extreme calisthenics routines.pdf

April 1, 2017 | Author: DmitriKartikeya | Category: N/A
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11th April

Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training


The story of #shootD10

Much respect to all of my loyal brothers that supported and stood by me these past few years. The Bar culture has changed so much since my last post. Furthermore, the negatives are fighting to overpower the positives, but as with everything in life, the positive will always triumph with a positive mind. I'm back even though I have never left. I've been very busy with life's daily challenges, and having two newborns doesn't make things any easier. Spring is here and summer is soon to follow, which means the "bar dudes" will be back in the parks again, competitions will be popping up with promises of bar stardom, and someone will try to reinvent the wheel again. I'm growing impatient waiting for the unification in the bar community to manifest. I have honestly given up. The online bar fame seekers are more concerned on coming up with a new "power move" that has already been created and displayed by gymnasts for decades. The fundamentals of calisthenics should be everyone's point of focus and by building a solid foundation, your structure will stand strong for ages. You don't need to be inquiring about how to do a planche if you can't complete 5 sets of 20 push ups, you shouldn't be concerned with doing a muscle up if you can't complete 20 consecutive pull ups. Calisthenics is about working out using you own body weight for resistance, increasing your flexibility, and not having to rely on any equipment to build strength. You can't achieve your goals without putting in the necessary hard/smart work, and you can't keep making excuses or trying to take shortcuts. I see it and hear it all the time, that's one of the many reasons the bar world has changed. The bar culture lost the real competitive aspect that helped me to progress to the level I'm at today. The competing that I'm referring to is the kind that helps to elevate both competitors in a brotherly way, not a cock measuring contest, it's about helping to bring the best out of each other with respect while displaying good sportsmanship. There were times a battle would take place due to high testosterone levels, huge egos, and insecurities. In addition, the presence of a female would often play as a factor. In a situation of confrontational physical challenges, you can either walk away and avoid it, or you can accept the challenge in hopes of coming out victorious and humbling your opponent into submission. When it came to calisthenics I embrace all challenges regardless if it was mental or physical. I would never let workout battles go past the degree of sport. I'll never participate in a situation that could possibly lead to something personal outside of working out, which in that case, I'll make the decision to walk away peacefully. I would like to try and bring the bar world back to the way I really started working out and that's from challenges that consist of straight basic pull ups and push ups. When I was young I had a lot of people I called friends that would constantly compete with each other. Some days it might be over girls, while on other days it could be over clothes or even basketball. The list goes on about the things that spark my competitiveness, my two favorite competitions was basketball and calisthenics. My love for basketball would travel with around Brooklyn with my good friend, Jeramy, that I use to spend days playing one on one, practicing and getting better together to the point where we would go to different parks just to embarrass opponents. At that time "J" was my only competition and we would push each other so much and constantly challenging each other that we both progressed to a higher level. With everything in life you always run into the negatives. Sometimes we would win and the loser would reply with "I bet you can't beat my ass though" lol. They (losers) couldn't win in one area so they thought maybe they would have better chances in another. It's the exact same case in the bar world today, "Yea, Zef could do 50 pulls, but how much can he squat?" That's the life I learned to deal with especially in the bar world. The calisthenics challenges came along in my late teens, where pull up bars weren't as easily accessible like they are today. We had to resort to using the city's "Don't walk" signs for pull ups, fence corners for dips and the ground for the number one calisthenic exercise, the push up. The floor was always beneath you so there was no excuse to avoid a push up challenge on demand. I remember doing push ups until I had to throw up. I have had so many work out battle stories that I can go on forever which is why I will eventually have to write a book lol. Shoot the ten, back in the the day, was when you had a problem with someone. You wouldn't try to shoot them or try to stab them (depending on the severity of the problem), you'll simply tell them to shoot the five with you, meaning five minutes or 5 rounds of bare knuckle boxing. It would usually end with a handshake and respect or you can use your imagination. Shoot the 10 can be a friendly competition; a way to gauge a partner's and your level in order to increase everyone's numbers and back up any tough bar talk. BAR-BARIANS TM. Dynamic Views template. Powered by Blogger.

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

person is unable to complete a full set of 10 reps without breaking. If you started the routine and you break the 2nd person must complete his 10 reps to be declared the winner. 2. Last Man Standing - Similar to the 1 on 1, but instead of just 2 people going head to head, you compete with your workout group until the last man is standing. You will have to outlast everyone who's in your workout group, two competitors will go back and forth trying to complete 10 reps, soon as one person has to break, another fresh person takes over and starts his rounds. The goal is to shoot as many rounds as possible, this routine continues until the last man breaks his 10. This routine isn't just for pull ups, you can implement push ups(20), dips(15), muscle ups(5), squats(20 with holds), and anything you think that will help you elevate your skill and strength. I hope to see a lot of people trying and posting their challenges around the world. I will indeed make my rounds throughout NYC to see if anyone is up for the challenge...GOOD LUCK!! For online class info:[email protected] YT:zakaveli Barbarians2k FB:Devin Sosa Bar-BARIANS.com


1324146028.jpg] [https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-39Kh7rDasRM/U0h3FFfiFiI/AAAAAAAAATU/-Oz2IxBNjNg/s640/blogger-image-1947035493.jpg]

Posted 11th April by zakaveli thadon Labels: Bar culture BAR-BARIANS TM. Dynamic Views template. Powered by Blogger.

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21-09-2014 18:27




Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

19th December 2013

Brooklyn Pull ups never left!! 50 pull ups on demand!!!

Posted 19th December 2013 by zakaveli thadon 0

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google translate menshealth.ru

16th December 2013 [http://www.mhealth.ru/workout/profiles/zef-zakaveli/5/]

Posted 16th December 2013 by zakaveli thadon 0

16th December 2013

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Brooklyn Pull ups is Back!! 5.2 : 50 Dips

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

5th October 2013

Brooklyn Pull ups is Back!! 4.2

Posted 5th October 2013 by zakaveli thadon 0

22nd September 2013

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Brooklyn Pull ups is Back!! 3.2

Posted 22nd September 2013 by zakaveli thadon BAR-BARIANS TM. Dynamic Views template. Powered by Blogger.

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21-09-2014 18:27



BAR-CULTURE 9th July 2013

Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

Workout Routine straight from Ukraine

What's up Bar-world, I'm back from Ukraine with a brutal routine. This is a routine that will prepare you for the BBR'S, it was birthed on the last night the Bar-BARIANS spent in Dnepropetrovsk. We found a secret training spot to have a little 2am B-B Bar-club. It's always great to workout with my B-B brothers especially the ones I rarely get to see. This night was kind've brutal, there was so many emotions hidden, it was the last night that most of the B-B's will get a chance to show if they have been slacking or to prove that their gold wings are permanently branded. I was truly impressed with performance of my brothers, i'm very proud that after a week of no rest ,they still came out and gave a Bar-baric effort. So much to explain that happened in a short amount of time, hopefully one day Rick will upload the footage. The Routine that was birthed is called "the Dnep'50"(not the official name yet). It's consists of 50 repetitions of each of the basic calisthenics exercises in a specific order with only a 20second break in between each transition. Pull-ups are first, you have to try your best to complete 50 reps' in one set, no break ups allowed. Once your feet touch the ground the 20second clock starts to tick, you basically do your max on the pull-ups. Dips are second, after your 20secs of rest from the pull-ups, you must try your best to complete 50 dips. The same rules apply as the pull-ups, once your feet touch the floor the timer starts. Push-ups are third, this is the killer because after trying to max on your dips you're attacking the same muscle groups for more Bar-baric torture. Squats are last, this is the easiest part, at least it sounds easy.You're going to complete 50 squats with your arms extended forward at all times. After all those reps your arms feel like they weigh a ton. Remember you have a 20second rest in between(DO NOT GO OVER) anymore time your whole routine will be voided. Try to keep track of the overall time it takes to complete the whole routine. This routine will definitely prepare you for the BBR'S. Try your best to get as much 50's completed as possible(in one set of course) to get extra Bar-baric points. Good luck trying to be the 1st complete this routine.

[https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-F6_DpOKbT4c/UdwbYo3i2yI/AAAAAAAAAN4/Haluqd36vg8/s640/blogger-image-1840070610.jpg] BAR-BARIANS TM. Dynamic Views template. Powered by Blogger.

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training 1

28th May 2013

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Wednesday routine 5.29.13

Long time , no routine huh. I got a quick one for you, it's a push up routine for when you're stuck at home or at work. It's called the Mel's special, you're going to need a timer, set it for 5 minutes. You're going to try and complete 125 push ups in 5 minutes, if you finish in under 5 minutes that's more rest for you, soon as your 5 minutes are up, take a 5 minute break. Immediately at the end of your break , start another 5 minute countdown, this time you're going to try your best to complete 100 push ups. Take another 5 minute break again after your 5 minutes are up. You are going to repeat this pattern all the way to 25 push ups, don't worry you can take as long as you want on the last break.


Posted 28th May 2013 by zakaveli thadon Labels: Exercise routine 0

23rd May 2013

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My Trip to Kazakhstan BAR-BARIANS TM. Dynamic Views template. Powered by Blogger.

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

Throughout the years traveling,I have met so many positive people , seen so many beautiful places and tasted so much delicious food. Traveling the world gave me a chance to experience many different cultures. Kazakhstan is the furthest distance I have ever traveled in my life, I'm usually very nervous when it comes to flying, that is why it's very seldom that you see me in another country by myself. Since 1997, Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan and the 2nd largest city in Kazakhstan. Astana nick named little Dubai is a beautiful newly developed city that's has plenty of sights to fill your camera's memory card, I can go on and on about the scenery. I encourage everyone to do the research for more info about Astana, I don't want to write a tour guide so I'll skip to the purpose of my visit.


International championship of Workout in Astana, Kazakhstan. Hosted by Denis & Bar-Bars team was one of the best competitions I ever participated in. I've have judged and attended a lot of events but this time I was really acknowledged for my strict standards and sharp eye of perfection. I was named the chief judge , meaning I gave the final verdict for all decisions made. Very special privilege appointed to me by Denis. The event was well organized and had several government officials present showing support with their presence and they all gave a speech before the competition started.

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

[https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-fC-xKQVPP4Y/UZ6zCzCW-uI/AAAAAAAAAL8/B7_hF87mA0g /s640/blogger-image-1877639741.jpg]

There are a lot of details that I'm leaving out due to me being so busy preparing for my next trip, I will say the athletes were some of the best in the world. Everyone gave a great performance, the winner(PonceDeLyon from Russia) completed a move that I've never seen before. The level is always high when Denis Minin is involved, I have no complaints. Very good promotion , organization , positive energy and press. I look forward to returning soon, the food was good the hospitality was great , I feel bad not being able to explain all of the things that made this trip one of the best that I've ever been on .

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training


[https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-mMlIRpYLfBE/UZ6zGv3yqSI/AAAAAAAAAMc/qVoLjiCjOyo /s640/blogger-image-1636075891.jpg]

It's a great feeling to be appreciated for the positive things you do, it's a shame that I have to travel so far to get that acknowledgement. Don't get me wrong I receive good support in my own country but it's a big difference when people eyes water because they finally get to meet BAR-BARIANS TM. Dynamic Views template. Powered by Blogger.

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

complex strength moves that you inspired them to do.The kids in America take so much for granted, most kids in America can't even comprehend the skill it takes to complete a simple clean pull up ,let alone a muscle up. Traveling changed my life in a way that I'm more grateful for the blessings bestowed upon me. There's plenty of times where I feel like taking a break from Bar-world because of all of the politics that comes with it but I always weigh the positive over the negative, there's too many people I haven't got a chance to inspire, so many places that I haven't seen and so much strength I haven't tapped into. I will continue to help as much people I can to reach and to surpass my level, this trip to Astana made that very clear to me.

[https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-Zpktwz8O4kI/UZ6zDzb07qI/AAAAAAAAAME/pq5ZhUhCVzM /s640/blogger-image-1211637667.jpg]

Kazakhstan was a great way to start my Bar season, I trained everyday that I was there, I had no choice ,I had 24hr access to a indoor bar setup with very strong athletes to train with. Typical day: breakfast, sight seeing/photo shoot/ promotion/documentary filming , lunch, rest, dinner and then workout for hours,that's what I call a great trip.

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

[https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-QSKMfmF2Kho/UZ6ztowVRHI/AAAAAAAAAM4 /HGSZgzzH7HQ/s640/blogger-image-1801918698.jpg]

The Bar bars organization took great care of Andy "Tuface" , Jude "Jay planche", Uk Jay,Hit of Calisthenics Kingz ,Miguel "Clark kent" and myself. We were treated with importance and class, never had a issue with any personal request, for that I'm forever grateful.

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

[https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-dED2F0pLqPo/UZ6ztKkoBqI/AAAAAAAAAMw/rfyLohjvUdg /s640/blogger-image--1539637040.jpg]

Denis Minin is the one that made a lot this possible, very noble man that I consider my brother. I see great things to come from his street workout organization in the near future, this trip was the start of what can be the best year for street workout. Hopefully I'll be able to go into full details of all my experiences that changed my life, I have so much to share ,it's almost impossible to document them all,I'm being asked more and more to start writing a book but I still have so much to learn, I will start soon, once I get then help that I desperately need.

Much thanks to Denis for all his hard work, Islam and his family for making me feel so welcome in his country, Ramazan for making sure I was happy at all times, Ilez for making sure I didn't get a massage from a man, Zhass for taking care of things behind the scenes and Kazak' Andy for being my brother.

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

[https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-3qH87SFmp34/UZ6zuS8KR3I/AAAAAAAAANA/F0V-FnZNc3c /s640/blogger-image--482032047.jpg]

The whole Astana I would like to thank, too many to name, so much beautiful people, so many beautiful sights to see, endless thanks and I will see you all very soon.

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

[https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-oCB07GIWPBc/UZ6zvNF8uOI/AAAAAAAAANI/rNKJhd2g6HQ /s640/blogger-image--1070767779.jpg]

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

[https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-NHvkgV-0YFw/UZ6zFLWlsAI/AAAAAAAAAMM /_GQIeFkQ6_Q/s640/blogger-image-107514866.jpg]

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

[https://lh5.googleusercontent.com /--ZmZBUbJjD8/UZ6zse2dtNI/AAAAAAAAAMo/6j_SWcqfos8/s640/blogger-image-1467429627.jpg]

Posted 23rd May 2013 by zakaveli thadon Location: Brooklyn Brooklyn Labels: Story 1

8th March 2013

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Much needed:Story of the 5MD

What's up Bar-world, out of all the routines I ever created, the five minute drill(5MD) is the most effective and efficient. The BBR's originally started off being the standard physical requirement for anyone that wanted to become a Bar-barian, 40 dips, 20 pull ups, 50 push ups and 5 muscle ups all in 10mins. As the Bar-world grew stronger the BBR's got tougher. The Bar-barian requirements sparked a trend, now every team you can think of has some kind of physical test to enter their team. The 5MD originally started as 10 minute routine. Usually the night before I workout , I think of new routines to put myself to sleep(others count sheep). 100 pull ups & 200 push ups in ten minutes was the dream, after the first attempt, it turned into a nightmare. After failing to complete that routine and almost succeeding in catching a heart attack, I realized that trying to accomplish half of the numbers would be more realistic and a great way to train for the full 10 minute drill and the BBR's. The misleading part about the 5MD is the numbers, being able to complete 50 pull ups & 100 push ups to any calisthenics enthusiast is relatively easy. When you add a deadline(time) to any task, makes it much more difficult , that's the key element to the 5MD that makes it such a great routine. Your body has no time to recover, it becomes a cardiovascular workout also. Shorter intense workouts will give you much more gains than a longer slower workouts. With my experience in both short and longer workouts, shorter workouts show more results in a shorter amount of time, they're much moreBAR-BARIANS fun, less time and morePowered gratifying when completed. There's no excuse to TM.consuming Dynamic Views template. by Blogger.

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

a complete upper body workout. To this day my best time is 2m48s, my goal was 2:30 before I realized that's just me being Zakaveli(overkiller). To this day the 5MD is still attempted in different variations and in different places around the world. I often use it as a tool to gauge a person's level and progression . No matter where you train in the world,calisthenics is the best way to get in shape, you can attempt to complete a 5MD anywhere with any exercise you want. They are no "famous" parks, I'm a artist and the bar is my canvas, weather it's a bar at a local park in Brooklyn NY or a bar behind a apartment building in dnepropetrovsk ukraine. Man makes the Bar, the Bar never made the Man. There is no workout park in the world that has special powers, only powerful people that make the workout parks special. Dedicated to all that completed the 5MD!


Posted 8th March 2013 by zakaveli thadon Location: Brooklyn Brooklyn Labels: Story 3

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New Year,New Routines!!!!

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

schedule. For those that do not know, “The Bar-Club” is back and even better than before. If you have a Facebook account https://www.facebook.com/groups/237816649609007/ [https://www.facebook.com/groups/237816649609007/] , request to become a member at get ready to challenge yourself and others.

Bar-baric routine time: This one is very advanced, it will take a lot of break ups. 1st step, complete 9 muscle ups ,on the ninth you will slowly lower yourself into a lever position and hold once you’re in a complete lever, hold for 15 seconds(I TOLD YOU THIS ONE WAS ADVANCED). Once you completed your 15 second lever hold you will try to complete 6 muscle ups followed by a 10 second lever hold. last step will be , 5 muscle ups follow again by an EASY 5 second hold. That’s a very hard routine, I guarantee that you will have to break up this routine as well as modify your holds. It is best to have a partner when attempting this routine to help you with your count and lever holds. Human routine: Easy one(pyramid diamond push-ups). This time we going to start with 2 diamond push-ups straight into a squat thrust(burpee) but instead of fully extending on the thrust, you’re going to stay in a squatting position with your arms extended in a forward position while making a fist like you’re holding two hammers, hold for 10 seconds on every interval of your pyramid. So, 2 D’ push-ups burpee into a squat hold for 10secs followed by 4 D’push-ups the 20secs hold. D’ Push-ups: 2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2 Squat holds: 10,20,30,40,50,40,30,20,10 Cool down routine: Close grip(fist touching) pull-ups ladder set style, keep your body straight as a arrow complete 1 pull-up with a 10 second hold with your chin above your fist followed by 2 pull-ups with another 10 second hold. Your pull-ups will go from 1-10, your holds will stay consistently 10 seconds. Make sure you do not bend form your waist and your legs stay together at all times, remember **straight as a arrow**.

Good training!

[http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-r80ZQsuK3fY/URgBda0K0kI/AAAAAAAAALA/-4XgB6jTnbY /s1600/IMG_1369.JPG]

Posted 10th February 2013 by zakaveli thadon Labels: Excercise Routine BAR-BARIANS TM. Dynamic Views template. Powered by Blogger.

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21-09-2014 18:27




Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training Wednesday Routine 11.28.12

27th November 2012

This Wednesday's - A Leitz Out production. Suggested by Ryan F The "6 Routine" You could do 60 sec rest between sets. 1 MU, 5 pull ups 2 MU, 4 pull ups 3, 3 4, 2 5, 1 Reverse the order 1 pull up, 5 MU 2 pull ups, 4 MU 3, 3 4, 2 5, 1 End with: 1 pull up + 1 MU x 6 (12 reps in 1 set). If you fail on a MU you have to repeat the pull up/MU combination. For example, you miss the 10th rep (which is a MU), you have to do the pull up before you can do the MU. Good training !


Posted 27th November 2012 by zakaveli thadon Location: Brooklyn Brooklyn Labels: Exercise routine 4

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21-09-2014 18:27




Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

20th November 2012

The story of the 50

Sweaty palms , excited and nervous at the same time, waiting for my name to be called in gym class. My memories of the first time I had to perform pull-ups in front of an audience, the gym class instructor would serve as a judge in a 3 pull-up minimum physical test. I had two weeks to train but I only used one week to prepare. Before that test I always thought I can complete at least 5 consecutive pull ups, I was wrong , the strict form of the pull ups needed to pass the test was a rude awakening to my idea of what a pull-up was. I trained everyday for a week straight, I went from zero to 3 full ROM pull-ups in five days. I barely spent a hour everyday training. I already completed the 3 pull-ups in my mind and to me that was the hardest part to overcome, the physical part would be the easy part. I learned at a early age that seeing is believing, I always picture myself achieving my goals first, then making it a reality second. After I pass the "PT" , my goal was to able to complete 10 consecutive pull-ups. 50 pull-ups was just crazy at the time and I never thought that any normal person can complete that number of repetitions in one set. To me that would've been amazing if I can complete a week worth of working out in one set, 10 pull ups a day was my workout regimen at the time(11yr). 50 pull-ups has been a physical goal of mine for a long time. To me it's much more to complete something like this than to practice a move in my bedroom for hours. I started working out a long time before it became a YT/FB craze. The computer is helping the bar-world and killing it at the same time, more and more people are concentrating on being the next calisthenics star by replicating gymnastic moves in their bedrooms rather than going outside in the real world,working out and interacting with people that share the same passion. My FB&YT was the streets of America, where if you had a negative comment you would have to keep it to yourself or be prepared to deal with the repercussions. I traveled park to park working out hoping to find someone to challenge, critique, teach and motivate me to reach a higher level. Basics pull-ups became to boring at one point , so variations became a new way to challenge myself and target different muscle groups. Freestyle became the thing to do because of the audience it attracted and their reactions to seeing something they think is impossible for them to do. Basic are the foundation that the Bar-world is built from. The extreme strength moves are the evolution of bodyweight exercises and should always be backed up with a strong foundation of fundamental calisthenics. I gave myself 2 weeks to complete the "50" but I've been so busy I didn't get to train as much as I wanted to. I had to struggle 30(BB-20)when I started, my game plan was to mentally get past the 50, so my routines would consist of nothing below 50 reps, even if I had to break them up, I'll only gave myself a rest after 50 or better(reps) were completed. I had to strengthen my grip ,especially my left hand(due to the bike accident). Most of the routines I used are on this blog, I will describe my training in better detail on the instructional .

50 pull-ups has been completed before me and now they will definitely be more strong and inspired individuals to complete them after me. Completing the "50"means much more than me just displaying muscle endurance, I am hopefully motivating someone to set a goal and surpassing it. 50 was the my first and oldest physical goal, I'm on to completing my next goal,Hopefully I'll have it by June 1st!!!

Shout out to my Bar-Barian brothers , Jon Hinds,Hit , Денис,Maris, Sammy,Powerhouse ,all the teams that are true to themselves and everyone that support Zef Zakaveli . You're the ones that motivate me to accomplish all of my goals!

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training


Posted 20th November 2012 by zakaveli thadon Location: Brooklyn Brooklyn Labels: Story of the 50 7

7th November 2012

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Wednesday Routine 11.7.12

This week's routine is actually November's Bar-Barian forum challenge("Fletch's fun")we're gonna make it a ladder routine. Congrats to the newest Bar-Barian brother Ryan F. to celebrate we're going to do his challenge that's going this month on the Barbarian forum, if you're not a member, it's time to become one. http://bar-barians.forumotions.com/login?redirect=%2Ft5058-topic BAR-BARIANS TM. Dynamic Views template. Powered by Blogger.

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21-09-2014 18:27




Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

From 1-10 of each is the goal. You have a maximum of 5 seconds to transition between the two push up types and at no time can your knees touch the ground. Body should remain planked (no a$$ in the air), even as you are moving hands in and out. Feet should be together. Great routine , good training !

[https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-Kn7EZE3Fp5I/UJsI14iV6DI /AAAAAAAAAJ0/bXb-T2Gxunk/s640/blogger-image--1403937912.jpg]

Posted 7th November 2012 by zakaveli thadon Labels: Exercise routine 5

18th October 2012

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Wednesday Routine 10.24.12

A lever routine was requested last week(shout out to Steven L) so here we go, I'm expecting a lot of questions to be ask'd. Most of these routines are more effective with a partner, it helps to have someone to keep you from cheating, motivate you, keep count/time and BAR-BARIANS give you thatTM. much needed Dynamic Viewsbreak. template. Powered by Blogger.

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21-09-2014 18:27




Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

I needed help posting this routine, so I ask'd Ray L to explain it this week since he's the only person I know to complete it and the only person I know that can describe it. Lever routine: Part ONE. Number of participants needed = 3. 1. The athelete performing the front levers hangs from the bar. 2. The “counter” positions himself in front of the athelete on the bar. 3. The athelete performs 10 front levers. With each rep, the counter provides resistance for each rep (i.e., the rise of the feet) by firmly and abruptly pushing down on the tops of the feet. The push should occur when the athelete reaches an angle of about 45 degrees (with the ground). 4. To prevent “backswing,” the third participant kneels behind the athelete on the bar and simply holds his arm out to block the legs from swinging back. 5. EACH LEVER SHOULD START FROM A DEAD HANG. DO NOT USE SWING. DO 5 SETS OF 10. PART TWO Number of participants needed = 2. This is similar to part one in that front levers are performed for reps. However, this time, there is no resistance given – but backswing should still be avoided. 1. Do 10 front levers, each from a dead hang. 2. On the tenth rep, the counter holds the athelete’s legs up in a perferctly horizontal position FOR 10 SECONDS. When being held in the front lever position, the athelete should be as straight as possible. Do not let the hips sag. Do 5 sets of 10, with a hold on each tenth rep. -Ray L Good Training

At the 4minute mark is a demo of this 2 part routine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-YEbgIpcCU&sns=em

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Wednesday Routine 10.10.12

10th October 2012

Congrats Ray L,you made the WR's. This week is a push up routine created by Ray L, it's a good one that's why it's here. 1st: 40 second hold in a full plank(top of push-up position) followed by 40 push-ups then straight back to a 30 second full plank hold followed again with 30 push-ups this time. Continue all the way to 10. Get a extra 5 seconds then 5 push-ups for to add a cherry on the top. Always **NO BREAK UPS!** When you break up you have to spend a lot more time making up and it's going to cost you more $. So remember it's cheaper to keep her.. **Apply the above info wherever needed** Demo vid posted on twitter and http://www.telly.com/MI5Q2 I miscounted my twenty set and someone called and interrupted the recording Good training!

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21-09-2014 18:27




Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

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Posted 10th October 2012 by zakaveli thadon Labels: Exercise routine. 6

3rd October 2012

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Wednesday Routine 10.3.12

This week we have 2 routines: 1st- will be the LWT set, this is a hard routine and should be completed without letting go of the bar. It's 1 pull-up, 1 muscle-up, 1 straight bar dip. Start with 1 end with 5 of everything. Total of 15 pull ups, 15 muscle ups and 15 dips, the total time on the bar varies. If you have to break it up try not to break up the sets, meaning if you just completed the third round and feel like you can only do 4 pull ups, rest and charge up so you can complete a full set. This is a very advance routine so feel very good about yourself for even attempting to do it. BAR-BARIANS TM. Dynamic Views template. Powered by Blogger.

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

endurance. Any questions...?

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Posted 3rd October 2012 by zakaveli thadon Labels: Exercise routine 3

20th September 2012

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Wednesday routine 9.19.12

This is a core routine is a CORE killer, it's short and to the point. 5MD style , I know everyone loves those. Another partner preferred routine, if you don't have someone the complete this workout with , then good luck to you my brother because it's even harder to get a perfect time alone. It's very simple, you're going to hold with your chin above the bar, body straight , arms shoulder width apart,with your face as calm as a cow. The goal is to get the most time as possible holding your chin above the bar in 5 minutes. With a partner you can share the 5min clock, when one person drops the other picks up where is partner left off. You will need someone to help keep your total time that you spent holding with your chin above the bar and keep the BAR-BARIANS TM. Dynamic Views template. Powered by Blogger.

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21-09-2014 18:27




Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

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Posted 20th September 2012 by zakaveli thadon Labels: Exercise routine 4

12th September 2012

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Wednesday Routine 9.12.12

What's up everyone, I'm back from Paris even more tired, I had a great time out there. This week's routine is a nice one,it's a pyramid as always. 1st:this should be done with two people if you don't have a partner ,don't worry about it. *You're going to start with a dead hang for 5secs, then a 10sec hold with the top of your head touching the bar,after that a 15sec hold with your chin above the bar, right after that return back to a 10sec hold with the top of your head touching the bar then back to the dead hang for 5sec. When you do this routine with a partner, you should both start in opposite positions ex: one person will be dead hanging at the bottom and the other holding at the top with his chin above the bar. All break ups are 20 push-up penalty and the set should be voided(start back at the position you left at ,but time starts BAR-BARIANS TM. Dynamic Views template. Powered by Blogger.

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

Any questions just ask. Good training to all!


Posted 12th September 2012 by zakaveli thadon Labels: Exercise routines 8

5th September 2012

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Wednesday routine(s) 9.5.12

I'm very sorry for not posting any routines for the past month, I've been traveling to everywhere I was invited to. Shout out to everyone supporting my blog and trying these routines, shout to everyone who click'd one of the links on my blog and purchased something. Today's routines: I'm not sure if you seen my Jamaica pool routine(it's on my FB page) I originally wanted that to be the routine for that week but you know how it is when you're vacation(laziness kicks in). This routine can be easy if done with bad form. 1st :you're gonna need a short bar or a pool preferably with corners. Okay this routine is the long version to my "Zakaveli warmup" , instead of 5 muscle ups & five dips down to 1, we're gonna do 10 muscle ups & 10 dips down to 1 of each. BAR-BARIANS TM. Dynamic Views template. Powered by Blogger.

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

obvious reasons(if you don't know ask me). If you're gonna use the short bar, make sure it's at least to your chest anything higher is gonna make it more Bar-baric. The routine is easy, start with 10 muscle ups immediately follow by 10 dips, after the 10 dips go straight into doing 9 muscle ups then 9 dips. Repeat all the way to 1 of each. NO BREAK UPS!!! With the pool go all the way down locking out you arms with every rep, holding your breath everytime you go below makes it challenging. With the short bar you get a leg workout. You have to use your legs to help you jump into a muscle up, that's why you have to use a low bar. Your hands must stay on the bar at all times. I know the description might be a litte vague, ask me any question you might have about the routines.

***2nd routine of the day*** This is a mathematical routine that's a little tricky. This is originally created to punish the brothers that like to brake up routines. This routine should be done with two people on the pull up bar facing opposite directions.If you don't have some one to do this routine with you're gonna have to use your imaginary buddy. 1st: 1 person does one pull up, then then 2nd person does 1 pull up while the 1st person hangs. Next will be 2 pull ups, this is a ladder routine 1-10 back and forth , the catch is you have to complete a full set of every set. The real catch is that everytime you brake up a set you have to combine the total number up pull ups you and your partner completed and do a push for every pull up, no matter how many times you break it up you have to complete the push ups before you go back to the pull up bar. This routine turns more into a push up workout than a pull up one. If you're using a imaginary buddy make sure you don't cheat, the same time it took you to complete a set is the same time you give him. Let me know if anyone has a difficult time understanding any routine I'll try my best to help you out. I'll post a few more routines this week to make up for the lost time. Thanks again for the support.

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21-09-2014 18:27




Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training


Posted 5th September 2012 by zakaveli thadon Labels: Exercise routines 3

25th July 2012

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Wednesday Routine 7.25.11

This week we have another "Mark set". It's simple but very effective. 1st: 4 muscle ups followed by 1 pull up, then 3 muscle ups followed by 2 pull ups, 2 muscle ups then 3 pull ups, 1 muscle up then end with 4 pull ups. This is one set, as you know already about my routines that breaks up are to be avoided . Complete 4 sets with 10mins rest in between sets. Good form as always!

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21-09-2014 18:27




Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

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Posted 25th July 2012 by zakaveli thadon Labels: Exercise routine 3

18th July 2012

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Wednesday Routine 7.18.12

Rick's set: this is a routine that should be done mid or the last part of your workout to increase the difficulty. 1)dead hang for 5secs, complete muscle up then 90degree 5sec hold(straight bar dip position) make sure your stomach doesn't touch the bar, after that go directly to a 5sec hold with chin above the bar followed by a 5sec hold with the top of your head touching the bar, then back to the dead hang that completes one set. Try to complete 5 consecutive sets with the least amount of break ups. I will have post a demo vid on twitter so you can understand the routine better. Good luck!

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21-09-2014 18:27




Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

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Posted 18th July 2012 by zakaveli thadon Labels: Exercise routine 2

11th July 2012

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Wednesday Routine 7.11.12

This Wednesday is a very basic routine but it's a very good one:7 muscle ups, 11 pull ups, 12 push ups , 7 sets in 11 minutes followed by 12 cups of coconut water. Good luck!

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21-09-2014 18:27




Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

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Posted 11th July 2012 by zakaveli thadon Labels: Exercise routine 2

4th July 2012

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Wednesday Routine 7.4.12

4th of July and it's hot and wet like a honeymoon. Today we are going to do Mark's Straight bar dip pyramid, this routine you should have 2 people for this one. Start with both people dead hanging on the bar, one person M-ups then completes 2 dips while the other person hangs, soon as your done the next person goes up to the same, soon as he's/she's done, the 1st person goes back up to do 4 dips. Repeat to 10 then back down 2 . If you don't have a partner dead hang for how much reps you did ex: if you did 8 dips you should dead hang for 8 seconds.

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training



Posted 4th July 2012 by zakaveli thadon Labels: Excercise Routine 6

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

27th June 2012

Wednesday Routine 6.27.12

Late again(Zt), 2nite,lol we're going to do a Bar-club challenge from last week . 1st: 5 muscle ups, 10 dips, 10 pull ups, 10 push ups, that's one set. The only rest you take is walking from your dip station to your pull up bar. Try to complete 3 consecutive sets without stoping no longer than 10sec in between sets. Good luck!


Posted 27th June 2012 by zakaveli thadon Labels: Exercise routine 0

20th June 2012

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Wednesday routine 6.20.12

Late but great: need a ladder bar setup, if you don't have one just use a neutral grip, with the ladder bar, start from the left or the right side, get a brick or a 15lbs(6.8kg)+ dumbbell or weight: start with 5 pull ups then 5sec hold at top followed by 10 push ups, the brick should be placed on your lap as close as possible to your stomach. Ten sets non stop, complete your ladder working from side to side. Total of 50 pull ups, 100 push up and 50 seconds of holds

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21-09-2014 18:27




Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

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Posted 20th June 2012 by zakaveli thadon Labels: Exercise routine 2

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Wednesday Routine 6.13.12

13th June 2012

B-B'day routine:(1st set) 5 push ups, 5 pull ups, 5sec hold chin above, 5sec hold top of the head, 5sec dead hang, 5 more pull ups then end the set with 35 push ups. (2nd set)10 push ups, 10 pull ups 10sec hold chin above, 10sec hold top of the head, 10sec dead hang, 10more pull ups then end the set with 35 push ups (3rd set)15push ups, 15 pull ups 15sec hold chin above, 15sec hold top of the head, 15sec dead hang, 15more pull ups then end the set with 35 push ups. (4th set) back to reps of 10 and 10sec holds but end push ups stay at 35 (5th last set) end with reps of 5 and 5secs holds end with ***35***push ups.

As aways less break ups as possible Thanks for supporting me and I'll continue to motivate y'all

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21-09-2014 18:27




Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

***Don't forget to post a Zakaveli pose for me***


Posted 13th June 2012 by zakaveli thadon Labels: Exercise routine 5

19th May 2012

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Ustream live training at TSP**updated**

Straight from the park for the 1st time, I will be taking two or three routine request. Request must be posted here. Broadcast time is Saturday 5/19/12 @2:00pm- 3:00pm est. US :therealzakaveli Today was very hard to get to TSP, three different parades in on day at one time, plus there was a park dance off going on ,very crazy day.It was very hard to leave also. I didn't get back to Brooklyn 'til 7:47pm Now it's QT with my daughter. I will be 'casting 2morrow again to complete those request,I'll update with the time and place ** ***UPDATED TIME*** @3:30pm You can checkout the ustream page for some of the footage taken today@.

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training


Posted 19th May 2012 by zakaveli thadon Labels: Live training 18

16th May 2012

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Wednesday Routine 5/16/12

Another simple one today, a pyramid consisting of muscle ups, push ups and burpees .We're gonna start with 2 push ups followed by 1 burpee then 2 muscle ups. Increase by 2 except for the burpees ,those stay at the same number. So it's 2 push ups, 1 burpee ,2 muscle ups then straight to 4 push ups, 1 burpee straight into 4 muscle ups. 2-10-2 a total of 50 push ups , 50muscle ups 10 burpees. As always the least break ups as possible.

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training


Posted 16th May 2012 by zakaveli thadon Labels: Exercise routines 3

12th May 2012

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Q#1:What gloves do you use....

My earlier vids I used gloves, I stop using them because I lost a connection with the bar, conditioning your hands to endure rigorous bar training helps you to not rely on any man made materials to get a good workout .That's what the Bar-world is all about, being able to workout anywhere at anytime. No gym, weights, gloves or any supplements needed.

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21-09-2014 18:27




Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

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Posted 12th May 2012 by zakaveli thadon Labels: Frequent questions 3

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21-09-2014 18:27



BAR-CULTURE 9th May 2012

Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training Past workout routines.

Feb 29th :The workout for the week: 5 pull - ups then hold chin above the bar for 10secs, 5 pull-ups then hold top of your head below the bar(top of must be touching the bar for the full 10secs),5 pull ups then dead hang for 10secs, repeat the first step for a total of 20 pull ups and 40secs in one set 5 sets makes it Bar-baric , one set makes you a *.

March 7th: routine #2: this is a hard one, 2-push ups, 2-pull ups,2-headbangers,2-muscle ups and 2-dips.it's a Bar-baric pyramid , 2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2. Try not to break it up at least to 6, I only know one person to get 2 10 without breaking.

March 14th:Dead man hang: start with 5sec dead hang then 1pull up, 10sec d'hang then 2pull ups, 15sec D'hang then 3pull ups, 20sec d'hang then repeat to 30seconds then back down in increments of 5secs, pull ups always goes up, you should end on 11pull ups. a total of 3mins. 66 pull ups

March 22nd:5MD: push ups, complete 150 push ups in 5mins, start with 50 out side of shoulder, then 50 exact shoulder , then 50 Bar-baric diamonds.Must be full ROM, just in case you don't know what Bar-baric diamonds are here's a pic:


March 28th:5MD,easy routine today, 125 dips in minutes. That's a good one I try everyday.

April 4th:Forearm killah, this one is kind've difficult to explain but here we go: you start with 5 headbangers(sitting in the chair position)then immediately you do another 5 fist apart legs down body stiff, now back to the 1st position, this time 10, make sure you're in the correct position : fist touching knees slightly bent, core engaged, after that 10 in the straight position, make sure you're are straight with your legs 2gether and that your chin clears the bar. Last one,15 more on each position all without dropping 'll try and post a demo today because I know it's kind've confusing when you read it. Let me know if you have any trouble.

April 11th:Bk bridge, easy routine this week, it's called Brooklyn bridge because this was suppose to go down at least 4yrs ago. It's very simple:10 steps , heal to toe, drop and do 10 push ups, repeat for a distance of around a whole block, or around the park. That's a routine :that will increase your push up # and endurance. You understand the Bk bridge name? No? You'll find out...lol

April 18th:I was gonna make the Niro set today's routine but it's too late now, instead we're gonna do a simple pyramid of pull ups & baby CTI's ,I call them that because that headbanger name sucks don't know who came up with that BS, BAR-BARIANS TM. Dynamic Views template. Powered by Blogger.

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training

currently doing to prepare for Ukraine, I'll post a demo vid this afternoon.

April 25th:just like "dead mans hang" this one is the dip version. 5secs then 1dip, 10secs then 2dips, 15secs then 3dipsall the way to 30secs then 6dips, then work your way down back to 5secs then 11dips, seconds go from 5,10,15,20,25,30,25,20,15,10,5. 1 dip for every hold, the last set is a 11, try to do this set with the least amount of break ups as possible.Demo vid 4this at request.

May 2nd:Something lite on this rainy day, 10,15second pull ups. Start with 5secs with you chin above the bar, 5secs with the top of your head touching the bar, make sure you keep the top of your head in contact with the bar. Then 5secs dead hang, repeat same order for 10 reps.

Posted 9th May 2012 by zakaveli thadon 3

9th May 2012

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Wednesday routine

Very easy routine, it's better if you have a partner to do this one. "The Wingate duel" most of you seen me post a vid of O' and I doing this awhile back. It's one of my favorite routines that I do every time I get a chance to workout. **If you don't have push bar setup ,you can improvise with anything that you can change your push-up angle with**: it's basically a push up pyramid that you build twice in one set. You start with 1push up on the lower lever then another push up on the higher level, start with 1 all the way to 10, then 10 again then work you way down. A total of 220 in one set, to complete 5 sets is the goal. Try to find a partner to go back and forth with.

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Elite core strengthening with bodyweight training


Posted 9th May 2012 by zakaveli thadon Labels: Exercise routine 1

8th May 2012

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Zakaveli finally lets you into his world

i've created a place that should answer all of your questions about extreme bodyweight training. All of my Wednesday routines will be posted here, all of my tips(maybe not all) will be posted here also. Posted 8th May 2012 by zakaveli thadon 4

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