1.Optic disk oedema is seen in all except Papilloedema CRVO Open angle glaucoma Hypertensive retinopathy Papilitis 2.The frst line o treatment in chemical in!ry is admission i severe topical anti"iotics topical cyclople#ia neutralization of pH by irrigation oral anal#esia $.The most common ca!se o proptosis is or"ital inection or"ital hemorrha#e or"ital t!mor or"ital pse!do%t!mor thyroid ophthalmopathy &.Calc!lation o 'O( po)er is called Biometry Pachymetry Tonometry Tonometry *eratometry Ophthalmoscopy +.,phakia can "e corrected "y ollo)in# -pecticles Contact lenses ,nterior cham"er 'O( Posterior cham"er 'O( All of above y *H,('/ CH,0 ., patient )ith s!dden painless loss o vision and no !ndal vie) )as possi"le. hich o the investi#ation is help!l to see the
retina. *eratometry Pachymetry B-Scan ,%-can 'ndirect ophthmoscopy 3./irect Ophthalmolo#y is done or 4xamination peripheral retina Examination of central retina Reractive po)er o eye ,xial len#th o eye To To fnd o!t the po)er o 'O( 5., patient presented )ith #ross pain!l decrease o vision. On torch examination there )as con!nctival con#estion and p!pil irre#!lar miosed. hich is the pro"a"le dia#nosis Anterior uveitis ,c!te con#estive #la!coma Con!nctivitis -cleritis 6orei#n "ody
7.Re#ardin# 8yopia 't is also called 6ar si#htedness Correction is ith concave lens Correction is )ith convex lens 'ma#e ormed "ehind the retina 4ye "all is small 19., patient )ho )as operated or cataract o!r years "ack comes to yo! )ith o##y vision. On examination there )as posterior caps!lar thickenin#: )hich mode o treatment is most !se!l. 4xcimer laser !A"-#aser !A"-#aser ,r#on laser
*rypton laser /iode laser 11.4sotropia is /iver#ent s;!int (atent conver#ent s;!int ,ssociated )ith accommodation re9 and>or vis!al feld is less than $9 de#rees in "etter eye vision in better eye is less than ./0 and.or visual 1eld is less than 0 degrees in better eye vision in "etter eye is less than $>9 and>or vis!al feld is less than 29 de#rees in "etter eye vision in "etter eye is less than $>9 and>or vis!al feld is less than 9 de#rees in "etter eye vision in "etter eye is less than +>9 and>or vis!al feld is less than $9 de#rees in "etter eye 22.Complications o contact lenses incl!de all o the ollo)in# except ,ller#y Corneal infltrates Corneal !lcer Permanent loss o vision Corneal pigmentation 2$.HO #radin# o trachoma incl!des all except T6 ollicles T' in a. keratoglobus
b. c. d. e.
*eratoconus megalocornea buphthalmos keratitis
2+. & young boy presente" in emergency with watering an" photophobia in right eye. :hich test is appropriate> a. +chirmer test b. Tear breakup time c. ose engal staining d. &pplanation tonometry e. !louroscine staining 2.:hen the eye is me"ially rotate"' the prime "epressor muscle of eye ball a. #nferior rectus b. #nferior obli7ue c. 9uperior obli?ue d. #nferior rectus and inferior obli7ue e. /ateral rectus 2/. & patient on slit lamp examination shows hypopyeon in anterior chamber after trauma' which is "ue to a. -us in anterior chamber b. !ells in anterior chamber c. rotein in anterior chamber d. lood in anterior chamber e. 'oreign body in anterior chamber 3. a. b. c. ". e.
& patient hae blunt trauma with tennis ball an" haing hyphema' which is us in anterior chamber 'oreign body in anterior chamber 8veal tissue
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