Expt.4 to Generate ECG Signal Using LabVIEW

May 3, 2018 | Author: Neha Gupta | Category: Electrocardiography, Atrium (Heart), Heart, Ventricle (Heart), Cardiovascular Physiology
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Generate Simulated ECG...


Department of AE&IE AE&IE

Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory (Experiment 4)

EXPERIMENT NO.4 AIM: To generate simulated E! signal using Lab"IE#$ I. II. III.

#it% oise #it%out oise Ad'ust its parameters


 E! is t%e electrical acti,ity associated -it% functioning of t%e %eart$ E! is .uasi periodically p eriodically r%yt%mically repeating signal sync%roni/ed by t%e function of %eart -%ic% acts as a generator of   bioelectric e,ents$ 0uman %eart is di,ided into four c%ambers i$e$ atrium (rig%t &left) and ,entricle (rig%t &left)$ FUNCTION OF HEART:

1ig%t atrium recei,es deoxygenated blood from ,eins and pumps into rig%t ,entricle$ 1ig%t ,entricle pumps blood into t%e lungs -%ere blood is oxygenated$ T%is oxygenated blood enters left atrium and pumps into left ,entricle$ T%is left ,entricle pumps t%e oxygenated blood into different parts of body$ bod y$ T%e  -a,es 213 complex and T -a,e reflects t%e r%yt%mic electrical depolari/ation and repolari/ation of myocardium associated -it% contraction and relaxation of atria and ,entricles$ NORMAL MAL VALUES PARAMETERS:







P-a,e56$7+m"8  R -a,e59$:m"8 -a,e59$:m"8 Q-a,e57+; of 1 -a,e8 T-a,e56$9; of 2 -a,e to 6$+"


PR inter,al 6$9 to 7$7 seconds QT inter,al  6$a%ant Bac%ittar 3ing% ollege of Engineering and Tec%nology Tec%nology


Department of AE&IE

Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory (Experiment 4)

1. T%e 1 and 2 inter,al measured from t%e beginning of  -a,e consecuti,e of 1 and 2 -a,e respecti,ely$ It mar?s t%e time t%at an impulse ta?e to reac% ,entricles$ 2. 213 inter,al represents t%e time in -%ic% %eart impulse tra,els t%roug% inter,entricular  system$ 3. 2T inter,al is period of 9 complete ,entricular contraction$ 4.  -a,e represents repolari/ation of bot% ,entricles$ 5.  -a,es occur due to depolari/ation of atrial$ 6. 213 complex is a result of atrial repolari/ation and ,entricular depolari/ation simultaneously$ 7. T-a,e is due to ,entricular repolari/ation$ BLOC DIA!RAM:

@ront panel (out put)

Bloc? diagram(input)

F"#.4.1: S"$%&'()* EC! +"#,'&. PROCEDURE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

pen Lab"IE# *$+$ 3elect blan? "I$ ress ctrlT to open t%e front panel and Bloc? diagram -indo- of "I$ 1ig%t clic? on bloc? diagram -indo- to open t%e LAB "IE# tool menu$ !o to biomedical application select bio signals select t%e generation option and select simulated E! signal$

>a%ant Bac%ittar 3ing% ollege of Engineering and Tec%nology


Department of AE&IE

Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory (Experiment 4)

6. Drag and drop simulated E! bloc? in t%e bloc? diagram -indo-$ T%is option opens  parameters panels for simulated E! signal$ 7. Ad'ust parameters li?eC '. 0eart rate in bpm$ -. 213 -a,e action duration . 213T duration /. Deselect add noise option$ 0. To ,ie- grap% rig%t select on data in t%e simulated E! bloc? and select create to create a grap% indication$ T%is creates a grap% in front panel of "I$ 1. To put t%e simulated E! in infinite loop rig%t clic? on bloc? diagram -indo-$ 3elect  programming in LAB "IE# box tool menu$ 11. 3elect structure option & in structures select -%ile loop$ 12. 1ig%t clic? to create a control for -%ile loop$ 13. Double clic? on simulated E! bloc? on bloc? diagram -indo-$ T%is opens t%e  parameters panel for simulated E! signal$ 14. 3elect add noise option to add noise to E! signal$ 15. 1un t%e program to ,ie- t%e E! signal in front panel grap% indicator$ RESULT:

T%e desired simulated E! signal %as been produced using Lab"IE# for bot% -it% and -it%out noise$

>a%ant Bac%ittar 3ing% ollege of Engineering and Tec%nology


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