
March 11, 2019 | Author: Divyansh Sharma | Category: Extortion, Criminal Justice, Crime & Justice, Common Law, Deviance (Sociology)
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IPC Project on extortion...




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 Disclaimer ………………........................................... ……………….................................................................. .............................................. ............................2 .....2  Acknowledgement ………………………………………………...................................3 ………………………………………………...................................3 Chapters


Chapter Chapter 1 – Introductio Introduction... n........ .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........4 ...4  Brief introduction of the research project  project  Research Methodology Scheme of Chapterization

II. III. I!. I!. !. !I.

Chapter Chapter 2 –What –What is Extort Extortion?. ion?...... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........6 ...6 Chapter Chapter 3 – Section Section Which Which deals deals with with Extorti Extortion.. on....... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... ......... .... Chapter Chapter 4 – Cases...... Cases........... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......12 ..12 Chapter Chapter " – Conclusion Conclusion…………… ……………………….. …………....... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......14 ..14 #i$lio%raph& #i$lio%raph&... ........ .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... .....1" .1"

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Disclaimer 'his pro(ect report has $een prepared $& the author as a student o) 3rd &ear under the )i*e &ear ##+.,,.# -/ 0ro%ra in the +'S ,aw School )or acadeic purposes onl&. 'he *iews expressed in this report are personal to the student and do not re)lect the *iew o)  coission or an& another person law school or an& o) its sta)) or personnel. +n& )or  acadeicall& pu$lishin% o) this article then it ust $e authorit& )ro the respecti*e law school in an& anner. 'his report is the International ,aw and 5e%ulation o) 5e)u%ees and the sae or an& part thereo) a& not $e used in an& anner whatsoe*er without express  perission o) the +'S ,aw School in writin%.

7i*&ansh Shara 813##+,,#9


I )eel hi%hl& elated to wor: on this d&naic and hi%hl& iportant topic that is + #rie)

Stud& on Extortion. 'his topic instantl& drew & attention and attracted e to

research on it. I a )ortunate to $e pro*ided with an opportunit& to write & paper under the :ind super*ision o) r. 0an:a( 8$ar:ar -+sst. 0ro). +'S ,aw School/ and I a than:)ul to her )or pro*idin% e with the appropriate %uidance while writin% the paper. 'his paper would not ha*e $een possi$le without her *alua$le inputs honest rear:s and earnest e))ort to %uide e throu%hout the dra)tin% o) the paper. I would li:e to extend & sincere than: to her )or %i*in% e her *alua$le tie to *iew & research )ro her $us& schedule. I a hi%hl& inde$ted to the li$rar& sta)) to help e )ind the rele*ant $oo:s and  (ournals and other o))icials and o))ice sta))s who ha*e also extended their help whene*er  needed. I would li:e to extend & sincere than:s to & )riends and )or their re*iew and honest rear:s.

So I hope I ha*e tried & le*el $est to $rin% in new ideas and thou%hts re%ardin% the  $asics o) this topic. ;ot to )or%et & deep sense o) re%ard and %ratitude to & )acult& ad*iser r. 0an:a( 8$ar:ar who pla&ed the role o) a prota%onist. ,ast $ut not the least< I than: all the e$ers o) the +'S ,aw School and all others who ha*e helped e in a:in% this  pro(ect a success.

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Extortion is the crie o) o$tainin% one& or propert& $& threat to a *icti=s propert& or lo*ed ones intiidation or )alse clai o) a ri%ht. It is de)ined under section 3>3 o) Indian 0enal Code. It is dealt )ro section 3>3 to section 3>. Extortion is a )elon& in all states. #lac:ail is a )or o) extortion in which the threat is to expose e$arrassin% and daa%in% in)oration to )ail& )riends or the pu$lic. Inherent in this coon )or o) extortion is the threat to expose the details o) soeone=s pri*ate li*es to the pu$lic unless one& is exchan%ed. Extortion can ta:e place o*er the telephone *ia ail text eail or other  coputer or wireless counication. I) an& ethod o) interstate coerce is used in the extortion it can $e a )ederal crie. !irtuall& all extortion statutes re@uire that a threat ust $e ade to the person or propert& o)  the *icti. 'hreats to har the *icti=s )riends or relati*es a& also $e included. It is not necessar& )or a threat to in*ol*e ph&sical in(ur&. It a& $e su))icient to threaten to accuse another person o) a crie or to expose a secret that would result in pu$lic e$arrassent or  ridicule. 'he threat does not ha*e to relate to an unlaw)ul act.

#esearch !etho'olog()$

'he doctrinal ethod o) research has $een used which in*ol*e collection o) data )ro $oth priar& and secondar& sources. 'he researcher has relied on priar& sources li:e International Charters resolutions o) the international $odies and coittees related thereto and Secondar& sources li:e $oo:s written $& *arious einent authors and articles )ound in the (ournals and we$sites e(ournals. 8se o) internet also $ecae *er& rele*ant to )ind out the ost updated rele*ant and apt in)oration which helped e in explorin% the su$(ect )ro *arious diensions.

Scheme o* Chapterization

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'he coplete pro(ect is di*ided into six chapters. 'he )irst chapter is an introduction to the research pro(ect. 'he second )ocuses on ,e%al Arae Wor:. 'he third one is the stud& on Extortion under I0C. 'he )ourth chapter deals with Cases related to the topic +nd the last chapter deals with the Conclusion.


'he doctrinal research ethodolo%& would $e used in anal&sin% the ;atural resource accountin% and to see its international prospecti*e. ,iitation o) the stud&B 'he research has $een copleted in approx. 1 wee: 

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C"APTE# + %% What is E,tortionE,tortion -also called shae'o/n o0t/restling  and e,action / is a criinal o))ense o) 

o$tainin% one& propert& or ser*ices )ro a person entit& indi*idual or institution throu%h coercion. It is soeties eupheisticall& re)erred to as a  protection rac:et since the rac:eteers o)ten phrase their deands as pa&ent )or protection )ro -real or  h&pothetical/ threats )ro unspeci)ied other parties. Extortion is coonl& practiced  $& or%aniDed crie %roups. 'he actual o$tainent o) one& or propert& is not re@uired to coit the o))ense. a:in% a threat o) *iolence which re)ers to a re@uireent o) a pa&ent o) one& or propert& to halt )uture *iolence is su))icient to coit the o))ense. Exaction re)ers not onl& to extortion or the deandin% and o$tainin% o) soethin% throu%h )orce



additionall& in its )oral de)inition eans the in)liction o) soethin% such as  pain and su))erin% or a:in% soe$od& endure soethin% unpleasant. Extortion is distin%uished )ro ro$$er&. In ro$$er& whether ared or not the o))ender ta:es  propert& )ro the *icti $& the iediate use o) )orce or )ear that )orce will $e iediatel& used -as in the classic line Gour one& or &our li)e./ Extortion which is not liited to the ta:in% o) propert& in*ol*es the *er$al or written instillation o) )ear that soethin% will happen to the *icti i) the& do not copl& with the extortionist=s will. +nother :e& distinction is that extortion alwa&s in*ol*es a *er$al or written threat whereas ro$$er& does not. In 8nited States )ederal law extortion can $e coitted with or without the use o) )orce and with or without the use o) a weapon. In $lac:ail which alwa&s in*ol*es extortion the extortionist threatens to re*eal in)oration a$out a *icti or their )ail& e$ers that is potentiall& e$arrassin% sociall& daa%in% or  incriinatin% unless a deand )or one& propert& or ser*ices is et. 'he ter extortion is o)ten used etaphoricall& to re)er to usur& or to price%ou%in% thou%h neither is le%all& considered extortion. It is also o)ten used loosel& to re)er to e*er&da& situations where one person )eels inde$ted a%ainst their will to another in order to recei*e an essential ser*ice or a*oid le%al conse@uences.

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 ;either extortion nor $lac:ail re@uires a threat o) a criinal act such as *iolence erel& a threat used to elicit actions one& or propert& )ro the o$(ect o) the extortion. Such threats include the )ilin% o) reports -true or not/ o) criinal $eha*ior to the police re*elation o)  daa%in% )acts Extortion is a crie in which one person )orces another person to do soethin% a%ainst his will %enerall& to %i*e up one& or other propert& $& threat o) *iolence propert& daa%e daa%e to the personHs reputation or extree )inancial hardship. Extortion in*ol*es the *ictiHs consent to the crie $ut that consent is o$tained ille%all&.

Examples of Extortion + classic exaple o) extortion is the protection schee where )i%ures with ties to or%aniDed crie deand that shop owners pa& )or their protection to pre*ent soethin% $ad -such as an assault on the shop:eeper or daa%e to his or her store or %oods/ )ro happenin%. an& states also consider $lac:ail where a *icti is )orced to pa& soeone to pre*ent the )ro releasin% in)oration that could daa%e their reputation or their $usiness to $e a )or o)  extortion. '&picall& as in those exaples extortion in*ol*es threats o) )uture *iolence or har rather  than iediate *iolence or har $ut extortion can in*ol*e iediate *iolence. Aor  exaple it would still $e extortion i) the o))enders in the a$o*e exaple assaulted the shop:eeper to )orce hi to pa& the the re@uired protection one& instead o) threatenin% to do so in the )uture. In such cases extortion $ecoes *er& siilar to ro$$er&.

Dierences Between Extortion and Robbery ne distinction $etween extortion and ro$$er&  is that extortion re@uires that the o))ender  a:e a *er$al or written threat while ro$$er& does not. Since extortion rarel& in*ol*es iediate har howe*er the cries t&picall& can $e distin%uished $ecause a ro$$er uses iediate threats and )orce to steal the *ictiHs propert& while in extortion the *icti willin%l& hands o*er his one& or personal propert& in order to a*oid )uture daa%e or *iolence.

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Understanding the Degrees of Extortion +ll )i)t& states ha*e *ar&in% laws re%ardin% extortion with ost states classi)&in% it as a )elon&. Soe states char%e the crie as a the)t o))ense while others call it attepted extortion extortion in the )irst de%ree or extortion in the second de%ree. In the )ew states that split extortion into de%rees extortion in the )irst de%ree usuall& in*ol*es threats o)   $odil& har or ph&sical con)ineent while extortion in the second de%ree applies to threatenin% to accuse a person o) a crie or to expose a secret.

Penalties for Extortion 0enalties )or extortion *ar& widel& in di))erent states and depend on the se*erit& o) the threats in*ol*ed $ut sentences %enerall& ran%e $etween 2 to 4 &ears. owe*er an& states allow )or  sentences o) " 19 or e*en 29 &ears. I) an& instruent o) interstate coerce -such as the ail a phone or a coputer/ is used in coission o) the crie it also $ecoes a )ederal crie with a )ine or sentence o) up to 29 &ears.

Proving Extortion 'he speci)ic eleents re@uired to pro*e extortion di))er $etween states $ut the %eneral re@uireents are that the o))ender aliciousl& -not ista:enl&/ a:e a *er$al written or   printed threat with the intent to extort soethin% )ro the *icti or to copel the *icti to do soethin% a%ainst his or her will. Jenerall& it is irrele*ant whether or not the o))ender  actuall& succeeds in the attepted extortion. nce the threat is ade the o))ender has coitted extortion. In soe (urisdictions and under the )ederal extortion de)inition the *icti does not e*en ha*e to hear or recei*e the threat in order )or the o))ender to $e char%ed with extortion. Extortion does not usuall& re@uire that the o))ender threaten to coit a criinal act as lon% as the threat attepts to o$tain one& propert& or to )orce the *icti to act a%ainst their will. Aor exaple a threat to $rin% criinal char%es or )ile a police report unless one& is paid is still extortion e*en thou%h the o))ender a& ha*e e*er& ri%ht to )ile a police report. #& couplin% the le%al act with the ille%al act o) deandin% pa&ent to not act the o))ender has

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coitted extortion. ;ote howe*er that a threat to )ile a ci*il lawsuit t&picall& is not considered extortion e*en i) that lawsuit is )ri*olous. 'he threat also does not ha*e to $e directed at the *icti. It is still extortion i) the threat is directed towards the *ictiHs )ail& or i) it threatens to release in)oration a$out soe third  part& the *icti see:s to protect

C"APTE#$%%% Sections in %PC /hich 'eals /ith E,tortion) Section$ 121 123

Section3>3 – Extortion Whoe*er intentionall& puts an& person in )ear o) an& in(ur& to that person or to an& other and there$& dishonestl& induces the person so put in )ear to deli*er to an& propert& or  *alua$le securit& or an&thin% si%ned or sealed which a& $e con*erted into a *alua$le securit& coits extortion. Illustrations

-a/ + threatens to pu$lish a de)aator& li$el concernin% K unless K %i*e hi one&. e thus induces K to %i*e hi one&. + has coitted extortion. -$/ + threatens K that he will :eep K=s child in wron%)ul con)ineent unless K will si%n and deli*er to + proissor& note $indin% K to pa& certain onies to +. K si%ns and deli*ers the note. + has coitted extortion. -c/ + threatens to send clu$en to plou%h up K=s )ield unless K will si%n and deli*er to #  $ond $indin% K under a penalt& to deli*er certain produce to # and there$& induces K to sin% and deli*er the $ond. + has coitted extortion. -d/ + $& puttin% K in )ear o) %rie*ous hurt dishonestl& induces K to si%n or a))ix his seal to a  $lan: paper and deli*er it to +. K si%ns and deli*ers the paper to +. ere as the paper so si%ned a& $e con*erted into a *alua$le securit&. + has coitted extortion.

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Section3>4  0unishent )or Extortion Whoe*er coits extortion shall $e punished with iprisonent o) either description )or a ter which a& extend to three &ears or with )ine or with $oth.

Section 3>"  0uttin% person in )ear o) in(ur& in order to coit extortion Whoe*er in order to the coittin% o) extortion puts an& person in )ear or attepts to put an& person in )ear o) an& in(ur& shall $e punished with iprisonent o) either description )or a ter which a& extend to two &ears or with )ine or with $oth.

Section 3>6  Extortion $& puttin% a person in )ear o) death or  %rie*ous hurt Whoe*er coits extortion $& puttin% an& person in )ear o) death or o) %rie*ous hurt o that  person or to an& other shall $e punished with iprisonent o) either description )or a ter which a& extend to ten &ears and shall also $e lia$le to )ine.

Section 3>L  0uttin% person in )ear o) death or o) %rie*ous hurt in order to coit extortion )ear o) death or %rie*ous hurt Whoe*er in order to the coittin% o) extortion puts or attepts to put an& person in )ear o)  death or o) %rie*ous hurt to that person or to an& other shall $e punished with iprisonent

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o) either description )or a ter which a& extend to se*en &ears and shall also $e lia$le to )ine.

Section 3>>  Extortion $& threat o) accusation o) an o))ence  punisha$le with death or iprisonent )or li)e etc. Whoe*er coits extortion $& puttin% an& person in )ear o) an accusation a%ainst that person or an& other o) ha*in% coitted or attepted to coit an& o))ence punished with death or with Miprisonent )or li)eF or with iprisonent )or a ter which a& extend to ten &ears or o) ha*in% attepted to induce an& other person to coit such o))ence shall $e  punished with iprisonent o) either description )or a ter which a& extend to ten &ears and shall also $e lia$le to )ine< and i) the o))ence $e one punished under section 3LL o) this Code a& $e punished with Miprisonent )or li)eF.

Section 3>  0uttin% person in )ear o) accusation o) o))ence in order to coit extortion Whoe*er in order to the coittin% o) extortion puts or attepts to put an& person in )ear o)  an accusation a%ainst that person or an& other o) ha*in% coitted or attepted to coit an o))ence punished with death or with Miprisonent )or li)eF or with iprisonent )or a ter which a& extend to ten &ears shall $e punished with iprisonent o) either  description )or ter which a& extend to ten &ears and shall also $e lia$le to )ine< and i) the o))ence $e punished under section 3LL o) this Code a& $e punished with Miprisonent )or li)eF.

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C"APTE# $ %4

CasesB Bhagat #am 5s State O* #a6asthan on 17 8an0ar(9 73:; #ha%at 5a durin% the &ear 162 was posted as circle ins pector o) police at Jan%ana%ar. +ncestral *illa%e o) #ha%at 5a is ehna in 'ehsil o%a 7istrict AeroDepur. 5a Swaroop also $elon%s to that *illa%e. #oth #ha%at 5a and 5a Swaroop were tried in the court o)  special (ud%e Jan%a na%ar )or o))enses under section 129# I0C )or conspirin% to extort  $ri$e o) 5s. 2999 )ro 0 W I ;iran(an 7ass o) o%a. Char%es were also )raed a%ainst #ha%at 5a )or o))enses under sections 161 21> 34L and 3> Indian 0enal Code as also section " -1/ -a/ read with section " -2/ o) 0re*ention o) Corruption +ct. +dditional char%e under section 16"+ Indian 0enal Code was )raed a%ainst 5a Swaroop. #oth #ha%at 5a and 5a Swaroop were ac@uitted $& the special (ud%e Jan%ana%ar in respect o) all the char%es. 'he State o) 5a(asthan )iled an appeal a%ainst the ac@uittal o) the two accused. 'he appeal was heard $& a 7i*ision #ench consistin% o) '&a%i and ,odha '.'.

Chelloor !anal Nara(an ... 5s State O* Tra5ancore$Cochin on 7< No5em=er9 73>; 12 | P a g e

N87JE;' +I5 1"3 SC 4L> #.O. u:her(ea N. 1. 'his appeal which has coe $e)ore us on special lea*e is directed a%ainst a (ud%ent o)  the i%h Court o) 'ra*ancoreCochin dated Nul& 16 1"1 passed in Criinal +ppeal ;o. 14 o) 1"9 $& which the learned Nud%es set aside an order o) ac@uittal ade in )a*our o) the appellant $& the Special a%istrate 'richur in C. C. ;o. 1 o) 112" .E. and con*ertin% it into one o) con*iction under Section 3> indian 0enal Code -correspondin% to Section 49 Indian 0enal Code/ sentenced hi to under%o ri%orous iprisonent )or a period o) one &ear  and pa& a )ine o) 5s. 1999< in de)ault o) pa&ent o) )ine he was to su))er ri%orous iprisonent )or a )urther ter o) )our onths. 'he char%es were under the sections o) the Cochin 0enal Code relatin% to acceptance o)  ille%al %rati)ication -Section 14L correspondin% to Section 161 Indian 0enal Code/ and criinal $reach o) trust -Section 3> correspondin% to Section 49 Indian 0enal Code/ and also )or a$etent o) and enterin% into conspirac& )or coission o) these o))ences.

Pana6 !alhotra 5s . State ? Others. on 3 80l(9 ;
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