In this experiment we synthesized the ester, cholesterol nonanoate, and determined it’s percent yield and produced a thermal liquid crystal display (LCD) to determine the purity of the synthesized ester. he followin! reaction was in coherence with the "rst part of the la#$ %onanoyl Chloride & Cholesterol Cholesterol '''''pyridine''' '''' 'pyridine''' cholesteryl nonanoate & pyridinuum hydrochloride he "rst part of of the la# was the actual synthesis synthesis of the the ester which too too place in a fume hood. o do this cholesterol was measured into a test tu#e and dissoled completely in pyridine. *ddin! pyridine pyridine helped #ecause it acted as a solent and also reacted with the hydrochloric acid. +nce reacted, the Cl is no lon!er a#le to cleae the ester and hence there is an increase increase in the yield of cholesteryl nonanoate. %ananoyl chloride chloride was then pipetted into the test tu#e and then heated for a num#er of minutes. he test tu#e was set to cool to room temperature and then methanol was added. Cholesteryl nonanoate has low solu#ility in methanol, and so it precipitates more easily in methanol. o help een more with the precipitation, the test tu#e is then placed within an ice'#ath. he newly formed crystals were then separated from the supernatant #y exposin! them to a acuum and then left to air dry. he second part part of the la# was determinin! determinin! the meltin! meltin! point of pure pure -' acetonaphthone. acetonaphthone. he meltin! point of -'acetonaphthone was determined #y meltin! it on a cylindrical steel #loc and measurin! temperature with a di!ital thermometer. he meltin! point was found more than once to ensure that the results were precise and that any ey qualitatie si!ns could #e o#sered. his experimental experimental alue was then compared compared to the literature literature alue to ealuate the a#ility of this method in determinin! meltin! points of a su#stance. e then found the meltin! point of the cholesteryl nonanoate crystals, and #y comparin! to the literature literature alue, the purity of the su#stance was determined. he third part of the la# was main! a LCD which was was done #y placin! placin! #oth cholesteryl nonanoate and cholesteryl oleyl car#onate on a microscope slide. his slide was then heated until the cholesteryl nonaoate #e!an to melt. *t this point the two compounds were mixed thorou!hly and then sandwiched #y another microscope slide. *fter cleanin! and tapin! the sides, the newly formed LCD was placed in ice. /y o#serin! color chan!es we determine if the ester was synthesized #ecause hi!h molar mass compounds such as the ester display the unsusual optical properties of liquid crystals.
+erall in this experiment there hae #een a few instances where experimental alues di0ered !reatly from theoretical alues. Durin! the synthesis of cholesteryl nonanoate, procedure step 1 states that ideally the solution should turn yellow. his did not happen and neither did procedure step 2 where the solution should turn cloudy. hou!h what these indicators represent is not stated in the la# manual, it is eident as we pro!ress throu!h the la#, that an error was made at this sta!e. his can #e seen at - separate sta!es further into the experiment, the "rst #ein! the percent yield and the second #ein! the meltin! point of cholesteryl nonanoate. he percent yield in this experiment was a mere 345 which can #e due to a few reasons. Dealin! with such a small mass, the smallest particles can mae a di0erence and so mass could hae #een lost durin! "ltration or left a residue on !lass wear. hou!h we still had enou!h product to perform the next - parts of the experiment, the amount synthesized was drastically lower than expected. *s for meltin! point, a possi#le source of error is the di!ital thermometer. hen measurin! the meltin! point of -'actonaphthone, there was a consistent leel of discrepancy #etween the literature alue of 26 de!rees celcius and the measured alue of 21.1 de!rees celcius. It can #e inferred that the thermometer proided inaccurate results that were approximately 3.6 de!rees celcius #elow the actual alue. 7nfortunately the theoretical meltin! point of Cholesteryl %onanoate is 81'88 de!ress celcius and we !ot almost dou#le that alue with 316 de!ress celcius and so the thermometer inaccuracy cannot #e a su9cient reason. his meltin! point test informs us that with such a !reat di0erence it is liely that the ester was ery impure. he only reasona#le explanation is that durin! the "rst few steps of the procedure, some error was made, such than little or no ester was made. :ather the solution must hae stayed as one of the reactants such as cholesterol. he LCD portion of the experiment was ery unexpected in comparison to all the results attained leadin! up to this part. ;urprisin!ly the LCD screen produced, clearly displayed color chan!e which infers that the compound is of hi!h molecular mass.
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