for extreme sports, paired with his gym-built body and exuberant confidence, was no match for the adult-sized stunt course. “I had a personal trainer who set up a mock course: that amounted to absolutely nothing when I got there. There is absolutely no way to prepare for the show,” he laughs. Glimpses of Duchak’s audition are posted on the show’s website. In the video Duchak wears boxer briefs and a Lycra cape and emphasizes his noticeable bulge for the camera lens. “I’m the Blooper Hero,” he pitches to the interviewer. “No matter how many times I fall down I get right back up.” His ballsy gimmick caught the eyes of the producers, who sorted through 40,000 hopeful sumo wrestlers, cowboys and Spidermen  before inviting Duchak on the show. show. If a cash prize wasn’t incentive enough to audition, certainly a free trip to Argentina is worth a few faceplants into the mud. Each episode, 20 contestants were flown to


 April 13, 201 2011 fab 

Buenos Aires to film on the set. The city wasn’t as queer-friendly as Duchak expected,  but he was surprised by the openness of his straight counterparts. “It’s weird: the straight guys really loved getting hit on by the gays,” he says. “They were fishing for it.” “I’ve made amazing friends,” says Greg Thinet-Chow. A former professional dancer, Thinet-Chow scored a spot on the allathletes episode. With his slender frame and impressive aerials he squared off against Olympic rowers, gymnasts and medalwinning female hockey players. “I did a little bit of cardio before, but then I hit the

Duchak gets ready to Wipeout .

course and realized it wasn’t going to help,” he admits. “However, my acro-dance training did help when I was bouncing off the red balls.” Thinet-Chow drew on his European heritage to inspire his on-set alter ego. Encouraged by the producers to develop his “character” further, he coined himself a “French Aryan Bitch” and assembled a Prideinspired costume. “I wore short shorts, knee socks, sequinned head band, a baton and gay wristbands,” he says. Aware of the potential mockery he faces in the editing and packaging of the show, he is not concerned. He is even

Greg Thinet-Chow, Miss Conception and Ryan Duchak.

unfazed by what his mother in France will cartwheels in heels around the room, shoutthink. “Sure, she’s going to be ashamed, but ing and screaming, ‘Drag queens rule!’” “All the people on my episode were she knows who I am,” he laughs. “She loves straight, and they were the most wonderful me and loves that I did it.” Andrew Blair brought his self-proclaimed people, who accepted me as me,” says Miss C. “mommy boy” tendencies to the table when When she appeared in costume for the first auditioning. “The producers wanted to focus time, her fellow competitors were extremely on my weight-loss story, but the commentators commentator s supportive, many asking for photos. But while needed something ridiculous to make fun of,” running the course Miss C couldn’t help but says Blair. “They couldn’t really make fun of  recognize the absurdity of her situation. “I kept my weight loss.” Upon being accepted, Blair thinking, ‘This is so unreal that I’m here doing started a campaign to promote and document this in drag. Please don’t lose an eyelash,’” his Wipeout experience; he created a fan page she remembers. “I lost both.” “I walked away with new amazing and secured a clothing sponsorship. sponsorsh ip. “I am an ambassador for Lululemon,” he crows. “They friends and the confidence that I can do supplied me with clothes that were fast-drying anything I want to do if I just put my mind to it,” says Miss C. Along with her fellow and athletic.” Probably the most devout competitor, Blair Canucks, she took in many of the tourist  began training immediately with a rigorous attractions offered by the city, from Evita’s exercise program. His weekly regime included grave to unlicenced and unregulated gospinning, yoga, running and swimming with carting. “I miss them all so much. You have a life jacket on. “I just wanted to know that if  no idea — one week with these people I went and lost, it was not because of the physi- changed my life,” she reminisces. The zealous retelling makes the Wipeout  cal element.” Blair admits he is motivated to leverage his reality fame into other projects, experience sound like yearbook or band like writing a book. “I know who I am, what I camp. Cherished memories aside, audiences have to offer and what I want to achieve. achieve . will find non-stop schadenfreude-ian I would love to go back for the fan-favourite moments to ridicule. Gay viewers will certainly love the show; as Duchak summarizes, episode if there is a Season Three.” “Nothing is funnier than a drag queen “Gays love big balls, and they love hot men. falling in the mud,” says sure-to-be-a-fan- Fortunately, Wipeout Canada has both.” favourite Miss Conception. Concept ion. Toronto’s Toronto’s premier drag entertainer welcomes the exposure and the attention created by a Wipeout  appear- Wipeout Canada airs Sunday nights at 8pm ance. “I’m a total media whore,” she confesses. on TVtropolis. tvtropolis.com/wipeout  At her early-morning audition, Miss C wowed the producers with her Lady Gaga outfit and Shawn Hitchins is a writer and performer  trademark cheerleader flair. “The producers — and he’s pretty ballsy himself. He can be asked, ‘If you were to win the money, what  found at shawnhitchins.com and followed  would your victory dance be?’ And I did on Twitter @shawnhitchins.

Miss C, the media whore.

Thinet-Chow, a fishing straight and Duchak. fab April 13, 201 2011 1


Deep Dish f Bigfoot really exists he’d have his hairy palms all over the latest draped shirts coming down the runway at the Ezra and Greta Constantine Fashion Show. Show. Stephen Wong and Kirk Pickersgill’s Pickersgill’s inspirational Ezra menswear line, according to Holt Renfrew’s Andrew Lepp, Lepp, is doing well in Toronto but even better in Vancouver Vancouver.. “Who can afford to do one-off shows like this anymore?” fashion blogger Anita Clarke asks rhetorically. Taking place in the large showroom of an Audi dealership, everyone is here, including glamazon Zoomer  editor Suzanne Boyd,, designer Marty Rotman, Boyd Rotman, erectioninducing artist Glen Hanson and Dragon’s Den star ArleneDickenson, Dickenson, looking stimulating in knee-high boots. Ezra is big on combining European structure with South Asian amboyance. I am literally tempted to jump out of my seat and rip the clothing off the models so I can have them… and maybe see the guys naked.

Rolyn Cambr oto by Tony Fong Choryan and Josh are dressed to the tits @ Ezra Constantine


• If the Loch Ness Monster really exists she’d be front row centre at this year’s LG Fashion Week, Week , trading skin-care tips with Robin Kay. Kay. No matter what, as head of the FDCC, Kay always manages to pull it together. Sure, Fashion Week was kind of dry this year. Sure, her speech was slightly “animated.” Sure, her opening outt was awful,  but she does step it up the next day, wearing a pair of hookerish pantyhose that makes me want to hump her like a greyhound. Livening up FW’s opening night are Hoax Couture’sJim Couture’s Jim Searle and Chris Tyrell,, turned out in denim. Tyrell Odd, considering Tyrell once said (in print) that he hates guys who wear jeans. Jully Black,, in black Fendi pumps, Black announces, “I haven’t told anyone yet, but my new song, ‘Can You Feel It,’ drops this summer.” And Glenn Dixon chats with the always-fashionable Suzanne Rogers, Rogers, wearing head-to-toe Alexander McQueen. I would prefer the money from my cable bill to go to a Canadian designer, thank you.

Glen and Marty are draped to perfection @ Ezra Constantine

Tibor, Luvan and Alex cause a ruckus @ Drama Queen

Dean and Laurent are runway-ready @ LG Fashion Week

 April 13, 2011 fab 

Bret and Glen are saucy bitches @ Drama Queen

Louie is out to punish any boys guilty of fashion crimes @ Ezra Constantine

Matthew and Ty think sleeves are overrated @ Drama Queen

Maha cozies up to friendly dragon Arlene @ Ezra Constantine

Suzanne and Glenn are broadcast-friendly @ LG Fashion Week Sergio is wrapped and ready to go @ Ezra Constantine

Julio, Jay, Mikael and Nicolas star in the all-male version of Sex and the City  @ LG Fashion Week

Saira helps sexy Mark get his hair did @ LG Fashion Week

The Ken dolls are picture-perfect plastic hunks @ LG Fashion Week


DJ David Morales is a meaty treaty @ Drama Queen

Jim and Chris are fashionable animals @ LG Fashion Week

Kirk and Stephen are local fashion royalty @ LG Fashion Week

Laura and Gary prove a picture is worth a thousand words @ SNAP!

Patrick and Shaun are a power couple @ SNAP!

There’s no doubt that this will be well hung @ SNAP!

• If the Jersey Devil really exists he’d  be loading up on Vodka–Red Bulls and causing a major ruckus at Drama Queen.. Maison’s theatrically high Queen ceilings, glass chandeliers, shiny decor (aside from the tacky silver Christmas icicles hanging on the walls) put everyone in a gram-bam-glam kind of  mood. The night is, in a word, incredible. With a mature mix of gorgeous gays and stylish straights, sketch is kept to a minimum. DJ Jamal GQ,, Jamal,, looking very GQ warms up the room before headliner David Morales takes over. Morales (eventually shirtless à la circuit party 1995) is slipping in some old-school classics that make me cry for my youth. Squish, squish, a tear. But the legendary Jennstar is here to dry my tears, and TV’s Steven Sabados and Chris Hyndman might just pause while getting their groove on and give me a stunn ing makeover. • If the Chupacabra really exists he’d love to have his ugly mug in the 10th annual edition of the photographic fundraiser SNAP! Instead, winner of the Best Portrait award goes to our very own  fab photographer Drasko Bogdanovic for his blackand-white capture of artist Robert Ridgeway.. The torso tattooed with Ridgeway the word “faggot” catches the attention of the judges. Another former  fab photographer, Jonathan Hobin, Hobin, wins Best of Show with his depiction of two boys innocently playing with wooden blocks arranged like the Twin Towers, complete with paper ames, toy planes and re truck. Entitled The Twins (and exhibited in more than 30 countries), it’s the focus of a erce silent-bidding war. “I’m not sure if I have room for anything too big,” MAC’s Philip Ing comments about the size of the pieces. The live and silent auctions bring in almost $300,000 for the AIDS Committee of Toronto. But with hunky male models displaying the framed photos — not just shirtless as in past years, but also pantless — I’m afraid the event (and the bulges) might be scaring off potential rich straight male photography lovers as SNAP!  becomes, perhaps, “too gay.” If  straight men really exist. [email protected]

Chris, Rob and Curtis are ready to exchange numbers @ SNAP!

fab April 13, 2011


Bellin Bell inii At At lAr lA rge

Pau B

Porn pioneer a cinematic genius W

akeield Poole is a pioneer. “Everything but the covered wagons,” he jokes. Back in 1971, he made his rst movie, Boys in the Sand , which more or less changed the cultural landscape. His second ilm, Bijou , is a knockout, as good as anything by Kenneth Anger or Mike Kuchar. So why isn’t Poole more amous in art-house circles? Or even in gay porn circles? This will hopeully change with the release o  Dirty Poole , a documentary in the works by Jim Tushinski, who previously made That Man: Peter  Berlin. Walter Wakeeld Poole the Third was born in 1936 in  Jacksonville, Florida, where he lives to this day. He became Poo a dancer at 21 with the Ballet oday. Russe de Monte Carlo, then hit Broadway, where he worked on shows like The Unsinkable Molly  Brown and Finian’ Finian’ss Rainbow . One day ater work, Poole went to see a porno called Highway Hustler . “It was so awul,” he explains. “The guy picks someone up on the highway and takes him to a motel and holds a knie to his throat and ucks him. So I stood up and said, ‘Can anybody make a gay movie that is not degrading?’” The next thing he knew he was shooting the initial segments o Boys in the Sand  at a riend’s place on Fire Island. “I used to take my negatives in a brown paper bag to a coee shop on Eighth Ave, and a guy would take it to a lab that processed news ootage and bring it back to me later that night.” Boys turned out so well that Poole and his producer, Marvin Shulman, decided to buy ad space in New York papers and invite all the critics. But most importantly, he put his real name on the lm at a time when porn was illegal. “I could have been arrested,  but I was proud o it.” It wasn’t long beore celebrities started going to screenings o this pornographic lm, a ull year beore Deep Throat made it chic to do so. “I think one reason it was so successul was because we opened at Christmastime, and everyone was whispering, ‘Did you hear about Wakeeld Poole? He made a dirty movie!’ All Al l the Christmas parties were about what I had done. I never got another job in the theatre.”


 April 13, 201 2011 fab 

Poo du hs scod oudbak ca. A s fom Poo’s ouv.

Poole’s next project was Bijou, quite possibly the strangest and most beautiul gay porn ever. It stars Bill Harrison, a guy with a dick so big it looks like a prosthetic. “People would gasp at it,” says Poole. Bijou, a masterpiece, was not well received at the time o its release. His third movie was the unusual sot-core eature Wakefeld Poole’s Bible. “People were expecting pornography, especially since I cast Georgina Spelvin rom The Devil in Miss Jones , who was an old riend, a dancer rom Pajama Game.” The lm fopped, and eventually it all became too much. Poole’s last movie,

1985’s One, Two, Three, was meant to raise awareness and unds or AIDS, but audiences scorned the lack o condom use. “I lost a lot o riends to AIDS. In act I lost a whole an  base. I think everyone who was in my movies is gone. So I went to the French Culinary Institute and became a che.” Poole supervised three kitchens at Calvin Klein’s cosmetic company at the Trump Tower Tower until his retireretire ment. These days, he lives in a modest townhouse with his nine cats, plays bridge and hangs out with his amily. The time is right or a rediscovery o his work. In addition additio n to Tushinski’s Tushinski’s documentary, documenta ry, Lethe Press is reissuing Poole’s Poole ’s biography, also called Dirty Poole. And people who donate money to the documentary will receive gorgeous digital transers o the movies that are not available anywhere else. (TLA previously released The Wakefeld Poole Collection on DVD, but Poole disdains their inerior quality.) Wakeield Poole excelled at three dierent careers, whereas most o us can barely pull o  one. I’m glad his covered wagon is inally coming to town. For more ino: dirtypoole.com  paul@abmagazine.com


Phil Villeneuve

witch Sea Se ason of the wi T

here’s a storm brewing in music lately, and it’s a big, dark, evil thing with thick black clouds, ghastly undertones and spellbinding effects on the brain. No, it’s not Rebecca Black — it’s the rise of the witch. I’m not talking lame-ass Avril Lavigne faux-punky-goth witch — I’m talking full-out bitches on brooms,  boys in cauldrons and loads of real stringy hair. Spawning from a recent ’90s revival in music, this is grunge gone goth-gloom glam or the soundtrack for a game of strip Dungeons & Dragons. The best thing about this trend is that it’s easy to sniff out the darkness: just walk down Queen St W on a Saturday and you’ll experience layers of black b lack anti-fit everything. everything . Toronto Toronto has a handful of acts lurking in the darkness, and behind a lot of the creepiness is some blissful magic. Timber Timbre Timbre is one of my favourites. The band’ band’ss new record — Creep On Creepin’ On — is spooky and definitely not something you want to listen liste n to alone in the woods. Do not take this album to your cottage this spring/summer. TT’s music is swampy, bluesy and eerie; you could cut your face on the sharp notes in these songs. But it’s not all devil music: there are some sweet doo-wop-style numbers, including the title track in which Taylor Kirk sings about “your dickless cousin, brother, father, pet, friend.” If Timber Timbre is a wrinkled old man living in a haunted cabin, then Austra could be his wicked wife. Austra is the newest incarnation incar nation of Toronto’s Katie Stelmanis. Her monstrous pipes (think Florence Welch stirred with Nico), plastered on top of  industrial synths and simple wallpounding beats, make her sound Egyptrixx bites. sparse, dark and free. There’s a dramatic

Timber Timbre creeps on creepin’.

German SM vibe to it all, which makes you want to either dance or snuff someone. Austra’s new one, Feel It Break , is out Monday, May 16. One look at the press shots for Toronto-based Egyptrixx and you’ll understand why I included him in this column. His atmospheric musical style swells with woozy, gloomy synths and crystal-clear beats. Maybe something a witch doctor would play as a warm-up to a human sacrifice? He’s usually billed as techhouse, but I’d call it technodrone. Toronto’s Nightbox is the good witch witc h of the bunch. Their music has a supernatural element, but they don’t delve into the dark. They bounce, jump and dance in the light, igniting sparks wherever they go. Like the love child of George Michael and Cut Copy, this is the ’90s-throwback party music Glenda would have put on her iPod for comfort after, sadly, that house fell on her sister. The Weeknd brings the black magic by conjuring R&B that warlocks would make out to. Their music is sleek and sexy and samples familiar smooth jams you’ll recognize instantly. Their moody mixtape can be downloaded free at theweeknd.com. Think of it as the ideal Queen West witchster soundtrack.

Miss Kelly Kel ly C’s C’s world On a slightly less macabre note: T-dot’s a true document of Clipperton’s flashy own R Kelly Clipperton has a spankin’ new  body of work. And his cover of Hole’s live DVD. MMX is a sparkling mess of live “Miss World” at Dundas Square is some show footage, a documentary about kind of magic. Clipperton’s horn-filled career and some remastered videos. Just be careful if you The official release party for  MMX is suffer from photosensitive epilepsy — this Saturday Saturday,, April 14 at The Garrison, 1197  DVD flashes like lightning. A lot. The best Dundas St W. kellyclipperton.com part of this career roundup is the videos, [email protected] fab April 13, 201 2011



Max MacDonald

Where it was


during dur ing LG Fashion Week

Photos by DaviD Pike

he all/winter 2011 edition o LG Fashion Week saw designers, bloggers and journalists battling it out — or just  bitching — on Twitter. Twitter. Sadly, Joe Fresh did not show menswear this season, so I tweeted, “@JoeFresh: Wondering um...menswear?” They replied, “@Fabstyleguy, “@Fabstyl eguy, We We are waiting or a bigger menswear debut next season!” At New York Fashion Week (held two weeks prior to ours), ashion personality and IZMA co-designer Adrian Mainella tweeted, “Where did all these bloggers come rom and why are they sitting ront row?” Evan Biddell, Canada’s ashion  bad boy, made a daring point on the subject o new media versus old to Toronto Life, “Bloggers reach the cool kids and magazines reach the people who are waiting in doctor’s ofces to get their

herpes treated. It’s important to pay respect to both.” On the runway it was a dierent kind o showdown. When Attitude by Jay Manuel premiered, complete with a monstrous, pseudo-Karl Lagereld promotional photo o Manuel in the Heritage Court, it began late and held up David Dixon’s presentation. Manuel’s show took so long to dismantle that Dixon’s show was late by an hour and 25 minutes, orcing the FDCC to issue an apology. On top o that, an hour beore Dixon’s show, an unsubstantiated tweet announced it had been cancelled, which led to some empty seats. Regardless o the drama, rumours and socialmedia tension, the shows went on and designers oered men a real variety o looks, styles and interpretations o the hottest new trends.

Ezra Constantine Each season designers Kirk Pickersgill and Stephen Wong give men an avant-garde Canadian spin on the hottest trends. As usual, they unveiled a drool-inducin drool-inducingg collection. This ftted top clings perectly to the  body, has a wrap side band and can be worn with dress pants or jeans. Available: Holt Renfrew, 50 Bloor St W (in Available:  July), gretaconstantine.com

Holt Renfrew Days beore their show, Holts sparked a renzy by fring long-time doorman Tom Hargitai. Though spokespeople said his dismissal was “not or perormance reasons,” it cast a dark cloud over their solid show, which eatured designers Ezra Constantine, Canada Goose and this outft rom Wings + Horns. Available: Holt Renfrew, 50 Bloor St W, holtrenfrew.com


 April 13, 201 2011 fab 

Bustle Shawn Hewson and Ruth Promislow gave their ans a collection that showcased their take on plaid. Hewson and Promislow consistently apply their Midas touch with jackets: you might think they’d be all geek,  but when worn they’re completely chic. Available: Got Style, 60 Bathurst St, gotstylemenswear.com    N    R    e    v    e     s    N    e    h    P    e    t     s

Zoran Dobric For the second season, Dobric didn’t show. However, he did release his lookbook during the week. For all ’11 he matches strong prints with dark solids in a way that complements his use o tribal prints and grafti-type colours. Available: Model Citizen, 279 Augusta Ave

Rudsak With Steppenwol’s “Born to Be Wild” flling the room, Rudsak presented one o its best all collections ever, eaturing gems like a deconstructed biker jacket — and ewer  bubble coats. Who wouldn’t want to ride on a Harley in September wearing this? Available: rudsak.com

Klaxon Howl Superstar Samuel L Jackson surprised everyone by making an appearance at this show, which almost overshadowed the whole event. The collection eatured some classic pieces that reminded me o Al Pacino in Cruising . For the record, Jackson tried on this coat  backstage ater practically ripping it o the model. Available: 694B Queen St W, klaxonhowl.com

[email protected] fab April 13, 201 2011



WED, APRIL 13 Wild Wednesdays. West-end men get

down and dirty at bargain prices. 11am. Central Spa, 1610 Dundas St W. $9 lockers, $14 rooms. centralspa.ca Sixth Annual Feminist Porn Awards Launch Party takes over Granny Boots with DJ Sasha Van Bon Bon and a performance by pornstar Sophia St James. 8pm. The Gladstone Hotel,

1214 Queen St W. No cover. gladstonehotel.com

THURS, APRIL 14 Kelly and the Kellygirls celebrate the release of their new album and DVD, MMX ,

and plan to unveil a reggae version of Britney’s “Toxic.” 8pm. The Garrison, 1197 Dundas St W. $8. kellyclipperton.com South Asian Night gets everyone hot and spicy. 8–11pm. Spa Excess, 105 Carlton

St. Regular rates apply. spaexcess.com Theeye-popping wiener-wagglin wiener-wagglingg Flashers of the Week Contest, with host Dan the Man. 9pm. Flash, 463 Church St. Full or day membership required. flashonchurch.com Biblical Burlesque @ The Gladstone on Sat, April 23

Boys will be dogs at Pup Night hosted by Argo. 10pm. The Black Eagle, 457 Church St. No cover. blackeagletoronto.com ,

FRI, APRIL 15 Learn some new moves at the Rainbow Ballroom Toronto & Latin Dance Club. Ten weeks of spring dance classes, which will end in a pre-Pride social. 7–8pm, salsa; 8–9pm, merengue; 9–10, Argentine tango. 519 Community Centre, 519 ChurchSt. rainbowballroomto rainbowballroomtoronto.com ronto.com

Measha Brueggergosman @ The Elgin from Fri, April 22–Sun, May 1

Kelly & the Kellygirls @ The Garrison on Thurs, April 14


  April 13, 2011 fab 

Produzentin @ The Beaver on Sat, April 23

John Crouch, Ryan English, Michael Lyons, Drew Rowsome, Eduardo Sabate & Jonathan Valelly

Blackcat @ The Barn on Thurs, April 21 & Zipperz on Fridays

 Vocals rule at Dance Camp, hosted by Daniel McBride with DJ Mark Falco. 10pm. fly, 8 Gloucester St. $5 before 11pm, $10 after. flynightclub.com Shake & Pop . Superstar DJs Blackcat and Sumation team up to drive the

dancefloor crazy with top 40, dance, house, electro and more. 10pm. Zipperz-Cellblock , 72 Carlton St. Nocover.zipperzcellblock.com

Todd Klinck @ Goodhandy’s on Sat, April 23

Hazed, hosted by Joseph Patrick .

Who will get hazed at Delta Sigma Pi? 10:00pm. Goodhandy’s, 120 Church St. $10. goodhandys.com

So You Think You Can Strip? A weekly

amateur night with an abundance of talent steaming up the stage. 9pm. Remington’s, 379 Yonge St. $5, students no cover. remingtons.com

SAT, APRIL 16 Here’s Where We Stand: Memories and  Milestones , presented by Guys Like Us , is a spring cabaret examining

queer culture and history through music in a potent mix of activism and song. 2 and 8pm. Church of the Holy Trinity , 10 Trinity Square. $20–25. [email protected] Big 3 @ The Big Z, hosted by Clint Lyckher, Daytona Bitch and Heroine Marks, has cheap martinis, contests,

giveaways and a triumvirate of talent hitting the stage. 9pm. Zelda’s, 692 Yonge St. No cover. zeldas.ca Spandex, capes and faster than a speeding bullet: it’s the Sodom Superheroes & Villains. The battle of good vs evil features Ivory Towers as Wonder Woman and Nikki Chin as Catwoman. Plus, dancing sensations David Light and Adam Norrad bopping to the heroic hits spun by superman DJ Sumation. 10pm. Goodhandy’s, 120 Church St. $7 before 11pm, $10 after, students $5. sodom.ca

The best in drag and studly men as El Convento Rico celebrates its 19th Anniversary with a spectacular show featuring Lorena, Luna, Ivory, Kera Keyes and many more. Hosted by Ms and Mr El Convento Rico, Farra N Hyte and Trent. 9pm. 750 College St. Cover TBA. elconventorico.com

Fit, with DJs Phil V and Kris Steeves.

Don’t hold it against her, but at the rate she’s going, she’llll be around till the world ends. DJ Craig Dominic spins the very best (or worst?) of everyone’s favourite once-bald diva at Battle Pop: Britney. 10pm. The Barn, 418 Church St. $5. thebarnnightclub.com

So You Want to Be Kinky, presented by Ian “Black” Turner and Victoria Windsor, is a workshop on flogging and no-ropes bondage. 2–6pm. Goodhandy’s,

“It’s just like going to the gym except here you get drunk before someone gives you an HJ in the bathroom,” explains Phil V. 11pm. The Beaver, 1192 Queen St W. $5. beavertoronto.ca


120 Church St. 2bkinky.com

Sounding 101. An interactive workshop presented by Mr Black Eagle Toronto 2011. 4pm. Followed by Spin Cycle, with DJ Neill MacLeod, so you can make sure

your sounded schlong still functions. 6pm–midnight. Steamworks, 540 Church St, 2nd level. Regular rates apply. steamworksonline.com Even more leather for a Sunday as Crews & Tangos, with the help of Northbound Leather, transforms The Zone into The Dark Dance Dungeon for a 519 fundraiser. Raffles, a flogging demo by Mr Leatherman Toronto, shooter specials and performances by Nikki Chin and Clint Lyckher. Dress code enforced. 8:30–11:30pm. 508 Church St. No cover. crewsandtangos.com Karaoke Night. Queers sing for beers. 10pm. O’Grady’s, 518 Church St.


MON, APRIL 18 Turn the beat around and hoof it up at Moose Knuckle Disco, hosted by Miss Margot and her crew of DJs. 10pm. Sweaty Betty’s, 13 Ossington Ave. No cover. FML Mondays gives Mondays the finger

and the opportunity to finger industry heavy-hitters out from behind the bar. 10pm. Fuzion Resto-Lounge, 580 Church St. No cover. fuzionexperience.com

TUES, APRIL 19 Sexy space waitresses get served themselves at Mile High Tuesdays, an airline industry night with DJ daVinci. Boutique Bar, 506 Church St. No cover. boutiquebar.ca

WED, APRIL 20 If you go down to the west today… Local Fuzz is a night for west-end bears and chasers. 8pm. Naco Gallery, 1665 Dundas St W. No cover. nacogallery.com Hump Day Dance Party hosted by Jade Elektra with DJ Jon. 9pm. George’s Play,

504 Church St. No cover. playonchurch.com

Sodom: Superheroes &  Villains @ Goodhandy’s on Sat, April 16

THURS, APRIL 21 Spoiled Rotten, hosted by Nikki Chin and Katherine Dior, at 9pm; Karaoke with DJ Elyse at 10pm; H20, hosted by Heroine Marks and Honey Brown, at 11:30pm. Crews & Tangos, 508 Church

St. No cover. crewsandtangos.com TNTmen’s Naked Night, every third Thursday, featuring DJ Robotic Kid.

Clothes check at the door; lots of checking each other out at the bar. 10pm. The Black Eagle, 457 Church St. No cover.blackeagletoronto.com com Feeling Like a Daisy 4. This annual mini-ball is hosted by Mother TKO Monroe and Prince Twysted Pink Lady Monroe, with tunes from DJ Blackcat — and an

award for Best-Dressed Spectator for those too shy to vogue. 10pm. Zipperz-Cellblock  , 72 Carlton St. $10. zipperzcellblock.com

Hector Fonseca @ fly on Sat, April 23

Farrah N Hyte & Trent @ El Convento Rico on Fri, April 15

Thurst has rotating DJs and saucy drag queens every week. 10pm. Alto Lounge,

582 Church St. No cover. Rob Salerno’s play FuckingStephen  Harper: How I Sexually Assaulted the  22nd Prime Minister of Canada and  Saved Democracy has a timely revival for one night only. 8pm. Buddies,

12 Alexander St. $15. tenfootpole.ca fab April 13, 2011



Fit @ The Beaver on Sat, April 16

Restrained Loving Workshop, with Morpheous, teaches inventive ways to incorporate any piece of furniture imaginable into bondage. 5:30–7:30pm. Come As You Are, 701 Queen St W. W. $30, sliding scale available. comeasyouare.com

Neill MacLeod @ Steamworks on Sun, April 17 The moon rises full on Cruiseline’s Best Men’s Ass Contest, hosted by Miss Conception and Georgie Girl with DJ Mark Falco. Midnight. Woody’s, 465 Church St. No cover cover.. woodystoronto.com

SAT,, APRIL SAT APR IL 23 FRI, APRIL 22 6th Annual Bingo Anniversary, hosted by Madame , from 2–6pm; the Early Show, hosted by Michelle Ross, at 7pm; the Chris Edwards Show at 9pm; the Sasha Montenegro Show at 11pm; DJ Oscar spins till close. George’s Play, 504 Church St. playonchurch.com

Uber-diva Measha Brueggergosman and fab ’s favourite male soprano, Michael Maniaci, star in Mozart’s riveting La  Clemenza di Tito for Opera Atelier. Runs till Sun, May 1. 7:30pm. Elgin Theatre, 189 Yonge St. $72–151. operaatelier.com OMG Divas II features the talents of Cinnamon Hearts Burlesque , Ryan G Hinds and special guests King Codi and Bruin Pounder in a swimsuit competition and walkoff. Partial proceeds go to Camp Ten Oaks. 9pm. Goodhandy’s , 120 Church St. $10 advance, $20 door. goodhandys.com Strip Spelling Bee tests lexical knowledge and gets contestants naked. Host Sherwin Tjia gives out the words and the disrobing directives. 10pm. Buddies, 12 Alexander St. $10. buddiesinbadtimes.com

Amanda Roberts @ Woody’s on Sun, April 24 & Crews & Tangos on Tues, April 26


  April 13, 201 2011 1 fab 

fly College Night has up-and-cumming DJs Cole Stanley and Kevin Bailey graduating to the main floor. 10pm. fly, 8 Gloucester St. No cover before 11pm, $5 till midnight, $10 after. flynightclub.com

Biblical Burlesque : Sexy and sacrilegious performances for the resurrection erection season. Hosted by MC Terra Hazelton alongside DJ Sigourney Beaver and featuring Boylesque TO’s Dew Lily, Mahogany Storm and Wrong Note Rusty. 9pm. The Gladstone, 1214 Queen St W. $20–30. skintightouttasight.com Cherry Bomb. Toronto’s premier party for

fabulous queer women and their friends. DJs Cozmic Cat and Denise Benson spin. 9pm. Andy Poolhall, 489 College St. Free before 10pm, $7 after. cherrybombtoronto.com fly. DJs Hector Fonseca, Shawn Riker and Danny White. 10pm. 8 Gloucester St. $10 till midnight, $15 till 1am, $20 after after.. flynightclub.com Pansexual Sexy Party , with DJ Todd Klinck , has two floors of drinking, dancing and cruising amidst a vast spectrum of sexual possibilities. 10pm. Goodhandy’s , 120 Church St. $10, membership included. goodhandys.com

Come untucked at Hotnuts: Balls to the Walls, hosted by Mary Messhausen. DJ Produzentin spins. 11pm. The Beaver, 1192 Queen St W. $5, no cover if in drag. beavertoronto.ca The first anniversary of Mr Big, hosted by Charles Pavia with DJs Dwayne Minard and BoyUK , will have you gagging with  joy. 11pm. The Grand Hive, 504 Jarvis St. $10. dwayneminard.com

Miss Conception’s Stage to Screen One-Woman Show burns up the stage at 6pm; the Drag Legend Show, with Michelle Ross and Amanda Roberts, at 9pm has the two veterans conjuring up divas of all divinities; then Georgie Girl and Donnarama welcome the Ladies of Sass for a sassy spectacular finale at 11pm. Woody’s, 465 Church St. No cover. woodystoronto.com Crazy Sexy Cool Decadence. Time-warp through the ’80s and ’90s with DJs Sanfran and Nik Red. 10pm. Goodhandy’s , 120 Church St. $5–8. goodhandys.com

MON, APRIL 25 Rainbow Room Cabaret features performances by AJ Stewart and guitarist Matthew Marcoccia. 8:30pm. Statlers, 487 Church St. No cover. statlersonchurch.ca Dirty Bingo, hosted by Gloria Hole and Lena Over. Drink yourself dirty and win outrageous prizes. 8:30pm. Zelda’s , 692 Yonge St. No cover. zeldas.ca

The crazily competitive Candice’s Star Search shines a new light every Monday. 11:30pm. Crews & Tangos, 508 Church St. No cover. crewsandtangos.com

TUES, APRIL 26 The Gay Men’s Book Club discusses Michael Cunningha Cunningham m ’s By Nightfall . 6pm. 519 Community Centre. No cover. the519.org Greg Kearney launches his nasty/funny short-story collection Pretty , with DJ Robotic Kid spinning. 8–11pm. The Black Eagle , 457 Church St. No cover. blackeagletoronto.com

Glamour, glitz and fake titz as the TICOT Show kicks off at 9pm. Then it’s Karaoke with DJ Elyse in The Zone at 10pm and Industry Night , hosted by Amanda Roberts, at 11:30pm. Crews & Tangos, 508 Church St. No cover. crewsandtangos.com

Send your event to listings@fabmagazi listings @fabmagazine.com ne.com For more daily club listings, events and community happeni ngs:

fabmagazine.com/listings what to do - who to do - whe re to do it



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careers that build community

REPORTER — XTRA (Toronto ofce) Canada’s premier gay gay and lesbian publication is looking for a full-time reporter for our Toronto oce.

You are a well-organized stickler for detail and you realize that your colleagues depend on your ability to meet deadlines.

As members of Xtra ’s ’s editorial sta our Reporters create and support the development of hard news content for Xtra . With the support of an editor, you will investigate and write fearless but thoughtful stories of specic interest to gay and lesbian audiences.

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You have a solid background in advocacy journalism, strong writing skills and knowledge of editorial standards and defamation law. You have a keen news sense: you are able to identify significant story leads, jump on them instantly and follow them to the very end. You are comfortable producing stories across media, in print, online and in video. You can work independently and as part of a team.

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You support our work and are familiar with Toronto’s gay and lesbian communities and their politics. You have a sophisticated understanding of sexual politics. You are often skeptical of what you read in the mainstream press and will seize every opportunity to explore our issues from unique angles.

If you have the qualications outlined above and know you are the right t for this job, send your resumé and samples of your work to the Editorial Director. We will ll this position as soon as we nd the right candidate. Email: [email protected] Drop of or mail: Matt Mills Editorial Director Xtra / Pink Triangle Press 491 Church St, Ste 200 Toronto ON, M4Y 2C6 No phone calls or personal visits, please Xtra  is an equal opportunity employer

fab April 13, 2011








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Download the complete issue of fab online

@ fabmagazine.com

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Heroine Marks

‘Hi His s eyes attra attracted cted me right r ight off the the bat.’ bat.’


dam, a 28-year-old Cancer, and Ben, a 25-year-old Virgo, first met at the now-defunct 5ive nightclub during the all-ages Homohop party. “He had a cute smile,” says Adam, who pursued Ben that evening. “His eyes attracted me right off the bat,” says Ben. The two shared a kiss later that night in the VIP lounge. “It was enjoyable,” says Ben. “It was as if time stood still.” Adam says he can’t describe what their first kiss was like, but “it must have been good since we kissed more at the following Homohop.” The two didn’t start dating, though; instead, they became friends. It wasn’t until nine months ago

that they became an item, after a fateful night out at Goodhandy’s. According to Adam and Ben, being friends first helped their relationship blossom. “We can do things friends would do,” says Adam. “We don’t keep secrets from one another,” says Ben. Both Adam and Ben have met each other’s families. Ben’s mother is supportive of their relationship, and Adam says his father thinks of Ben as a second son. The couple says they have similar interests, from movies to visiting their favourite bars, which makes planning a night in or out easy. “We balance each other out,” says B en.

Adam & Ben - nine months

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Name: Jérôm Age: 25 Sign: Aquarius


love big cities,” says sexy European dream Jérôm. “I grew up in Nantes, France, and now I live in Lyon, one o the  biggest cities in France. I moved there because I wanted to change my lie and try somewhere else ar away rom where I’d always lived, because I love adventure.” When it comes to boys,  Jérôm likes to keep it simple. “I’m looking or one thing especially: a good connection,” he says. “O course, I like when the guy is smart and unny and has beautiul eyes. I love blue eyes with dark hair.” His hobbies include hanging out with his riends, shopping, going to the gym and watching TV. The wildest place Jérôm ever did the deed was “on the top o a cli, just in ront o the sea.” Sounds just like a sexy oreign flm. More photos by Drasko Bogdanovic at draskobogdanovic. draskobogdanovic.ca ca

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