Disclaimer 'his pro(ect report has $een prepared $& the author as a student o) 3rd &ear under the )i*e &ear ##+.,,.# -/ 0ro%ra in the +'S ,aw School )or acadeic purposes onl&. 'he *iews expressed in this report are personal to the student and do not re)lect the *iew o) coission or an& another person law school or an& o) its sta)) or personnel. +n& )or acadeicall& pu$lishin% o) this article then it ust $e authorit& )ro the respecti*e law school in an& anner. 'his report is the International ,aw and 5e%ulation o) 5e)u%ees and the sae or an& part thereo) a& not $e used in an& anner whatsoe*er without express perission o) the +'S ,aw School in writin%.
7i*&ansh Shara 813##+,,#9
I )eel hi%hl& elated to wor: on this d&naic and hi%hl& iportant topic that is + #rie)
Stud& on Extortion. 'his topic instantl& drew & attention and attracted e to
research on it. I a )ortunate to $e pro*ided with an opportunit& to write & paper under the :ind super*ision o) r. 0an:a( 8$ar:ar -+sst. 0ro). +'S ,aw School/ and I a than:)ul to her )or pro*idin% e with the appropriate %uidance while writin% the paper. 'his paper would not ha*e $een possi$le without her *alua$le inputs honest rear:s and earnest e))ort to %uide e throu%hout the dra)tin% o) the paper. I would li:e to extend & sincere than: to her )or %i*in% e her *alua$le tie to *iew & research )ro her $us& schedule. I a hi%hl& inde$ted to the li$rar& sta)) to help e )ind the rele*ant $oo:s and (ournals and other o))icials and o))ice sta))s who ha*e also extended their help whene*er needed. I would li:e to extend & sincere than:s to & )riends and )or their re*iew and honest rear:s.
So I hope I ha*e tried & le*el $est to $rin% in new ideas and thou%hts re%ardin% the $asics o) this topic. ;ot to )or%et & deep sense o) re%ard and %ratitude to & )acult& ad*iser r. 0an:a( 8$ar:ar who pla&ed the role o) a prota%onist. ,ast $ut not the least< I than: all the e$ers o) the +'S ,aw School and all others who ha*e helped e in a:in% this pro(ect a success.
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Extortion is the crie o) o$tainin% one& or propert& $& threat to a *icti=s propert& or lo*ed ones intiidation or )alse clai o) a ri%ht. It is de)ined under section 3>3 o) Indian 0enal Code. It is dealt )ro section 3>3 to section 3>. Extortion is a )elon& in all states. #lac:ail is a )or o) extortion in which the threat is to expose e$arrassin% and daa%in% in)oration to )ail& )riends or the pu$lic. Inherent in this coon )or o) extortion is the threat to expose the details o) soeone=s pri*ate li*es to the pu$lic unless one& is exchan%ed. Extortion can ta:e place o*er the telephone *ia ail text eail or other coputer or wireless counication. I) an& ethod o) interstate coerce is used in the extortion it can $e a )ederal crie. !irtuall& all extortion statutes re@uire that a threat ust $e ade to the person or propert& o) the *icti. 'hreats to har the *icti=s )riends or relati*es a& also $e included. It is not necessar& )or a threat to in*ol*e ph&sical in(ur&. It a& $e su))icient to threaten to accuse another person o) a crie or to expose a secret that would result in pu$lic e$arrassent or ridicule. 'he threat does not ha*e to relate to an unlaw)ul act.
#esearch !etho'olog()$
'he doctrinal ethod o) research has $een used which in*ol*e collection o) data )ro $oth priar& and secondar& sources. 'he researcher has relied on priar& sources li:e International Charters resolutions o) the international $odies and coittees related thereto and Secondar& sources li:e $oo:s written $& *arious einent authors and articles )ound in the (ournals and we$sites e(ournals. 8se o) internet also $ecae *er& rele*ant to )ind out the ost updated rele*ant and apt in)oration which helped e in explorin% the su$(ect )ro *arious diensions.
Scheme o* Chapterization
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'he coplete pro(ect is di*ided into six chapters. 'he )irst chapter is an introduction to the research pro(ect. 'he second )ocuses on ,e%al Arae Wor:. 'he third one is the stud& on Extortion under I0C. 'he )ourth chapter deals with Cases related to the topic +nd the last chapter deals with the Conclusion.
'he doctrinal research ethodolo%& would $e used in anal&sin% the ;atural resource accountin% and to see its international prospecti*e. ,iitation o) the stud&B 'he research has $een copleted in approx. 1 wee:
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C"APTE# + %% What is E,tortionE,tortion -also called shae'o/n o0t/restling and e,action / is a criinal o))ense o)
o$tainin% one& propert& or ser*ices )ro a person entit& indi*idual or institution throu%h coercion. It is soeties eupheisticall& re)erred to as a protection rac:et since the rac:eteers o)ten phrase their deands as pa&ent )or protection )ro -real or h&pothetical/ threats )ro unspeci)ied other parties. Extortion is coonl& practiced $& or%aniDed crie %roups. 'he actual o$tainent o) one& or propert& is not re@uired to coit the o))ense. a:in% a threat o) *iolence which re)ers to a re@uireent o) a pa&ent o) one& or propert& to halt )uture *iolence is su))icient to coit the o))ense. Exaction re)ers not onl& to extortion or the deandin% and o$tainin% o) soethin% throu%h )orce
additionall& in its )oral de)inition eans the in)liction o) soethin% such as pain and su))erin% or a:in% soe$od& endure soethin% unpleasant. Extortion is distin%uished )ro ro$$er&. In ro$$er& whether ared or not the o))ender ta:es propert& )ro the *icti $& the iediate use o) )orce or )ear that )orce will $e iediatel& used -as in the classic line Gour one& or &our li)e./ Extortion which is not liited to the ta:in% o) propert& in*ol*es the *er$al or written instillation o) )ear that soethin% will happen to the *icti i) the& do not copl& with the extortionist=s will. +nother :e& distinction is that extortion alwa&s in*ol*es a *er$al or written threat whereas ro$$er& does not. In 8nited States )ederal law extortion can $e coitted with or without the use o) )orce and with or without the use o) a weapon. In $lac:ail which alwa&s in*ol*es extortion the extortionist threatens to re*eal in)oration a$out a *icti or their )ail& e$ers that is potentiall& e$arrassin% sociall& daa%in% or incriinatin% unless a deand )or one& propert& or ser*ices is et. 'he ter extortion is o)ten used etaphoricall& to re)er to usur& or to price%ou%in% thou%h neither is le%all& considered extortion. It is also o)ten used loosel& to re)er to e*er&da& situations where one person )eels inde$ted a%ainst their will to another in order to recei*e an essential ser*ice or a*oid le%al conse@uences.
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;either extortion nor $lac:ail re@uires a threat o) a criinal act such as *iolence erel& a threat used to elicit actions one& or propert& )ro the o$(ect o) the extortion. Such threats include the )ilin% o) reports -true or not/ o) criinal $eha*ior to the police re*elation o) daa%in% )acts Extortion is a crie in which one person )orces another person to do soethin% a%ainst his will %enerall& to %i*e up one& or other propert& $& threat o) *iolence propert& daa%e daa%e to the personHs reputation or extree )inancial hardship. Extortion in*ol*es the *ictiHs consent to the crie $ut that consent is o$tained ille%all&.
Examples of Extortion + classic exaple o) extortion is the protection schee where )i%ures with ties to or%aniDed crie deand that shop owners pa& )or their protection to pre*ent soethin% $ad -such as an assault on the shop:eeper or daa%e to his or her store or %oods/ )ro happenin%. an& states also consider $lac:ail where a *icti is )orced to pa& soeone to pre*ent the )ro releasin% in)oration that could daa%e their reputation or their $usiness to $e a )or o) extortion. '&picall& as in those exaples extortion in*ol*es threats o) )uture *iolence or har rather than iediate *iolence or har $ut extortion can in*ol*e iediate *iolence. Aor exaple it would still $e extortion i) the o))enders in the a$o*e exaple assaulted the shop:eeper to )orce hi to pa& the the re@uired protection one& instead o) threatenin% to do so in the )uture. In such cases extortion $ecoes *er& siilar to ro$$er&.
Dierences Between Extortion and Robbery ne distinction $etween extortion and ro$$er& is that extortion re@uires that the o))ender a:e a *er$al or written threat while ro$$er& does not. Since extortion rarel& in*ol*es iediate har howe*er the cries t&picall& can $e distin%uished $ecause a ro$$er uses iediate threats and )orce to steal the *ictiHs propert& while in extortion the *icti willin%l& hands o*er his one& or personal propert& in order to a*oid )uture daa%e or *iolence.
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Understanding the Degrees of Extortion +ll )i)t& states ha*e *ar&in% laws re%ardin% extortion with ost states classi)&in% it as a )elon&. Soe states char%e the crie as a the)t o))ense while others call it attepted extortion extortion in the )irst de%ree or extortion in the second de%ree. In the )ew states that split extortion into de%rees extortion in the )irst de%ree usuall& in*ol*es threats o) $odil& har or ph&sical con)ineent while extortion in the second de%ree applies to threatenin% to accuse a person o) a crie or to expose a secret.
Penalties for Extortion 0enalties )or extortion *ar& widel& in di))erent states and depend on the se*erit& o) the threats in*ol*ed $ut sentences %enerall& ran%e $etween 2 to 4 &ears. owe*er an& states allow )or sentences o) " 19 or e*en 29 &ears. I) an& instruent o) interstate coerce -such as the ail a phone or a coputer/ is used in coission o) the crie it also $ecoes a )ederal crie with a )ine or sentence o) up to 29 &ears.
Proving Extortion 'he speci)ic eleents re@uired to pro*e extortion di))er $etween states $ut the %eneral re@uireents are that the o))ender aliciousl& -not ista:enl&/ a:e a *er$al written or printed threat with the intent to extort soethin% )ro the *icti or to copel the *icti to do soethin% a%ainst his or her will. Jenerall& it is irrele*ant whether or not the o))ender actuall& succeeds in the attepted extortion. nce the threat is ade the o))ender has coitted extortion. In soe (urisdictions and under the )ederal extortion de)inition the *icti does not e*en ha*e to hear or recei*e the threat in order )or the o))ender to $e char%ed with extortion. Extortion does not usuall& re@uire that the o))ender threaten to coit a criinal act as lon% as the threat attepts to o$tain one& propert& or to )orce the *icti to act a%ainst their will. Aor exaple a threat to $rin% criinal char%es or )ile a police report unless one& is paid is still extortion e*en thou%h the o))ender a& ha*e e*er& ri%ht to )ile a police report. #& couplin% the le%al act with the ille%al act o) deandin% pa&ent to not act the o))ender has
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coitted extortion. ;ote howe*er that a threat to )ile a ci*il lawsuit t&picall& is not considered extortion e*en i) that lawsuit is )ri*olous. 'he threat also does not ha*e to $e directed at the *icti. It is still extortion i) the threat is directed towards the *ictiHs )ail& or i) it threatens to release in)oration a$out soe third part& the *icti see:s to protect
Section3>3 – Extortion Whoe*er intentionall& puts an& person in )ear o) an& in(ur& to that person or to an& other and there$& dishonestl& induces the person so put in )ear to deli*er to an& propert& or *alua$le securit& or an&thin% si%ned or sealed which a& $e con*erted into a *alua$le securit& coits extortion. Illustrations
-a/ + threatens to pu$lish a de)aator& li$el concernin% K unless K %i*e hi one&. e thus induces K to %i*e hi one&. + has coitted extortion. -$/ + threatens K that he will :eep K=s child in wron%)ul con)ineent unless K will si%n and deli*er to + proissor& note $indin% K to pa& certain onies to +. K si%ns and deli*ers the note. + has coitted extortion. -c/ + threatens to send clu$en to plou%h up K=s )ield unless K will si%n and deli*er to # $ond $indin% K under a penalt& to deli*er certain produce to # and there$& induces K to sin% and deli*er the $ond. + has coitted extortion. -d/ + $& puttin% K in )ear o) %rie*ous hurt dishonestl& induces K to si%n or a))ix his seal to a $lan: paper and deli*er it to +. K si%ns and deli*ers the paper to +. ere as the paper so si%ned a& $e con*erted into a *alua$le securit&. + has coitted extortion.
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Section3>4 0unishent )or Extortion Whoe*er coits extortion shall $e punished with iprisonent o) either description )or a ter which a& extend to three &ears or with )ine or with $oth.
Section 3>" 0uttin% person in )ear o) in(ur& in order to coit extortion Whoe*er in order to the coittin% o) extortion puts an& person in )ear or attepts to put an& person in )ear o) an& in(ur& shall $e punished with iprisonent o) either description )or a ter which a& extend to two &ears or with )ine or with $oth.
Section 3>6 Extortion $& puttin% a person in )ear o) death or %rie*ous hurt Whoe*er coits extortion $& puttin% an& person in )ear o) death or o) %rie*ous hurt o that person or to an& other shall $e punished with iprisonent o) either description )or a ter which a& extend to ten &ears and shall also $e lia$le to )ine.
Section 3>L 0uttin% person in )ear o) death or o) %rie*ous hurt in order to coit extortion )ear o) death or %rie*ous hurt Whoe*er in order to the coittin% o) extortion puts or attepts to put an& person in )ear o) death or o) %rie*ous hurt to that person or to an& other shall $e punished with iprisonent
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o) either description )or a ter which a& extend to se*en &ears and shall also $e lia$le to )ine.
Section 3>> Extortion $& threat o) accusation o) an o))ence punisha$le with death or iprisonent )or li)e etc. Whoe*er coits extortion $& puttin% an& person in )ear o) an accusation a%ainst that person or an& other o) ha*in% coitted or attepted to coit an& o))ence punished with death or with Miprisonent )or li)eF or with iprisonent )or a ter which a& extend to ten &ears or o) ha*in% attepted to induce an& other person to coit such o))ence shall $e punished with iprisonent o) either description )or a ter which a& extend to ten &ears and shall also $e lia$le to )ine< and i) the o))ence $e one punished under section 3LL o) this Code a& $e punished with Miprisonent )or li)eF.
Section 3> 0uttin% person in )ear o) accusation o) o))ence in order to coit extortion Whoe*er in order to the coittin% o) extortion puts or attepts to put an& person in )ear o) an accusation a%ainst that person or an& other o) ha*in% coitted or attepted to coit an o))ence punished with death or with Miprisonent )or li)eF or with iprisonent )or a ter which a& extend to ten &ears shall $e punished with iprisonent o) either description )or ter which a& extend to ten &ears and shall also $e lia$le to )ine< and i) the o))ence $e punished under section 3LL o) this Code a& $e punished with Miprisonent )or li)eF.
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C"APTE# $ %4
CasesB Bhagat #am 5s State O* #a6asthan on 17 8an0ar(9 73:; #ha%at 5a durin% the &ear 162 was posted as circle ins pector o) police at Jan%ana%ar. +ncestral *illa%e o) #ha%at 5a is ehna in 'ehsil o%a 7istrict AeroDepur. 5a Swaroop also $elon%s to that *illa%e. #oth #ha%at 5a and 5a Swaroop were tried in the court o) special (ud%e Jan%a na%ar )or o))enses under section 129# I0C )or conspirin% to extort $ri$e o) 5s. 2999 )ro 0 W I ;iran(an 7ass o) o%a. Char%es were also )raed a%ainst #ha%at 5a )or o))enses under sections 161 21> 34L and 3> Indian 0enal Code as also section " -1/ -a/ read with section " -2/ o) 0re*ention o) Corruption +ct. +dditional char%e under section 16"+ Indian 0enal Code was )raed a%ainst 5a Swaroop. #oth #ha%at 5a and 5a Swaroop were ac@uitted $& the special (ud%e Jan%ana%ar in respect o) all the char%es. 'he State o) 5a(asthan )iled an appeal a%ainst the ac@uittal o) the two accused. 'he appeal was heard $& a 7i*ision #ench consistin% o) '&a%i and ,odha '.'.
Chelloor !anal Nara(an ... 5s State O* Tra5ancore$Cochin on 7< No5em=er9 73>; 12 | P a g e
N87JE;' +I5 1"3 SC 4L> #.O. u:her(ea N. 1. 'his appeal which has coe $e)ore us on special lea*e is directed a%ainst a (ud%ent o) the i%h Court o) 'ra*ancoreCochin dated Nul& 16 1"1 passed in Criinal +ppeal ;o. 14 o) 1"9 $& which the learned Nud%es set aside an order o) ac@uittal ade in )a*our o) the appellant $& the Special a%istrate 'richur in C. C. ;o. 1 o) 112" .E. and con*ertin% it into one o) con*iction under Section 3> indian 0enal Code -correspondin% to Section 49 Indian 0enal Code/ sentenced hi to under%o ri%orous iprisonent )or a period o) one &ear and pa& a )ine o) 5s. 1999< in de)ault o) pa&ent o) )ine he was to su))er ri%orous iprisonent )or a )urther ter o) )our onths. 'he char%es were under the sections o) the Cochin 0enal Code relatin% to acceptance o) ille%al %rati)ication -Section 14L correspondin% to Section 161 Indian 0enal Code/ and criinal $reach o) trust -Section 3> correspondin% to Section 49 Indian 0enal Code/ and also )or a$etent o) and enterin% into conspirac& )or coission o) these o))ences.
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