November 12, 2016 | Author: Apryll Rose Mayo | Category: N/A
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LIPA CITY COLLEGES Lipa City, Batangas





MARCH, #$%&



 According  According to Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Philosophy (2012), a parent is someone someone with with weighty weighty rights rights and responsi responsibili bilities ties regardi regarding ng a given given child child Parents !s!ally have decision"ma#ing rights over most areas of their child$s life and rights to e%cl!de others from ma#ing s!ch decisions So long as parents f!lfill re&!irements to no!rish, ed!cate, and provide healthcare for  their children, they may ma#e many decisions over how and what their child eats, dresses, plays, st!dies, and with whom he or she interacts

Parenting is a process As o!r children grow and evolve, sometimes we are called to do the same 't isn$t easy when a friend, relative or teacher  s!ggests yo! might consider some alternatives along the way !t rather than ta#ing it as a personal fail!re or attac#, perhaps !st let it be a reminder that sometimes we need to step bac#, obectively loo# at the sit!ation at hand, consider options that we may not have been aware of or that didn$t seem appropriate in the past and determine if we are on trac# or if we want to consider some shifts in the way we are parenting o!r children

 After all, parenting parenting is the one ob that we never really #now if we$re doing right !ntil we see the end res!lts in abo!t 20 or *0 years (+loninger,  and Strembic#i, - 201*)

Parental responsibilities start soon after the birth and play a significant role and leave an impact on child.s overall life /ost of the parents !s!ally develop their own parenting style !s!ally based !pon amalgamation of factors s!ch as children.s temperament and parenting style infl!enced by their own !pbringing, !pbringing, what they observed in other families, what they have been trained and the s!rro!nding c!lt!re here is no hard and fast r!le abo!t parenting 't !s!ally evolves with the passage of time as children grow !p and develop their  personalities he &!ality of parenting is an important infl!ence on children.s intellect!al, emotional and social development (evid, 2010) ow parents p!t in effo effort rt to resp respon ond d and and correc correctt their their child children ren greatl greatly y impac impacts ts how how they they progress individ!ally and socially A child.s development process is infl!enced by several factors, for instance, the people and sit!ations he comes into close conta contact ct and and inter interac actio tion n Pare Parent. nt.s s infl! infl!enc ence e is the great greatest est on a child child.s .s develop development ment he positivity positivity as well well as negativ negativity ity in a child.s child.s attit!de attit!de and behavior is beca!se of parents bro!ght !p and parenting style (34 Essays, 201*)

here are two things that most parenting styles have in common he first is that every single one of them has the same goal "" to raise happy,

healthy children 5e all want the same thing, no matter the label we choose "" or don$t choose he second is that no matter what type of parent yo! decide to be, yo!$re still a parent first o label can change that (+orneal, 6 201*)

5or#ing together together to blend yo!r parenting styles ta#es a lot of wor# and spec specif ific ic foc! foc!s s !t !t the the posi positi tive ve impa impact ct on yo!r yo!r chil childr dren en as yo! yo! try try to be effective co"parents can co"parents  can be tr!ly ama7ing and worth all the wor# P!t yo!r  children first, recogni7e that different styles are not bad, !st different, and comm!n comm!nica icate te togeth together er as paren parents ts and and yo! yo! will will find find this this whole whole paren parentin ting g b!siness a m!ch more rewarding process (Par#er, 5, 2018) 6iana a!mrind, a psychologist psychologist who identified identified three different parenting styles b!t f!rther research by /accoby and /artin also s!ggested the addition of a fo!rth parenting style which incl!des9 'nd!lg 'nd!lgen entt or permi permiss ssive ive parent parents, s, wheth whether er they they are are democ democra ratic tic or  nondirective, are more responsive than demanding hey avoid confrontation and allow self"reg!lation heir children are friendly, sociable, and creative, b!t may also be verbally imp!lsive, aggressive, and resistant to limit"setting  A!thoritarian  A!thoritarian




demanding, demanding,

directive, directive,


nonresp nonrespons onsive ive hey are obedien obedience" ce" and stat!s"o stat!s"orien riented, ted, and they create create well"ordered, str!ct!red environments with clearly stated r!les hey are often highly highly intr!siv intr!sive, e, modelin modeling g aggress aggressive ive modes modes of conflic conflictt resol!t resol!tion ion heir  heir  children are typically moody, fearf!l of new sit!ations, and low in self"esteem

 A!thoritative  A!thoritative parents parents are both demanding demanding and and responsive responsive hey monitor  monitor  behavior, impart clear standards, and are assertive witho!t being intr!sive or  restrictive restrictive heir disciplinary disciplinary methods are s!pportive s!pportive rather than p!nitive his sty style is gene genera rally lly rega regard rded ed as opti optima mall for for the the deve develo lopm pmen entt of soci social al compet competen ence ce,,

which which incl!d incl!des es

asse asserti rtive vene ness, ss, social social respo responsi nsibil bility ity,,

self" self"

reg!lation, cooperation, and respect for parents 3ninvolved








demandingness At the e%tremes, these parents may be reecting"neglecting and neglectf!l heir children often engage in deviant and high"ris# behaviors and are v!lnerable to s!bstance ab!se (4im, / 200:) !t !t acco accord rdin ing g to the the over overal alll st!d st!dy y of diff differ eren entt pare parent ntin ing g sty styles les a!tho a!thorit ritati ative ve pare parenti nting ng is consi consider dered ed the the most most effe effect ctive ive with with fr!itf fr!itf!l !l and positive impacts on children.s overall bro!ght !p as compared to other three parenting styles And this is proven in the st!dy termed as 'nterrelationships betwe between en Pare Parenti nting ng Styles Styles and eachers achers 'nvolv 'nvolveme ement9 nt9 ;rom ;rom +hild +hildre ren.s n.s Emotion Emotion -eg!la -eg!lation tion +ompete +ompetence nce Perspec Perspective tive which which identify identify the effects effects of  different parenting styles and teachers strategies in classroom interaction for  emotion reg!lation development in preschool children he data revealed to implement an a!thoritative parenting style 'n addition there is a significant difference in the emotion reg!lation scores he res!lts indicated that teachers act strategi strategies es in classro classroom om interact interactions ions widely widely affecte affected d childre children.s n.s emotion emotion reg!lation (!, ne of the most important things we do for o!r children is to present them with a version of ad!lt life that is appealing and worth striving for (?evine, / 2012)

T.)(.tia/ F(a0.1)(2

Presented here were the theories from where the researchers based their present st!dy he theories helped and g!ided the researchers in the p!rs!it of this !nderta#ing his st!dy was based on one of the most infl!ential models of parent" child relationships which is #nown as the Social ?earning heory /ost of the concepts and ideas !nderlying in the said theory were those from and!ra (1@) he concept!al basis for social learning approaches as applied to parenting is most closely associated with the wor# of Berald Patterson (1@:@), fo!nder of the >regon Social ?earning +entre Also infl!ential infl!ential was +onstance +onstance anf (1@:@), who developed play therapy based on rewarding child behavio!r  thro!gh attention ?atter"day interventions, notably the programmes of +arolyn 5ebster"Stratton (1@=1), -e% ;orehand and -obert /c/ahon (1@=1), Sheila Eyberg (1@==) and /arian ;orgatch (;orgatch and 6eBarmo, 1@@@), directly incorporate social learning principles Several leading practitioners have e%panded the social learning model to incorporate consideration of the parents. social setting that may contrib!te to








progr programm ammer ereco ecogni gnise sed d the the parti partic! c!lar lar needs needs of isolat isolated ed mothe mothers rs e was was instr!mental in showing that Cins!lar. mothers were harsher to their children on days when the few ad!lts with whom they had contact contact D s!ch as local officials

or their own mothers D had been reective of themroadly themroadly p!t, social learning theory arg!es that children.s real"life e%periences and e%pos!res directly or  indirectly shape behavio!r ;or Patterson (1@:@, 1@@:) and many others there is a foc! foc!s s on trad tradit itio iona nall beha behavi vio! o!ra rall prin princi cipl ples es of rein reinfo forc rcem emen entt and and conditioning he f!ndamental tenet is that moment"to"moment e%changes are cr!cial if a child receives an immediate reward for hisFher behavio!r, s!ch as getting parental attention or approval, then heFshe is li#ely to do the behavio!r  again, whereas if sheFhe is ignored (or p!nished) then sheFhe is less li#ely to do it again again >the >therr advo advocat cates es have have e%pan e%pande ded d this this foc!s foc!s to consi consider der the cognitive cognitive or Cmindf!l Cmindf!l.. process processes es that that !nderlie !nderlie the parent. parent.s s behavio behavio!r !r (eg (eg !genthal et al, 1@=@ 6i%, 1@@2) and its effects on children (eg 6odge et al, 1@@8) 1@@8) 5hether 5hether the assessment assessment and concept concept!al !al foc!s foc!s is on behavio behavio!r !r or  cognitions, the model s!ggests that children learn strategies abo!t managing their emotions, resolving disp!tes and engaging with others not only from their  e%periences, b!t also from the way their own reactions were responded to ;or  yo!nger children especially, the primary so!rce of these e%periences is in the conte%t of the parentDchild relationship and the family environment Biven its historical emphasis on altering negative, aggressive behavio!r  in children, models of parenting based on social learning theory have tended to emphasise parental conflict, coercion and consistent discipline !t more theorist theorists s have have incorpo incorporate rated d positive positive dimensions dimensions of parenti parenting ng as a way of  promotin promoting g child child positive positive behavio behavio!r !r and affect, affect, improvin improving g the pleas!r pleas!rable able

nat!re of parents. and children.s interactions with one another (eg Bardner, 1@=@) he social learning theory has bearing in the st!dy since it can be deem deemed ed that that how how a pres presch choo ooll st!d st!den entt shal shalll beha behave ve or perf perfor orm m will ill be dependent on the inp!t that will be provided by the o!tside factors more specifically with the way he will be raised and shaped by his parents he paren parentin ting g style style of the the fathe fathers rs and and mothe mothers rs wo!ld wo!ld be very very cr!cia cr!ciall in the !pbringing of the child his his st!d st!dy y is li#e li#ewi wise se f!rt f!rthe herr rein reinfo forc rced ed by Gygo Gygots ts#y #y.s .s Soci Social al 6evelopment heory which asserts that meaningf!l learning and constr!ction of #nowledge ta#e place if learners wor# hands"on in act!al settings and with proper g!idance he maor maor theme theme of Gygots Gygots#y.s #y.s theoretica theoreticall framew framewor# or# is that social interaction plays a f!ndamental role in the development of cognition Gygots#y stated that every f!nction in the child.s c!lt!ral development appears twice9 first, on the social level, and later, on the individ!al level first, between people (interps (interpsych ycholog ological ical)) and then inside inside the learner learner (intrap (intrapsyc sycholo hologica gical) l) his his applies e&!ally to vol!ntary attention, to logical memory and to the formation of concepts All the higher f!nctions originate as act!al relationships between individ!als

his his mea means that that the the

acad academ emic ic perf perfor orma manc nce e or the the

cog cogniti nitive ve

development of the preschooler co!ld be greatly affected by what the e%trinsic factors wo!ld be providing him E%amples of those factors are the teachers, the schoo schoolma lmate tes, s, peop people le in the comm! comm!nit nity y whom whom the the #id #id will will have have direct direct contact with and most importantly are the parents of the child

C)n.pt+a/ F(a0.1)(2

Fig+(. %3 Pa(a*ig0 )4 t. St+*y

Stat.0.nt )4 t. P()5/.0

his st!dy foc!ses on parenting styles and its effects on the behavior  and school performance of pre"school children in selected p!blic schools in ?ipa +ity, atangas that will serve as basis for parenting program Specifically, the st!dy see#s to answer the following9

1 o what e%tent is the demographic characteristics of parent" respondents in terms of  11 age 12 gender  1* civil stat!s 1Hreligion 18 ed!cational attainment 1: occ!pation 1 monthly income 1= n!mber of children 1@ age of the preschool child 110 gender of the preschool child and

111 health condition that the preschool child is diagnosed withI 2 o what e%tent are the parenting styles !sed by the parent" respondentsI * o what e%tent are the behaviors of the pre"school children as assessed by the parent"respondents and teacher"respondentsI H o what e%tent is the school performance of the pre"school children based on their academic grade and eval!ation of the teacher"respondentsI 8 's there a significant difference in the parenting styles !sed by the parent"respondents, behaviors and school performance of the preschool childI : 's there a significant relationship between parenting styles and :1 demographic profile of parent"respondents :2 behavior of pre"school children :* school performance of pre"school children  5hat parenting program can be forwarded to ed!cational instit!tions to assist parents in g!iding their children d!ring preschoolI Hyp)t.s.s

ased on the given statements, the researchers ass!me that9

1 here here is no signifi significa cant nt differ differenc ence e in the paren parentin ting g styles styles !sed !sed by the parent"respondents 2 here here is no signifi significa cant nt diff differ erenc ence e in the behavi behaviors ors of the presch preschoo ooll children * here is no significant significant difference difference in the school school performance performance of the preschool children H here is no significant significant difference difference between between the parenting parenting styles styles and behavior of the preschool child 8 here is no significant significant difference difference between between the parenting parenting styles styles and school performance of the preschool child : here is no significant significant relationshi relationship p between between the parenting parenting style and and the parent"respondent  here is no significant significant relationshi relationship p between between the parenting parenting style and and behavior of the pre"school children = here is no significant significant relationshi relationship p between between the parenting parenting style and and school performance of the pre"school children S)p. an* D./i0itati)n

'n this st!dy, the scope of the assessment is centered only on the respondents of the st!dy who are the preschool children of the selected p!blic and priva private te schoo schools ls in the the city city of ?ipa ?ipa from from scho school ol year year 201H 201H"20 "2018 18 Also incl!ded shall be interviews among parents and analysis of pertinent data s!ch as the grades of the respondents coming from the teachers he he resp respon onde dent nts s of the the st!d st!dy y were were chos chosen en !sin !sing g the the p!rp p!rpos osiv ive e sampling techni&!e

In/+si)n C(it.(ia Preschool children three years of age and above

with parents who haven.t had an inta#e of illegal dr!gs and also have the ability to read and !nderstand E6/+si)n C(it.(ia +hild having a mental problem

Signi4ian. )4 t. St+*y

his st!dy is conceived significant to the following9 T) t. P(.s))/ Ci/*(.n he findings of this st!dy will be most

beneficial to the preschool children as they wo!ld be properly g!ided and ta#en cared for by the parents who wo!ld come to #now the right parenting style based on the needs of their child so that they will be having good behavior and good academic performance he child wo!ld also e%perience and gain confidence on how to e%cel inside and o!tside the school premises T) t. t. St+*.n St+*.nts3 ts3 he res!lt of this st!dy will help them in proper 

dealing with children as they finish their f!t!re co!rses specifically ed!cation his st!d st!dy y will will help help them them to be tota totall lly y T) t. T.a.(s7 T.a.(s7Fa+/ Fa+/ty ty his informed that behavior and school performance of every child wo!ld always differ from the other beca!se of the parenting style implemented to them he findings wo!ld also ma#e them reali7e that every individ!al is !ni&!e th!s, the teachers m!st #now the #ind of teaching strategies s!ited to every preschooler  so as to ma#e him e%cel in the class

T) t. Pa(.nts  his st!dy will help them to #now on what wo!ld be the

best type of parenting they sho!ld !se to be able to attain fewer behavioral problems he st!dy wo!ld li#ewise ma#e them reali7e the very important role they need to play so as their child wo!ld become good performers and well molded as an individ!al  As theprovider theprovider of health is T) t. 0.05.(s )4 t. H.a/ta(. T.a03 As giving care, especially the school n!rse, they may enco!nter problems within the behavior of the child h!s, this st!dy will help them on how they wo!ld be able to handle or manage a child.s behavior T) F+t+(. R.s.a(.(s his st!dy will benefit and help the f!t!re

researchersas this !nderta#ing may serve as their g!ide and reference in the cond!ct of a st!dy similar and related to this one

D.4initi)n )4 T.(0s T.(0s

o !nderstand #ey concepts thro!gho!t this st!dy, it is important to highlight a few #ey terms S))/ P.(4)(0an.3 't refers to the grade point average of the child

for a partic!lar school year and based on parameters in the +hild ehavior  Eval!ation Scale !sed in this st!dy

B.a8i)(3 't is a way in which a preschool child acts towards others, at

home, in school and in the comm!nity 't is assessed by the +hild ehavior  Eval!ation Scale !sed in this st!dy

Pa(.nting Sty/.s3  't refers to the act of rearing or ta#ing care of a

preschoolchild preschoolchild by parents, parents, either the mother or the father, !sing A!thoritative, A!thoritative, 'nd!lgent or Permissive, A!thoritarian and 3ninvolved

P(.s))/ Ci/*3  his refers to a child in the !rsery, 4inder 1, 4inder 

2 and Prep ?evel


his chapter helped the researchers to s!pplement and deepen their  #nowledge of the s!bect matter to p!rs!e this present !nderta#ing ;!rther, this chapter presents related literat!re and st!dies that have relevance to the enrichment of the bac#gro!nd of this st!dy he literat!re review provided a point of reference on the range of views on the different parenting styles of  parents with preschoolers and how the styles might affect the behavior and academic performance of their child

F)(.ign Lit.(at+(.

6arling and Steinberg (1@@*) define parenting style as Ja constellation of attit!des toward the child that are comm!nicated to the child and that, ta#en together together,, create create an emotiona emotionall climate climate in which which the parents parents behaviors behaviors are e%pressedJ  According  According to 6ewar (2010) a!thoritative a!thoritative parenting style style is abo!t setting limits, reasoning with #ids, and being responsive to their emotional needs his approach is common in middle class settings thro!gho!t the world, and it.s lin#ed with the most s!ccessf!l child o!tcomes 4ids raised by a!thoritative parents are more li#ely to become independent, self"reliant, socially accepted, academically s!ccessf!l, and well"behaved

Steinbe Steinberg rg (201H) (201H) states states that good good parenti parenting ng helps helps foster foster empathy empathy,, honesty, self"reliance, self"control, #indness, cooperation, and cheerf!lness 't also promotes intellect!al c!riosity, motivation, and enco!rages a desire to achieve Bood parenting also helps protect children from developing an%iety, depression, eating disorders, antisocial behavior, and alcohol and dr!g ab!se  According  According to er# (2000) parents play a large role in fostering their  child$s child$s growth growth and developmen development t /any writers writers have have noted noted that the broad broad pattern of parenting is important in predicting child well"being Parents may differ in how they try to control or sociali7e their children and the e%tent to which they do so 't$s the overall pattern of interactions rather than one single act act that that shap shapes es a chil child$ d$s s beha behavi vior or Pare Parent nts s deve develo lop p vari vario! o!s s sty styles les of  inter interact actin ing g with with their their child childre ren n -ese -esearc arch h has has ident identifi ified ed a typol typology ogy of fo!r  fo!r  parenting styles a!thoritarian, a!thoritative, permissive and !ninvolved each of which infl!ence how the child develops hese varying parenting styles greatly infl!ence not only how a child develops and sociali7es b!t also how they they learn learn he he diffe differen rentt styles styles dicta dictate te how child childre ren n adapt adapt to teach teaching ing approaches and methods in schools and how they interact in the classroom Parenting Parenting style refers to the normative normative patterns of behavior behavior and tactics that parents !se to sociali7e and control their children Early wor# on parenting styles in the 1@80s (eg, Sears, /accoby, K ?evin, 1@8) doc!mented that ad!lts who were n!rt!ring and able to e%ert control were especially infl!ential on children$s development of self"reg!lated and disciplined behavior

6iana a!mrind (1@1) cond!cted e%tensive observations of parents inte intera ract ctin ing g with with thei theirr chil childr dren en in thei theirr home homes s and and conc concl! l!de ded d that that fo!r  fo!r  dimensions dimensions of parent"child parent"child interactions reflecting types of responsiveness responsiveness and contro controll co!ld co!ld predic predictt relia reliably bly child childre ren$s n$s socia social, l, emotio emotional nal,, and and cogn cogniti itive ve f!nct f!nction ioning ing Pare Parent ntal al contr control ol reflec reflecte ted d consi consiste stent nt enfor enforce cemen mentt of r!les r!les,, provision of str!ct!re to children$s activities, and persistence in gaining child compliance mat!rity demands reflected e%pectations to perform !p to one$s pote potent ntia ial, l,

and and

dema demand nds s

for for

self self"r "rel elia ianc nce e

and and

self self"c "con ontr trol ol

clar clarit ity y


comm!nication comm!nication reflected the e%tent to which parents solicit children$s opinions and feeli feeling ngs, s, and and !se !se reaso reasoni ning ng to obta obtain in compli complian ance ce and and n!rt! n!rt!ran rance ce refl reflec ecte ted d pare parent ntal al e%pr e%pres essi sio ons of warmt armth h and and appr approv oval al as well ell as conscientio!s protection of children$s physical and emotional well"being 6ifferences according to parents. income gro!p in children.s cognitive and behavioral development emerge by the child.s third birthday, according to a 200= 200= st!dy st!dy based based on data data from from the /ille /illenn nni!m i!m +oho +ohort rt St!dy St!dy (/+S (/+S) ) +hildren +hildren from higher higher income income gro!ps gro!ps were were fo!nd fo!nd to have have higher higher cogniti cognitive ve assessme assessments nts and fewer fewer behavio behavioral ral problem problems s An importan importantt part of these these differences, arg!es researcher Professor ohn Ermisch, can be acco!nted for  by Cwhat parents do. in terms of ed!cational activities and parenting style he childrearing practices of these mothers and fathers e%emplify what 6iana 6iana a!mrin a!mrind d (1@1) (1@1) called called permiss permissive" ive"ind! ind!lgen lgentt parenti parenting ng hey hey are affectionate, caring and involved, b!t tend to be e%tremely tolerant and to e%ert

little little or no control control or discipli discipline ne a!mrin a!mrind d contras contrasted ted permiss permissive" ive"ind! ind!lgen lgentt pare parent nts s with with thre three e othe otherr type types9 s9 perm permis issi sive ve"n "neg egle lect ctf! f!ll (als (also o #now #nown n as !nin !ninvo volv lved ed)) pare parent nts, s, who who show show virt virt!a !ally lly no inte intere rest st in thei theirr chil childr dren en a!thoritarian parents, who tend to be harsh, demanding, intolerant, a!tocratic and p!nitive and a!thoritative parents, who tend to be firm b!t fair, ma#ing demands and imposing discipline in a caring atmosphere (a!mrind, 1@1 /accobyK /artin, 1@=*) -esearc -esearch h testing testing this typology typology of parenti parenting ng styles styles against against positiv positive e develop development mental al o!tcome o!tcomes s has been been remar#a remar#ably bly consist consistent ent he criteria criteria for  positive developmental o!tcomes have, of co!rse, varied somewhat across the st!dies, b!t Cmodel children. have been generally defined in terms of being cooperative, friendly, emotionally stable, dependable, good citi7ens and good scholars (/accoby, 1@@2) Parenting is a most challenging yet rewarding e%perience a!mrind, who st!died parenting styles d!ring the early 1@:0s, concl!ded that they differ  in fo!r fo!r impor importan tantt areas areas99 pare parents nts$$ warmt warmthF hFn!r n!rt!r t!ran ance, ce, disci discipli pline ne strate strategy gy,, comm!nication s#ills, and e%pectations of mat!rity She posited three types of  parenting parenting styles9 a!thoritarian, a!thoritarian, permissive, permissive, and a!thoritative (erger 2001) Parents are the maor infl!ence in their children$s lives h!s their perception of how children children thin#, and sho!ld be raised is cr!cial in determining determining children$s behavior >ther factors, s!ch as genes, peers, c!lt!re, gender, and financial stat! stat!s, s, are are of lesse lesserr import importanc ance e St!d St!dies ies reveal reveal a corre correlat lation ion betw betwee een n

paren parentin ting g styles styles and and scho school ol compe compete tence nce,, delin delin&! &!en ency cy,, viole violenc nce, e, se%!al se%!al activity, antisocial behavior, alcohol and s!bstance ab!se, depression, an%iety, and self"perception


'n the research cond!cted by roo# (2011) to e%amine the relationship betw betwee een n the the thre three e iden identi tifi fied ed pare parent ntin ing g styl styles es whic which h are are a!th a!thor orit itar aria ian, n, a!thorit a!thoritativ ative e and permissi permissive ve to social social emotion emotional al develop development ment of prescho preschool ol children, it was fo!nd o!t that children who scored highest on social emotional develop development ment screenin screening g tool tool !pon !pon completi completion on of literat!r literat!re e review review and data collection are those having parents that !se a!thoritative parenting practices he participants of the st!dy were 1H parents of preschool aged children who attend programs thro!gh the ;amily -eso!rce +enter for Ea! +laire +o!nty, 'nc in Ea! +laire, 5' en of the participants were female and * were male hey came from vario!s economic and ethnic bac#gro!nds between 20 and H0 years old !rmi, E, and A!nola, 4 (2008) cond!cted a st!dy to predict the child.s internal and e%ternal behaviors based on investigating the combination combination of mother.s and father.s parenting styles o meas!re problem behaviors a total total of 1@: 1@: child children ren (aged (aged 8D: 8D: years years)) were were follow followed ed !p si% times from from #indergarten to the second grade >nce a year mothers and fathers filled in a

&!estionnaire &!estionnaire to meas!re their parenting styles he predicted increase in the levels of both internal and e%ternal problem behaviors among children was the res!lt of high level of psychological control e%ercised by mothers combined with high affection ;!entes, / , Salas / 6, ernedo, '/, and Barcia, /A, (201H) cond!cted a st!dy on the impact of the parenting style of foster parents on the behavior problems of foster children heir st!dy participants were 10H foster  children (8: boys and H= girls) and their respective foster families he res!lt indicated that there was important effect in relation to the behavior problems of  foster children based on criticismFreection on the part of foster parents, as well as the !se of inappropriate parenting styles (a!thoritarian and permissive)  Ali7adeh,  Ali7adeh, S, Ab! alib, / , Abd!llah, Abd!llah, -, /ansor, /ansor, / (2011) (2011) cond!cted a st!dy to investigate the relationship between children.s behavioral problems and parenting style Parent A!thority L!estioner (PAL) was !sed to assessed parenting styles and +hildren.s ehavior +hec#list (++?) for the assessme assessment nt of children children.s .s behavio behavioral ral problem problems s y cl!ster cl!ster sampling sampling in the 'ranian capital of ehran respondents of :=1 mothers of children in primary school (*Hgirls and **H boys) was identified thro!gh their children -es!lts show show that that less less child childre ren. n.s s inter internal nali7i i7ing ng and and e%te e%terna rnali7 li7ing ing sympt symptoms oms were were directly related to A!thoritative parenting style with high responsiveness and high demanding in parenting behavior

L!erido, B, 5arner, 6, and Eyberg, S/ (2002) e%amined the relationship between child behavior problems in African American preschool children and parenting styles 10= African American female caregivers of * to : year old children were the st!dy participants ;indings incl!de maternal ed!cation, ed!cation, family income and parents endorsement were associated in parent reported child behavior problems based on correlational analysis he most predictive of fewer child behavior problems was a!thoritative parenting style based on hierarchical regression analysis !, n the the other other hand, hand, parents feel that they failed in rearing their children if the children wo!ld not be able to become prod!ctive citi7ens of the society b!t rather become liabilities and threats to the people in the comm!nity  Ag!ila (200*) (200*) states that parenting parenting style style can be a prod!ct prod!ct of a partic!lar  partic!lar  c!lt!re of its time ased on the st!dy she cond!cted parents who were in their early forties tended to be more liberal with their children Nhese parents who were born in the 1@:0.s were either strict or liberal, depending on the sit!ations they facedO she says hey can be more a!thoritarian when it comes to c!rfe c!rfew w time time d!rin d!ring g dates dates,, b!t b!t were were more more tr!sti tr!sting ng with with their their #ids. #ids. othe other  r  choices li#e schoolsO ;or ;or many many ;ilipi ;ilipinos nos,, pare parents nts are are seen seen with with a somew somewha hatt conf! conf!si sing ng dichotomy9 while they are, short of one.s life partner, the most beloved of  people in one.s life, they can also be the ones who can embarrass yo! the most, most, or be the the ones ones that that yo! yo! wo!ld wo!ld prac practic ticall ally y consid consider er as yo!r yo!r worst worst enemie enemies s D if they they weren weren.t .t yo!r yo!r pare parents nts (-amo (-amos, s, 201H) 201H) Pare Parents nts tend tend to become very protective of their children specially when they are endangered

and their sec!rity is at sta#e hey will do everything to cover !p their children and wo!ld always ens!re that their children are safe hey feel that it is part and parcel of good parenting and better rearing of their children


 A st!dy a!thored by ra7a, E6, /alabanan, /alabanan, E6, /alabanan, /alabanan, /A, ?ope7, ?ope7, E- E- (201H) (201H) investig investigated ated and ascertai ascertained ned the effects effects of Parenti Parenting ng Styles and +ompetitiveness among /others of Preschool +hildren in selected private and p!blic schools in the city of atangas he main obective of this st!dy was to determine the factors of competitiveness of preschool mothers and its psychological effects on children he methods !tili7ed in this research were both &!alitative and &!antitative wenty preschool mothers were the participants of the st!dy and randomly chosen from p!blic and private schools in atangas +ity +ity hey were observed in two school months !ly and A!g!st and were as#ed to participate and answer the &!estionnaire ased on the res!lts researchers have fo!nd that the parenting style of the mothers of  preschooler from private school was highly E&!alitarian and in p!blic school was highly a!thoritarian Psychological Psychological effects were fo!nd in children s!ch as conce concept pt of compet competiti ition, on, motiva motivatio tion n of winni winning ng and and deter determin minati ation on to be s!ccessf!l

 A similar st!dy related to the present !nderta#ing was cond!cted by  Alfaaro, -6, +ristobal, +ristobal, /, ?andicho, ?andicho, /, ?eyesa, >?, ?iwag, ?' and /asas, /asas, G6 (200 (200@) @) he he st!dy st!dy foc!se foc!sed d on the paren parenti ting ng styles styles and its relati relations onship hip with with m!lti m!ltiple ple intel intellig ligenc ences es of presc prescho hool ol childr children en in +ano +anossa ssa  Academy,  Academy, ?ipa +ity +ity Si%ty parents parents consisting of *0 fathers and *0 mothers are the the resp respon onde dent nts s of the the st!d st!dy y that that were were dist distri rib! b!te ted d with with a tota totall of :0 &!estionnaires he &!estionnaire was divided into * parts9 1"6emographic Profile, Part 2" Parenting Parenting Styles and Part *" /!ltiple 'ntelligences 'ntelligences ased from the findin findings gs,, it can can be state stated d that that pare parents nts !se diff differe erent nt paren parentin ting g styles styles regardless of their gender and can identify the potentials of preschool children from the m!ltiple intelligences they manifested at home ?i#ewise, the research of +araan, EB, 6imac!langan, EG, Pas!mbal, 4> and Serrano, 4PG (200@) has important bearing with present st!dy since both want to concentrate on two important variables namely9parenting style style and acad academi emic c perfo performa rmanc nce e he he st!dy st!dy of +ara +araan an,, etal etalso so!gh !ghtt to determine if there is a significant relationship between parenting style and acade academic mic perfo performa rmanc nce e he he first first method method !sed !sed by the resea research rchers ers is the descriptive method where data gathered is from different literat!re so!rces S!rvey &!estionnaires was the ne%t method !sed which provided the primary so!rces of data his st!dy shows that among the three parenting styles s!ch as a!tocratic, a!thoritative a!thoritative and permissive, permissive, most parents favor of a!thoritative a!thoritative parenting parenting style of parenting parenting to be emotionally emotionally s!pportive and at the same time

emphasi7es descriptive his type of parenting style embodies the nat!re of  balance thro!gh acceptance and !nderstanding 6etermining the types of parenting style being practiced by the parent respondents, and correlate it with children.s aggressive behavior is the main p!rpose of the st!dy done by Evangelista, 46, /endo7a, -P, /alabanan, /A (201H) 't was cond!cted to e%amine the parental a!thority and its effects on the aggression aggression of children P!re &!antitative &!antitative design design !sing three different different standardi7ed tests were employed by the researchers Anger of children is correlat correlated ed positiv positively ely with with a!thorit a!thoritaria arian n parentin parenting g style style manifest manifested ed by the parents was also revealed on the st!dy Aggression of children is correlated to parenting a!thority and parental discipline  Atien7a, A?, /ontalbo, /ontalbo, ?, Pere7,
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