Exotic Research Reports

May 18, 2019 | Author: Rolling76 | Category: Nikola Tesla, Chemistry, Electric Generator, Science, Physics & Mathematics
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EXOTIC RESEACRH REPORTS Jul/Aug/Sep 1999 Volume 3 Number 3

WARDENCL!!E DESTROED""" And DESTROED""" And with it, Tesla's Greatest Dream! #IO$ELECTRIC !IELD ENHANCER"""The ENHANCER"""The Latest in Australian Health Technology! %EET LAWN&OWERS""" LAWN&OWERS"""FREE Plans nside This ssue! !rom '(e Publ)*(er+* De*, Changes... and more changes as we fight against overwhelming odds.... and start to turn the tide with year 2001. Cr)')-.l T(),)g S,)ll*"""Prere0u)*)'e 'o #re.,)g '(e &ol2 Nikola Tesla Tesla recognized earlier this century that science had taken a sharp turn away from empirical science towards theoretical science... and is out on a limb theoretically speaking ECHELON #)g #ro'(er 45552 !ho"s listening in on you tonight# The $ntelligence guys have %uietly assembled a gigantic automated planetary bug that literally captures every transmission made on this planet... and they &'()*' Congressional oversight T(e S,ep')-* Corer""" T(e Co*p)r.-6 'o S'op !ree Eerg6 I7orm.')o + ,t -ennis ee"s (ree 'nergy show/ our favorite skeptic tries to tell the truth about ee as he sees it/ and is strong armed right out of the area $t"s a new twist on an old topic #.-,6.r Pl.*m. Te-(olog6 !ree %EET Sm.ll Eg)e Pl.*""" ne of the most developed ''T devices is the small engine ''T. ''T. $t is easy to build/ practical for generators/ and plans are available T-, for (&'' V.-uum Eerg6 Vor')-e* ne of the top theorists on scalar energy summarizes s ummarizes the various ways that e3perimenters can tap into 4ero 5oint 'nergy... 'nergy... very sharp and well done/ this is must reading for 6ipper 7otor researchers T8o R.).' Eerg6 De)-e* Hol %re.'e*' Prom)*e2 Tesla Tesla insisted on the e3istence of Cosmic &ays/ and developed a free energy device based on their e3istence.... the 8oly rail of (ree 'nergy is revealed as well  T(e !.ll . De-l)e""" Te*l.:* D.r,e*' Hour* ,fter Tesla"s Tesla"s rise to fame/ his name disappears shortly afterward. This article covers a period of his life seldom covered by other authors. T(e #)o$!)el E;per)e-e"""" !rom '(e L. Do8 rown has passed away. 8owever/ the research and e3ploration of the mystical properties of monoatomic hydrogen continues at 'agle &esearch %EET Vol,*8.ge Re'ro7)' R F D Repor' -espite hardships/ ''T is able to develop its first retrofit kit for air+cooled olkswagen engines... the car of choice for cab companies in 7e3ico City Col !)re Nikola Tesla was the first e3plorer of high voltage/ high fre%uency bioelectrical effects. 8is research/ combined with keen showmanship/ led to discovery of the skin effect Re*o.-e !re0ue-6 T(er.p6""" Come* o7 Age $n the 1ahlmann has successfully analyzed the 7ethernitha Testatika 'ngine. (rom that information and advanced capacitor technology/ he developed the 5ower !heel T(e Spr)g A'om""" A Ne8 A'om)- T(eor6 Illu*'r.'e b6 &.ge'* arry *pring has been conducting hands+on original e3periments in electro+ magnetics for fifty years. 8e developed a new magnetic atomic theory based on practical e3periments and observations. T.ble '(e Ol S0u.re F Roll ) '(e Ne8 Sp(ere""" T(e #.*)* 7or '(e u.'um D)*, !V 7endelev created the Table of 'lements over a hundred years ago. *ince then/ chemistry researchers have made ade%uate use of his concepts/ even though the table has a gap in it. >rian ,ndersen has converted the s%uare table into a sphere leading the way to a %uantum leap in the understanding of chemical interactions T(e Ele-'ro$A-u*-ope/&6-opul*e""" H)g(l6 pr.)*e b6 .'(le'e*2 'lectro+medicine is finally taking a firm hold with the introduction of this (-, approved machine whose use was pioneered by professional athletes since its advent in 1erets team up to assist the drug lords D)**e*)o I '(e R.,*""" &.)*'re.m Pre** Coer* S'or6 *ome of ,merica;s elite military forces have an underground. rother.

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