Experiment Cyclic Voltammetry
Short Description
The study aims to utilize cyclic voltammetry in order to determine the formal reduction potential (E0’) of the [FeIII(CN...
Abstract Cyclic voltammetry is classified as a type of potentiodynamic electroanalytical technique used for the study of electroactive species and is extensively utilized in industrial applications and academic research laboratories. In this experiment, the formal reduction reduction potential potential of ferricyanide ferricyanide was determin determined ed to be 0.21! 0.21! " while in contrast, the theoretical formal reduction potential is 0.# ". $he effect of scan rate and concentration on pea% current was observed. &ea% current was determined to be directly proportional to both the square root of scan rate 'v 1(2 ) and concent concentrati ration. on. *sin+ *sin+ two standard standard curves curves of Ip ox and Ip red a+ainst a+ainst concentration, the concentration of the un%nown was obtained usin+ the linear mM equations. $he concentration of the un%nown was determined to be 7.55 . II. Keywords: Keywords: Formal e!"#tion $otential, %#an ate, &no!i# $ea' ("rrent, (at)o!i# $ea' III. Introduction (*#li# voltammetr* i+ a i!el* "+e! te#)n te#)ni" i"e e in or!er or!er to a#" a#"ire ire "ali "alitat tative ive in.o in.orm rmat atio ion n abo" abo"tt t)e t)e ele# ele#tr tro# o#)e )emi mi#a #all rea#tion+ o##"rrin/ ar! Fa"l'ner, 2008 5t /ive+ a "i#' lo#ation o. re!ox potential+ o. t)e t)e +pe#ie +pe#ie+ + .o"n .o"n! ! to be ele#tr ele#troa oa#ti #tive ve ar! Fa"l'ner, 2008 & (*#li# voltammeter voltammeter #on+i+t o. t)ree main part+ namel* a or'i r'in/ ele# ele#tr tro! o!e, e, a re.e re.ere ren# n#e e ele# ele#tr tro! o!e e an! an! a #o"nter ele#tro!e ar! Fa"l'ner, 2008 & rever+ible ele#tro#)emi#al ele#tro#)emi#al rea#tion t)e #*#l #*#li# i# volt voltam amme metr* tr* pro! pro!"# "#e+ e+ )ave )ave ell ell !e.ine! #)ara#teri+ti#+ +"#) a+ t)e ratio o. t)e pea' #"rrent+ i+ e"al to one, )e pea' #"rrent+ are proportional to t)e +"are root o. t)e +#an rate, an! )e po+ition+ o. pea' volta/e !o not alter a+ a ."n#tion o. volta/e +#an rate niver+it* o. (ambri!/e, 201 )e +t"!* +t"!* aim+ aim+ to #reate #reate a #*#li# #*#li# voltammetr* in or!er to t)e .ormal re!"#tion poten potentia tiall E0 o. t)e Fe Fe555( 55(N N 6 3- < 4Fe55(N 6 #o" #o"plin lin/, to !e.in .ine t)e t)e #on+e"en#e+ o. +#an rate an! #on# #on#en entr trat atio ion n vari varian antt o. = 3Fe(N6 on pea' #"rrent, an! to "anti.* t)e #on# #on#en entr trat atio ion n o. "n'n "n'no on n = 3Fe(N 6 +ol"tion Ele#tro#)emi+tr* - (*#li# Coltammetr* $a/e 1
:Fe0(N38;3- > e-
IV. Experimental . -toc% &reparation &reparation %to#' %ol"tion & 16462 / o. = 3Fe(N6 a+ !il" !il"te te! ! it) it) 01? 01? @NA @NA 3 in a 100 ml vol"metri# .la+' in or!er to prepare 0 m? =3Fe(N6 +to#' +ol"tion Beterminin/ t)e Formal e!"#tion $otential an! t)e e..e#t o. %#an ate &n ali"ot o. 4 ml o. t)e +to#' +ol"tion a+ !il"te! in a 0 ml vol"metri# .la+' in or!er to prepare a 4 m? = 3Fe(N6 +ol"tion Beterminin/ t)e E..e#t o. Car*in/ %#an ate an! (on#entration & var*in/ #on#entration #on#entration o. =3Fe(N6 a+ prepare! in 0 ml vol"metri# .la+' at #on#entration+ o. 2,4,6, 8, 10 m? o. = 3Fe(N6 +ol"tion +ol"tion !il"te! !il"te! it) 01? @NA 3
)e +tep+ .or .ormal re!"#tion $otential a+ repeate! at var*in/ +#an rate o. 0, 100, 160, an! 200 mC
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