
February 25, 2019 | Author: Jason Italiano | Category: Armed Conflict, Unrest, Violence
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Assorted bits and pieces I picked up from the old Alderac forums for L5R 4th edition....


Give the Yogo a free raise on all Ward spells casting rolls and paper ward creation rolls. - Copy the method for paper wards creation partially from the Meishodo Technique. Technique. The Yogo Yogo school gets Calligraphy (Cipher as a school s!ill. "t loo!s li!e a very appropriate s!ill to insri#e a ward on paper$ paper$ don%t you thin!& 'o roll Calligraphy (Cipher  )ing of the spell%s element with a T* equal to +,  ('pell M / ,. *otice& *o raises required 0 You can store raises 1ust li!e the Tamori does in his potions. This ta!es a num#er of rounds equal to the Mastery evel of the spell (can #e reduced with )aises as for a spell casting action. - This does not consume a spell slot$ nor does it tie one down. 2owever$ 2owever$ activating the ward (#y the same rules as in the #oo! does cost a slot of the relevant element (3oid (3oid slots may #e used$ and the ward is only usa#le once. - 4dding more spells to the list of Wards Wards spells (especially at mid to high Mastery evels. - Tearing an 4CT"35 paper ward requires a contested )ing roll with the caster in the )ing of the spell%s element. 6estroying an inactive ward is still 1ust as easy as scrapping a piece of paper (simple action. Path: 4tsushi%s Method Technique Rank:  7 Replaces: )onin 7 Requirements: 8en1utsu 9$ "ntimidation 9 Technique: The ronin 4tsushi was !nown for using aggressive movements to offset his opponents. "f you are in the :ull 4ttac! 'tance and you successfully attac! an opponent that is in Center 'tance$ you may spend a 3oid ;oint as a :ree 4ction to negate any Center 'tance #onus they would normally receive on their following turn. Path: 4tsushi%s 'tance Technique Rank:  < Replaces: )onin < Requirements: Must possess the )an! 7 ronin path =4tsushi%s Method=. Technique: 4tsushi demanded demanded that his followers focus on the stri!e$ committing fully to their attac!s. When in the :ull 4ttac! 'tance$ you may ma!e 'imple 4ction 4ttac!s 4ttac!s with weapons containing the 'amurai !eyword.

4lterniate ;ath> 2ida Cannoner (?ushi 4lthough still outlawed #y "mperial 6ecree$ some mem#ers of the Cra# Clan find that the su#stance is too valua#le a weapon against the forces of @igo!u to go unused. They also reason that$ technically$ technically$ the shadowlands is not inside the 5mpire$ and thus the use of gai1in pepper is not really a crime when employed inside that #lasted region. Technique )an!> 7 )eplaces> 4ny Cra# ?ushi 'chool )an! 7 )equirements> :irearms )an! 9$ Craft> 5Aplosives 9 Technique> :lower of :ire Those of the Cra# who have em#raced the use of #lac! powder (whether from the Merenae or the 4gasha find that the eAplosions caused #y igniting large quantities are #oth viciously effective$ and strangely #eautiful. You You gain )eduction equal to twice your 5arth )ing against damage from firearms and #lac! powder eAplosions. *ew 4lternate ;ath> Tsuruchi Tsuruchi 'niper (?ushi With several ma1or holdings away from the mainland of )o!ugan$ and a proclivity to engage in many activities that are in those fuBBy grey areas of the law$ it is not surprising that the Mantis have trained a few of their samurai in the intricacies of firearm use. To To the surprise of no one$ the Tsuruchi family had a natural advantage$ once they found that #ullets$ unli!e arrows$ did not !now

the way. Technique )an!>  )eplaces> *4D May #e ta!en #y any character with , )an!s in the Tsuruchi 4rcher 'chool or the Tsuruchi ?ounty 2unter 'chool. )equirements> :irearms E$ Craft> 5Aplosives , Technique> ;aths Through the '!y 4ny samurai who has ever fired a firearm will tell you that a #ullet flies in a very different manner than an arrow. To the Tsuruchi$ this is o#vious$ and easy enough to overcome. 4ll of your 'chool Techniques that reference the 8yu1utsu '!ill and ?ows may #e used with the :irearms (or Teppoudo '!ill and firearms. *ew 4lternate ;ath> Tortoise 6uelist (?ushi With their constant contact with the gai1in cultures of Merenae and Thrane$ the Tortoise Clan has had to pic! up on a few interesting cultural oddities of that far-away place. ;erhaps the most dangerous of all is the tendency for some of the Merenae to duel$ not with their strange swords$ #ut with small hand-held guns (called pistols. Technique )an!> 9 )eplaces> Tortoise 'muggler )an! 9 )equirements> :irearms 9$ )efleAes 'tand and 6eliver 6ueling in foreign places always ta!es on a strange form$ #ut none is so strange as the pistoldueling of the Merenae. You gain a +!+ #onus on all '!ill rolls made as part of a duel$ as long as you and your opponent are #oth using a pistol. Frder of the 'pider 8ensai While the Frder of the 'pider is most well !nown for #rutal hand-to-hand techniques and mastery of the #isento$ some within their mysterious order choose to wal! a different path. imited only #y what they have close at hand$ the 8ensai of the 'pider Mon!s ma!e frequent use of many different weapons$ #oth familiar and eAotic. Technique )an!> 9 )eplaces> 'pider Mon! 9 )equirements> 4gility lai1utsu 9$ Meditation 9 Technique> 'oul of Certainty 'uBume duelists find their center through meditation and focus. They see! not personal glory$ #ut the harmony of spirit that settles over them as they enter the dueling stance. :or them$ victory has nothing to do with an opponent%s defeat$ #ut rather the achievement of victory within oneself. When participating in an iai1utsu duel$ you add your Meditation '!ill )an!s to the total of all "ai1utsu '!ill rolls. 4lternate ;ath> 6o1i Matchma!er (Courtier "n the city of Musume Mura the greatest na!Hdo$ or matchma!ers$ in the 5mpire ma!e their homes. 'amurai from every corner of )o!ugan vie for the chance to have a na!Hdo from Musume Mura arrange their marriage$ for it is said that such marriages last #eyond death and have never ended prematurely. The na!Hdo of the city are also !nown for not #eing glowering and heartless marriage arrangers$ #ut for #eing cautious$ compassionate$ and always ta!ing the #est interests of #oth parties to heart when arranging a union. Technique )an!> 7 )eplaces> 6o1i Courtier 7 )equirements> Courtier 9$ 5tiquette 9$ "nvestigation 9$ 4wareness To 2onor Mio!o You gain a 7!+ #onus on all Courtier$ 5tiquette$ and "nvestigation '!ill rolls made to find a suita#le partner for and arrange the marriage of a mem#er of the 'amurai caste. While you are serving as na!Hdo to samurai$ the two intended spouses may purchase the ?lissful ?etrothal 4dvantage for + point instead of 9. 4dditionally$ after the marriage is completed$ you gain , points of 2onor and Glory. ?ayushi "nstigator (Courtier Many samurai may en1oy courtly love as an idle pastime$ #ut the ?ayushi understand that such affairs can #ecome a potent weapon in the hands of an enemy. With a few well-placed words$ they encourage lovers to go #eyond mere letters and gifts$ even to the point of #etraying their duties to their lords and spouses. Technique )an!> 9

)eplaces> ?ayushi Courtier 9 )equirements> Temptation ('eduction 9 Technique> 2oneyed ;oison -- You may only target an individual you !now to #e attracted to someone who is not their spouse. 4fter spending a scene in private conversation with them$ discussing the o#1ect of their attraction$ you may roll Temptation ('eduction  4wareness against their 5tiquette (Courtesy  Willpower. "f you succeed$ the individual is inspired to a rec!less act$ such as an inappropriately private meeting$ an overt declaration of love$ or even an attempt at seduction. Targets with the True ove 6isadvantage must spend a 3oid ;oint to contest this rollD if they fail$ they may not spend a second point when rolling to resist its effects. 4lternate ;ath> 8in#a!ushi 8not-Tier I4rtisanJ What is common for most of the 5mpire$ as often as not$ is uncommon for the 'corpion Clan$ and the opposite holds true as well. While nearly every Great Clan has an 4rtisan 'chool or two$ none are so rare and o#scure as the 'hosuro 'hi#ari Masters (sometimes called 8in#a!u Masters$ depending on how they choose to pursue their craft. 'hi#ari literally means =to tie=$ and these 4rtisans pride themselves of their perfection of !not-tying$ whether it #e for display as a compleA form of art$ or as a #inding to hold a prisoner. Futside of the 'corpion Clan$ there is much discussion a#out the distinction #etween shi#ari and !in#a!u$ and whether one term is more appropriate than another. The 'corpion distinction (which is gaining popularity is that shi#ari refers to purely artistic$ aesthetic rope-tying$ whilst !in#a!u refers to an artistic$ connective$ sensual$ seAual practice. Futside of the 'corpion Clan$ this art is more commonly called 2o1o1utsu$ and is the art of restraining a person with a cord or rope. Technique )an!> 9 )eplaces> 4ny 'corpion Clan 'chool )an! 9. )equirements> 4rtisan> 'hi#ari (8in#a!u ,. Technique> The ;erfect 8not While some might disagree$ you have the s!ill to prove that tying !nots is an art form. You gain a +!+ #onus on all 4rtisan> 'hi#ari '!ill rolls. This #onus increases to 7!+ if you include a human as part of your artistic display$ and again to 9!+ if this person has the 6angerous ?eauty 4dvantage. Whenever you ma!e a display of this art$ you automatically gain 7 points of Glory (and 7 points of "nfamy if you include a human su#1ect$ as your art is intricate and shows the mastery of a life%s endeavors$ #ut it can also #e quite shoc!ing to #ehold. *ew 4lternate ;ath> 2o1o1utsu Master I4rtisan?ushiJ Technique )an!> 9 )eplaces> 'oshi Magistrate 9 )equirements> 4rtisan> 'hi#ari 9$ @iu1utsu (2o1o1utsu 9$ Chain Weapons 9. Technique> Coils of The :ast )ope You have mastered the com#at applications of the hayanawa$ or =fast rope=. You may use any suita#le length of rope as a K!+ Chain Weapon. 4dditionally$ you may use your 4rtisan> 'hi#ari '!ill in place of any "ntimidation (Torture '!ill roll. "f you do so$ you do not lose any 2onor or Glory as you normally would for using "ntimidation (Torture. :inally$ you gain a +!+ #onus on all @iu1utsu '!ill rolls to initiate or control a grapple if you are using a rope as part of the grapple$ or if your target has the 5ntangled condition. 4lternate ;ath> Matsu%s :angs ICourtierJ 4lthough the Matsu family as a whole tends to eschew courtly life$ they do find that their mindset and fury can #e quite effective at gaining power and !eeping enemies at #ay within courtly settings. The Matsu%s :angs courtiers are !nown for #eing eAceptionally polite$ while ma!ing it apparent that

they will not tolerate any defiance of their terms and orders. Technique )an!> 7 )eplaces> Matsu ?erser!er 7 )equirements> 5tiquette 9$ 'incerity (2onesty 9. Technique> 'mile and ?are :angs @ust as few warriors are prepared to face the fur y of a Matsu on the #attlefield$ so too are few courtiers prepared to face that same fury$ #arely hidden #ehind a #eautiful smile$ in the courts. Whenever you ma!e a 'ocial '!ill roll made to influence another (such as Courtier or "ntimidation you may use your 'trength in place of the a#ility normally used for that '!ill (usually 4wareness. *ew ;ath> Matsu 'wordsman (?ushi While !nown more for their ?erser!ers and ?eastmasters$ the Matsu family practices one of only three human styles of !en1utsu that predate the empire$ sharing a long and illustrious history with #oth the Mirumoto and the 8a!ita styles. ?ut where 8a!ita taught his followers to perfect the single stri!e with the !atana$ and Mirumoto instructed others in the use of his two-sword technique$ the ady Matsu preferred to use a sword more suited to her temperament> the no-dachi. 4lthough the family as a whole would never stoop to any petty rivalry over who%s method is #etter (as the 8a!ita and Mirumoto are !nown to do$ the Matsu hold the !en1utsu techniques of ady Matsu in high regard$ and will answer any slander of those techniques with steel. The !en1utsu techniques of the ady Matsu have their roots in her fighting style #efore 1oining with 4!odo Fne-eye and her defeat at the hands of 8a!ita at the first 5merald Championship. Technique )an!> + )eplaces> Matsu ?erser!er + )equirements> 8en1utsu (*o-6achi 9 Technique> 'tri!e With :ury 4 Matsu ?ushi fights as the original Matsu did$ relying on her strength to overwhelm her opponents. You gain the ?enefit$ '!ills$ 2onor$ and Futfit of a )an! + Matsu ?erser!er. You may add your 'trength Trait )an! to the total of your 8en1utsu '!ill rolls. 4dditionally$ when you assume the 4ttac! 'tance$ you may gain the #enefits and penalties of the :ull 4ttac! 'tance. When you assume the :ull 4ttac! 'tance$ you suffer a -+, penalty to your 4rmor T* instead of the normal -+K$ #ut you also gain a 7!+ #onus to your melee damage rolls. Fld 'tuff$ Made *ew0 *ew ;ath> 6o1iLs :an When the nicorn first returned to the 5mpire$ it was the Crane who validated their claim as the descendants and heirs of the 8i-)in Clan. The Crane were a#le to do this #ecause the nicorn possessed 6o1iLs :an$ an artifact given to ady 'hin1o #y her sister ady 6o1i as she and her followers departed the 5mpire. 8nowing that the 8i-)in would never have allowed the fan to fall into the hands of others$ the Crane Champion at that time gleefully confirmed that the nicorn were who they claimed to #e$ and the 5mpire re1oiced (more or less at the return of their lost cousins. "n return for their aid$ the nicorn presented the Crane with a num#er of their horses$ and training on how to #est ma!e use of them. Fther than their gift to the 5mperor$ this is the only time that the nicorn have ever presented what could #e descri#ed as #reeding stoc! to anyone outside the clan. "t too! only a generation or so #efore the Crane were a#le to field an effective cavalry force using the information given them #y the nicorn. *aturally the unit$ called 6o1iLs :an in recognition of its origins$ started very small and has grown over the centuries as the Crane have #een a#le to gradually increase the siBe of their sta#le of horses. *ow the :an occupies a place in #oth the first and second Crane armies$ although their presence in the first is larger #y far than within the second.

6o1iLs :an (?ushi Technique )an!> 9 )eplaces> 8a!ita ?ushi 9 or 6aido1i "ron Warrior 7 )equirements> 2orsemanship 9$ 6efense 9. Technique> ady 'hin1oLs Gift  The greatest strength of the 6o1iLs :an is their versatility. When a s!irmish #egins$ you gain a num#er of #onus dice equal to your 2orsemanship '!ill. You may use each of these dice to add a +!K #onus to any 6efense or Weapon '!ill roll made during that s!irmish. 5ach die may #e used only once. You may not add more than your 3oid )ing in #onus dice to any roll. 4ny dice not used #y the end of the s!irmish are lost. This Technique can only #e employed while mounted. *ew ;ath> Yoritomo Marines Yoritomo #ushi are !nown for their unorthodoA fighting style$ which draws greatly from their tendency to fight on the rolling dec!s of Mantis Clan ships. While the average Yoritomo has also adapted these techniques to fighting on land$ the men trained as Yoritomo Marines have perfected the art of fighting on land as they would on the sea. The Yoritomo Marines are the shoc! troops of the Mantis navy$ typically the first men and women to land on the shore and the last to leave$ fighting shoulder to shoulder with the finest and most elite units in the Mantis ran!s$ including the Yoritomo 5lite Guard and the 'torm egion. Their ruthlessness in com#at can come as a terri#le surprise to many who are only accustomed to facing individual Yoritomo samurai$ individuals who typically lac! the same military training. Yoritomo Marines (?ushi Technique )an!> 7 )eplaces> Yoritomo ?ushi 7 )equirements> 8nives (8ama 9$ 4thletics 9. Technique> Wave ?rea!er  The Yoritomo Marines are trained to wash over the front lines of their enemies li!e the waves upon the shore. Com#at maneuvers that require )aises (6isarm$ Called 'hot$ :eint$ etc. require one less )aise for you$ to a minimum of one. When facing an opponent wielding a !atana$ wa!iBashi$ or #oth$ you gain a :ree )aise each round that may #e used on attac!$ damage$ or 6efense rolls. *ew ;ath> egion of :lame The notion of specially trained legions of 'hi#a #ushi wor!ing with and protecting the 5lemental Guard was an idea first posited #y "sawa Tada!a during the Clan War. The Master of 5arth was well-li!ed #y the 'hi#a for his respect and appreciation for them$ unli!e other masters of that time who were very disdainful of those who could not spea! to the !ami. The idea was not eAploited$ however$ until 'hi#a Tsu!une #ecame the Clan Champion. nder Tsu!uneLs direction$ the various legions came into #eing and have served in the 'hi#a military ever since. The egion of :lame in particular has #ecome well !nown for their aggressive offense and the eAacting toll they ta!e on an enemyLs front lines. This is no dou#t in part due to the legionLs affiliation with the :irestorm egion$ a group !nown for possessing a certain enthusiasm for com#at. egion of :lame (?ushi Technique )an!> < )eplaces> 'hi#a ?ushi < )equirements> 3oid Craft> ;oison 9$ 'tealth 9$ 8nives ('ai 9 Technique> The 3enomed Claw  The Claws are taught to maAimiBe #oth the lethality of their weapons$ and the potency of the poisons they use. 6uring a s!irmish$ you may place poison on the #lade of your weapon as a 'imple 4ction$ and may ma!e a 'tealth roll (T* +, to do so without anyone noticing. 4ll of your attac!s made with a sai ignore any increases to your opponentLs T* as a result of armor. The T* to resist poisons applied to your sai is increased #y ,. *ew ;ath> 'pider 2eavy 5lite 5very clan fields regular infantry$ heavy regulars$ elite infantry$ and heavy elites. "n all cases$ the heavy elite infantry forces are the most seasoned$ most eAperienced$ and most dangerous men and women in service to the clan outside the special units. This is equally true for the 'pider$ and could in fact #e even more accurate regarding them when one considers the nature of the 'pider 2eavy 5lite. "n addition to #eing highly trained soldiers with considera#le #attle eAperience$ many among the 'pider 2eavy 5lite are also Tainted. Those chosen to 1oin the 5liteLs ran!s are only chosen if they have no adverse mental or physical effects from the Taint$ and can demonstrate clear  1udgment in calling upon its power. ?ecause of the nature of their a#ilities$ the 'pider 2eavy 5lite have the physical a#ilities necessary to offset the disadvantages of using heavy armor and weapons$ ma!ing them even more dangerous than similar units in other clans. "n order to maintain the clanLs faNade$ however$ and to prevent the acceleration of the Taint through their ran!s$ the 2eavy 5lite are taught to use their supernatural a#ilities sparingly and only when necessary. 'pider 2eavy 5lite (?ushi Technique )an!> 9 )eplaces> 6aigotsu ?ushi 9 )equirements> 'trength 'piderLs 6eadly Caress  The 'pider 2eavy 5lite have learned that unrelenting force can overcome virtually any o#stacle$ if pressed long enough. You suffer no penalties for wearing

heavy armor. When in the :ull 4ttac! 'tance$ you may add your 2eavy Weapons '!ill ran! to the total of all attac! and damage rolls. *ew ;ath> Fnisu 2unter When 6aigotsu created his Fnisu he created an enemy the li!es of which the Cra# had never #efore encountered. 4s 6aigotsu%s army pushed through the Wall and into the heart of the 5mpire$ the 8uni #ecame even more determined than ever to find a way to destroy what they perceived to #e 6aigotsu%s generals. The Fnisu were each unique$ however$ and many of them had already #een destroyed #y the time that the 8uni had perfected the techniques meant to #ring the powerful oni down. The 8uni were a practical family$ however$ and did not #elieve in discarding !nowledge that could still #e of use to the Clan. The end result was a small group of 8uni shugen1a who eAcelled at using their magic to destroy oni and other tainted creatures. 6espite the fact that the Fnisu have disappeared from the 5mpire$ the 8uni have chosen to retain the original name given to their group$ to show that they are ready should the terri#le creatures ever reappear. Though their num#ers were once small$ more and more 8uni are #eing sent to learn the ways of the Fnisu 2unters$ and their reputation is spreading...on #oth sides of the Wall. Fnisu 2unter ('hugen1a Technique )an!> < )eplaces> 8uni 'hugen1a < )equirements> ore> 'hadowlands ,$ 'pellcraft , Technique> @ade :ire  When ma!ing a spell casting roll against a target !nown to possess the 'hadowlands Taint$ your dice eAplode on O%s as well as +K%s. "f the target of your spell is an Fnisu$ your dice eAplode on P%s and O%s as well as +K%s. *ew ;ath> 4sahina :eng 'hui Master :eng 'hui is a somewhat esoteric discipline that deals with using the placement of material o#1ects to affect the flow of chi throughout the world. While :eng 'hui has always had its f ollowers throughout the 5mpire$ the 4sahina are the only family to have em#raced its teachings on such a grand scale. Their :eng 'hui masters are a#le to su#tly alter the way that chi flows through a space$ improving the energy flow of locations as small as a single room to as large as an entire province. "t is said that some of the more confusing aspects of Crane architecture - such as critical gates in indefensi#le locations or fountains o#scuring otherwise perfect views - are the result of applied :eng 'hui. The oldest of Crane cities are arranged according to these same principles$ hinting at a devout following even in the years prior to the 4sahina family%s founding. 4sahina :eng 'hui Master ('hugen1a Technique )an!> 7 )eplaces> 4sahina 'hugen1a 7 )equirements> 6ivination 9 Technique> :eng 'hui 4lignment  Fnce per day you may select one character that you !now and a room or similarly siBed space that you wish to prepare. ;reparing the space requires one hour. 4t the end of the hour$ you ma!e a 6ivination (4strology 3oid roll against a T* of 7K. "f successful$ the character gains one additional )an! in the uc! 4dvantage$ #ut only while they are within the prepared area. 4lternatively$ you may choose to select a single '!ill instead of a specific character. "n this case$ the #enefits of this technique affect any character within the prepared area that tries to ma!e a '!ill Chec! using the selected '!ill. :or every two )aises you declare on the 6ivination roll you may increase the num#er of ran!s of uc! granted #y this technique #y one. "f you are using this technique to affect a specific s!ill$ the total num#er of )an!s of uc! !eyed to it cannot eAceed your )an! in that s!ill. *o matter how many )an!s of uc! you gain$ however$ you cannot choose to reroll more than once on any given '!ill chec!. 4ny ran!s of uc! that are not used #y the end of

the day vanish. *ew ;ath> 8itsu 3otary ?efore her death$ 8itsu 8atsu!o was regarded as one of the most accomplished 'odan 'enBo the ion Clan had ever seen. "t was rumored that she was even a#le to ma!e contact with the ancestral spirit of Matsu$ whose impossi#ly high standards were once #elieved to #e unreacha#le. Though their conversation was #rief$ 8atsu!o wal!ed away from the encounter a changed woman. "t is un!nown what she may have accomplished had her life not #een tragically cut short #y an assassin%s !nife$ #ut the writings left #ehind in her 1ournal hinted at a profound revelation into the nature of the ancestors. 4fter her death$ 8itsu 8iyo!o chose to share her mother%s insights with the rest of her family$ viewing them as too important to !eep to herself. The writings were nothing particularly astonishing to a 'odan 'enBo such as 8iyo!o$ #ut to 8itsu shugen1a who lac!ed her gift they were unli!e anything they had ever seen. 'ince then$ the 8itsu have esta#lished a formal method of studying 8atsu!o%s teachings$ which seem to have #ridged the gap #etween 'odan 'enBo and %ordinary% 8itsu 'hugen1a. The shugen1a who wal! this path are !nown as 8itsu 3otaries$ and the ancestors heed their call li!e never #efore. 8itsu 3otary ('hugen1a Technique )an!> 7 )eplaces> 8itsu 'hugen1a 7 )equirements> ore> Theology (4ncestor Worship 9 Technique> 4ncestral Guidance  Target an ally within your line of sight. ?y spending a 3oid ;oint$ you can request that one of the target%s ancestors watch over and guide him. This guidance grants a #onus to one of the target%s s!ills (your choice equal to his 2onor )an! for a num#er of hours equal to your "nsight )an!. 'ome 4ncestors might also as! immediate or long-term favors in eAchange for their help and guidance$ at the GM%s discretion. Characters with the :orsa!en disadvantage cannot use or #enefit from this Technique

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