Expression of Making Accepting and Declining Invitation

February 25, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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expression expre ssion of making accepting and declining invitation

Expression of making accepting and declining invitation Sometimes, we have a situation and have to also invite some of friends to come. There are many situations that probably happened in our daily life, such as meeting,  birthday party, graduation party etc. of course, we have to make an invitation invitation for our guests. There will be two answers for them who are invited by us, they may come or accept the invitation and they may not come or decline the invitation. The situation  will be divided into formal and informal. There is differences differences expression that is use in the different context of situation. Expression to make, accept or decline in vitiation in formal situation.

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Making in vitiation  Would you like to… ! would very happy if…  We would be delighted if you…  Would you care to..  We would be pleased if you could…  Would you care to…  Accepting invitation That"s very kind of you  We"d like very much to….  What a delightful idea  With the greatest pleasure Thank you very much for inviting me !t"s delightful to…. Declining invitation

  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

!"m very sorry, ! don"t Think ! can. !"d like to, but …. !"m afraid !"ve  #lready promised…. Thank you for asking me, but …. $nfortunately , ! can"t…. Expression to make, accept or decline in vitiation informal situation

Making invitation    Why don"t you come to…   %ike to come to …

• •


&ome and …



Shall we come to …  'ou must come to …

  •  •  •  •  • 

 Accepting invitation ! would(will … That would be very nice )*,! will be there + !"d like love to come.  #ll right. Sure, ! am coming

  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  • 

Declining invitation Sort, ! can"t. !"d love to, but … ! don"t think ! can. !n wish ! could, but … Sorry, ! am very busy  Sorry, may be next time Thank you, but ! can"t Sorry, ! don"t think ! &an"t make it !"m so sorry ! can make it

Listen to the following dialogue carefully. Farah Far ah

: Hi, Tin Tina. a. Long Long time time not not see you. you. Wher Wheree have have you you been for for long long time? time?

Tina Tina

: Hi Far Farah ah.. Ive Ive !us !ustt fini finish shed ed my my stud study y iin n "olo "olo.. How How are are you you??


: Im fine. fine. #o #ou can see by yourself, yourself, Im Im very healthy healthy at this time. time. $h, sorry sorry,, Im in hurry now. now. I cant tal% with you more because I have to see my advisors in lecturers room.

Ti Tina na

: Its Its o%ay o%ay. We can ma%e ma%e anoth another er meeti meeting ng to to s&ea% s&ea% a lot, lot, Farah Farah..

Farah Far ah

: $h, $h, h how ow about about have have a dinne dinnerr in my house house toni tonight ght??


: Sure. I’d be be happy to come come to your house, house, Farah.

Farah Far ah

: $%ay $%ay.. Ill Ill wait wait you you at '(:'' '(:'' &.m. &.m. "ee you, you, Tin Tina. a.


: "ee you.


d.  )nswer the *uestions bellow based on the dialogue. +.  Where do you thin% the dialogue is ta%ing &lace? .  Who are tal%ing in the dialogue? -.  What do Tina and Farah tal% about? .  What have Tina finished? /.  Where did Tina study? 0.  Why is Farah in a hurry? 1.  Farah invites Tina. What is the invitation about? (.  2oes Tina acce&t the invitation? 3.  How does she e4&ress it? +'.  What time Farah waits Tina to have dinner?

For the ne4t meeting, ma%e a dialogue which consist at least three e4&ression of offering and acce&ting invitation. #ou #ou can choose one of these scenarios. +.  #ou #ou will celebrate your birthday in your house and you want to invite only your close friends and your family. .  #ou and your friend want to ma%e a sim&le sim&le boo%s boo%s e4hibition e4hibition.. #ou #ou will hold a meeting meeting and you want to invite the teacher, classmate and $"I" to the meeting. -.  #our brother has a new distro in the center of your city. #ou want to invite your friends to come to the distro.


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