Experiment 8 - Organohalides
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Organic Halides...
Classification Tests for Organic Halides
Arnau, C. L., Capunitan, V. N., Cerezo, O. U. , Claudio, E. C., Co, M. A., Cortes, M. V. 2D-PH, Group 2, Department of Pharma!, "ault! of Pharma!, #ni$ersit! of %anto &omas Espa'a (oule$ard, )*)+ Manila, Philippines
Abstract rani halides are orani ompounds in hih one or more h!droen atoms ha$e /een su/stituted /! a haloen atom. Most of these ompounds are s!ntheti and flame retardant. 0n this e1periment, e1periment, different different tests ere made to differenti differentiate ate primar! primar!,, seondar! seondar!,, and tertiar! tertiar! orani halides /ased on their %N ati$it! and to mae a distintion /eteen their %N) and %N2 mehanisms. %ample ompounds of n-/ut!l hloride, se-/ut!l hloride, tert-/ut!l hloride and hloro/en3ene ere su/4eted throuh the (eilstein test, %N) 5eati$it! &est 6aloholi AN78 and %N2 5eati$it! &est 6Na0 in aetone8. All ompound samples produed a positi$e result ith (eilstein test /! impartin a ree flame, affirmin the presene of hlorine. 0n %N) 5eati$it! test the ompounds ere made to reat ith 29 ethanoli AN7 to o/ser$e %N) 5eati$it!, all samples produed a hite preipitate ith $ar!in times of formation here tert-/ut!l hloride e1hi/ited the fastest and n-/ut!l hloride as the sloest. Chloro/en3ene as o/ser$ed to e1hi/it no reation in the %N) 5eati$it! test. :hile in the %N2 reati$it! test usin Na0 in Aetone as the reaent, it as o/ser$ed that all ha$e samples e1hi/ited the formation of a hite preipitate e1ept for hloro/en3ene; hloro/en3ene; hereas hereas n-/ut!l n-/ut!l hloride hloride e1hi/ited the fastest fastest time of formation formation and tert-/ut!l hloride as the sloest.
Introduction In the labor laborator atory y and in indust industry ry,, alkyl halides are used as solvents for relatively non-polar compounds, and they are used as the starting materials for the synthesis of many compou pounds. Alkyl halides are are classied as primary (1o), seco second ndar ary y (o), or tertiary (! o) according to the number of carbon atoms directly bon bonded to the carbon bearing halogen. "omp "ompou ound nds s in #hic #hich h a halo haloge gen n atom is bonded to a sp-hybridi$ed carbon are called vinylic halides or phenyl phenyl halide halides. s. %inyl %inylic ic halide halide is a general term that refers to a
comp compou ound nd in #hic #hich h a halo haloge gen n is attached to a carbon atom that is also forming a doub ouble bond to another carbon atom. &henyl halides are compounds in #hich a halogen is attached to a ben$ene ring ring.. &h &hen enyl yl hali halide des s belo belong ng to a larger larger group group of compoun compounds ds called called aryl aryl halide halides. s. 'ogethe ogetherr #ith #ith alkyl alkyl halides, these compounds comprise a larger group of compounds kno#n simply as organi organic c halide halides s or organo organohal haloge ogen n compounds. 1 *rganic halides are organic compoun compounds ds contai containin ning g a haloge halogen n atom atom bond bonded ed to a carb carbon on atom atom..
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'he said halogen atom can either be chlori chlorine, ne, +uorin +uorine, e, bromi bromine, ne, or iodine. 'hese compounds are are consid consider ered ed to be +ame +ame retar retardan dantt and and most most of them them are are sy synt nthe heti tic. c. 'he halogen atom of an alkyl halide is attached to a sp!-hybridi$ed carbon. 'he arrangement of groups around the carbon atom, therefore, is gener generall ally y tetrah tetrahedr edral. al. ecause ecause halogen atoms are more electr electrone onegat gative ive than than carbon carbon,, the carb arbon-halogen bond of alkyl halides is polari$ed. alogen atom si$e increases as #e go do#n the peri period odic ic tabl table e #her #herea eas s +uor +uorin ine e Methodology
Samples &he samples used in the e1periment e1periment ere n /ut!l hloride, sec-/ut!l sec-/ut!l hloride, tert -/ut!l -/ut!l hloride and hloro/en3ene. Reagents &he reaents used in the e1periment ere 29 ethan ethanol oli i AN N7 and )+9 Na0 in anh!drous aetone. Beilstein Test: Test: Copper Halide Test Test &he test as onduted /! preparin one opper ire for eah sample to /e used. n one end of eah opper ire a small loop as made. &he loop as then heated diretl! in the the o1id o1idi3i i3in n 3one 3one of a non-l non-lum umin inous ous flame enerated /! a (unsen /urner. 0t as ontin ontinuou uousl! sl! heated heated until until the reen reen olor olor
atoms are the smallest and iodine atoms atoms the larges largest. t. "onse "onseuen uently tly,, the the carb carbon on-h -hal alog ogen en bond bond leng length th increases and carbon-halogen bond strength decreases as #e go do#n the periodic table. 'he ob/ectives of this e0periment e0periment are are (1) (1) to di2e di2errenti entiate ate prim primar ary, y, seco second ndar ary, y, and and tert tertia iary ry orga organi nic c halides based on their 34 reactivity, () () and to di2e di2errenti entiat ate e bet# bet#ee een n 341 an d 34 as reactive mechanisms #ith organic halides.
until the o1ide adhered to the loop. &he loop as as then then then then ool ooled ed sli sliht htl! l! and and as as dipped into the li?
A primar! iodo ompound produes a preipitate
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