Extended Techniques Resource Page
August 26, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Extended Techniques Resource Page
I'd like to send a heartfelt thank you to to Robert Robert Dick Dick
for his generous assistance, assistance, advice, instruction, and guidance in the preparation preparation of this r Unless otherwise noted, all sound files are Copyright © 2000 Robert Dick
A Note about Terminology Terminology
In researching material for this resource, it became clear to me that there is a lot of confusion names of the arious e!tended techni"ues# $en respected professionals and composers use d terms to describe the same techni"ues# %or instance, &key clicks& are sometimes called &key slaps# (ones& (o nes& are often called &'histle tones# &(on &(ongue gue stops& are called &tongue thrusts#& In these cases chosen the name that Robert Dick uses and recommends# (he other names will be indicat parentheses# Go to: TECHNI!E" to
read a description of each techni"ue and hear the techni"ue being perf
Go to: to: IN"TR!CTI#NA$ %ATERIA$" for
a listing of %ingering dictionaries, etude books and tu
Techniques )lthough there may be technologies aailable to record the sounds on this page, Robert Dick asks that, if you wish to record or to use his sounds, that you contact him directly for permission# *is email address is+ Robert &ic' is+
Circular reathing
%lutter tonguing
.et 'histle
/ey Clicks /ey 1laps
4itch ends %all offs
5uarter tone trills
(ones nes Residual (o
3icrotones, timbral trills
1inging 'hile 4laying
(ongue (o ngue 4i66icato 4ercussie (onguing
(o (ongue ngue 1tops
'hisper (ones
(ongue (hrusts
'histle (ones, %lageolets
Circular (reathing))) A technique *hereby the tone can be inde+initely sustained, *ith no breathing interru-tions audible.
(he techni"ue re"uires lots of practice# (he idea is that during the breath, the tone is sustained not by traditional diaphrag but by cheek pressure# pressure# )ir is h held eld in the mouth and pushed pushed out into the flute flute using the cheeks7 at tthe he same time, breath is ta through the nose# (he real trick is to make the transition from diaphragm pressure to cheek pressure and back, without effe tone# 1tart practicing by standing oer a sink and s"uirting water out of your mouth, while breathing in through your nose# 8nce perfected, use a straw in a glass glass of water to practice su sustaining staining the blow blowing ing of air while breathing breathing in through the nos nose# e# 'e hae not included a sound e!ample of this techni"ue#
/lutter tonguing))) A tone that is 0ery ra-idly articulated. It is -roduced either by rolling the +ront o+ tongue, as in the "-anish 1rr,1 or by using the u0ula in the bac' o+ the mouth. %luttering with the tip of the tongue
is what most players do on the flute# It works better higher than lower#
Using the uula only
produces a more controlable and desireable sound# It is also more fle!ibl
you can actually change the speed of the flutter
how slowly slowly
without changing the olume9 :isten to
it can be done9 Using the uula also frees the tip of the tongue to actually artic
while fluttering# fluttering#
'hen using the uula, een multiphonics can be fluttered# fluttered#
)nother type of flutter is the Roar %lutter #
It is a noisy, noisy, ma!imum pressure effect best used for rock music#
Glissando)))A smoothly changing -itch, u-*ards or do*n*ards, -roduced by sliding the +ingers o++ o the holes on an o-en hole +lute. -lissandi -lissandi
are easier going up than going down# (hey can be done "uickly "uickly
as well# %ingerings for glissandi t
the range of the flute are aailable in resources such as Robert Dick&s ;(he 8ther %lute#; 1ee Io >ou u get the two lowest note&s pitches out of any fingering you use#
"inging 4hile Playing))) Exactly *hat it says9 8ou use your 0ocal chords to sing -itches *hile you -l the +lute. oth males and females can sing some of the low register notes in unison while playing playing the flute# *ere is a unison sungpl # ou >o u don&t, of course, hae to sing and play in unison# *ere we hold a high note, while making a ocal glissando# glissando#
tone that results will go in the opposite direction from that of the oice# >ou >ou should see the spectrogram of this one9 (ry doing the opposite7 hold the oice oice moe the flute through the entire range9 range9
and moe the flute around its range# In fact, it&s possible to hold a note with
Tongue Pi and =ol. ? by Robert Dick# (here are instructional cas aailable for ?ol# and ?ol 2# 3ultiple reath 3usic Company# Company#
solo# 3ultiple reath 3usic Company# Company# $oo'out by Robert Dick# )n instructional cassette is aailable for this solo# by .ames .# 4ellerite 4ellerite77 .4B4U:IC)(I8
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