Experiences: Of The Left-Hand Path

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Michael Ishako-Vardayou




ACKNOWLEDGMENTS....................................................... ACKNOWLEDGMENTS................................... ....................................6 ................6 PREFACE.................. PREFACE....................................... .......................................... ......................................... ....................................7 ................7 INTRODUCTION...................................... INTRODUCTION.................. ......................................... .......................................... ........................9 ...9 DISCOVERING AND CREATING CREATING TOOLS OF MAGICK..................15 MAGICK..................15 DIVINATION AND CURSE CRAFTING WITH TAROT....................19 THE PAST, AST, PRESENT, PRESENT, FUTURE SPREAD.....................................................22 SPREAD........................................ .............22 THE CELTIC CELTIC CROSS SPREAD.......................................................................22 CREATING CREATING A CURSE WITH TAROT, TAROT, WORKINGS WORKIN GS OF BANEFUL MAGICK..23 MAGICK.. 23 CURSE OUTCOME SPREAD......................................... SPREAD...................................................................... .......................................25 ..........25 THE SPREAD OF HEARTS.................................... HEARTS.................................................................. ...............................................26 .................26

DISCOVERING LEY LINES........................................ LINES............................................................. ........................29 ...29 SACRED GEOMETRY................... GEOMETRY........................................ .......................................... ..................................33 .............33 SIGIL CRAFTING.................. CRAFTING....................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................37 .37 MEDITATION AND ASTRAL PROJECTION.....................................41 AN INTRODUCTION TO THE QLIPHOTH..................... QLIPHOTH.......................................46 ..................46 WRITINGS OF MY PHILOSOPHY.................. PHILOSOPHY....................................... ...................................53 ..............53 THE TRIANGLE OF MAGICAL PHILOSOPHY.......................... PHILOSOPHY..................................................53 ........................53 THE TRIANGLE OF SPIRITUAL PHILOSOPHY.......................... PHILOSOPHY.................................................55 .......................55

FINAL WORDS..................................... WORDS.......................................................... .......................................... ...........................56 ......56


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank the entire left-hand path community for everything that they have done to help spread and share their knowledge of magick. But most importantly, I would like to thank them for their guidance, especially guidance from the amazing teachers of Become A Living God such as E.A. Koetting, S. Ben Qayin, and Asenath Mason. Without their gnosis I wouldn't be able to become the black magician that I am today, and I would certainly have not been able to create this book without their knowledge.


PREFACE You have chosen to read this book of my experiences in the lefthand path, so that you may create your own experiences on your  journey towards towards ascension, or you may have have just begun your your  journey and you you require an introduction introduction perhaps. perhaps. The left-hand  path is still greatly greatly misunderstood misunderstood and unknown unknown to many, many, while  being discovered, discovered, studied, and understood by a handful of the daring and curious dabblers or scholars and intellectuals who desire the realm of the occult to escape the forces of the mundane, especially that of dogmatic forces of major religions. The purpose of the left-hand path isn't at all about escaping but it is about gaining powers previously thought impossible. Individuals such as myself have sought after these forbidden fruits of knowledge and  powers day in and and day out in archives of universities, and and even out on the field of archaeological sites which continue to unearth texts left behind by ancient civilizations, containing knowledge that was once made forbidden by religious leaders during the 15 th century  because they feared feared such knowledge knowledge and abilities, abilities, thus hid hid it or destroyed the evidence to continue controlling the masses. However, it is now the 21 st century and thankfully the age of gaining information and knowledge is triumphant. We are now free to roam wherever we please in all aspects of life, most importantly spiritually, spiritually, with little concern of facing condemnation from the opposition. This This book is representative of my duty to not only continue to pursue magical workings of the left-hand path but to enlighten you the reader who is just beginning or has been on the  path for some time, with more more in-depth knowledge knowledge that was was once secret and personal, but is now available to all for unlocking greater potential of one's path towards the dark abyss of hidden truths that are waiting to be rediscovered. In this book, I will teach you a little bit about myself before I found the left-hand path and how I saw the world before discovering it. Not only will I provide  personal experiences experiences but I will most definitely definitely provide you you with my teachings and methods that are traditional, but are customized. 7


It is always always recommended that magical practitioners practitioners create create a  personalized and customized system system that fits their their needs. When workings of magick magick are customized customized it helps to create more trust trust and confidence in one's work, and shuns any thoughts of doubt when performing workings of magick, thus making it more flexible and unlimited, with that said let us begin.


INTRODUCTION Before you begin learning about my experiences in the lefthand path, it is important that you first learn about how I discovered the left-hand path. Learning about someone is very important and it is something that everyone should do before learning about the subject involved. It is very important to create a greater understanding about the mentor, in this case a writer and  practitioner from the dark arts. arts. History hovers hovers over all subjects subjects in the world of academia, and history is just as important in the lefthand path as well. when we are studying we are not just learning about the subject but most importantly the people who wrote down the information regarding regarding that subject. And when we learn about about the people who created or otherwise teach about these various fields of study, we can become more intrigued with the subject especially if it is about something you enjoy learning about. I will now provide you with a brief history about myself and how I discovered the left-hand path. During my adolescence, I always wanted to understand what made things work and how our existence came into being. When asking friends, they had their own ideas that were more than less serious, and when it came to asking my parents, the answer was always "it was done by b y God". I couldn't simply settle for that and I knew that this answer was more than nothing but a deceitful way to ignore a truly serious question that for centuries has been a discussion and debate among  philosophers, scholars, scholars, and theologians theologians of various various creeds. Much later, later, I would finally come to realize that the answer is simply in the eyes of the beholder, beholder, that being ourselves. Because our own reality is just as much as real as the next person, and we can mold it and shape it to however we see fit. Therefore, questioning existence is part of discovering one's own being, and it should be free and open to interpretation. However, there has



always been that opposing force that makes our search for the answers to the big questions limited. These opposing forces are that of dogma. Dogma can be found in all walks of life from the scientific communities and mostly in the religious communities. Dogma is all about a strict, ball and chain system of rules,  principles or set set of principles principles laid down by an authority that that are considered incontrovertibly true. This kind of mentality causes closed mindedness, and not wanting to accept other forms of philosophy and reasoning. Many individuals with this mentality ignore the alternatives which are new and creative or are ancient and forgotten forgotten systems of knowledge, which uses tools that are far from tools found in traditional science and religion. This ancient form of science and technology could quite possibly help further explain the mechanics of our world and beyond. This primitive form of science can also  be what we refer refer to as occult occult practices, which comes back back to the term that magical practitioners have known for ages as magick. While science has most definitely proven and provided us with amazing fields of study such as particle physics and string theory, it has also helped to create computer technology, a technology that converts the power of electricity into letters on a display in which we can understand and manipulate. This is a step in the right direction to discover what is hiding within us and in the universe, but for now, now, these tools of science are very much limited to this physical plain of existence. Modern day scientists will only try to explain the origins of this world with what they consider justifiable answers, for example, theories deriving from particle physics, or cosmological theories such as the big bang theory. theory. I will be fair and say that it is a good start for finding facts and answers to the big question. Much of these theories are in a way like pieces to a puzzle, the same can be said about various religions with their workings and experiences with the divine. Both worlds have parts to the schematic along with the tools to alter and decipher this reality whether it has to do with the  physical plane or the astral plane. With With that said, said, it is time to give magick a chance.



This old form of science and technology has been around longer than modern science and many other religions that later came into being, being, especially like like the Abrahamic faiths, faiths, which shunned the occult world for so long. However, However, these religions can  be credited with with providing many many truths similar similar to previous mythologies like the story of Prometheus that can be relatable to stories found in Christianity. A few stories that I prefer are from the Quran and the Bible in which angels clash against each other, one group loyal to the tyrant t yrant god who wanted Lucifer to bow  before humanity, humanity, while the other other angels pledged pledged loyalty to the rightfully rebellious rebellious angel Lucifer. Lucifer. At the end Lucifer and his angels were forever cast out of heaven and into the abyss, however, however, the battle didn't stop there, revenge had to be taken, and it came with a swift victory, victory, when the serpent gave Adam and Eve the forbidden fruit of knowledge in the garden of Eden enraging the tyrant god who cast Adam and Eve out, just just as he had done to Lucifer and his angels, thus creating a divide. It was this moment that gave birth to the left-hand path, and strength to the tree of Qliphoth also known as the tree of death, where Iblis Shaitan Lucifer resides with Lilith, opposed to the forces of the tree of life, known as the Sefirot. All this in order for truth to be revealed, all this is for the freedom of knowledge and wisdom, and all this to break away from a dictator that hides his true intent of control and slavery. This is where we arrive to become students of the left-hand path to walk the narrow path that is draconian but is that which leads us to our destination for the true intent of becoming living, breathing gods. You may find this puzzling at first, asking yourself, "how is that possible?". It is very simple, believing in your own intuition and in general, yourself are the very first steps towards becoming god-like. When you no longer need to rely on anyone an yone to sustain yourself, like relying relying on the Abrahamic god whom whom could care less about your freedom, gives you the ability to become completely autonomous, a characteristic which gods have. In accordance with that, it is all up to you to destroy the shackles of blind faith and mindless servitude, to begin ascending to godhood, and to begin experiencing freedom and power provided by the Qliphotic realms,



that wait for you filled with challenging ritual workings and rites which leads us to further ascension. This will be the point in your journey which will require you to sacrifice time and energy, for the most part, it will be a time of trials, more specifically trials of mental and physical strength. Personally, it took me some time before I decided to begin the draconian journey of the Qliphoth. Why, you may ask, because such an undertaking requires research and hours of study before committing to practices that one does not know and fully understand. That is why studying and research exist to answer the questions and concerns regarding the subject, and so that we can finally arrive at our intended destination prepared, armed and ready with knowledge and the correct tools needed to perform rituals and rites without hesitation and feeling lost. To make your  journey of the the left-hand path more simplistic simplistic it is recommended recommended to find reading materials. There are free reading materials in the form of PDF files that cover a wide spectrum of detailed information of the left-hand path. Joining social media groups such as that of  professional black black magicians like like S. Ben Qayin's Qayin's brotherhood brotherhood of Qayin will provide you with not only reading materials but other  practitioners who who pass around vast vast amounts of knowledge. There are also published books that cover the dark arts in a more constructive and professional manner combining history and  practices, making making it more of a hands-on approach. approach. One such book is called the Qabalah Qliphoth and Goetic Magic by Thomas Karlsson. This book covers many aspects of magick and its historic roots, the book also provides a great deal of history regarding not just the Qliphoth but the Sefirot as well. This book is great for building a strong foundation, it will most definitely get you prepared for committing and performing rites and rituals. These books will also introduce you to entities behind much of the magical forces that many seasoned magicians talk about. These entities are commonly known as demons or Djinn. These ancient forces are allies of the left-hand path who are capable of many abilities since they are bearers of ancient wisdom. More information can be found regarding the djinn in books



known as grimoires. These books are of the dark arts as well and have been passed down generation to generation containing instructions to evoke and invoke these ancient entities. However, invoking such forces should be taken with extreme caution since djinn are entities as old as time itself with powers beyond our capacity that can result with dire consequences such as causing harm to the magician. The oldest grimoires trace back to ancient times originating from authority figures such as King Solomon who, as stated in legend, was given the power to control the seventy-two-infernal seventy-two-infernal djinn by God, who were forced to complete agendas of the righthand path, until the djinn escaped from their imprisonment and enslavement sometime later. Stories of the king's experiences with the djinn can be found in the Testament Testament of Solomon, The Key of Solomon, The Lesser Key of Solomon, and especially the miscelaneo de salomon. I would like to note that miscelaneo de salomon can be found in its modern form within The Book of Smokeless Fire written by S. Ben Qayin, containing vital knowledge about the seventy-two-infernal djinn that cannot be found elsewhere. To sum it up, there are countless books containing knowledge of the left-hand path and the best thing to do is find reading material that is suitable for you. Because at the end of the day it's all about what you desire. Your desires are the first steps towards becoming a magician in the left-hand path, and in this book I will cover the the following subjects, subjects, creating tools of magick, divination and curse crafting with tarot, discovering ley lines, sacred geometry, geometry, sigil crafting, meditation and astral  projection, an introduction to the Qliphoth, and lastly writings writings of my philosophy.



DISCOVERING AND CREATING CREATING TOOLS OF MAGICK  For centuries magicians from all backgrounds have been using various tools of different forms to shape and mold the world around them, to interact with the forces externally and project forces within to connect and link the forces that exist in the outside world to the magician. Traditionally Traditionally magicians have used wands, athames, a type of ceremonial blade, swords, and scepters to direct their intent that is built upon the thoughts and emotions associated with whatever ritual work they are in the process of fulfilling. It is important to consider what type of materials the tool of choice is made of, commonly athames are made of metal, stone or bone, while wands and scepters are traditionally made from wood. I would recommend to those beginning their journey to have at least a metal athame for making blood offerings and a wooden wand for ritual work. In regards to wands, there are specific types of woods that are used to create wands and scepters especially for the lefthand path adept. These various types of woods contain magical properties from within nature. Woods that are dark, dense, and heavy, that originate from places such as deserts, canyons, and deep dark forests are symbolic of the nature and behavior of the left-hand path, especially wood ascertained from dead trees which are symbolic of the tree of Qliphoth. Common woods that are used in the left-hand  path include ebony ebony and oak, however however,, you can also also use woods such such as Desert Ironwood also known as Olneya, Snake wood, a dense and uniquely patterned wood resembling the scales of a snake, and Leadwood, a far more dense and elusive type t ype of timber having the luster of lead, the infamous toxic heavy metal. Once you have chosen the wood of your liking, you will need tools for wood working to create your wand, it can be as simple as using a whittling knife or power tools. Once completed it is



a common practice to attach gemstones to the wand or scepter, since witches have been known to attach various types of gemstones to their tools to enhance the magical properties of the tool. Smokey Quartz, Amethyst, Tourmaline, Citrine, or any type of crystal for that matter can can be used for magical workings. workings. Each and every crystal has its own magical properties ranging from cleansing, clarity, charging energy, and so much more. It is recommended that you find the correct gemstone for your wand, from the vast library of crystal crystal gems. At the end, your your craftsmanship has paid off, now that you have created your first tool of magick. Besides these types of magical tools, there are tools aimed more towards rituals and are most often stationary objects that are used to direct forces of magick and the magician’s intent. Such tools include candles, in which various colors symbolize the purpose and intent of the ritual or other path working that is being  performed. Black Black candles symbolize symbolize that which which is hidden in the shadows and calls out to the hidden wisdom to come out from the dark unknown depths. Black candles are also used for creating  baneful workings. workings. Red candles candles symbolize the the burning, passionate passionate energy and flames within one's core, red candles will usually be used when in a state of strong emotions. White candles symbolize symbolize clarity and are used in meditation. And finally, gold candles are candles that symbolize illumination, and are used to see the path ahead, especially for gazing into the future when performing works of divination and clairvoyance. Other tools include incense and  blood, which are much more than tools, and and are more like offerings and sacrificial fuels for ritual workings, and have been specifically used since ancient times to attract entities during the  process of invocation. invocation. This next magical tool dates back to ancient times, it is clay. ancient civilizations ranging from ancient Mesopotamian people like the Babylonians and Assyrians to people of Egypt, Eg ypt, India and elsewhere, have used clay to construct tablets for reading and writing as well as creating sacred statues and geometric figures for their ancient sacrificial rites and magical practices. Clay is a tool that is simple yet effective, 16


it's ancient primordial origin gives it properties of natural yet  powerful energy energy.. When When we use clay we we connect with with the Earth, and when we connect to the Earth, our rituals become greatly empowered, giving us the ability to connect with other worldly forces. The last tool of magick shares similar magical properties to that of clay, it is water. In magick water can be consecrated so that it can provide energy in ritual work. Simply place your water under a full moon or even a solar eclipse to charge the water with the energy of celestial objects.



DIVINATION DIVINATION AND CURSE CRAFTING WITH TAROT Tarot cards have been one of the most iconic tools of divination used throughout the centuries. Originally tarot cards were used as  playing cards during the mid-15th mid-15th century in different different parts parts of Europe to play card games such as Italian tarocchini and French tarot. However, However, it was discovered that these cards possessed  powers that some some considered to be supernatural, supernatural, and during the 18th century, century, it began to be used for divination, creating the studies of tarotology and cartomancy, cartomancy, which is a form of fortune telling. Different types of cards, like tarot cards appeared soon after  playing cards were first introduced into into Europe during the the 14th century. After a few centuries practitioners of cartomancy were most popularly known as cartomancers who combined fortune telling and more complex methods of divination. In our case it is used by the left-hand path not only for divination but in customized systems within magick for the purpose of creating  baneful magick, magick, which will be further discussed in this chapter. chapter. Using tarot cards is one of the oldest yet more common forms for performing divination, these cards are very effective for seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means. These cards can also be used to symbolize or represent a magician's intent, to gain things such as fortunes, healthy longevity, strength and so much more. But they can also be used to gain powers of of death, or other other powers for producing baneful baneful magick from cards like the tower and the devil. The traditional tarot deck has a major major and minor set of cards called called the Arcana cards. The major Arcana Arcana cards are referred to as the Trumps, it consists of The Fool, The Magician, The High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Chariot, Strength, The Hermit, The Wheel of Fortune, Justice, The Hanged Man, Death, Dea th, Temperance, Temperance, The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgment, And the World. While the Minor Arcana cards are referred to as the Court cards, consisting of suits. 19


There are four suits, the Wands, Pentacles, Swords, and Cups. Each card has its own unique meaning and image, especially if its from the original Rider-Waite tarot deck. That being said, it is important to know what each Arcana represents. The Trumps represent spiritual energy, universal energy, and states of higher consciousness. These These are cards that are associated with entities that can communicate through the planes, this means that they can  possibly provide the practitioner practitioner with guidance. guidance. When these cards turn up in a reading it most likely represents that you have a strong connection with the spiritual realm, and when Trump cards show up more often it can also mean that forces beyond you are attempting to assist you through life and even in your path towards ascension. A great great example of this would be like your first steps in the Qliphotic realm of Lilith, who also guides the adept through the other Qliphotic realms, realms, providing the adept adept with advice. And lastly experienced sorcerers state that the Trumps indicate one's fate and destiny, good or bad, there is still time to change the outcome. Courts contain four suites as mentioned above, they are the Wands, Pentacles, Swords, and Cups. These four suites are associated to parts of our lives that require change or to confirm and clarify our goals and achievements. When these cards appear in a reading they help to provide more details, especially when the reading has to do with questions and concerns that you have regarding your magical workings. Court cards are also used for addressing the mundane, everyday aspects of your life. Court cards are just as important as Trump Trump cards, in that they possess numerological value. If you are familiar with numerology, tarot cards are more than capable of being used for numerology, because these cards not only possess the powers of divination but the  power of numbers, numbers, a foundational foundational part of our our lives and the the universe itself. When performing performing a reading, you can add up the card values which will give you a more in depth meaning for your reading, helping you to understand it more clearly. Besides numbers, These seventy-eight tarot cards have a very decorative and colorful appearance, apart from the images on the cards, which you can interpret however you wish, based on your 



thoughts, perceptions, and emotions, but the colors on the cards really have something important to say. In magical practice, various colors correspond to the four main elements, Earth, Air, Water, and Fire. Colors that correlate to Earth are green and brown. Colors that correlate to Air are white, yellow, yellow, and blue. Colors that correlate to water are blue but also brown and green, which symbolizes the aquatic vegetation and ocean floor. And lastly, lastly, Colors that correlate to fire are red, orange, blue, and  purple symbolizing symbolizing the intensity intensity of the flames. flames. Each element element is a force of nature; therefore, each element has its own meaning and quality. Earth is grounding and it represents the foundational starting point for life to grow. grow. It provides nourishment to all living things, however it also contains dangerous elements, therefore forces of balance accommodate it. Air is the breath of life and it symbolizes the spirit, air provides oxygen and other gases to maintain life, however, it helps spread fire quickly, therefore forces of balance accommodate it. Water is one of the primary ingredients for life to exist, it covers seventy percent of the earth's surface in which marine life thrive within it. However too much water can be dangerous, causing flooding, and destruction, therefore forces of  balance accommodate accommodate it. Fire is warmth and and it represents the flames of strength within us. Fire symbolizes speed and a competitive outgoing spirit, however, however, fire is also known to cause destruction, therefore forces of balance accommodate it.  Now that I have have covered the the history and mechanics mechanics of the the tarot cards themselves let's actually begin learning about how to use the cards in readings and magical workings. To begin you must have a tarot deck which comes with its own booklet, if it does not come with a booklet there are many guide books available, the RiderWaite tarot deck should come with its own booklet. Now for the reading it is recommended to place crystals on the surface where you are performing, any crystal will help attain focus, and energy for the cards and the reading itself, that is why many magicians and even gypsy witches place crystals and even crystal spheres on the table where they are performing their work. Crystal balls are not only great for scrying and divination but are great for focusing and charging energy that empowers the practitioner.



THE PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE SPREAD Once you are prepared we can begin. Your first tarot reading will consist of only three cards, it is a reading to view your past,  present, and future. future. Begin by shuffling the the cards as many many times as you would like, once you have done so place the deck face down and spread them from right to left. Now you will choose your cards but it is important to take your time, meditate on the deck of cards and allow your intuition to flow freely, freely, don't think about which card to choose, allow your instinctive feelings to choose the card rather than your conscious reasoning to choose for you, once the cards have been chosen, place them in numerical order from left to right, remaining face down. Now turn your first card face up, this card represents your past and that which no longer exists, turn the second card face up, this card represents the present, and that which is your current status, and finally turn the last card face up, this card represents your future which will reveal your fate and destiny. Now that you have viewed the cards of your past, present, and future it is important to understand each card in depth. Afterward, close the reading by collecting the cards and shuffling the deck and setting it face down for the next reading. There are so many other spreads in the world of tarot such as the Celtic cross, overcoming obstacle spreads, Feng Shui spreads, Horoscope spreads, and so much more. I will provide one more spread that is listed above so that you can become more comfortable when  performing readings, readings, afterward I will provide three three of my tarot spread methods, But for now, let's take take a look at a very popular spread known as the Celtic cross spread. THE CELTIC CROSS SPREAD This spread is well known and is used to provide answers to one's concerns. The layout is quite simple, and it only requires  pulling ten cards, cards, let's begin. The first card is the significator significator which represents yourself and your concerns, it is placed in the center of the cross vertically. The second card is placed horizontally over the first card and represents your obstacles.



The third card is placed above, north of the first and second card, it represents what you already know about your goals. The fourth card is placed below, south below the center, it represents the foundation of your concerns and past influences that effect the current situation. The fifth card is to be placed to the left, East of the center of the cross, this card represents past situations that are fading away. The sixth card is to be placed to the right, west of the center, center, this card represents new circumstances that will arrive in the near future. The remaining four cards will now be placed in a vertical bar starting from bottom up, left of the cross. The seventh card represents your current state of mind. The eighth card represents circumstances around the situation. The ninth card represents your hopes hopes and fears. And last but not least the tenth tenth card represents the solution and outcome. Now that you have viewed the cards it is important to understand each card in depth. Again, close the reading by collecting the cards and shuffling the deck and setting it face down for future readings. CREATING CREATING A CURSE WITH TAROT TAROT,, WORKINGS OF BANEFUL MAGICK   Now that you you have gained a good amount of knowledge and experience with tarot spreads, this is the point in which I will now  begin teaching teaching you how to create any kind kind of curse with with tarot. For centuries magical practitioners, especially those who work with the dark arts, have been known for producing various forms of curses. Those practitioners who primarily focus on creating various forms of magical workings are referred to as magick craftsman, because of their unique skills and abilities to produce various works of magick including including spells and curses that are are potent and effective. effective. A curse can be as simple as imagining the destruction of your enemy, within your mind and casting it towards them. But if you're a visual and hands on type of magician, you may want to try something that requires the use of objects and symbolism to materialize your desired intent. For this curse, you will need the following. A total of ten tarot cards, five from the major Arcana, Arcana, The Devil, Death, The Tower, The Hermit, and The Moon. And 23


five cards from the minor Arcana, Arcana, The five of cups, three of swords, nine of swords, ten of swords, and five of pentacles, an image of your enemy, it is recommended to use a piece of hair or string from their clothing, a crystal sphere for directing clarity and energy, a black candle, and sandalwood incense to help cast the intent of the curse. Once you have all these tools you can begin creating the curse. Begin by addressing your intent and the type of curse that you would like to cast upon your enemy. This requires you to exhaust yourself by bringing out all your energy and hatred towards your foe. Hold up one of the ten cards that best suits your desired effect, the image of the card is just as important as its definition. What What you perceive emotionally from within and from the card should indicate your true feelings towards them. Light the black candle and incense, and begin burning the image or hair while holding the card above, and speaking out your intent of the curse with all your strength. When you feel that the curse has been successfully executed, end the working with three words, (it is done!). It is important to note that the effects of a curse can take much time and waiting for its intended effect is never a good idea, once it has been cast it will do its job, do not doubt it! However, in some cases when errors are made by the magician, and the intent itself was not truly from within and genuine of emotional hatred, it will cause the curse to not properly work or at the least weaken it, and will not perform as intended. Sometimes disruptions may also occur in the middle of casting a curse which obviously would affect it negatively, therefore always be prepared and never rush any magical workings, it is important that you find a place where it is quiet, and it should be a place where others cannot interrupt you when you are performing this type of working.



CURSE OUTCOME SPREAD When working with black magick and baneful magick in general, one must realize that it is sometimes tedious and challenging, especially when you are just a beginner, and are probably unsure if your intent was clear when creating a curse. But we already know the rule, in which the magician should have no doubt in their work. But at the same time a smart magician is cautious and always wants everything to run smoothly as possible, caring about your work even after it is done is a sign of maturity and care, therefore this is one such exception on your journey. If you want to know the outcome of your magical working, this spread will be all about looking at the progress of your magical workings, such as a curse. This is a great and helpful tarot spread which I have created as an accessory to accommodate the workings of baneful magick, that  being said, let let us begin. Only Only two tools will be required, required, your tarot deck and an obsidian or crystal sphere. Begin by addressing your intent for this reading, that being your concern for the progress of your magical working. Once done meditate on it, then start shuffling your tarot deck. Now that your deck has been shuffled spread the deck from right to left. This spread calls for only five cards to be placed on each point of an inverted pentagram, this  pentagram can be visualized or drawn out, it symbolizes not only the powers of the left-hand path and baneful workings, but it is also the inversion and reversed mirror image of the elemental Pentagram's forces, being changed from order to chaos. The  placement of the the cards correspond correspond to the inverted inverted pentagrams pentagrams mirrored reversal of five elements, the bottom point represents the spirit, the second lower point to the left represents air, air, the third  point to the right right represents water, water, the fourth point point at the top left represents earth and the fifth point to the top right represents fire.  Next, you must provide focus focus and energy energy for this reading, reading, place your crystal sphere at the center of the pentagram to provide a central point of balance. Now you will choose your cards but it is important to take your time, meditate on the deck of cards and allow your intuition to flow freely, don't think about which card to



choose, allow your instinctive feelings to choose the card rather than your conscious reasoning to choose for you. Besides the elemental symbolism behind the inverted pentagram, each point has its own meaning. The first card is representative of the curse, the second card represents the successful attributes of the curse, the third card represents the potency or the power of the curse, the fourth card represents the true intent and nature of the curse, and lastly, the fifth card represents the outcomes from the curse. When all five cards have been set, study the spread in depth don't just use the definitions from the booklet, instead use your intuition to create a better understanding of your reading. THE SPREAD OF HEARTS This spread is designed to display the thoughts and emotions of anyone, especially friends, family, and your enemies. But why would this spread be important to you, you might ask. To answer that question, sometimes we may wonder about what is going on in the hearts of our friends and foes especially when we are in constant contact with with these individuals daily or every so often. At some point in time, you might feel that they may be hiding something from you. Whatever the problem might be, you have every right to know what is going on in the mind of that person, especially if it comes down to a life or death situation that involves the well being of your own life. This method is to be taken with caution since it involves tapping into the minds of others. This type of reading will require for you to call upon the ears of other worldly forces. Here you will call out to entities for the first time, until you can learn how to use, or better understand clairvoyance, and omniscience. If this isn't your first time communing with an entity then this shouldn't be too difficult. However, However, if it is your first time attempting to communicate with entities, you shouldn't be too concerned because you will be guided by a source full of experience, which will provide steps that are based on experiences that have been built up over a great amount of time, backed by study and research. Before you perform this reading, it is recommended that you first read this book in its entirety and most 26


importantly works from far more experienced practitioners, like S. Ben Qayin and his creation The Book of Smokeless Fire, and Asenath Mason's creations combined with the Temple of Ascending flame such as, Rites of Lucifer and Tree of Qliphoth. Once you have gained experience from these workings you can return to this book and begin performing the works presented here. This reading is a one card draw to tap into the hearts and minds of your friends, family, and foes as stated before. In order to  perform this reading, reading, you will will need the individual's individual's hair or string from clothing, a gold candle, your tarot deck, and crystals, or a crystal sphere to concentrate energy. Begin by lighting the candle and burning the object and address your intentions into the flames and state the following, "I call forth the attention of forces within me and outside. I call to my unholy father Iblis Shaitan Lucifer and all forces under his sigil to display and expose the heart, private emotions, and feelings within (individuals name here)."Once completed, shuffle shuffle the tarot deck and shortly put it above the candle flame, but not too close to avoid damaging the cards, this action is done in order for the essence of the offering to make contact with the cards. Spread the cards from right to left and choose one card. Now that you have viewed the card it is important to understand understand this card in depth. Again, close the reading reading  by collecting the cards and shuffling shuffling the the deck and setting setting it face down for future readings. Hopefully, this chapter opened your mind to tarot in a much greater way, especially in the ways of the left-hand path. The lefthand path has so much to offer, but it is up to you to go deeper within it, and learning more about it is always beneficial. Once you have done so you can create your own methods. With With the left-hand  path, creativity is endless and inspiration is constantly flowing flowing in, like a raging river of water. This creative force forms from the chaotic husks of the abyss which emerge as energy and the drive within the magician. This is the revival of ancient powers and reawakening them to achieve path workings while simultaneously  becoming triumphant triumphant over order order. When When walking the left-hand left-hand path, you are always advancing towards greater knowledge, truth, and freedom. 27


DISCOVERING LEY LINES From the deserts of the Middle East to the forests of Scandinavia, and the frozen wastelands of the southern hemisphere, Planet Earth radiates with natural energy fields that flow and fuel these various climates. In this chapter, we will study and look at a less common form of the planet's fields of energy. These types of energy fields or paths of energy are much like the magnetic fields that surround the Earth, however, however, in this case, ley lines are geometric alignments that run across the lithosphere, running through and connecting natural and sacred locations. From civilization to civilization, names have been given to represent these invisible lines based on the various forces of energy that exist within and near the lines. They have been referred to as dream paths, spirit paths, and energy paths, because of the experiences, and countless magical ceremonies performed within and near these lines. This makes ley lines great for the journeying and meditating magical practitioners. In that case, ley lines will provide you with a great journey towards gaining further wisdom, and along the way you will discover knowledge that exists in the form of energy in the sands, or as whispers from the winds of the high deserts, and echoes from the canyons below. below. There are still many unknowns from ancient civilizations that never made it into the form of writing, however when we visit ancient ruins or natural places like a forest we can find remains from our ancient ancestors which can provide us with information and evidence of their ancient magical methods. Before we begin searching for these ancient sources of knowledge, whether it is through physical means or through spiritual means, it is important to remember that this ancient wisdom is to be respected, because it gives us a foundation and a basic basic understanding of various concepts found in the world of magick.  Normally we will will look at new new materials that that have just been created, and that's fine. But when we look back in time at ancient drawings, carvings, and scriptures, there is just so much 29


more that is being offered. When we find these older sources of magical knowledge, We not only learn about it, but we learn to appreciate it. When we make contact with these ancient sources, we also gain the essence from previous practitioners and the magick that was performed with these drawings, carvings and scriptures. When we make these discoveries we aren't just finding  power,  power, we are finding finding purpose. From my understanding, understanding, Humans Humans are unique creatures that are the only ones known to have such amazing mental, and spiritual capabilities within this realm, and our history proves it, with so many accounts of communicating with gods or entities throughout time, and working with them to create so many amazing things. Therefore our purpose is to be like them, and we are destined to be the vehicles and storage vessels of knowledge and power power.. And so our journey continues continues as we follow the paths that our ancestors used ages ago, that we now know as ley lines. To continue finding finding ley lines, take into considerations considerations of what type of energy path that you want to work with. To make more sense of this philosophy, you will learn a little bit about the ancient Chinese philosophical system of Taoism. In Taoism, exists a system of dualism. Much like order and chaos, this system s ystem contains what is known as yin and yang. The very popular symbol of yin and yang, the Taijitu, symbolizes two different forces in a constant revolving cycle, which seeks to rejoin as a whole but always returns to two separate forces that push and pull due to their opposing properties. Yin Yin is the feminine force. It symbolize s ymbolizess energy which is dark and hidden, it also symbolize s ymbolizess the moon and nighttime. While Yang is the masculine force. It symbolizes energy which is bright and visible, it also symbolizes the sun and daytime. So Yin and Yang can help us understand where we live, for example, A Yin environment is an environment which has a cold climate, that contains places which align with the spiritual and symbolic elements of Yin. It includes natural and sacred places such as cold forests, cold deserts, caves, abandoned temples, ruins, and the underworld. While a Yang environment is an environment which has a warm climate, that contains places which align with the spiritual and symbolic elements of Yang. It includes natural and 30


sacred places such as warm forests hot deserts, and active places on the surface and above. Once you have decided choosing or defining your location and it's type of ley line, it is recommended to study its past and the history of the ancient civilizations that existed there or continue to exist in that region, and then decide whether it is suitable for your ascension on the left-hand path. To easily find ley lines that have been discovered by previous  practitioners, and and professionals who specialize specialize in this field of study, look no further than maps and various sources provided on the web. There are countless maps and interactive tools that you can find on the internet for discovering ley lines. Once you have found your ley line it is time that you put your study into practice. I will provide you with a good example of what your goal should  be when choosing choosing and working with ley lines. lines. In my case case when choosing a ley line I will usually pick a specific line based on the geography and history of a location. To To be more specific, here is an example. The Middle East is known as the cradle of civilization and has been a major source of the sacred world. Therefore, it is simply a powerful place filled with vast amounts of knowledge and many ancient secrets. The Middle East catches my attention  because of the amazing amount amount of ancient literature, and magick, in particular scriptures about the seventy-two-infernal seventy-two-infernal djinn. Amazingly works such as this, help produce the energy of the ley lines, the very essence that exists there there comes from these works and the entities entities that are associated. associated. These entities entities have entered into the physical realm time and time again by b y means of invocation whether it was done by the hands of King Solomon or someone else. When arriving to these places you can feel the energy in the atmosphere, you can also feel the essence or presence of the wandering entities and spirits crossing the planes and dimensions of their world and ours. When this happens, you can settle down anywhere in the desert and begin to take your mind into a state of trance, meditation, and astral projection in order to begin communicating with the entities, to ask them anything that you desire. If you put enough of your mind into it and your spiritual s piritual energy into practice, then you will be successful in all your workings.



SACRED GEOMETRY GEOMETRY Circles, Triangles, Triangles, Squares, Polygons, and other various shapes, all ascribe to sacred geometry. Shapes are everywhere in the form of two dimensional, three dimensional, and even four-dimensional four-dimensional forms. In magick, shapes have the ability to transfer, transfer, change, and store divine or magical power and energy. Sacred geometry is not only associated with certain religions and their traditional beliefs,  but it also belongs belongs in the occult occult world, and and especially in in the lefthand path. An example of sacred geometry geometry from the left-hand left-hand path includes the inverted pentagram, sigils, and various ritual floor layouts. For thousands of years, various religions have used and applied sacred geometry in their rituals, shapes contain not only ancient magical and divine capabilities, but most importantly the  power of numerological numerological value. Each shape has its own numerological value, as each natural number has its own power to change energy currents in the material and astral planes. To explain how these shapes work, we will study each basic geometric shape and what each shape has to offer. First, we will look at the sphere. The sphere is a unique shape, found in nature,  but it is more more commonly found as a man-made man-made object. The name sphere originates from the Greek word sphaira meaning globe or  ball. A fair example of a near sphere sphere object can be found in nature, nature, such as planets, stars, and other celestial objects. The properties of man-made spherical objects that are used in magick, can be compared to properties that celestial objects have. For example  planet Earth contains contains various forms of energy energy,, it has an atmosphere, produces gravitational force, and has the unique  property to sustain sustain and produce produce life. When a comparison comparison like this is made to man-made tools it is easy to see how it can be used for magical workings, therefore spheres have the potential to become rechargeable vessels that are capable of storing energy. Besides spheres, circles have similar properties like a sphere, because both circles and spheres are



never ending, and infinite making them great for storing magical energy. The next geometric shape takes the form of ancient Mayan temples, Assyrian Ziggurats, and Egyptian pyramids, it is the  pyramid. Although there are many similar similar shapes that aren't triangular, triangular, our only concern here is that we only use triangular shapes. Triangles Triangles and pyramids p yramids share very special properties, in that they have been used for various important religious rituals in ancient times. When Pharaohs passed away they would be placed in sacred pyramids which became their temporary resting place. It is believed that the pyramid's top point, would help the souls of the Pharaohs move on to the afterlife, this top point of the pyramid acted as a focal point for gathering magical energy to launch the Pharaoh’s Pharaoh’s soul into the heavens. This makes the roles of pyramids very important in human history, thus making it a powerful tool to direct the flow of magical energy. It is important to point out that triangles have the same attributes as pyramids, but its functionality can be changed when inverted in rituals. When inverted, it acts as an arrow that directs external energy into the practitioner standing within the triangle, unlike a regular triangle which can be used to direct magical energy outwards which is very useful as well. Squares, rectangles, cubes, and rectangular prisms are our next sacred geometrical shapes. These shapes are found in vast amounts within the world of science and mathematics, especially, mechanical, electrical, and architectural engineering. Like other shapes, they have been used for thousands of years in almost every  part of our lives. lives. For example, example, electronics electronics are based on these shapes, more specifically the components on the circuit board, and even the circuit board itself. Therefore, these shapes are great for storing, transmitting, and receiving energy. When it comes down to using sacred geometry for magical purposes you can use any shape, whether it is two dimensional or three dimensional to empower your workings. You can even combine these shapes to create magick circles that are used in ceremonial magick. These magick circles can also be combined with sigils which can increase



magical energy while performing rituals of evocation and invocation. The next chapter will cover sigil crafting and how you can convert your name into a sigil for your magical purposes.



SIGIL CRAFTING Sigil crafting is an art in itself. Sigils have existed since the earliest systems of magick were created. To understand exactly what a sigil is I will provide you with a fairly detailed history. history. Sigils have been used by various cultures for their own systems of magick and occult practices. Sigils are recognized by various  peoples, and are defined in every language. In Hebrew, Hebrew, the word sigil is known as segula meaning word, action, or item relating to spiritual effects, and talismans. In Latin, the word sigil is known as Sigillum, meaning seal, and is a symbol s ymbol that can be used to represent entities, people, places, and even things. It can be understood and defined as pictorial signatures that belong to entities like the djinn, people who are magical practitioners, sacred  places, and objects. objects. In ceremonial ceremonial magick sigils sigils are used to refer refer to various occult symbols that belong to and represent entities, the sigils are also used to invoke or evoke them. Various books of magick in the left-hand path, like the grimoires contain numerous sigils, primarily for the seventy-two-infernal djinn. therefore sigils are a major component in the dark arts. With that said let's begin. First, I will provide you with a modified version of an ancient Chinese method that uses a number grid known as the Lo Shu magick square that helps you to create sigils. This magical grid is used to create sigils by converting names into numbers, the numbers are then located on the Lo Shu magick square by connecting lines from one number to the next number that slowly creates the sigil, it is more complex than this brief explanation, therefore I will provide you with step by step instructions so that you can create your own sigil. Begin by writing your full name down at the top of a piece of paper. Next, in order for the sigil to be created properly, properly, you must first remove duplicate letters which are before the secondary identical letters within only the first name and not the last name. For example, if I have a name such as Johnson Doe, I will remove the O's in Johnson and leave the o in Doe. After those letters have been removed, what should 37


remain, is Jhsn Doe. The second step is to remove all vowels,A, E, I, O, U, within the entire name, now leaving Jhsn D. These two  processes are done done in order to avoid the error error of overlapping, and duplicated lines.  Now you will begin creating the Lo Shu alphanumeric grid. grid. This grid will consist of numbers one through nine and the English alphabet. The grid is to be drawn as a four by nine grid. The first row is to be numbered from one to nine, and then inserting the alphabet starting from the second row, from left to right, descending to the last row. row. Once you have completed creating the grid begin matching up the letters from your name to the numbers assigned to the letters in each corresponding column. Now that you have converted the letters into numbers, begin making the Lo Shu magick square by creating a three by three grid and properly numbering it from one to nine starting from left to right, going from top to bottom. Now you can begin by drawing out your sigil  by connecting connecting your numbers numbers in order, for example, the name Johnson Doe has been converted to the numbers one, eight, one, five, and four, you will then match these numbers to the magick square, drawing a line from one to eight and so on.  Now  Now that you have created created your own sigil you can combine it with sacred geometric shapes. The The sigil itself will naturally  produce its own geometric geometric shapes especially triangular triangular shapes, when the lines within your sigil cross creating the triangles. To further enhance your sigil you can surround it with circles or any shape that you prefer. prefer. When performing invocation rituals it is common practice to draw out the sigils on the ground, usually with soil or other forms of organic matter, this is done in order to make a greater connection with the natural forces of Earth and beyond. Sigils have been used for ages, but for some time these symbols went unnoticed, until centuries later when a nineteenth century occultist by the name of Austin Osman Spare discovered them and  published his own methodology, methodology, where the intent of the  practitioner are spoken and transformed into a sigil. The The sigil is then charged by the magician using their own will power. power. This technique is now known as sigilization, and it has become a major  part of chaos magick, magick, and other forms of magick. magick.



Sigilization is commonly found in the world of chaos magick  because it can can be modified for a more personalized personalized touch. touch. Sigilization also gives practitioners a great advantage when creating new methodologies in chaos magick, where it can make works of magick more flexible and unlimited. For example sigils can be charged and modified in unique ways, as the process of sigilization doesn't require a set of rules. Sigils can be used for creating spells, curses, and the creation of thought forms. This methodology is very much different from the traditional use of sigils, whose discoverers passed it down generation after generation from books, providing the sigils fixed identity and definition, where in this case the modern sigil is created by magical practitioners and are programmed for whatever the magician desires, accommodated with the use of metaphysical  power or blood offerings to charge charge and activate it.



MEDIT MEDITATION AND ASTRAL ASTRAL PROJECTION Meditation has been found in similar forms throughout various religions around the world, with the common goal in mind which is for the meditating individual to make the mind transcend into a deep state of consciousness, in order to discover realization within something or to simply acknowledge its contents without having to  be overly analyzed. analyzed. Meditation Meditation allows one to connect with their inner self and to awaken and bring out power that has not been activated, lying dormant within the labyrinth that is the soul. When one hears the word meditation they will automatically picture a  person who is sitting with their legs crossed, crossed, eyes closed, and saying aloud some kind of mantra, that may be correct however there is more involved and in our case it is done for a much more different purpose. For example in religions such as Buddhism meditation is not about going into a state of hypnotism in order to make contact with a supernatural entity, but it is more about a form of meditation that involves the body and the mind becoming one. For Buddhists this is very vital and it requires that they ignore duality so that their body and the mind can reach a point of  becoming a singularity singularity.. To summarize meditation in their world is a way of taking control of the mind so that it becomes peaceful and focused, it is also used to stop the mind rushing about in an aimless melee of thoughts. Some individuals state that the aim of some forms of meditation, is to still the mind. There are a number of methods of meditating that have been used for ages that have been proven to do so. In our case we will use meditation in a way that is somewhat similar, but our intentions will reside with the goals and intentions of the left-hand path. Our goal here is to release our inner powers for the purpose of increasing and heightening our magical prowess, and unlocking the powers of astral projection, so let's begin. Throughout your journey you have been learning a



great deal of knowledge from the left-hand path, but now it is time to take everything to a new level that you once thought impossible. Take all your tools and place them safely aside so that you can make the space around you as open as possible, or you can find a silent empty place that would be more than beneficial for you to meditate. For a moment wander around and survey this space for a few moments, this exercise will help calm your spirit in order to  begin the practice practice of meditation. meditation. Begin to to analyze the dark corners and shadows in this place, they represent the hidden aspects of life. Continue to look around you and notice life and growth, but at the same time you know that in the end it will return to the ashes. From ashes to ashes, dust to dust. There is life and then there is death. But the cycle of life simply doesn't end in the physical world, life continues on in the afterlife in the form of spirits that are beyond the physical planes. Now that you have let your mind dwell on the elements of life begin to settle down for the meditation, but before you begin meditating I will teach you about tapping into the various forms of energy within the human body and spirit that are the sources of our energy and life force. These  points of energy energy are concepts found in in Hinduism, Buddhism, Buddhism, and Jainism, it is known as Chakra, and it is very important to find  balance within within each chakra in order to perform perform advanced workings of magick, and in this case meditation and astral projection. There are a total of seven chakras, the first chakra is the Root Chakra. It represents our foundation and what grounds us, it is located in the tailbone. The second chakra is the Sacral Chakra, it represents our ability to accept new knowledge and create new experiences. It is located by the lower abdomen. The third chakra is the Solar Plexus Chakra, it represents our confidence and control of our lives, it is located by our upper abdomen. The fourth chakra is the Heart Chakra, it represents love, however I would not recommend to use this chakra, for the purpose of discovering love,  because it is a blinding force that can can cause one to stray off from their true purpose especially when you are a magical magical practitioner. practitioner. however it can be used to a limited extent, for example it can be accessed for the love that you have for friends and family, but  beyond this level level of love in my opinion is is simply useless I see no



 purpose in having an intimate or sexual relationship, relationship, it is fruitless and a waste of one's potential. This chakra is located in the center of the chest. The fifth chakra chakra is the Throat Chakra, it represents represents our ability to communicate physically and spiritually, spiritually, it is located in the throat. The sixth chakra is the Third Eye E ye Chakra, it represents our ability to focus on and see beyond the physical and mundane world. It is the apex of our intuition, imagination, and in our case mystical wisdom. It is located on our forehead between our eyes. And And the seventh chakra is the Crown Chakra, it is the highest chakra that represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually, spiritually, it is where we are able to project ourselves outside of our body to flow flow freely and gain gain spiritual knowledge. knowledge. It is located at the very top of the head. Now that we have gone over every chakra you will perform a breathing exercise while meditating. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes while slowly inhaling through your nose, and exhaling out through your mouth. Your main focus in your meditative state will be to find a healthy  balance between each chakra, chakra, and most importantly how how you can improve each chakra that you believe has become weak or untouched. It will take much time to properly tune tune each chakra depending on your ability to concentrate. When the time has come, where you believe and feel that your Chakra is in proper balance, you will now fit them all together to create a singularity, singularity, because each chakra has the ability to relate to one another. another. The purpose of combining your chakras into one is to create that trust and confidence within you and also to enhance your energy and spiritual abilities. Once this is done you will reproduce the same  process but this time it is to combine the body and spirit to create a  peaceful unity. unity. Your body and spirit are are equally important, without your body you can not function on the physical ph ysical plane and without your spirit you cease to exist. Your body is the force that allows you to gain knowledge and wisdom that feeds your mind and spirit, and your spirit is what allows your body to function, and is the source of your consciousness. However your body is a temporary form of life while your spirit is not. When you have completed this process, take your hand and put it onto your forehead where the third eye chakra is, notice the warmth.



This warmth is being made by your own energy, you are a being that flows with blood cells which run through your veins, within these cells are chemical compounds, within the compounds are a combination of elements that create life, within these elements are charged subatomic particles, within these charged particles are quarks, and within these quarks resides shadows of darkness, and within this darkness darkness comes the energy energy that fuels us. Now that your your eyes have been opened continue to sit in a comfortable position and meditate. you will perform a breathing exercise while meditating. Again, close your eyes while slowly inhaling through your nose, and exhaling out through your mouth. You will now begin to leave your physical being to wander the astral realm. As you continue to  breathe in through through your nose and exhale out through through your mouth,  begin to imagine leaving your body body, do not force any thoughts, or create any false visions in your mind, simply think about your soul moving as if it was your own body. As you exhale through your mouth feel your breath slowly leave from your body becoming one with the wind that is passing by, you know that you can go wherever you want, you are free from anyone and anything, and no one is in control but yourself. You now begin to feel light and your  body has disappeared. Now use your intent to travel to the crossroads of realms beyond, speaking to who ever you want in the astral realm, Learning as much much as you can from these ancient ones. When you want to return to the physical plane, simply remember your place of meditation. Now slowly open your eyes and end the meditation.



AN INTRODUCTION TO THE QLIPHOTH Throughout the book I have mentioned the Qliphoth many times with a brief description, however I have not gone into depth and further detail with you about the tree of Qliphoth until now. In order to understand the Qliphoth we will first study the Sefirot and its ten attributes in the Jewish Kabbalah. In Hebrew, Sefirot means emanations which are ten attributes that come from their god, who is referred to as Ein Sof. To simply explain these ten attributes, I will provide short and concise definitions of each sefirah. The sefirot are divided into three categories, the first category is known as the superconscious, which contains the first sefirah called Keter which means crown. The Keter represents the divine will to create an infinite light of this god. The second category is known as the Conscious intellect, which contains the second and third sefirah, Chochmah, and Binah. The second sefirah is called Chochmah which means wisdom. Chochmah represents wisdom, it is described as a first unbounded flash of an idea before it takes on limitations and creation from nothingness, of this god. The third sefirah is called Binah which means understanding. Binah represents the infinite flash of Chochmah brought into the vessel of understanding to give it grasp of breadth and depth which gives  birth to emotions, emotions, reason, and and understanding understanding from this god. The third category is known as the Conscious emotions, which contains the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth sefirah. These sefirah are each known as, Chesed, Gevurah, Tiferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malchut. The fourth sefirah is called Chesed which means kindness. Chesed represents the supposed love from this god. The fifth sefirah is called Gevurah which means severity. Gevurah represents the strength, judgment, intentions, of this god. The sixth sefirah is called Tiferet which means beauty. Tiferet represents the symmetry and balance  between Chesed Chesed and Gevurah in compassion from from this god. The seventh sefirah 46


is called Netzach which means eternity. eternity. Netzach represents  perpetuity and endurance within this god. The eighth sefirah sefirah is called Hod which means splendor. It represents withdrawal, surrender and sincerity from this god. The ninth sefirah is called Yesod which means foundation. It represents connecting to the task to accomplish coherent knowledge of this god. The tenth sefirah is called Malchut which means kingship. It represents the god's emanation within his creation in the physical ph ysical realm. And last we have the mystical state of knowledge known as Da'at which means knowledge. knowledge. Unlike the sefirah the function function of Da'at is to unite the sefirah into a singularity, it is located in the top central  portion of the tree. Now that you understand each each sefirot, you must understand why it's structure and configuration looks the way it does. The most popular configuration of not just the Sefirot but the Qliphoth, appears like a tree which also indicates the spiritual and symbolic functionality of each tree. This tree like configuration is known as the Yosher. This scheme depicts the sefirot arranged in three columns. The right column represents the spiritual force of expansion. The left represents its opposite, and it's restrictions. The middle column is the balancing force or synthesis between these opposing tendencies. And lastly there are the twenty-two twent y-two connecting paths  between the sefirah. sefirah. These twenty-two twenty-two paths correspond to what is called the spiritual channels of the twenty-two letters from the Hebrew alphabet. Each letter is seen as the spiritual life force that comes from the account in genesis when the world is created, and where creation takes place through ten Hebrew sayings from their god (“Let there be...”). But soon after conflict ensued in the heavens and on Earth, thus creating the divide and the Qliphotic realms. We We will now move on to discover the Qliphoth and study all ten Qlipha in detail. The Qliphoth is all that the Sefirot is not. Through shared knowledge, wisdom, and tradition that has been  passed down from from practitioner to practitioner practitioner of the dark arts, The Qliphoth is known as the antithesis of the Sefirot, and in Hebrew it simply means peels, husks, or shells. There There are various facts about the Qliphoth that are greatly known, and some that are not well known. In the Kabbalah, and systems of esoteric/occult study,



the Qliphoth originated from the abandoned elements of gods attempt of creation that were later thrown away, away, however because of the essence of divine power that remained in these husks, it created a force that was even stronger than that of the Sefirot. But now we know that the Qliphoth is in fact the realm in which the fallen angels reside in, like his greatness Lucifer. The tree of Qliphoth has been greatly identified because of the various entities that reside within it, and how it has been popularly known as the Tree of Death or the Tree of Knowledge. For some time, it has been called the Tree of Death, but it is not what many believe to be as a literal place of death, this simply is not the case. Here death is not a means to an end, instead it means the transformation of life, and the transition from one form of life to another. For example, when one's life ends in the physical realm, it transforms into a much different form of life, when the spirit has moved on to the afterlife, into the astral realm a place of greater being, and wisdom. This is where the Qliphoth is also known as the Tree of Knowledge. In the world of the left-hand  path the Qliphoth Qliphoth is also identified identified as the Tree of Knowledge, which is based on the tree found in the book of Genesis. In Genesis we learn about creation creation and the creation of mankind, mankind, Adam and Eve. Here we find Adam and Eve consuming the fruit of knowledge in the Garden of Eden, with the help of the serpent assumed to be either Lilith, or Samael. Thus creating the greater divide, and breaking the shackles that were once placed on mankind. Now I will begin to teach you about the ten Qlipha with short and concise descriptions, but with enough detail so that you can understand the meaning of the Qliphotic realms. However I am not able to possibly provide you with rites and rituals that accommodate every single Qlipha, otherwise it would be a second  book within this this book consisting consisting of more than than two hundred pages. pages. Therefore I recommend recommend that you read Asenath Mason's book, book, The Tree of Qliphoth. Much like the Sefirot's Yosher configuration, the Qliphoth has the same configuration as well. But instead of there being ten attributes of the Jewish god, we have ten Qliphotic realms where each one has it own purpose and entities living within them. Like



the Sefirot and it's three categories, the Qliphoth has a similar setup as well. The first category of the Qliphoth is known as the entities of superconscious, which is the first Qlipha known as Thaumiel, which is also home to the twin gods. This Qlipha is described as being the crown of initiation and the path to the great abode of wisdom and higher consciousness which resides with the Throne of Lucifer and the Twin God. This Qliphotic realm also consists of two sub realms which are the forces of duality, of the Twin God. One realm is of Satan, while the other is of Moloch which are under Lucifer's throne. When these three entities come together to make one, the gates of higher knowledge and consciousness are opened. The second category is known as the entities of conscious intellect, which contains the second and third Qlipha, Ghagiel, and Satariel. The second Qlipha is known as Ghagiel, which is translated to, “Those who go forth into the place empty of god”. This realm is the force that provides energy to create and recreate elements of the universe, and allows full access into Thaumiel, by breaking down divine law. The rulers of this realm are Beelzebub and Adam Belial. The third Qlipha is known as Satariel, which is known as the domain of Lucifuge, the shadow of Lucifer, it is also the domain and womb of Lilith, queen of Sitra Ahra. This realm is a place of tests, where one confronts surrealism, but must see past it to find truth from the concealer. The third category is known as the entities of conscious emotions, which contains the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth Qlipha. These Qlipha are each known as, Gha'agsheblah, Golachab, Thagirion, A'arab Zaraq, Gamaliel, Gamaliel, and Lilith. The fourth Qlipha is known as Gha'agsheblah, which is known as the smiters. This This realm is ruled by Astaroth, who will annihilate annihilate humanity in the end times. Here you will learn to recreate yourself destroying everything that you once were, and leave behind your whole life before entering the abyss of the great abode of higher wisdom. The fifth Qlipha is known as Golachab, which is known as the burning one. This realm is the lake of fire and a pit of awesome destruction. destruction. It is here in which Asmodeus, better known known as Samael resides. This realm is a realm in which one is crowned and initiated from the realm realm of A'arab Zaraq. This realm tests the initiate with great severity, but it is the way of  49


misery and bliss. The sixth Qlipha is known as Thagirion, which is known as the disputers, and is the illuminating path of the night side. This realm is home to Belphegor, the lord of the dead, which is at the heart of the Qliphoth. This realm represents the foundation, knowledge and understanding of the left-hand path,  but it is where the journeying initiate must accept that that they will no longer have the guiding hand of allies from previous realms, so that they can become self sufficient and confront the tests of Belphegor and beyond. The seventh Qlipha is known as A'arab Zaraq, also called the Ravens of Dispersion, where it is ruled by Venus Illegitima the teacher of carnal mysticism, Baal the teacher  of war, and Tubal Cain the teacher of metallurgy and alchemy. This realm represents ordeals of peace and violence, it is a place in which the initiate must face these opposites to gain courage and strength. The eighth eighth Qlipha Qlipha is known as Samael, Samael, when when translated, translated, it means the poison of god. This This is the realm in which which the Reaper resides, and where the ruler Adrammelech Adrammelech presides. It is this realm that introduces the initiate to the mysteries of death. The ninth Qlipha is known as Gamaliel, and it is known as the realm of the obscene one. This realm is ruled by Lilith, where she introduces the initiate to the foundational teachings of magick. The tenth Qlipha is known as Lilith, this is the tenth realm of the Qliphoth, however, however, this is where the journey of the initiate begins  because it marks the opening of the gates to Sitra Ahra, therefore one must travel backwards from the last to the first Qlipha where they will finally arrive to the throne of Lucifer. In this realm Lilith's sister Naamah, is the ruler and and guardian of of all worldly worldly  possessions, seductress seductress of men's souls, souls, and ruthless ruthless goddess who creates nightmares. But it this realm in which the two sisters guide the initiate into the Qliphoth igniting the Luciferian flame within, in order to ascend. And last we have the mystical state of knowledge Da'at, that inhabits the dark tree connecting all the realms from within the husks with the combined forces of the demonic twenty-two channels creating it's super structure. To conclude, the Qliphoth is the most powerful and impressive  primordial force that has ever existed. existed. As a Theistic Theistic Luciferian and  black magician it has been 50


more then an honor to teach you about the Qliphoth in detail as  best as I possibly possibly can, and I hope that you you have learned to appreciate it, because without it the left-hand path would not exist or it probably wouldn't be what it is today. today. In the next chapter you will be introduced to writings that I had created long before I  began creating this book, it will entail my early thoughts thoughts and  philosophy of the the left-hand path path as it was written. written.



WRITINGS OF MY PHILOSOPHY PHILOSOPHY You have discovered my work because destiny brought you here. I am he who was mentored by the light bearer, and I am he who was mentored by black magicians of great wisdom. In these writings you will find an organized system of my philosophy. To  begin learning about the dark arts I will introduce you to my  philosophy of the left-hand path. path. This This system which I have created created is called, the Merging Triangles Triangles of Sitra Ahra, where two major  philosophies of of the left hand path are combined combined to create the force of singularity within the heart and mind of the practitioner. practitioner. As part of my design, it is made of two triangles. The top triangle is inverted, which expresses the philosophy of magical power and tools of the left-hand path from black magick and magick in general. The bottom triangle represents the associated spiritual aspect of the left-hand path, it is the umbrella of Satanism, Luciferianism, and the Qliphoth. These two triangles merge to combine the forces of magical power and spiritual power, to make the left-hand path into a living and breathing force of nature. Because the triangles merge into one another it produces a rhombus, which produces the singularity and space for greater  potential energy energy that represents represents the practitioner practitioner of the dark dark arts.  Now I will further further explain each each part of the the Merging Merging Triangles Triangles of Sitra Sitra Ahra in detail. detail. THE TRIANGLE OF MAGICAL PHILOSOPHY Black magick is the philosophy of one's egoism, black magick is based on three main foundational principles, Individuality, freedom, and power. These three principles found in the left-hand  path are meant meant to heighten the forces of magick, and to assist the  practitioner in gaining power to possess three major abilities, abilities, it includes omniscience (knowing all or very much. ), omnipotence ( the quality of having unlimited or great power. power. ), and omnipresence ( Being spiritually present everywhere at the same 53


time. ). In the left-hand path our primary form of spirituality is Satanism and especially Theistic Luciferianism, where Lucifer is the guiding force who teaches us as a mentor and friend, and is not a tyrannical force. Through Lucifer's gnosis, and the gnosis from other forces from the tree if Qliphoth, we are able to learn about the vast amount of abilities found in black magick besides the higher abilities listed above. These abilities include divination, ( the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown  by supernatural supernatural means. ), invocation ( the act of calling upon or summoning a spirit, demon, god, or other supernatural entity. ), and astral projection ( the existence of a soul or consciousness called an “astral body” that is separate from the physical body and is capable of traveling throughout the universe where it interacts with other astral bodies or entities, and is capable of implanting ideas into other people's minds. ). With everything mentioned above it is important to know that this philosophy is under the rule of a strict ethical code of conduct, and ignoring the ethical code of conduct will end with dire repercussions for the practitioner, practitioner, therefore it is noted that harming the innocent by means of magick is a violation, and one must abide by this ethical code of conduct, however self defense is an acceptation. Thus, these practices throughout the left-hand path require the practitioner to take their time in research and study, discipline, mindfulness, caution, and to act responsibly. To further assist with one's ascension in the lefthand path it is recommended to use methodologies such as mentorships, study aids, working in study groups, and even hermit seclusion, which is known known as the Order of One. One. As a personal side note, I use the Order of One methodology because it has provided me with a much more private learning experience that has given me the power to concentrate, and focus on my path towards ascension. But for centuries it has been common practice for there to be a master and apprentice duo, and therefore it is common for sorcerers to work in pairs, which is known as the Order of Two. Other systems of magick such as chaos magick can have groups, consisting of four magical practitioners to accomplish greater works of practice and study, while at the same time learning from each other about ethics and creating a professional outlook as an aspiring practitioner of the dark arts. 54


THE TRIANGLE OF SPIRITUAL PHILOSOPHY As stated in the Triangle of Magical Philosophy, Satanism is the  primary spiritual spiritual system, making making it the predominant predominant form of spirituality that is the guiding force in the left-hand path. However, Satanism is a broad umbrella term that covers the wide range of various forms of Satanism, therefore it is a group of ideological and philosophical beliefs. One example of Satanism that is common in the left-hand path is Theistic Luciferianism. Theistic Luciferianism is a form of Luciferianism where followers such as myself believe in the deity himself Lucifer in order to gain his gnosis of magical magical knowledge, knowledge, and guidance to obtain a higher higher state of consciousness. To learn the ways of darkness the initiate must begin journeying the Qliphoth where Lucifer presides.


FINA FINAL L WOR WORDS For years it has been a long-awaited dream to assemble all that I have learned from the left-hand path into a specialized book that occult practitioners of any level can pick up, read, and learn from my methods of magical gnosis. This dream has now come true, and as a devoted and loyal lo yal practitioner of the left-hand path it is my passionate duty to provide everyone with a foundation. When I started out I practically had no one to hold my hand and guide me in the proper direction, and so I had to search hard for what I wanted. At times it seemed almost almost impossible, but because because I was determined to find the truth, I finally found the perfect suitable system to accommodate my thoughts, emotions, and philosophy. The left-hand path has definitely been a life changing force for me and it has made me a stronger and more outgoing individual. The  power that is found in the left-hand left-hand path, from my experience experience is far more powerful than any other system of religion and philosophy that I have ever witnessed. Before I discovered the left-hand path, I was always jumping from one philosophy to the next because those systems always felt so disconnected and disingenuous to me. Hopefully you have found the left-hand path, to be more than just a belief system, and instead is more like home to you. I also hope that you have learned a great deal of knowledge from my teachings and continue to learn more from the great realm of power.



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