F-15 Strike Eagle II

November 22, 2017 | Author: remow | Category: Fighter Aircraft, Missile, Aerospace Engineering, Aviation, Aircraft
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Descripción: F-15 Strike Eagle II computer game manual / keyguide / operational maps, Microprose...


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F-15 Strike Eagle" '" Computer Simulation

MICROPROSE SOfTWARE, INC. 180 Lokef/onl DrIve, Hunt Volley, MD. 21030 (301)771-1151

All rights reserved. Copyright ., 1989 by MiCroProse Software. Inc. This book may nol be reproduced In whole or In port by any means without permiSsion, except the quotation of brief passages for reviews.

PRINTING HISTORY Original F- 15 Strike Eagle 0 1985 F-1 5 Strike Eagle II c:l1Q89

Prlntlng: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

IBM Is a registered Ilodemor\< of International Business Machines. Inc. Apple and MOCintoSh ore registered trademarks of Apple Computer. Inc .

Commodore 64 and AmigO ore registered trademarks of Commodore Business Machines. Inc. Hercules is a registered trademark of Hercules Computer TechnOlogy, Inc. Tandy is a registered trademark of Tandy Corporation. Atorl is a registered trademark of Alarl Corp. F-15 Strike Eagle and F-15 Strike Eagle II ore registered trademarks af MicraPrase Software, Inc .

The F-15E Strike Eogle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Deslgner/ Manufacturer: McDonnell Douglas. USA Ilole: Strike fighter Crew: Two Mission Weight of Takeoff: 35 Ions Engines: Two General Electric FllO engines Range: 1200 kms

Ceiling: 65(((l' Maximum Speed at 0': 810 kts Maximum Speed at 36000': 1260 kts or more Maneuverability: Very Good

The F·l se Strike Eog~ Is the Joles! In a long line of F-1 5 Eagles. whose development began In The mid '60s. Originally conceived as on ultrapowerful. ultra-fost oir-superlority fighter. the design has developed into on air-superiority fighter with ground-oNack capabilities. The F·15 Strike Eagle is one of the foslesl. most maneuverable. cnd most powerful military oircraft in the wOrld. II has the capacity locorry the

latest air-to-air and olr-to-ground armament In addition 10 its 20mm connon. The Iolesl vers40n of the Strike Eagle is equipped with a sophisticated zoom fUR{TV flOser 100gai tracking system that allows the pilot to see close up views (either TV or lhermal) of the lorgel 01 all times.

'!Jtar'fritnds anl{ 'ftffow Computtr 'Pifols: (t is w;t6 gnat pftasurt t6at 1.41( at ').{i,rrf1"rrut 6ring you r6t stqrltf 10 our aU'tmf.winning, off.timt .6a t ·sdfing proiuct 7· J 5 S'1'lUx..£ 'UUjL,£, 1.4flu6 S,tlrttd 16t com601 JfI!J6t simufotor mD~t . '11+i'tcn in 1984 6y '}.fr. Sid Mtitr, MurrfProst Co.'foundtr, ana pfoyttsUd 6y~, Major "'l11\"{tf'Bilf" Sttalty, 'f-15 S'1'l(j'jJ:, 'UUjL'£

set a s'a1l'orrl diat is 601' '0 top - hut 1.4'l! anaoing to Iry! 'We 6afJt 'aK./n alf of our flying andJfI!J6t simufation t{ptri. tnu, comhint'it wit6 our SUptr J.'D (jrap6ic.s system, on' 6rougfil YO" :T.J5 S1'J{J'A,.'£ '£JUjL'£ II. 'Wt ,6;nl(,,1( 'lie tlont il again; a com6at flyi n9 simufation 16at is fun, t~itin9' c6a{{tn9in9, an' tdutaliontlf, 'lI'e 6/Jpt!Jl'u agrft! So, lIIil6 our 6tst 1.4ri.s6t.s ana 60pts for your continutd" SUCCt$S, ana also our 'tsirt to continut to tlo 16t 6tst tom6a/ flying simufa· tions in tnt uJOrta.Sid anti f 6n'1Ig you 'f·15STlU?\.£ ~(jL,£ II! (jootfflying to you,


,~ifB?s~y,~,~:'~ey 'fig6luPifot

CONTENTS Introduction Quickstort 1. Tutorial

7 9 13

YOUR FIRST MISSION Preflight Brleling Options Helpful Hints

Check QuI the Cockpit and the HUD Flying

to the Target

Attacking Enemy Alrcroft Anocking the TOlget Reluming Home

2. Operating Instructions AIRCRAFT CONTROLS The Head-Up Display (HUO)

Cockpit Displays Flight Controls

Weapons and Defenses


I. 14 14

15 I. 17

"19 21 22 22 25 2. 2. 29



Simulation Controls

21 32 32 32 32

YOUR CAREER AS A FIGHTER PILOT The Pilot Roster Difficulty level$ ond TheaTers Ending Your Career Missions Ending a Mission MultH>toyer Option

3. Flight Techniques FUNDAMENTALS OF FLIGHT The FOfces HOW TO FLY Taklng Off Flying the Fighter landing The FIQhl8r

4. Air Combat ATTACKING THE ENEMY Missiles In General Your Missiles YOUI M 16A 1 20mm Vulcan


33 34

35 36 36

3' 38 38


43 44 44 4A


Enemy Missiles

.9 49

Enemy Guns





Missile Attock Warnings Responses la Missile Attacks

51 51

DOGFIGHTING The Missile Exchange Doglightlng Maneuvers

5. Theaters Ubyo Pe/slan Gulf Vietnam Middle East

6. Warplanes US-Builf Aircraft Soviel~BuiIf Airclafl

Designer's Nates Credits

56 56 58

63 64 67 72


79 80


91 94

INTRODUCTION The pilot glances up ot his HUD 10 verify his suspicions, It's frue: the Ironion SAM battery at Bushehr Is slill active - the computer savs il fired the SA- 12 thot almost took off the wing of the fighter . The pllol rolls the jet over Into a 90 0 bank ond pulls back on his control stiCk . causing the screaming Strike Eagle 10 angle lett in a deep tum that sends the G-counler to the max, The pilot taps a button on his console to Olm his AGM -65D "Maverick " missile ond a small SQuare box appears on Ihe HUD showing the ground location of Ihe enemy radar - the Maverick already sees the talget. The SAM rador at Bushehr. 30 kllcks away, pops into view on the tlocklng comera CRT.

Just as the box on the HUD changes to a circle, indicating the Maverick can hit the torgel, a horn sounds in the pilot's eor, and a tiny red light on the console begins 10 flash . A burst message appears on the HUD: MiG-29 firing AA- 10. "So. the Russians are getting Involved in this little party too!" The pilo t tops another button and the range of his scanning radar expands to show the enemy MiG behind him about 20 kliCks. At tha t moment lhe close proximity klo xon begins lIs chirping - the missile Is only seconds from Impact. The pilot squeezes the Irlgger to release a choN cartridge and swings Into a tight right turn. The missile flies through the choN and out the other side only to discover that the Sleek Strike Eagle has disappeared. The pilot rolls the fighter upside-down and pulis the stick a ll the way bock. causing the fighter to power dive then level oN 1800 from its former heading. The MfG is there, right in front! The p ilot quickly tops the button to orm on AIM -9M "Sidewinder." The tracking box appears around the enemy Jet and Immediately becomes a Circle. As the Russian pilot frantically jerks his sUck bock to climb a w ay, the Sidewinder finds the underbelly and explodes, send ing the MIG to a fiery e xplosion lS.OCX), below. But before the enemy jet slams Into the glOund. another horn sounds. The message on the HUD now is: SAM radar al Bushehr firing SA12. The pilot rearms his Maverick. circles around SO loot he's flying perpendicular to the approaching missile. and begins to turn toward it. The missile turns too. but the pilot g radually tightens his turn until the m issile con·t keep up. It rushes harmlessly past the Strike Eogle's toi!. Now the fighter turns toward Bushehr with a vengeance. One hundred -twenty miles away. high above the Middle Ea stern plains. on American AWACS detects two MiG-21s taking oN from the runway at Bondar Khomeny i or)(! shoots a burst of encoded data to the Strike Eagle flying over the Persian Gulf. The message is unscrambled ond appears on the HUDwhere the pilot makes a mental note to e )(pect more compony. He switches his toctical ladar display to long range and begins tracking the progress o f the MIGs. The all facilities at Kharg Island are slipping beneath the aircraft now as the pilot adjusts his heading to bore In on the enemy SAM site 01 Bushehr. As he crosses the Iranian coastline his trocking box changes to


a circle and he launches the missile. which has made an electronic snapShot of the target with Its video·like camera and will fly directly into ii's center. Before the Maverick hits the target the pilot heads back toward AI Hufuf. He pulls his Strike Eagle into on upward half loop to gOin altitude so he'lI have the energy advantage on the MiGs he's been walching. He arms on AIM -l20A AMRAAM and gets ready to fire. The MIGs are 40 l(licks away now but coming on last as the Strike Eagle continues climblf)Q. At 25.COJ' the plane levels of!. heading directly for the two MiGs. A horn sounds and another message appears: two more MiG-21saretaklng of!. this time from Bushehr. Maybe it's best not to challenge all of them . but then". The pilot launches a pair of AMRAAMs. then reaches over and hits the afterburner switch, There Is a sudden explosion as fuel is dumped directly Into the chamber and the Eagle leaps forward . The pilot pitches the nose down and begins to drYe. gaining even more speed With a resounding crash . the Eagle breaks the sound barrier. as first one. then the other AMRAAM finds Its mark. By the time the last MiGs reach the wreckage. the F- 15 Strike Eagle will be home.

Spec:lal Welcome

to Veterans 01 F-15 Strike Eagle

Welcome back,oId MendaI

YOVI ,. JS SIrIIt.~ "hal many new r.atur..1hat you',. going to enjoy, but undemeath I', .... 1M 101M hCftt-hltHng. laIt·acHon bird you'~ COIM to know and kNe. fOf a fait cMckout 01 your new Eagle. I'ICJve; a IOc* at 1M ~ TutoItaI on 1M MKt PGOI'. n..n 0-1 out "..... and lei 'em I'ICJve; Itt

QUICKSTART There ore severol ways to gel into playing F-15 Strike Eagle II. The most obvious and perhaps the masltun way is the try-ooo-see oppfOoch. But for those whO Pl'efer 0 little guidance we have provided 0 short tutorial 10 help you gel started.

TIlY-ANO-SEE METHOD We suggest thaI you try this method. Just dive in and try things oul. referring to this manual and the Technica l Supplement as necessary. We strongly suggest thol you • use the Keyboard Relerence Cord. and • glorx:e over A ircraft Controls in Chapter 2 (pgs 22-28) 10 familia rize yoU/self with the HUD and cockpit.

TUTORIAL METHOD You con use the -Abbreviated Tutorial" method described below for your first flight . or you con woo through the mOle detailed tutorial on pgs 13-19, If you like to be guided through 0 siluotloo . we sug gest the futl tutorial. Nole thol the tutorial urges thol you at Ieost skim through Chapter 2 (pgs21·34),

STUDY METHOD You can study the actual controls and operating InsTructions 10/ the croft. then attempt to fly It. This IswhOt real pilots do. In this case, read all of Chapter 2 (pgs 21-34) before flying and refer to the section 05 neces· sary. You c an use The tutorial on your first flight 0/ skip it. as you pl"efer. However, we suggest a practice mi!.Sloo as your firST flight.

Abbreviated Tutorial _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ SET-UP AND OPTIONS I . InsleU the game as suggested onto floppy disks 0/ hord disk (il you have one). See -Installation" In the Technical Supplement for details. You can skip Installa tion. but If you do none of your records can be saved. 2. load the Simulation: see "loading Instructions" In the Technical Supplement fO( details and specific commands. 3. log onto the Pilot !loster: Following the on-screen Instructions. erose one 01 the pilot names and type your nome. 4. Difficulty level: As a new pilot. you should try the "Rookie" difficulty level first. 5. Theater: Then accept the Ubyan Theater. 6. Todcy's Misslon: Your commanding officer Informs you of your mission for l oday. He alwa ys gives you a two-part Job to complele, a primary and a secondary lorgel. Slop! Now, belore you push the selector to continue:

A QUICK CHECKOUT BefO/e starting the game, examine the KeybOard Reference Cord. This is on Invaluable old In flying your fighter. You will notice that the command keys you'lI need most otten ale mnemonic - thot is. they will be easy to remember. once you are fomillar with them. The cord contains 9

a list of these keys and their functions, and shows you the other command keys In the game. Find the Pause key. This is a very use/ul key while learning. Skim through Aircraft Controls (pgs22-2B) 01 this manual lor on overview of the cockpit and HUD (head-up display). You 'lI need some familiarity with these before you fly. You are also Invited to look at VIews and Simulation Controls (pgs 293l). especiolly the Out of Plane Views. Experiment with these on your firSI few flights. YOU'M find the views quite Interesting and useful.

START THE GAME Now, while the mission screen is still before you, tap the selectOf button and you 'll lind yourself already airOOne. (If you d idn' t select "Rookie " from the Difficulty screen, see How ro Fly. pg 38, for how 10 lake off). FLY TO YOUR TARGET Tuman the autopilot (tap the Pilot. Automatic Key) to gel on course to your torget. Every time you tOUCh the contrOl stiCk. the autopilot automatically tUIrlS off. Therefore, you can experiment a bit with flight on the way to the target . then tUlrlthe autopilot on once more to get bock on course. Note that there Is a triangular marker on the horilontal bar at the top of the HUD thOt Indicates the bearing of your target: make sure this Indicator remains centered on the horizontal line as you fly 10 your torgets. Alternatively. the autopilot will always get you bock on course. During the flight to the torget . you will undoubtedly encounter enemy aircraft that ore trying to stop you from completing your task. You'll wont to shoot them dOwn or, at leost, ovoid being shot down. Rood Weapons and Defenses (pg2B) lor more Information.

ATTACK THE TARGET look 01 the map on Ihe left side of your cockpit. You will see two cross-shaped markers: these indicate the locations of your two torgets in Ubya. When your fighter gets close to one of these, orm a Maverick missile (top the GroundAttack Missile Key). If you are close enough to the lorget . it will appear in the right cockpit CRT, and a box will appear In your HUD. This box is a trock.lng box. and you can see what is being tracked in your right-hand cockpit CRT. You can cycle through all available ground targets by tapping the rargef Search Key repeatedly. When you find the primary or secondary torget stop searching and get ready to fire. As you get closer. the tracking box In the HUD changes to on oval. and the CRT screen shows the words "Missile Lock." Your Maverick missile is now locked on and ready to fire. To fire. tap the Fire Missile Key. The missile will find Its own path to the torget. If you want insurance . wait a second or two, then top the Fire Missile Key again to fire a second missile at the some targel.

FINISHING THE MISSION You can either continue the mission according to Ihe tutoriallnslruc lions. or you can return home Immediately. To return home Immediatety.tap the Woypoint Seloct Key to display the wcypolnts In The center Of your HUD. Repeated tappings of the Woypoinl Select Key will cycle through Ihe waypolnts fOf the prlmcry.


secondary. and friendly alrbose. When ' Waypoint: Friendly Alrboseappears there. turn on your auto pilot (top the PilOt. Automatic Key) to get on course for home. LANDING As you approoch the friendly airOOse. top the Ground Attack Missile Key to swltch the HUD to AlR·GROUND mode. When you are near the land ing strip. it will appear in your right-side cockpit CRT. When you ore very close to the alrbose. your fighter will be set down safely onto the runway. This happens automatically. You have completed your first miSSion.





- - -_. ..


YOUR FIRST MISSION This tulorial is designed 10 help you through your first mission. Though recommended. flying this tutorial Is not required: it is pl'Ovided purely as

a convenience. For 0 foster entry into your first game. tum to Abbreviated rutorio/on pg 9. If you prefer 10 study Ihe aircraft before you fly it. go directly 10 Chapter 2. starting on pg 21 . In either case. before you stort the simulation you may wish 10 install it eilher on floppy disks or 0 hord di$l( (see "Installation" in the Technical Supplement for details). You can run Ihe simulation without installation. but your score will not be saved at the end. To begin ploy. load the Installed game (or the original disks, if you didn't install if) into your computer. See "Loading" in the Technical Supplement tOl' details.



Keyt: foe" key control has 0 I'ICII'ne In JfOIics, which appears on tM Keyboard Reference Cord. A most... lilt oppeon In tM T.chNCOi


ControIIet Of ConIroI SlIck rer.n to tM poInHng dev6ce used by your computftf. ThIs may be a mouse, )oysHck, or CI.nOf keys, depending on yeM' hardWare. Seleclol rer.n to tM mouse buIton, )oystlck tr\ggef, htum key, ar Ent... key, depending on '(eM' hordwore tel-up. tM TechNcoi Supplement lor details. The functIoN of joystick and mouse buttoN during tight ore deftned In tM TechnICal Supplement. For example, on 0 typical two-button jOyStk:k, tM ftnf button acts os tM F". Connon ICe.." tM second __________________________ _ 01 tM FIre MIuiIe


K.Y ~ .

Prellighl Brieling Oplionlss_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Log onto the Pilot Roster: Foilow the on-screen instructions to enter your nome into the roster. Use the controller to select 0 nome to erose. press the proper key to erose it. and type your nome. Finish entering your nome by pressing the Return or Enter key (For more Information oboutthe roster. see The Pilot Roster pg 32). Choose your lirst missiorl: On your first mission, be sure to choose the following options: • Rookie difficulty level. then press the selector; • Ubya Theater. then press the selector. Next. your commanding officer appears and tells you what today's mission is. After reading this screen. press the selector.

Helpful Hinls _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

TRAINING You wiil find yourself already airbeme when the mission starts (you do not have to take off in Rookie difficulty level). The first thing you should do is top the Training Key. In training missions. enemy weapons do no damage. You can sofely ignore enemy aircraft and missiles. Furthermore. you


have on automatic borometrlc altimeter that adjusts your altitude to keep you above JO)" However . It only makes mild correctiOns. and is useless If you make wild maneuvers.

PAUSE To get the most from this tvtOfioI. pause the simulation (top the Pause Key) and read the ne)(t few paragraphs. then ' un-pause- and resume

action for a short period. Whenever yOU're confused. just pause. Note that topping any key (except pause) will 'un-pause- and resume lhe action.

RESUPPLY In training missions (only) you can get an infinite supply of fuel and ammunifiOn. Each time you lap the Resupply Key. your fuel tonk Is filled and your ammunition is inCfeased to the maximum passible level. This option Is especially useful In torget practice.

A LIGHT TOUCH Use a light tOUCh on the Control Stick. The most common pilot error Is a "ham-fist- on the stick. throwing the plane around the sky in uncontrolled abandon. Only emergencies should couse you to -peg- your stick (push it up against the stoppers. beyond which It cannot move).

CHASING THE GAUGES When you roll on aircraft left or right. pitch it up or down. change the throttle or the brakes. It tokes time for the plane to "settle out: Good pilots fly by making a change, then waiting a couple of seconds to see the results. If you don ·t. you 'lljuSI "chose gauges- that ore themselves still changing. Airspeed semes out much more slowly than other settings. II tokes time for your plane 10 build up velOCity Of lose momentum in level night.

Check Out the Cockpit and the HUD _ _ _ _ _ __ THE CONTROLS look at your Keyboard Reference Cord . showing all the controls for your Fighter. The most often-used key commands ore mnemoniC. so they O/e easy to remember once you are familiar with them.

THE HUD The upper hall of your screen represents the transparent HUD (headup display), through which you can see the world beyond . The vertical scale on the left side of the HUD Indicates your airspeed and thaI on the right. your altitude. The horizontal scale across the top of the HUD indicates your heading. A full explanatiOn of the symbols and numbers are described on pgs 22-25. The HUD has two operallng modes: AIR-AIR for aeriol cambol. and AIR-GROUND for ground attacks. Arming a missile (tapping the Shortronge, Medium-range . or Ground Attock Missile Keys)swllches your HUD to the mode needed to operote the armed weapon automatically. For emmple, it you press the Short-range or Medium-range MjgsJ/e Keys. your HUD is automatically set to AIR-AIR mOde. beCause these missiles ore airto-air missiles; tapping the Ground Attock Missile Key places the HUD in AIR-GROUND mode. because your ground attock miss~es are air-toground missiles.

THE COCK PIT The lower half 01 your screen Is the cockpit 01 your aircraft, The various elements are described on pgs 25-26. We suggest you look at the three CRT displays to get familiar w;m them. • The left-side CRT shows a mop 01 the worid in which you will be flying. By topping the Zoom Mop Key you can zoom-In on the mop: by topping the Expand Mop Key you zoom back out. • The center CRT contains a radar tactical display showing the situation occurring in the immediate vicinity of your aircraft. • The right CRT Is your tracking carnera display. When your onbOOrd targeting system is tracking a target. you get a close-up view of the target In this display. Beneath the CRTs is a series of warning lights. The two leftmost (marked "R- and T respectively) are missile warning lights. When a radar-guided missile is ttylng at you the "R- light flashes: when on infraredhoming missile is coming at you the "I" light flashes (see Dealing with Missile AttOCKS. pg 51 . for details). The other two lights Indicate when your landing gear is extended ("l- ) and when your brakes are on ("B"). On the far left hand side of the cockpit is your fuel gouge (labeled - F" ) and between the tactical display and tracking camero screen is your throttle gouge (labeled T).

Flying to the Torget _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ LEVEL FLIGHT

Once airborne your first step is to achieve level night. Push the control stick forward or bock until the hOrizon is level across the middle of the HUD. Then make fine adjustments until you 're neimer gaining nor losing altitude. FLYING ON COUrlSE Now it's time to get onto Itle right course. LOOk at the heading Indicator across the top of your HUD and the INS Direction Indicator (the small, bright triangle somewhere on the top of the scale). lurn toward the indicator. As you turn. the triangle moves toward the center; when the triangle is in the center of the scale you're "on course" to the first waypolnl. your primary target. To turn, push the stick left or right - b1Jt do it gently - and the plone will bonk. Release (center) the stick when the bonk angle of the horizon is about 45°, To turn foster. pull bock on the stick somewhat, but watch your speed (on the left of the HUD) and altitude (on the right). A turn with bockpressure on me slick turns you much more quickly. b1Jt can slow your plane and rob you of lift. causing a drop In oltitude, Minimum safe speed varies with the current situation of your aircraft. A ' stall indicator" bar rises from the bottom of the speed scale when you travel too slowly. II this bar reaches the tick-mark in the center 01 the scale, your plane stalls - it is no longer airworthy. and begins to fall out of contrOl. If this happens. lower the nose to regain speed. then pull out Into level flight. Minimum safe altitude is about 300'. However . in this training mission stay 01 least 8CX)' above the ground.

AUTOPILOT If you're conlused about which direction to fly , and how 10 do it ,just top the PilOt. AutomatiC Key II will lake over Immedialely, turning you onto the correct course. II you 're below 4(X)]' the autopilot will climb 10 that altitude, II you touch the control stick the autopilot automatically turns off,

ENJOYING THE FLIGHT Once on course, enjoy yoursell by Irying out the nifty viewpoints available by toggling through the View Keys. You can return to the cockpit at any time: just lap the Cockpit Key. You con see out the Iront. rear. and sides of the cockpit canopy usjng the Look Front, Look Rear, Look Left, and Look Right Keys. In mountain volleys and over urban areas Ihe scenes can be Ihrilling, You can also slep "outside" your aircraft and watch it using the ChosePlone. Slot View, and SIde View Keys. Bonk the plane Ie" and right to observe the difference between the chose plane (where you appear 10 be in a plane following In the "Iootsteps- of the tighter) and Ihe sial (where you remain behind the fighter and atways remain level) The roct;col View, Reverse roct/col View. and Missiie VieWS Keys are used In combot situations. These views show the target Ihal is being tracked by your tracking camero and your aircroff (or missile), always keeping both on the screen. (See pgs 29-30 for a more detailed descrlp1100 of these options.)

ACCELERATEO TIME On long journeys. you can speed Ihe poSSing Of time by topping the Accelerated Key. This doubles the role at which time posses To return to normal time, simply lop the key again. Combot activity or landing will automatically return you to normal time


Attacking Enemy Aircraft _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

While flying , you will, no doubt , see enemy aircraft. These fighters will oHempl to stop you from reaching your targel. You may wont 10 destroy them. To do so, tap the Medlum-ronge Missile Key. This arms one of your AMRAAM missiles and switches the HUD to AIR-AIR mode so that your largeting system Will track enemy air largels. The tracked lorgel will appear in the Iracking camero CRT on the rlghl side of Ihe cockpit Look at the display it gives you the range to Ihe aerial largel (in kllomelers) and the heading you musl fly to gel to it. II a tracking bo_ appears on your HUD, Ihe target is in Iront 01 your ajrcraM; If not ,look at the heading In the tracking camero CRT and turn loward Ihal heading until you see lhe tracking bo_ (or ova\) oppear In the HUD, When this occurs, wait for the tracking box 10 become an oval (if it's not already) then tap the Fire Missile Key, This launches a missile. For more information about attacking enemy aircraff and dealing wit h enemy oir aHacks. see Chapter 4 (pgs 44-62). Il lhe enemy lighter ~ within 15 kms you 'll wanl!o use your Srdewinders inslead of your AMRAAMs. To use the Sidewinders. top Ihe Shari-range Missile Key, Ihen follow the procedure above, You could, if you 're feeling particularly heroiC , aHack Ihe enemy 17

fighters with your connon, This is more difficult, but it saves missiles and is very gratifying If you hit. Top either the Medium- or Short-range Missile Key to get the HUD into AIR-AIR mode. This will couse a small circle to appear in the center at the HUD; tIlis is the gunsight. The gunSightls his.tarical. that is, it shows where the shells would be hitting now it you had flred them 2 seconds ea~ier; therefore you must lead your target. (For details about the connon and missiles, see Attacking the Enemy, pg 44.)

Attacking the Target _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ As you approach the primary target and the coast ot Ubyo Is on the horizon, it's time to start thinking about taking thot torget out.

ARM YOUR MAVERICKS Top the Gtound Attack Missile Key. This switches tile HUD to AIRGROUND mode and arms one 01 your Maverick missiles. As you gel near the target. it will suddenly appear in your trocking camero screen, Don't be concemed if other targets appear thete first; the tracking system Iocks--on to the nearest target. A message will tell you when the primary or secondary target is being tracked. You can search for your primary or secondary targets, or any other ground target, by topping the Target Search Key. In AIR-GROUND mode this will cycle through all ground targets that your tracking system can find. You can stop anytime you find a target you want to attock.

WAIT FOR RANGE, ALTITUDE, AND MISSILE LOCK You'll notice thot a small box appears in the HUD. This is the - Iargel box: The torgel seen on lhe tracking camero CRT Is In the middle of this box. When you get within missile launch range. this box changes 10 on oval shope. In additiOn. "Missile lock" flashes on the tracking camero

ern. The oval shope means your missile can hil if you attock at maximum :speed. If you walt longer. eventually the oval changes color. This means the missile can hit regardless of your speed. It's Important that you not klunch a weapon toa low. You may be caught in the missile's explosion, or a missile may hit Ihe ground before its motor can power It up and away. A simple rule to get you started is thaI sofe launch of missiles requires at least 5(JJ altitude.

LAUNCH When you have "missile lock," launch the missile by topping the Fire Missile Key. After launching, you may wont to tum awoy slightly. since flying through an exploding torgel could damage your aircraft. Shortly after the launch the missile should hit tile torget. A successful hit causes a fire and sends a cloud of smoke Into the sky.

THE SECONDARY TARGET You can now fly to the secondary torget and attack it as well, using the some procedure. Or. If you wish, you can call It quits and Immediately start tor home.


Returning Home _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ SETTING THE INS TO THE LANDING POINT Top the Waypoint Select Key until " Friendly Airbose" appears in the middle of your HUO. This moves the Woypoinl marker along the heading trock at the top of the HUD 10 a new position indicating the heading to your olrbose.

FLYING HOME You can either use the outopilot or manually fly the plone hOme. As before. guide yourself using the heading scole (horizontal scole 01 the lop of the HUD)_When the INS Direction IndicolOi triangie is lined up on

rne center of this scole. you're on course toward your hOme bose. Now simply ftyloward the bose. and when you get near II your plane wililond automatically. C ongrotulofionsl You ' ve successfully completed your fi rst miSSion as a fighter pilot.



AIRCRAFT CONTROLS Whol follows provides Ins/ructIOns for how to :>pelole me game uSing the keyboard controls If describes briefly what each control does and how il might be used For informallon on the best way to use your

fighters capabilities see chapters land 4. Flight Techniques and All C)mbol

Terminology K.-,s: loch control hal a name In HaIles that Is used to del6gnate which

key on yow keyboard contrOh what funcHon. A moIferlilt 01 ~ names and keys appecn In 1M Techn6cal SuppWMnt. P devtce used by yow Controller or Control StIck refers to 1M .............. cotnpUtef. This may be 0 mouN , joystick. 01' cursor keys, depending on your hcJrdwore;. SM 1M Technical SupptemenI for details. S,lactor refers to the mouse button, jOystICk trigger, Return key, Of Entel key, depending on VOW hardware setup. The tunctIons of joyttIck and mouN buttons are deftMd In the TechNcai SUpplement. For e.arnpIe, ona IypIC:CIItwo-button toyaHck,lheftnt button octs c. the fire Connon Key, ... MCond aslhe Rre MIaIIe Key.

The Head-Up Display (HUD) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ The HUD is designed to provide crucial flight and weapon information in a graphic format. HUD data is projected onlo a wlde-ongle clear pane In the front 01 the cockpit. You look through the HUDto the outside world. As a result, valuable information is right in front of your eyes. where you can see it and lt1e outside situation simultaneously. HUD MODES The HUD display has two modes: AIR-AIR and AIR-GROUND. When you lap either Ihe Short-Range Missile or the Medium-Range Missile Keys the HUD switches to AIR-AIR mode automatically. When you tap the Ground AMack Missile Key, the HUD automaticaHy switches to AIRGROUND mode. AIR-AIR mode is for attacking enemy airC/oft: your tracking system will track these targets only. AIR-GROUND mode is for attacking ground targets: your tracking system is restricted to lt1ese torgets. Some HUD Information is universal across all modes. Other informalion is specific, available in just one of lt1e modes.

AIR-AIR MODE INDICATORS When your HUD is In AIR-AIR mode. you will know by lt1e presence of the following : Missile Targeting Envelope: This is a large. faint circle fixed on the HUD. II represents the area of sky in which on air-to-air missile can be aimed and "locked on- to a target. GunSight: In AIR-AIR mode lt1e gunsight circle repioces the flight palt1lndicator. The gunsighl shows where your shells would be landing if you ' d fired two seconds ago (Ihe lime il takes them 10 hovel Ihe 6 kilometer maximum range). If you're tracking a targetlt1afs closer than


6 km, it shows where the shells would Iond if you 'd fired the Pfoper time in the past for them to trove! that range. See Your M61A /2{)"nm Connon (pg 47) IOf details on using the gunsight.

AIR-GROUND MODE INDICATORS AIR-GROUND mode is indicated by the absence of the missile targeting envelope and presence of the flight path indicatOf, which replaces the gunslght. This Indicator shows the direcllOn you are flying (which may be different from the nose Indicator). The plane is geometrically level when the nose indicator and flight path indicatOf overlap. However. this is rare in an aircraft. Furthermore, level Hight (where you are neither climbing nor diving) otten requires the nose to be pitched slightly above the Hight path. to achieve a useful angle of attack. See Flight rechniques. pg 35. for rT"IOfe Information.

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----'I"Idk:OIOng the coosts and rivers. A low chain of mountains extends northward along the coostthrough Israel and lebanon. up Into Turkey. Between the Mediterranean Coost and the mountains of Turkey and Iran. the desert is broken by the valleys of the flgris and Euphrates Rivers. Visible from the air are many works of man. Including the ruins of ancient buHdings and nuclear power plants in Iraq rumored to be assembling nuclear weapons.

Friendly Boses _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Akrotiri on Cyprus (EII:13): Aircraft from this British alrbose are capoble of reaching targets along the Mediterranean Coost. American or Israeli a ircraft would not normally base here. but could U!;9 the facilities In an emergency. CVN Eisenhower at sec (Ell:46): This ao.(X))-ton "Nimitz" closs nuclear corrler often serves with the US 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean. Here it cruises off the coost of Lebanon. positioned to strike anywhere along the Mediterranean coost . Carrying a complement of approximately 85 aircraft. the Eisenhower is constantly guarded by a combat air potrol of fighter planes. Ramo! David (ER73), Tel Nol (ER82), Loci (ER81), ond Hotzerim (EII:9I ): These Israeli alrboses are home for the fighters and fighter-bombers of the air fOl"ce many consider to be the best In the world. Backed up against the sea by enemies or non-friendly neutrals. the Istoelis must be prepared to launch air defense or attock missions in any of three directions. Malotya In Turkey (E525): Turkey is a NATO ally and no friend of Iraq or Syria. Thlsalrbose Is home fOf aircraft assigned to defend Turkey' ssoutheast border. and from here planes can reach the capitols and other targets In both Iroq ond Syria. Toook in Saudi Arobla (FS8I): This oirbose serves as a defensive post along the Saudi Arabian northern barder. In any armed canfHclln the region. US aircraft would be allowed to land here only in on emergency. unless Circumstances called for Saudi Arabian support of US interests.

Jordanian Cilies _____________-,----,--Ammon (ER94): Amman Is the copitol of Jordon and hOme for the mojor elements of the Royal Jordanian Air Force. The most numerous plones available ore Mirage F-l s and Northrop F-5s. Ground oir defense is provided by Howk misslles. Ma'An (FR21): Outside this city is the Prince Hasson airbase, where holf o f the Air Force's combot planes ore deployed. Planes were placed here to reach the Sinai Peninsula, but now thol the Israelis have mode peace with Egypt. a ir elements here may be moved farther north to cover the West Bonk areos.

Iraqi Cilies and Targels ____________ Baghdad (FS57): The capitol c ity of Iraq Is k>caled between the TIgris and Euphrates Rivers. Although low in strength due to war losses. major elements of the Iraqi air force ore based here. Outside the city Is a nuclear power piont thol many believe is producing materials for nuclear weop-

ons. Mosul (EW): The second largest c ity in Iraq also has heavy air defenses. Another nucJeor facility is thought to be operating nearby. Kll1c:uk (fS29), Hobboblyah (FS54), and H3 (FS20): At these locations the Iraqis have airboses ringing their country. Kirkuk faces Iron and H3 1s an outpost at a pumping station In the desert along a major all pipeline to Syria.

Syrian Cilies and Targels _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Damascus (ER85): This ancient city. the capital of Syria. is situated east of a gop in the coastal mountain ranges and was founded on the east-west trade route. Damascus Is the major military base In Syria and home to a majority of the Syrian Arob Air force. Dayr As Zowr (ES92), Hims (ER59), and Palmyra (ES70): These towns support airboses that guard Syria's northern and western borders. Dayr As l owr is located 01 on ancient c rossing point on the Euphrates River. Palmyre Is a desert oasis town near the center of Syria. Hims is northeast of Lebonon, helping to surround that country. Halob (ES40): Previously known as Aleppo, this city is located in the northern hills of Syria near the Turkish border. Aircraft bosed here cover the Turkish border and can reach south to Israel Of into the Mediterranean. At LadhiqyOh (ER48): This town north oflebonon on the Mediterranean coast Is near the Turkish border and supports the oirbose closest to C yprus. Il ls not a shipping pori but is a vocation spot and fishing center.

Syrian Air Defenses _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ The Syrians use Russian-built equipment and ore trained by Russian advisors. They possess over 75 batteries of surface-to-air missiles, mostly SA-2 Guideline and SA-3 Goo weapons. l ocal m llitaryforces are equipped with SA-7 and SA- l'" shoulder-fired missiles. and these con also be expected In the vic inity of terrorist camps In Lebanon and Syria .

Syrian Air Force5 _______________ The Syrian Arab Air FOIce Is composed of over 450 combot alrcroft and 5O,OCXl men. The maJority of the Interceptor aircroft available 018 MG-21s and MiG-23s. w ith one squodron of MiG-2Ss. The MiG-25 squodron is reportedly serviced and manned by Eost Germans and Russians. Intelligence 8)(pectS that MiG-21s ond MiG-23s will be your pt'imary opponents, olthough you may encounter MiG-25s and possibfy new MiG29s flown by Russian personnel.

Iraqi Air Oelen5e5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Iraq has 1"101 Invested large resources In air defense. and has only 10JXXJ men assigned to this bfonch. largely separated from enemies to the west and north, II has concentrated most of ils defense ogainsllron. SAM batteries deployed ore either SA-2 Guidelines Of SA-S GomlllOflS.

Iraqi Air Force ________________

The Iraqi air lorce has substanTially modern equipment . bul did nol demonstrate 0 high degree of training or skill during the war ogolnst Iron. The main air defense aircraft or8 MiG·21s and Mirage Fls.




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F-4E PHANTOM II Serving the US Navy and Air F()(ce 0$ fighter and strike fighter throughout the 19605 and early 19705. this old reliable is now obsolete and serves mainly for reconnaissance and electronic warfare CWiId Wea sen. However. hundreds were sold to western notions worldwide.lncludIng Iron under the Shoh. You con 8 Kpecllo encounter these flying patrols over the Persion Gulf.

F-SE TlGEilll This inexpensive and unsophisticated fighter was never adopted by US combot arms. but has been widely sold abroad, including 138 to Iran. Underpowered. with poor avionics, it is useful only against obsolete opponents. II corries only shOrt-range oil-Io-oir weapons.


F-14D TOMCAT This heavy, long-range interceptor has extremely powerful avionics for use with the AIM-54 Phoenix semi-octive rodar-homing missile , which has a 200 km effectlve range. The aircraft is the US Navy' s long-range defender of carrier baHIe groups. The swinging wings are computer-controlled for maximum perlormonce but they signal the plane's energy state to the enemy. In 1987 the Navy began a program that upgraded the original TFJO engines with the newer, more powerful FlIOs. About 80 TF30-engined Fl4s were supplied to Iron , but engine troubles, c omplexities in the avioniCS system . and the delicacy of the Phoenix missile have greatly reduced their military value They ore otten used os radar-warning patrol aircraft.

MIRAGE 3 NG This large, powerlul ground support/airsuperiority aircraft is based upon the famous French Mirage III series. This NG (new generation) version is the most advanced Mirage fighter to dote. The prototype first flew in 1982 and was still in development in 1985.


F 16C FALCON The latest pl'oduction fighter added to the US Air Force. the F- 16 is the most maneuverable dogfighter in the world (with the possible exception of the MiG-29) The inherently unstable airframe that gives this agility would be untlyable except for the computerized electronic controls. hence its nickname "ElectriC Jet.Advanced air-ground avionics and anti-missile defenses ore "extras: making the boslc aircraft relatively cheap. Many western notions have purchased F-16s. However. until the AIM-l20 AMRAAM It hod no Jong-range MM.

F/A-18A HORNET Although not os maneuverable as the F-16. this heavier multi-role fighter has numerous avionic and defensive aids built in. These were required by the US Navy. Its main user. who needed on aU-purpose fighter and attack bomber able to fire a variety of sophisticated weapons. Uke the F- 16. it also is sold to various western nations.


A-6E INTRUDER Designed 01 ttle end of the 19SOs as a low-level attack bomber for use In poor weather, this plane remains an unqualified success, Avionics and weapons have been rebuilt more than once to maintain the 'state of the art: with upgrades under development.

AV-88 HARRIER II Originally designed as a strike fighter. the American-BritiSh co-redesign greatly enhanced maneuverability. Its avionics are designed for ground attock rather ttlan air-la-air combot. Despile ttlis. Harriers were successful as interceptors and combot air potrolln the 1982 Falklands war. The Harrier is the primary fighter of ttle US Marines. the 8ritiSh Royal Navy. and frontline squadrons of ttle BritiSh Royal Air Force (RAF) In Germany, Usually it uses short segments of roadway or a "ski-jump- deck for rolling takeoffs. and lands vertically. like a helicopter.









= A-lOA THUNDERBOLT II This slow. heavily-armored plane was designed purely for !ranNine ground support wittl "tonk busting" os its speciality. This role (unglamorous 10 the USAF) . along with ils peculiar appearance, earns it the unofficial nickname ' Warthog.· Although Intended for combal ln Europe where low clouds and bod weather ore frequent. the A-IO is a fair-weather doy-only plone, but the manufocturer hopes to inleresllhe USAF In a night-flying variant. Unless protected by good fighters (F- I55 and F-I 65), this plane is doomed if sent into airspace contested by USSR fighters.

EF·l11ARAVEN This is a speCially-buill electronic warfare version 01 the F-l11 strike and interdiction bomber. The original concept o f the F-l11 was a highspeed bomber for deep strikes at night Of in bad weother. The EF-l11 is popularly known as the "Electric Fox' or 'Spork Vork " (the unofficial nickname of the F- \ 11 is • Aordvol1l" or ·Vol1l"). It Is designed to occompanV deep strike and interdiction missions, providing electronic screening and jamming. It is lIle fastest. most pawerlul such croft in the world. 84



M IG-21 FISHBED This ogile. maneuverable, eosy-flying fighter was the premier dogfighting p lane of the 1960s and early 1970s. It has simple avio nics and a standard armament o f 2 or 4 AA -2s (now often replaced by AA-Ss), making it Inexpensive to buy. arm and maintain. However. it has little or no HUD. weak rodors, and low-quality defenses, making II obsolete as a fighter. Unfortunately. its limited carrying capacity makes it poor as a strike fighter.

MIG·23 FLOGGER This swing-wing fighter replacement for the MiG-21 originally hod few avionics and a 22A85 lb. R-27 engine. This coused serious performance flows. and the version sold abroad was unoble to fire sophisticated weapons. The upgraded version. listed above. is still a mediocre performer. All versions commonly corry AA-2 and /or AA-8 missiles. Most USSR


and Easl European versions also use the AA-7 radar homing missile. With lIs MiG-27 brother. this plane has huge production runs. making II the cheapest fighter available today. This alone makes it one of the world's most popular aircraft.

MIG-27 FLOGGER This is the ground-attack variant of the MJG-23. In Russian frontline units It Includes a laser designator IOf lOser-guided munitions and simple terrain-avoidance radars lef lOW-level attacks. Improved }ommers and decoys are added 0$ well. However. many sophisticated attock aids common on western strike fighters are not present. Presumably the MiG275 compensate for this with quantity, as huge production runs greatly lower its cost.

MIG-25 FOXSAT This plane was originally designed to defend the distant borders of the USSR from air attaCk. wotlclng with special ground radars to attock enemy bombers with a special long-ranged AAM (the AA-6). It is ex-


tremely fasL but quite unmaneuverable, A few ore bought bV client states for status reasons. but the reconnaissance version (MiG-25R) is more popular. It has an 88,CXX)' ceiling. making it Immune to normal SAM ar fighter interception.

MIG-29 FULCRUM Originallv designed to outfight the F-l5. this plane Is a modern. lightweight doglighler with superlative agility. It has engine power In excess of its weight. Common armament is M - lO "fire and forget " radarhomers along with some AA-8 and/or AA-l0 IR missiles. The degree of sophistication in the avionics is unknown. but unlikely 10 match western models. This MiG is considered the Russian equivalent of the F- 16.

MIG-31 FOXHOUND This aircraft is a redesigned MiG-25. Although $lightly slower. it is improved in all other categories. especially low-altitude Interceptions against planes and cruise miSsiles. The new AA-9 long-range missile is designed far look-down attacks on low-level cruise missiles. 11 olso has Mas and M-10s. 87

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SU·24 FENCER This Is the most advonced olr-ground oHock plone built by the USSR. Externally il oppears similar to the F- Il r . lncluding the side-by-side seating

in the cockpit. However. its armament and avionics are designed lor fronl -line and reor·orea strikes into the teeth of enemy air defenses. Western air and ground commanders feor the Su-24 more than any ottler Soviet aircraft. The oircroft may carry a few AA-8s for self-defense. but it Is nol designed lor oir-Io-oir combot.

SU-27 FLANKER This aircraft was designed to defeot the F-14 and F· 15 fighters . It is 0 large. powerful dogfighter whose usual armament is probably four AA-B and four AA- l0missiles.lncomporison lathe MIG-29. the Su-27 is 0 IOlgel. heavier plOne. It ils avionics and flight controls ore truly modern. the Su-

27 moy be the superior plone. However. In doglighting maneuverability the MiG-29 and F-16 probablv have the edge.


YAK-JB FORGER Originally known as tne Yok-36MP, tnis vertical toke-off fighter operates from the Kiev-closs aircraff carriers, whlcn lock the equipment and deck space far conventional jets. Initially thought to be a Russian equivalent of the Harrier. the Yok-38 is considerably inferior. It nos limited interception ability and very limited strike capacity. Until ft1is plone, however. the Russian navy hod nattling bigger tnan helicopters for its worShips at sea,

TU-26 BACKFIRE Many of tnese swing-wing bombers are in service wiltl tne Soviet naval-oir arm, carrying long-range missiles to attock hostile worsnips up to 3JXXl kilometers out to sea. The Backfire's exceptiOnally long range and nign speed. plus its powerful missiles make it a morfal threat to USN aircraft carriers. With aerial refueling It has sufficient range to get within cruise-missile-Iaunch position of the USA, As a gesture to arms control. ft1e USSR has removed air refueling equipment from its air force Backfires.


AN-72 COALER This is the latest general-purpose medium air transport af the Soviet Union. Its jet engines and short-takeaff perfarmonce make it an outstanding utility craft for transporting all types af personnel and cargo between remote airfields.

MIG 17 FRESCO The MiG 17 represents the Soviet Union's first missile armed flghterl interceptor. First seen In 1955 it was a major re-design of the MiG 15. While considered obsolete in 1965, it sow extensive action in the skies over Vietnam, where Its performance against the more modern US fighters was admirable.


DESIGNER'S NOTES Why We Did 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ MicroProse ScHwale become famous in 1984101 ils closslc combot flight simulator F- /5 Strike Eogle. Since then we ' ve done a host of fine games and simulations Including Silent Service , Pirates!. Airborne Ranger, Gunship. Red Storm Rising. and mosl/scently F- 19 Stealth Fighter. Eoch of these games shows technological Improvements over its predecessor. Since F· 15 (our flagship product). we 've come a tremendous long way. The original F- TS was a phenomenal hit for us. ond we think rightly so. II WQS Ine firsT combat flight slmulal()( on the marl
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