F2413.28330 Requisitos de Rendimiento para El Calzado de Protección

April 15, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Vhgs gkterkotgikoa stokforf wos feveaipef gk ollirfokle wgth gkterkotgikoaay reli`kgzef prgklgpaes ik stokforfgzotgik estobagshef gk the Felgsgik ik Trgklgpaes cir the Feveaipmekt ic Gkterkotgikoa \tokforfs, @ugfes okf Relimmekfotgiks gssuef by the Piraf Vrofe Ir`okgzotgik Velhkgloa Borrgers ti Vrofe (VBV) Limmgttee.


Fesg`kotgik> C26?< − ?8

\tokforf \pelg﬏lotgik cir

Tercirmokle Requgremekts cir Triteltgve (\ocety) Vie Lop Ciitweor? Vhgs stokforf gs gssuef ukfer the ﬏xef fesg`kotgik C26?46>23 EFV 24?7 2 Fiwkaiofef/prgktef by Eslueao Tiagtelkglo Kolgikoa (Eslueao Tiagtelkglo Kolgikoa) pursuokt ti Aglekse O`reemekt. Ki curther reprifultgiks outhirgzef.



C26?< − ?8

shoaa hove ok ipek bittim. Gc o flok`e gs presekt ik o metoaagl tie lop, the wgfth ic the flok`e, whek meosuref crim the gksgfe ef`e, shoaa be ki `reoter thok ?4 mm (4. 5.6.? 5.6 .? Metotorso Metotorsoaa pri pritelt teltgve gve cii ciitwe tweor or sho shoaa aa ﬏rs ﬏rstt mee meett the requgremekts ic   ic   5.? 5.? cir  cir gmpolt resgstokt ciitweor okf   5.< 5.46>23 EFV 24?7 6 Fiwkaiofef/prgktef by Eslueao Tiagtelkglo Kolgikoa (Eslueao Tiagtelkglo Kolgikoa) pursuokt ti Aglekse O`reemekt. Ki curther reprifultgiks outhirgzef.



C26?< − ?8

puklture resgstokt resgstokt fevgle shoaa poss gc the tgp ic the 5.8.0 Vhe puklture test pgk fie fiess kit vgsuoaay vgsuoaay peketrote peketrote beyikf beyikf the col colee ic the motergoa keorest the ciit, octer ok oppagef cirle ic ?244 K (204 abc). 5.8.8 Meosur Meosuree flex resgst resgstokle okle ti lroljg lroljgk` k` usgk` LOK/L\O ^?75. 5.8.8. 5.8 .8.? ? Tuk Tukltu lture re res resgsto gstokt kt fev fevgles gles shoaa shi shiw w ki sg` sg`ks ks ic  fe-aomgkotgik ic aoyers ir lroljgk` octer ?.5 mgaagik flexes. 5.8. 5. 8.7 7 Tu Tukl kltu ture re re resgs sgstok toktt fe fevg vgles les sh shoaa oaa sh shiw iw ki sg sg`k `k ic  lirrisgik, fe-aomgkotgik, octer begk` expisef ti o 5 % soat siautgik cirir 26fetergirotgik h, gk ollirfokle wgth Troltgle B??0.. B??0 5.8.?4 5.8.? 4 Oky spelgmek spelgmek thot fies kit meet mgkgmum puklture puklture resgs re sgsto tokt kt re requ qugr grem emek ekts ts ci cirr th thee pr prif iful ultt li liks kstgt tgtut utes es o ki kikklimpagokle cir the prifult lote`iry. 3. Aobe Aobeagk` agk` okf Gfekt Gfektg﬏lo g﬏lotgik tgik 3.? Aobeagk Aobeagk` ` okf gfektg﬏ gfektg﬏lotgik lotgik ic priteltgve ciitweor ciitweor wgth prit pr itel eltgv tgvee ti tiee lo lop p gs es esse sekt ktgoa goa ti ek eksu sure re th thee we weor orer er th thot ot ciitweo cii tweorr meet meetss the req requgr ugref ef mgk mgkgmu gmum m per percir cirmok mokle le ic thg thgss spelg﬏lotgik (see Vobae (see  Vobae ?). ?). 3.?. 3. ?.? ? Vh Vhee aob aobea ea lo lok k be egt egthe herr o stg stgtlh tlhef ef gk gk,, st stomp ompef ef,, ir pressure seksgtgzef aobea ir o limbgkotgik ic these methifs. O spelg﬏l ciur agke cirmot thot gfektg﬏es the type ic ciitweor okf the hoz hozorf orfss cir whglh gt gs fes fesg`k g`kef ef ti pri privgf vgfee pri pritel teltgik tgik shiu sh iuaf af be us usef ef.. Vh Vhee gf gfek ektg﬏ tg﬏lot lotgi gik k sh shoaa oaa be ek eklai laisef sef gk o relto re ltok` k`ua uaor or bi birf rfer er ok okf f be pa paol olef ef ik th thee gk gksgf sgfee ir iu iuts tsgf gfee surcole ic egther the tik`ue, `usset, shoct ir quorter agkgk` gk ike hoac pogr. 3.?.2 3.? .2 Trg Trgkt kt sgze ik aobeas aobeas sho shoaa aa be lae laeoray oray vgsuoa vgsuoa ti the eye okf shoaa meosure

3.?.<   Agk Agkee ?‖ Gf Gfek ektg﬏ tg﬏es es th thot ot th thee ci ciit itwe weor or gs pr prit itelt eltgv gvee ciitweor thot limpages ti ok O\VM stokforf wgth o spelg﬏l yeor ic gssuokle. O\VM C26?< (O\VM \tokforf Ki.)

?8 (Weor ic gssuokle)

VOBAE ? Exompaes ic Morjgk` okf Gfektg﬏lotgik Gfektg﬏lotgik Agke Agk e?

O\VM O\V M C26 C26?
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