Exploring Liquids Unit Test

December 10, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Exploring Liquids Unit Name: ______________ Date: __________________ ___________________  _  True or False + circle if the statement is true or

A B  D %




A liquid will take the shape of the container it is being poured into













Repelling means soaking Repelling up water

!il is hea"ier than water

#ater can be a liquid$ solid or a gas &urface tension is like an elastic skin on the surface of the water


!nl' plants$ animals and people use water

Multiple Choice + circle the correct answer ()  The liquid that would *ow the fastest would be:


a. ketchup

b. oil

c. glue

d. mustard

,) -ictoria spilled milk on her desk) &he can best soak up the milk using:

a. plastic rap

b. tin foil

c. paper toel

d. ax paper

.) /ark wanted to put some water in the fridge to get cold) #hich container does not hold water0




a. cardboard box


b. glass !ar


c. metal bol

d. plastic !ug

1) #hich one of these is not a liquid0


a. milk

b. co"ee

c. orange !uice

d. chocolate bar

2) A gas is being made in which picture0


3) After night$

raining all the school'ard is full of puddles) 4rant can5t wait to go out at recess to splash around in them)  Throughout the morning$ the the weather turns hot and sunn') #hen 4rant 6nall' goes out at lunchtime$ the puddles are gone) #hat happened to the puddles0 a. The puddle puddles s b. The puddles e#aporated because lique$ed because of  of the hot eather. the hot eather e ather.. c. The puddles solidi$ed because of  the cold eather.

d. The ind ble the puddles somehere else.

7) /att got his socks wet) The socks will dr' fastest in weather that is:

a. cloud% and calm

b. hot and ind%


d. cloud% and ind%

c. rain% and calm

8) &asha stirred some iced tea mi9 into a glass of water until she couldn5t cou ldn5t see the powder an'more) This is an e9ample of:  a. di dissol#ing

b. e#aporating

c. melting

d. free&ing

) #hich of the following is not a wa' that water is polluted0 a. dump dumping ing o oils ils a and nd chemicals c. canoeing in a ri# i#e er

b. littering near a ri#er

d. 'ushing medic iciine

(ritten () #hat iis s one mate material rial tthat hat absorbs water0  ____________________________  _____________ _______________________  ________ 

,) #hat iis s one mate material rial tthat hat repels water0


 ____________________________  _____________ _______________________  ________  ) can statements True or False Questions A ; can can recogni recogni% 8? Multiple Choice Questions ( ; can can compar compare e water water with with one one or more more othe otherr liquid liquids s =&>% =&>% ,? , ; can can compare compare the amount amount of liquid liquid absorbed absorbed b' di@er di@erent ent materia materials ls =&>% =&>% .? . ; can e"alua e"aluate te the suitabilit suitabilit' ' of di@er di@erent ent materia materials ls for containing containing liquids liquids

1 2 3 7

=&>% 1? ; can can demonstra demonstrate te an understandi understanding ng that that liquid liquid water water can change change to other states =&>% 2? ; can can demonstra demonstrate te an understandi understanding ng that that liquid liquid water water can change change to other states =&>% 2? ; can predi predict ct that that the water water le"el le"el in open open containers containers will decrease decrease due due to e"aporation$ but the water in closed containers will not decrease =&>% 3?

; can predi predict ct that that a wet surface surface will will dr' more more quickl quickl' ' when e9posed e9posed to to wind or heating =&>% 7? 8 ; can can compar compare e water water with with one one or more more othe otherr liquid liquids s =&>% =&>% ,?  ; can can recogni recogni
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